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    1. Kittens, Study, and Travel

      by , 10-29-2017 at 05:26 AM
      I was working in the backroom of a retail store. My boss, Casey**, was there and we were the only two. There were two openings in the backroom the led into caverns. Casey wanted me to retrieve some kittens from the cavern. I do not remember what happened exactly when I was in the cavern but I do remember that I was able to acquire the kittens. The kittens were very intelligent and were able to learn tricks. We really liked having them around.

      In a later dream fragment, I was attending college in England. I don't know why but they had to assign me to a girls dorm. I arrived late at night and my dorm mates were already asleep. The funny thing is, it wasn't so much a dorm as it was a two-story duplex. The place I was staying in consisted of a living room and a bathroom. We were to sleep on mattresses on the floor. There were two girls staying with me and they were already asleep. I was afraid of how they'd respond when they found a guy in their dorm. There was a mattress waiting for me. I walked over to it, lied down and went to sleep. The next morning I woke up before the girls did and looked around the room. The walls were wooden and the floor was covered with a purple shag carpet. Our dorm overlooked a beach and the big windows gave us a clear view. My roommates woke up soon after. One was surprised to find a guy sleeping in their dorm but the other explained that I would be staying with them. The took a moment to examine me and commented that I was "hot." Apparently, they were both warming up to the idea of having an "attractive" male in their dorm. I don't know why but this made me uneasy.

      I left to use the bathroom then came back out to find that they were listening to a song by Slipknot (I don't remember which one). They were curious as to what the meaning of the song was and so I began to explain it to them. I woke up before I was done explaining.

      **Casey (not her real name) is my boss IRL though we I actually work at the mall, not a retail store.
    2. Dream - To The Bachelor Mansion & Octopus Mario & The Runaway Karla & Just My Kitten Luck & Don't...

      by , 09-15-2017 at 02:02 PM
      Smashed a record! 5 dreams in one night, up to letter E in my ordering system! The evidence is in the title which won't fit the text of the last dream! So I'll retype the journal title below

      Dream - To The Bachelor Mansion & Octopus Mario & The Runaway Karla & Just My Kitten Luck & Don't You Forget About Me

      Date of Dream: FRI 15 SEP - 2017

      Dream No. 195 - Separated Sections

      Dream 195 A - To The Bachelor Mansion
      I don't remember how the dream started. I was at the bachelor mansion in Sydney but it looked nothing like it does on real life TV. It was day time and the property was this modern looking two storey farmhouse. The grass was very lush and green and although different from real life, the environment still suited the bachelor vibe well.

      Two bachelorettes I remember seeing outside were Lisa and Simone. There were other bachelorettes there but I don't remember specifically who they were. I remember I was there, looking for Matty J. He came outside the front door and all the bachelorettes were crowding around him. I was trying to get through all of them so I could meet Matty J myself. I don't remember if I was successful or not.

      Dream 195 B - Octopus Mario
      It was night time during this dream. My memory of what happened at the start is also blurry here. I do remember that I was heading down Napoleon Road for some reason but I have also forgotten what the intention was... I was travelling down the road on foot (but on the footpath). Half way during my travels, I randomly encounter the bachelor, Matty J. He's waiting for me and when I get to him, he says to me “How you would you like to experience the bachelor hug?”. He then spreads one arm out and hugs me like he does to the bachelorettes on the show.

      I continue walking now and up ahead, I see my giant Mario plush toy that has come to life. There was something weird about him though. I look down at his legs and notice dozens of them! Walking along the road just like me! Then I check to see how many arms he has and it's just the normal two. As I am walking down the road for a while, Mario is walking ahead of me with his dozens 'o' legs. I can't remember anything else about this dream.

      Dream 195 C - The Runaway Karla
      At the start of the dream, people were claiming that I had run away from home. I was at this unknown shopping centre when my phone went off. The call stopped before I could answer it. I had all these missed calls from mum, a text from JO urging me to return home as well as a missed call from my uncle. I decided to answer back to my uncle's call and it was a bad decision, he was yelling at me like a hair dryer on the highest setting.

      Once the call was done, I thought to myself that I never had intentions on running away from home and so I actually decided to return as possible. The dream then skipped to another scene. I had to contact my uncle for something else but I was really scared to do so based on what happened earlier. My mum said that it should be okay and that he may not be mad anymore.

      There was the a big lunch happening at my dad's parents' place. We were all sitting on a round table in the small corner room of the house. I was allocated to sit next to one of the relatives but we didn't get along well together, so I asked the adults if it was okay to move across one chair, they said it was okay and that we didn't have to stay in the spot that was allocated to us. On my lunch plate was some chicken, rice and lettuce. There was also a pot of this mushroom sauce that we could put on our food... There was a catch to this lunch though. We were due to be eating at the other grandparent's house in a hour, so we couldn't fill up all the way.

      There wasn't any mushroom sauce on my plate but I wanted some. Once again, the adults told me not to fill up too much. The dream then made it so there was only a tiny bit of mushroom sauce blended in with the rice. I tasted some and I said that the sauce tasted weird, it was very dirt-like compared to how my other grandmother made it. The dream ended before having a meal at the other house, which was apparently going to be the same thing!

