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    1. 2 Normal Dreams and an Hour Long LD! Finally!

      , 04-11-2012 at 12:52 PM (My Nighttime Experiences)
      Dream Journal April 11, 2012
      Messy Locker
      I was going around school, but everywhere I went, I was going way behind everyone. I was never ready to leave any of my classes when others were, and for some reason, it seemed like my entire locker was randomly spread out around the school, so on my way from one class to another, I would sometimes find a big pile of belts, books, and just stuff ALL over the place. When I did arrive to class, already being late, I didn't have my homework done either, so it sucked twice as much.
      -4:50 AM

      Double Pussy Slide
      Me and some other girl were going down some real long red slide the twisted and curved and looped a lot. At one part of the slide she would speed ahead of me and turn her body into like a double sided pussy, so I went through her every time I went down the slide. And I went down the slide at least 3 times.
      -4:53 AM

      Fell back asleep between 5:30 and 6:00

      LDthat lasted an hour to a hour and and a half!
      I just knew I was lucid right after a WBTB. I didn't fall asleep till 5:30. It felt like this LD lasted hours!!! I RCed SOO many times! I was in a carnival in one, carries friend was trying to hide her gift under a blue bucket, and then later Carrie flattened it. One I was in school and everyone was trying to stop me cause I went down to the gym, then out the gym door to try to sneak outside, but there was some banquet on the stage so I got caught... I think I might have accidentally killed someone, because everyone even my sister and cousin and aunt were asking me to stop. Then my sister showed me something on her droid, so I just calmed down a bit, but I was still jumping everywhere! IN one part every teacher started class by being on the toilet and I saw their legs, then they flushed. It was weird and gross. IN one part my dad was driving me places and I was telling him it was a dream, and he was like "nahhh" but then I told him to look at the clock in the car, it said 7:77! That was obviously wrong, and I wasn't asleep that long yet! There were a whole bunch of hobos in this little campground full of old cabins. All their clocks were saying weird times and I remembered, and said, then numbers on clocks can’t add up higher than 23. And then someone said something like how hard it would be to open a safe. In another part I was in an amusement park! There were a couple rides and I wanted to show people this was a dream. I went on this one where it is a big circle being held up by something like a crane, and it spun in circles. There were little seats on the circle too. I told some girls this was a dream, and only one girl stayed on with me. I started swinging the ride around and she was scared then I totally flipped it upside down and she fall of and went "Splaaat!" I hopped off the ride and saw a pile of goo. So I put my hands over it and started reviving it! Then she came back to life! I also saw some rollercoaster that went off its tracks but it hooks back on its tracks after about a 10ft jump! And there was one roller coaster that went up real high, the tracks disappeared, and it latches onto a Blimp and the blimp carries it to the other side where the tracks start again~! (Scary amusement park for people who don't know it's a dream!) In another part I was in my basement and I found something that I wanted to spear someone with, and I went up my stairs and threw it at my cousin Brandon. (It was some like toy gun that's actually a pen so it’s long and narrow.) Then I was in my mom’s bathroom and she was in there on the counter and I was trying to seduce her and she liked it. I would have to RC ever so often because I didn't want to forget I was dreaming. But every time I look away for a sec, she would disappear! And then I'd go into a different part of the house and I'd find her. Then I'd take her back, and we'd try again. She said we should try in the bathtub, but the water was a grayish-brown color and it was just dark and scary, so I was like nahh let's not go in there. I put her up on the counter sitting down and I was doing stuff then she said look in the mirror. (There are two mirrors on my counter that can open and shut, so one of them was open, making the mirrors reflect each other, looking weird.) I could see myself and her in the mirrors, but I looked away quickly just so I didn't see anything scary. (But me and her both looked normal, so it was ok! lol.) Then in the carnival place, there was some ground so I wanted to try to earth bend. It was hard though because there was that clear kind of carpet on top of the ground and there were pipes! So I tried it, lifting my hands like I was lifting the earth, but I only bent some pipes and the carpet stuff. Earth bending is really hard, haha. I need to practice that!
      -7:33 AM

      Updated 04-12-2012 at 03:00 PM by 42776

      non-lucid , memorable , lucid
    2. Escape + Beached Gorrilla WBTB

      by , 01-08-2012 at 12:58 PM (Madeofparts return to Dream Lucidity)
      Escape + Beached Gorrilla (Non-lucid)

      This is the first new entry in my dream journal since 2009. I am trying to get back into it. No lucids here but I know it is only a matter of time if I stick with it.

