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    1. 26 Jul: Affair with a young Russel Crowe, vampires, random stuff ending with scorpions

      by , 07-26-2022 at 08:33 PM (Lucid-schizo-dreamer)
      non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid FA / AP

      I know a bunch of Hollywood actors and I am thinking that in the future when someone writes about our relationships, they'll portray it entirely wrong, because it is not glamorous at all, just all very goofy.
      Right now I am with a young and fit Russel Crowe and we are very good friends, or actually more than friends. He is married and his wife knows we meet, but has allowed it because so far we'd just been friends. But the truth is we are showering together in his house, although nothing else happened between us, which is odd. His wife comes right after we get dressed and she seems fed up with our weird intimacy, as she bluntly says it is time for me to go. He looks at me like "she is the boss", so I must obey. I tell her it doesn't have to be like this. We could all be together with each other. But she doesn't want to, she already hates that I am so close to him like a lover.
      I go stay at a hostel with mixed dorms. I have to share a room with two guys. They clearly flirt with me, but I show no interest, just ask for their help to turn on the tv but they keep trying to be friendly.
      Later I take a bus trip to somewhere, but when exiting the bus I wonder if I was carrying any luggage and left it in the bus. So I go back and ask the driver to wait while I look for my stuff in my seat. Turns out it's a lot of stuff. First I grab a bag, a coat and a sleeping bag, but only to reveal 3 more bags with books and food and drinks among other things. I am freaking out, wondering how am I gonna carry al that. I start stuffing as much stuff as I can in plastic bags. Meanwhile I find a 20€ bill on the floor. Then finally decide to leave some things behind which elicits complaints from fellow passengers who wanted the seats and floor cleared.

      Watching a scene from a show about vampires that I used to watch as a teen. Vlad has bought an abandoned church to live there unnoticed, while preparing his comeback. Some fellow vampires who work for some governing body overseeing vampire activity come to confront him about his plans for the world. They mention a symbol he painted on the façade which has some meaning, but he denies it. They demand to go inside. I then am physically there with them. I am also a vampire and sort of Vlad's assistant or protegé. Sunlight doens't harm us. We enter the church abut somehow he makes us go back in time to when the church is being attended by regular people. There is a mass going on, apparently a funeral and Vlad goes pay respects to the dead person, forcing us to follow him into the middle of the church. Some attendees start whispering and pointing at us, and soon I hear the word vampires and feel threathened. They've figured out what we are, because of our paleness, beauty and peculiar taste in fashion. I try to get out, but they turn on us, effectively surrounding and isolating the youngest among us. I rescue the kid and only then I leave.

      Later I am at the cinema and I have a huge fruit bat which I keep as a pet (I guess as my ESA). He is nice but I need to be very gentle or he'll bite. Some kid in the seat in front notices it and asks to pet him. But I say no, saying he will regret it. He gets angry, says he can pet whomever he wants, starting an argument with me. Some employees take us outside to discuss what's going on and I explain what happened and that I am trying to teach the kid some manners and protect him from being bitten. I also don't want a lawsuit from his parents if he gets a zoonosis. They agree with me and kick the kid out. They issue a refund for me.