      Dream 195 D - Just My Kitten Luck
      I don't remember how the dream started. From where I do remember, we were driving down the road but I don't know where we were going. What I do remember is that it was in my mum's car. There was this family of four kittens that we drove by... My mum was driving and my brother and I were in the back seat. While driving, we hear something hit the roof. I opened my window and a kitten actually hopped in the car!

      Instead of driving the kitten back to join its other family members, we decided to immediately adopt it and take it home. Along the way, my dad randomly appears and he is standing outside the car. He is surprised to see the kitten coming towards him... He somewhat freaks out and tells that kitten to go back to me. I know the dream continued but I forgot what happened.

      Dream 195 E - Don't You Forget About Me
      I have forgotten how the dream started. From where I do remember, I was at my house and there was also this music equipment around the place that belonged to one of my dad's friends. There was this tiny little chair that I was sitting on and my dad and I were bound to sing some duet in the living room, facing the TV. We were going to be singing the song “Don't You Forget About Me”, which exists in real life.

      Just as we started, my dad's friend thought that it'd be better if I stood up... I agreed because the chair was way too small for me and so I had a hard time staying on it in the first place. Another one of my dad's friends was also there helping mix the sound. We actually started singing and my dad did the majority of the song. When it came to some of the intros to the verses, that's when I joined and I was doing these really exaggerated mouth movements at the microphone.

      I looked towards the front room of the house and saw Matty J sitting on the couch nearest to the living room. My mum appears and Matty J points at me, looking somewhat astonished. The dream made it so that while I was singing, I could also hear him quietly ask my mum, “she can sing!?”. The dream then ended.

      Dream Trophies Achieved:
      - None
    3. Spring Competition Day 1

      by , 04-17-2017 at 01:35 AM (MoSh's DJ: The Best Dream Journal in The Universe.)
      No lucids today. just non lucids and frags.

      Nerimeno (frag)

      I was watching a holographic representation of one of Hukif's dreams. He was fighting who he called Nerimeno, a huge guy with a big black sword. So much was going on in this dream i couldn't catch it all. It jumped around too much.

      I got up for wbtb at around 4 am.

      Kittens (full NLD)

      I was with someone running in a dark tunnel. I emerged in a big living room of a house. The person vanished and there was suddenly hundreds of tiny kittens. I thought they were cute at first but then they came up to me and started crawling up me and clawing me. I managed to shake some off.

      I ran into another room and shut the door. I was now in a bedroom with no way out. One of the tiny kittens that was white and a light blue stripe crawled from under the door. then another and another. "Now where do I go?" I thought.

      Going to a concert. (frag)

      Started off me and my cousins were driving to Edmonton. later we wound up running into a friend of mine who lives around there. He plays guitar and he mentioned we could spend the night.

      Buses (full NLD)

      This dream seemed like hours. Started at some big white castle. For get what happened there. Got on a bus for some reason. It rode out into some country side. The bus driver said we would reach the terminal and there would be four buses leaving every half hour or so. During the ride I remember listening to Chuck Missler which i had playing on my laptop during sleep, His voice seemed to speak through the dream.

      Came to a 4 way concrete tunnel that was the terminal. I got off and waited a half hour to see where the other route went. I walked down one of the tunnels and went through a glass door where other people were smoking. I had a smoke for a bit and then walked back in. By then more buses were coming, so i got on a different one and it drove off. I remember more scenery when I woke up.

      Guitar (frag)

      Had a dream I was at my old fourplex in didsbury. I was playing a fancy dark blue stratocaster with a scalloped fret board.

      Mario maker (frag)

      Frag of being on my laptop watching a mario maker livestream.

      Raven's Journal (frag)

      Fa, and I get on my computer and see an email message that Raven Knight posted two more dreams. I clicked the link but woke up.
    4. [22-11-2016: Escape from caverns]

      by , 11-22-2016 at 09:59 PM (Snehk's Dreamlands)
      With siblings and friends we were stuck in some dark cavern system deep underground. It was some kind of abandoned mine. We all were desperately trying to find our way back home. In one of the caverns, I found some kittens and took them on my arms. I decided to help them get out of there too. We reached an elevator going to surface and turned it on, but then I realized that my younger sister was left behind, I grabbed rock wall of elevator shaft and dragged the platform down, so she could go with us. When we reached the surface, we were stopped by an enormous barricade, so high that it reached clouds. There was someone stuck on a platform of this barricade, who tried to help us get to the other side. I thought about using lines and some poles to pole-vault up there, but then I looked around and saw that the gate is just open. I ran out through it and thought that this might be a dream. I did a nose plug rc, and woke up.
    5. [12-03-2016]

      by , 03-12-2016 at 10:20 AM (Snehk's Dreamlands)
      First dream

      I was in home, packing my books to a backpack. With sisters we drove to my school, to German language lesson. Sisters sat on the sides of classroom, I sat within classmates. Teacher - a blonde woman wearing a black jacket and black trousers. She was walking around the class and checking out notebooks. She also talked with my older sister if she's going to stay in country.

