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    1. 7/20/13 - words ground into my teeth/drugs

      by , 07-20-2013 at 08:19 PM (Leaving the matrix)
      For some reason I decide to take drugs, something like ecstasy. Then there is a bit of the dream highly disoriented, just bits of visual and my laughing. then it seems like the next day when I awaken I realize something is wrong in my mouth, so I go into the bathroom to look in the mirror. I see that a word has been carved all the way through my front teeth, the words "rock and roll" ground deep but not all the way through my bottom right front side of my teeth, the words "quantum power" carved very lightly into the inside bottom left side of my teeth, and other words on my teeth that I can't quite understand, but worst of all is the tattoo on the inside of my bottom lip it's big and long in black and white very noticeable almost shows when my mouth is shut, it says something mortifying (I don't want to tell it to anyone so I won't write it here). I flip out and ask my friend who the hell did this to my mouth?! she tells me that when I was on drugs I forced some guy to do it, so I go find the guy and yell at him for doing this to my mouth but he yells back that I forced him to do it to my mouth when I was high. I tell him that since the lip tattoo is white with black out lining that he needs to cover it up with red and black, he agrees and I tell him no words, just make it looks like a wound with blood so he does and I get only a little relief for now my teeth have holes and damage that I can't hide.

      Updated 07-20-2013 at 08:23 PM by 61831

      non-lucid , nightmare
    2. The Hypothesis.

      by , 07-09-2013 at 08:09 PM
      Date: July 8, 2013
      Bedtime routine: MILD & WBTB (I keep falling asleep during my WILD attempts, so I decided to forgo it tonight)
      Total sleep time: 6-7 broken hours of sleep, kept waking up and having a hard time going back to sleep (Damn you insomnia! )


      Dreamed I was doing a research study on how children turn out as adults if they slept in their parents bed for most of their childhood. The results indicated that these children grew up to need much more attention than other children, these children may also be more susceptible to drug and alcohol usage from lack of coping skills, and their parent's marriages failed early due to the lack of sex (I have no idea where this dream came from ).


      Dreamed I had several tattoos covering my entire body but I had no memory of how they got there .
    3. 09/07/13 - fragments - strange house, pool, semi-lucidity

      by , 07-09-2013 at 04:54 PM (vignettes from a different world)
      decided to start keeping a dream journal again because my recall has been abysmal the past few months.

      i do not recall much of the first dream. i remember that the scene was dark and there were several men around. at one point (i do not know if i was awake or still dreaming) i thought to myself that i should try to remember this dream.

      later in the night i believe i had a false awakening. i dreamt that i was laying in my bed, and i decided to go back to sleep. my dream began on the bottom floor of a house. i was sort of aware that i was dreaming, and i decided to go up the stairs because it would turn this house into a cool house from one of my favourite dreams (which i had before i started keeping a journal on DV). the house was large and airy with many floors; the top floor was a white gazebo several hundred feet above the ground. i was sitting on a chair in the gazebo and gazing out at the sky. i was still faintly aware that i was dreaming. i tried to give myself a feeling of happiness/euphoria but it did not really work. i became aware of my real-life body and my dream imagery began to fade.

      after that i slept fitfully. i would wake up once every half hour or so and return to sleep almost immediately. i had a dream about being at some kind of camp. there was a lot to this dream but i do not recall much. the part i remember took place in a large outdoor pool. it was sunny and warm outside. i asked a man what the temperature was and he said '42 degrees'. i decided to go for a swim but by the time i reached the pool it had been drained. it was full of wet leaves and detritus.

      edit: remembered another part of the camp/pool dream. i was with some teenage girls who had some pills that they said were MDMA. most of the pills were pink tablets with imprints but two of them were large black "bars" with white text and hearts on them. i told them i had to analyze the pills before i took them. i recall that i found out the 'bars' were some kind of herbal supplement.

      Updated 07-09-2013 at 05:45 PM by 61860 (added fragment)

      dream fragment , non-lucid , false awakening
    4. Mingling at the festival

      by , 05-07-2013 at 04:58 PM
      Had a dream early in the night that was kind of scary. It involved traveling on a river in Vietnam. There was gunfire and abductions.

