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    1. Building of the pyramids / Dream Journals are important

      , 08-12-2011 at 03:31 AM (Hyu's Adventures)
      So here's a tip:
      If you ever find yourself with no time to lucid dream, do NOT stop updating your dream journal. :/
      I stopped updating mine for a few weeks, and when I tried to LD again I noticed my dream recall was nearly nonexistent.
      It took me the past two weeks to have a moderately long lucid, and going through this after having had sort of regular lucids is quite a frustrating experience.
      So yeah, dream journals seem to be quite a bit more important than I thought.
      Anyways, enough rambling.

      I'm taking a bath. The water is very soapy and I'm sort of lost in thoughts.
      Somehow I feel that it is weird that I have a bathtub, I used to have only a shower.
      But I make up some excuse to justify the presence of the tub and continue idling.
      I think about a girl I met a few days ago for some reason, and suddenly I notice that someone is with me in the bathtub.
      There's a naked girl right in front of me, though not the one I was thinking of, I don't know her.

      I don't really realize that this situation is weird, I even sort of ignore the girl until I feel the urge to touch her arm because I have the impression that it's supposed to feel weird.
      I touch her arm and gently brush over it with a finger, and I notice that it feels extremely realistic even though it shouldn't.

      Wait... why is it supposed to... oh!
      Am I dreaming?
      I look at the girl, whom is smiling at me and she proceeds to vanish into thin air.

      I am now certain that I am dreaming, but I feel the urge to RC, I feel like I need the shock of awareness.

      As I do the nose pinch RC I remember that I haven't RC'ed like this in a long time.
      Usually I just become aware that I am dreaming, or I realize inconsistencies as to how I ended up where I am.
      I think I stopped doing 'standard' RC's after WakingNomad had suggested other forms of increasing awareness on these forums.

      The RC succeeds and I get quite excited that I finally induced an LD again, and I immediately feel the urge to do something with the limited time that is given to me.
      I jump out of the tub ready to search my house for anything exciting.

      Stop! What am I doing?
      I haven't stabilized the dream, I'm running around aimlessly, this is bad!
      I try to calm down and attempt to stabilize the dream.
      That was close, my surroundings had already darkened quite a bit.

      I try to open a portal on a wall. I have no destination in mind, I have no goals and just seem to do the first thing that crosses my mind.
      As I walk through it I wonder why I've bothered with a portal when I can just teleport with my wings, plus I'm assuming the portal won't work
      because I haven't set a destination... but it does!

      I find myself in the desert, on a sand dune.
      This is odd, usually my dreams are dominated by cold colors and watery landscapes.
      This is pretty much the exact opposite.
      I see some construction work going on and approach it.
      As I look at my surroundings, I realize that I must be in the past, considering what people are wearing and the kinds of buildings that exist.

      This place seems oddly familiar though... and then I finally get it.
      They're building the pyramids! I'm in Egypt!
      Of course! I've been here before in waking life, how interesting!

      "It is, isn't it?"

      Huh? It's the girl from the bathtub again, except she's dressed now.
      She's wearing some sort of white gown and her hair is braided.

      "You're the girl from before!"
      "Yeeees... ?"
      "Do I know you?"
      "... are you fucking serious?"
      "Err... oh! Faye?"
      "Yes Faye! Dude!"
      "I'm sorry... haven't had a lucid in a while, I feel like I've forgotten everything"
      "You'll be fine."
      "Yeah this is good, if I remember this dream it'll boost my confidence."
      "Good good, time to wake up now."
      "Huh, why?"
      "Your phone is ringing"

      I wake up and sure enough, my mobile is ringing.
    2. Green Lantern and My Friends at My Door

      by , 08-03-2011 at 08:02 AM
      I woke up and tried to remember a dream I couldn't so I sliped back into adream which is what I usually do. Maybe I woke up during a REM period I don't know.


      I was a Green Lantern in a Petting Zoo fighting someone it looked a bit like a desert (like Geonosis in Star Wars). I vaguely remember Wonder Woman being there. I was aware I was dreaming the whole time I don't know if that means I was Lucid.

      Dream Fragment

      I saw my friend walking past my window and heard my doorbell, when I went to answer the door two of my friends were there. I need to up my awareness.
    3. Warehouses | Saturday 30th July 2011

      by , 07-31-2011 at 02:29 PM (Beyond the Horizon)
      First lengthy dream in a while

      In a small bus being driven through some hills covered in bush. At the carpark, there are lots of people, including a family from church (Yap).
      There is a bunch of kids all doing a competition, they all put their hands in to the centre, like sport teams do before a game, and cheered.
      I joined the game too. Still in the carpark surrounded by bush.

