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    1. Random WILD, random DILD

      , 01-28-2018 at 01:54 AM (Turquoise Dreams)
      Week days ago. I'm drifting in and out of sleep, as cats are jumping up and down from my bed. It's around 5am or later, my normal waking time.

      I'm starting to feel dreamy, s I push my head into the pillow (just by thinking it) and immediately I get a major head rush. Swushing in my head, as if water was running near by. At that moment, my cat decides to throw up and that gets me out of it. : (

      Random DILD next day or day after.
      I'm sitting in a fast city train. Like an above ground metro. On the left side, by the window. There is a large body of water on the left, when I notice some passengers standing up, looking outside on the left side, raising their hands with their phones. I stand up and crane my neck to see.

      A large, rectangular shaped space craft is crashing down. It's brownish, color of rusted metal. It's made out of all kinds of twisted metal. Almost like a Borg ship from the outside. I can't believe what I'm seeing. It's so real and I sense some danger coming on. We can't stop the crash. I'm looking for my phone to take pictures, but I don't have it on me. Craft hits the water with a huge splash.

      Now we go by a huge crane that's topped over in the water. It's like a super tall dockyard crane. It's starting to lift itself up. When it does, the cabin starts to resemble metallic mouth and it starts to open and roar. Almost slow motion, looks like those three-legged walking Martian machines from the modern War of the Worlds.

      At this moment I think wait a minute, this can't be real. I look at my hands and count my fingers. I realize I'm dreaming. Get out of the window on the right side of the train and start flying. It's not easy but I'm getting higher and higher with help of some buildings which I semi-climb, fly up to.

      The train and the crash was so incredibly realistic. Thank you, subC!!!
      Tags: flying, ocean, water
    2. High Tide

      by , 01-27-2018 at 01:08 AM

      Rescue helicopters head out to sea on a mission during a storm. I know that their rotors have more than four blades a piece--even though they are in flight. (Perhaps my consciousness has a high frame rate or a high-speed shutter?) The waves encroach upon the house as the tide comes in. Peering out the open French windows, I worry about tsunamis, as in past dreams.

      Dreams? You mean, like this one? Why, yes, this is a dream, isn't it?


      A wave washes toward the house, almost touching the wall. I ignore my surroundings and try to achieve stability by rubbing my hands together. This is the first time I actually remember to try the technique. I can feel my astral hands rubbing together, but I don't know if it helped me stay asleep. Next I try to spin around, but I can't. Then I awake.

      As I lie awake, the purple afterglow remains a while: This time, instead of origami, it is an image of what looks like a hurricane seen from space, or a spiral galaxy, rotating counter-clockwise. I see individual flakes of purple or fat violet stars swirling lazily around at a period of perhaps ten seconds per rotation—although only about six seconds elapse. I close my eyes tightly and the image persists. The plane of the galaxy is tilted down about thirty degrees from edge-on. It finally fades. I note that the content of the purple window relates generally to the storm in the dream.

      That thumping sound you hear is my patting myself on the back in congratulation for having averaged one LD per week in the past month!

      Updated 01-27-2018 at 01:17 AM by 92227

    3. Talos and the Military

      by , 12-25-2017 at 06:25 PM
      Morning of December 25, 2017. Monday.

      I am with my wife Zsuzsanna in a white skiff of which is moving slowly over the beautiful ocean in late afternoon. She is facing me, seeming very cheerful, sitting at the opposite end of the skiff. Behind her, in the distance, I see a mountainous rocky cape. I vaguely anticipate the eventual appearance of Talos (the giant automaton made of bronze, from the 1963 “Jason and the Argonauts” film) from behind the rocky region ahead and on my right, closest to our heading. Becoming semi-lucid and recognizing this as the RAS factor with no attempt to modulate it, I decide to will the skiff to turn right, into a narrow estuary bordered by high hills, with the idea that Talos will not see us. Eventually, the water is shallower and we slowly pass, on our right, two military jeeps with about seven men in total. At first, I am wary of them, as I suspect they have weapons, but then I decide that they must be here to fight Talos and are not interested in us. The general impassively watches us as our skiff approaches an area too shallow to continue, but there is no sense of threat and they remain in their positions.

      In a dream, being in a boat is autosymbolism for vaguely discerning the physical body in sleep, more so when muscles are more relaxed. Water is the absence of emotion and the essence of sleep and this dream begins with the common water induction. I anticipate RAS mediation as a possible threat. The RAS modulation precursor and potential emergent consciousness factor is rendered as Talos, though Talos is only seen briefly in the distance. There is semi-lucid mediation (not modulation) which seemingly results in the transference of Talos to the army general and WLWS (Water Lowering Waking Symbolism, which is common for me). Right-side oriented waking symbolism occurs (while sleeping on my left side).

    4. Shorncliffe Pier Romance

      by , 12-13-2017 at 11:51 AM
      Morning of December 13, 2017. Wednesday.

      My beautiful wife Zsuzsanna and I are sitting together on a wooden bench at the end of the Shorncliffe Pier (formerly known as Sandgate Pier), looking northeast towards the ocean’s horizon. The time of day is uncertain, but it seems to be late morning in the final stage of my dream.

      We are under the shelter at a later point, undressed, and being intimate. My semi-lucidity (partial awareness of being in the dream state) results in a lack of concern about several unknown members of the public, both male and female, being present, but not paying that much attention to us.

