The first thing I remembered was my mom offering me a vegan beef jerky stick. I accepted her offer and took a bite. It was very tasty and juicy. After taking a few more bites, I noticed that there was a green slime all over it. I began scratching it off and thought to look where she grabbed it from. It was next to a window AC unit and there was slime and mold all over the other jerky sticks. Starting to get nervous, I searched google on my phone what would happen if you ate slime mold. You will experience extremely vivid lucid dreams.If more than a drop is ingested, you will die." "Oh no" I thought as I start pacing around and as my vision begins to fade, I feel extremely tired and find a place to fall over. I hear my mom say something about needing to keep me awake so I don't die. Everything is black and I can sense my body free floating in the void. "I ate a lot more than one drop, I guess this is the end of me." I accepted my fate. "Wait, that was a dream, I didn't eat any mold." glad to be alive I began flying upward into the void, seeing different images of worlds and places as I flew. What solidified was a world where the ground, walls, and sky were made up of an enormous blanket. "Time to skydive teleport" *This is a task I made up where I look at an object on the ground that has similar color to a place I want to teleport to. I dive into it and imagine that I'm actually skydiving into the place I want to go to.* I see a tan rectangle in the blanket and attempt to visit a desert, instead of shrinking down and skydiving like I wanted, I'm just moving downward, and the blanket is being pushed down with me. I start swinging my arms around feeling the blanket as I look up and attempt to speak to my subconscious mind. "You and me are going to have a lot of fun together!" I began flying back up. "Could you create a dream character that represents you?" I plead. "Okay." A very quiet and meek sounding voice responded. "Did you agree to do it?" Not sure if I actually heard anything or not. "Yes!" it responded a bit louder but just as meek. I look around and see a huge muscular black guy. He starts rapping. "Some people think they're all that, but they only good in the hood." I lose lucidity at some point listening to him. I can't remember the rest of the rap, it was very good though. It had to do with people who think they're really good because the people around them are bad. I wake up. Note: first long DILD
Updated 04-22-2024 at 12:30 PM by 100743
non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid false awakening At a foreign country attending some teachings. I feel a bit lost, but I meet some lady who seems nice to hang with. At lunch time I go to a place identical to one of the restaurants of a Mexican resort I have been, expecting to find lunch there. But I don't see any tables or people. This lady shows me there is a terrace on a lower level, where people actually are having lunch. She takes me to the buffet, but then we can't find a place to sit. She says she knows another nice place by the river. But it implies crossing a road with traffic and jumping over a tall fence, which forces us to climb first over a broken wall. But we manage. On the other side she takes us to a bar instead. Not what I expected and we continue not having a place to sit. But there are snacks and I eat standing. Meanwhile she grabs a cigar and starts smoking. I am starting to think she isn't exactly giving what I expected from her and maybe following her around was not a good idea. But in the process we tagged along two other cool guys, a middle eastern and a black dude. Then there is a rap competition on the bar and someone points out that we should listen to a certain asian lady with a guitar. She thinks she can rap but they assure us it will be a disaster. We listen and she really sucks. Not only she raps to a melody on the guitar but she kinda sings instead of just rapping and also very badly, so it doesn't make any sense. Meanwhile I notice my dad is there and so is her mother. I comment to my dad that even I can sing better than that and he agrees. Then the judges totally destroy her and also attack her mother for not having been truthful and telling her daughter she sucked. She says she thought she should always encourage her. The girl is confused, she really believes she is talented. In the end, the mother makes a sweet statement showing her unconditional support to her daughter and everybody cries, even my dad, but he leaves to hide the tears. Then my immortal beloved comes out of nowhere and is also there commenting the music. He takes me to another room, where we are alone. But he looks very cool and distant, just talking about musical technicalities. I don't understand what's up and I am completely fixated in his eyes, trying to read his real thoughts. He starts blushing and stuttering. I realize I broke the barrier. I take two steps towards him. Don't do anything besides being damn close to him and still fixated in his eyes. He tries to go back to a discursive thought but he can't. He just breaks down and leans to kiss me. It is magical how completely vulnerable and lost he appears to be. The kiss is the most realistic one I've experienced in my dreams with him so far.
i'm going to an Eminem concert with Dillonj and Randall. the concert is on the third floor of a bank. the first floor is a normal bank. the second floor is a party type thing. a buncha middle aged women in gowns smoking and putting on makeup. Allie is there. me and Dillon have been talking about Jo and Freddy. we finally make it to the third floor. Eminem is fat and gross with nasty looking facial hair and a beer belly. plus he can't rap. Dillon and i decided to leave but Randall wanted to stay, which wasn't surprising.