      I won. The prize is an iPod case. Someone next to me shows me their iPod, and I scroll through some apps. There was a contact list and one of them was "limbocity".
      I was amazed that he had my DreamViews name in his contacts, and I said "Are you from dreamviews?" He just nodded.

      Next I was being driven through a dark blue tunnel, and I was looking at my iPod, which was now an iPhone. I could hear people singing a song about the iPhone 4's features.
      I was obviously very excited that I had an iPhone in my hands.

      Then it was my house, but it was serving as a hideout for the person from DreamViews, and two others, also from DreamViews.
      I tried to ask the guy who he was, and he didn't say anything. He was wearing my school's uniform, so I said "You go to my school?!"
      He didn't say or do anything.
      I had his iPod again and it said @slash112. The other two said it was really slash. I think one of the other two was SilverDreams.
      They are telling me that we are all being hunted for some reason.

      Next we are at a giant warehouse in the middle of nowhere, surrounded by sandy hills. It's like I'm being told a story by one of the DreamViews members.
      One little kid there has a super power: being able to run really fast. He is being chased by bad people around this warehouse. Then I become this little person.
      I'm running around really fast, before jumping into the water that leads out of the warehouse.
      There is a gate before the outside world, being controlled by some random in a security booth.
      "Open the door please!" the people were getting closer. He opens the gate, which has massive spikes on them. They shut too quickly for me to get through.

      He won't open them for longer, so I somehow "make" him, like controlling him. So I escape.

      Next scene, I was standing on the roof of another warehouse in the same sort of orange environment. There were three super-mutants, one of which was called the Silver Surfer.
      Someone said "We already have a Silver Surfer, why is there another one?"
      The so-called Silver Surfer was more like an ice thing, and can freeze stuff.
      He started shedding his ice scales, and some random floating ball with tentacles consumed the ice thing's intestines.

      Next scene was some small Middle-Eastern Town, high up in the mountains so there is snow everywhere. I was with my parents like on a holiday. It was night. The moon was bright.
      I tried to buy something with Australian money, but they said, in fluent English, that I can't use that. "There is an ATM near the international banking shop around the other side of town."
      The town was elevated, so you can fall off the edges. I tried to go around the other side, but the area got darker, and more isolated.
      There were no people at this part of town, it looked like an abandoned carnival.
      Pretty creepy. I could still hear the busy marketplace I was just at.

      I went further along, and there were small abandoned houses. I just decided to go back to the marketplace, and my parents.

      I woke up.

      Then tried to sleep again.

      I was back in the marketplace, but in a 2-storey building. Sunrise in the frosty town. Sitting at a window, looking out over where my parents were standing at ground level.
      I was half-asleep, thinking how much I wanted to meet someone in the dream, and I was calling out to my friend LostInLA to come sit here with me, but I was woken again.

      Very long, and convoluted dream.

      Updated 07-31-2011 at 02:32 PM by 34314

    4. my cover list; girl in church; ferret; two books; peeing a lot; friends audition; aeon

      by , 07-30-2011 at 01:45 PM
      Good morning, everybody.

      Dream #1

      I had quit my job. But now I had come back. I was in "my office," which was mostly grey, with dim, greyish fluorescent light. My seat was a cubicle off to the right from a long hallway.

      I was coming in for the day at the same time as another man. The man had dark, red-brown skin. He had frizzy, red-black hair pulled back in a ponytail. He wore a dark blue dress shirt and dakr grey slacks. The man and I spoke casually for a moment. The man had a gentle, slightly high-pitched voice, with a flattish, American accent. He seemed really nice.

      The man went into the office across from my cubicle. I figured that he was going to be my boss. I was trying to think of all the ways I could help him. After all, I knew all about this office, and apparently, today was only the man's first day.

      I didn't sit in my seat. I also didn't turn my computer on. I'm pretty sure I just stood up, shuffling through papers, trying to figure out things like what kind of data I needed to get for the man.

      The man and I were then heading down the hallway beyond my cubicle. This hallway was featureless and empty. We ended up in the office of the head of my department, DR. DR sat at his desk, which was kind of cluttered. DR had already given the man instructions. The man had left.

