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    1. Another Egg Dream

      by , 08-13-2012 at 02:21 PM (Krista's Dream Journal)
      Dream - Lucid

      For some reason, I decided to take a shower in my mom's shower instead of mine. Even in the dream, I wasn't exactly sure why I was doing it, but I didn't question it too much. Most of the dream was just me showering in my mom's shower.


      I was in my house. Out the window, I noticed a glimpse of my brother mowing the lawn. He was wearing a red shirt.

      Then, I was with my brother in the kitchen. I was messing with an egg. He then said "Oh wait!" and pulled a narrow-looking egg out of a cloth shopping bag. He gave it to me, and I noticed it felt very light and was dyed blue. I wondered it if was hard-boiled and if I could eat it, but decided not to when another thought came into my head: He probably did it for Easter.
      "Dying eggs?" I asked.
      "Yes!" he replied.

      Alright, so I recalled a bit more. I didn't really do anything different, like I was gonna try Xanous's suggestion to write down the events of the day before I went to bed, but I forgot. I'll have to try that tonight.

      Updated 08-13-2012 at 04:07 PM by 32059

      non-lucid , dream fragment
    2. Sleeeeeeeeep

      by , 04-04-2012 at 03:23 PM (Adventures in Dreamland)
      The only thing I really remember from my dreams last night is the dream fragment things that you get before you fully transition into a WILD.

      During Nap: I remember running along a sort of vine in a jungle, holding an egg that I was focusing on. There was a crowd watching. On the egg were the numbers I was counting in my head. It felt like something was chasing me. I kept switching my focus onto the meadow I want to start my lucid dream in, but I kept trying for a few hours. I eventually gave up and decided that if a REM cycle hadn't already come along, it wasn't going to anytime soon.

      Midnight when I'm trying to WILD: I almost fully transitioned here I think: I started to realize I was in a fight, my balance was really thrown off, and I swung my arm at whatever it was that I was fighting. I was on some sort of rail system, so I just kept moving. Then my mind just cleared up. No more WILDing. Just like that. Normal sleep time.

      Updated 04-04-2012 at 03:27 PM by 53831

      Tags: egg, failed wild
      non-lucid , dream fragment
    3. Demons and Dragons

      by , 11-23-2011 at 03:28 PM (Visions in the Dark)
      This dream starts off very surreal and erratic like and I am viewing what looks like life size political cartoons on a amphlitheater stage. One image morphs into the next and soon the images are animated like a cartoon. There are many random images that constantly change and only one sticks out and it is near the end of this "show" which is a burly, orange bearded man who is naked except for a green leprechaun hat that he is wearing on his head. The amphlitheater dissolves and I am standing in a Medieval town with a circular shape. There is a park space of some kind in the middle, littered with what looks like ruins from Greek or Roman ancient cultures, and I am there watching the naked man with the leprechaun hat talking to some villagers. I am there, but no one can see me or hear me, not even the naked man.

      The people of the Medieval town are mostly peasants and superstitious and they call the naked man wearing the leprechaun hat "the Joker" and are afraid of him. Many villagers run away and hide in their homes while others try to either scare or bride the Joker to go away. Instead of leaving, the Joker splits in two and creates a double of himself so there are now two Jokers. The second Joker looks exactly the same as the first except he is wearing an orange leprechaun hat and has a black heard, though otherwise he is also chubby and naked.

      People's spiritual auras become visible and most of the villagers have blue auras and the two naked leprechauns have red auras. The villagers who have red auras are drawn to the Jokers in a trance while the blue aura villagers run away because they know that something bad is going to happen. Though no one can see me I notice that I have a green aura.

      The first Joker creates a beam of light from his hand and makes a big "X" mark on a crumbling brick wall. This creates a portal to a dimension where only red aura creatures lived, which in the dream meant twisted and evil things. Monsters and demons start pouring out of portal in the hundreds and attack villagers and buildings in the town, though many also fly away, presumably to attack distant towns and castles. The two Jokers fuse together again and twist into a grutesque form that is part fat leprechaun and part scaley demon.

