My third Lucid dream experience since joining Dreamviews. The dream starts and I am in a stairwell with red walls, standing on a metal staircase, and there is water gushing in from somewhere below. I ascended the stairs until I came to a door. When I go through it I found myself on a fire escape about five or six storeys above the ground, which is covered in brown, rushing water. The town around me was flooded as far as the eye could see. I jumped from the balconey to the roof of a builing about 30 feet away and it was at this point that I realized I was dreaming. The dream changed then and I found myself on a gravel road somewhere out in the country. I could see dark forest behind me and a single mid-sized mountain ahead of me. I started running towards the mountain but the sun began to set and it was getting dark. I knew I was in a dream so I attempted some dream control; I pointed at the sun and drew a line with my figure towards the center of the sky. The sun followed the path of my finger and it was noon again, as I seemed to have moved time backwards. This is only the second time I have ever been successful at trying to control something in my dreams, and like the first experience, it involved moving the flow of time backwards. I contined towards the mountain and saw that there were several houses at the base and on the slope. Some of the houses looked abandoned while others looked brand new. The first house that I went up to was dilapatated and when I pushed open the door I could see huge cobwebs all throughout the inside. I went to the next house and there where lights on, but no one answered the door. I passed several other houses until I came to a little grey one where I could hear the voices of a man and a woman on the inside, yet they fell silent and did not answer the door when I knocked. I remember thinking that if anyone answered the door that I would try to use my dream control to kill them for fun, but just at this moment an alarm clock went off in real life and woke me up. I find it funny that I could move the sun with my dream control, but did not think about forcing the door down at the little grey house.
My first lucid experience!!! Well, it becomes lucid only near the end, anyway. This dream starts off about a block from my house. All of the roads in the dream are deep waterways and traffic consist of a variety of boats and other watercraft; there are no ashphalt roadways or land faring automobiles. My parents and I were standing at a bus stop waiting for the "bus" boat to pick us up. There were other people waiting there as well but they did not have any significance as far as I can tell; just random people waiting for the "bus." Apparently we were going to take a boat tour for somewhere but at this point in the dream, I had no idea where. When the boat tour arrived, it consisted of three small, old-looking, wooden boats rather one medium or large sized modern boat, which is what my parents and I had been expecting. The three craft were tired together with ropes and I could not see what drove the boats forward, as there were no sails on the masts or engines on the stern. The first of the three boats was full so my parents and the group of people got on the middle boat. Since the middle boat was filled to capacity I had to get on the last of the boats by myself. I was kind of resentful at first, because I felt insecure and I wanted to sit near my parents. The boat tour/bus boat (whatever) started down the um, street... er, waterway... and at first the scenery around the boats looked like how the neighbourhood actually appears in waking life, but the farther we went the more the scenery changed from an urban landscape to a natural one. Soon there were no human-made buildings or other boats and it seemed that we were in some thick temperate forest. No one on the boats was upset because this all seemed to be a part of the tour. Not long after the scenery changed into the forest there came a bend in the river. There was an old, dilapitated wooden mill at the bend and the three boats pulled up to a small dock and stopped. Most of the people disembarked and dissapeared into the forest. My parents stayed on the middle boat and I stayed on the last boat. I could have gone up and sat with my parents at this point and I do not know why I did not do so. As we waited for the boat tour to get moving again the water began rushing like rapids and tore the boats away from the dock. It was not scary at first, just unexpected, and no one panicked or anything. The rushing water pulled the boat a long for a while and soon we came to a fork in the river. The left waterway was clamer and seemed to lead to an opening in the forest. The right waterway was very eeirie and seemed to lead deeper into the forest. There was also strange blue-grey mist above the water that lead down the river on the right side of the fork. The boat tour turned towards the left river but just before it went past the actual fork, the rope holding the middle boat and last boat snapped. The first two boats drifted down the left waterway, but the last of the little wooden boats, the one that I was on by myself, got pulled down the river on the right side of the fork. I yelled to get my parents attention, but they did not seem to hear me. A few of the other passengers on the middle boat glanced at me, but then looked away and ignored me. My little boat was pulled into the deep dark forest and I remember feeling really scared for a moment but the fear soon passed. I became more curious then anything because the forest seemed to thin out a little and it did not seem so threatening. I do not know how far I travelled but it seemed like I was on that little boat for a long time. Eventually it became standed on some rocks in shallow water and I was able to step out and walk to the shore. Right off the shore there was a path that led into the forest and to a small Oriental looking building. It was as I was walking along the path that I began to question my reality (mostly because there was an Oriental style building deep in a northern Canadian-looking forest), so I did a RC by plugging up my nostrils and I could still breath! I realized that I was in a dream and became excited! I did not seem to have control over anything except move my own body so I ran into the building, which was very much like an ornate Zen garden on the inside. In the middle of the room there was some sort of small, stone statue that some Oriental looking men (I do not know if they were Chinese or Japanese) were sitting around smoking pipes. They all sort of looked at me and laughed and I tried to say something to them but the dream ended and I woke up.