      Second dream, short MILD

      I was in my backyard, running into fields behind my house. Someone fooled me and I had to chase him. I could see the city far away in the distance. Running through fields was really tiring. I thought "I must get there quicker. I should fly there, and if I'll be able to fly, it would mean that I'm dreaming!" I tried to jump high up and fly, but somehow I couldn't manage to do it. I jumped up again, thinking "This is a dream, and I expect that I'll be able to fly." Despite previous problems with flying, I managed to fly quite well, flopping my hands like wings. When I stopped moving I lowered my altitude. I was flying quicker and quicker, and in the end I landed in a main square of a city. Someone called me to local sports square. It was a dude wearing a dark blue sports suit. Without anything better to do I decided to play something with that dude. We took volleyball balls and started throwing at each other. My balls flown with supersonic speed. His ball missed and landed nearby. I tried to lightly kick it so he could have it again, but the ball flown high up in the sky and disappeared. After a while I woke up.


      I was in home. My family was taking care of a group of small kittens. One day some kind of businessman appeared and bought all of them. We visited them frequently.
    6. [01-03-2016]

      by , 03-01-2016 at 04:33 PM (Snehk's Dreamlands)
      I was in home. My sister was tidying the house, everyone was preparing for some kind of holiday. I took a little kitten to train for a tournament. I heard a voice that told me to look a cat into its eyes, and if it roars, the cat would serve me forever. Then I went to help my mother drill into a thick glass plate using electric tools. Next day it was the tournament time. I went to my kitchen and saw a samurai sitting on a chair and holding a box full of kittens. I went to him and said "Greetings emperor! I am from a Ponk restaurant, joining in to fight to restore my honor!" Suddenly I looked inside his box, there were many different little kittens inside. One of them looked into my eyes and roared.
    7. Kittens and Friends

      by , 01-06-2016 at 09:07 AM
      I was walking through the woods with Kitty and there were a bunch of gray cats. Then there was another kitten by itself under a rock and it was Kitty's kitten and it looked like her and it was so cute and tiny and it was her baby and I was like how did she have a kitten because she has never been outside and I don't remember her being pregnant. So I thought she must have somehow forgotten it in the woods and had to go inside and that was sad so now I have another cat to take care of so I hope those gray kittens aren't hers also, that she had with that big gray cat. No she only had one kitten but those other kittens belong to the gray cat. The gray cat is their father.

      Then in another dream I am hanging out with my boyfriend until 3 am, just driving around. Then I am going to hang out with my friends, who for some reason are all 13 year old girls and we are going to have a sleepover in my parents' house that is bigger and nicer than it is IWL and we are going to watch the movie that I don't even like that I bought earlier when I was shopping with my boyfriend in Walmart. And I made a a puffy cake. I call it a flan and it has tasty pink strawberry flavor in the middle. I cut a slice to test it to make sure it is good before my friends get here. That is all I remember now.
    8. Catbird Fish (DILD)

      by , 08-11-2015 at 08:39 PM
      Ritual: It's been over a month since I've done any deliberate dream practice, due to a combination of low motivation and being really busy in WL, so this morning I woke up early to feed the cats and decided to turn it into a WBTB. To reinforce my intention, I took a very small amount (2mg) of galantamine, backed up with alpha-gpc and l-theanine. I lay on my back and tried to concentrate on my intention to get lucid, but my focus was almost completely lacking, and eventually I dozed off only to be startled awake by my own snoring. I turned on my side and fell asleep without any further efforts.

      I am in a store that specializes in custom-made, artisanal candy and chocolates. There is a table covered with samples, and I am surprised to see one set labeled with the names of my dad and a cousin, apparently commissioned by them for some event. It consists of three types of chocolate meant to be dipped into three different flavored creams. I want to try all three, but there is only one sample of each flavor and I am competing for them with other customers, so I miss out on one or two.

      My disappointment is eased when the lady proprietor brings out more samples, but these turn out to be biscuits and candy, rather than the chocolates on the first table. Still, they are very appealing in all their colors and textures, and I am standing over the table unapologetically sampling one thing after another when I feel a strange tremor in the floor. The motion becomes more intense, and the other customers start to panic because they think it is an earthquake, but I recognize that it is a different kind of motion. It doesn't feel like the ground is shaking under the building, but rather like the building itself is sliding over the ground, which is of course impossible, unless...

      "Don't worry, everybody!" I say authoritatively. "This is a dream." I open the front door to see if I was right about the movement, and sure enough, the whole building is sliding sideways through a forest at great speed. While I wait for our journey to end, I continue munching confections: I was particularly enjoying one fennel-flavored cookie shaped like twining leaves and tinted delicately green. Recalling that I was planning to resume my diet tomorrow in waking life, I figured I should take advantage of this opportunity to stuff my face with calorie-free dream food!