      Admidst the stream of horrible creatures exiting the portal I spot a young woman, with a white aura, who is naked and laying on the ground. The demons do not seem to see her and march right on by. The woman is conscious and enticing a large shadow above the portal towards her. I cannot tell what the shadow is. I could "sense" that is was a mighty dragon, but the shape of the shadow suggested a muscular man. The dragon joins the woman on the ground and they start having intercourse, though the scene isn't animated and I see it play out in front of me as panels in a manga. The monsters and demons continue to exit the portal and go by without noticing either of them.

      When both the woman and dragon man have orgasmed they disappear (and the dream is animated again) and a very large golden egg appears in their place. The demons coming out of the portal do actually notice the egg and they know it is a bad thing for them and they start attacking it. Even though the egg seems indestructible, I feel a strong desire to protect it and put myself between the attacking monsters and the egg.

      I get hit by the Joker demon and I am thrown back into the egg. The impact doesn't hurt me and I do not feel a thing, though it was strong enough to crack the egg. A flash of brilliant light pours from the crack and instantly vaporizes any demons it hits. The crack gets bigger until the egg smashes open and a glowing white ball of light is left in its place. Hundreds of full grown, winged dragons, of all different colors, come flooding out of the light and begin attacking the demons until almost none are left except for the Joker demon.

      The Joker demon reverts to his naked humanoid form and plays innocent, but the giant and mighty dragons surround him and prevent him from escaping. They seem to have an angry conversation, though I cannot understand what they are saying because the language is what I can only decribe as "reptilian."

      I am guessing the dragons convince the Joker to close the portal because he does so. As soon as the portal is closed one of the largest dragons uses magic and skrinks the Joker down to a size so small that he can fit in the palm of my hand. This dragon then tells me that it is my duty to watch over the Joker and make sure he never causes trouble again. I am given the miniature Joker and I put him in the breast pocket of my coat. Thankfully he is wearing clothes, which were put on him when he was shrunk down in size, and he is visibly unhappy though seemingly resigned to his fate.

      The dragons all fly away in different directions and I watch then until I can no longer see them on the horizon. The ball of light where the dragons came from fizzles out and only shards of gold egg shell are left laying on the ground. The gold egg shell turns out to be real gold and when the villagers who survived gather in the park, many of them begin fighting, often literally, over the valuable egg shells.

      The dream changes a bit and I am in the yard of my first public school, standing on a hill and looking at what looks like a doll house sized version of the Medieval town I was just in with a friend. The school yard is full kids playing all around us and at the top of the hill there are some dragons about the size of dogs staring down at me and my friend. My friend is pointing to the minature town and mocking the idea that the dragons of the small Medieval town are in anyway better than the dragons sitting at the top of the hill, as if the dragons in the previous segment of my dream were not even real at all and it was ridiculous to even consider it.

      The dream ends here.

      Updated 11-23-2011 at 04:20 PM by 6048

      non-lucid , memorable
    4. Surviving the Zombie Apocalypse at School Camp

      by , 07-28-2011 at 09:22 AM (Dark_Merlin's Dream Journal)
      Late at night, we gather in an empty clearing. The grass is dry and dead, we're somewhere in the wilderness, on a school camp. The moon is out in the sky, bright and full, illuminating the clouds around it and shining just enough light for us to see where we are going, and what we are aiming at.

      We're some of the last left, who knows how many others are alive, but the population is dwindling. We walk up to the wall of guns, I grab a pocket sized shotgun and some ammo, Jeremy grabs a gun off the rack and we walk off and join the group. We walk along the path with the small group we're with - just a few of us who knew each other from primary school. We're walking against the crowd, everyone else is running away.

      Further up the road we find a shack to the side of the road, one of the sides has a giant hole blown in it. Jeremy and I go in first, scouting out the various floors of the house. There are small crates and doors everywhere, with glowing edges. Most of them are blue, but we see one door which has red lights instead. We break through the door and find a robot mounted on the wall to out right, on what seems to be a hallway. There were boxes of guns and ammo on the ground, I wanted more.
      "Come closer, closer" the robot said. Jeremy and I instantaneously decided "Fuck this!" and got the hell out of that room. When we returned to the group I fired my weapon at one of the girls, Brianna accidentally. The shotgun was loaded with buckshot, but she wasn't harmed at all, thank god.