      I stood beside DR and just to his left, as if I were going to look at something on his computer screen. DR turned a little bit and then relaxedly turned his head a bit more so he could see me. His eyes looked kind of sleepy, and it looked more like he expected me to ask him something, rather than that he had a plan for me.

      I asked DR, "Is there a cover list you'd like me to start out with?" This, I assume, meant a list of companies for which DR would like me to gather data. Usually my boss would be the one to discuss this kind of list with DR. I'd be the one to pull the data.

      But DR said that he did have a list for me. He pulled out a piece of paper that looked very much like an electronic Excel spreadsheet with marker or thick pencil scrawlings in the cells. He told me to get started on this list.

      I was ready to get started on the names, and I was even trying to plan out how to put together some financial models for the companies on the list. But I was also surprised. I hadn't quite known I would be asking for a list. And I didn't know DR would just give me one.

      I knew this meant that I had been "promoted" to the position my boss had. That would mean I'd be on an equal level with the man I'd walked into the office with this morning.

      I was now back at my cubicle for a brief moment. I was considering what kind of work I needed to get started on.

      But then I was out walking on a sidewalk, going up a steep hill in a residential area. It was a clear sunny day, and I was walking under the shade of trees with thick canopies. I had my phone to my ear and I was listening to a conversation between my boss and our HR person, LS.

      LS was talking about what a good job I was doing in my new position, and what a good fit I was for the job. My boss got mad and he yelled, "Of course he is! I've been telling you people that all this time! But nobody ever listened to me!"

      Dream #2

      I was sitting at church, probably near the front. The place was so crowded that all I could see were people. Everybody seemed older, and everybody was dressed up. A shaft of bright, white light from a high-up window lit the area around me.

      I turned my head to the right and looked down. In an aisle (that had only been temporarily formed?) a little girl came walking toward me, possibly coming away from an older woman. The little girl had frizzy, curly, light brown hair. The may have worn a tank-top like smock and slacks.

      The little girl seemed to want to sit with me, so I lifted her up and sat her onto my lap. I sat forward, apparently to listen to the rest of the sermon. But I was mostly thinking of how happy I was to have the little girl sitting on my lap.

      Dream #3

      I was walking on a sidewalk somewhere. A black and white ferret ran up from behind me, passing me on my left side. It ran up to my mom.

      I said something to my mom like, "Wow, I see what you mean, after all! Ferrets are really nice!"

      Dream #4

      I was out in some kind of barren landscape, less like a desert, more like a natural area that had just been plowed over for a construction project. I stood just before some short hill or mound of brown soil, possibly with clumps of grass or vegetation growing on it. It was a sunny and pale day.

      I was planning to go out on some kind of trip. I had two books with me, but I could only take one. Both books were paperbacks. One books was a regular sci-fi book, possibly from an older author, like Arthur C. Clarke or Isaac Asimov.

      The other was called "The Joy of Sex." But it wasn't The Joy of Sex. Instead, it was some kind of semi-sci-fi novel mixed with porn. But the porn segments were supposed to be very well-described, like for educational purposes, to teach people how to have good sex. The book itself was a Penguin Classics paperback, and on its cover it had that French painting of the two girls in bed, with the one girl between the other's legs.

      I felt a little grossed out at the thought of reading all the sex descriptions in the book, so I decided to take the regular sci-fi book with me on my trip. After that, I felt a little guilty. Hadn't I always felt like I wasn't that great at sex? Didn't I always feel like I should learn how to be better. The "Joy of Sex" novel could have taught me how to be good. But I had decided not to take it.

      Dream #5

      I was in some dark bathroom, peeing. I just kept peeing and peeing. Eventually I started peeing all over the toilet seat and floor. Apparently this was some public bathroom. I started to pity the guy who'd have to use the toilet after me. I was really messing it up! But I had no intention of cleaning it.

      Dream #6

      A young man, who looked really familiar to me as some kind of movie or TV star, sat before the big desk of some TV executive. The executive sat behind his desk. The office was pretty big, very nice, and dimly lit.

      The young man had just auditioned for the role of Joey in the TV show Friends. But he didn't make it. The executive, who really liked the guy, had to break the news to the guy. This whole scene in the executive's office appeared as if it had been filmed, and filmed for an episode of Friends, like a kind of "History of Friends" episode.