      Later, we are closer to the shoreline (now about ten feet out on the pier). I observe what I first assume to be six North Korean males (perhaps in their thirties), waist-deep in the water. As they are walking towards the beach, they are guiding, in pallbearer formation, a damaged half-submerged wooden boat; a shellback dinghy; with a visible jagged hole in the side facing us. I am somewhat wary of their presence, but only for a short time. They gaze at us as if very annoyed.

      Looking back again, I come to realize (though this was an actual transformation, not a presumed error in my original discernment) that they are Australian SES (State Emergency Service) volunteers. They are not looking in our direction now and their emotions seem informally neutral.

      The water is lower, revealing a number of large stones. Zsuzsanna goes to look for some plastic toys between them that are still muddy from the storm (emergent real-life association, unrelated to my dream’s backstory), and to wash them, and I slowly realize we are now in our house, though our porch is erroneously perceived as being a rock pool (ambiguously perceived as being indoors and outdoors at the same time). I then wake.

      • Dream self mode: Corporeal with enhanced physicality
      • Conscious self identity: Viable (although we have not been to Shorncliffe in real life in years), although perceiving myself as perhaps 30 rather than 56
      • Induction symbolism: Water as symbolizing sleep
      • Induction buffer: Shorncliffe Pier over ocean
      • Dream state indicators: Being undressed and fully intimate in public (first-level dream sign, based on the subliminal awareness of being in the dream state, though I am semi-lucid here)
      • RAS mediation symbol: Presumed North Koreans, seemingly defeated but presumed unpredictable
      • Vestibular system symbol: Outer edge of Shorncliffe Pier
      • Preconscious symbol: (Personified) Presumed North Koreans (precursory; transmuted by way of semi-lucidity in acknowledgment of waking being a biological necessity; preconscious does not initiate conflict when dream self recognizes or triggers waking symbolism or circadian rhythms factors)
      • Emergent consciousness symbol: Boat leaving water
      • Interconsciousness symbol: Australian SES workers
      • Exit symbolism: Half-submerged boat being carried from ocean (illusory physicality “leaving” dream state)
      • Waking transition symbolism: (Liminal transmutation) North Koreans to Australian SES workers
      • Waking symbolism type: Water Lowering Waking Symbolism (WLWS); getting closer to the shore over time also symbolizes waking and circadian rhythms factors
      • Additional personal notes: Our (present) porch as symbolizing the waking space is ambiguously combined with WLWS.

    5. Escaping back to where I started

      by , 12-12-2017 at 07:50 PM
      Morning of December 12, 2017. Tuesday.

      In this dream, there is the transition to water reinduction (water as symbolizing sleep), though my conscious self identity is virtually nonexistent. Even being in the Loomis Street house’s backyard, there is not even the association with my relatives who lived there for years. While in the backyard near the alley (where I have not been in real life since February 1994), there are a number of unfamiliar characters. There is something about going somewhere, another country perhaps, and we start our journey.

      The Loomis and Gillette Street area transform into some sort of distorted wharf, which I believe is meant to be with the ocean on the left (even though Wisconsin is nowhere near the ocean in reality). All of the people we meet are dark-skinned and may be Sri Lankan (which I seem to recall being said as such in my dream). They are all males in their twenties, supposedly refugees. It is illegal for us to be there or walk over the wharf to wherever it is we are going. That will apparently not stop us though and our group walks over the long wharf. Still, the other males are very friendly even though they seem slightly confused that we are not like them. I start talking to them in Spanish, “Cuando salga el sol me despertaré”. (“When the sun rises I will wake” - note that I am not viably aware I am dreaming.) I repeat “cuando” several times, as a question. They only shrug and smile.

      There is an area where a doorway is too narrow to go through. I do something to where we continue from near the right of it, though it does not make any sense. It seems as if I somehow moved the doorway itself by “sliding” it with my hand.

      From here, I am riding in a van, on the front passenger side, on the right (implying America). The driver of this van is riding a motorcycle a car length ahead of the van (which makes no sense at all, but this is how it is experienced).

      The port authorities are now following us. Because we had gone through the restricted area that held refugees, we are to be captured and shot, no matter where we decide to go or live. The man on the motorcycle is shot once and splits into several pieces, rolling over the road, the van I am in continuing to apparently drive itself. I do not feel very emotional.

      After traveling a long distance, miles away from the Loomis Street house’s backyard, I find myself back on Loomis Street, in the Loomis Street house’s kitchen (likely due to mild hunger in sleep). Of course, this makes no sense either.

      I am presumably the last one of my group left. I now have a very vague emergent awareness of relatives having lived on Loomis Street years ago, though no current conscious self identity. An unknown male comes into the kitchen from the south room to shoot me. I decide that this is RAS mediation (even though I am not lucid) and that he is the preconscious factor and thus I shoot him first and then soon wake. I will not tolerate being victimized in my own dream, even when there is no viable thread of current conscious self identity.

    6. Instinctually Vivifying the Dream State with Water and Waves

      by , 12-03-2017 at 06:03 PM
      Morning of December 3, 2017. Sunday.

      Dream #: 18,612-04. Reading time: 2 min 15 sec.

      We live in Wavell Heights in Brisbane (where we have not lived in real life for years) in a different version of the Stadcor Street house. Zsuzsanna’s older sister Kathy is visiting. (We have not seen her much in the time I have lived in Australia. She appears as when I first saw her in 1994.) She makes fun of me by mimicking and exaggerating my visage. (This was a subliminal tie from a recent random thought of my deliberately silly facial expression from a post on my music site.)