      We turn around as the farmer who owns this land walks out holding a crate. He's tall, wearing overalls and with a big white beard. He drops the crate down and it's full of more weapons. Everyone immediately starts grabbing at the weapons. I see the SMG lying at the top of the crate, tempting but I hold out for more. Eventually, most of the weapons are gone and I'm left with a large cardboard cardboard knife, hammer, shovel, and a giant pair of garden shears. I should have picked the shears, but I grab the stanley knife for mobility.

      We start to walk off, back down the path. Everyone is running to the left, but we see the wave of zombies coming at us. FUCK They're heading left in the direction of the group - what if we just go right? We walk around the edge of the fence line, keeping low and avoiding making noise. The zombies were clever to chase the rest of the people, but we out smarted them by heading right. I black out.

      My memory picks back up with the group I was with, but in my school hall. There's loud music playing and everyone's dancing, oh shit it's a competition! I join in, trying to subtly hit on one of the girls. She keeps looking away and shutting me down coldly, what a bitch. I keep dancing, but I get hungry and want to show off to everyone. I pull a cold, hard boiled egg out of my pocket and take a massive bite. Everyone's impressed.
    5. Fragments (1)

      by , 07-01-2011 at 12:10 PM
      We went to the supermarket and looked at some food, outside the supermarket was a portable shower (like them builders toilets you get) I then went to a local store which was cluttered and the man sell eggs which may have been broken.
    6. scorpion-beetle

      by , 12-02-2010 at 12:43 PM
      Good morning, everybody. I remember a fragment of a dream from last night. I know there was a lot more. I also know I had a kind of long dream later in the night. But my image memory has been kind of off lately, so I'm not retaining dreams as well as I'd like to.

      Dream #1

      I stood before a "beetle" that had a long horn, like the horn of a rhinoceros beetle (?) and a stinging tail like a scorpion's tail.

      The beetle stood on something like a platform or table that maybe reached just above my navel in height. The table may have been lit from a small track-lighting beam in the ceiling, like in a museum. The rest of the room was dim.

      The beetle was maybe about 10 or so cm tall and 30cm long, with its tail coiled up, not straightened out. In addition to the beetle having a scorpion's tail, something about the beetle's underside and leg positioning remind me of a horseshoe crab.

      The beetle had a weird, green color, like an old, metallic Chinese vessel, except darker, almost pine green. The beetle itself may have been metallic.

      The beetle was protecting an egg, possibly by standing before it, so that the egg was behind the beetle's scorpion tail. The egg looked like a white chicken's egg. But it may actually have contained a human being.

      At some point the egg was no longer behind the beetle. It may have been near me or somehow in my possession. At another point, the beetle may have been climbing on the back of my neck.

      (One side note, December 5th. I took a look on line to learn about scorpion eggs. Probably everybody in the world except for me knows this, but scorpions don't actually lay eggs.

      Based on what I found on the internet, scorpions keep their eggs in their body. The babies are born live. The babies then often spend a short period maturing while living on their mother's back.

      Sometimes scorpions do release their eggs. If they do, however, they often eat the eggs before they hatch.

      So, interestingly, humans and scorpions have live birth in common. This might partly explain why the scorpion was protecting an egg with a human inside of it. And, I guess, the babies maturing on the mother's back might explain why the scorpion was climbing around on the back of my neck.)

      Updated 12-05-2010 at 03:46 PM by 37466 (Added side note about scorpion eggs.)

    7. iceclimbers and dodo's too much super smash bros for one day!

      by , 10-23-2010 at 06:44 AM (High Quality Head Movies)
      All I can remember from this dream was searching for a Dodo in a cave/forest and in the cave were Mr. Freezes from Super Smash Bros Melee Iceclimbers games and they were on the side of the cave walls. Then I found the egg but I heard something so I went on and then heard the egg crack and then I go back to the egg and it is gone! So I follow the trail and just before I find the dodo I wake up.

      Updated 04-01-2011 at 04:41 AM by 37851 (Corrected Typo)

      non-lucid , memorable
    8. More international dreaming.

      , 07-30-2010 at 01:25 PM
      I had agreed to do the voice recording thing with Tobias. But the thing was, I wasn't here recording it over the net, I was there in Sweden xD He said "hey come over here, how about we record this one?". So I went and sat next to him and watched the video he had pointed out to me. I thought that it was a nice choice because it had both English and Swedish subtitles. Near the end the dialogue sounded like French or Italian, and so I got confused.