      I live on a world that has been entirely taken over by fascists - typical arrogant long-black-coat wearing military types. Anyway there is a resistance movement but it is too dangerous to be organised - even talking in code is immediately noticed so we communicate using only eye contact, and then only when it is safe to do so.
      So, I do this really dangerous sabotage on one of their bases, involves really risky sneaking about. I do it and get away but before I am clear they notice the sabotage and begin hunting for the culprit. I am running across country trying to cover as much ground as possible but I have been cut and am bleeding, and they are using dogs. I feel I will be caught even though I am using tricks like running along shallow rivers and stuff - I feel they are toying with me. There is a lot more to this dream, I get harboured by this big community - lots of kids running around, and I employ someone to fix up a shelter I have acquired, but it is just fragments.

      I have a few other interesting dreams, but I cannot remember more than fragments, so I try WBTB, and have this dream...

      A huge (almost king-kong size) gorilla had become beached (as in like a whale) after a fight with something - a shark maybe - anyway it had a bad injury to it's head, but it is concious and sitting up. I was sort of watching all this from a distance but there was a news reporter narrating details. Apparantly the gorilla's head injury is so bad there is a hole to it's brain and they are going to use a precision guided missile to cauterise it (the gorilla is too dangerous to get close to). I think, 'WTF?', and I go to the BBC website to see if this is for real (duh!) There is a big list of reasons why they have to close the hole in it's head before they can release it back to the wild - it might put something in and damage it's brain, or another gorilla might, or it might get infected, there was a big list of daft reasons but I can't remember.
      Anyway, I watch this procedure and it works - they fire the missile from a helecopter and the hole gets sealed.
      I think it is really cool how they did this.

      Updated 01-08-2012 at 01:32 PM by 26560

      Tags: wbtb
    3. Brief Lucidity

      by , 01-05-2012 at 06:01 PM
      Old LD from 10-22-07

      I forgot to add this one from a few weeks ago. It wasn't a long one, but it had a lucid moment. I think I'll add it here because I think every moment of lucidity should be accounted for.


      I had an interesting stretch of dreams this morning after a WBTB. I even had a lucid moment.

      In the dream I was back with my sister that has cancer. [Ususally when I dream about "my sister" I'm talking about my younger sister. My older sister doesn't show up as often.] We were in a little room that was supposed to be in her new-ish house.

      We were looking through all these pictures and reminiscing. Then my sister pulled out a large picture and say, "Hey, you've never seen this one yet , have you?" The picture was of myself with her 14 year old son. In the picture he looked more grown up. It was a very flattering picture of us. We both look like we could be models.

      I then pulled out a box that not only had pictures but a pair of my sister's socks. The socks were a pinkish tan color with chocolate brown stripes. I told her how cute they were. Then I remembered that they were similar to a pair of socks that she had supposed gotten me for Christmas last year. I figured she had gotten them at the same place.

      Then my mom and other sister were there too looking through these boxes with us.

      The next thing that I remember is walking through her kitchen and seeing the little black boy there. He was about 3 years old . At first I can't figure out why he is there. But then I remembered that she babysat for a few kids.

      I reached out and try to hug this little boy, but he wanted nothing to do with me. I then looked over and see two little black girls. I also try to talk with them and be friendly, but they both walked away from me. I felt bad.

      There seems to be a transition here. I think this is still part of the same dream, though.

      I was walking though a college campus with a preschool group. One of the little girls was Japanese. She seemed to like me and let me pick her up. We somehow got a little behind the others, so I finally had to run to try to catch up. At one point I tripped and we rolled on the grass. Neither of us were hurt at all. I got up and felt like something was missing, but couldn't figure out what.

      I looked a ways ahead and saw the last of the preschool goup head into the store/restaurant. I finally caught up and walked in. The group was now gone. I didn't have the little girl anymore. The lady inside asked me if I wanted any of the free lunch they had been serving to the preschool group. I said, "Sure".

      It was then I realized that my purse was missing. I started to panic. I had lost it on the college campus. I knew that it was very unlikely that I would ever see it again. I started telling the lady I was with how I had lost it. She was sympathizing with me.

      Then I remember saying, "You know, I think it's going to be okay. When I wake up my purse will be there. It's not really gone. This has happened to me before, and when I woke up the purse was there. I just need to try and stop worrying about it now."