      The building eventually came to a halt, and I went outside to explore the new environment. I recall it was now an urban area, but some of the transitional details are vague. Somehow I met up with my husband and another guy, no one I recognized, and we drove through the city in a really nice convertible sportscar (modeled on the picture of the BMW i8 he showed me last night in WL). I think we were going to see a movie but maybe it wasn't showing (I don't remember watching one) so we went back out to get the car. It was parked some distance away, so to retrieve it faster, I concentrated on making it drive itself back to us, and to speed things up even more, I had it fly through the air.

      "Thank you, robot valet," I said, as the car gently landed in front of us at the curb. My husband got in the driver's seat, and I got into the back again, but when the DC squeezed into some weird sidecar niche, I climbed over to take the passenger seat. For some reason the car had a British layout, so the driver sat on the right with the passenger seat to the left.

      Since I had demonstrated that the car could fly, we took off directly into the air to avoid street traffic. However, our flight path didn't feel stable: we were getting buffeted in strange ways. I pointed out that while this car was incredibly aerodynamic on the ground, it was not designed for flying: a sturdy little pod would be better for this purpose. We dropped back down to the pavement and now the car performed beautifully, hugging the ground with impressive traction even though the streets were wet, and roaring forward at incredible speed.

      "Where are we going?" I asked. Even though I wasn't in the driver's seat, as the dreamer I felt like I was actually the one steering. My husband said he wanted to pick up some things from the Hall of Records, and helped me locate the building. Inside, it turned out he was retrieving some parcels that had been mailed to him. He mentioned that one package was three days late, because the sender had needed to mail out a movie script first. "Why didn't he just bring them both to the post office at the same time?" I asked, to which there was no satisfactory answer. The parcels contained research materials, and now that my husband had them in hand, he wanted to do some work. "Okay, you work," I said. "I need to go do something."

      I had remained partly lucid the whole time, but I had been enjoying the dream enough to let the narrative play out. Now that things were wrapping up, I remembered that I had planned to catch a fish for the TOTMs. I went around behind the building and conveniently found a stream flowing by. The water was shallow and crystal clear, so I peered in to see if I could spot any fish. What I actually saw swimming underwater were... kittens!

      "Actually this will make things easier," I reflected. Now I wouldn't need to bother with a fishing rod, hook, and bait. Kittens were much easier to catch! I dangled a length of ribbon over the water until a kitten surfaced and started batting at it, then lured it closer to me until I could scoop it right up in my arms. I concluded that the creature I had caught was a "catbird fish" (I'm not sure why it wasn't just a "catfish," but this was the term that seemed right at the time) and knew I should examine it closely so that I could write a clear description in my report.

      Once I was holding the animal, it was no longer the size of a tiny kitten but had swelled into a plump armful. It was no longer quite cat-shaped, either: now looked more like a stuffed animal with the bodily proportions of a totoro: big rounded torso and very short arms and legs. Although my "catbird fish" didn't physically resemble a fish, I sensed that there was something fishlike about its bones, even if I couldn't see them.

      I studied the head first, which was still cartoonishly cat-like overall, but with significant differences. The mouth was very unusual: more narrow and vertical than that of a real cat, almost beaklike the way it protruded, but with large exposed teeth. There were two large incisors on the top and bottom, but both sets of incisors were adjacent to one another in the center, more like those of a rat than a cat, but wider and flatter.

      After studying the mouth closely, I looked back up and saw that the round, wideset eyes were now completely white. I recalled noticing normal pupils before and wondered if they were rolled back in the head. Just when I was thinking that the creature was starting to look a bit scary, with its weird mouth and whitened eyes, suddenly it spoke up in a very friendly voice: "Hello!" I responded in kind, smiled at it, and continued my examination.

      It had the fur of a cat, brown tabby stripes with patches of white here and there: a white triangle on the throat and chest, a little white on the belly, and white gloves. I checked and determined that all four paws were white. After looking over the creature thoroughly, I returned the "catbird fish" to the stream.

      The environment had shifted around me: the stream was no longer outside, but occupied a room in a building that had put together exhibits pertaining to different countries. I wondered which country had supplied my "catbird fish," and looked around until I saw the words "This is Canada," inscribed under the surface of the stream. I wondered what other countries were being exhibited—somehow I knew there were supposed to be five of them—and if I could find any rooms with bodies of water suitable for fishing. It would be cool to catch dream fish from several different countries!

      I wandered around the building looking for the other exhibits, but to my disappointment, all the others were closed. I went to the front desk to ask about this, and became even more incensed when I noticed a sign informing me that the price of admission was $898.99. I complained angrily to the desk clerk: how could they justify charging so much when only one of the five exhibits was even open?! He simply pointed me to a second sign, which listed a complicated set of refunds that reduced the price of admission to only $1.25.

      "Oh, alright then." I figured $1.25 was a reasonable fee for the one exhibit I had seen, and was willing to pay. I had a bunch of change in my left hand, and started trying to count out five quarters into my right palm. The first few attempts inexplicably failed due to the shifting numbers and appearances of the coins. "This is really hard to do in a dream," I commented, and wondered if it would be easier if, instead of trying to shift the correct number of coins from left hand to right, I put them directly down on the desk as I counted.