Morning of January 4, 1998. Sunday. I am near a water reservoir in an unfamiliar location which has apparently been contaminated by army tanks and jeeps somehow ending up in it (though I am not sure of how this had happened). A man who reminds me of Bill Gates (and who may be him) starts warning people about this situation and says that people could start dying. However, the problem is supposedly being solved (in a seemingly timely manner) by putting large plastic tarpaulins over the inside walls of the reservoir (though that does not seem logical as I do not think water could properly filter through them). I help with the task and it is seemingly working. In an additional dream or offset of this sequence, I am dancing and chanting in a very positive and cheerful mood (commonly recurring). In dreams, water has been validated for me to represent sleep. The condition of water in a dream relates directly to the dynamics of sleep in real time. Water getting lower over time represents the natural waking transition, a scene which has occurred at least once virtually every night for the past fifty years. In this case, during the waking transition, there is even the additional tarpaulin association (dream sign) with bed sheets. Translated directly: “The water is contaminated by the presence of army tanks and jeeps in it though using tarpaulins to line the reservoir will filter the water” becomes, “Sleep is presently somewhat restless with conflicting thoughts towards waking but by relaxing more within comfortable clean sheets a bit longer, sleep will be better.”
Morning of September 12, 1997. Friday. I am fishing amidst much man-made debris in the shallow water (not sure of location), although I do catch a rather large fish. Whenever the fish jumps, there is a larger splash that reaches me and a couple other males (one unknown who may be with the military, the other possibly from my maintenance job at a college). (Much of my wife’s dream of this date had the same aspects as my dream for no discernible reason.) There is a giant black derby “cloud” that “rains” over parts of the ocean and eventually goes more inland, continuing over rivers and smaller streams, mostly. Very briefly, it seems like a UFO, yet continues to function as a raincloud. It seems familiar as if I may have seen it in an illustrated book of dreams in real life sometime in the past (though I am not certain). I take a large jar of olives to an Italian wedding reception. I carry it in my left hand. I have something else that is smaller and in thin plastic wrap - sort of near my right hand (something sweet I think; I get the vague impression of a small amount of caramel popcorn), but floating it along near the jar with telekinesis, I think. An older male (who gives the impression of being at least part Transylvanian) comes to the door. I do not go in to the actual party.
Morning of July 5, 1996. Friday. This was one of my most vivid dreams during this time period. Somehow, even though I seem fully conscious and fully in-body in this dream, I do not enter any level of lucidity. My wife Zsuzsanna and I are standing on a second-floor veranda in what may be some sort of unusual composite of airport, shopping center, and mansion. We are looking out over intensely beautiful silvery water. There is a heightened sense of peace and the sense of touch is augmented. I study the reflections on the water’s surface in appreciation for what seems like an hour or so. A sense of timelessness and happiness dominates the scene. Eventually, a male around my age who reminds me somewhat of a British guard, but wearing a stove pipe hat, grows larger and larger as he walks, but not in any menacing way (as he does not seem to regard us in any way at any point). He becomes at least as tall as the two-storey building. As he continues to walk to the right, he then starts to become smaller and smaller until only his otherwise large hat is left rolling around. I then start focusing on the rolling of the hat. Even though the imagery is quite surreal, it also somehow seems “realistic” and “correct”. In another scene, we are taking a small fast escalator somewhere. Everyone else is having difficulties, as they are using a particular escalator for the wrong direction, trying to walk down the one going up and trying to walk up the one going down (and of course, I have seen children and teens mess about on escalators like this in reality). Seemingly, we are the only ones who get to our destination. The first part of my dream reminds me vaguely of the “friendly giant” dreams I mostly had around age five when living on Rose Street in Wisconsin.
