non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid false awakening At some house, looking through clothes my mom found in trash, then also some toys which are to be donated to a kindergarten, checking if they are complete and playing a bit with some of the games. Then for no reason I see my teacher sitting at the end of this room, with it's back turned to me and I get lucid. I go towards him and surprise him by touching him softly in his back. He is wearing a light brown shirt and he looks to the side to see me. I move my hand down his arm and gently caress him. He shuts his eyes in total surrender. So I kiss him. I notice his lips a bit dry, but soon our salivas mix and our tongues intertwine, while I caress his shaved head. I enjoy every bit of it. Then I realize there is someone else in the room. We stop and I turn to this person. It looks like my dad, he doesn't seem to recognize me. He turns away quickly and heads to a door. As he opens the door, he looks back one more time and his physiognomy changed. He is taller, slimmer, more tanned and dresses like an Indian man. I follow him but lose him in the movement of people outside. My attention also gets drawn by the majestic landscape and I don't follow the man anymore. In front of me are some amazing mountains covered in luscious green vegetation. And there are people going up and down the mountains, apparently carrying things, picking up fruits, going about many different activities. Strangely, the mountains seem extremely tall ,but people have the same apparent dimension whether they are at the top of it or down at its base. I see a huge strange black bird flying over my head. It is the size of a big eagle, it has a beak like a toucan and strange wings that make a half-moon shape with the first two feathers on each side slightly round and color red. I follow its flight and to my left I see what seem like clouds made of liquid water, which give the impression that everything beneath it, is underwater. There is a type of tree whose top touches the liquid cloud and behaves like kelp in the ocean. Then I turn my attention again to the mountains. I realize the contours of the mountains, the hills and valleys, the rocky surfaces, are all fractal shaped. I decide to take off and fly to see it up close. I am mesmerized by these patterns, and the psychedelic colors they have and then I almost wake up, but instead I have a FA in a totally white empty house. I remember I left my teacher back in the other house and I go around this house calling out his name, hoping to summon him back. Going through some corridor I spot someone that looks like him and other people going after, but when I get closer, it isn't him. But he is also a teacher to these people, who admire him and are respectfully walking him out as he leaves. I am starting to feel the LD fading away, so I decide to get out of here and do my own hing. I find a window and jump to outside. It's again a beautiful landscape with green hills, but this house is right on the slope. I have to climb some moss covered rocks to reach the top of the hill. Some lady who had made some comment to me inside, followed me out the window and insists on asking me something about mind training. Something like, if I feel that realization is a consequence of how much time you practice. If it is an inevitable consequence of your time dedication to practice, because she is feeling frustrated for not seeing results. I don't remember exact words I said, it was very short answer, but it was something in the line of "no, it's not just time related, more about quality and merit." Then on the top of the hill I see a valley below, but really far below, like we are many kms of altitude up. I decide to jump and fly some more. I enjoy it for some time, once again absorbing the details of the majestic landscape. Until I start descending and land in some city below. I land in a town square between some classical buildings and there is a giant painting on the floor with a reproduction of some classical work of art. I dig my hands in the floor and have fun picking up elements from the painting and throwing them in the air to watch them slowly fall like confetti. Then I want the painting to become a giant trampoline and I have fun jumping and doing flips in the air. When I am done with it, I walk down a street. The LD is weaker and I don't remember exactly what happened but I end up in a TV studio, where a famous morning show is being recorded and I am sitting with the live audience. The show hostess is demonstrating some modern appliances and its uses and we are offered some bread cooked by a bread machine. I taste it and it is completely bland and tasteless. I feel this is boring and once again I aim for a window to change scenario At some corridor outside the recording area, I see a window. I look through it and down below I see a moat or a lake. I am about to jump to it, when I notice it is full of big animals swimming. First they look like crocs, but on a closer look, I see they are mainly big fish, turtles and some mutant creatures, like fish but with tiny arms and hands. I decide to go get the tasteless bread and feed it to the animals. The bread wasn't a lot but seems to multiply as I split it into bits, so I keep feeding the animals for quite a while. Then I wake up. .
