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    1. Night of 10/31 - A scary night

      by , 11-01-2010 at 08:08 PM (Grischkaja's world of dreams and mysteries)
      Hello. I had a series of dreams. They were at some places a bit scary. I'm surprised that I didn't realize that I was dreaming, because they were a it weird. Only good thing is, that girl n. didn't show up lol

      Hours of sleep: 8h
      Vividness: 4/5
      Recall: 4/5

      1. I'm in a mallI wonder if this is a new dream sign lol. There are a lot of people. Something isn't right, the people are nervous. I'm afraid and don't know what is going on. I want to leave and walk towards a door. But it's closed. I get more afraid and start to panic a bit. I'm nervous and go to a DC. He tells me that we are trapped in this mall and something odd is going on: although the mall is closed and no one gets outsides, some people disappear. I realize this and I get nervous. There is a security guy. He's nervous too. He wants that we go on a different floor. He tells us that we have to hide us somewhere. Most of the people go somewhere else. I go upstairs in the second floor. I go in a broom cupboard. There is also someone else in it: there is a guy, who is really nervous. I ask him if he knew what was going on. He tells me, that some kind of creature is going around in the mall. It catches the people and looked them up in a room too eat them afterwards I panic. I ask him if we are safe in this cupboard. He tells me that this creature was sighted in the first floor. I ask him where the police is. He tells me that most of them are already trapped and few of them run away. They locked up the mall, that this creatures doesn't escape. I get angry about that and I leave the cupboard, although it's dangerous. I go back to the stairs and look down. There is this creature. It looks like a big-foot or something like that. I panic and run away.
      I awake. I have my eyes closed. I'm still scared. I don't want to open my eyes because I remembered immediately the last time when I had an nightmare: I awoke and had some weird hallucinations, had the feeling that there was someone who started to pull my legs. So I decided to let my eyes closed, because I already started to get some weird feelings. I tried to calm down and fell asleep immediately
      I have still this paranoid feeling. But this time I'm in falling down the sky I'm not alone, there are a few other guys. We are skydiving. A second after, I'm already at the ground. I talk with a DC and say him that it's the second time I did this. I've never skydived before lol. We look a the sky and I see that there are others skydivers. They are dressed in blue. I start running towards the place they are landing. I ask them who they are and they said:
      - We don't know, but we are no aliens
      What the heck? I want to say something but something terrible happens. We see a burning plane in the sky. It crashes in the ground. I'm scared to death.
      My view changes and I see that this crash isn't real, but that I'm watching TV. I start laughing. A family DC shows up and he's angry about the film. He says that this film is shitty and he doesn't want to watch it.

      Note: This doesn't make sense at all.
      3. I'm in a bus. A university professor enters. In real life, she is really talkative. I hope that she doesn't sits down next to me, because I don't want to speak. BUt she sits down next to me. I say hello, but she doesn't replies. She doesn't start a conversation and doesn't talk at all. I'm surprised. After a few minutes she leaves and get out of the bus.
      A second after, I'm standing in front of my home. There are a few friends. They want to talk with me. But I have a really depressing feeling. I'm apathetic and don't show any kind of feeling, although I'm crying in my thoughts.
      4. I'm sitting in a bar. In front of me is a table. There is an empty glass a bottle with something alcoholic and a bottle of pineapple juice. I have to mix my drink at my own. I don't have a clue what I'm doing there nor, what drink I ordered.

      I finally awake.
      PS: Something is wrong with me. These dreams (and the previous ones) reflect this. Unfortunately.
    2. 2/3 Tue: Trains, Sex, Flying, The Moon

      by , 10-27-2010 at 07:33 PM (One Must Imagine Sisyphus Happy)
      Was exhausted this night. Got home and took a hot bath. I don't even remember laying down in bed. Apparently, I went to bed without my Zeo, eye mask, ear plugs, and without setting my dream journal next to my pillow. So I didn't write these dreams down and didn't note the times.

      Internet Cafe
      I'm in a quiet room filled with desks and computers. It seems like a library or internet cafe. The desks are cheap plastic and the chairs are folding chairs. My roommate is here and there are maybe just 2-3 other random DCs. I brought my roommate here because he needs to use a computer for something. He was skeptical, but now that we are here, he's finds it useful. Meanwhile, I'm on a computer browsing forums. I stand up and go to a different computer so I can read a different forum. I think that this place could actually make money if it advertised itself as an internet cafe.

      Trains, Sex
      Method DILD (dreamsign)
      Lucidity C
      Control D
      Vividness C
      I'm near a train station. It's reminiscent of the ones I used to use around Los Angeles. I'm in a hurry, running toward the station. I notice the stairways are changing color. The one I'm running toward turns blue. I interpret this to mean the train is arriving soon. I'm just in time and the train arrives. I hop on without buying a ticket. (I once did this by accident, got caught, and had to pay the fine) But I see an attendant checking tickets. She is an old lady. I hop off, buy a ticket, get back on and show it to her. I have to sign my name on it for some reason. Then I drop it in a shoe box with the others.

      So now the train is moving. I'm sitting facing inward. The train is about a quarter filled with DCs. I look around and try to imagine what the people are thinking, like I used to do to past the time when I rode the train.
      I notice several young women on the train staring at me seductively. This has been a fairly reliable dreamsign. OK, I'm lucid. Oops, no reality checks or goals. My control is low. I get up and approach the woman sitting across from me. She is attractive with reddish-brown hair, a red sweater, jeans, and obnoxiously large sunglasses. She gets up too. We have sex. At one point, I put my hand on the back of her head and feel that her hair is now a very short buzz cut. The sex lasts for a satisfying few minutes until the dream fades.

      Summoning, Flying, Legos on the Moon
      Method DEILD
      Lucidity B
      Control C
      Vividness B
      I think this was a DEILD from another non-lucid that I don't recall. I was lucid from the beginning. I start with a false awakening. I'm in the family room of the Daisetta house. It's a large room and I'm alone, laying on the carpeted floor under some bed covers. I think of what to do. I still have sex on the brain so I decide to try summoning a girl. Rachel is the target. My mother walks in to tell me that someone has come to visit. I ask who. I don't recall who she said, but it's not Rachel. I try to roll with the punch. I say to my mother "Oh, will you tell me when Rachel arrives?" She acknowledges and leaves. Moments later, my mother walks back in to say someone else has arrived. "Is it Rachel?" "No, it's your friend from work." I stand up and walk out of the room toward the entryway. It turns out to be Nate, a former coworker. Ugh, this isn't working.

      I march out of the house, determined to do something else but I'm not sure what. I rub my hands and look around the neighborhood. It's bright and sunny and it's at this point that I appreciate the vividness. Cool. I start flying and look at the landscape below. I'm having trouble turning again. (I now realize this is my mind obeying the laws of physics and inertia, I'll have to work on that.) I'm drifting toward a hillside. I try to turn but I keep drifting and bumping into the hill. Frustrated, I think I should try something more specific. The moon! I look upward and start flying straight up. Now I have no trouble getting speed.

      I'm quickly out of the atmosphere and the ambient light disappears into a starry universe. This is my first time in outer space. I see the moon. It's gray but on it I can see colorful mountains. I think perhaps the moon has become a giant trash heap? Then I miss the moon. Yup, I'm going so fast that I miss and zoom past it. This is kinda scary for a moment because all I see around me is open space. I manage to turn around. Now I can see the Earth and the moon again. I circle around the moon a bit, carefully trying to line up.