      Driving through some neighborhood with Riverstone, when I spot my uncle Filipe in his car at a parking lot. I stop nearby to confront him. I think he sees us but pretends not to, then gets on board of a truck parked there and drives off. Riverstone thinks he didn't see us, I know he did and he ran away, which means he is afraid of us. I decide that now that I know where he parks his working vehicle, I'll give him a taste of what he does to my mom and stalk him, leave notes on his windshield, make threats, to see if he likes it. Riverstone doesn't think is a good idea, so he leaves. I do some recon of the area and find a small prefab house where workers like him have a toilet and a locker to leave their personal belongings. But it is actually much bigger inside than what seems on the outside. There is also a locker room for kids that have gym classes in the neighborhood. And soon enough some 20 kids with an adult come rushing in to use the toilet and get their coats. Followed by a huge group of teens that look like they came from regular school lessons. The last ones are three japanese girls and one asks in English if I am such and such person. The name she mentions sounds very much like mine despite her accent, so I say yes, even if I am not sure. But then some other lady who seems Russian, says no, they don't mean me. I apologize and leave. But decide to follow the girls. They lead me to a town that looks like Vegas meets Spring Break. Lots of young folks, college students, drinking outside bars, sitting on cafés, loud music, lots of neon signs. I go around to explore and then it turns into Tokyo. I admire the diversity of fashion looks of the young people and crack up laughing at some guy with a kind of scarf around his neck that has a built-in smartphone holder and he is recording himself talk as he walks hands-free through in the crowd.
      I go down to a subway station, but everyone seems to be getting out of it scared with something. I don't see anything suspicious, so I sit on a ledge for a bit to eat a snacl. I then spot a black scorpion passing under my feet. Not a dangerous one but still I don't want to be stung. Then I spot a red scorpion with dozens of tiny babies around. I fear the little ones cause they are more deadly. I drop some food on the floor and then another scorpion, beige, comes to sniff it also surrounded by dozens of babies. She encounters the red one and they fight over the food. The dark one also comes and both groups attack and devour the black one. Then the reds win the beiges and devour them. Some cleaning ladies come by and tell me to come down and not be afraid. They say unfortunately there is an infeststion of scorpions and roaches, but they claim they are not dangerous to people and that I just need to go around them. I come down and head for a ramp to the subway platforms. It's covered in roaches. I jump from place to place trying to avoid stepping ont the bugs but as I go deeper into the station, they seem to be more and more.

      Updated 08-24-2022 at 09:05 PM by 34880

    2. 11 Apr: Bus dragged by flash flood and killing someone in Hollywood in the 30s

      by , 04-11-2021 at 09:11 AM (Lucid-schizo-dreamer)
      non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid FA / AP

      Taking a bus somewhere. My parents are also on board but not seated nearby. There is some flash flood and the bus gets dragged by muddy waters. The water covers most of the bus and I think of strategies to get out, but the windows are fixed with only small horizontal ones on top which open but hardly anyone can get through them. I get my parents out through there anyway and then I go next. Then the water recedes and we take refuge in a subterranean park just to get some rest and plan what next. My parents lock me up in a public bathroom and say it is not safe for me and they will go outside do some reconnaissance of the situation. I am pissed. But then laugh when I notice the bathroom walls don't go all the way up but have an opening that communicates with the next bathroom. I climb the wall and get on top it. On the next division, there is a dog someone also left in there alone, but he is friendly. As I am exiting through that door and taking the dog with me, some couple appears and claims it's their dog. I am a bit upset with these people, whom I think are a bit irresponsible, but I keep quiet and just say goodbye to my friend. Then my parents come back and are upset to see me outside and I joke "Did you really believe that locking me would stop me? And they agree they were silly."

      I am in Hollywood in the '30s (maybe). I got a leading part in a film and I am absolutely thrilled. I think it is all going fine, until some other girl who is sharing the house with me and some others, reveals she got a part in the same movie and not any part, but she is meant to replace the leading character. I get seriously mad, but I avoid taking my rage on her and run away to a different room to cool down. She follows me and confesses she didn't know it was me and she is sorry and that it is all some revenge plan cooked up by people who hate me and she only accepted because she needed the job and is nothing personal. I forgive her, but then later, this girl accuses me on the set, of stealing her earing which appears magically in a pocket of my coat. Then I realize she is indeed part of the revenge plan and I beat the shit out of her until she dies. Then a guy who comes to intervene and is holding a gun, accidentally shoots himself in the chin and also dies. I run away down some stairs to the basement. The police arrives at the scene and I don't wanna be caught. So I go through a trapdoor that leads to a park outside. I try to blend with the people on the street. I hear police sirens everywhere. I head to a small aerodrome nearby where some Africa dude that I know traffics stuff. I wanna try ask if he can fly me away to Africa. I ask him where in Africa it would be better for me to start a new life from scratch. He suggests Ghana and he paints a lovely picture of it. I can see myself there already and then I come back to reality and think I'll probably never make it. The police comes raid the aerodrome and my friend helps me hide by ducking on the ground in a bushy area. We slowly move towards the entrance booth and with the complicity of the lady in the booth that controls the entrances and exits, we escape to outside. I keep on the move, I hide. But I end up coming back later to the aerodrome and taking a plane later to Africa. I then see myself living there for years, getting married to a local and having a kid and sitting calmly at a café with my family, enjoying my new life.

