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    1. [2018-05-08] DawnEye11's Shared Dream Experiment #3

      by , 05-08-2018 at 06:16 AM
      After I sleep a bit I wake up, write down my dreams, and lay back down on bed just thinking. I was hoping to just get up but I get the feeling I could possibly get into a dream. I think about Gyeongbokgung Palace.

      I'm by the entrance. I look around. There are people about. I notice few people wearing a hanbok. Kana is with me, looking around curiously and smiles at me. "Something wrong?" I am unable to find the symbol I imprinted the last time I was there. I ask Kana to come along thinking one of the girls in hanbok might be Jewel. I approach one and ask her if she's Jewel from Dream Views. She replies back to me in Korean. I don't know enough Korean to understand what she was talking about. Kana says it's not Jewel. However, I was not in a subjective reality. I go towards a wall and imprint my symbol. I then ask Kana if we should go exploring. We enter inside through the archway into the courtyard. There were more people there. No one stood out except a guy in a leather jacket. We didn't feel comfortable, so we don't approach him. Couple of kids were running about playing. We wander about and reach a souvenir shop. We just browsed. There were lot of hand fans, masks, and several other items. I hear a knock from waking and dream starts to collapse. I give Kana a quick hug and say I'll see her around.
    2. 3/26/2018 Non-Lucid

      by , 03-27-2018 at 06:29 AM (Deep Inside The Lucid Dreamer's Subconscious)
      I'm trying to get home from about Mason's house to KC but there are people from the mob coming to kill me. I'm looking on the street and seeing different houses around the main guy's house and wondering why anyone would want to live near the mob since it would be a lot of pressure to have to go to events you were invited to. Trying to get home, the street with the big hill is blocked by 4 or 5 mobsters running up the street at me. I run right towards Owen's but it's blocked that way too. Before they can come kill me I decided I want to wake up and do so.

      The dream scene was getting off of a boat. I think I'm now in a different country in Africa. The boat unloads us onto a dock with a shop attached to it. I'm looking around at various items looking for a Coca Cola bottle. There are a few soda bottles but I don't end up purchasing one. I remember I wanted to find a local that would show me the best places to get dinner and thought maybe a hostel owner would know.

      The dream opens up into this massive place of shops that looked like cabins and then a massive pool and amusement park as well. I was swimming in the pool and talking to some people I didn't really know. Then I'm around the pool deck. I'm wearing a full suit and do a side flip into the pool, accidentally kicking a girl which disappointed a girl I had talked to earlier.

      I meet up with my friends, I think moo and kolby were there. We were walking down this path and on both sides we were passing these massive water slides that were gushing water out. We decide to go on this one ride. We walk into the room and it's filled with black padding and cushions. We're confused but then all of the sudden the floor below us just gives out and we're free falling down. People are hitting different obstacles made of cushion and everyone's laughing and having a good time. I don't hit any obstacles so I get down pretty quickly.

      We go outside and look at more water slides. Looking up into the sky, there are two massive rides that were red and white. They must've been more than a mile up into the sky and stood straight up except for a slight curve in the middle. I got a little freaked out to the point where I couldn't even look at them, I thought they were really unsafe. We took a short ride up into the sky to get a better look at the massive rides but the little white ride hooked and then went back down.

      On the ground we were back at the pool area. It looked more like someone's backyard or a hotel area. There's small townhouses made of wood and black/blue glass surrounding a small pool and hottub. I'm in the pool swimming back towards the main pool and shop area when I see johnny b with a very long nose which I thought was interesting. They come out to the main pool area with us and I'm seeing people from my high school swimming by. One is Celia and the dream ends as we're in the back of a car. I'm now watching myself third person having intercourse with her.
    3. Dream - A Week In My Position

      by , 10-23-2017 at 11:15 AM
      Date of Dream: SAT 14 OCT - 2017

      Dream 211 - A Week In My Position

      I have forgotten most of what happened in this dream. From what I can remember, I soon found out that my dad was spending an entire week away with Logan and Chilly in America. The dream played a few snippets of some scenes with Logan and Chilly and then it moved on to my family at some American shops, looking for some extra clothes because we found that we didn't pack enough for the cold weather. That's all I can remember for this dream.