      I become annoyed by her antics. I calmly state my IQ without anger and remark she does not know what she is talking about or doing. I inform her intelligence and appearance are unrelated. I say I can create or do anything. Suddenly, we are outside, yet we are also still in the house. On the front lawn is a bucket full of water. I wave my hand and focus, and its surface separates, rises, and parts (like Moses parting the Red Sea). “Oh, you have got to be kidding me,” she says with a baffled and slightly worried tone.

      From here, we are still in the lounge room of the house, but the south wall is missing. I walk through the area while continuing to focus and wave my left hand. An ocean is south of us, yet it also seems to be part of a wide canal. I move my hand towards the direction I want the waves to roll. They grow larger and larger, though I allow the ocean’s surface to become still at times. The intensity and vividness are incredible, and how it is responsive to my thoughts and intent is intriguing and satisfying. I decide to let it become still as some of the water is spraying into our house through the open room. Zsuzsanna and Kathy stand behind me, watching.

      Suddenly, I falsely recall (with accommodating dream content) our two youngest children are down near one area playing. I walk around to look down into the big canal, and there is a beach inside the area closest to our house. It is mostly gray boulders. Our youngest son and youngest daughter are lying on their backs over the wet rocks, asleep, and dripping water. I am worried about their status. I go and pick them up. They are so small they fit in my hand, and I carry them into the house and place them on our couch. They have not drowned and seem to be okay, stirring slightly, still asleep.

      Dreams are concurrent processes and not at all what popular culture thinks or propagates. It is crucial to understand Kathy is the preconscious simulacrum in this dream. Its purpose is to augment discernment and cause me to emerge into wakefulness, often by way of imposition as here. However, in this case, I instinctually hold the state and summon water induction to sustain and vivify my dream. It stems from the status of being in the dream state and is unrelated to the whole conscious self of waking life. Our sleeping children dripping with water validates this causal factor in a straightforward, familiar way.

      Throughout my life, I have instinctually modulated my dreams to sustain and vivify them by way of creating or manipulating water, though, at the beginning of every sleep cycle, it is usually already present and accommodating.

      Updated 11-11-2019 at 08:14 AM by 1390

    7. Shark; Water; Bad guys

      , 11-14-2017 at 07:04 AM (Turquoise Dreams)
      Two days ago I was standing on a wooden platform just inches above water. I was watching a huge fish swim below me. The more I looked, more I saw it and it turned out to be a great white shark. Mostly I only see big black fish with white spots, like behind a dirty glass. We were going to swim and play in the water, so we watched for it to stay away and we picked a spot where we thought it wont go to.

      Standing on a low seawall. Looking at a clear water with pebbles on the bottom. Only a few inches deep, getting a bit deeper a few steps further in. Someone jumps in and I realize the water is cold, But I love water and it looks so inviting. Plus the pebbles and sea shells are intriguing and with great pleasure, I jump in feet first. We are all fully dressed and I know I will be wet up to my knees, but I don't mind one bit. I keep looking into water for sea shells and I'm happy.

      [I have noticed something interesting about my dreams, but mostly about lucid dreams. Sometimes I can't see far. (Sometimes yes, with binocular vision, or without it). But it can happen, that I only see my immediate surroundings. Rest is like black walls. As if I was on the set and that's the only place. Behind it is just walls and something else, but not the dream scene.]

      Last night:
      I was walking up the street in my home town, from direction of my high school. As I got to the intersection, it was blocked off with some kind of a checkpoint with ropes blocking the way. Bad guys were standing there. I was with others and we were not gonna have it. I got an automatic rifle, went behind the bad guys and started killing them.
    8. The Red Whale Expedition

      by , 08-13-2017 at 11:46 PM (Dimension X)
      Most of the beginning escapes my memory, but the earliest I remember is being on a small boat with some old man, as he paddled it through the ocean. I was telling him a story about a particular whale that had destroyed something of mine, or had a significant impact on my life somehow. He began to tell me a story about how a giant red whale destroyed his ship and killed his entire crew.

      Well, that's unsettling.

      The air was very foggy, and it was raining slightly. It was cloudy and almost dark. Maybe a storm was approaching?

      We were on the little boat for quite some time in the dream with not much happening.

      When we finally made it to land, the sun began shining and he dropped me off onto white painted docks. The paint was worn and peeling. He then got back into the small boat and paddled away. There were multiple different elevations of the docks close to each other, with stairs and such. There were many tables with people eating at them, and the tables had umbrellas. I've only ever seen so many dream characters once or twice. There were a lot of people. They were dressed fancy, and there was even fancy music playing while the people ate. The main restaurant counter was on the docks too and almost formed a wall, preventing people from going onto the actual land behind it. I remember sitting at the counter, but not having enough money to get anything, despite the prices being very low. (85 Cents, 65 Cents, etc.) Looking back on it now, maybe the old man dropped me off temporarily, and I was waiting for him to return? I really have no idea. No idea why I would've stayed there either.

      The rest is a blur... There was something about me getting a bottle of water, and...

      That's all I remember.

      Pretty weird.
    9. 09-08-17 “Responding to the call – Guidance, Bridging & coming home”

      by , 08-09-2017 at 10:59 AM
      Yesterdays “opening of the lion's gate” in astrological terms had me set some intentions throughout the day. These were primarily poised in the directions of letting go of limiting fears and beliefs, while also opening up to the power deep within me, centred around my heart and solar plexus area. I accepted to work with energy, light energy, accepted whatever life needed of me I would oblige, despite fearing what this might be.

      In practical terms it involves committing deeper to the energetic and spiritual work in contributing to the world and its beings. This is fear provoking for me since it involves disclosing publicly to the world that I have strong spiritual and shamanic experiences.