      Then I have no idea what happened next. I do know lucidity ended (if it was ever really there to begin with. Even though I was saying that, I never had that "Ah ha, I'm dreaming" moment. This is the first time I can think of there I made reference to myself dreaming with out truly becoming lucid. )

      I then remember being in my basement. There was a crack in the wall and my cat was watching some silverfish bugs come out of the crack. She was swatting her paw at them.

      I really think something is missing from my memory here. But the next thing I remember is being attacked by these large metal bugs. They were black and about a foot across. one looked like a spider and the other a scorpion.

      I was upstairs at this point and I ran down into the basement. I frantically started looking for a hammer or something to smash them with. All I could find were a pair of roller blades. I picked one one of them and when the bugs came down the stairs I started smashing them with the roller blade.

      Amazingly they both just fell apart like they were cheap toys. I then ran my hands through the pile of pieces. I suddenly thought about movies that I had seen. I figured it was a very good idea to put the pieces in separate bags to dispose of them, just in case they all came together and came to life again.

      Then my alarm went off...
    4. Lucid Dream: Changing Gender

      by , 01-05-2012 at 05:54 PM
      Old LD from 11-7-07

      I finally had a decent sized lucid dream this morning. I did a WBTB (woke up at 5:30, went back to sleep at 6:30, had the LD and woke up at 7:30). And I took some B6.

      Dream (Lucid):

      I remember being with some people and going into the Caldwell's old house on the corner. I heard someone comment how they liked what the new owners did to the backyard. The group I was with walked into the backyard. I was expecting something pretty, but all I saw was junk. The rest went through the back door and into the house.

      I started to follow, but then I saw my friend RD and her 19 month old daughter Catherine. I went over to her. I suddenly felt that we needed to go somewhere or we'd be late. But Catherine wanted to get on the swing in the yard. I felt impatient, but RD put Catherine on the swing. I gave in and started to push her gently on the swing.

      As her daughter swung on the swing, RD started to sing the most beautiful song I had ever heard. I was mesmerized. I sat down and watched RD as she sang. RD then looked right into my eyes as she sang. I had the strongest feeling that there was something I was supposed to understand. I knew she was trying to pass me a message. I suddenly realized that this was a dream and the message that I was supposed to get that I was supposed to have a baby. I felt shocked for a moment.

      Then realizing that I was lucid, I decided that I needed to go on and try the Task of the Month, that the message would have to wait, and I would deal with that when I was awake.

      There is a fuzzy moment here that I can't explain.

      At that moment I felt that I wasn't entirely asleep. That I was aware of my physical body still in bed and that I was only barely in the dream. But then I stood up and moved, and my dream body moved and not my physical body. I always know that when that happens after a WILD, that I am fully in the dream. So I really felt that I had just WILDed even though I'm pretty sure that I got to this point from the previous part of the dream.

      But however I got here, I was now running around the house trying to find a mirror. As I got to the driveway, I saw a mirror that looked like a side mirror for a truck, but it wasn't actually attached to a truck. It was about 12 inches wide. I decided that even though it was small that I would use that to help me transform into a guy.

      I looked at myself. At first I looked just like I did in last night's mirror LD. My hair was longer that it is and slightly curled. I concentrated on looking more like a guy.

      At first I just started to look kind of deformed (as is typical of many lucid mirror experiences of mine.) Finally I started to look a little more masculine. I had no make up, my skin looked a little rougher (though I couldn't quite get stubble to show). My hair, even though it was still long and blond, looked more matted.

      I reached down to touch my body to see if the transformation went beyond my face. First I touched my crotch. I didn't feel anything extra. Disappointed I moved up and touched my breasts. They were a bit smaller than normal.

      I wondered if I should keep trying to make the changes more complete. But before I could, a group of guys walked past me down in the street. I decided I needed to see if I could pass for a guy. So I ran out to them.

      I said to them in as much as a guy voice as I could create, "Hi, dudes." That sounded really funny to me, so I couldn't help but to giggle at little after that. The giggle did not sound man-like at all. I wondered if I had blown it.

      The guys didn't say anything but were looking at me like they thought I was a total loser, and that they wished I would disappear. A group of girls met up with them, and everyone was still ignoring me.

      So I tried again. I asked loudly, "What do you guys see when you look at me?"

      One of the guys snorted and said something like, "Do you really want us to tell you??" And then the others joined in, laughing and making rude comments. But none of the comments gave me the answer I was looking for--did they see me as a guy or girl ?