      Finally, I land on the gray surface. The colorful mountains I saw from far away are actually buildings made of giant Lego blocks. I look around a bit for people from DV. But I don't see anyone. I find myself next to a gray castle-like building. At the entrance is a metal gate that looks like a jail cell. Inside is a dragon made of Legos. He is gray, like the moon surface, except for the yellow accent of the scales on his back, his wing-like ears, and his nostrils. He says in a deep rumbling voice: "Intruder!" I remain calm. I explain that I'm an explorer. He becomes friendly. I talk to the dragon for a bit. I forget about what. At this point, the dream was fading.
    3. 2/4 Tue: Hell Yeah

      by , 10-20-2010 at 09:26 PM (One Must Imagine Sisyphus Happy)
      I planned to not record my dreams this night. I just wanted to get a solid night's rest. So no recall in the first half (the usual reason). And for the first couple dreams I didn't write anything down. By the last two, I realized the dreams were worth writing down so I did so.

      "Do Nothing"
      Lucidity: C
      Vividness: C
      Control: C
      ~0800: No written notes, so this is spotty from memory. I don't recall how I became lucid. The first thing I recall is doing a nose plug RC. I'm sitting at a campfire circle. It's dusk. It seems like I'm in the giant doorway of an abandoned factory or airplane hanger. A few other DCs are around the fire. They look like migrant workers. The scene made me think of movies like The Motorcycle Diaries and Mi Mejor Enemigo. I remember my plan: "Do nothing", practice reality checks, focus on all 5 senses.. For taste, I lick a rock on the ground and it tastes like dirt! I vaguely recall that I did things for the other senses. I think I had double vision and that frustrated me. I try to talk to the DCs but I don't recall they said anything.

      ~0915: C. No written notes, so this is from memory. First thing I recall is a false awakening. I sense there was more before but no detail. I'm in my own room. I get out of bed and look at the time: 1:30pm. Crap, it is really that late? I get up, take off my Zeo headband and dock it in the bedside unit. It gives me a sleep score of 42. Really? I thought I slept better than that. Wake up for real. It's only about 9. My Zeo score for the night ended up at a more respectable 83.

      Unfocused Lucid
      Lucidity: C
      Vividness: C
      Control: D
      1100: Just a few notes so this is mostly from memory. I'm in a classroom. It's a art or shop class so all the students are standing at work tables. In the dream, I seem to be distracted or sleepy. The teacher is a woman and there are one or two girls sharing my table. The first thing I recall is the teacher scolding me for not paying attention. So I become aware of what we are supposed to be doing. We have a piece of paper with a drawing on it. On top, we have a piece of tracing paper and we are supposed to trace the drawing under it. The drawing is an architectural sketch of a colonial era boat, I think. So I start tracing but there is a time limit. The teacher is nearby, watching me. She thinks I won't finish in time. The other girl at my table is done and she is also watching me. I feel nervous but I act confident. I think we do two tracings like this. The next task is to trim a large piece of meat. It's really thin, more like a the hide than the flesh. The tracing paper has become butcher paper. I move to a larger table and spread this gross sheet of meat over the paper.

      Skip. Now I'm outside in what seems to be a school campus but it's unfamiliar. I'm walking up a grassy hill. There are many other students around. It's bright daylight.
      I see a girl who I recognize as a high school classmate, Beth. I'm not sure but I think this must be what made me lucid. Her hair is weird, kinda like dreadlocks but also kinda like bananas. Anyway, her face is recognizable. Lucidity and control are low at this point. I don't RC or stabilize. I just march up to her, say hello, and demand a blow job. She starts doing it but soon turns into a weird creature and I stop.

      I walk away and I'm starting to get my wits about me. But lucidity, vividness, and control are still pretty low. I try to think of my tasks. The only one I can remember is flying barrel roll. I hesitate because my recent flying has not been good. But I can't think of anything else to do so I jump and spin. It works! I'm able to hover horizontally a few feet off the ground and a spin multiple times. (Wikipedia tells me that this is actually an aileron roll, not a barrel roll) I fly around spinning for about 30 seconds. Maybe I popped out to third-person a bit. My lucidity was fading away.

      Skip. Now I'm in a building. The school gym or theater maybe? Maybe I lost lucidity for a while and then regained it here. A troupe of clowns is performing a circus-style act. I am in a corner back stage, near the exit. I see a door but I want to try walking through the wall. I try a few times but fail. I try to convince myself that I can do it. I know this is a dream and that I can walk through the wall. But no luck. Dream ends.
      In retrospect, this attempt at control was too forced.

      Dream Within Dream
      1130 C. This was a combination of false awakening and false memory that made it feel like a dream within a dream. I sense that I am out of town for work (this is the false memory). I'm staying in a hotel and I'm sleeping and dreaming. In the dream, I am in a WWII-esque battle among the ruins of a bombed city. I'm with my childhood friend Collin. I only have a tiny pistol in this big fight. I see an enemy across the way and fire a few careful shots. The gun is very inaccurate but I manage to hit him in the head. Everyone is happy and celebrates me as the hero.

      I have a false awakening in a hotel room. In the dream, I think that the war scene was a lucid dream and I remember the two real previous lucids. So I congratulate myself for 3 lucids in the night.

      Skip. Now I'm back in my apartment. Combining the war dream, the false awakening in the hotel, and the false memory of traveling for work, this all creates the dream within the dream phenomenon. So anyway, I'm home in my apartment but it looks totally different. I sense that, as I returned from traveling, my roommate has just left. I see that he has left a bunch of books and devices about lucid dreaming. He is just starting to pratice having lucid dreams. I go in the bathroom and see that the faucet has been left on just a drip. But over several days, the drip has flooded the room with an inch of water.

      Updated 10-28-2010 at 10:24 AM by 35793

      lucid , non-lucid , false awakening , memorable
    4. 1/4 Sun: Snapped the Dryspell

      by , 10-18-2010 at 11:12 PM (One Must Imagine Sisyphus Happy)
      Unusual circumstances on this night. Took B-Complex in the evening, about 5 hours before sleep. Didn't get to sleep until I was really tired. Woke up after just 3 hours of sleep to drive roommate to the airport. Was out of bed for about an hour total. Returned to sleep and had the lucid, technically in my third sleep cycle. The rest of the dreams were all very random, but more exciting then my usual boring dreams.

      Rooms, Sprinklers, Flying
      Lucidity C
      Vividness B
      Control D
      0730: The beginning is jumpy and difficult to recall. I don't seem to have a dreambody, I'm just watching like a movie. It's in a house at a fancy dinner party. A few old people are talking about arranging to meet at a restaurant or country club. Then it's like a commercial. A young woman in a formal dress and hair styling peeks into the room and recommends watching a TV show. Someone asks, which TV show... Buffy? Then I recognize the girl as Alyson Hannigan from that show.

      At some point, I sense that I have a dreambody and I am in the house alone. But maybe it has changed into my work office? I step into a room with tall windows all along the far wall. Sunlight is shining brightly through. The floor is grass instead of carpet! The grass is overgrown and spotted with weeds. I think to myself that someone in the office should maintain the grass. I think the new employee should have to do it as an initiation.

      I walk out the side door of this room. It leads outdoors and now I am in the side yard of my old house on Daisetta. It's a narrow concrete strip that leads to the backyard. I walk to the backyard and it's fairly familiar. Except there are a row of short fake palm trees lining the lawn. They have big plastic bananas hanging from them and I think it looks really tacky. The sprinklers are on and they are really strong. The water shoots about 6 feet high and is soaking the whole yard, not just the grass.
      I start to think this is weird. But I don't want to get wet so I turn and run back into the door I came out of. In the Daisetta house, this should be the garage but it's still the room with grass. I notice the size of the room is about right for the garage though. Now sprinklers are on in here too! Ok, I really must be dreaming and I tell myself to do a reality check. I run through one more door to be out of the water.

      I plug my nose and confirm I'm dreaming. Yay! I remember that it's been a long time since being lucid. I had a scene in mind but I'm not sure how to get there from here, so I go outside and just start flying toward the horizon. But my flying sucks! I can only hover a few feet off the ground and move very slow. Then I remember one of my cues to invoke the Superman schema: Lois Lane is in trouble and I have to save her! My flying gets a bit better. I'm flying faster and higher but still not great. I try to focus on where I am going. On the horizon, I see an ominous factory on top of a mountain. Lois must be trapped inside! Smoke is billowing out. Then I see an explosion. I sense the urgency and danger and try to fly faster. But it seems so far away. Discouraged, the dream fades.