These dreams were a little fuzzy Race for James Bond I was involved in some sort of race to France I think it was. There was more dream before this I just don't remember it. Somehow, because there was traffic, I was convinced that I could beat all of the other cars on foot. After running on the highway for a long time, which changed and curved frequently, I arrived...first. The highway was almost like a video game highway in the way that scenery was always changing to keep things interesting. It wasn't like a real highway in the way that its long straight and boring. So I won the race and then I headed inside. It was a large ball (The dancing kind) and my dream turned into a watching experience. I was watching James Bond as he hid on the balcony level with a jade figurine on his head. His lady friend walked up to him and asked him what he was doing. He explained that at this ball, they were celebrating the purchase of the last ancient arabian sky scraper. He was here to stop the moving of the sky scraper because that would leave the arabians with nothing, which would effectively piss them off, sending the world into WWIII with nukes and the likes. This would cause catastrophic earth quakes in America, the likes of which have only been nearly seen in California. A quick reel played in my head of old fashioned cars almost running into new pot holes except the reel was of noticeable bad quality with horrible actors and visual effects. Suddenly I was in my house with my friend Tre, and another guy and we did a rap battle. I remember that I asked if we would switch off every 4 or 6 and he said 8 then switched off at 4. This irked me...
So, it all started out when I'm in front of a Safeway and there's some guy who puts a gun to my head. Naturally, I get really pissed off at the nerve of some people. I reach into my pocket where I find a gun and shoot him. It's not a real gun, it's a taser. He is fine, but I leave him there and take his gun away, stomp on it and shattering it before scooping up the remains and putting them in the garbage. --- Next dream --- I'm by what appears to be a small lake/pond but has small waves like the ocean. I am holding my bag of sea glass and treasures and dump it into the surf. An old couple walks up and begins picking up the pieces. I tell them not to because I am only putting them there to clean them off. They seem disappointed so I go through them and try to find pieces to give them. I take a handful and give it to the woman and she is happy. I then walk around gathering all the pieces I can find and putting them in a little tin. By the time I am done collecting them all the lake has dried up completely. -- next dream -- I am in what appears to be a really bizarre school. For some reason a teacher pulls me aside and tells shows me a map. It's circular of some passageways and there are four different colored space ships. I have to go do something about this, stop them, find something. I'm not precisely sure. I take off and go outside where there are several people gathered around a table. There is a puppy and they are slicing him up to make bread. I am very upset about this. I love puppies. I don't think puppies belong in bread. The odd thing is is that the puppy looked more like a cartoon than a real puppy, and it didn't have blood inside it. As they sliced him he just made funny faces and the inside of him looked like bread. They also had two ostriches, a rhino, more puppies and a few other animals. I ended up releasing the animals. I had a conversation about how I'm going to record a rap album, and I kept trying to write rhymes. I don't remember any of the rhymes but I sure wish I did.