      I was at a music festival where the Disco Biscuits were supposed to play. A lot of my high school friends were there and I was happy about this. I had a large back pack on that I wanted to put down. There was a table with chairs toward the edge of the room and I put it down near a chair. My friends wanted to set the table up right by the stage though which unnerved me because it would get in the way of everybody else. The band started playing but they were very quiet and didn't sound like the Disco Biscuits. Me and my friends laughed together a bit, then we dispersed. I walked past some girl and got stuck under a rope barrier and said some high stuff that made everyone laugh. We got to this one area. My acquaintance JeSm was laying down. He was on some pills and he just wanted to zone out. I thought it was weird that he wanted to do that at a concert. He seemed very relaxed though and I was thinking that I could never do such drugs because I'd be too afraid of dying. SS was talking to some people. Me and MC started walking around the festival lawn area to mingle with the crowd. We saw some girls that were kind of cute. We started talking to them. One of them was an ex wife of my friend BA. She was critical of him as a womanizer and I felt guilt by association. Nevertheless, I continued to flirt with them. I said, "Yea, I know that BA is a jerk, but you know what? I'm a jerk too." MC was astonished that I would say something like that to a girl who I was trying to attract because it supposedly would make me look bad. I tapped the girls stomach and said, "So why don't you give me your number?" She started giving it to me. I looked over at MC and said, "See, it works." Then I tapped her again and said that I had a girlfriend too. This was going too far. She then refused to give me her number and I left but as I was walking away, it was revealed that I had her number anyway.
    5. 3rd May 2013 Half-life like game, Drug testing lab

      by , 05-03-2013 at 11:36 AM (Scionox's Journal of Dreams)
      Dream recall from today's naps.

      Nap #1(fragments):

      (very fragmented recall)At one point of dream i was browsing dreamviews. And at another point of dream i saw a dragon.

      Nap #2(fragments):

      I was making an let's play of some game that looked like half-life, but the levels and story were different and it was happening in some kind of ruins. Then later i was watching videos of someone playing around with game's engine or something like that.
      Later i was in some area that looked like something from game S.T.A.L.K.E.R. and there was lab which i went to visit. There were some people talking about some extreme kinds of drugs and were testing them on subjects. One was named "A--ex"(can't recall the name fully) and on low dosage it was causing rage and hallucinations of blood-colored flame in subjects, but on high dosage it was turning the subjects berserk permanently and their skin was getting covered and then replaced with those blood-colored flames. Another one (i can't recall name)was made from 'hippie hair' ( ) and was causing complete loss of thoughts in subjects.
    6. 22/04/13 - deathly ill, vicodin at school, strange daycare and coastline lectures

      by , 04-22-2013 at 03:12 PM (vignettes from a different world)
      i am lying on the couch in the living room of the old townhouse. it is night and the room is lit by lamps. i feel very ill and feverish. my mother is here. she tells me to get up and go to school. i reply that i can't, i have meningitis and i should be in the hospital. she screams at me and we have a long argument. i am intensely angry. later i wonder if i am going to die and think about what my boyfriend would do if i did. (i was violently ill before i fell asleep which probably accounts for the focus on illness here).

      in the next scene i am walking to my high school. it is snowy and i am with my father. i find an iphone sticking out of a snowbank. i ask my father if it's ok to take it. he says yes, so i do. then i am inside the library at my elementary school with some other people. we are watching a movie on a projector screen. at one point there is some starbucks product placement in the movie and starbucks gift cards pop out of the screen and onto the floor. the other people and i scramble to grab them up. they keep coming, along with some lollipops and -- hydrocodone pills... i grab several pills and remark to C.W. that i'm surprised it was legal for the filmmakers to do this.

      then i am working at a daycare for disabled children. i am standing on a large circular mezzanine in a domed wooden building with a rustic/old-fashioned atmosphere. there is a matronly black woman here. later i am taking a bath while covered by a white canopy to research therapies for autism?

      finally i am outside, on a beautiful rocky coastline. i am listening to a lecture about canadian geography from a disembodied voice. i sprinkle green powder onto a moss-covered slope which i recognize to be british columbia. the voice is now talking about aboriginal tribes: "our friends, the mogwai, are dead..." finally the subject of the lecture changes to buddhism. i don't recall what the voice said.

      the general atmosphere of these dreams is unpleasant.
    7. 17/04/13 - surreal nightmare - music video

      by , 04-17-2013 at 02:33 PM (vignettes from a different world)
      i was directing a music video with my mind. i do not remember what the music actually sounded like but i recall thinking it was like the doors. the vocals and lyrics were very prominent. the music was vivid and complex as it always is in my dreams. the lyrics were about some kind of drug hallucination or delirium.

      the music video was set in a darkened suburban area, on someone's lawn. the colour scheme was mainly dark blue and black. the lead singer was dancing around erratically while i caused strange imagery to manifest. there were many of these strange images but i only recall a few. at one point there were cloth-like, lumpy growths swirling around the branches of a tree, disappearing and reappearing. later, there were unfamiliar people standing in rows and i caused their faces to distort. after doing this for a while the dream scene unexpectedly went black and an image of a humanoid figure with a bright red, glowing circle for a head and an ill-defined glowing yellow body appeared. i felt a jolt of intense fear unlike anything i have experienced in waking life. i screamed loudly in the dream but my screams sounded muted and distorted. i wondered if i was screaming in real life. soon afterwards i woke up. (i wasn't).
    8. 22/03/13 - fragments - out with friends + weird pools

      by , 03-22-2013 at 02:05 PM (vignettes from a different world)
      very busy, haven't been able to sleep much - ruining my dream recall. some fragments tonight:

      1. i was in a distorted version of downtown (bright colours, very sunny) with my boyfriend who now had massive dreadlocks cascading from the back of his head. i found that very unattractive but i decided that he is my boyfriend, so i should deal with it. we entered an empty furniture store. it was hexagonal with large windows on every side; the carpet and most of the chairs were green. we sat down on a couch. we wanted to kiss but we were afraid people would see us through the windows, so we just cuddled a little. suddenly the room started tilting from side to side. we heard the store owner coming in and we ran away -- but he was actually glad that we visited his store and he gave us smoothies.

      2. i am with friends (the only one i recognize from real life is M-----) in a huge department store. we are wandering around and i was stealing things. i recall spotting a stick of men's deodorant that was selling for 80 dollars, so i decided to go to the women's department and steal a similar product. i never found the womens department but i stole some books.

      then it is night and we are downtown. we want to go to a bar (i don't drink irl) but the only way to enter is through a third-story window. my mother is wearing a red shirt and lying motionless on the sidewalk a few yards away; her body seems shrunken. we pay little attention to this. i try climbing up the building's many roofs (roof-awnings? what's the architectural term for those) - dead ivy vines cover the building - but i can't make it to the top floor. at one point my mom gets up -- she's acting normally, wants to join us.

      3. i am at a public indoor pool with a lot of other people. there is a young girl in a wheelchair there and a fat middle-aged woman is saying rude things about her. i tell the woman off and people applaud me.

      4. i am reading a website about a spa. the company is from quebec and much of the website is written in french. i don't recall what the text said now but i remember that upon waking i remarked at the fact that it was sensical and grammatically correct -- strange because text in my dreams usually makes little sense in terms of content or syntax -- especially strange because french is my second language!

      one part mentions that they have special tools for relaxation or something to that effect. the text is a link, so i click on it. it brings me to a page that displays various styles of bongs (they're all blue and silver and quite elegantly designed). there are also prices for "asian massages" for women and men. the prices are all in the 1-2k range. so i come to the realization that this is a brothel where you can smoke weed.

      i decide to visit.

      the spa is an outdoor pool. it is very sunny and bright outside. the geometry in this scene is odd - i think i'm floating above the water or something. a girl arrives, but no sex acts transpire, at least that i can remember. i wake up.

      quick analysis:
      i've had many similar dreams about department stores. my dream-stores are always massive, labyrinthian, with blank white walls and floors and an eclectic assortment of items.

      the image of my mother lying on the ground probably comes from the time i saw a hipster girl lying face-down on the sidewalk in toronto (with her ukulele of course). she wasn't drunk or sick or anything, i think she was trying to be artistic or protest something, but it was just silly. the police made her get up. there's also another dimension to this image i think - my mother was an alcoholic while i was growing up and to this day i have a strong aversion to being around any drunk people... especially her.

      almost all the dreams i've catalogued so far have had something to do with sex. generally, dreams with sexual themes are very rare for me. i haven't had any changes in my real life that could trigger this... maybe my subconscious is just trying to embarrass me.
    9. Between the Realms of Gods and Men - 01/09/13

      by , 01-23-2013 at 05:28 AM
      Headlights fly by as the rain patters lightly on the windows. The passing of which I've always found to bring back a sense of passing time, reminiscent of what'd I imagine it feels for the passing of stars. Our very own sun, cognizant of its own gliding through the deep expanse of outer space.

      There is a driver at the wheel, but the sky is dark and her face remains in shadow. An accompanying sense of familiarity falls over me though. Only one could bring this sense of comfort. Mel. My eyes dart to the left and right, looking for anything out of the ordinary that might be in the sky. An age old habit. One acquired by watching far too much of Star Trek and the X-Files in my youth. Or does it predate that? Does it have some basis in the actual collective memory reality of our species? Perhaps there is a reason we look to the skies. Something deeply embedded within our collective unconscious, the return of the holy feathered serpent of our world's mythologies. Quetzalquoatl, Nehebkau, or perhaps the Chimeras depicted on the hieroglyphs of ancient cities.

      Then I spot it. A streak in the sky. Gliding like a banner in the wind, rippling up and down like a wave. A white light radiates outward from its body, lighting up the night sky in the distance. That is it. The feathered serpent. A radiant white chinese dragon, even more beautiful in real life than portrayed in their artwork. Natural and fluent. God-like. Truly a spiritual being beyond anything of earthly realms, but there it is right before my eyes. Does Mel see it? She doesn't seem to notice.

      "Mel, do you see that?"

      She looks to the right and seems to spot it, but no words come from her mouth. Speechless it seems.