      I walked away from that, and for some reason I was looking to find something to take a photograph of for him.
      I was walking along, and I passed this woman. She was blond and looked like she was in her late 40s. She was one of those types that was wearing make up to try and look young, but I guess it somehow just enhanced her wrinkles. She was wearing medical nursing scrubs, but I think they were pink. So it looked like a pink tracksuit.
      She told me in plain English "If you want to get a job here, you should become a foster carer. There are plenty of jobs for that here." I have no idea how true this is lol.
      Firstly, even though she said foster carer, she meant a carer for old people, in nursing homes. Secondly, I thought to myself how I'd need to speak pretty good Swedish for that, because all the old people won't really be speaking much English (or so I assume).

      I came across this grassy field and there was a tall building with a slogan on its side. I thought that the slogan was pretty cool, but then when I noticed that it was an advertisement for Target I decided against taking a photo of it. It was an Australian ad. Maybe I was back in Australia?

      There was some part where I was in the city. The people were much unfriendlier there.

      There was another part with my brother. I think we were in Taiwan; there was some Chinese guy.
      Oh yeah, we boarded a train. Except this train was really weird, but really cool. It was like some sort of showground ride, but not intense at all. It would follow this weird track set, which would go on circles and twist and turn and stuff. It was awesome fun. There was a man that was pulling us along and twisting the route and stuff. He was doing it with a rope attached to a pulley that was attached to the train carriage. He was Chinese. I think I remember thinking to myself how dodgy this is.
      For some reason there were eggs, and I was trying to show my brother the eggs. It is too blurry for me to remember xP
    9. Screaming.....Eggs..Cat

      by , 07-12-2010 at 03:32 PM
      This is my first entry in the Journal, so bare with me.

      I am standing in front of my boyfriend Randy looking up at him telling him its our 5 year anniversary today. Im not really sure where we are but I know we are outside. He then looked down at me and said "ive been with 4 other women over the course of 5 years". At first I didn't understand what he had told me. I was confused. Then a sudden rush of emotion came over me. I started screaming at him. Screaming so hard in my dream that in real life i can feel all the muscles in my body tense up. My heart is beating fast and im breathing heavily. I dont wake up yet. Im screaming at him with tears in my eyes asking him why he would do this to me. Randy shows no emotion. Just staring at me. Then says "didn't think you would mind". I then repeated his sentence as a question. "I cant believe you would do this to me". I then wake up. Not being able to breath. My chest hurts. My body feels stiff. I quickly fall right back asleep into the same dream. This time I'm inside a building where it seems we are having a party for me and Randys Anniversary. My immediate family is there. I sit down at a table next to my mom. She is very happy. Smiling at me she talks about the food thats being served at the party. She got up from the table to get more food and comes back with a boiled egg. I remember staring at the egg as she ate it. And she said " I just had to have an egg". She then turns into Randy. My mom is now behind me standing over me. She hands Randy a gift. Wrapped in blue and red wrapping paper with a musical card attached. She opens the card. A song starts to play but he quickly shuts it like he is embarrassed that it plays a song. I cant remember the song now but I did recognize it in the dream. He then hands it to me. I open the card and say "you might as well let it play". I read the card, though i cant remember what it said now but I do remember it was addressed from my dad. I started to cry and handed the gift back to Randy. Which he then turned back into my mom. Mom kept smiling at me even though I was crying. I then woke up with sadness. I rolled over in bed to see Randy in deep sleep next to me. A feeling came over me of great anger towards him. I almost felt like I couldn't tell if this was reality or a dream again. I didn't know if what he told me in my dream was real or not. Did he really do that or was that in my dream. I got up and went into the kitchen to get a drink of water. Came back and went to bed.

      Had another dream soon after I closed my eyes.