      Updated 04-13-2021 at 09:40 AM by 34880

    3. 19 Dec: Want to adopt a Tibetan girl, Hollywood and food craving

      by , 12-19-2018 at 07:40 PM (Lucid-schizo-dreamer)
      non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid false awakening

      I find out there is an exhibition about the tibetan people and they have a campaign to promote the adoption of Tibetan orphan children. I read about it and tell Riverstone we should adopt a child. He isn't so convinced and tries to change my mind. I insist we should go and we go.
      They have a tent with a few booths where one can see slides with pics and the story of each child. Bit I already know which girl I want to adopt, I have her image in my mind since I read about the campaign. She just popped up. The problem is I don't know her name and have to check all the kids to find her.

      I go check a street market and just take some bucks with me. I eat something at a stall and think about the movie "a star is born", because a lady by my side looks like lady gaga.

      Meet some friend and we accidentally meet some Hollywood actress, I think maybe Leslie Mann, and she invites us to her house. I pick a bag of clothes from home, as we stay a few days there.

      Later I am walking around a studio, there is an open space office and many parallel rooms with mirrored windows for meetings, etc. I go to the toilet to change clothes. My top is very hard to zip on the back so I get outside the bathroom to have some room to move and end up in front of one of those mirrored offices fighting with my top and accidentally showing my boobs to whomever is inside and it's full of dudes. I can hear them commenting and enjoying it. I run away embarrassed and leave my bag there on the ground. I meet my friend again and beg her to go there and get it for me. She forces me to tell what happened in front of another office full of people. I feel so down that I need to be alone and I want to binge eat. There's only a McDonald's in the building. I hate it, but they have some new biscuit cake and are offering test samples, or so I think. I decide to take a bite. An employee comes to tell me it was just being shown but wasn't a sample to eat. They say it comes with a sundae and I have to buy one now.
    4. Zombies

      by , 09-15-2015 at 05:12 PM
      I'm at home and there are people inside the house. I enter the house and go to this room where there are things all over the floor, like someone were in a hurry and just abandoned them there. I look outside through a door (which in real life is actually a window) and everybody is walking back and forth in a transe state, so I know instantly that they are zombies.
      I turn back and go quickly outside. As I reach the porch I instantly know that I'm dreaming. As usual, for some reason, instead of focusing and stabilizing the dream, I start to jump around trying to be airbourne so I can fly. I almost make it the first time, but then I think "okay just let me check my fingers then", I look at my hand and there are so many fingers, like 10 or so, I start to count them but stop at the count of 7. Then I look at the entrance gate and start running towards it, maybe with speed I can get in the air. As I start running I get the impression that there's someone (probably a zombie) behind me, but I manage to jump over the gate and here we go! I'm flying over fields and even though the flight isn't very stable (I almost go against the tree tops) it's the longest I've ever been in the air. I try to get more speed but it's not going very good. Far ahead I see these hills with big letters on them. I notice the first is an H and I instantly know it's Hollywood. Why? I don't know, it's not a place I'm excited to explore in the dreamworld.
      Now I start hearing this noise that keeps coming and going, and then I'm suddenly in bed and that noise is my nose whistling everytime I exhale. xD
    5. Hollywood