      I started making a little pile of quarters, but had only counted out two before coins that had initially resembled quarters turned out to be square when I set them down, and I had to start a separate pile for them. The third round, quarter-sized coin that I managed to produce had a square hole in the center like those old Chinese coins, and the fourth one had three triangular holes, but by this point I realized that this would never get done if I was too much of a perfectionist. All I needed was one more vaguely quarter-shaped coin to complete my stack of five, but suddenly all the ones still in my hand appeared to be the wrong shape and size. I picked something arbitrarily to finish the stack. I was well aware of the irony of going to so much effort to pay for something in a dream, but since it was so unexpectedly challenging, I felt that it would be a good exercise to try to see it through!

      Updated 08-11-2015 at 10:00 PM by 34973

      lucid , task of the month
    9. Plague fragment

      by , 08-09-2015 at 08:00 AM (Snehk's Dreamlands)
      The civilisation has fallen. A mysterious plague turned people into monsters. We had to escape to deserts, where the monsters were somehow weaker, though there was more of them. We took everything with us, and placed it in a car trunk. We even took kittens with us.
    10. Charlies Kitten, Nat Mc Decision (27.05.15)

      by , 05-27-2015 at 11:08 AM (CHiLLEN's Dream Journal)
      (Details are sketchy due to going over notes to late)

      Charlies Kitten
      I'm seeing this crazy dude, he seems pretty unstable. He ends up going into a cell.
      I'm looking at a naked female on a chair. I soon realize she is a transgender as he begins to hump some kind of bird cage looking thing. I only got a quick glimpse of the bird cage and I was anticipating when he would reintroduce the cage again.

      I'm at a random location inside somewhere. I can see my cat Charlie up on his scratching post. He sees me and begins to get off the post, but I quickly walk over to him so he would stay on it. He eventually jumps down. I notice a small kitten, it must be Charlies baby. Its a lot smaller then it should be. Charlie rolls over onto his stomach, and I place the kitten near his stomach so it could feed. I look over into the poach that's connected to his post and it seems worn down, to the point where I could see some plastic thing sticking up. I fill the poach with some powdery substance, with a bit of laundry powder. Either someone or Charlie was telling me that I shouldn't do that, but I did it anyways. Charlie said that's how he's done all his pregnancies. I noticed that there is more kittens around Charlie, and that they're bigger then before. Dad mentioned something about only being able to have 2 kittens out of the litter.

      Nat Mc Decision
      I was at someone house playing poker with Nat Mc, and brother was watching. At some point someone decided to go ALL IN against Nat. She wasn't sure what to do, and asked me for advice. I told her he played the hand well, as there is a flush on the board, which would beat her hand. I said I would fold, but said to go with your instinct. As I said that, she instantly calls and ends up winning. I had a feeling of not liking that I was wrong.

      I'm messaging the guy that has to do with horses ?Name?. I can see a man standing on his horse? I begin to think of asking him what he was up to for new years celebrations, but didn't want to ask cause I hardly knew the guy and he would think I was trying to organize something with him. I can see UFC spoilers, and I try and avoid it.

      Side Notes
      Even though I remembered one dream last night, I deeply and completely accept myself, and I remember all my dreams tonight.
      Even though I forget to recall my dreams upon awakening, I deeply and completely accept myself, and I recall my dreams upon awakening tonight.

      I remembered to recall upon awakening once or twice, but not straight away.
    11. Pushing the trailer

      by , 03-10-2015 at 03:50 PM (Snehk's Dreamlands)
      It was midnight. The sky was moonless and starless. I went out of my home, and entered a trailer that was parked near it. I lied whole night in the trailer. When it was a morning, I saw some shapes moving in the darkness. I decided to stand up, and scare off anyone who would try to enter my possession. Suddenly my voice and appearance changed. I turned into some kind of ghost. I saw that these shapes were just kids. I moaned and attacked them though, and they turned into kittens. My form changed back, and I realised that I'm not that kind of person. I realisd that I was different than I thought before. I stroked the cats head with my hand. Suddenly the sunrise came, and I could see everything clearly. I saw that there was also another trailer. It was filled to the brim with pine wood. I tried to push the trailer to a place where it should stand. Even though I couldn't place it in the right place, I felt somewhat happy.
    12. NLD Dump

      by , 02-26-2015 at 04:24 PM (Lucid Time!)
      My cat had given birth to three kittens. One was grey with green eyes and I named her Satri after one of my comic characters. Another one was black and white like a panda, and I named him Panda. The last one was blue and white with bright blue eyes. I named him Storm.

      I remember thinking of how I have dreamed of a bright blue cat before.

      I was at an airport where this psychic person would draw your 'higher self' or 'soul' or some such nonsense. I asked her to draw mine. She drew really fast, she only had one pencil but was somehow able to change its color. In about five or ten seconds she finished.

      The picture she drew looked something like my avatar picture (supposed to be my dream self.) But the highlights were spread all through the hair, and the face was rendered more realistically.