Updated 01-01-2017 at 04:59 AM by 1390
Morning of January 7, 1990. Sunday. (This is a new online concise and clarified version Monday, 7 December 2015.) In my dream, I am in La Crosse, Wisconsin, but the area seems different, even seemingly near the ocean at one point - or at least the Mississippi seems bigger and more dominant a feature of the region. Water is rising over a long bridge in one clearer event. It seems the whole region is threatened by rising flood waters that are somewhat “relentless” in that the forces almost seem “intelligent” (in a human or near-human sense) or possibly controlled by a malevolent force of some kind. There is an eerie mood in my dream and I and several others are always moving away from areas that become flooded, almost as if the waters are somehow deliberately “in pursuit” of us. It mostly seems nighttime throughout my dream. We end up going down into a basement-like area that also serves as a post office, the layout seeming like a composite of Arcadia’s post office and the main one in La Crosse. The flood waters are raging and come down the steps (vaguely reminiscent of a scene from “The Blob” from 1958) with a human-like vengeance. At this point, I am becoming more frustrated than afraid. I stop and make my stand and boldly ask the raging flood waters that threaten to fill the post-office/basement area “What about the children?” The stream of raging water moves up and back almost like a hand (as if about to slap someone, but also in a sort of odd “puzzlement” at my audacity) and then moves back up the steps literally in reverse (as if playing a film clip of water cascading down the stairs in reverse). A little later, I and the others exit the building and look around, noting that the flood waters have receded, leaving only a few puddles here and there in the mostly featureless landscape. More light and detail is coming in at this point, as the sun also seems to be rising. The silhouette of a religious statue, which seems to be Jesus Christ, can be seen to the south. A dark-haired female (my lifelong green-eyed “mystery girl”) approaches it and it begins to glow (with a bluish tinge) and come to life as I wake, with several other people then encircling it. I hear clearer music in my dream that I did not hear in reality until my wife sent it on a cassette tape (the same melody and overall sound as Enya’s “Shepard Moons”, which was not even released until November 4, 1991 in the UK). Familiar meanings: This dream curiously contains five different waking process mechanisms during the same time period: 1. A bridge being blocked (disallowing the dream self to move further into the dream state or incidentally explore another region of thought). 2. Flood waters getting lower (waking process metaphor to indicate less of the Source is present and available as the conscious self is reintegrated). Flood waters are energies of both the Source and lower levels of human collective consciousness (including other dreamers during the same time period), even more obvious here, as I eventually became aware that the flood waters were an aspect of the energies of seemingly human consciousness as well as an aspect of the Source, though seemingly angry. 3. A threat to run from (to more efficiently instigate the dissolution of the dream and annihilate the particular incarnation of the dream self). 4. A statue coming to life (metaphorical for the conscious self waking up from the dream, or in some cases, coming into clearer awareness within the dream). The fact that it was Jesus Christ (though I am not a Christian) was more information on my lifelong dark-haired mystery girl being closer to my path in the sense of a spiritual awakening. 5. The sun rising and light coming in (metaphorical for the conscious self waking up from the dream as well as conscious logic and analytical skills becoming more prominent during this stage) Precognitive links and additional notes: This dream demonstrates typical “pre-anniversary” precognition (my oldest son being born on January 7, 1995). It also (“against all odds“) prepared me for what was to come. The post office has been an important setting throughout my life (and represents communication with the Source, especially as a basement also represents being closer to the Source as well as collective consciousness - including the implication of being deeper in the dream state), especially relating to how I would come into contact with my predestined (for lack of a better term) dream girl. This goes all the way back to dreaming as a child of the PAIA having a meeting in the Arcadia Post Office while seated in a circle on the floor near the main counter (this in turn relative to the newspaper where my wife’s mother placed the advertisement that captured my attention as I had dreamt of the situation just previously in opening the gate to my dream girl) before the group even existed in real life. Even so, “I hug PO Virgo” is implied as a pattern (next vowel, next consonant continuity) in my full name, PO standing for Post Office (though Virgo being only one of thousands of “clues” from the Source, not relevant to astrology, which has no meaning for me).
Updated 12-06-2015 at 06:52 PM by 1390
Morning of January 8, 1983. Saturday. I am in a mostly unfamiliar area seemingly in La Crosse. I may be near the place called Bonanza (which is a restaurant, I believe) where people fish. Over time, there is threat of a flash flood. A lot of people are struck and carried away by the rushing water and I end up hanging onto some sort of wooden debris (part of a house, I assume), quickly floating directly north. I suddenly notice a large, healthy, silvery fish next to me as if it was just tossed from the water somehow, or more like riding the waves at the same pace I am, remaining uninjured. It seems somewhat important, like a significant event for me. I am not sure what species it is; it may be a large herring. I feel a sense of vividness at that point, the most vivid part of my dream. It seems almost mystical. I have found that other people have had very similar dreams, one mentioned in a lecture about it relating to the gift of abundance.