      by , 01-28-2014 at 11:04 PM (Oneironautic Escapades)
      I am in Hollywood California as a tourist just wondering around seeing the sights taking it all in. I find myself at some kind of red carpet and there are many celebrities gathered for some reason. There aren't many people around so I figure this is a prime opportunity to hang out with some famous people. I see Ben Affleck with a few other people and I signal him to come over, he walks over a few seconds later with a couple girls apologizing that he was chatting with Milla Jovovich. I ask them if they want to hang out in the arcade next door and they happily take me up. We walk in and the two girls are fixated on an sort of skee-ball game that involves throwing lemons down an ally at specific targets for points. I walk around with Ben and we just chat about life as norm and how people react to them in general. When we come back to the skee-ball game he joins them and I decide to walk around some more there are bright colors and lights and all sorts of arcade sounds I am somewhat pleased by the environment. I return to the three of them and Milla is now in the group playing the lemon game. Ben is requisitioned by some fans and follows them out the door of the arcade. I step in on the game and ask the girls if I can join them, they are more than happy to play with me. I am overjoyed I am playing the lemon game with Milla and Bens date. As I throw the lemons down the alley it is slightly more difficult than it looks and I am embarrassed about wasting their lemons. Other fans have stepped into the game and were allowing themselves to be the targets for the girls to throw at, they are being cheeky and the girls giggle. So I allow them to play some more and then walk away out the door Ben went. He was posing for pictures on the sidewalk and sitting on some kind on wagon facing the street. I wave goodbye and continue down the road.
      It is mostly tourists flocking the streets now. Like a sea of tourists, we are all headed to a good look out point to take photos of the Hollywood sign. I can barely see it from where I am, a local tells me the best place to shoot is from a hillside in the distance they point to and I see people filing that way. I am on the edge of the city and there is a small patch of woods between me and the hillside. I have to travel down a ravine of some sort and it is quite muddy. I notice there are very large pinkish orangy mushroom type trees littering the Forrest. They have large spines on them that bend easily to the touch. I am aware I have never seen anything like this and they seem either alien or prehistoric. I am following a man who has fairly certain footing though he begins to travel away from where we are going and I recommend we take the path of a fallen tree which is more direct he follows my advice and we advance together.
      When I am finally approaching the open hillside I notice a man dressed in biblical attire singing a gospel, those around him chime in and suddenly the entire mass of a thousand people easy are all singing praises at the top of their lungs. It is breathtaking. As I am walking by the people who have stopped to sing I begin clapping the rhythm of the song, I begin jogging and I am suddenly in biblical clothes myself. The wind is blowing rather hard against my tunics and I hold the edges of my gown convinced I can glide on the wind. The singing picks up as I lift off the ground moving with speed in the air powered by the wind and my gown of flowing fabric. I glide forward and backward zig zagging the entire group moving down the hillside. I am overwhelmed by the experience the singing is magnificently heard from this height. The people see me and exclaim I must be the real one! I come closer to the ground towards the edge of the hillside which is more of a cliff. I turn and land though the wind is pulling me towards the cliffs edge. I am gripping the soil trying to maintain and three women who are African american offer me their hands to pull me up. I am eternally grateful, as I am walking back up there is another boy on the cliffs edge, I reach back and help him up as well the singing is dying down and all of the people seem focused on me.
      The Hollywood sign is no where to be seen.
    6. 1/28/14 - parachuting into rich peoples property

      by , 01-28-2014 at 10:37 PM (Leaving the matrix)
      Me and my cousin are on a grass hill. With further inspection it seems we are on the hill that has the Hollywood sign. We are just sitting in the grass picking little yellow flowers and soaking up the sun. My cousin shows me a funny camera eye position like in a game to do on the hill, so I try it and I go into first person and roll on the grass and the world spins in circle in my vision, I see sky grass sky grass sky grass, and we both laugh as we're rolling along the side of the hill. Then my cousin stands up and jump out in the air away from the hill and begins to sore down and glide almost, and then she pulls a parachute, so I do the same and jump out and sore towards her and then pull my parachute. Then we slowly float over the expensive homes. We go over the one home only floating a couple feet above the roof and land in the back yards jacuzzi, and then turn to see a girl in a brown bikini on a reclined beach chair with glasses on and drinking from a pink drink. She had a look of shock, then she screams something at the glass door on the back of her house. Me and my cousin are to chill to get out of the jacuzzi, so we just stay there, and then this man with salt and pepper colored hair runs out and smacks us with a blue net stick thing, but me and my cousin just sit there and take the beating with a relaxed facial expression, and we ask the girl to pass the sun screen so we won't burn, but the girl gives us an angry ass look, but then she ends up tossing it to us.
    7. HEY! Hours Of VIVID Dreaming

      by , 06-13-2013 at 05:07 PM
      Level of Lucidity: 0
      Level of Clarity: 7
      Level of Realism: 2
      (levels based 0-10, 0-5 being low - good 5-10 being great - extreme)