      Family and Old Acquaintances
      0849: C. Very jumpy and random. At Daisetta house with the whole family. Mother hands me a book about politeness and etiquette. She says my father read it but doesn't follow it. I'm supposed to go to work but I'm staying home late. I'm dressed in a blue stripped shirt with matching shorts, which I think is weird. I remind myself to change into pants before leaving for work. Then talking to my sister and one of her friends. Then I get a message on my Xbox from someone with initials C.C. I struggle to think who that is. At first I think of Sean, but that's way off with S.F. The closest I can think is E.B., Erinne from high school. I turn and see her in the room at an impressive desk. She's dressed nicely and looks like a lawyer or executive. I ask if she knows who C.C. could be. She asks me what her own phone number is. I'm confused. Do you mean your non-cell phone number? I pull out my phone to look. See calls her own house and talks to her housekeeper. Then my mother brings a big slice of ice cream cake. My sister and I eat it with our hands.

      Saving Private Ryan
      1012: C. In a war setting. In a small troop, looking for someone like the movie Saving Private Ryan. We find him and he's really shaken up. He's the only survivor of a big battle. I let him use my phone to make a few calls, but no one answers. Then my phone rings with an incoming call, but it's a wrong number.

      Speed Racer, Secret Mission, Rugby
      1123: C. I start as a racecar driver. Feels a bit cartoonish like Speed Racer. But it's just my cover for a secret spy mission. I'm in a team of spies with me, Hugh, Leonardo DiCaprio, and maybe a couple other people. We are in some third-world country. I am reminded of the movie Spy Game (but DiCaprio wasn't in that one). Leo comes up to a fruit stand to make the secret exchange, pretending to buy a basket of fruit. But something goes wrong and we have to abort the mission and run away.

      Then it seems to be years later. Hugh and I have returned to the same place. This time, his two younger brothers are with us. Maybe we have come to avenge Leo? We go to the same fruit stand. Some of our faces and Leo's are on "wanted" posters. So we send in the brothers because they are new. The vendor at the stand starts arguing with them. Things seem to go bad again.

      Now I'm in the middle of a game that's a bit like rugby, but not quite. I sense that I am not good at this game. I'm on the team to fill a spot and I shouldn't interfere with my better teammates. But the ball comes to me and a run and kick a field goal. We win and I climb up on the uprights, which look like the big arch in Chinatown.

      Updated 10-18-2010 at 11:17 PM by 35793

      lucid , non-lucid
    5. Night of 10/17 - Why can I stay in my dream??

      by , 10-18-2010 at 08:25 PM (Grischkaja's world of dreams and mysteries)
      I'm really back on track with the whole lucid thing Only problem which stays is that I wake up after realizing I'm dreaming.

      Vividness: 4/5
      Hours of sleep: 7.6h

      I'm in an hotel. I'm on a some kind of holiday. It's already evening and I'm exhausted. I go to bed and try too sleep. But I can't. It's to hot insides I'm sweating. I finally get out of my bed and I decide to leave the hotel. I open the door and I'm outsides. It's sunrise. There is a bus and my car. I meet someone and he says to me, that I have to pick someone up in the city, where my university is and drive him somewhere to France.
      I don't pay really attention. I'm in a bad mood. I just go in my car and drive away. While driving I'm wondering how I have to drive to get at the right place. I realize that it's impossible to go at this place so I drive to somewhere else.
      In front of me are a few skyscrapers. They look really weird: They have terraces on the top and the buildings form a gigantic pyramid. Each roof-top is connected to another one and at the top of the highest building, there is a huge statue.
      Suddenly I'm flying, but outside my car. I sit on a pillow. It flies higher and higher gets nearly to the highest building. I want to catch one of the hundreds stairs on a roof-top, but my pillow flies away without me.
      I start to fall. I get a strange feeling. I feel that I'm lying on something, although there isn't anything. I realize that it's impossible for me to fly in real life and that it's unrealistic that I'm falling from the sky. I'm glad that I realize it, because I had begun to panic a bit because I'm falling from so high.
      BUT everything gets directly dark and I awake

      I have my eyes closed. I start to imagine to fly in a rocket and I'm saying in my head: "You gonna re-enter your dream and you will manage to stay lucid". I repeated it several times.
      BUT something strange happens: I suddenly hear my brother's voice in my head. It says: "That isn't going to work!". I began arguing with this voice who came from my subconscious. I thought : Shut the f*ck up !"
      I' m in a completely other place. I'm in a late night show. I don't realize that I'm dreaming and simply listen to the speaker. He's explaining how it's possible that people think that Michael Jackson is still alive.

      The End.
      Don't forget to KEEP IT UP!
      lucid , memorable
    6. 2/4 Sat: My Most Interesting Lucid Yet

      by , 10-04-2010 at 02:29 AM (One Must Imagine Sisyphus Happy)
      Drank some beer last evening so no recall until the second half of the night, but wow what a night.

      Freaky Room
      0652: C. I'm laying in a bed at one end of a long room. It's almost pitch dark. I can just make out the silhouette of some bedroom furniture and I sense there is a doorway at the far end of the room. A creepy little girl is running around the room. Her face glows like a dim candle. As she gets near me I'm a little frightened. Maybe I'm a little lucid because I tell myself this is just a dream and I should just stay calm and watch. The girl giggles and says "Come, you should see!" And then she exits the room through the door. I still haven't moved. Then I see a large man sitting at the far end of the room. His face is also glowing dimly. He stands up and slowly walks toward me at a zombie's pace. As he gets close, he stretches one arm out toward me as if he intends to grab me. I'm afraid and turn away, still laying in the bed. Dream fades.

      0733: C. I'm in a dark room. Seems like a bedroom. There's some light coming through a door near me that leads to a hallway. I think I'm looking for something in a dresser. A girl walks in and asks for my help. At first, she seems to be Bridgette, a very attractive coworker IWL. She's talking about a forum post about collecting all the images from the game loading screens. She's holding a piece of paper and she wants me to burn it for her. I tell her this is a dream. Again, maybe I'm a little lucid but the vividness and control are low. She says, "Oh, I'm dreaming with you?" I get a closer look and she looks Asian, which Bridgette is not. I say, "Yeah, help me take of my shirt." She does but as the shirt lifts over my head it blocks out my vision and the dream ends abruptly.

      Kiting Sleep
      0830: D. For about 30 minutes, I'm drifting in and out of sleep, false awakenings, wake, and hallucinations. Here's a bunch of fragments, I'm not sure which was which. I'm calling this "kiting" for lack of a known term. Some fragments were lucid, so I'm counting this as one lucid dream.

      Watching two people play chess. The person playing white is making illegal moves but no one else notices and I don't say anything.

      FA in my own bedroom. I hear music coming from my computer. It's not supposed to be on. I recognize the artist is Jimmy Eat World.

      Riding in a car with my father driving. It's his old pickup truck. We are exiting a covered parking lot. Maybe a sports stadium. He's arguing something. I say this is a dream and I'm just going to fly away to avoid him. I try to jump through the roof of the car but fail.

      I'm at a store paying for something. I pull out a black Visa card. Supposedly it's a "Visa HILL" card and it's very hard to get so I must be a VIP customer. The cashier is impressed.

      My underwear is on backwards.

      Sisyphus in Wonderland, Dream Guide?!
      0930 A! This was an incredibly weird and memorable lucid dream. It's much more fantasy and strangeness then my average dreams.

      FA. I'm in a bedroom. It's mostly dark. The room is arranged a bit like my real room. But there is a TV mounted on the far wall where there shouldn't be. I become lucid early on but my control is poor at the beginning. My father is in the room and we're arguing again. I'm so sick of this recurring theme with my father. I'm aware in the dream that I've already been through this on same night. I tune him out and think what I want to do now that I'm lucid and have some control.