      Dream Trophies Achieved:

      - None
    4. Dream - If Only She Could Come

      by , 10-23-2017 at 11:10 AM
      Date of Dream: THU 12 OCT

      Dream No. 210 - If Only She Could Come

      I was at some unknown shopping centre. This public area that I was in, eventually turned into this carpeted area where there was no one else around. I then saw two people working in this random shop. I discovered that someone was causing trouble for them. I tried to call Dreamy WB to help one of the workers but there was no response as of yet. At a further look, the worker was only a young boy, just about my age.

      I took him away to this strange looking bedroom, conversing with him near the armchair. I explained to him why I called Dreamy WB and what she could possibly do for him. I ended up giving him a short hug, which he liked. I then have him a longer one and said that the shorter hug was representative of a typical being whereas the long hug represented that of Dreamy WB. I can't remember what else happened in this dream and whether she came or not.

      Dream Trophies Achieved:

      - None
      Tags: boy, dreamguide, hug, shops
    5. Dream - Review The Missing Area

      by , 10-23-2017 at 10:53 AM
      Date of Dream: WED 4 OCT - 2017

      Dream 206 - Review The Missing Area

      I don't remember how the dream started. From where I can remember, my mum and I were looking around a MYER store with an unfamiliar layout. The clearance for Miss Shop was on level 4 but in the dream, there was also clearance for designer brands on level 1. There was a lady from the brand of Revival that was talking to us... She said that we buy too many things from there. We then told her that we were going over to Review. Along the way, there were so many racks of fancy shoes to look at. There was one rack though that I wasn't allowed to look at... I asked my mum why she pulled me away from it. I forgot what she said in response.

      Then we arrived at the Review section which had a massive amount of stock, the whole MYER store was filled to the brim with stuff. I then found out that I had a random $50 voucher from somewhere that I could spend on Review products. We looked at all the cardigans first which had all various designs on them... Nothing like the real life stock though. I had picked a cardigan and my mum suggested to have look at some belts. The belts were very vivid in colour and mostly one style. The belts at the front of the shelf were full price but as you rummaged towards the back, the same type of belt was discounted.

      My first choice of belt was a pink one, a colour in-between fuchsia and a candy tone. My mum suggested the colour of the next one which she claimed to be orange. I started complaining when I matched it against my black clothes and said to her, “mum, it's caramel...”. Eventually though, I admitted that I could see orange in there and so it became the second belt. My mum then said I could pick a third belt. There was some yellow and green but it was mostly purple... I ended up going for purple. We weren't ready to purchase the stock yet though. My mum said we would look around the store and see if we could find anything better. In the middle of MYER was this outer mall section, a circular area in which you could look down to the rest of the shopping centre. For a while, my mum and I were exploring the middle to see what other designer brands it links up to.

      Soon after, we decided to return to Review to get the items. We looked around the store for a while but soon I started to panic as we couldn't see the Review section anywhere. I said to my mum that I think I knew what to do. As I walked her back to the centre circle, I told her that I knew someone that could help us. At first, I was afraid that my mum was going to get extremely mad at me and so I was wondering how to call my Dream Guide. I then stepped a couple of metres away from my mum and went for it at full volume.

      When calling for Dreamy WB, I noticed I was using a muffled voice... It was loud and clear but muffled at the same time. There wasn't a response straight away but for the first time, I didn't sound like a broken record. Additionally, instead of speaking in English, I was speaking in this weird language to the awareness to affirm the request for Dreamy WB. My mum couldn't understand what I was saying, only that I was getting help. So she looks at me to ask where this person is. I said to mum, “don't worry mum, she's coming”.