      At first I could only remember the second half of this dream, and as I was recalling it I remembered the first half, which is quite remarkable for me. I only remember the following beginning to the dream, but not how I got there:

      I drove my car to a gas station at the end of this road in LA, it didn't look like anyone had been there. I was running late for my class, and something was wrong with my car. I pulled up next to a gas tank on the side furthest from the road, and got out. I noticed that where the headlights were, they were raised up and out like a 90's Nissan 300zx. This was strange because I drive a BMW, but a few years ago I owned a Datsun '82 280z. I didn't think much of it, but knew I had best fix it while it was on my mind.

      I realized how late I was for my class, and decided to leave the keys in the ignition, car running, and walked into the gas station. After a few minutes I realized it had been a couple of hours that I had been inside in my class, even though it only felt like a short time. My class was now over but there was another class immediately after mine. The owner of the place who told me her name was Laurie was holding a folder and asked me to stay to help with the second class. I then see my friend Andrew, who teaches another class that I assist with sometimes walking through, and he's talking about how he has to start his class right at 8 PM for the kids, and he wished that he could have the class be two and a half hours long instead of four.

      It was also very dark in the gas station, and there was gym equipment all round, but people used it like normal furniture. Andrew walked out and Laurie came over to me and showed me to the other room, where there was a class about to begin for little kids, and all their parents were sitting around the room. The teacher, who is a casting director that I seem to know, begins talking to the parents, telling them what the class will be about. Laurie tries to ask me several times if I could assist the teacher for the class today, but I keep ignoring her. She asks a final time and I tell her that I can't because I have a meeting at a studio to go to.

      She said "now?"
      I replied "not this second".

      She then tried to find a volunteer to assist the teacher. A boy I know that commonly attends these classes in the real world named Stewart stands up and says he will do it, then the casting director says "OK yeah I love Stewart".

      He then said something cocky as I'm walking out the door about being the best assistant. I said something in reply to him, and returned my car.

      I see my car with the engine on which worries me because I had been inside for too long and had forgotten about it, and thought someone may have stolen some of my things from inside, but the door was locked, and I had another key in my pocket. I unlocked it and got in the driver seat but the car was driving like a cylinder was misfiring. It was a narrow and hard turn to pull out of the gas station, and I almost hit the wall with my front end. I backed up, and completed the 3-point turn.

      As I'm going down the street for about 3 seconds, my car disappeared and suddenly I'm on foot. I didn't have far to go to wherever I was going. I was walking down a street in Hollywood, it seems like a normal studio I was passing, but then I started to notice weird statues ahead, and trucks on both sides of the road with lots of large 10 gallon buckets (The kind you would get from Home Depot to fill with paint or cement or something) filled with white liquid. I heard a voice talking to me as if I was on a tour of an old factory, it was telling me that it was milk, and this was a dairy factory. As I continued walking up the street, I noticed the statues on my right again. They were behind a tall white fence, and they were statues of cows. Most were brown, and were being milked by workers. It reminded me of Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. I continued walking for a minute until I got to a small side of the road kind if pub.

      I walked inside and it was very dimly lit. Brown walls, with no posters or advertising. There was a long counter/bar like at Subway when you tell the person what you want on your sandwich. There was a man about in his 20's on the employee side of the bar, and he began to make me a sandwich. We were talking for a bit, and then we began to jokingly arguing, and he began to pick up food from the Subway bar and threw it at me. He then threw more and I started to pick up some and we had a food fight for a minute. Then his co worker said something to him and we stopped. I sat down in front of the bar/counter at a table and chair and waited for my sandwich to be finished. I looked up and to my left as I heard someone walk through the door, and it's two large guys who walk right up to me and look mad, like they were sent there to collect some money from me for some reason and I was late on a payment... like I was in a Godfather situation.