So, I don't even know where to begin. Dreams are gibberish sometimes. Anyway, it was very very sexual so I'm going to skip over a lot of the fun bits on general principle. I kept walking to different houses with a bunch of girls that were really cute. I think we were all trying to find a place to live. The whole ordeal took a long time, and I kept feeling really tripped out at each house we would step in. I kept looking around at all the objects inside wondering how the people who lived there lived their everyday lives, what they were like. Suddenly I was alone with D. We had been shown a house earlier in San Francisco... It was more like a mobile home attached to a huge house, but once you got inside it was really big. There were lots of details in the architecture. There were flower pots built into the walls with lots of beautiful wood carved designs all around them. Later in the dream, I kept going to places... for example, a movie theater... and whoever would be working there would say it was free of charge. "Bob is here," they would say, "We know that you don't have to pay here." (Note: I don't think I've ever met anyone named bob in my life although this vaguely reminds me of Fight Club... I haven't read the book/seen the movie in a while. It just reminds me of that almost exactly come to think of it. This is a big note between these parenthesis so I should probably stop rambling on right... about.. now.) Oh yeah, the whole time I kept talking about the rap/hip hop album that I am going to record. I was very excited about it. And hell yes, I am recording a rap album. .. Also, I didn't write down my dreams yesterday but I remember them very clearly. I was standing in a room with a few friends of mine. I think we were going to see a show soon. There was a plastic hanger in the middle of the room and I picked it up. Two others grabbed onto it and we all began spinning wildly. I can't explain why we did this. We were laughing hysterically the whole time and the dream changed to us standing inside of a store. It was like a Longs, Walgreens, Rite Aid, CVS, etc. One of my friends wanted beer but he didn't have his Id so he wanted me to buy one for him. They were a dollar. I didn't really want any so I was looking around for something else that I might want. I walked over to a guy who worked there and he began putting like 50 beers into a giant sack and gave it to me. "Don't tell my boss," he said. "Uh..." I replied, "k..." So I took them and kept wandering around the store. I didn't really feel like carrying them so I dropped them somewhere and forgot about them. I found a huge aisle full of paintings. I really wanted some of the big ones. There were lots of paintings of jazz singers, one strange rainbow bob marley picture, and a few others . I never finished picking one out.
PART 1 - IMPULSIVE GRANDPA I'm with grandpa. He's acting very impulsive. He keeps eating unhealthy food - I remember one specific instance of a burger from Burger King... and possibly taking drugs (alcohol?). I think to myself that it could be because he thinks he's going to die soon, so he's letting loose. We're driving along, talking about deep things. We're out in the country, there are a lot of sharp turns. He's barely paying attention to his driving. I think to myself, it must be on autopilot, and with so many years of good driving, it should be fine... I feel safer having thought this. He talks (I ask?) about his philosophy on various things... I think it had an "all the beautiful people," world peace type vibe... which is interesting as IRL his views tend more toward the conspiratorial. ANALYSIS Grandpa recently purchased a motorcycle, and apparently plans on (or possibly has already been) using it. I really do often think that he's trying to keep himself stimulated by keeping busy, because he's afraid that if he gets too bored he'll just lose the will to live. His manner has changed slightly as well... more uninhibited. Definitely need to visit sometime soon. - - - PART 2 - OUTDOOR RAP BATTLE Outside, field in the country... there's about a dozen people lined up, each taking turns freestyling. Lil Wayne (or someone who looks like them) is one of them. It's my job to pick who competes next. There are bins of food sitting on a table - for some reason instead of picking the people themselves, I pick two foods, and whoever owns them goes next. I'm picking just before I leave (I'm supposed to compete next, but make some half-ass excuse, grandpa is waiting in car - which is true, but there did not seem to be any urgency.) The host recommends I pick some frozen meat, I do... turns out it belongs to two Japanese chefs (wearing full white chef uniforms and hats) who barely speak English, he wanted them up for entertainment value. I head back to grandpa waiting in the car, I see the hills and winding roads in the distance. ANALYSIS I started listening to rap again the past few days after taking maybe a week break from it, likely trigger. I also watched a few prank calls yesterday, which to me seems like the trigger for tricking the Japanese chefs into competing, similar attitude of mischief. Making an excuse seems literal, I don't feel prepared for something like that.