      Ha! In a way this forum is golden as it is a sort of cheating platform to disclose secrets and try it all out.

      As of late – maybe the past 1-2 weeks I have experienced a tremendous kind of release. A release in limiting beliefs, physical fear sensations as well as attachments to concepts – particularly in the area of relationships and romanticism. I feel stronger, a resurgence in my confidence levels and a readiness to start giving more of myself to the world. It feels good saying “more” as I have also started recognising more and more that some of the voluntary conversations and modes of operating in the world for me are valuable contributions.

      Well that is enough context, on with the dreams:

      Dream (and waking visualisations) 1: “Sexual exploration”

      I find myself in a large living room. I am sleeping on the sofa, it is my father's brother and wife's house. It is in the middle of the night and I look up on the wall towards the massive television on the wall. I know that if I turn it on there will be porn on pretty much all the channels.

      I decide to turn it on, though before the image appears after having turned on the telly I turn down the volume all the way to minimum. I am a little surprised to find that there is still sound coming through, yet the sound isn't horrible so I allow the porn scene to keep running.

      It is an orgy of sorts. In particular I find my attention dwelling on a guy wearing a leather hood, while he is fucking a woman lying below him as he is standing up.

      I get aroused and go to the toilet to make preparations. While there I decide to try and observe how my arousal and dick respond to simply watching the porn without stimulating myself.

      I wake up

      As I am awake I find myself aroused and hard. I don't masturbate, but massage my perineum and find it interesting and somewhat easier than normal to circulate the sexual energy around my body. In particular I notice that I am extremely connected down the front, where I am in touch with my body.

      I then start focusing on Cille. I think of her “hole in the back” and I see how there are shadowy finger marks around the hole. So I visualise and start clearing the hole with fire, ask Raphael for help to seal the hole, which I do with the opposing triangles that compose the visual representation of the heart chakra.

      I further start healing Felix, if he wants to accept it of course, and ask for assistance in burning out the things he doesn't wish to see or that are preventing him from being happy and present in this life.

      Dream 2: “The magical island, climbing surface and an elven bridge”

      I am standing in a cave, which opens out over a big lagoon where in the middle is a small island. This island is composed mainly of steep cliff sides and a forest in the middle. Just before the main island there is a long, narrow rocky cliff side coming out of the water. The weather is bright and sunny, there seems to be a clear blue sky above the water.

      An arrow appears above us, and a small humanoid figure jumps up and catches it and slaps it in the cliff side above us, there are transparent fishing lines attached to the arrow. Following an elven figure swings across the gap between the cave and the water, maybe a mile or two. The elven figure is wearing green and orange and is like a ferryman, there to swings us one by one across the water.

      There is some talk about the attractiveness of the climbing cliff side – 700 metres facing the water of the island.

      There is some discussion that the journey has taken too long, about 4 hours and that it could be due to the elven “swinging ferry man” can only take on one passenger at a time.

      Dream ends.

      Dream 3: “Lost at sea, coming home”

      I am at sea in a dingy boat, lost and at the mercy of the sea. I am there with Mikkel L and we have been there for some time. It is mid day and we are drifting along the waves.

      We sail past a boat, which we initially hope can rescue us, but find that it is full of refugees and for some reason it doesn't even become relevant to be rescued here.

      I sarcastically remark that it would be a good opportunity to practice broadsiding this ship, opening up with all four canons on one side of our ship.

      Out in the horizon, far away, I see a sail ship – looking from the silhouette like an ancient Viking ship – and a small blotch of a ship. I hope that this is ships that can assist us.

      From a far distance the ship that started out as a small blotch shoots its cannons. One on one side of our boat and another on the other. I feel them as being warning shots, but I also feel afraid.

      As we approach the ship I realise it is the largest one I have ever seen. It is black and probably around 30-50 metres tall from the water. I wave my arms in surrender and declare an interest in wanting to be saved, all the while I think about how nice it would be if I had access to white clothing.

      Luckily the ship understands our gestures and predicaments and they start throwing down ladders we can grab onto. I find however that the ship is practically racing across the surface of the water in the opposite direction to our boat, but I nevertheless jump into the water and swim for the boat.

      I can't latch on to any of the ladders, but a door just above the waterline is opened, and a wooden entry plank is pushed out and I prostrate as I enter the ship in deep gratitude.

      I am met by the captain – Tim Smith – who asks me if it was Mikkel on the boat with me. I acknowledge the affirmative and Mr Smith continues to ask: “Is it true that he has a blog running about his journeys across the sea?”, to which I reply “yes” and then Tim asks “Has he written a book about it?”, “No” I reply.

      Then I see pages lifted up before me in a completely different scenario, sort of a beach bar with trees and sunshine in the background. On the pages a story is being written in bright red, it seems to be a draft from the blog to the book.

      Dream ends.

      There are a few interesting themes at play here.

      The first dream is highly sexual in nature, and incorporates both the animalistic nature – as displayed in the orgy – but also the renunciation of traditional friction based sex, as I attain pleasure through massaging my perineum and working with circulating energy. It is interesting that the man is hooded, representing a hidden aspect of myself that I have been trying to neglect – a yearning for the sexual exploration of the animalistic that I have particularly not mentioned to Cille, where I have emphasised the tantric, energetic unity aspect of sex.

      This aspect of a hidden yearning to explore is also symbolised in wanting to keep the volume down, so I am not noticed as I go on with my explorations. I have an instinctive feeling that this pertains to wanting this phase of my life to remain hidden from Cille.