      What is that? Another one. Wait, no. Two. Three. Four? Several of these serpent-esque beings fluttering through the sky. That one actually has wings and almost appears to be a gargoyle. Wow, amazing. Something attracts my gaze on the left. Holy mother fucker. What the FUCK is THAT?

      A gargantuan entity emerges from the woods on the left side of the highway. Enormous, unearthly, a beetle like being of epic proportions. Its eyes burn with fire. This isn't a threatening being, however. Merely powerful, wise, ancient. It remains still, hovering over the road, observing the surroundings. Is it even living? It could almost be the entrance or the stone guardian of a holy temple - a gateway into the underworld. Into the world beyond the scope of human comprehension, veiled to us by our rigid intellect and desires for power.

      I am entering the realm of the Gods.

      Or at least some hidden plane. Beings surround our vehicle. Is there even anyone else on the road? Discs fly through the air. My god, these again. Classic saucer UFOs? Those things only appear in my dreams. Wait a sec... Duh. I'm in a dream. Wow, this is intense. Can I even get a handle on this one? There are living spirits all around me.

      The sky fills with saucers and spirits, winged serpents with their white light fill the sky. These could have even been interpreted as angels in some cultures. From the distance the resemblance to chinese dragons and angels is hardly distinguishable. Regardless, their power can be felt from miles away, even as they sore high above the Earth. Such an alien power, impossible to say whether as to its benevolent or not. It is just so foreign to our own sense of self.

      You're losing track of things, M. This is a dream. Remember not to be drawn in to its splendor. The distraction of your mind's own creative power. This is a dream.

      Then why can't I control anything? The usual techniques are not working. No power of flight, no time/space manipulation or ability to alter the entire emotional feel of the setting. This is strange. Is it a dream..?

      Wait, that's Mel's brother. I'm in her house. Was I sleep walking? Kid looks like he's about to puke. Either that or he's just really stoned. Neither would be uncommon for him. Hmm, my vision is blurry. I must have taken out my contacts. Definitely sleep walking.

      "You okay, DJ?"

      "Hah, man. You're totally fucked."

      What could that mean? He points at the floor beneath my feet. I stepped in something. A puddle. Okay? DJ holds up a small vile.

      "No fucking way. Did you spill that on the floor, dude?"

      He starts laughing. You've got to be kidding me. I've been dosed completely by accident. Jesus Christ, how often does this have to happen to me? That is far too much acid in one spot for a safe trip. In no time I'll be going ape shit. God fucking damn this kid. Oh well, there is no stopping it now. I might as well accept what's about to ensue.

      Everything is warped. Waving. The walls are alive. "Throbbing with energy" as Terence McKenna says. It has begun. The onset is surprisingly slow. The buzzing rises through my ears, disintegrating my surroundings. I feel the sun. I feel another environment. Where is this? I know this place, I have been before. Though I am accustomed to its flavor, the taste of deja vu is beyond uncanny. Is this still Mel's house? Is this reality? Was it ever? Don't forget, the questions don't matter. Illusions, merely fabricated by our minds to prolong the discovery of truth. There is no stopping this though. I have been thrown into the pool, regardless of my preparation to swim. Entheogens don't hesitate. This is all or nothing and now the walls are coming down. Light begins to seep through the cracks. The environment shifts. A wall to my right now. I am lying down. Windows to my left.

      Is this.. my bedroom?

      I have re-emerged, back into the so-called "real" world. The collective memory reality. The ingestion of a psychedelic substance within my dream consciousness transitioned me back into waking consciousness. No matter how many times I have experienced that it will never cease to prove fascinating. The human brain truly is a receiver, capable of tuning into a multitude of channels across the cosmic radio. Switch one neural receptor on, another off, and you're broadcasting at an entirely new frequency. Receiving, broadcasting, the difference is the same. Both a generator and receiver of consciousness, filtering the endless waves of quantum energy through the intricate networks of evolutionary design.

      Is this reality any more real than the one I was just experiencing? I noticed no gaps between my perception. It was but a continuous flow. Sleeping into waking. What is different? What was ever different? Is the reality tunnel we send our gaze through any less relevant there than it is here? When all is said and done, life is just a memory after all. An ephemeral thought. A dream.

      Updated 01-23-2013 at 06:13 AM by 60729

      lucid , non-lucid , memorable
    10. Greg and the Blunt that went out prematurely

      by , 01-08-2013 at 07:07 PM
      Note: First off, I’ve written this dream down before, but the file was lost somehow! Exact times and details may be off, but I can still recall parts of the dream so I will start from there.