      I get outside somehow. It's night outside in a residential neighborhood. But the houses and trees are all cartoonish colors. The trees are purple and blue. The houses are crazy colors like yellow and red. It looks like something out of Dr. Seuss or Alice in Wonderland. But since it's dark, the bright colors aren't as noticeable and it seems somewhat realistic. The street is dimly lit with street lamps and moonlight. I walk in the middle of the street to the corner of the block, still upset and without a plan. At the corner, there is a building that looks like a drive-thru fast-food restaurant. On top of the building is a big neon sign styled in black and white with a font like Corner Bakery. The sign reads "difficulty, inc." which I think is kinda funny.

      My father is following me and we start fighting with our bare hands. I try to fly away but he can fly too. My flying sucks today. I can hover fine but I can only thrust by pushing off things for short distances. We're still wrestling in the air and through the neighborhood. After a minute or two I am fed up and just try to fly away. The dream starts to feel unstable. I land next to a brick building with vines growing on the walls. I feel the vines and brick to get some sensory stability. But I still wake up.

      I try to DEILD. I'm imagining the same scene, trying to re-enter. I'm about to give up, but I hear my father's voice describing the scene. He says things like "brick wall, restaurant down the street, grassy lawn" and this helps me get back into the scene. As soon as I'm back, I'm fighting with him again. But now I'm just walking away, trying to ignore him. When he gets close, I push him a way and continue walking. I don't want to waste any more of my lucid dream on him so I start spinning to teleport away. I try so hard that I wake up and turn my physical neck. At least I think I was awake. I'm in my bed and stop moving my head.

      I try to DEILD again. Again, about 20 seconds pass and I'm about to give up. I'm about to switch to recalling earlier parts of the dream for my journal. But I suddenly feel like I'm going through a tunnel. I'm back in the dream. The edges of the tunnel turn into leaves and I find myself hiding in a bush peeking out through a hole in the leaves. It seems like time is going really fast around me for a few seconds. The tree leaves are rustling and street lamps are twinkling really fast like time-lapse photography. Things slow down to normal. I'm in the same dark cartoonish neighborhood but a different area. I'm in the middle of the quiet street. My father is gone and I'm in the deep in middle of the block where there are just houses, no restaurants or retail buildings.

      Phew. Ok. Now, what to do? I start walking down the middle of the street, looking at the crazy colored trees and gingerbread houses. I see an old lady outside. I walk toward her but she enters her front door. I think of Mother Goose. I keep walking and start to see the end of the block in the distance. I see a paint store far off across the intersection that advertises two kinds of paint: "DRIED" and "WET". I think that's pretty funny and congratulate my subconscious for the joke.

      Then a short goat-man jumps out at me from the shadow of the trees to my right. I'm startled but he quickly seems friendly. He's about 4 feet tall with goat legs and yellowish-brown fur. I guess he must be Pan from Greek mythology. He asks me what I'm doing. I remember my plan, I'm going to practice teleporting by spinning or opening doors. He says, "Cool! I'll try too!" And he starts spinning like a playful child. I start spinning as fast as I can. The world becomes a blur and unrecognizable. I slow down my I'm still in the same place in the same scene. Hmm, didn't work.

      Another character approaches Pan and me. I don't get a good look at him, but I sense he is friendly and familiar. He says, "There's a portal in the boat" and points toward the nearest house.
      Later, recalling the dream, I think that maybe this character might have been my Dream Guide! I still don't recall what he looked like. Somehow though, I was left with three separate vague impressions: A man-size yellow dinosaur (think Barney), Homestar Runner, and Ronald McDonald. I lead the way as the three of us walk up to the house he pointed out. It's yellow with red trim. It looks like a life-size gingerbread house or a cartoonish McDonald's. The front door is only about 3 feet high and I get a strong Alice in Wonderland feeling.

      I'm puzzled. This is a house, not a boat. There's a lunchbox next to the front door. I bend over to look at it. "Is this what I'm looking for?" No, I sense my DG gesturing into the house. I look in a window where I can see through to the backyard. I stoop down and we all walk through the small house to the backyard. In the middle of a small patch of grass, there's an inflatable kiddie pool with a plastic toy boat floating. Okay, this must be the boat but where's the portal and how I am supposed to get in such a small boat? DG says exactly what I'm thinking: "Shrink down to size." Okay, never done that before. I bend over to get a closer look at the boat and see a USB port on it with some text printed under it. I squint to read the words.
      My alarm goes off and wakes me up.

      Updated 10-04-2010 at 02:38 AM by 35793

      lucid , non-lucid , false awakening , memorable
    7. Mzzkc's Mind Games

      by , 10-02-2010 at 04:39 AM (Mzzkc's Mind Games)
      ¡Single Sentence Sizzler!®

      All in an Afternoon Nap (DILD)

      Quote Originally Posted by Mzzkc View Post
      I evaded the Empire, joined the circus, and killed the source of all my fear; bits of black, rancid food, soaked in bile, showered down my body as I rent the thing in two.

      Updated 10-02-2010 at 04:42 AM by 25167

    8. 1/5 Wed: Practicing Dream Control, Facepalm

      by , 09-30-2010 at 10:38 PM (One Must Imagine Sisyphus Happy)
      Elusive First Cycle Dream
      0430: D. First cycle. Once again that strange feeling in the first cycle of having slept for a long time. When I woke up, I was a bit upset that maybe I had slept through the whole night without any recall. But when I looked at the clock I realized I'd only been asleep for about 75 minutes. By this time, the vague recollection of my dream had mostly faded. This is what I wrote: No plot recall. Just feeling of missing something. Feeling of change. Chasing to recover something lost. In retrospect, maybe the feeling was about the dream recall itself, not within the dream. Or maybe the feelings from the dream spilled over into waking. Anyway, moving on.

      Girlfriend in India
      0630: B. This is likely some residue of a conversation I had with a friend about his Pakistani girlfriend. I'm in India living in a cheap apartment. I'm dating an Indian girl. She looks like the contestant from MasterChef. We're fooling around in the bed and she wants to go further. I don't want to or maybe I'm just teasing her. Suddenly I'm wearing my sleep mask. She pulls it off and tells me to stop acting silly. We end up just cuddling and seem to drift off to sleep.

      I wake up in the hallway outside the apartment. The girl is gone. Hugh lives next door. He's exiting his apartment and locking his door. He notices me and stops to talk. He's heading off to work and he's wonder why I'm sleeping in the hallway. He leaves.

      I stumble into the apartment but now it's where the girl and her parents live. I'm trying to figure out how to turn on the A/C and hang a "do not disturb" sign for the maid. The girl and her parents are talking around a small kitchen table. The mother is concerned that her daughter is dating a boy. The father is proud of the job he has done raising her. Then an air raid siren goes off. The mother tells the girl to go tie up the reindeer.

      Just Weird
      0755: C. I live in a house is feels familiar but isn't recognizable. It's really hot and humid. At school, there's a contest to do something with two sheets of fabric. I guess I won and I bring home two blankets. I talk with my mother and sister about where to put them. Suddenly, instead of two blankets, it's a colorful table placemat and a frozen packaged crab. The placemat is white with blue and orange stripes. The crap is bright orange and the package says it's from Mexico. I decide to put the two items in the dining room where there is a very long large dining table. But I guess we barely use this room. There's a spider web above the table and a live crab walking across the table. My sister breaks the spider web and the spider falls near her. She and I are both freaked out and run out.