Morning of December 14, 1979. Friday. I perceive myself as being someone else; an unknown male of about forty. I seem to be planning where soldiers will go by using a large map that covers a table, and I point out locations as other males stand around watching. The country that the war is against is unknown, but is possibly China (though it may also be somewhere in Africa, though that seems illogical in conscious afterthought). Over time, it becomes obvious that I have made a mistake, in that a large yellow butterfly has landed on the map, by which I am then incorrectly designating features of the butterfly’s wings as being rivers, rivulets, and locations of possible villages. The people observing and listening to my instructions do not seem that concerned or amused, but I notice a few walking away. The butterfly has landed so that its head is over a delta and its superimposition also creates the illusion that its bottom half is over the ocean or other body of water. At one point, I am trying to work out where the perimeter of the butterfly ends and the map details begin. When I look up, many people have gone to a different table, where at least three unfamiliar males, possibly astronauts in blue coveralls, are looking at a larger map on a table, one male pointing at it with a pointing stick. (This scene was directly influenced by a View-Master “Project Apollo” frame, which I gazed at many times as a boy.) I am somewhat puzzled. The butterfly has made my presentation problematic but now I am vaguely unsure if the meeting was about going to war, or returning to Earth. Somehow, “returning to Earth” does not seem quite right as it would entail that we are not on Earth presently (though this is not certain either). Explanation: Over twenty percent of my dreams since early childhood have rendered return-to-consciousness symbolism as related to flight, though always unique, with positive, negative, or neutral imagery which often seems unrelated to waking life (though is sometimes validated as prescience). This is obviously based on subliminally anticipated hypnopompic effects, mainly including the feeling of falling (which is spontaneous and biological, without the pretense of “interpretation”). The concept of war in this case is related to the “struggle” of the fictional dream self, the transient identity and neural patterns changing via the dynamics of emergent consciousness and beginning wakefulness, which is sometimes represented by the color yellow (though red when I have been sleeping too long). It is also seen as a “journey”. In this case, it is even more obvious by the questioning of whether we are on Earth. Technically, we are not, as it is the dream state and I am not walking around on the real Earth. There are some curious layers here including “delta” as an association with sleep as well as ocean waves, a play on “delta waves” (relating to deeper sleep rather than REM). It is also associated with the song “Delta Dawn” (sunrise). Water is my most common association with being in the dream state (and its sound has been used in virtually endless commercial relaxation recordings to bring about sleep). The butterfly creates an illusion of “returning to land”, which is akin to returning to the real world from the dream state (as thousands of my dreams have been proven to contain this same type of waking symbolism, though always unique).
Early morning of November 8, 1969. Saturday. (Between 1 and 3 am.) In my dream, my female classmate, Carol Waters, is swimming in a very small “swimming pool”, which seems to instead be a section where concrete is otherwise to be poured into the hole that is presently filled with water (as part of an internal floor foundation my father had been working on). The water in it may be a result of recent rain even though the setting seems indoors, though there are possibly missing external walls behind me or on either side as well as the roof not being constructed yet. It reminds me a bit of an actual construction area my father worked at previously but also (more likely) could be from newer construction on the new rabbit shed on the north side of our backyard. There is another person in my dream besides me and Carol Waters; seemingly my father, standing with arms akimbo to the south (facing north) of the small “swimming pool”. I am to the east of it. There is a sense of puzzlement in the scenario. It seems to be midnight or after in my dream, which may be reflecting the actual time in this case. My father seems to be puzzled as to why Carol Waters (her real name) is using it as her own private “swimming pool”, as he needs to finish his work and pour the concrete (after removing the water), though he would not actually do this work so late at night. She is “swimming” upright, almost vertically in a seemingly physically impossible way; in an unusual very swift manner back and forth (east to west and back). The scene is highly unlikely, as the area for the concrete to be poured would not be deep enough to use as such (assuming Carol is actually upright in the water, though she may just be doing a wrongly perceived or distorted dog paddle). My father says that she is “afraid to come out of the water” giving me a vague awareness of the Brian Hyland song “Itsy Bitsy Teenie Weenie Yellow Polka Dot Bikini” (even though I am not certain of what Carol is wearing in my dream, as she never comes out of the water). This dream