Updated 08-12-2010 at 11:49 AM by 30838
PART 1 - FREE BEER AND UNDERCOVER COPS I'm walking down the street across from where I work, it's night. Some girl, mid 20s, black hair, wearing a professional navy colored suit, is handing out cans of beer - like how some people hand out promotional flyers to everyone who passes by, except it's cans of beer half as tall as a normal can. I take it even though I don't drink. The top is already open when she hands it to me. I continue down the road and these two older guys start following me, late 30s, one has very light blond hair, almost white, especially his eyebrows, mostly bald... reminds me of Hank from the show Breaking Bad. Don't remember anything about the other guy. They keep within my personal space, and somehow I figure they must be undercover cops. I look at the Hank guy and call it out, "so, you must be..." He pretends not to know what I'm getting at. I say "nevermind" and cross the street toward work, they follow me. When we get to the other side, they reveal their identity and ask about the beer, if I've been drinking or plan to. I say that I hadn't drank any and have no intentions of doing so, which is true. They hear the sincerity and conviction in my voice, believe me, and leave me be. ANALYSIS The thing that stands out most to me is my conviction when I told them I wasn't going to drink, and the fact that they believed me. Perhaps a message about the importance of sincerity. - - - PART 2 - BAR ZOMBIES I go to a bar with my dad. There are couches... all of the patrons are sitting silently, staring off awkwardly. Men and women in their 40s, at least some of them are dad's family. I realize that they're just there because they don't want to be alone. There was a much more complex storyline involving dad as well, but can't remember... ANALYSIS I think the important part of this one was the realization that they just didn't want to be alone. It makes me think of how people will lower their standards in relationships (romantic or otherwise) just to avoid loneliness. I was feeling oddly lonely yesterday and spoke to someone who I'd previously dismissed as too irritatingly trivial to interact with, just to talk to someone, anyone. I did so more on my own terms than before, however, not changing the way I acted to match theirs. Instead, they changed to match mine. It actually did make me feel better. - - - PART 3 - FAIL AT FEMALE DANCE CLASS I'm in a dance class meant for females. I can't do the movement properly for some reason, I keep swaying back and forth with my arms, but it's not correct. When the session ends, I do a backward roll over my left shoulder. Teacher is in mid to late 40s, neck length brown hair, taught face with some wrinkles. ANALYSIS I generally consider myself fairly feminine in certain ways. I'm not sure what would trigger that sense of not being able to "get it right," however. Except perhaps losing repetitively as Zerg in Starcraft, but that seems a bit of a stretch. Oh well, I always try to come up with at least one possibility for each part. - - - PART 4 - INFUSING MOVEMENT WITH FEELING IN PAINTING I think this is the same class as the one above. A male teacher - 40s, quite fat, longer hair (ponytail?) - challenged by a student that they "can't paint," demonstrates in front of the class by making 2 simple marks of a dark blue. They're very slow and deliberate, he twists the brush to make two marks each conveying movement into the other, like a yin yang. I can see he's infusing much feeling into the movements. I'm able to recognize it because this is something I do naturally. I allow the feeling to take over my hands. I remember clearly the feeling of my arms moving involuntarily with the brush in the air. ANALYSIS The feeling or lack there of conveyed in movement is something I notice in people at all times. Perhaps this theme of feeling in movement was the result of being quite focused on the sensation of swaying my arms in the previous part. In fact, thinking about it now, I was really quite aware of it in the moment. I think this may be the first sign of greater dream awareness. It makes sense that it would begin kinesthetically for me. Focusing on body awareness first in dreams may be my personal key to achieving lucidity. I feel that this is a very important discovery. Progress! - - - FRAGMENT Walking down a street, cars and shops, downtown in some city, night. Someone is impersonating Immortal Technique, one of their lines ends with "poke them in the eye," I think this is weak and not something they would say. ANALYSIS Possibly triggered by a post I made on here mentioning IT. When I first woke up, I thought I would have no dreams to report today. It seems to take some time for me to recall. For me it's not a matter of "getting it all onto paper quickly before I forget," it's more "keep waiting around until some random thought triggers a memory, which triggers another one..." and so on.