      I knew that it wouldn't matter that the guy didn't get to play the role of Joey. The guy looked very familiar to me (even though I can't place him now -- he looked like a mix between Joey and Ross, with stubble), and I knew that he would end up as a cast member in another successful TV show or movie.

      The young man now stood up at the left side of the executive's desk. The executive stood before the young man. He was gradually, obliquely telling the young man how he hadn't made the cut.

      Finally, in some weird display of sympathy, and to show the young man that the executive liked him, the executive lifted up his head and smiled. Apparently the executive had been wearing a baseball cap the whole time, because his face was revealed from under the bill. The man was apparently famous, and this strange reveal was meant more for the sake of the filming.

      The executive was tall, kind of thin, balding, and maybe in his late 40s or early 50s. He reminded me of a famous TV person, but I couldn't place him. In another way, he kind of reminded me of Ron Howard.

      The youn man was now going to a restaurant to meet his friends. There were two men who sat waiting at a small, circular table for the young man. Both the men were older than the young man. They were tall, skinny, and they had kind of frizzy, blonde hair, like Art Garfunkel.

      Before the young man came into the restaurant, the two men had actually been holding hands over the table, like they were lovers. But when they saw the young man come into the restaurant, they quickly let go of each other, as if to hide the fact of their being lovers from the young man.

      The young man hugged the two men and then sat down at the table. He was wearing a pale, pink shirt and a brown, cowboy-style vest. He threw his hands up in the air and said, "Well, I didn't make it! I was close, but I didn't make it!"

      The young man had apparently had two parts to his audition. The first part had just been him playing the role of Joey. He had done better at that part than everybody except the guy who had actually gotten the role. But the second part was some kind of test, maybe even a written test. The young man was now explaining to the two men that the executive had explained to him that he had only gotten a 70 on that test.

      The young man said something like, "A 70! Can you believe it? A 70! That's all I got!"

      Dream #7

      No vision. Just words. Something like: "Aeon -- aeon in the mind. The mind in man."
    5. crashing planes and bomb

      by , 07-26-2011 at 11:58 AM
      Good morning, everybody.

      Dream #1

      I was travelling with a group of people, probably in a big van or a bus. It was daytime, and we seemed to be going along a desert highway or a road in a desert town. The road seemed wide, and there was always a lot of space on either side of the road. There may have been some small hills, as well as occasional houses or other buildings. Everything seemed to glimmer with heat convection.

      I watched a commercial airliner pass our vehicle. The plane was huge. It seemed to me that it was way too close to the ground, and that its angle was too steep. It would make sense if the plane were landing. But there didn't seem to be any airport in sight. I thought that the plane was going to crash or crash land.

      Not long after that I saw another plane, this one going over the horizon, possibly in something like a barrel roll. I keep waiting, even kind of flinching, for the explosions from the two planes.

      The people in the vehicle may have started talking about planes crashing. As they did I saw another passenger airliner seeming to crash over the horizon in front of us. This one had all the markings of a commercial airliner and was white, but it was shaped like a blimp. It may have already been on fire.

      We were now at the top of some mesa, looking down over a reddish-brown landscape. The area was supposed to be a big city, I think. But I didn't see any buildings.

      The woman who was in charge of our group had stopped the bus here and gone off to get some kind of instructions or directions. I and another man stood out beside the bus, looking down over the mesa.

      Suddenly a bomb seemed to go off down below. It must have been a big bomb, but I somehow knew it had been strapped to a suicide bomber. The bomb had no explosion, noo fire or light. There were just three concentric rings of dust that rippled out from the cednter of the "blast."

      The rings of dust themselves didn't seem very huge, but they managed to reach us. With the first and second rings, the air temperature became progressively hotter. I then got afraid. I knew how these bombs worked. They were some kind of nuclear bomb. Each ring was a layer of fallout. And the third ring was the worst.

      I cringed in anticipation of the third ring. When it hit us, it shook us pretty hard. The air was full of dust and debris. Then the ring passed us. I knew that we had been so far away from the blast that the radioactive effects would not harm us. But it was now obvious that there were a lot of people all over the place committing terrorist activities.

      The woman came back to the bus. Her instructions were regarding the terrorist activities. Apparently the people in the bus had been assigned to deal with these terrorists.

      One of the men reasoned that since the events occurred in the desert, that we were going to be focusing our work on the west coast. He thought this meant we would be working in California.