      My mom was really excited, like a little girl to get herself drawn as well. But when her's turned out to be some kind of hideous blob monster, she got really mad at the psychic.

      We had to get onto our airplane after that. My dad was telling my mom to stop acting like such a baby because her drawing came out bad.

      A story about a woman who was supposed to be the leader of a fantasy kingdom. However she had to endure these trials, and in one of them she was suspended on a platform with another man for three days. During the full moon, she turned into a where-leopard. And on the third night, the moon was full, she could not contain her hunger and ate the other man.

      She then stated fighting this evil guy in a black cloak that rode in on a horse, but she was having trouble fighting because she had just eaten.

      Then the old king of the kingdom showed up and helped her fight off the black cloaked man. He eventually fled. The woman changed back to normal because the moon went behind a cloud. She was sad because she had 'messed up' and ended the life of another person. The old king explained to her how she was going to be the leader, the people wanted someobody who was hardworking and never gave up. They didn't care about her flaws and mistakes so long as she kept trying to be the best that she could be.

      A mad scientist was involved in the story somehow.

      I was at a football game at my college. I can't really remember why I was there and I remember asking myself why I was at the football game. I became partially lucid for the entirety of this dream.

      I was trying to leave but I ran into this group of girls who stated that they recognized me. I vaguely recognized two of their faces as girls from my high school who had crushes on me, but there were four or five of them. They were all wearing school colors and had face paint on.

      They said that they wanted me to come with them. For no particular reason other than seeing what they wanted to do, I decided to go with them.

      We walked into the outside area of the stadium (where all the food stands are under the seats) and somehow wound up in my garage. But it still felt like I was at the stadium.

      One of them pointed out something odd about my hair. I looked in the mirror (we don't have a mirror in the garage IWL) I noticed it was partially black and partially brown. I thought this was strange.

      I lost the dream after that.
    13. Fear Hospital (LD #173)

      by , 02-22-2015 at 02:55 PM (Lucid Time!)
      Something to do with a dance-off taking place on a beach. There was an absurdly sized boombox (about the size of a semi trailer) being positioned on the beach. Then the power went out and the man organizing the dance-off was upset because the boombox had to be plugged in.

      I was visiting at a hospital. This wasn't a normal hospital though, it was supposed to treat people of their worst fears. How? By making them suffer trough the trauma of their worst fear again and again but without pain. I don't know completely how this worked but they could make you experience your worst fear as many times as they wanted.

      I don't remember if this was for punishment or what.

      They had a means of extracting what your worst fear was subconsciously.

      I remember seeing the first couple rooms closest to the desk. Patients were grouped by their fear. The people closest to the desk had the worst fear of 'death'. I remember them being hooked up to heart rate monitors. They would start and stop every ten seconds or so, so basically the patient was dying repeatedly in the bed.

      I remember approaching one of the people on the bed. He looked like Liam Nisan for some reason, and he looked as though he was really peaceful. He told me quietly before passing through one of his deaths.

      'my greatest fear is... death...'


      I remember being back at the front desk. I was looking at a hospital form in a plastic tray. All of the boxes were filled with gibberish. But I could still read them clearly, and they still had English characters in them.

      I was saying to myself how this didn't feel like a normal lucid dream. It felt too clear, too stable and too realistic to be a dream. I felt as though I might be astral projecting or something.

      I decided to run a test on the dream to see how well it behaved. I jumped into the air and pushed my energy down. My little fire jets switched on. I was flying. I had to stay in control though, not hit any people. But this was all the proof I needed. This was a lucid dream, just a very clear and vivid one.

      Sadly I didn't seem motivated to carry out any of my goals or dares.

      I remember feeling like the dream went on for ten minutes or more. But unfortunately I don't have the dream recall to back that up. I do know that It ended with a false awakening.

      Another thing I remember questioning while in the dream was the fact that I was not the least bit scared of the clinic, even thought its sole purpose was to invoke fear. It didn't seem like an evil environment in any way. There were no screams of pain or blood splatters on the wall. It seemed so peaceful, like fear was a good thing.

      I false awoke in my bedroom and my cat had given birth to five cats, identical kittens. The scene was being narrated like a nature show.

      Spoiler for Interpretations:
    14. Work, Kittens and Armies

      by , 12-21-2014 at 12:26 PM
      This is definitely one of my longer dreams. I tried to WBTB but I was feeling slightly ill when I woke up so I didn't bother. I'm beginning to see a pattern in many of my dreams being at school or about school with my friends or about my family. Those may be some of my dream signs that I should try to pick up on. I'm also noticing that I'm starting to question the events in my dreams more, only I get an instant reply from my brain telling me that I'm not dreaming which kinda sucks. I guess it's only a matter of time until I ignore the reply and become lucid, hopefully sooner rather than later. Until then I'll keep on dreaming