      Date: 1-8-2013
      Time ~5:30am

      I was walking with Greg down a path. It was a wide sidewalk that went on for about a mile and then curved to the right. It looked like there was an ocean around where the path curved.
      It was surrounded by trees and forestry. Me and Greg were walking and talking while preparing to smoke. We talked about how we used to do this all the time. I said something too loud and Greg scolded me. I looked to the right and instead of forest it became a park.
      The park had a hill in the middle of it and a skinnier sidewalk went through it. We were instantly at the top as Greg was talking about how we used to ‘push and play’. He was smoking what looked like a ‘little cigar’, but I knew it was a blunt. It went out while we were at the top and I asked him if it was out. Of course, he said yes. I began to wake up at this point.
    11. A long random dream

      by , 01-06-2013 at 04:02 PM
      I had a rather long dream last night (Or three dreams that connected) . Sadly it is 4:30pm and this is the first chance i got to write it, so my memory of the dream has faded quite a bit, but i will still try and write as much as i remember.

      My dream started out in a car with my family. It was rather packed so I got a feeling we were going on vacation. My grandmother was driving with my grandpa up front and me in the back. I think my brother and younger sister was there but if they were they played no major role in my dream and thus i can't remember if they were there.

      We started going up on a over pass. There was a lot of cars so we were going really slow. Soon we weren't moving at all due to traffic. We stopped right before going on a bridge. There was a large man-made river under the bridge and a sloping green hill on our side running along the river, There was a huge crowd of people walking along the river. Some were stopped having lunch or resting. They all seemed to be going somewhere. They didn't seem to be exactly together...as in they weren't all hippies or something although a few happened to be hippies but there were just normal people, hipsters, jocks, nerds, people dressed for work. They all looked like random people that just decided to walk along the river together.

      My grandma suddenly wanted to go out and see where they were headed. My grandpa said she should and told me to go with her. Me and my grandma go out and went down to the river. She walked off to go ask someone. I stood around watching everyone. I noticed a small boy off by himself. I can't remember exactly why I noticed him, it might of been simply because he was alone or he might of been crying or something but any way, i went up to the kid and asked him if he was ok. He said he was lost and didn't know where his parents went. I couldn't just leave home alone so i told him i would help look for his parents.

      The kid looked about the age of six. He had blue eyes and dirty blonde hair. He was wearing a t-shit and jeans. I can see him in my head quite clearly. Image the sweetest little kid ever and that's him. I don't remember what his name was though. Through out my dream I simply called him Kid and refereed to him as The Kid.

      My grandma returned and asked who the kid was and I told her he was lost. We decided to follow the people to where every they were headed (My grandma never did tell me ) and try and find his Parents there.

      I remember we walked for some time and came to a park were a fair was taking place. we entered the fair to take a break from walking and look around. there was a particular ride that the kid decided he had to go on. He had to have someone ride with him so i went with him. The ride was really weird. You got in this box and sat down. It sat two. Then it shot you upward. The box than free fell until this cable caught it and you swung down. It was fun but scary.

      (Also...a weird fact...when i was in the air i could see another park across from this one and it was a water park from a dream i had a while back. I sometimes get references to other dreams like that. One day I'm going to map out my dream world because all my dreams seem to take place in the same universe. )

      After the ride we walked around the park awhile. I had no idea where my grandma went. That when these three people showed up. They were dressed weird. There was a lady with a sword who seemed to be the leader. I remember her most. She was wearing a black and red dress with goth style makeup and short black hair. They demanded I handed the kid over to them. The kid said they were there to hurt and so i refused. They threatened me with the sword so i picked up the kid and ran.

      We came up to a large tunnel and ran inside. The tunnel was like a maze and soon we were lost. We walked around for sometime until we came to a opening to a large cavern. Inside was a table with to people playing cards. there was a lady sitting on a bed reading and a man on a platform of some kind. He was sitting with his legs dangling and his arms crossed. They all looked up rather surprised when me and the kid entered.

      I laughed nervously and said we were lost. The kid hid nervously behind me. On of the guys playing cards put down his hand and said "Of course. No one would come here unless they were lost." the other guy smiled and said "Not exactly on the map" They laughed as if sharing a inside joke.

      The guy on the platform said something like they should help us find our way. He looked rather carefree but his clothes weren't normal. He wore a suit and cape just like out of a old horror movie with vampires. He was pale and even looked like a vampire. He then hopped off the platform and did something rather unexpected. He pulled out a small decorated box. He opened it and it was full of white powder. He put some on his hand and snorted it. I knew then i didn't want to be here any longer.

      He saw my disproving face and said "Bad, habit...don't do drugs" The other three laughed. I kept the kid behind me. i didn't trust these guys one bit. I said "well if one of you could tell me the way out we would be on our own." The guys playing cards said "Whats the hurry, come on, play some cards"
      "No," I started "We really should go"
      "One game and we will tell you the way out" He smiled and they all waited for a reply. they gave a feeling that i didn't have a choice.
      "OK. one ga..." I didn't even finish and one guy pulled me forward and sat me in a chair and they started dealing. The girl on the bed motioned for the kid. He ran over and sat one the bed and she pulled out some kid story and started to read to him. I didn't like him being so far from me but i didn't have a choice.