      After what seemed like a long time of waiting, Dreamy WB walked out of nowhere in particular and towards us, the two of us now sitting down. In this dream, she was very thin and lanky, more so than her real life counterpart. She crouches down to our level and puts her arm around me as I tell her what's wrong. Then as my mum gets ready to speak, Dreamy WB actually moves closer to her and nuzzles her on the chest. Now her arms are around both me and my mum. Soon, we all get up and Dreamy WB leads us back to the store. Before anything else can happen, I wake up.

      Dream Trophies Achieved:
      - None

      I was surprised when Dreamy WB came up to my mum. Usually my Dream Guide wouldn't get that close to a parent.
    6. Dream - The Boot Camp Of Drama & Helium Singer & Supernanny Fraud & Coles Checkout Chick & Fix...

      by , 10-01-2017 at 12:57 PM
      Date of Dream: FRI 29 SEP - 2017

      All Dream Titles:

      Dream 203 A - The Boot Camp Of Drama
      Dream 203 B - Helium Singer
      Dream 203 C - Supernanny Fraud
      Dream 203 D - Coles Checkout Chick
      Dream 203 E - Fix The Neighbour's House
      Dream 203 F - Crazy Balloon Arms

      Dream Title In Summary:
      Dream - The Boot Camp Of Drama & Helium Singer & Supernanny Fraud & Coles Checkout Chick & Fix The Neighbour's House & Crazy Balloon Arms

      Dream No. 203 - Separated Sections

      Dream 203 A - The Boot Camp Of Drama
      I don't remember how the dream started. From where I do remember, I was at this unknown motel-like place. There were many celebrities as well as people I've generally heard of and know well. There was some random lady that would have a “chat” to some of the room-mates... I believe she was the camp director. I remember her having a chat to Simone from The Bachelor.

      She then looked angry... She was looking for Logan. Apparently he, with a small group of other “boys”, had caused some trouble. She had eventually found him at was yelling at him like a hair-dryer in the face. The next part of the scene is blurry for me. I can remember that I was staying in a small room away from the motel, with Logan, Chilly and Tito. Chilly was making a plan of when we should get up the next morning. That's all I can remember for this dream.

      Dream 203 B - Helium Singer
      The Killester group was getting ready to return from their camp. Mrs G told me that we weren't returning by bus and that we would rather be taking the “Lifts Of Ballarat”. I started really freaking out and saying on repeat “but I can't take lifts!”. She said it would be relaxing and fun. Despite what she said,we ended up getting on a bus. Only when we were on the bus, I realised I had left my entire luggage behind at the camp site.

      When then approached an entrance to a huge water cave and I discovered this to be the so called “Lifts Of Ballarat”. As the bus went down, I could feel the presence of a weird gas in the cavern. I was hoping that we weren't getting out of the bus. The opposite happened... The window opened and we were all sucked out of the bus and into the cavern.

      I tried talking and my voice was becoming increasingly higher... I was being filled with helium. WB spoke and her voice was normal. I wonder why I was the only one getting helium. I then tried to sing a few random notes and I was surprise that I could hold them. I tried to do a vocal exercise to make my voice go back down but it wouldn't work. I tried it again and WB ended up laughing extremely hard. The dream then ended.

      Dream 203 C - Supernanny Fraud
      My brother and I had an obligation to eat our vegetables for dinner. We were still eating but my mum was getting angry at the fact that there were still peas and corn on my plate. She started presenting me with nasty threats but I said to her something like, “That's not even half of what Supernanny does”. For the remainder of the dream, my mum was quiet.

      My brother came up to my plate, took all the peas and corn and said that he would have them. He placed all his tomatoes on my plate which I had all of. I don't remember what else happened in the dream.

      Dream 203 D - Coles Checkout Chick
      I don't remember how the dream started. From where I do remember, I was helping WB do some shopping in Coles at Stud Park Shopping Centre. For the entire dream, she was wearing Coles work clothes, with her hair straight and tied back. Throughout most of the dream, she would have her dad on the phone, giving her a list of groceries to get.