      I was in class and sitting next to my friend J. The seats were organised in a horse-shoe shape with one table in the middle. We were working on a math book, answering the questions on the first two pages. She was doing all of the work and I couldn't read anything in the book (thought I had dyslexia.) The teacher was trying to hype everyone up about the work even though it was really boring. He told us that we were in history which struck me as odd since we were doing math work but I just thought that we might be catching up. Out of nowhere two DC's carrying an injured student burst through the door and stopped right in front of me. J got up and started tending to the patient, I noticed my other friends M and S sitting on the table in the middle of the room. "Why don't you be her assistant nurse?" M asked me, "I don't have any medical skill" I told him. I decided to leave the classroom and walk around the school, I think the teacher got annoyed with me for trying to leave but I just ignored him. Once outside I noticed two kittens in on of the gardens. One of them was sleeping and the other was lying on a rock, I picked up the sleeping one and started to pet it (really cool because I actually felt the fur) which was acually quite damp so I assumed they'd lost thier mother. I found another one of my friends, L, and we took both of the kittens to find their mother. One of the teachers saw us and ordered us to put the kittens back because the mother would come back for them. I wasn't convinced and started looking for the mother on the bridge which is one of the entries to the school. I looked over the bridge into the creek and saw a red-furred creature dive between the rocks. I looked harder at the rocks which eventually melted into oil. I then loooked under my feet whewre the bridge was tranperent and saw a dead body along with some other oil covered birds. I looked back over the creek once again and the creature surfaced from the oil. I thought it was the mother of the kittens but the teacher told me it was a dog and the very cat-like looking face morphed into a dog's. (It became pretty vauge at this point but I kind of remember entering the sewage system which quickly turned a dream that I've had a couple of times.) I was with a group of people in a cave, It seemed like we were all knights and exploring the cave system to kill a witch that was hiding there. We were all wearing different coloured armour and I only knew the name of Thor (wearing black armour.) We eventually encountered the witch and promptly hacked her to pieces. Her remains combined to form a black deck of cards which would then turn into something much worse. I chopped it into two pieces, took Thor, and ran back the way I came. I vaguely heard the shouts of our comrades being dispatched as we arrived at the enterance which was now a manhole with a ladder leading to the surface. Thor climbed with ease and I began to have a lot of trouble reaching the ladder because a rubber platform was blocking my way. I heard footsteps and looked into the dark hallway to see glowing red slits between armour. I started to freak out and Thor held his hand down for me to grab before we closed the manhole. I looked around and it seemed we were on a huge castle with an army of the very thing that we were running from. They raised their bows and began firing upon us. We took cover behind the walls and stayed there for an amount of time before Thor suggested we surrneder. I wholeheartedly agree with him and we emerge from cover wiht our hands up. A group of stone men scale the walls to meet us, one looked at me and say "Your surrender is welcome, to me my servants!" The stone men merge to form a stone version witch that we had killed earlier. Once again, everything went super vivid and I saw the witch's face in such detail before I woke up.

      That's a pretty long one in my opinion. It seemed like a bit of a chore to type down but I got it done and I'm excited to dream again tonight. I'll definitely try WBTB again now that I'm feeling much better. I think I'll change up my list a little bit to motivate that little bit more to become lucid again.
      - Have another Lucid Dream
      - Bend all 4 elements
      - Tell a DC I'm dreaming and see their reaction
      - Fly
      - Find my Dream Guide or have them find me
    15. Taking a Thief's Kittens, Walking in the Rain, and the Dance Club/Uncomfortable Sleepover

      by , 09-09-2014 at 02:52 PM (Krista's Dream Journal)
      Dream - Lucid

      I was doing laundry at the house I grew up in, but the washing machine was in the middle of a room. I just needed to wash a pair of blue jeans and two other things. The two other things were white. I wanted to use bleach for some reason. I wasn't sure what I was supposed to do. A middle-aged lady then came up to me and showed me what to do. The wash cycle started. I hoped that my pants wouldn't get bleached out. I pictured them being completely bleached out.

      Then I was somewhere else, like an airport or a shopping mall, not sure which. I was sitting down somewhere at a high-top table, and this kid, a boy of about 9 or 10, came up to me and tried to plug something into my iPod. I took it away before he could. Wow, what a rude kid! Soon after, I discovered he was doing this to everyone. He was also telling some people he needed to charge his phone or iPod or something and that's why he needed to do it. In reality, he was trying to steal music and files off of people's devices. His mom was the middle-aged woman, and she had told him to do it. It was some kind of scheme.

      Then, I was at home with Dallas, though the apartment looked way different. I saw that there were some kittens there. What?? How did those get there? They were tiny and adorable, as kittens tend to be. I bent down to pet them, asking Dallas where they came from. I don't remember his response. They all looked different. I named off all the different types there were. The only one I remember is the last one, though, which was a Russian Blue-looking cat.

      The kittens also had cages. I saw them stacked in the bathroom. I think there were some in some of the cages as well. I then saw my cat, Belle, who hates everyone and everything (except me ). The mother cat, a fluffy, grayish cat, came up to Belle. I thought for sure they would fight, but Belle seemed to like her.