      We started playing cards (I don't know exactly what game but it was apparently fun. I lost track of time and ended up playing many games. The drug head just watched and made joke every now and then and the two other guys and me played cards for a very long time. I completely forgot all about not trusting them and they became like best friends.

      Then the drug head offered me a really good looking cookie . I remember that i hadn't eaten anything in a long time and took it. I looked over at the kid and before i could ask the guy said "I don't think he would like it. " He laughed and leaned back on a wall. I looked at the cookie not knowing what he meant and against my better judgment (Real life i wouldn't have) I ate the cookie.

      That when the three people that had been hunting the kid walked in. One pointed to the bed and other ran over and grabbed him. He yelled and kicked but the guy held him. I jumped yelling to put him down. The others just stared and did nothing. I ran over to the guy holding him and tried to take him but the lady with the sword stepped in front of me.

      I was fully prepared to fight but a strange feeling came over me and the room swayed. I put my hands out to keep from falling. The lady looked at me confused for a second than said "The kid is our objective. If you intent to get in our way i will kill you" That's when i started laughing uncontrollably. The room was spinning and everything looking weird. The three people trying to take the kid looked at me like i had gone insane. I couldn't stop laughing.

      With all my will power. I stood up and said "I'm not going to let you hurt that kid" She raised her sword but before she could swing I fell over laughing again. She looked at her comrades unsure of what to do. Everything seemed really funny for some reason. I Stood up again and turned to the guy who had given me the cookie.

      "This is your fault and you know it, a little help please" He looked a bit shocked then laughed. Faster than possible he ran over and grabbed the kid from the man holding him and ran back. The lady backed up in surprise. I started to feel normal again but i still couldn't help laughing.

      The guys playing cards stood up and each pulled out swords and said "I don't think this kid wants to go with you three. I think you better get out of her before someone gets hurt." Three weighed there options and decided to leave. I went over to the kid and finally stopped laughing.

      The drug head dude said that he would show us a secret way out and we head to the back of the cavern.

      Nothing much happened after that and i woke up. That was one of those dreams that seemed to last all night. Also drugs are bad, don't use them
      Tags: drugs, sword, vampire
      non-lucid , memorable
    12. Journal Entry # 1

      , 12-27-2012 at 03:31 PM

      Bed Time: 12:00 AM
      Waking Time: 6:00 AM

      Unfortunately last night my insomnia decided to rear its ugly face. Pity because I was going quite a long time without it. Even though I went to bed at 12:00 I was tossing and turning for quite a while afterwards. When I woke up at 6:00 I was dead tired, and couldn't remember any dreams. I decided to fall back asleep and see what happens.

      Nap: ~6:15
      Waking Time: ~7:45

      I have vague recall of this dream, mainly a fragment.
      Fragment #1: I walk with my friend J into his apartment (it is not his actual apartment, but it is in the same complex). The room we enter is scattered and unorganized. Papers of all sorts (mail, magazines, newspaper, ect.) cover the floor, and the whitewashed walls are dimly lit by a small yellow hanging light. There's a small glass table topped with littered ashtrays and we both sit down. He pulls out a bag of meth from his pocket, and I guess today I'm feeling rather ballsy because I tell him we should smoke it.

      I find doing drugs in dreams very, very unusual. The effects of the drugs are unlike their real-life counterparts, and they are obviously much shorter-acting (being that one has a limited time in a dream).

      After taking an acrid, sulfurous hit from a small, glass pipe, I feel a tingling sensation lurch my body over like a strong, ocean wave. We both stop moving or talking for a minute, taking hits from the pipe, just staring at eachother. I say "Wow", over and over again, the only thing I guess I can say. Suddenly there is a commotion outside, and as we go out to investigate my recall starts to fade.

      The dream does not end however, I have strange curios of memory left from what happened after we exited the apartment. I have an image of walking downstairs, entering someone else's apartment, and meeting someone with a very large, developed beard. I remember jumping out of his window for some reason. Hmm, who knows, wish I had better recall under fatigue.

      Well that's that, this dream wasn't what I would call a lucid dream. In my lucid dreams I generally try to exercise some of my stored up magickas rather than doing boring stuff I could do in real life , in my next dream I want to end up on a Pacific Island, and perform a ritual with the natives there, I feel that would be fun and exciting. Until next time

      -- Adi
    13. Capturing Drug-Addicted Teens and Sending Them to Rehab

      by , 11-03-2012 at 04:00 PM (Krista's Dream Journal)
      Dream - Lucid

      I was in a room with many other people. There were tables and chairs. I was trying to get all these teenage girls who were addicted to drugs to go to rehab. I was one of many people doing this. We would grab the teenage girls, accuse them of being addicted to cocaine or some other hard drug, and drag them off to a rehab center. We took them in and into a big, spacious room. Many would sneakily escape, so we'd have to go back out and find them again.