      This wasn't working out at all like I had wanted it to. So I decided to leave this rude group and try again. I saw a building in front of me that I knew had a girl's bathroom in it. I ran into the bathroom. It was full of at least ten girls all standing in front of this very large mirror.

      I started shouting at them, "I need to transform! Help me transform into a guy!!" I started to push my way through the girls to the mirror.

      I remember thinking as I shouted at them that my dream self was far more bold than my real self is. I wouldn't dream of shouting at a bunch of girls in a bathroom like that in real life.

      As I got to the mirror I finally took a good look at what I had looked like out there with that group. I was surprised to see that I had clown make-up on my face. I wondered if that was why the guys had treated me like that. How long had my dream self looked like that? Or was this something that my mind had created just for this mirror scene. I didn't know.

      I just knew that I needed to look like a guy. The clown make-up had turned into a mask in the last few seconds, so I just pulled it off. I concentrated again.

      This time I made much better progress. Before I knew it, I was looking in the mirror at a guy. This was definitely a guy this time. He was nice looking. He had blue eyes, fairly short dark brown hair that had a bit of curl in it. I thought, "Wow...I'm good looking."

      I looked at my clothes. This time I was wearing a bike jersey and biking shorts. My body looked very athletic and was definitly masculine looking.

      But to make sure I reached down to my crotch. There was definitely a lump down there, though I felt no sensation touching it. I reached up to check on my breasts, and found that they were mostly gone--gone enough that they wouldn't be noticable by sight.

      I looked at my self once more in the mirror. This time I noticed these odd boots on my feet. They looked like Roller Blades, but without the wheels. I wondered why they were on my feet.

      As I looked at myself in the mirror, I thought back on everything that I had done in this LD, and I was suddenly worried that if I did much more that I wouldn't be able to remember it, so at this point with "mission accomplished", I let myself wake up so I could write it down.
    5. Short WILD

      by , 01-01-2012 at 06:35 AM
      From 11-2-07

      I tried to do a WBTB WILD. I didn't get very far. I counted backwards, and had it in my mind to try the gender task. I started to enter a dream. At one point I was holding a bowl and I started to drop it. But I caught it with my mind because I knew I was dreaming. But then I was suddenly awake.
    6. LD: Reading Things and Mirror Trouble

      by , 12-31-2011 at 09:00 PM
      Catching up...

      Old LD from 10-05-07

      I had a couple of lucid dreams this morning. I did an unintentional WBTB.

      I was dreaming that I was about to see a circus. But the longer we waited to see it start, the more I realized that this wasn't going to be a very big circus. In fact it looked like they were going to use teddy bears for on of the acts. I wondered if they had any live animals at all.

      At some point we moved to another part of the area. The circus still hadn't started.

      I don't know what triggered lucidity, but I had wandered off and was starting to walk through the city...and I was lucid.

      I looked at all the buildings. I wanted to really remember the details. I looked at a sign for a gas station. At first I thought it said "Tiffany's" in large red letters. I thought that was a strange name for a gas station. I looked at it again. This time I saw that it really said "Tiffy's". That seemed to be a more fitting name.

      I tried to think of a cool task to try. I suddenly rememberd that one of the suggested tasks that I wanted to try was to find a newspaper and read it's headline.

      The gas station would be a perfect place to find one. I ran to the doors. At first I saw a phone book and was tempted to open it and try to read it. But I decided that I really needed to do the newspaper first.

      I saw the racks outside the doors that usually have newspapers and ads. The first three things that I saw looked like newspapers, but at a closer look they had people on the front making out. I figured it was some sort of porno. So I kept looking. I couldn't find any newspapers.

      Finally a Mexican guy walked out of the doors and I saw that he had a newspaper. I asked if I could look at the headlines. He acted like I was very rude for asking him. But I said please again, and kind of helped myself to pulling the papers toward me so I could see. He didn't like it but he let me.

      Unfortunately when I looked at the pages, I could see that it wasn't actually a newspaper, but some sort of sports magazine. I was disappointed.

      I believe at this point I had a FA and I went on to other dreams.

      But at some point I was lucid again.

      I remembered that I wanted to try the Mirror Task again. I hurried into my bathroom. It was dark. I tried to flip the light switch. But it wouldn't work. So typical.

      But I could still see a little. I could tell it was my reflection in the mirror. I reached out my hand and tired to touch myself.

      I bumped the glass.