      I saw the man's face close up. He was kind of pale, with a short, red beard and red hair. He said, "I never wanted to make too big a deal about California, even though I really like it, cause that's where I come from. But I'm glad we'll get to be going there. Don't you think we'll have to work there?"
    6. Buildings in the desert, possibly post-apocalyptic future setting,does anyone recognise these images

      by , 07-25-2011 at 03:54 AM
      Buildings in the desert (possibly india,china), possibly post-apocalyptic future setting,

      - does anyone recognise these images from dreams
      - has anyone seen a sunburnt man with a robe gaining access to these buildings in the desert

      underground rap-thistoo424177935_6_oluw.jpgunderground rap-thisone_922432824_6_d0ti.jpgunderground rap-buildings2.jpgunderground rap-buildings1.jpg

      Updated 07-26-2011 at 11:49 PM by 32472

      lucid , non-lucid , nightmare , memorable
    7. God of the Sands

      by , 07-23-2011 at 10:36 PM (Torra)

      Updated 11-06-2011 at 02:39 AM by 39215

      lucid , memorable
    8. Shared Dream Attempt...me and my friend

      by , 07-21-2011 at 10:59 PM
      From my friend's POV

      It all started in the desert. I remember walking at night, the moon and stars lighting my way. When all of a sudden I saw a figure on the horizon walking through the desert as well. As to whether I approached the figure, or simply blinked to where they were wasnt clear. The next thing I remember was talking to the person. I realized it was my friend Hannah, and when I looked again at the desert we were in, I realized we were in Mexico. Hannah looked how I remember her looking in reality, but i cant recall any details as to what she was wearing. Hannah and I talked for a bit like we do in real life, either that or it was simply an interpretation of our communication. I remember her mentioning the desert we were in, and looking for a specific spot. At this point things were becoming clearer for me and I mentioned the pyramid in Mexico. Her eyes lit up and she wanted me to come with her in search of it. I reminded her it was the wrong day, and that statement didnt seem to make any sense to her. I'm unsure of whether this was simply a dream of mine or an actual dream encounter.
    9. Shared Dreaming Attempt...Hprib012 And Friend Unofficial attempt

      by , 07-21-2011 at 10:57 PM (International Oneironaut Shared Dreaming Journal)
      hprib012's Dream

      Possible shared dream from my friend, Aston, POV

      It all started in the desert. I remember walking at night, the moon and stars lighting my way. When all of a sudden I saw a figure on the horizon walking through the desert as well. As to whether I approached the figure, or simply blinked to where they were wasnt clear. The next thing I remember was talking to the person. I realized it was my friend Hannah, and when I looked again at the desert we were in, I realized we were in Mexico. Hannah looked how I remember her looking in reality, but i cant recall any details as to what she was wearing. Hannah and I talked for a bit like we do in real life, either that or it was simply an interpretation of our communication. I remember her mentioning the desert we were in, and looking for a specific spot. At this point things were becoming clearer for me and I mentioned the pyramid in Mexico. Her eyes lit up and she wanted me to come with her in search of it. I reminded her it was the wrong day, and that statement didnt seem to make any sense to her. I'm unsure of whether this was simply a dream of mine or an actual dream encounter.

      Updated 07-22-2011 at 08:35 PM by 48148

      memorable , dream fragment
    10. more desert

      by , 07-10-2011 at 11:40 AM (Tales from the sun chaser.)
      I was riding in a van in the front between two girls. I looked out of the window and on each side of the highway, I could see snow covered trees in a distance. "The desert is a beautiful liar during the winter". I remember saying that as we approached water on the highway. The water kept getting deeper and deeper. Eventually, the van was completely submerged. I kept wondering when the water would creep into the van and we would be forced to swim...the girls were panicking, but still driving forward. I woke up.
      Tags: desert, water
    11. ugh

      by , 07-10-2011 at 01:11 AM (Tales from the sun chaser.)
      keep having dreams of being out in the desert. That's all I can remmeber.
      Tags: desert
    12. Sobo the Catman

      by , 07-04-2011 at 04:33 PM
      [INDENT][SIZE=1][COLOR=#808080][SIZE=3]Old dream, but very memorable.[/SIZE]