      There was one girl I found sitting at a table in the room from the beginning of the dream. She had light brown skin. I accused her of doing "blow", then I took her with me. She was not happy about it, and was resisting quite a bit. Then, as I was leading her, we came across a hole in the ground. The bottom was lit up with artificial light, so it must have been some sort of tunnel. There were some stairs that led down, and the drop wasn't too bad. The girl then fell into the hole, and out of my sight as she hit the bottom.

      At first, I thought she may be dead, and I was panicking. I then heard her moaning in pain, so I ran down the stairs and to her side. She couldn't get up; I think her hip may have been broken. I looked up and saw a woman standing next to us. I shouted
      "Call 911!!" even though I had my own phone to do so.
      She got out her phone and dialed 911.

      I don't really remember any more of that dream.
    14. [Red Root, A Lawn of Cartidges, and an Evil God]

      by , 10-30-2012 at 09:19 PM (Searching For The Center of Everything)
      [Tuesday, October 30th, 2012]

      I was disguised into a group of thugs and baddies or just unfamiliar druggies. We sat in their red van as they talked
      about a type of drug they smoked and grew. It was a red root or weed kind of plant that would grow anywhere. We
      sat and talked for awhile, and then I decided I needed to use the bathroom. I got out of the car walked down the
      plaza street until I arrived at a bathroom.

      WHOA. I remember a dream before this. I came to this same bathroom, when I told my Mom I needed to use it
      before. I walked into the bathroom and flushed the toilet water it since it was yellow already. I sat down on it,
      went pee, but couldn't go number 2. So I flushed the toilet and left. The room was a comfortable, out-of-sight
      bathroom with Hawaiian tropical theme. I walked back outside, the whole ISLAND plaza was island themed.
      There was a bay of water to the left, close to where the drug van was parked, and the sunset reflected a beautiful
      orange and maroon just perfectly off the water.

      I walked back up to the van, and got in and began to excuse myself. They told me to look at the plant one more
      time before I left. It was growing underneath the passengers seat. I leaned down and put my face close, and... sure
      enough, a red sprout was sitting in the middle, right underneath her seat. I instantly began to thieve.

      I saw a stem that looked weak and dry, like it would crack off. I distracted the two people in the front seat.
      "So this is it?" I bent the stem back and forth, in hopes that I could snap it off. "You guys just started growing this,
      didn't you?"

      They answered that I was right. I picked a piece off and grasped it tightly in my palm.
      "Alright guys, I really am sorry. I'm not feeling so hot, I'm gonna head out now." I really did have to go to the
      bathroom again still.

      I opened the door and said my politries, then shut it behind me.
      "Phew, I did it." I thought silently as I snuck off into the everdarkening evening.

      I passed into an enclosed grassy area- it kind of reminds me of a flag pole area at the entrance to a school or hotel,
      but with highwalls to surround it. The path of brick or stone cut right through the grass to the other side. I
      continued casually, but slowed down when I saw a perfectly good SD card. Then another. And another. I stopped.
      "Whoa." I looped around, still trying to remain casual looking. I picked up an SD card, and all of the ones I found.
      Then I noticed there was more than just memory sticks. There's DS games, Gameboy games, Nintendo 64 games!

      All kinds of cartridges! Scattered across the grassy yard. I got excited and began to pick them up into a stack.
      "HEY!" A large tomboyish female called me out. She must have had blonde hair and a cap to cover it- because I
      get that impression. "What are you doing?"

      In a second, I told the truth, which is unusual for a circumstance like this.
      "I found a bunch of video game cartridges on the ground! I mainly just want the Gameboy ones, but you can take
      some if you find something you like too." It felt nice to share. I DIDN'T need all of these, anyways.
      She stared at me with an annoyed inquisitive gaze... then it lightened.

      "Okay!" She was suddenly friendly and full of love.
      We bent down and worked together, sorting through all of them, stacking them in piles.
      I would check hers to see if she found anything I liked, and likewise.
      I liked her. (It's too bad I didn't ask for a name.)

      <My dream faded as I woke up.>
      <I rolled over and went back to sleep.>

      I'm now inside the Hotel that was to my immediate right in the previous dream, after walking into that grassy
      entrance. I'm not sure how, but I was a fighter. A bunch happened that I don't remember. But I do remember the
      current circumstances I was thrown into. I had a Master who was helping me to stop the summoning of an evil
      God. We could see him, but he was powerless to harm us yet. He wore what looked like a red samurai mask. An
      evil idiot villian and his short alien-looking psychic sidekick were summoning him. My Master was keeping him at

      I had a staff in my hand and I got impatient. I charged my staff and pointed the end at the evil God and a blue
      light sparked out and glowed. It pushed the evil God away but then he smiled at me. My Master intervened and
      told me to be patient. I knew it was a powerful attack, but why didn't it banish him? He was REALLY powerful.