      I was floating above my parents house. I could see that the roof needed repair. The shingles where half missing and there is a huge hole in the roof where the kitchen is. I could see all the installation inside. Now im back on the ground walking up the steps into the house. I tell my mother there is a hole in the roof. She says she already knows. She then takes me outside. I follow behind her to the back of the house. She takes a few pieces of siding off the house to reveal a hole. She climbs in first. I climb in after her. It was wet and moldy. I remember smelling the mold. I see installation and wood from the frame of the house. I see the sun coming thru the whole in the roof. My mother then fades away and its just me. I see a pond that was formed from rain water coming in through the roof. I see a dark shadow past by me. It was fast. I felt afraid. I look back at the pond and see a white and orange calico cat walk up to the pond and drink out of it. I pointed and said "here kitty kitty" The cat ignored me. I then crawled back out of the spot to see my mom waiting for me. I then wake up from the dream.
      Tags: cat, egg, screaming
    10. Hide the egg.

      by , 08-24-2009 at 05:00 AM (Visions in the Dark)
      I have large golden wings on my back and I am flying around some tall, ritzy appartment buildings. The city below me looks like downtown Miami as there is a road and an ocean to one side, and the buildings on the other. I have a white and brown-speckled egg with me which is about the size of an ostrich egg, maybe a little bigger. I hold it tightly to my chest as I fly around.

      I am going from building to building trying to find an empty apartment in which I can hide my egg. I am also trying to avoid being seen by both the normal humans living in the apartment buildings and some dark bat-winged creatures that are following me. Some how I know that the creatures want to hurt me and my egg.

      While I can back and forth with ease, I cannot fly higher than the tallest appartment building as some invisible force keeps pushing me down. I keep wanting to land on the rooves of the taller buildings to rest and get my bearings, but reaching the tops is difficult not only because of the invisible force but also because the dark creatures might see me.

      In several instances, I smash the glass doors or windows on balconies of apartments that look unoccupied, but the noise usually attracts the attention of the bat monsters or humans and I have to flee. I do eventually break into an apartment without being noticed and I wrap my egg in two towels, a pale pink one and a green one, and I place it in the bathtub.

      I sneak out of the apartment and can see the bat creatures circling nearby so I fly down to the ground, retract my wing (so they disappear into my back) and try to blend in with people at a pool side bar. My ruse seems to work and the bat monsters fly away towards the ocean.

      I sit at a four person table where a man and woman are sitting and take a sip of a drink that is on the table in front of me. A male voice behind me says that "you're in the wrong seat" or something and I get up and move to the chair on the opposite side of the table. Now that I am facing the man who was sitting behind me I see that it is a tall, muscular man dressed as Batman (or Batman himself), who stands tall and spreads his cape out wide.

      He looks angry but I am not scared that he has anything to do with the bat creatures before but instead because I took a sip of his drink.

      The dream ends there.
    11. The Psychic Chicken

      by , 03-12-1978 at 06:32 PM
      Morning of March 12, 1978. Sunday.

      Perhaps one of the strangest dreams relating to our chicken farm in Cubitis related to my father getting a very old rooster (I believe from the Hearns farm, possibly by Tony N due to fear of it) that was so old, he was different to other chickens in that his comb - four rows wide - went all the way down and along his back from his head (and actually seemed to be growing from his back like a sort of avian stegosaurus). There were also lizard-like attributes relative to his eyes and feet, his feet being of a more diverse scaly structure, more like a lizard’s than a chicken’s. Over time, though, his comb gets smaller (and of two rows instead of four), and he appears to somehow grow younger over time. We notice that our other chickens seem to be getting older (or aging too quickly) and becoming ill at times, a few dying. My dream continues until the rooster’s comb is only a single one on his head. We later see him as a chick, and finally…he turns into an egg, absorbing too much energy from the other chickens with his “special ability” that he had somehow attained from growing so old. He does not seem to be able to affect humans or other animals in this way, though. My father hides the egg somewhere, away from the other chickens. Nothing happens after that. I wonder if the process will begin again when he hatches, but I also wonder if there will still be people later on (when he becomes very old again). At one point, a private detective from another state (Kentucky, I think) investigates.

      I think any “meaning” in this dream, if any, may relate to the approaching event of moving back to Wisconsin (though I was still in Florida at this time) and sort of wishing I had more control over time (as I was beginning to see much less of my friends, as more people were moving from the area and I had also left school).

      As with much of my online dream journal, this is the original dream journal title from this time period even concerning the misnomer - as the word “psychic” is not the correct description, perhaps more along the lines of “psychic vampire” at best. I think I mainly used it for a tentative comedic mood or association even though the dream itself was very eerie and not really relevant to the typical usage of the word “psychic”.
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