      [SIZE=3][COLOR=#1E90FF]I was playing an army game on the computer. The setting resembled the desert level on Counter Strike. Me and this guy named Sen or Syen (can't remember exactly) were looking for the last guy alive on the other team. I found him hiding on a rooftop. I ran to Syen shouting, "Come quick!" We run for the guy hiding. At some point I check the player list and see me, Syen, and Sobo, so Sobo was the guy hiding. We're trying to kill Sobo but he kills Syen. I end up shooting this guys hat off and at some point or another, it somehow shifts into a real setting, like I'm actually there instead of playing the game. I run for cover around a corner as Sobo is telling me about how he was going to join the army and give up his life for his country. As I'm hiding around the corner, he's still talking to me about the army while slowly approaching me with a rifle. I see two guns on the ground, a shotgun and a black revolver. I pick up the shotgun. I take a deep breath, cock the gun, move around the corner and pump about five shots into Sobo's chest. It doesn't work!? I throw down the shotgun and pick up the revolver. The revolver is rather large and black. You load the bullets in like a normal revolver, but you have to cock it back like a modern pistol, and after cocking it back, you need to thrust it upwards after each shot, kinda like Ghost Squad. At this point, I'm circling this guy because he's going so slowly. There are already bullets in this gun, so I cock it back, aim straight for the back of his head and fire, no hesitation! It still doesn't work! I thrust it upwards and shoot again, nothing. Again, nothing! I fire over and over with absolutely no results. I get cornered eventually, and Sobo ends up shooting me. But... I'm still alive? Sobo didn't shoot me. At this point, Sobo is no longer a man, but he is a black half cat half man creature with green eyes, still wearing the military camouflage.
      He says, "I was just trying to help."

      The dream fades, but it was just a false awakening.

      I tell my brother about the dream I just had, and explain how Sobo was just trying to help me become lucid.

      [/COLOR][COLOR=#808080]Sometime after this, I actually wake up.[/COLOR][/SIZE][/INDENT]
      Tags: action, army, desert, gun
      non-lucid , memorable
    13. space shuttle crash; friend's apartment; boss' bedroom; singing to hyde; bob dylan's bless

      by , 06-25-2011 at 01:23 PM
      Good morning, everybody.

      Dream #1

      I was standing out in some kind of open, desert-like plain. I stood with a woman, possibly my mother. We looked up into the air and saw a space shuttle lifting off -- all by itself, and with no exhaust.

      My mom and I may have been talking about the shuttle. The shuttle then did a loop, somehow flipping around so that it was also upside down when it returned to its original point. I knew that this meant something was wrong with the shuttle. The shuttle then fell and crashed into the ground, topside first, not too far away from us.

      For some reason, something in particular struck me about the back, top fin of the shuttle. I think I was surprised that the shuttle had crashed into the ground, but that the back fin was still intact and erect. The shuttle was smashed in other places and was overall covered in red soil and dust.

      I saw inside the shuttle. Some woman who was apparently my mom's friend, but who actually looked like LP, a friend of my friend H, was the only person in the shuttle. She was older looking, kind overweight, with frizzy-curly grey-blonde hair. She wore a greenish t-shirt.

      The woman was buckled by both shoulders into the pilot's seat. She looked a little exhausted, more like she had run a long race than like she had just been in a shuttle crash. We'd thought she was dead. But it was now like she was fine.

      She herself was apparently worried that she wouldn't be able to fly the shuttle again. But apparently the shuttle wasn't completely wrecked, and it would be able to fly again.

      Dream #2

      I was in a bedroom in my old friend R's apartment, with my friend R. My friend R reclined on his bed. I either stood or sat on the floor on the side and near the foot of the bed. On the other side of the bed there was a wall-height, wall-length window. On the other side of the window was a wide staircase that ran down the side of the wall. It was night outside, and there was just a dim incandescent light in R's bedroom.

      R seemed to be talking on the phone. But he was also talking to me. It was like we had had a pretty nice conversation about some slightly intellectual subject familiar to us both. But apparently I was also getting ready to leave. R asked me if I was coming back to his apartment later on to have dinner with him. I told him yes, but I don't think I was really planning to come back.

      Dream #3

      I was in my boss' bedroom. All the lights were turned off. My boss was in bed. I stood right next to the bed, although I feel like I may actually have been very short, as short as if I had actually been sitting by his bed. I may also have been doing stuff like packing clothes into a suitcase.

      My boss asked me if I'd be coming back to work after a certain amount of time, possibly a few weeks or a few months. I told my boss sure, that I'd be back. But I really didn't think I'd come back, and I kind of hoped I didn't get sucked back into everything.