      I have a friend who lives in Canada who I talk to regularly but haven't seen in person since I was little. The guy on the right looked just like him, and I called out to him using my Canadian friends nickname. He looked down at me and I realized it wasn't him. Then my dream fluttered for a second, and I awoke to my alarm clock.

      All in all it felt like this dream lasted about 2 hours, which is abnormally long for me.

      This dream doesn't worry me at all, but what could be some of the possible dream signs from it? I'm trying to learn more about my signs or tells that I'm in a dream so that I can recognize them more often. I saw quite a few things in this dream that I regularly interact with in the waking world, such as the class, I regularly attend these classes and assist the casting directors. I know Stewart, even though I've not seen him in a while. Same with Laurie, and Andrew. My old car, and my new car, and Subway, which I eat at regularly when I'm in LA. (Currently in Georgia for the summer)

      I'd appreciate any and all help since I am new here! If it's any help, I just started setting alarms to go off every hour so that I can perform the "nose plugging" reality check, and get into a regular habit of doing it. I also sometimes in between alarms randomly think of it, and perform the reality check then too, just in case I'm dreaming. (Which of course I'm not). I also check my surroundings, because it seems that having poor lighting may be a dream sign...? And I'm also starting as of today using the All Day Awareness technique.


      Updated 06-15-2013 at 04:23 PM by 63661

      non-lucid , memorable , dream fragment
    8. Emma Watson at Marymoore Park/my ex best childhood friend's TV room

      by , 07-20-2011 at 07:52 PM
      We were at this big party, and Emma Watson was there. It wasn't like a huge Hollywood party, it was more like a large family reunion, so people weren't lining up to get her autographs but rather going up and talking to her ever so often, and she always had people asking her questions and talking to her. Anyways, it was outside, and it kind of looked like it was by the baseball fields at Marrymore Park underneath some trees. But there was a giant swampy river running next to us. At one point, Emma and I were looking at something on a computer together at the same time, and talking about it. My mom and my stepdad and some of my stepdad's relatives were sitting around us, and my mom said something really stupid and embarrassing and Emma obviously heard it. I responded "No, Mom…" and then mumbled "Jesus Christ…" which offended my stepdad, and he said something to me, but I don't remember what it was. Emma chuckled and got distracted by something and stood up and walked away towards some other people. I wanted to say something like, "Don't go" or "come back" but I didn't want her to think I was too excited that she was there.

      At one point, everyone at the party was listening to this very gothic, symphonic metal band, which had something like 3 female voices singing the verses at the same time (which now that I think about it, is an interesting idea…). The certain song they were listening to seemed like a normal gothic-ish, symphonic metal song with normal gothic lyrics, except all of a sudden, the lyrics mentioned the exact name of my band (which is a pretty unusual name) and people immediately turned to me and said "Ooh they dissed your band" or something along those lines. Emma had heard all the commotion about this, and I saw her smile and let out a little polite chuckle. I asked some guy to turn the song back to the part where they sang the name of my band, and listened to it again. I heard my band's name again but I could make out what context they were putting it in. I was very annoyed and so I posted got my phone and posted a link to my band's Facebook or soundcloud or something, so people could actually hear us and see how much better we are than this stupid band who mentioned us. 3 people commented on it, and out of those 3 comments, Emma Watson had left a comment that said something like "2 years studio? " which I perceived to mean that she wanted to take guitar lessons from me for 2 years/wanted me to record the guitar on her next 2 CD's in the studio for 2 years/was going to pay for me to record my CD in a professional studio for the next 2 years. I think I might have looked up and seen her across the room smiling at me or something, or maybe that is just what I had imagined when I saw the smiley face in her comment.

      I don't remember how this next part happened, because I can't remember how we got into the situation but; at one point, I was down in this giant cellar or something and I had to get out. All of a sudden I saw this brown cup, filled with some water, which was tilted at a 45 degree angle. I heard this voice saying "Go into the cup" or "remember the cup" or something, so I put my face into the cup. The next thing I know, I'm in a room with Emma Watson kneeling down holding the brown cup and I'm standing next to her. The room was designed like the very back of a cargo plane, where they place stuff to drop out of the plane when flying. We kind of just looked at each other for a second, and then I woke up. I think.