      From an astrological point of view, this aspect of the dream seems to be an encouragement. There is an opportunity now to explore my sexual nature – again not being with Cille here being significant – in particular the more playful and kinky aspect of it. This is further symbolised by my approach towards it “wanting to observe what it does to me” rather than starting to masturbate straight away. It would seem like there is a gentle reminder to continue working towards embracing my sexuality and that it is coming up as a point of focus (which is also symbolised in the Elven figure, who acts like a bridge, dressed in Orange and Green – bridging the sexual/sensual chakra with the heart chakra.

      The second dream I see a lot of myself in the elven figure. A bridge between this and that world – symbolising my shamanic aspirations. The number 4 appear, which to me could be a pointer towards the four elements – accepting the spiritual – but also 4 quadrants of the mandala, and thus the complete and fully realised self. The fact that the number 4 appears as an irritation, that the journey is taking too long, point towards a disturbing element in my current workings. This I intuitively feel is related to how I worry about financial stability – which isn't to say that it doesn't matter, but that I am spending too much energy thinking about this instead of following my heart. There is a slightly greedy element to how the elven figure charges for the ferrying, which is an affirmative of this. I believe it points towards the fact that I want to open up more towards group oriented practices in my vocational life, as opposed to individual style therapeutics.

      I do find myself comfortable in the role as a bridge between worlds, serving as a guide between the somewhat disturbing emotions that can arise on the spiritual path (Orange) and in accepting and coming to grips with newer senses of identity in a loving manner (Green).

      Dream 3: This pertains to my acceptance of a more spiritual and energetic mode of operating and giving to the world. I have long been caught in the emotional flux caused by wanting to adhere to both a strict scientific and fluid spiritual identity – I have been lost at sea (emotionality) and seeing refugees (fleeing my call) can no longer serve me. Again I see the number 4 – as in broadsiding the refugees with 4 canons, which again points to the 4 quadrants of the mandala – here symbolising that I am no longer in the process of fleeing or escaping my true nature or my purpose with being here on the planet.

      There is an interesting theme in converting the blog/notes to a book, with the text being red as this could symbolise that financial security could come about through writing about the journey. The fact that it isn't me the journey is about could point towards the opportunities lying in writing about others, where both Cille and Nils are on the table.

      This session turned somewhat long, and I would like to cut it off by at least and hour. However it is the first time in a while that I write down my dreams and adding an interpretation didn't actually take as long as I recall.

      For the future group processes setting the context isn't going to be as extensive, as that will be done in process groups and dealt with through ongoing communication. Honestly 45-60 minutes of the time spent on this entry probably goes for procrastination on Facebook.
    10. An Unusual Little Island

      by , 08-01-2017 at 02:01 PM
      Morning of August 1, 2017. Tuesday.

      Dream #: 18,488-02. Reading Time (optimized): 2 min.

      I am with several people on an unusual little island at night. I walk around in a paved area. A small canal divides most of the island about one-quarter in from the side opposite of where I stand. There is at least one big brick building that blocks my view of the ocean on my right.

      Zsuzsanna and our youngest son are eventually with me. We go over to the canal. I notice that the ocean on the opposite side of the island, which I can now clearly see, has whitecaps (though I do not focus as much on the waves on my left side). An unknown girl talks about it publicly, relaying a concern that makes me consider if the waves could eventually cover the island. The island’s isolation contributes to this concern but not for long.

      I look into the depths of the canal and see a shadowy shape that I soon see is a shark of about four feet long. I tell Zsuzsanna and our son to watch, and we cheerfully look into the water. I soon notice other small sharks as well as a little dolphin, which is surprising, as they do not fight. They do not look real and make me think indirectly of CGI. We share amusement in watching these creatures in addition to several tiny fish. The more active area of the ocean remains off to my right, behind the big building, but some of it is still visible through the end of the canal and surrounding area.

      Zsuzsanna remains on my left, correlating with our sleeping positions. Additionally, this is one of many dreams that lack definition or attention to my left in contrast to a clear focus to my right, which is subliminal wakefulness anticipation (as I sleep on my left side, my right more exposed to my environment correlating in the dream state with its concurrent monitoring).

      For over 50 years, water has been a consistent factor of natural melatonin mediation and ultradian and circadian rhythm in correlation with my sleep cycle. The unknown girl is a subliminal reminder of the Naiad factor from high-level dream state induction, though here has transitioned to the RAS (reticular activating system) mediation stage. She is “warning” me about the high waves, a warning about not sleeping too long, the island being the dream state.

      I was aware that I was at least partly responsible for creating the ocean creatures, but with no dream state realization. The eradication of the unintelligent hype equating lucid dreaming with dream control is necessary to understand the processes and dynamics of awareness in all modes of dream space. The ambiguity of whether they should be sharks or dolphins (with both appearing without incident) reflects the dual nature of RAS mediation and simulacra transitions, from REM and non-REM sleep induction to consciousness reinitiation.

      Zsuzsanna had a dream with the same content in the same period, including the CGI association with ocean creatures. It happens regularly, with too much matching detail to be coincidental.

      Updated 03-10-2019 at 07:35 AM by 1390

      non-lucid , memorable
    11. The Sea In The Sky

      by , 07-08-2017 at 08:17 PM (Journals From The Void)
      I've been gone for awhile, but I'm back. On to the dream!


      There is no reason as to how or why, but I win a ticket to go on a blimp heading for the clouds. I enter the blimp, and nothing interesting happened on the blimp, so my brain skips it.