Updated 08-06-2010 at 03:32 AM by 30838
PART 1 - RICH FAMILY PIANO VISIT I'm visiting some rich, "upper class" family. I don't know how I know them. There is a mother - 50s, slim, narrow face, short brown cropped hair, well mannered but stern, a cold personality... and a daughter, who looks like someone I very vaguely know IRL. The house seems to be based on two locations from my past, one from my childhood and one my father's current home. Kind of both at once, as dreams often seem to weirdly do. I practice on their piano (in the kitchen area from my childhood house)... meanwhile in the next room, the mother is teaching the daughter piano (living room, right across - where there used to actually be a piano IRL). At one point I crawl into the room toward the corner opposite from them (there is no other furniture other than the piano), where there is a picture of the daughter leaning against the wall on the floor. I "fix" the tilt of the picture. As I do, I'm more or less staring at the daughter. She pretends not to notice. As I'm crawling back out, I realize that I was staring and that it must have seemed creepy, and think to myself that I should completely ignore the daughter for a while to compensate. After a while the mother comes in and asks how I'm doing. I pick up on the subtext that it's time for me to go, and say that I was actually just about to head out. As I'm leaving I notice I'm wearing a bulky green-ish jacket I've borrowed from them. I hesitate, wondering if they'll ask for it back, but suppose they let me keep it for now as it's raining outside. I think the original reason I borrowed it had something to do with what took place before I arrived, some sense of danger, but can't remember. I remember something about playing in an orchestra... On my way out (now based on my father's current home), where there is usually a closet by the front door, I notice it's a door into an entire room that is in fact a giant checkers board, with giant checkers pieces to play with and everything. ANALYSIS Piano is one of several arts I've been considering to spend my time on while not working on my meditation project, so I'm sure that association is primed in my mind. Crawling into the room... this could certainly symbolize submitting to their "higher status." Fixing the tilt of the picture... this could mean trying to improve her self image, perhaps repair damage done by the harsh mother figure. The checkers room... this could refer to decadence, extravagance, this rich family having a whole room just for checkers. ----- PART 2 - RAP ALBUM G I'm talking to my IRL friend G about releasing a rap album. I say that I'm not super motivated to release one at this point, otherwise I would be "working my contacts," that it's "just a hobby right now." ANALYSIS Perhaps trying to qualify myself, essentially trying to prove, "I could if I wanted to."
Updated 08-03-2010 at 01:21 PM by 30838
★★★ Vague dream This was a vivid dream when I first remembered it. Started off I was at a table playing some electric guitar, there was a black dog that was giving me a sad look. also my guide was there. I was also one the phone with someone in didsbury. a woman. we had a long convo. Later we drove to the disbury store and she was there... I forget what we talked about again. Almost Lucid I remember being outside at night time. I was questioning whether it was a dream. Just then I saw a video game pixelated spacecraft fly into the sky, it got close and then sped away. For some reason I rationalized that it was only a dream... weird. School? some dream where I went to abbotsford to a school I went to in the past (in the dream past). I was enrolled again. the whole classroom was this wierd board with strange desks. I remember walking around it and talking to people. Various times i sat down to do work. Apperently i had a friend who I thought was Walms... but on the paper it wasn't his name... just something close. Later I go downstairs to use my cousins computer. The monitor is really small and I forget what I do there. Still Ballin' I was driving in a car with my brother and 2 black guys. My brother started Rapping Tupac lyrics... I was hoping he wouldn't hit the phrases with the "N" word. I ran through the lyrics of "still ballin" in my head and realized there was a few N words in there. WTF i'm back at the house/school. I'm on a couch and someone hands me a phone. It's some homie guy I seem to know. He's telling me I have to hear a rare track by some rapper who Re did "gin and juice". he kept saying there were extra voices on it. I listen to the song but can barely hear it. My brother starts blasting Techno music in the room. I Tell my brother to shut it off because I can't hear the song on the phone. Later, I go to leave the room when a 12 year old girl in a bathrobe walks into the room seductively... I sense something definitely wrong. some other guy in the room says "this is sick" and he leaves. The gril comes over to me and says something like "I like being able to turn men on by my youngness" She has a sickly face, short blond hair, and a white bathrobe on. I am trying to ignore her. I sit on another couch and my mind manifests me some potatoe chips to distract me from the situation. The underage girl goes over and makes kissy faces at me. She advances toward me.. with a mouth full of chips i say "Can't you see I'm eating. leave me alone" and I stuff another handfull into my mouth."