      Just then, the evil idiot villain emerged from the bathroom and told his sidekick,
      "Don't worry. When we win, I'll give you levatation powers."
      "That fucking idiot." I let out. The evil villain turned his head so fast and was in my face. He shouted and screamed
      and spit and seemed like he was going insane. His face went dark red and he looked like he was in pain almost.

      The evil God grinned, as if he had a chance to strike, THROUGH him.
      "CALM DOWN." I grabbed his head in my hands. "Look at me! Caaaalm dooowwn."
      "It's oookaaaayy. It's okay." His face resembled my best friend Nathan. I hugged him.

      <My dream faded and I woke up.>
      (I'll also add that I had to go to the bathroom REALLY bad when I woke up. xD Explains why I had to keep using it in my dreams.)
    15. Ryan and the Strange Suicide, Facial Morphing Lucid, and "Remembering" Sleep Therapy

      by , 10-27-2012 at 04:02 PM (Krista's Dream Journal)
      Dream - Lucid

      I was with Ryan. Apparently, his marriage didn't work out, so he went back to me. I was leaning and cuddling on him.

      We were then watching some news clip I think of a Middle Eastern or maybe a Spanish guy in a bike race. Something happened, and he started shouting in another language, took a gun, and blew his face off. I didn't look at the part where he killed himself.

      His white shirt with various little logos on it was then laid out in front of us. It was clean of any blood, surprisingly. I thought to myself that maybe they washed it. I touched it. I then caught a whiff of sweat. It was from the shirt. I thought about how very hauntingly strange it was that his shirt still smelled like sweat and all that, but he was no longer alive. It was a bit unsettling.

      Then, we were outside this small house, and moving on some sort of train with it. I think we were sitting down. The train then picked up speed, and we were then going so fast, that everything, including us, started to look polygonal; the best thing I can compare it to would be N64 graphics. We just kept going faster and faster.


      I then woke up for a bit, tossed and turned, then, when I got comfy and I got my brain to stop going a mile a minute, I felt the buzzing in my head associated with SP. I knew I was going to be in a dream soon, so I concentrated on staying calm so I wouldn't jar myself out of it.

      I then was sitting in my living room, staring at an orange cat sitting on the floor. It looked like Pounce, a cat we had to put to sleep last year. I thought that was odd...I must be dreaming. To check, I stared at the cat, and concentrated on changing its appearance. It then changed into an orange and white cat that looked like a cat named Kira I looked after one time. Definitely a dream!

      I looked at my hand, and I counted 8 fingers. That's...a lot more extra fingers than I'm used to seeing in dreams. Oh well. My mom then walked quickly by, and down the hallway. I went after her, about to tell her we were in a lucid dream, but I couldn't really talk...it was weird, like something was blocking my voice from coming out.

      I then went into the bathroom instead, and looked in the mirror. My face looked weird and dark at first, and was slightly covered by my hair, so I got closer to the mirror, and...my facial features were all mixed up. As I continued to look, some features disappeared completely, and my face looked almost like a blank sheet of skin. Very, very strange.

      I woke up after that, but kept my eyes closed, and soon enough, I was feeling the buzzing again. I decided to experiment, and tried to concentrate the buzzing to my heart to see what happened. I didn't notice much difference, so I concentrated it to my head instead. I buzzed for awhile, then, I was again in a dream. I don't remember much from this one, except for there was a point that I was outside, flying amongst the green trees in the daytime, little by little gaining height. I still don't think I could talk.


      I then was in a non-lucid. All I can remember from this is that I was "remembering" a dream "memory". As I was "remembering" it, I wondered if it had been real memory or a dream memory, but ultimately decided it was real. I was "remembering" going to an Asian man's house for sleep therapy. He was in his thirties, and had glasses. I "remembered" sitting in a big living area with him on lots of pillows that covered the floor. I then "remembered" sitting on a bed with him, and watching him smoke heroin out of a glass pipe? It was so weird. I did not join him in partaking of the dangerous drug. I don't think I was supposed to tell anyone about him smoking the heroin.

      That's really all I can remember though, is "remembering" going to sleep therapy at this guy's house, and watching him smoke drugs, wondering whether or not it all really happened. I'm sure there was more to it than that, but that's all I can really recall.

      I have had a majorly busy week at this new job. I absolutely love it; I am SO blessed to have this job. It's had to be the first thing on my mind though, so dream recall has had to take the back burner. Next week won't be as busy, so I'll be trying to remember more dreams.

      Updated 10-27-2012 at 04:31 PM by 32059

      lucid , non-lucid , dream fragment
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