      She arrived at the milk fridge and I thought she was going to go for a 2 litre A2 milk. The thought in my head played out that she was going for a “pathetic carton of Rev”. I thought to remind her to check the use-by-date. When I pointed at the date on the Rev, she turned her head from the phone and gave me a disapproving look. The made me point to the date even more, whispering at her to “focus on the use-by-date”. To help her, I stuck my thumb up at her when it was a good date.

      She eventually listened and and put milk for 3 OCT and 4 OCT in the basket, but only after I signalled for her to do so. I then went into an aisle myself while she was still at the milk fridge. The dream was now amplifying what she was saying to her dad. She was saying something like “Eh-Karla, you see her everywhere! You see milk, you see Karla, you see biscuits, you see Karla”. I came to her at the milk fridge to check on her. There was some Rev milk on the shelves that said “27 JUL 17/12” as the date and so I put my fingers in a cross position. When she saw my fingers, she immediately backed away from the milk carton.

      She then went into the aisles where I was before to buy some dog biscuits. We then proceeded to the juice fridge as she wanted to buy some orange juice. Once again, it was a brand different to what I thought she was going to get. As we walked past the juice fridge at the front of the store, I called her over and recommended that she gets the Coles brand orange juice. She said that she had gotten it before. We were then at the checkouts and some old guy starts talking to WB. He said something like, “It's pretty nifty to get a place at Coles for just 16 dollars”. The guy then disappeared and our items were at the other end.

      I asked her what Coles she works at. I couldn't understand her at first and so I had to keep repeatedly asking. Eventually, I heard her say “David Street”. I got so excited and kept saying to her “It's the one near my TAFE!”. I then want over to two plastic bags of groceries and picked them up, taking them for her. As we walked through the mall, she started to become grumpy again. There was also someone else walking with us and so while WB was staying really far back from me, I tried to be exactly in the middle of her and the other girl. When we got to WB's car, the dream then ended.

      Dream 203 E - Fix The Neighbours House
      I was in an unknown area, talking to a random Asian boy who was actually a family friend in the dream. He said his mum was really upset as they had to move into a new house and she didn't like the way the neighbour's house looked. I examined the house and it was just a plain white weather-board house that had nothing in it. There were no people living in the house either, so I just demolished it straight away. The dream skipped to the end where the mum and the boy thanked me and they moved into their new house.

      Dream 203 F - Crazy Balloon Arms
      I don't remember how the dream started. From where I do remember, my mum, dad and I were in Coles at Waverley Gardens. I don't remember what happened exactly. This random guy approached my mum. Then my dad came up behind him and said something. Then we see this person in the middle of the shops with this weird contraption on each side of his arms. It was something to do with after a procedure at a hospital. The device would make this guy flail his arms around crazily. That's all I can remember for this dream.

      Dream Trophies Achieved:

      - None

      That's a record broken again, first time for 6 dreams in one night! In Dream 203 D, I was actually surprised that it was "date intelligent"... Like, milk usually expires in a few days, doesn't it? So I think it's amazing that the dates were 5 and 6 days away, whereas the milk from before 29 SEP would have been so stale and maybe even mouldy.
    7. Dream - Celebs At Your Doorstep

      by , 10-01-2017 at 12:41 PM
      Date of Dream: THU 28 SEP - 2017

      Dream No. 202 - Celebs At Your Doorstep

      I don't remember what happened at the start of the dream. From where I do remember, I was in a Sportsgirl shop in some unknown suburb. I was walking around, looking for clothes with WB as she followed me, having an unimpressed look pasted onto her face.

      The dream scene then changed to my family going to visit relatives in Geelong. We were walking along the Waterfront when I got subconscious notice of an event nearby. TH's brother (who does not exist in real life) was holding some concert at a big cafe. My family just wanted to go home after the walk but I had other ideas.