      I end up in a gift store surrounded by a vast ocean of clouds. I see people riding around on what looked like jetskis that could go under(cloud?) riding around outside in the clouds. The gift store also has clouds inside it, up to about knee level. Wading through clouds, I encounter a fish guy. My dream cuts out befriending him, but it turns out that he is the ruler of the cloud area. It feels like many days had passed since I arrived in the cloud area. The ruler, whose name I never learned, had become good friends with me.

      I am taken to what appears to be a observatory of some kind, with openings in clouds allowing us to see the surface. There are a few teabags sandwiched between filters, each group with a name on them. One of the groups had my name on it. Without being told, I knew that, for some reason, the teabags represented the life force of the corresponding human.

      The ruler explains to me that he planned to flood the Earth, leaving only humans he trusted to survive. I ask about why he would want to do that, and there's a flashback.

      It was the ruler as a child, playing with a fish twice his size. "Where I come from, all creatures were equal," he explains. A net catches his fish friend. "However, you humans would treat those different from you as scum, even among your own species. It's disgusting. I must remove such disgusting creatures from existence, before they infect other worlds with their hate."

      I attempt to negotiate with him, but fail. Out of anger, he sends me back to the surface (instantly), and I end up next to the blimp again. Just as I prepare to get on the blimp to stop him, I wake up.

      This dream stood out to me for many reasons. Firstly, it had a really coherent plot. The only weird things that stuck out to me when I woke up were how life force was represented by teabags and that I somehow was sent instantly to the surface. Also, it makes you wonder; if there were a civilization in the clouds, are their drinks in cloud form?

      Secondly, I genuinely felt all the emotions, and most of the sensations, which is the first time I can remember that happening in a dream. It felt real.
    12. TOTY Success - Sled Task Completed and Repeated

      by , 06-27-2017 at 12:00 AM
      I go back to sleep fairly quickly so once again I have an NLD before brief wakefulness and then DEILD entry with eye clench (to confirm strength of vibrations) then visualization to try to influence scene. Seems NREM visuals...an extended period of flying through odd visions mostly like space-scapes, not that different from those on Twin Peaks The Return episode 8 which was mostly trippy visions. There were voices; I couldn't make out what they were saying. Towards end my mind recalled some of the creepiness of Twin Peaks from last night and the little bit of schema poisoning teased and then dumped in a DV thread recently (I just remembered, among the last ethereal scenes included panther eyes in the dark, after seeing a cheetah on TV IWL) but I handled it well with a sense of my own power much like facing creepy spaces IWL. Weird scenes blur out, as part of my subconscious solution I'm guessing. Then exploring some darkish rooms and halls with DC's.

      I want to do another TOTY so I spin while imagining a snow covered mountain for the sled task.
      I find myself in the snow at the top of a mountain with snow blowing and not giving me much to look at. I form my sled with my hands motioning the outline of a small one man sled. I get on and I go down at a medium speed. As I approach the bottom I imagine the earth opening up and I go down further which leads to calm endless ocean that I float above for a bit.

      I want to do this again and see if I can make it more interesting by going down faster and I'll make it notably cold while I'm at it. I spin again and imagine being back at the top and feeling the cold and it works again. I notice the cold air and this time I just assume the sled is already in my hands and I hop on it in mid-air while aiming down hill. T
      his time it feels fast, out of control and much more thrilling. I still didn't try to influence what I got at the bottom but after having the ground at the bottom open up it leads me to something different this time. It leads to shallow stream with lots of pebbles visible through the clear water that I float just above following the stream. Water both times interestingly, though vastly different bodies of water.

      After flying a bit I find myself indoors. I explore.
      Spoiler for sexual content:
      I wake after a good amount of fun.
    13. In a Science Group with Three Strangers

      by , 05-31-2017 at 09:09 AM
      Morning of May 31, 2017. Wednesday.

      In my dream, there is firstly the common water induction factor (which has been relevant to at least one to two dreams per night for over fifty years), and it is rendered as the ocean this time (deeper sleep and a potential link to the collective unconscious). There is the typical ambiguity of being indoors and outdoors at the same time. My dream progresses from my first location of a computer setup and bed to a more relevant (to real life) waking symbolism setting where I am then in our present home (though still with a sense of being outside even though I see Zsuzsanna sleeping in our bed in one of the last scenes).

      I seem to be part of an Internet group with three people of whom I do not know at all and had never met; two males and a female. Our virtual presence on the webpage is shown as a small paragraph (of about five or six lines) with a current photograph in the upper left corner of each person’s profile paragraph and present status. We talk to each other with microphones, though we sometimes type messages.

      Our talk is mainly about a large plesiosaurus that is not far from the ocean’s surface in the area near the beach. It does not pose a threat of any kind regardless of its cliché “sea serpent” associations. The unknown female seems to talk the most over time. Eventually, there is mention of how the creature had apparently been bumped by another animal underneath. This event does not seem problematic but dominates the last part of the online conversation. Oddly, one male talks about the event as if it was he that had been nudged.

      Eventually, it seems as if the others are offline and probably sleeping. I somehow see a scene where a very large dolphin nudges the stomach of the plesiosaurus (while swimming in the same direction just under it, implied to be to my left), though this is seemingly not an aggressive act. I notice that the dolphin is of a very unusual mottled pattern, mainly of purple and pink, almost reminiscent of a bed sheet pattern (though I do not make this association while in my dream).