      Practicing Dream Control
      0905: B. A short WBTB where I used the bathroom and had a few slips of water. Practiced MILD suggestion going back to sleep. I sense there was more plot earlier in the dream but don't recall, so I pick it up as I'm in a nice quiet residential neighborhood cul-de-sac. It's a sunny autumn afternoon. All the houses are two-story with nice lawns, trees, and Halloween decorations. I enter one house in the middle of the block. Inside it's a crowded house party. I walk up the stairs to the second floor, stepping sideways through the crowd. I see a guy who I recognize as Nick, a friend from high school. I'm confident I'm dreaming and I'm ready to execute my plan. I continue walking through the upstairs of the house, walking with purpose and determination. I'm looking at my hands and rubbing them.

      My first task is to touch and pick up a few objects, which I do as I'm walking through a bedroom and then a hallway. I think I picked up an empty can of peas. I'm looking for a window that overlooks the front of the house. I find one and run and jump through. It's a small window so I hit the wall as well but I go right through and hover gently down to the street. I don't recall hearing a crash so I don't know if I smashed through or if I passed through, but it's satisfying enough to count as my task.

      So I'm back out in the middle of the cul-de-sac street. I'm feeling pretty confident and ready to try my next task. I want to summon a girl from work named S and then teach her to fly. So I'm looking for a door. The house on the corner catches my eye. I walk up to the front door of the house and I think, yup, this is S's house. I picture her opening the door and then I knock. A woman opens the door but she's not right. She has many of S's features and her voice is similar, but she looks about 50 years old. I roll with it. "Hi, you must be S's mother. Is she home?" She replies: "Yes, come on it!"

      The house is a bit dark inside and decorated with oriental rugs which kinda makes sense. I ask, "Is she upstairs?" I look at the stairs, expecting her to be coming down. Again, there is a woman there but she still isn't S. Again she has similar features, tan and pretty with long black hair. She looks about 35. The girl I'm looking for is supposed to be about 25. The mother says exactly what I'm thinking: "Oh, that's her older sister." I try one more time. "Could you call S down?" Once more, another S impostor comes walking down the stairs. This one was pretty close. Her age and height are right and her voice is right on. S's Turkish accent is probably the most distinctive thing about her IWL. But this girl isn't as tan and she has freckles on her face. Hmm, my confidence is a bit shaken. I talk to this girl a little, I forget about what. I give her a hug and a couple of friendly kisses. I decided to leave and move on.

      I walk outside. I'm a bit discouraged. That didn't go as planned. I recall the earlier part of the dream and, come to think of it, my lucidity is probably only average. I'm thinking of what to do next. Meet Dream Guide? Hmm. I look at the house at the far corner of the street. It has the most Halloween decorations on the block. I try to imagine opening the door to see my Dream Guide, who I imagine is Yoda. But on the heels of the less than perfect summoning, I decide to do something else. I resolve to spin to a new scene. I picture my office and start spinning. As I'm spinning for about 10 seconds I still see the neighbor scene around me. Hmm. I slow down. Should I close my eyes? What if that makes me wake up. I tell myself, don't think about closing your eyes! Of course, I close my eyes and wake up.
      Ah! Rookie mistake. Oh well. Lesson learned.

      Missed Lucid, Facepalm Worthy
      1125: C. I had trouble falling asleep after the last dream so I got up and read DV for a while and then got back to bed about an hour later. This dream might as well have been a giant light in my eyes screaming "Dreamsigns!" Yet I blew it. I'm walking in a bright outdoor school yard. The buildings are familiar to my high school. It's lunch time and it's crowded with students. Everyone is wearing the navy blue uniforms from my junior high. I think, hmm, if this were a dream this would totally be a dreamsign. I look around to see if a recognize anyone. I see a group of people that I didn't like in high school that often recur in my dreams. Yup, that would be another dreamsign. I walk near them through the crowd, hoping to overhear their conversation without them noticing me.

      I continue through the crowd and see a white soccer ball bouncing toward me. I think, now see if I were lucid, I'd probably kick this soccer ball. I kick it but I still don't clue in that I'm aware that I'm dreaming. I actually feel disappointed that I'm not lucid and any amount of lucidity or dream control that I might have had fades away.
      I decide to leave. I walk to the parking lot but I don't find my car where I expect it. I get a little worried. I wander around pressing the lock button to trigger the car horn. I finally hear the horn on the far side of the school, which now is only one building that looks like a hamburger stand with some covered benches near it. I walk to my car and recognize it. End.

      Updated 09-30-2010 at 10:44 PM by 35793

      lucid , non-lucid
    9. Night of 9/24 - Vivid, unbelievable, but seemed to be reality

      by , 09-25-2010 at 09:56 AM (Grischkaja's world of dreams and mysteries)
      Good morning
      Yesterday, I had the most vivid dreams I ever had Everything seemed so real, although the things I experienced were so illogic. In addition I nearly got lucid during my last dream but something woke me up

      1. I'm checking my mails on my laptop and see that I've got an answer to my request for practical training (for those who don't know, I'm studying Education to become a teacher). The message says that they noticed my request, but unfortunately the school I wanted to go had no place for a student (apparently all the free places were already distributed). That's why they offered me another place at another school. I was a bit sad about it, but I saw that my new place is just down the road where in reality an industrial zone is
      Suddenly, I'm outsides on a hill so I can see my place. I saw something very illogical: the industrial zone had gone, there was a huge lake and in the middle of a it an island. This island reminded me of a Siberian one: big mountains, ice, snow etc. I just thought: "OMG, this isn't a school but a Gulag! How can I learn to teach children on such a lonely place". Suddently I began to fly, I see the island under me, I see a bunch of walruses. It's very cold and it begins to snow.

      I awake, it's 2 am. I do a RC, shows me that I'm awake, scribble down some notes and immediately fall back to sleep.

      2. I'm in a tunnel. There are a few policemen an a DC. I have to go to the toilet. So I wanted to ask a policeman were the bathroom is But I forget about it, because as soon as I walked towards the policeman, he asked me a few questions. Apparently, I'm a witness of an terrible car-accident, in which a rocket-propulsive-car is involved. The DC, who is the owner of this futuristic car claims that he didn't do anything. He claims that he didn't drive with an excess of speed. That's why the policeman asked me questions about the accident. I try to remember.
      Suddenly I'm standing in a field, which is located near my home-town on a hill. I'm waiting for a bus (and there isn't a bus-stop). I see a car which drives at 150km/h. It doesn't take the road but short cuts over a field, so that it doesn't has to slow down to take a curve

      3. I'm in my bedroom, and turn my laptop off. Again, I have to go to the bathroom xD. But I open the door and I'm outsides. It's a beautiful day, it's hot and the sun is shining. I'm in front of a house. The house looks like the one in the night of 9/20. There is a fence and a woman writes with white colour a telephone number on it. The house is going to be sold. After finishing her "paintings" she takes a shovel and digs around the house. I take a look on my watch, it's 2:45 pm. The woman says to me that I have to help her. I take again a look on my watch, it's 3:05.
      "I've got to go I'm sorry" is my answer. "I have to take the bus" xD
      The woman gets a bit angry and says, that I'm looking for an excuse But I ignore her and go away.
      Suddenly I'm in my house. I'm in a hurry because I know that I have a ticket for an exclusive Klaxons concert. I'm excited, my bus comes in a few minutes. I put on my sandals. I get a bit confused. Why am I putting on sandals? I take a look how I'm dressed. I wear a awful shirt. "I can go to a concert when I'm dressed like this!", was my first thought. I'm getting very distrustful and I'm asking myself where the concert takes place. I can't remember. I can't even remember what I've done previously. I want to perform a RC

      AND than I woke up E
      ARRRRR I was soooooooo close

      Updated 09-25-2010 at 09:59 AM by 27488

      non-lucid , memorable
    10. 1/5 Tue, Am I the Good Guy or the Bad Guy?

      by , 09-22-2010 at 05:41 PM (One Must Imagine Sisyphus Happy)
      Good night but a strange night. My cycles were about 60 minutes instead of 90. And for a period before the lucid, I was drifting in and out of sleep for about 5 minutes at a time. That's how I managed to count 5 dreams in only about 6 hours of sleep. I probably had 3 or 4 more tiny dreams that I didn't record. I think I would become a bit lucid in them and I would instantly drift into wake. I'd do an RC but I'd be in my bed every time.