      When we walked past the cafe, I secretly derailed from the rest of the family and went to the door. Only at the doorstep, TH's mum SH sees me and comes up to talk to me. My dad comes in and acts all starstruck, saying that this event deserves so many photos. The rest of the family outside couldn't wait and so continued home. I don't remember the rest of the dream.

      Dream Trophies Achieved:

      - None
      Tags: cafe, family, famous, shops
    8. Dream - You Took My Spot & Personal Assistant

      by , 09-15-2017 at 01:50 PM
      Date of Dream: MON 11 SEP - 2017

      Dream No. 194 - Separated Sections

      Dream 194 A - You Took My Spot
      I don't remember much of this dream. I was in my mum's car driving somewhere for practice. Eventually, I can feel some invisible force pushing me out of my seat. My mum somehow got into my seat and took over the driving... I wasn't happy. That's all I can remember for this dream.

      Dream 194 B - Personal Assistant
      I don't remember what happened at the start of the dream. From where I do remember, I was at Brandon Park Shopping Centre and saw NW in the car park. She told me she was waiting to get her legal marks from GA. I then saw GA further up the car park... I asked him what he was doing. He was entering marks into some very complex spreadsheet system (it was nothing like Excel). I was worried that GA was going to take forever to enter in the data. GA ended up teaching me how to enter the data... I then took over and entered it instantly for him.

      I then went over to Coles and saw RH there, he was entering marks into a mobile system as well. I told him I could help, took the device off him, gave one tap and then gave it back. The dream afterwards made it so I had a really bad sore throat. I was shopping around and at the same time, trying to avoid a particular person. The dream eventually ended.

      Dream Trophies Achieved:

      - None

      Updated 01-15-2020 at 02:52 PM by 93119

    9. Dream - A Haunted Monster House & Leave Her Behind

      by , 09-15-2017 at 01:31 PM
      Date of Dream: WED 6 SEP - 2017

      Dream No. 191 - Separated Sections

      Dream 191 A - A Haunted Monster House
      I don't remember what happened at the start of the dream. From where I do remember, I was at some strange place. Some happy looking place, claiming to contained all these “haunted monster” themed escape rooms. From what I heard from the staff the monsters were very violent and gory and some of them could potentially even kill you. The dream camera visualised one of the monsters to be a sandy coloured, boney and bloody mess. The lady told me I was doing hole number 14. I looked down there and my heart literally sank... I was not ready to go down there all by myself.

      I then heard that participants would have a partner with them. I didn't know who my partner was going to be, the selections were random. I soon discovered that my partner was actually NN and I was ecstatic to hear this. I was relieved too because I know he would protect me and he wouldn't mind me holding onto him. I then came across NN who was in the foyer of the place, crouching down. I found out earlier that we were going into hole number 14 and so I told him. I then led him to the whole to show him.

      I could tell that he and I were about to go down there as things started to get really scary. We came across this sweet bar but the lollies looked all weird. Some looked like different coloured lamingtons and had this blood smeared all over them. I had another look down the hole and came to the realisation that we were going to be going down there very soon. I turned to NN and told him I was absolutely scared. The dream ended before we decided to go down the hole.

      Dream 191 B - Leave Her Behind
      I don't remember most of this dream. From where I do remember, I was out somewhere with my dad and my brother. We were at this shopping strip and I wanted to go and look at all the shops there. My dad wasn't too keen on letting me go but I went anyway. There was one particular store I went into with my brother. I ended up falling asleep on the shop floor. When I woke up (still in dream), I discovered that dad had gone home... My brother was still with me and told me. There was now also a friend from my brother's university with us. For some unknown reason, I was trapped in the store and couldn't get out, it was nothing scary though.

      The dream scene changed to the Mario characters who apparently heard about the rejection of me by my dad. There were three main characters in this scene: Princess Peach, Rosalina and Shy Guy. Rosalina was saying that they needed someone left-handed to pull the hoist and this would be the Shy Guy. An orange suited guy got onto a huge coil of rope and started pulling down on it. The dream went back to where I was and now me, my brother and his uni friend were outside. That's all I can remember about this dream.