      I decide to contact one of the others to report this. I wake up one of the males (by calling him with a telephone) and he seems somewhat confused and annoyed in being woken up at first. I describe how the dolphin is a very large but likely unknown species. Eventually, the scene shifts to where we are physically with each other in an area that seems modeled after the southeast grounds of my middle school (where I was last present in 1975). I mostly sit on the ground while the other three walk around, though one male talks to me (while standing) for a short time. Somehow, the location still seems the same on one level.

      The unknown female dominates the rest of the waking transition, which becomes distorted and illogically sustained. She tries to tell me something that I have to ask her to keep repeating (at least six times) as I do not catch the last word (a very common dream event). I think she might be saying the word “blue” at the end of the question but I am not sure. The phrase itself seems mostly like gibberish. Eventually, I just say “yes” and tell her my last name, which may not be what she was talking about (though my surname does at least rhyme with “blue”).

      I go over to where Zsuzsanna is sleeping (the indoor dynamics becoming a little more dominant than the sense of being outside) and there is the essence of where we live now in reality. She does not wake. (This is a typical dream setting shift where I walk from the grounds of my middle school in America to within our present home in Australia without my dream self regarding the impossibility at all. Still, this linear symbolism validates that dreaming of a school is often an attempt by the limited temporary dream self to get back to current whole conscious self identity, which is then indirectly shown as still being asleep in reality, though my dream self only sees Zsuzsanna in this case.)

      I see that I have the journal of the unknown female. It is somewhat like a mix of dream journal and real-life diary. It also has a number of scribbles and references to pills (and apparently illegal drugs), something about “taking the cruel pill” and odd illogical forms of supposed art, which is mainly just random lines, partial sketches, and random words. The fact that this unknown female is so undesirable in the last stage of the waking symbolism is a subliminal incentive for me to wake at this time and join my real partner in life. (In fact, the personified preconscious as such is often very annoying and imposing, but this depends on which part of the sleep cycle I am in, and time and time again, for over fifty years, is precisely linked to my circadian rhythms dynamics.)

      Despite the unusual nature of this dream in regard to the sea serpent, it is a very typical lifelong-established combination of dream signs (residual subliminal memories of having fallen asleep) and dream state induction symbolism and waking symbolism. The bumping of the dolphin against the plesiosaurus is a symbolic carryover of a recent dream where I drove a car between two vehicles in the street and nudged the streetcar (so that it rolled to the intersection without a conductor). This is symbolic of nudging Zsuzsanna in my sleep in real time. (In fact, many dreams have dynamics based on current environmental factors, something that people who believe in “dream interpretation” in the popular but naïve usage of the term completely ignore.)

      Projecting (and expanding) my imaginary dream body as a streetcar in one dream (without my conscious self identity being able to link to it to “drive” - depending on the stage of sleep) and as a plesiosaurus in this one, may be purely incidental, though a plesiosaurus, when passive, is symbolic of being in a more relaxed sleep while a streetcar rolling to an intersection is waking symbolism (though also analogous to rolling over in my sleep without being fully awake). (The plesiosaurus symbolism as such has occurred since around age six.)

    14. Giant Flying Mermaid

      by , 04-22-2017 at 10:22 AM
      Night of April 22, 2017. Saturday.

      I am on a ship out at sea though unsure of the time (though there is daylight). It seems like an older wooden ship as from a movie, though there is also a large fishing net set up on a pulley, seemingly at the front of the ship. The men are dressed somewhat like pirates but do not seem rowdy or aggressive.

      A giant mermaid, with the face of a young Zsuzsanna, and about fifteen feet in length, rises up from the ocean at the (I assume) front of the boat. For a moment, it seems that she may be partly entangled in the net. She has unusual fins around her shoulders which also seem somewhat like wings. There seems to be no threat to me, but many of the men are gathered up in the net by her and she just holds it up. (This seems to happen at least a couple times.) It does not seem she will hurt them. She is also at the side of the boat (port side) at one point. She does not seem angry at any point, just curious and amused. The men are let go and roll across the bow, some whose feet are still caught in the net.

    15. Missing Boat of Girls in 1924

      by , 04-03-2017 at 10:03 AM
      Morning of April 3, 2017. Monday.

      My dream begins with the usual water induction (which at least one lucid or semi-lucid dream of every night since early childhood begins with). A group of about seven unidentifiable female forms (though typically variations of Zsuzsanna) appears reflected in silhouette on the surface of the slowly rising water, but rather than any type of cheerful ritual (including healing affirmations or those of several other types), my dream shifts into where they are eventually on a boat. There is some sort of backstory regarding the journey but it is not clear. I “remember” that they are from the 1920s.

      My dream shifts into a (false) waking stage (which includes minor physical anticipation of the falling sensation) though my lucidity becomes more instinctual (and shifts into non-lucid dream control after the next scene) even though my dream remains vivid. The liminal waking expectation fades and I shift back into my dream (without a false awakening - only the continuation of the original ocean theme).

      I then see a few men from the 1920s on some sort of unlikely open train in the distance. I seem to be hovering above the ocean in an incorporeal state. The rickety train is carrying livestock and supplies. They are going up a very steep railway bridge but which is actually a rollercoaster rising up from the ocean. The top is incredibly steep, but the train somehow makes it over the peak safely and begins to slowly go down the other side. (I do not recognize that it is a rollercoaster and continue to associate it as a railway bridge.) This event is metaphorical for the false waking expectation - that is, going up a slope but then going over the other side with no mishap, fall, or collapse. As a result, I focus on the boat of girls again (of whom I now associate with relatives or ancestors), but soon realize that their boat is not present. I notice a number of other boats. I wonder if they have become lost (which of course is analogous of losing my lucidity).