      Dream #4

      I was in a subway car, kind of like the car of a 3-train, with the silvery-reflective walls and green-white fluorescent light. The car was only moderately full of people, and I felt like I was with a couple of friends, maybe younger girls. I was standing, standing-swinging from one of the horizontal bars over the seats, with my back toward the seats.

      As I swung, I sang "My Heart Draws a Dream," by L'Arc en Ciel. I could hear myself very clearly as I sang. It felt really good to sing.

      But then Hyde from L'Arc en Ciel stood up from a seat across the aisle from me and walked up to me. I may have stopped singing for a moment. I felt bad for singing in front of Hyde. I obviously wasn't as good as him. I didn't want him to think I was making fun of him by singing his songs.

      But Hyde just smiled gently at me. Somehow his looks implied that he was listening to me patiently, almost like a parent might give an interested face while his child sang him a song. So I may have started singing again. But now the song sounded just like the L'Arc en Ciel song, as if I weren't singing, but the song were being played from somewhere.

      Dream #5

      I was in a dark bar. The bar was so dark that the bar and the wall behind the wall all seemed to be just as black as the shadows. There was like coming from some area on or behind the countertop, and the bottles and mirror were lit as well, so that these things were all a gently bright, incandescent white.

      A woman stood behind the bar, and another woman sat in front of the bar. This bar was apparently a karaoke bar. I was already singing a song, even though I don't think I held a mic. I thought the song I was singing was a Bob Dylan song. But it was actually the L'Arc en Ciel song "Bless."

      The woman sitting at the bar asked me if it was difficult to sing this song. I said, "No. I know these lyrics pretty well. I'm a big fan of this Bob Dylan song."

      The song hit the instrumental part, and suddenly I felt like I wasn't familiar with the song at all. But right before the chorus was about to start up again, I remembered how it all went. But, as I sang, I may have been singing along with the actual song, instead of a karaoke version of the song. At this point I may have realized I wasn't singing Bob Dylan.
    14. Exploring pools in the desert, listening to Sir Patrick Steward, and being ignored by my family.

      by , 05-31-2011 at 06:54 AM
      So I was out in the desert, first with my school class, we were to go into groups for 6-7 and put on scoopasuit, as we were to dive into a little pool of water and explore the big world down there. Later I was out in another desert with my family, except my sister, we were also at a pool of water, but this one was within a tiny model of the pentagon. I went to the bathroom, and saw that afterwards, the waters were poluted with my pee, because there wasn't any clean water in the toilet. I drew fourth a water tube, and filled it down in the toilet, to make the pool cleaner. My parents and my brother had some gifts with them, that they gave to each other, not to me. I was later sitting in the bus together with my school class, and we were on our way home. For some odd reason we stopped in my hometown, were we got on our bikes, and I had to share some of the town with them, as we had too much time. Oh an in the bus, my teacher (Marianne) were speaking through a microphone, and her voice was not hers, but the one of Sir Patrick Steward, I noticed this but for some reason it wasn't very odd for me, it was just a perk with using that microphone. Anyway, I chose to take them past my house via. the bikelane. (There doesn't exist a bikelane past my house in real life) We went to an old house (which doesn't exist either), now this house was a memorium to some dead people, I don't know who, I don't know how they died, but I had that idea that it was, and as we got off our bikes, one of the other students (Nanna) chose to put up a stereo so she could dance, it kinda angered me, as it was a place with ghosts, and we shouldn't disturb them with bad music... I was later back at home, I was playing computer, but went out into the kitchen, and my parents were playing with my brother, a game where they played a die about presents, and I saw that all the presents were already handed out, and they had decided not to include me. This angered me of course... and they gave me a chocolate santa to calm me down... then I woke up..
      Things that should have made me lucid:
      1) How did I end up in a desert all of a sudden
      2) If we were going diving, why only 1 teacher
      3) How did we get into a desert in a bus?
      4) Why a model of the Pentagon in the desert?
      5) The whole toilet affair was just weird.
      6) Why were we in the desert?
      7) Why the gifts?
      8) Why in our hometown? Even if we drove from my school to Egypt, we wouldn't end up there.
      9) There is no bikeland in my hometown.
      10) If I had to take them somewhere, why not my house.
      11) Why the haunted house, it wasn't even a house in real life.
      12) The voice of Sir Patrick Steward makes no sence at all.
      13) There was nothing on the computer screen.
      14) My parents would never do that.