      0400: Finally asleep. It took me almost 2 hours, during which time I got up for a while and read.

      0459: D. First cycle! But might notes are illegible. Here's what I decipher: Seems like I was asleep for a long time. I dreamed about my billy. I wants see if my buys construed. This is mad with me bran verses. Like my dreams are changed on my waterbed? Um yeah. No idea.

      0559: C. I'm at a beach house next to a rocky ocean coast. Oregon, maybe. I'm outside. It's bright but just a bit hazy. I'm alone but I feel my father is around and that the house belongs to a friend of his who were are visiting. I'm using a laptop, paying bills. I have a physical letter that is some kind of offer to bid on a house for $200,000. I fill out the form online but stop to think before submitting it. I decide not too. My father walks out and asks if I'm getting an error on my computer. Something about "Phone recognized". He says it happens when you close a window. I close the window and see several error popup windows cascade across the screen and then close one by one. The owner of the beach house also comes out and explains they probably need to restart the router. We try to determine when exactly the problem started. But I hadn't closed a window while I was working so I only saw it after my father asked me to try.

      0648: D. This was one of the really short dreams while drifting in and out of sleep. I'm on a computer. I'm programming while Alt+Tabbing back and forth to a movie. My sister sees the movie and is upset. Then the cat jump on my lap.

      0730: D. I'm in the Daisetta house watching a basketball game. It's night outside but the lights are on inside. Lance is in the room, working on a computer. Both basketball teams are wearing red and it's confusing. I find this strange. I try to talk to Lance but he's focused on his work and isn't interested in the game. The game is important, like a playoff game. Lance gets up and put on a coat to leave. He's dressed for rainy weather.

      0821: B. I'm driving home at night. I pull into the parking lot and Hugh is waiting for me. We talk about the plan for me to pick him up from the airport. I think, wait, aren't you supposed to be out of town? I'm picking you up, not dropping you off. This is weird and I become semi-lucid. But the parking lot is familiar and nothing else strange is happening. So I lose it. I walk to the elevator. There are a few old Asian ladies. One tries to talk to me in sign language.

      I get on the elevator alone and head up to my floor. As it stops, I hear a creaking noise. The elevator slowly starts to tip over to the right with me in it, like a sinking ship.
      Oh, I'm dreaming. God I hope I'm dreaming. I stay cool. "This is my world and I can do anything!" As the elevator turns horizontal, I jump out and hover in the elevator shaft. The car falls to the ground. I'm looking in to the building and it's looks dark and damaged, like on Star Trek when they take heavy damage with smoke and broken pipes in the corridors. Three superheroes fly out of the corridor and hit me while I'm still hovering in the elevator shaft. This knocks we out of the building and into the dark downtown Los Angeles skyline.

      My stability and control aren't great. I look at my hands and that helps a lot. I'm still flying. I look around and see rooftops and buildings below. This is cool. Now the three superheroes are zooming around and attacking me with fireballs. They are dressed in brightly colored tights, but I don't recognized them specifically. I think, "Am I the good guy or the bad guy"? Oh well. I fight back with my fireballs (they are blue today) and fire breath.

      I try the flying backward somersault with mixed success. As I'm upside-down, my vision goes black and disoriented. I recover. I keep defending myself with fireballs. At one point, 5 mirror images of Spider-Man jump out and attack me too. I throw a Street Fighter Guile Sonic Boom.

      False awakening. I'm in my own bed. I know I'm dreaming but I feel like I'm in my physical body. I can feel the sleep paralysis of my physical body. I look down and see my foot with distorted toes wiggling. I try to move my dream arms. I try to focus. Dream fades and I end up moving my physical arms.

      Updated 09-22-2010 at 05:46 PM by 35793

      false awakening , memorable , lucid
    11. September 15, 2010

      by , 09-15-2010 at 06:51 PM (Requiem's DJ)

      Asleep In Class (non-lucid)

      I am back in high school, a poetry class. I lie my head down as I listen to students read their writing. I see flashes of my hand with multiple fingers and I remember that I can try and WILD. The feeling changes, and I am lying on my back now.

      "Requiem, no sleeping in class" the teacher said.

      "I am not sleeping. I am listening." I say. Then I focus on the wild. I think I feel some vibrations.

      My friend explains the the class that I am trying to WILD and tells them what it is. They are shocked.

      "We are going outside then." the teacher said and my friend shakes me back into the dream.

      The dream goes on for awhile, we walk though the halls, and down the steps, outside, and there are too many people out there and it ends.

      Looking for Prof. X (Part 1?) (wild)

      I know I was close to a wild, I reset my alarm and give it a try. Its been awhile. About 2 minutes or under I get waves of vibrations. I immediately begin to move my dream arms. I am thinking and visualizing the Prof.'s mansion. I am floating outside of my body without vision...I spin multiple times but nothing happens...I keep moving around and my vision, my room forms around me. (I should have used my tv/pc monitor to teleport). I climb onto my roof.

      I try to think I am on the mansion roof but look over the edge and me my yard. I lose vision. I spin agin and am in my room. I walk downstairs and out the back door.

      I fly high up into the air. Flying is easy but I concentrate on growing wings but nothing happens.

      I hear some music. I try to fly to the mansion but, I don't know, all I see is trees and the further I get from the house the music gets louder.

      I go back to my yard and see a small electronic device playing the music. It sort of looks like a weird mp3 player with a screen and mouse scroll wheel, it has 2 metal prongs and buttons. I pick it up and go into the alley.

      I try to use my mutant powers but nothing happens. My hand just sort of cramps up. I take the device, stick the prongs into my arm and press a button. It leaves to pen ink marks, nothing else.

      I continue down the road and see two fire fighters and fire trucks. They are frantically transferring equipment. I think of saving people but there is no burning building.

      "Where can I find Prof. X? I ask?

      "He is hiding." The women said.

      I am sick and tried of chasing dream guides. I regretfully push her down in anger. "Tell me where he is!" I yell.

      The man firefighter pulls a gun on me. I grab his hand and turn the gun on him and pull the trigger, blood gushes from his nose and mouth and he falls.

      I see a fruit truck drive by and I wake up.

      Baseball Shooter (non-lucid)

      I am at a baseball game and we hear a gun shot. We see a moose on the ground and another trying to help it up. My teammates and I all go into the woods, we find ourselves in a sort of roller coaster cart and track chasing the hunter. There is a small gun fight when we have our shots, we hit him but he keeps fighting.

      He gets real close to our car and I fire several rounds into his chest.

      A man explains something about how it is wrong to kill moose.
    12. 08/20/10 My 4th Lucid Dream: Familiar? maybe.

      by , 08-22-2010 at 01:06 AM (Sydney's Nightly Adventures)
      This lucid dream was really close to my 3rd one. I think my LDs are starting to get more frequent now. I am so excited!

      Some notes about the dream:
      FOR THE 4TH TIME! This dream seemed like a normal dream, but I felt some of it, and I remember feeling the RC. Again, I didn't have COMPLETE control over my actions. This seems to always happen in my lucid dreams. Isn't it true that DILDs aren't as vivid as MILDs or WILDs?
      Anyways, here it is.

      I was walking down a familiar street in our downtown. I remember it like I WAS lucid from the beginning. I thought to myself, "Well, this is weird. I thought I was asleep..?" So just to make sure it was a dream, I RCed. I was dreaming! I love the way plugged nose breathing feels. Like I said, some control. The dream was a little blurry too. Since I fell back asleep after I dreamed this and I was too lazy to write in my DJ, I can't recall the second part of my lucid dream.