      I am then on a couch in a very distorted version of the Loomis Street house. For example, a bathroom replaces the small northeast bedroom and the couch is near the center of the living room facing south. The large television is against the south wall (though in reality it was always out from the east wall with the couch’s back against the south wall). Zsuzsanna is on my left as well as our two youngest children on her left. Very curiously, my brother Leonard (half-brother on my father’s side), of whom I have rarely dreamt of in my lifetime, is on my right. There is a very unusual loud squawking noise. It turns out to be a brownish pterodactyl crawling on a cliff made up of clusters of smooth boulders (though which looks more like boulders near the ocean shore). I am trying to work out if I am seeing this on the television or if we are somehow looking through a hole in the wall into the past. I contemplate whether or not the pterodactyl will fall off the cliff, as it is getting closer and closer to the edge. Something within my mind makes me realize that this is a waking prompt symbol (just as with the rollercoaster railway bridge in the previous scene) and my dream shifts without me being lucid for the second time (though this is likely because there is an ocean association, which can cause reinduction).

      Soon, there is a scene of Egyptian “gladiators”. I think it odd that a sticker book Zsuzsanna and our children are looking at has images that exactly match the design of what the “gladiators” are wearing on the television. Leonard points out the advertising on the armor that a few of the Egyptians are wearing. I do not consider how ludicrous it is that ancient warriors would have modern commercial symbols and English writing on their armor. One of the symbols is the McDonald’s logo engraved on the armor just above the warrior’s waist. This is curious as it is made up of two upward and downward slopes so could be seen as a waking precursor symbol just as the earlier rollercoaster railway bridge of the similar shape. The phrase “phone home” is also engraved lower down on the armor. (This is hilarious as it symbolizes communication between dream self and subliminal threads of conscious self identity, yet once again, I do not catch the dream dynamic).

      My dream then shifts into vivid liminal space. I find myself walking out onto the porch (most common liminal space setting and often the last setting in a dream due to its nature). A group of unfamiliar people wearing fancy clothes from the 1920s are seated in at least three locations. Still, one male closest to the open living room door (on the right of it) seems to be dressed more as if from the late 1700s. I decide to ask what year it is. The unfamiliar male near the doorway starts reciting curious (but unremembered) poetry, with something like “three years beyond 1921”, soon informing me clearly that it is 1924. Looking out at the street (through the porch windows), I notice a number of cars from the 1920s, yet I do not see the car that the girls are supposed to be arriving in.

      The other male gets up and needs to use the bathroom. He seems very cheerful and friendly. Because the porch is a “different space” apart from the main dream setting, he seems very much in awe when going into the living room and to the bathroom door since that part of the house is “my time” (as in contrast to this dream’s personified emergent consciousness), though I remain on the porch, watching him through the doorway. However, the bathroom door is locked from the outside and he does not know how to use a knob lock. He returns to the porch, still in awe yet seeming very happy. I tell him that I am from 2016 (not remembering it is actually 2017). I tell him that I will unlock the bathroom door for him. Instead, he starts touching my face, hands, shoulders, wrists, and arms, pressing his fingers against me as if he thinks I am not quite human, me “being from the future”. I tell him (at least twice) that I am a “hologram”. (This is technically correct. The personified subconscious, always the dream self in first person when not lucid, as it certainly is not the conscious self identity, is technically a type of hologram, especially as the dream self certainly does not have a real physical body either.)

      He continues to push his fingers against my face and begins to smell me, while remaining very cheerful. The sense of touch is extremely enhanced and “accelerated” here. Coalescence (dream self unity of all other dream characters - where all the dream characters quickly merge into the dreamer like blobs of pale light into a swimming pool) soon occurs and of course it is me who has to actually wake up to use the bathroom.

      Understanding dreams and dream dynamics:

      • Water remains my most common form of induction (and real-time symbol for sleep) and this is apparently true for the whole of society, as the majority of commercial relaxation, meditation, and self-hypnosis tapes have included the sound of the ocean, a river, or a waterfall.
      • The metaphorical waking precursors (especially the rollercoaster railway bridge where I actually felt a slight physical shift into liminal space even though I was nowhere near it) not completing and instead bringing me back into the dream state is not that common (especially when I have to wake to use the bathroom). Instead, it took my personified emergent consciousness to bring me out directly (though still oddly sustained). (I assume he was not my personified preconscious even considering the porch setting as he was not aggressive or confrontational in any way and there was no additional shift other than last-stage coalescence.)
      • I presently associate my brother Leonard with fake news (which he is continuously posting on Facebook). This is likely to be a dream sign here, “fake news” being analogous to being in a (non-lucid or subliminally lucid) dream. Also, he is on my right, and the emergent consciousness precursor often has its event horizon on the right. (This is developed out of reading from left to right and a number line being oriented left to right, not on the disproved concept of left-brain and right-brain.)
      • The seeming contradiction of the waking precursors not completing is likely biological and based on circadian rhythms. Even with a need to use the bathroom, the body still requires a certain amount of rest. (It is also possible that the anticipatory muscle states being mixed, that is - both whole body and bladder pressure - were responsible for the atypical dynamics and truncated symbolism.)
      • This dream utilizes an altered setting based solely on dream state and waking dynamics, where the emergent consciousness goes towards the bathroom, which replaces the real bedroom. This is directly symbolic of me needing to leave my bed and go to the bathroom. The door is locked, so I still need to physically wake to use it (though often dreams render peculiar bathrooms or annoying situations as a trigger to deliberately bring the dreamer out of sleep).

      Updated 09-08-2019 at 06:52 PM by 1390

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