non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid false awakening I live and work at a farm, possibly in Germany. The owner is a nazi sympathizer or at least that's my impression of him, since he seems to be well integrated in the nazi society. Most of the farm workers are jews, men, women and children, forced to labor like slaves. Their life conditions are miserable and I do my best to help them. I am also a worker, not jew, but of a lower class than my boss. He is in love with me and I am his mistress, but he can't have a serious and socially accepted relationship with me due to my humble origins. Also, I don't love him, I just tolerate his sexual advances because he provides me some privileges and I also use it to manipulate him, for instance, to better the conditions of the forced workers. I feel a lot of empathy for these people and I am particularly fond of the children, especially a little orphan 2-year old girl, whom I love like my own child. The boss is a bit obsessed with dressing me up with pretty lingerie and sometimes I feel sick with how he shows me off in underwear and analyzes me in front of his best friend while they are having lunch, for example. He treats me like a sex toy. But when he is pleased, I can get him to agree on certain things, like providing hot baths for the jews, when previously they only had cold showers, even in the winter. He allows the german house workers to heat up large pots of water to fill in the bathtub for the jews to take a bath if they wish. But when I tell them the news, only a couple of them accepts happily the offer. The others are suspicious, as if afraid that if they take it, something bad will happen to them later as punishment. I don't understand and feel disappointed. One day some nazi guys come for a visit and insist on taking a picture of the farm workers all lined up. As usual, I serve as intermediary, because they like me and they trust me. I sense much nervousness in them and the children feel the tension and start crying. I tell them it's just a photo, no reason to be afraid and with somber faces they line up. But the 2-year old baby is restless and the lady who is holding her can't keep her quiet, so I step in the line up and hold the baby in my arms, as only I can quiet her down. Her eyes are full of fear as if she can sense something that I can't. I feel so much love and compassion for this baby. I hold her in my arms with unconditional love as they take the picture with me included. Life goes back to normal, until one day my boss gives me some money to go buy some pretty clothes in the village or town nearby. When I return at the end of the day, I find all the jewish workers screaming and crying inside a truck, being taken like cattle to the slaughterhouse. I freak out, I try to stop the truck, I plead to my boss, but he is also upset, it is not in his hands. I didn't think he cared much for the jews, but he didn't hate them either and found useful to have them as a free work force. But then I realized that deep down, he had started to apprecciate the idea that they were in a safe environment at his farm and that he could save their lives. But there were superior orders that they'd be taken somewhere else and I learned the ugly truth of what was going on with the jews. Much later, we left the farm and the country. My boss and a couple of his friends, who no longer could take part of what was going on in their country, flew to Havana and he took me with him. I could feel a difference in him and I started being treated more like equal. We started a new life, leaving the suffering behind. I took refuge in the experience of an exotic country and other life realities to try to forget the unfortunate people I had left behind.
Date: 12/20/13 Method: MILD & WBTB (fail) Dream 1 I had ‘taboo’ sex with my ex and I will not go into details on why I call it ‘taboo.’ You get the picture… Dream 2 I was at a concert with my favorite singers and band…I even saw Whitney Houston (missed becoming lucid on this one). They kept stopping the concert because someone kept losing something. Dream 3 I was cleaning up this man’s home and he wanted to have sex with me before my husband came home. After we finished, we had to hurry up and clean up everything we had broke while having sex. Fragment I had a gay lover.
Due to alcohol, I only gained some fragments, again impressionist in nature...sometimes I feel like Monet is in my head! Fragment 1 On a coach with a large number of people I know, drinking...surprisingly! The weather was hot,almost like it was a holiday transfer coach!However, far from being at ease. Person 1 proceded to cause me unease through repeated laughing. I couldn't entirely remember why although it probably eminates from a socially awkward situation that had occured the previous day. Again, as a repeated motif for me colours and clothes were particulary visible. Fragment 2 Being somewhat aware that I was on the Titanic,although not worried.This is perhaps due to the coverage of the diaster in the media at the moment-suddenly however, I had a somewhat false awakening but dreaming that I 'loved' my friend! That's all I got but looking forward to some more dreaming later!