      The dreams roots in the real world:
      1) I think the pools and the desert has root in me getting the Sims 3 expansion" world adventures" where I got into a desert where I had to dive in pools to solve puzzles.
      2) The voice of Sir Patrick Steward has root in me watching Family Guy where his voice is staring in the character of head of Star Trek convention / head of CIA in American Dad
      3) I'm at my school, so not surprising for me to see my school mates in my dream
    15. The 4th dimension, Slight disorientation, Trance

      , 04-30-2011 at 02:57 AM (Hyu's Adventures)
      I took a one week break from working on projects, and it did a lot of good to my dream recall.
      Unfortunately I'm back to working now, which means no more WBTB/WILDs.
      My dream recall has already suffered notably from this.
      It's quite unfortunate, I felt like I was finally getting the hang of WILDing.

      The 4th Dimension

      I'm at uni, walking through the corridors towards my classroom.
      For some reason I end up in what seems to be some sort of physics laboratory.
      I question whether this is where I belong.
      I remember that I am actually majoring in CS and not physics, and that this is definitely not a room I've been in before.
      But as the teacher enters the room I decide to ignore this for some reason, and just go with it.

      I don't know what the course is about, but I recognize elements from quantum physics.
      Then the teacher talks about the fourth dimension (spacial dimension, not time).
      I know a few things about that, so I'm not too surprised when she shows us a hologram of a tesseract.
      But then she says she will materialize it. How on earth is she gonna do that?

      The teacher approaches me and hands me.... well... a tesseract... with transparent walls.
      I assume that it is some sort of model with joints that allows it to be moved similar to a rotation in the 4th dimension.
      But then I remember that this cannot work, it is physically impossible.
      As I touch the object, I realize that it is indeed solid. There are no joints, and all surfaces on it are perfectly solid.
      But I can rotate it the same way I would be able to rotate a 4 dimensional object... at least in theory:

      This fucks with my mind quite a bit.

      But then I understand that I am indeed dreaming, and don't understand why I didn't notice this any sooner.
      For some reason I still feel the need to figure out how this works though.
      How can I even interact with this? The dimensions do not match.
      But then I realize that I am somehow trapped in 4 dimensional space.
      Every object in the class room is 4 dimensional.
      My chair can no longer hold my body and I somehow fall through it.
      As I look up and see everything appear normal yet consisting of impossible shapes, my head starts to hurt and I wake up.

      Slight disorientation

      I'm home, hanging upside down from the lusters.
      A friend of mine enters the house.

      "What the fuck are you doing up there?"

      I look down... why the fuck am I hanging from the lusters?
      Or maybe I am not really hanging from the ceiling?

      "You mean down here. Why are you standing upside down over there?"
      "What? I am standing on the floor!"
      "Yes, and I'm hanging from the ceiling. What's your point?"
      "The ceiling is down, and the floor is up!"
      "No, it isn't."
      "Yes it is!"
      "Because I say so."

      Gravity inverts and he falls down onto the ceiling.

      "What the fuck?"
      "Told you so."
      "I guess you were right."


      I am sitting with a girl my age in front of a campfire.
      We have setup a tent over here, and it seems we are in the middle of the desert.
      But I can't tell for sure, it's pretty dark already.

      I realize the girl isn't human.
      Her hair is mixed with leaves... they are growing out of her head, just like normal hair.
      When I look into her eyes I can also clearly feel that she is not human.
      However she does look human, except for her hair.
      But I don't mind, I feel like this is the way it is supposed to be.
      I remember we both came here in order to get into some sort of trance with the goal to be enlightened.

      Wait a second... what the....?

      Oh! I'm dreaming!
      She looks at me, as if she just realized something.
      But she doesn't say anything, and hands me what appears to be a native american peace pipe.
      She smiles:

      "You need to smoke it."

      For some reason I feel like something special will happen if I smoke it.
      After all the goal was to get into trance right?
      I take a deep breath of smoke, and I instantly feel it in my head.
      I get extremely lightheaded, and have trouble not falling over, even though I'm sitting.


      She smokes the pipe herself.
      Holy shit, what is going on, I feel like I'm falling through the chair, into the sand below it.
      I loose control over my body, and start to hallucinate quite vividly.
      At first it's similar to HI during SP, but then it gets much stronger.
      I see bright and vivid colors everywhere, intermixing with the landscape.
      I see plants growing out of the sand at an insanely fast rate.
      They start to blossom and fill the air with glowing pollen.
      The girl starts growing feathers over her body and flies away.
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