      I tried again. I bumped the glass.

      I remembered how last time I flew through the mirror to the other side. I backed up and dove toward the mirror. But instead of going through, my head bumped off the glass and I fell back into the bathroom.
    7. Lucid Dream: "Pick a Card" Task, Escaping Zoo Animals

      by , 12-23-2011 at 04:05 PM
      Old LD from 9-20-07

      I did my typical WBTB. For the past month I have been sleeping solid through the night because I've gone to bed so late. But last night I went to bed at 9:30, and woke up at 3:30 worrying about stuff I had to do. So instead of staying in bed and worrying, I got up and flipped on Dream Views and read a bit, took some B6, then went back to bed.

      Lucid Dream:

      I don't remember how I became lucid. My memory starts once I was lucid.

      I remembered that I really wanted to try the "Pick a Card" Task. So my first thought was that I needed to find a deck of cards. I first tried my pocket. I was wearing my brown cords. There was nothing in the pocket. So I tried again. I walked around the corner from where I was standing and saw a table. And there on the table was a deck of cards.

      I picked up the cards. It was a normal sized brand new deck. The cards were slick and stiff. The backs of the cards were blank. I pulled one out and looked at it. There on the front was a picture of myself. I was sitting at a round table. My hair had its natural curl in it and was fairly long. I looked like I was an older teenager (maybe 17). I was smiling at the camera and holding up a dark box that looked like the size that a computer game would come in. The quality of the picture wasn't the best and was not real crisp or bright.

      I thought that was so interesting and not what I expected so I pulled out another card. This time I was hoping for something that had words on it that would be interesting. Sure enough, this one did have words on it. But when I started to read, I found that it wasn't English. I read the words very carefully, I wanted to remember them so when I woke up I could write them down. I think I remember the first word--it was something like "S'eira" or "G'eira".

      I decided to do it again. The next card had a picture of a cartoon dog on it. The dog was brown and sitting. It had its mouth open and had its tongue hanging out. I could see its teeth. I studied it hard so I could draw it when I woke up (I may give it a try later).

      I put the deck of cards in my pocket.

      What happened next is fuzzy. I think I flew around a bit. I remember going too slow, then forcing the scenery to go by faster. It worked.

      I also remember walking through a school. As I was going out the door, I saw a poster on the glass door. I was seeing the words through the paper--they were all backwards. I was trying to read it. It was a Knock--Knock joke. I started reading it out louod. The first part was easy to read, even backwards, because it was so predictable. But when I came to the punchline I had trouble. Then I saw MK standing there I asked her to read it because she was standing on the other side of the door and could read it the right way. She started to read, but I don't remember her finishing.

      I then remember standing on top of the roof somewhere and pulling the cards back out of my pocket. I looked at another card. It was a photo of an elephant. I looked at another. It was a rhino. Another was a Kangaroo. I flipped through several more and saw that these were all zoo animals.

      The next one that stood out was a picture of a rhino escaping the zoo. The next had another animal escaping.

      The next thing I know is that the escaped animlas are around me. I was still on the roof and looking down. There are many official looking people trying to round up the animals.

      Then suddenly there's the rhino running straight at me on the roof. I wait until it gets close, then I give a big jump and let it pass right under me. For some reason I thought that was really cool.

      Then in front of me on the roof is Macaulay Culkin (about the same age as he was in the first Home Alone movie). He was giving the official people a hard time and making them angry.

      I went up to him and grabbed him and put my arms around him like I was hugging him. I put his face between my hands and said to the officials in a sickeningly sweet but very sarcastic voice, "Just look at this face...how can you not just totally love this boy...?"

      And that's the last thing I remember before waking up.
    8. Lucid Dream: Creating a Cat out of Water

      by , 12-23-2011 at 03:53 PM
      Old LD from 9-17-07

      Lucid Dream while Camping.

      As I thought I did wake up in the middle of the night. I had to go to the bathroom. It was cold and I didn't want to leave my sleeping bag and tent to go out ot the bushes, so I laid there and suffered for at least an hour. Finally I realized that if I was going to get any more sleep that night I would have to get up.

      The stars were bright and I didn't even need a flash light to find my way 50 yards or so to my "bathroom spot".

      After that I felt so much better I fell right to sleep. Since I was a bit cold, I fell asleep on my stomach, which I find is the warmest and also the most comfortable postion while laying on hard and uneven ground.

      I started to dream.