It was on a cold and misty morning. I can see a few people in my kitchen talking and enjoying their conversations. Though, I had no clue who these people were. I walked in front of them cautiously and then I see something coming from behind one of the girls. It was a person wearing a white mask of a cursed ghost. I remember the fear but I can also remember being lucid. And because of that, I looked at the person under the mask with courage. Now, I walk outside to search for things that could interest me. It was messy in the backyard and I saw a few people hanging around a tree in the back. But for some strange reason, I felt depressed. I then walked over to the right of the house and stood there for a minute. I performed a few actions. First, I tried to see if I had any special combat moves. Second, I jumped up to see if I was able to fly away from my current location. I couldn't. Now, as I proceeded further towards the front of the house to the left, I pinched my nose to see if I was indeed lucid. At this point, I was amazed that I was lucid and didn't escape the dream as soon as I become lucid. But there was one thing I've always wanted to do in my dreams. That is, kiss the girl of my dreams and being able to hold her in my arms. As I have done before, I tried to summon her around a corner by putting my deep faith in believing she would be around the corner. But when I turned to a corner, I would see her, but only for a couple seconds. But those couple of seconds delighted me. She appeared to be vivid and I wanted to try and summon her around a corner again but I always failed.
I was in an orphanage of sort. There are other people around me. There's also Luis M. We were making love very awkwardly. Then the person changed into someone else. It was my lover (a stranger). We were sleeping side-by-side, with my lover to my right. Looks Caucasian. Then we had to escape. It was an orphanage for kids used for crimes and other stuff. The leader was there. When we approached the door, the leader popped out. He shot and hit me on the right side of my torso. I shot him and hit him on the head, and he dropped dead. I didn't feel anything. We continued running, but we're not sure which way was out. There were many others. Then some were out. I was looking for someone. Had to find him. I was outside. The others were just staying right outside. I told them to run as far away as they can because there's a bomb. There was a pregnant woman coming out of the building. At first I was just watching her, and then I was accompanying her, as she climb up the... stairs? Then there was an explosion. With no sound.
I am a Lesbian ((not in RL)) I have a female partner that I am very deeply in love with. I am in a street with my partner, all the people are after us, i'm not sure why. There is a big building on the street and we go into it, I think this is our hide-out. There is a long metal slide and we go down it, it's like a long metal tube, this has lead us to upstairs ((lol)) . I am wearing a leather suit, a bit like a bikers suit. Me and my female lover are scared about being found out.
I was in a boarding house I was staying in last night. I was with my lover (who doesn't look quite the same in real life) and a board-mate G. We wanted to make love, but I stopped, because I want to use protection. My lover got annoyed for stopping so suddenly. I had to look for the wallet. I went back to my lover, and but was still annoyed. Only, the look is different again, looked like HR. It's dark, and we're on the bed. I tried make a move, but my lover stopped it. Changed look, back to the previous look. Went out of bed. G was beside me. It was daylight, probably early morning, and G tried wrapping arms around me. My lover got angry and said a warning at G if we break up.
So I remember being in a back room right next to the stage. The band was practicing; or well, I remember seeing the drums and someone playing. I heard that it was time for me to go on. So I ran through a hallway jumping up and getting excited. But when I entered... I could only see staff still setting up. No audience. Then someone in the back shouted, "Why did you come out so early? It hasn't started yet!" So I embarrassingly walked back through the hall into the band room again. After a while, there was a sort of "tunnel" to my right (the entrance to the stage was in front of me, and I was standing in the practice band room; to the right of me were the instruments). I went through. Apparently I had to jump over things/crevices! Then, somehow, I morphed into a squirrel-looking animal. Then all there was were stairs of dirt. I "hopped" down them and saw someone lying unconscious on the bottom step. I gave them a good hard bump with my body, and they fell onto the floor. He/she woke up and thanked me. It turned out that that creature was a "squirrel" too as well as my lover! So now the whole band came through this passage. I guess this was the long way of entering to the stage. I don't really know why we were in there; but I could have sworn my drummer looked like a turkey. I can't remember what else happened.
16.04.2011Mixing from reality (Non-lucid) NON-DREAM DREAM LUCID Yesterday I spoken with a friend, who I am spiritually very attached. She told me her husband and her had a common friend online (over the Ikariam game) She told me she almost divorced because she "felt" in love with the other guy who she has never seen. She realized it was almost a confusion. I was watching this dream in 3rd person. I was following a guy who was arguing with his wife. His wife had a lover online. He was sure his wife loved him, and his very wife, also loved him, but he was confused. Some discussions happened during the dream. Suddenly, I was that guy with a made up wife. She started to lie to me and I reminded her I was able to read auras. I started to read her aura and found she was not being honest. She got nervious. I had a FA in my room where I explained to my wife this dream. She got mad at me for no reason. I woke up.