      I then saw Dallas trying to give the kittens to the lady from before. He had some kittens in his hand that he was trying to pass over to her. Apparently, the kittens were hers and they had gotten away from her. I came up to them and held back Dallas's hand from giving her the kittens.
      "No, you can't have them," I said, "I know what you were doing, you were trying to steal."
      She seemed taken aback, but I did not let her have those kittens. Who knows what she was trying to scheme with them, poor little babies.

      I then had all the kittens in the bathroom together. They were laying down in two lines. I counted them in twos. I came up with 12, but realized I missed two and got 14. 14 kittens! I was very surprised, since they were all from the same litter. That is a lot of kittens to be born to one cat at one time! I also had no idea how we were going to take care of these kittens. We were going to give them away anyway, but until then, I had no clue. I remember, at some point, making sure they had food and water. I saw the kibbles in a food dish, and the water in a white water bowl like the one I use IWL for my cat. I was using the food I give to Belle, my grown cat, because it's what we had. I said something to Dallas about how we needed to get kitten food.

      Then, something about work, but it was at Kohl's. Then something about this video game-type thing where you were in some virtual reality world where your face was projected onto this weird robotic-looking, floating body. It was something that I had to do. I was there with many others, and we were at a long conference table for some meeting. My brother was there too, and so was the lady. I hoped the lady didn't see me. I floated to the other side of the table.

      Then, I was talking to my friend Caitlin. She was telling me how her review went with our high school band director. She had gotten a 19 cent raise. We were in school still apparently, but were getting paid to be. It's hard to explain; it was weird. I pictured her in the office with him as he read off her review that determined how much of a raise she got. There was one thing that she said she got a lower score on. It was something about attending LSU, which she had no interest in doing so had made no effort to. She still got a "+5" out of a possible 15, so it didn't affect her too bad. I saw the +5 written in a blank spot to the left of the LSU question. I also saw her raise at the bottom of the page; she was now making $9 and some change. I was seeing it from the band director's POV.


      I was walking home. I was walking downtown when it started to rain. It was slow at first. I could feel the drops very vividly. It then started to get steadier and a bit heavier. I was crossing the street.

      Then, all the sudden I was home, though it didn't resemble our apartment at all. Dallas was laying on the couch. I noticed that we didn't have as many kittens. I said
      "Dallas, did you give those kittens back to Blake and Sarah (my brother and his fiance')?" He didn't answer, so I knew he did. I was also referring to a different set of kittens; we still had the ones from the lady. I continued.
      "Why???" I asked. Again, no answer. He was getting up from the couch.


      I was at a gay dance club. I went in and bought a ticket at a ticket booth to go to the dance floor. It was still quite early, so no one was dancing yet. I went through the doorway beside the ticket booth anyway. This is what I always did when I went; I always got there early and was always the first to be on the dance floor. The lights were still on on the big dance floor. There was a stage in the front as well where the DJ was. I don't remember if there was music or not.

      I then was going to leave for the night, just as it was starting to get busy. I walked out to where the booth was. I was now standing beside the booth, and felt the need to fart. I meant to keep it quiet, but it was super loud and gross. No one laughed, but a lady in the ticket booth asked if I was alright.
      "I hope so," I replied.
      I then went into the bathroom and into a stall. I don't think there was a door on the stall.

      I then was at home in the bonus room, but it was at the house I grew up in. It was quite late at night, probably about 4am. Dallas was there and was still awake. He was on the computer. I saw a kitten run by that looked just like my cat, Belle. I pet her as she ran by. I thought about how she had Belle's personality. I then saw another cat that was slightly bigger, but also looked just like Belle. At first I thought it was her, but I saw her next to the cat that had just run by me and saw that they were relatively the same size, but, like I said, the other one was just a tad bigger. I pet that one too. That one also reminded me of Belle.

      My phone then rang. I saw on the caller ID that it was Brittany, a butch lesbian that I hung out with at the club a lot (I don't know this person IWL). I was hesitant to answer, but picked up and started to talk to her. We talked for a bit, and then I had her talk to Dallas while I got ready for bed. I did some other things as well. I had hoped that maybe she would have hung up by now, but she hadn't, and Dallas gave the phone back to me. We talked a little bit more. I tried to steer the conversation to an end, but she kept talking. I really needed to get some sleep...

      I then was in my room at the house I grew up in. I was standing by a chest of drawers with a TV on top of it. My bed was across from it, against the wall that it was against when I was in elementary/middle school. It was morning now, about 7am, and I still hadn't gone to bed. Laying in my bed who also hadn't slept yet was Brittany. I felt a little uncomfortable about sleeping next to her, especially since I was married, but I didn't think she'd try anything. I was talking to her about how tired I was going to be at work. She then said
      "What?" I said.
      "I left my thumb drive." She had left it at the club.
      I don't remember my response. I doubted that it was still there unless someone had turned it in, but I think she doubted that as well.

      I still hadn't gotten into bed. I was stalling. I thought about me sleeping next to her. I'm sure it would be fine, but I was still uncomfortable.

      Updated 09-09-2014 at 03:40 PM by 32059

      non-lucid , memorable
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