      Dream Trophies Achieved:

      - None
    10. Dream - Hospital Confusion

      by , 08-23-2017 at 08:57 AM
      Date Of Dream: WED 16 AUG - 2017

      Dream No. 179 - Hospital Confusion

      For the first part of the dream, I was at some unknown athletic reserve with my family, I forgot what I was doing there. Next we were going to see grandma, from my dad's side, in hospital. Apparently her room was number 611. My parents wanted to ask someone where the room was but I wanted to find it on my own. The doors had heaps of numbers on them but I took a guess as to which was the correct room. I eventually concluded that I couldn't find the room. My parents started walking off and so I ran after them.

      They told me to stand with them on the lookout. I was right not to because it was a lift that shot them up super fast. I stood with my arms folded and a closed mouth smile and then continued to walk off somewhere else. My parents eventually came back down to where I was and told me off for not going with them. We ended up climbing heaps of flights of stairs but never found grandma's room. The dream then shifted to me being at the shops and looking at all these fancy pairs of shoes. This scene was short and I can't remember anything else about the dream.

      Dream Trophies Achieved:
      - None
    11. Dream - Booming On YouTube

      by , 08-05-2017 at 01:08 PM
      Date of Dream: SAT 5 AUG - 2017

      Dream No. 170 - Booming On YouTube

      I don't remember what happened at the start of the dream. I was shopping with my mum and there were heaps of lolly shops around the place. I wanted to get some but mum wasn't too keen on the idea. Back at home, I end up checking my YouTube channel and I see that there are multiple copies of the videos that I uploaded. I listened to some of the videos of me singing songs that I have never heard of in real life. I don't remember anything else about this dream.
      Tags: shops, videos, youtube
    12. Dream - Denial To Kryal Castle & Return Of The Dog

      by , 08-05-2017 at 10:53 AM
      Date of Dream: TUE 1 AUG - 2017

      Dream No. 166 - Separated Sections

      Dream 166 A - Denial To Kryal Castle

      My family was planning to go to Kryal Castle but another plan got in the way and I was disappointed. I ended up going to the shops with my mum and my brother, NN and RK also came with us. At the registers, my mum needed help taking bags back to the car. She said that NN and RK could to the car but my brother me and had to stay behind. I complained to my mum, going “Why can't NN and NB stay back?”. It actually ended up being that way. RK and I went back to the car and when we were in the car park, I could see Kryal Castle in the distance. I don't remember what else happened in this dream.

      Dream 166 B - Return Of The Dog
      This dream took place in my backyard. I was in the upper part, near the door to underneath the house, when I saw the dog running and scurrying up the path from the door to the garage that was open. The dog had a grey aura to her which I subconsciously knew was a sign that she was a deceased entity. When she got to me, she just sat in front of me and wagged her tail with her tongue constantly going in and out. I thought to myself “Why are you here? You're dead right...?”. This actually affirmed that I was dreaming but I was nowhere near becoming lucid.

      What the affirmation did though was give me the prompt to start calling for Dreamy WB. I kept calling and calling, I eventually ran to the fence of the Greek neighbour's house and called her but there was no response. I still called as I went back to the upper part of the house but I suddenly stopped at a horrific sight. Ms L just sprouted out of the soil in the veggie patch as quick as a beanstalk! What was even more terrifying is that the dream made her have these really piercing, glowing eyes, which forced me to wake up in fright.

      I was now perceived to be awake in my bedroom, still with my heart pulsing from the veggie patch sight. Here I was, then ready to start my TAFE day but there was one problem... Why was the clock saying 11:44? That means that I would have been 2 hours and 44 minutes late for classes, and potentially even 3 by the time I got there. I had the alarm clock set for 7:30 in real life. I then woke up and confirmed that I had truly exited the dream as the clock now said 7:11.