      I'm not sure if I tried to fly or not, but I went over to what was supposedly, my friend Mike's house.
      I think I teleported or something. I can't remember. I remember being in the back of his house. I tried to remember my dream goals, but I couldn't. I simply didn't know what to do, so I decided that I'd walk around. (See, it's things like this that your not prepared for!)
      I saw Mike's pool. To me it looked almost like a hot tub. Well, it was as small as one. I saw Mike and some other people, but I don't really remember them.

      I turned around, and I saw this gigantic swimming pool. It could have been 14 feet deep. Um.. I guess to show off; I tried to fly. I closed my eyes, jumped up, flapped my arms; and to my disappointment I was still on the ground. I guess I just didn't believe. So I closed my eyes again, really believe I could fly, jumped up, then flapped my arms. I opened my eyes and felt myself hovering.. sort of. I was about 3-4 feet in the air. And as far as I could tell, I was gliding towards the pool.

      I glided towards the water and splashed in (almost like a goose, lol). I felt the water and saw all the droplets like it was in slow motion, beautiful. This moment was also embarrassing. I think I got out of the pool, but I wasn't so sure. Just to check to see if I was still lucid, I did another RC. Ahh. It felt great. I wasn't so sure on what to do next, so I started spinning. I reckoned I would start fresh from a different place. But it didn't work. I must've needed to close my eyes or something.
      I can't recall what I did after this, but there was another whole half of the dream that I had forgotten.

      Updated 08-22-2010 at 01:14 AM by 32984

      Tags: familiar, fly, mike, pool, water
      lucid , memorable , dream fragment
    13. July 20, 2010

      by , 07-20-2010 at 07:04 PM (Requiem's DJ)
      Emergency Flying (dild)

      I don't remember the beginner much. I was in some sort of basement arena and BroY and I got into a fight. He started chasing me with a powertool and I took off running like a bat out of hell. I ran upstairs into my kitchen and out the back door. The handle was also a power tool tapped on the door.

      I realized I must be dreaming and that switch from in emotion is very powerful. I jump onto the fence and onto a another stone fence. I jump to fly but begin to fall. I use super strength to grab the fence midfall, and throw myself into the air. I fly higher and higher, over the house. "Come get me now, bitch! Ahaha!" I yell excited. "Come get me now bitch!" again.

      I think of my goals, my neighbor, my dreamguide, but just want to enjoy flying. I notice the sky looks like a storm is approaching. Dark blue with purple swirls.
      I then wake up.


      1. I took a CnG which always seems to give me, at least, vivid and weird dreams. In this one, I sort of fainted or something. I couldn't really control my own body. D had me propped up on his shoulder and helping me move around. There were aliens (dream guides?) and they said something about how we are all isolated, each inside our own mind and universe.
      Tags: alien, broy, cng, fly
      lucid , non-lucid
    14. Mzzkc's Mind Games

      by , 07-02-2010 at 09:09 AM (Mzzkc's Mind Games)
      Dragon Slayer (DILD)

      They're probably going to die.

      I watch the dragons slowly descend upon two neighbors from inside my doorway. Fearing for my own safety, I shut the red metal door and casually step away.

      "Hurry up and get over here." My brother states from his fancy wooden seat at the dining room table.

      "There's dragons out there, man."

      "Don't worry about that." He brushes me off, as I take a seat next to him. Plopping down in my chair, he starts talking about something in his usual way, but I can't help thinking about that horde of dragons, the ones from the LD I just had a few moments ago before my. . .

      DEILD attempt! Right! This is a dream! I realize excitedly. Taking a look at my brother, I wonder if it's Burmes. "Hey, Burke." He looks at me as if I've got three heads. "Sorry, Burnes--Burmes right?"

      "No, not exactly." He states coldly.

      "Well, whoever you are, you're pretty convincing. You had me fooled for sure." I stand up and head to the door. I figured I'd help out those people in the court. Those dragons did refer to me as prey, after all.

      "Where are you going? Hey! Get back here!" My brother shouts at me.

      "I'm alright, thanks." I respond kindly, opening the front door to reveal a dragon hanging off the awning over my porch. Leaping out the door, I grab onto its head just as it begins to launch itself toward the center of the court, where those two people still were. Utilizing Super Strength, I break its neck, sending it hurdling onto my car-less, sloped, concrete driveway where it slides down a bit before stopping, dead in its tracks. The rest of the dragons were quick to notice.

      One, two, three, four, five, six. . . and probably more just around the corner. Better get started, then. Taking to the air, I pull out a bow from behind my back, and grab an arrow from much the same place. With a burst of will, I light the tip of my arrow ablaze, draw my bow, and aim it at the heart of the nearest dragon, 50 meters away.


      My shot is right on target, hitting its mark in the exact center of the dragon's chest. Stunned, the dragon looks down at the arrow protruding form its deep red and orange scaled body. It stumbles forward, but doesn't go all the way down. That's cause enough for me to switch to my Barret .50 Cal. Sniper Rifle. I take a quick shot without scoping, but it goes rather wide. Resigning myself to obscuring my vision for a short while, I peer through the scope, line up the dragon's head in the cross-hairs, and let off a round, which creates a rather large hole in the thing's forehead. Before it can hit the ground, and after dealing with gun's recoil, I put another bullet through its skull for good measure. Yeah, there's no way it's getting up from that.

      Off a ways from all this, I see and hear a dragon howl ominously into the afternoon sky. The narrator in my head explains that this particular dragon was upset because his last living brother had just been killed. I was also informed that the dead dragon in question was the one whose neck I had snapped moments ago. They probably shouldn't have started screwing with my dream, if they didn't want me to fight back.

      Dropping the gun, I pull out a weapon from a more civilized age (No, not that, you silly Star Wars fan, you). My steel Katana glints luminously in the slowly failing sunlight. The mass of dragons--plus one enraged ex-brother--smoothly move in my direction. I too move forward, as one of them takes out a missile launcher. Oookay? I think as he fires it, sending a missile careening toward me. . . very very slowly, I might add. Watching the missile sputter out halfway and drop to the ground, isn't too surprising. However, I don't expect the resulting explosion to be as large as it is. If I had been any lower in altitude, this could have ended badly. I need to deal with this before things get even more out of hand, and if there's anything I've learned about efficiently dealing with large groups of enemies from my HvZ exploits, it's that you should always rush them before they rush you.

      Shouting ferociously, I fly at high speeds toward a dragon to my left. Raising my sword high above my head I scream, "Getsuga Tenshou!" tearing at the air before me in a dramatic swipe. A blue cyclical wall of energy erupts from my blade and flies forward, hitting the dragon and creating a huge gash along its entire body. Feeling confident that would be enough to put that one out of the fight, I turn my attentions to the others around me, just in time to block a claw from removing my head. I back off from my attacker, and start to fly around him, being sure to make a note of the positions of the other dragons. Right then, that asshole with the missile launcher tries his luck at blowing me out of the sky again, but my next maneuver will put me well out of range of the blast.

      Flash Stepping into striking range, I unleash a flurry of slashes on my attacker, before Flash Stepping to the other combatants and doing the same. I finish just in time to feel the shock-wave of the explosion behind me. Unfortunately, my strikes barely break through the dragons' skin, and I'm forced backward yet again in order to avoid being cleaved in half. I let off another Getsuga, but this one is deflect by. . . A dragon with two gigantic sabers? Fuck me.

      I strafe aerially in a wide arc, carefully watching not only this new threat, but all those still in the fight. It's then I notice the second blade in my off hand. How'd that get there? I wonder for a moment before realizing how unimportant that information is. All I know is that now I should be able to take on that monstrosity slightly below me.

      Changing my flight path, I dart diagonally toward the dragon with the giant twin blades. "Getsuga Tenshou!" I yell, but my blade fails to perform the technique. Ignoring my seeming lack of control, I engage her in direct combat. Yet, as it turns out, fighting with two swords is a lot harder than you'd think, even when acting on instinct. Despite my best efforts, each attack I make, no matter how complex, is subsequently parried and met by a counter. What's worse is some of my opponent's attacks actually manage to nick me a bit. What gets me is that here's this target five times my size, I can't even land a single blow, but she manages to make contact with my skin on several occasions!