was in the middle of the night, seemingly coming out of a very deep sleep. It also seems too cold (even for Florida) to consider that someone would be swimming at this time. It seems amusing in that her surname was Waters and this is the only dream I documented as ever having her specifically as a character and was related to her being in the water. Trying to be as accurately detailed as possible here, I will add the nature of the setting as in being of typical very clear perceptual bilocation. The scene, as well as its implied in-dream location, also seems to be oddly set between the south inner and outer wall of my bedroom, partly in the front yard in front of my father’s room (original room before he built the extension into the carport). This sense of bilocation occurred in the majority of my dreams when young (and still occurs more sparsely) though I had not previously given the specifics online. A probable meaning to this dream is that I was merely focused (in-dream) on the dreaming process itself; that is, the water being the essence of the dreaming mind, projecting myself as Carol the swimmer, the pool not being a real pool (dream state as opposed to waking consciousness), my dream being short (not that much water in the faux pool), and the building incomplete (dream not fully rendered even though vivid). As most dreams have a precognitive or remote viewing layer, this one foreshadowed newer work my father was to become involved in. (He added a new area to the rabbit shed as well as becoming more involved in local construction involving houses, churches, and park utilities.) Also, immediately after my dream, he talked about rainwater making the concrete too wet and had to do additional work. Additional notes. There was an association with an apparently fictional lyric “she was afraid to come out of the ocean, she was afraid to come out of the sea…” (as I often misremembered song lyrics as a child). Also, I always, even at this age, felt the song was a bit ambiguous, as it was not clear if the bikini or the polka dots were yellow. I did not see Carol Waters as shy in real life. melatonin simulacrum subsequent mediation / water lowering waking symbolism
Updated 12-05-2018 at 06:37 PM by 1390
Morning of July 17, 1977. Sunday. Disney’s cartoon ducks Huey, Dewey, and Louie are all on one unicycle. Each one is on the shoulders of the previous. The duck sitting on the actual unicycle and steering it ends up going off the road after going over a bridge, and landing in the river. The other two blame him. “This is not my fault,” he says. “It’s a frame-up!” “What’s a frame?” asks another. “It’s something that holds a picture.” “What’s a pitcher?” “Something that holds wateh (water)!” “What’s Wateh?” “Something we’re up to our necks to in!” Although this short “adventure” was not much for precognition, it does remind me of a story I heard from someone else later in real life whom had recently also came to Australia. He said he had gone into a restaurant and said “water”. The person behind the counter acted as if they did not understand even when he repeated it. Finally, he said, he slapped his hand down, very loudly and “clearly” saying “WAH-TAH!” and then they understood. I viewed this dream as if floating in front of the scene, which is three-dimensional even though it is like a cartoon.
Updated 03-02-2017 at 02:01 PM by 1390
Morning of July 7, 1976. Wednesday. Along with “falling” as simply waking (though it also can be dream induction and also relate to partial awakenings between dream immersions), there are thousands of other dream features and events that are so easy to decode the real meaning of, I can only say “Occam’s razor”. A bed symbolizes…a bed. (Wow, that was difficult was is not?) In fact, even if you are not sleeping in a bed as you are dreaming, it still is a real-time dream sign. A lake, the first level of dream induction. (I have probably experienced thousands of water-based dream inductions, but that is irrelevant here.) Junk simply represents random threads of subtle conscious awareness linking to the dream self perspective. (This was validated by a lot of my childhood dreams, which also contained real-time bedroom-related dream signs associated with dumps and junkyards.) There have been several versions of this dream with different additional scenarios throughout my life. In my dream, I am in bed “sleeping” at first. I soon find myself in the middle of a (unknown) lake as if the bed is floating, though it may not be floating after all, but perhaps attached to something. I do not realize that this is typical dream induction (that is, the flow of water coming into dream state awareness). At any rate, I do not become lucid. There are mountains in the distance (which represent the presence of emergent consciousness or subtle threads of conscious awareness). I am also aware that there is old rusty junk in some parts of the water. Some of it is protruding from the surface, though not that much. It looks like part of a car (a typical dream “symbol” for dreaming itself, “in a car” and “in a bed” being closely related as such, driving a car being analogous to moving through the dream state), but since my dream is primarily induction only, not much else, only the waking transition comes into play, which is water getting lower over time, and in this case, reveals more plants emerging from the surface than anything else. Fun and easy.