      Dream Trophies Achieved:
      - None

      Updated 08-05-2017 at 01:09 PM by 93119 (Added Categories)

      non-lucid , nightmare , false awakening
    13. Dream - No Show Girl & The Dirty Dog Man

      by , 07-27-2017 at 12:14 PM
      Date of Dream: THU 20 JUL - 2017

      Dream No. 157 - Separated Sections

      Dream 157 A - No Show Girl
      At the start of the dream, I was in this this random place when I bumped into IH and as we were talking, I mentioned something about WB. IH told me that WB was planning to drop psychology in year 12 so she would have one less subject to do. IH then said that she was meeting up with WB at Waverley Gardens and that I should come along too... I got really excited that I could finally get to see her. When I got to Waverley Gardens in the dream, it looked completely different than it does in real life. At one point, I did see NK coming out of a store but I didn't say anything to her. I eventually came across the central area of the shopping centre where I saw IH. SW came there but WB never showed up and that made me really disappointed as I suddenly realised she was never going to come. That's all in regards to this dream.

      Dream 157 B - The Dirty Dog Man
      The dream took place in this random school where an announcement of this random guy on the premises was made. He came as he wanted details for some dirty deed. We had to pretend like we didn't know what he wanted or we'd become his new target. I was eventually in this room and saw the guy face to face. I then wrote down my name and phone number on a piece of paper and gave it to him. In then later saw the guy in the yard but didn't pay attention to him as per the requirements but when his shadow was close enough to me, I had no other choice but to acknowledge his existence. I then handed him the slip of paper and he said, “Good. Now, just bring your dog in next week and we'll keep him locked up on the property”. I started crying because I just came to the realisation that he wanted to steal all these dogs. I then woke up.

      Dream Trophies Achieved:
      - None

      Updated 07-27-2017 at 12:33 PM by 93119

      Tags: crying, dog, girls, man, shops, upset
    14. Dream - Owner Of The Mall

      by , 07-27-2017 at 12:09 PM
      Date of Dream: WED 19 JUL - 2017

      Dream No. 156 - Owner Of The Mall

      At the start of the dream, I remember telling Mr. Hickey and a whole group of Killester girls that I owned this shopping centre. I then went off by myself to look in this store that looked like Dangerfield but wasn't exactly. As I progressed through the shop, the layout of things started becoming more unusual and almost distorted. In the main part of the mall, I eventually found my family who were doing their own shopping and I also told them I own the centre. I ended up taking them on a tour around some of the shops. I ended up in the food court and noticed that an ice-cream place wasn't doing so well in business performance, so I asked the worker man there what was going on.

      I was then in David Jones and was looking at shoes, sighting a pair that cost around $600. There was a label at the bottom of the shoes though which said that the price was now $139.87. Still, those shoes were too expensive and so I didn't buy them... But then I also wanted them. I went into Kmart and found the exact same shoes for $3.33, the shoe sizes were 107, 109, 110, 112 and 114. I first tried 114 but they didn't fit my feet and then I found out the right shoe for me had a size 112.45 printed on the label. That's all I can remember about this dream.

      Dream Trophies Achieved:
      - None
    15. Dream - I Want To Go Out With Mum

      by , 07-25-2017 at 08:38 AM
      Date of Dream: FRI 14 JUL - 2017

      Dream No. 153 - I Want To Go Out With Mum

      I remember starting off the dream at some arcade place at Knox City Shopping Centre, I forgot what specifically happened though. The dream made it so dad, my brother, Tito from SML, and I were going into the cinemas but then I never had the intention of going. So the dream split us in half, dad and my brother went in and Tito and I didn't... Instead, Tito walked off somewhere, never to be seen again.

      After I was done in the bathrooms, I wanted to try and find my mum. When I did find her, she was in a normal mood but then her face was absolutely red. I said to her that I really wanted to go out with her but then she said she wasn't in the mood. I don't remember if anything else happened in this dream.

      Dream Trophies Achieved:
      - None
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