      "Come on!" she taunts me, "Is this the best you've got?!"

      "No, actually." I state as coolly as I can in my agitation.

      "Well, then bring it!"

      Jumping backward, I warn her, "Remember, you asked for it." Then, throwing my arms out to the side, I proclaim, "Ban--kai!"


      The energy deep within me bursts forth in a remarkable fashion, violently throwing about the air around me. My dual blades are now wider, more ornate in design, and encased entirely in glowing, bright, yellow energy. But that isn't the only new thing I have to show off. Moving toward her, my speed is so great that the world blurs around me and she herself seems to be stuck in time. I circle her, once, twice, three times, four times in less than a second, with each pass I cut into her with a volley of slices faster than even I can make out.

      "I'm not quite done, yet." I comment with a grin as I slow down enough for her to register where I am. "Reverse Bankai. . . Resurrection!"

      At that, my body is covered in white light as I immediately transform. I switch to the third person to get a good look at my new form. I'm completely shirtless, with smooth pale skin, flared white sleeves sporting two lavender and orange squares overlaid on top, and white bone-like gloves. My shorts are also pure white, and my feet and lower legs are fitted in a bone-like material as well; they too bear the colored squares. My medium length green and blue hair spikes out to the side, flowing subtly in the warm twilight air. A metal loop is affixed to my stomach, from which a thick silver chain is passed through. On the end of that chain is my new weapon: a pair of red marble nun-chucks with gold plated tips.

      "But that's still not all I've got lined up." The dragon's eyes are visibly wider now as they continue struggling to follow my movements. Reaching my hand to my face, I rip down my Vizard mask. I feel a cold wave flow out from the center of my being; my desire to utterly destroy this creature rises as the numbing current overtakes me. Allowing myself to act on the impulse, I Flash Step in front of the target of these urges, bringing my weapon down hard across her head.


      The explosion from my strike sends overpowering vibrations throughout my neighborhood. Standing behind my opponent now, I slow down time for the both of us and explain to her why she's missing half her face and falling to the ground, while I'm completely unharmed.

      "It seems every time this weapon makes an impact with something, it lets out a fairly powerful blast. I'd say the actual force is around ten times as strong as what those missiles your friend was shooting could produce. Luckily for me, this new form has a built in perk that protects me from attacks below a certain level. Unfortunately for you, its limit is high enough to let me use something that devastating as my main attack. I don't think you're body will be able to handle it like mine can. Let's find out, shall we?"

      Resuming the flow of the battle, I move back in front of her and begin my assault--and what an assault it is. Every blow from my viciously spinning nun-chucks is coupled with an enormous explosion. Smoke, fire, and smoldering flesh flies around me as I continue my attack, each strike taking a good sized piece of her body with it. She drops her blades, but I'm not just going to let such massive weapons go to waste. Snatching them from the air, I use a bit of chain from my stomach to bind the sabers together, creating a pair of sword-chucks three times the size of my body. Expertly utilizing both weapons, it's only a short time before all that's left of the dragon is an unrecognizable husk of meat and bone.

      My brother comes up to me, his mannerisms completely different from before. "Well, if that doesn't scare them off, I don't know what will."

      Nodding to whom may have been Burmes, I turn to the rest of the dragons. Staring them down, shock splayed against their collective faces, I instruct them, "Run, while you still can."

      The dream fades as I watch these beasts who once thought of me as prey vacate the area with a hurried purpose.

      Updated 07-19-2010 at 04:13 AM by 25167

      lucid , memorable
    15. Mzzkc's Mind Games

      by , 06-29-2010 at 11:26 PM (Mzzkc's Mind Games)
      Mission Improbable (Non-lucid)

      I'm attending some kind of school function in the auditorium. It hasn't started yet, but the guest of the evening is everyone's favorite Emperor, Darth Lord Sidious. It's up to me to bring him down.

      First thing's first, I need to eliminate the prisoner who know's I'm coming. Unfortunately, he'll be well guarded, so I need an alternative means of entry. Spotting a bathroom next to the room they're keeping him in, I nonchalantly enter it, lock the door behind me, and push my way through the ceiling tiles. There's still a brick wall in my path, but that gives way when I apply some pressure.

      Looking through a slit in the ceiling tiles, I sneak behind the metal cage the Rebel prisoner is in, pull out my silenced USP and solemnly unload a few rounds into the back of his head, dropping him to the floor. The guard hears what's up, and turns around. It's too bad I've already got him in a lock at this point. He tries to shout for help, but I cover his mouth with my hand right before snapping his neck.

      Next on the to-do list: take out the Emperor's decoy. Using the ceiling, I make my way to the back of the auditorium. I toggle on Invisibility and Fly and fly down to the stage, where the Emperor and his decoy are speaking. The decoy has to go get ready for the presentation, so the two of them part ways. While it's tempting to simply take out the Emperor here and now, I know that I need to kill the other guy first. Quickly and quietly, I follow the decoy to a rear exit which eventually leads to the secondary guest quarters. Before the door can close, locking me out, I Teleport into the hallway. Now it's just him, me, and my silenced pistol.

      As he enters his large and ornate quarters, I pull out my pistol, turn off invisibility, and fire. Somehow ready for me, he dodges to the side and runs off behind a large golden fountain. Flying over to his hiding place, he jumps out at me, yelling maniacally at the top of his lungs. Still, it doesn't take much for me to move aside and put him in a headlock. Shoving my USP under his chin, I embed three bullets in his brain. For some reason, he refuses to die, so I'm forced to snap his neck like I did with the guard. Dropping the body, I mentally prepare to face my real target.

      Bursting through the rear exit, I stare down the cause of so much pain and suffering throughout the galaxy.

      "Your reign ends tonight, my lord." I spit out the last part as sarcastically as possible.

      "I beg to differ!"

      At that, he takes off, into the air, gliding effortlessly to the very center of the auditorium. Keeping up, I unleash a volley of Force lightning in his direction. With a crazed sneer, he deflects it and sends his own right back at me. Erratic blue electricity begins pulsing through my body, but he can't hurt me with my own weapon. Reveling in the sensation, I absorb the energy from the bolts, storing it for use at a later time. From the crowd, two people lift off the ground and help me surround Sidious.

      "Looks like you've started sooner than planned!" exclaimed the girl as she took out her blue lightsaber. Her male comrade follows suit, breaking out two green sabers.

      "I don't remember calling in for backup." I state, as I watch Sidious, still sneering, remove a saber from his black cloak. "Just stay out of my way."

      Sidious attacks me, lighting his red blade. I go to block, whipping out my light blue ice-saber, but the searing hot plasma cuts right through its polar opposite. Crap, I think as I jump backwards to avoid the slash. It needs more juice. Before another thought can even cross my mind, Sidious assaults me again. This time, my ice-saber, now being fueled by pure willpower, stops his cut. More than that, it begins to freeze his weapon. The two newcomers begin blasting him with force lightning from behind, preventing him from retreating as my unique weapon completely freezes his saber and hand.

      Pissed right the hell off, a strange, barbed, long, sickly-tan, mutant-like tail extends from under his cloak. With it, he knocks the others to the side, breaks off his own hand, and impales me in the back. The shock is enough to make me drop my ice-saber. Sidious starts laughing, as if he's already won. Grimacing angrily, I rip my Katana from my side, empowering the blade with black and red energy. A single upward swipe is all I need to cleave his monstrous tail in two. I followed that by shoving my sword into his stomach and twisting it up though his chest.

      No longer laughing, Sidious' expression changes dramatically as I watch the life fade from his eyes. Good riddance.

      Updated 06-30-2010 at 12:07 AM by 25167

      non-lucid , memorable
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