      I remember that I was walking down the street with two friends, when we suddenly saw a group of children dressed in Halloween costumes going Trick-or-treating. The following thougths went through my mind:

      "Oh my gosh--it's Halloween. How did I not know? Now it's way too late for me to decorate the house or carve pumpkins. This is such a nightmare--it's just like all those dreams I have about it being Halloween and I'm not prepared. If only this were a dream. But this is too real to be a dream. I mean, if this were a dream, I would have already started floating by thinking about the possiblity of it being a dream. But I'm not floating...and I can't imagine floating becasue this is too real....But just for fun, maybe I should try floating....."

      And I took off with a big jump and tilted backward until I stopped in a horizontal float on my back.

      That was such a thrill to be able to do that when I was so sure that it was real life.

      The first thing that came to my mind at that point was to do the Advanced Task of creating an animal out of water.

      I looked in front of me and saw a drop of water form, floating at about eye level. The drop started to grow until it was a little bigger than a basket ball. At that point I started to see it form into the shape of a cat. It was kind of a blobby cat. The legs and tail were all connected to the body and not sticking out. It was a bit triangular in shape--kind of like a pyramid.

      As soon as it was finished, it landed on the ground....and I woke up.

      Updated 12-23-2011 at 03:58 PM by 5578

      lucid , task of the month
    9. Flying, Clouds, Dream Control, and Being Mistaken for a Deity

      by , 12-22-2011 at 09:51 PM (The Lab Notebook)
      Non-lucid, Lucid, [Commentary made while awake]

      [Last night, I had a long, vivid, elaborate lucid dream that felt like it lasted between 10 and 20 minutes. This journal entry only reflects the most significant and memorable moments of that dream, which are all I remember now. There were other stretches of experience connecting the moments below that aren’t written down in detail, because I don’t remember them that well. They mostly consisted of me flying around and observing the scenery.]

      I’m at my university, at some sort of outdoor expo, standing in a booth made up of some folding tables and an EZ-UP shade structure. It’s a sunny day. I’m supposed to be there to represent one of the organizations I’m in, and I’m supposed to be wearing that organization’s T-shirt, but I can’t find it. The only T-shirt I can find in our booth is one I got from [a client company that my company has done work for in real life]. The logo on the front of the T-shirt I have is the same shape as the logo of the organization I’m representing (an oval), and the overall T-shirt design is very similar, but the letters in the oval are different, and the T-shirt I actually have says “[the client company's name]” across the back. I change into this T-shirt anyway. I do it while standing behind the open back of some hatchback vehicle, hoping that nobody will see me, because [for some inexplicable reason], I’m not wearing a bra.

      When I find myself looking at a very vivid, colorful cityscape from the viewpoint of flying over it, it only takes me a moment to realize that I’m dreaming. I slow myself down, controlling the speed of my flight, just observing the landscape around me.

      I’m standing on the ground in that city. I look across the street and see the gates of ‘the Asian Disneyland.’ There are solid-colored, blue and pink, cartoony humanoid figures walking around on the other side of the metal gates.
      [They look just like the figures in this cartoon (WARNING: Ads on that page are likely NSFW).] I think, Heck yes, then fly over and enter the “Asian Disneyland.”

      When I get inside, I am on the second story of what looks like an indoor mall, looking down onto the floor of the first story. When I see what’s down there, I realize, Of course, that’s what would be in the Asian Disneyland: casino table games. The entire first floor is full of them. I have absolutely no interest in this at all
      [true in real life, too], so I turn right around and go back out the entrance to the mall. [I am very, very sorry for the stereotype evident in the content of this dream.]

      Once outside again, I go, “Oh, yeah!” when I recall the current Task of the Month: fly up into the sky and find out where all the snow comes from. I start flying up into the sky. There is a puffy cloud there, and I fly toward it, aiming to get on top of it. As I approach it, it turns from white to dark gray. Lightning flashes across it, and it reaches out to threaten me with a pseudopod made of dark-gray cloud. I think, Uh-oh. This dream is going to turn into a nightmare if I don’t take control of it. Just by thinking about it, I make the pseudopod stop threatening me and retreat back into the cloud, the lightning stop, and the cloud turn white again. The threat nullified, I continue flying toward the cloud. It turns dark gray again only a moment later, but I realize that that’s because I know that precipitation only falls from heavy, dark-gray clouds. [When I first read the Task of the Month for this month, my first reaction was, “I’m probably not going to find anything but clouds up there; I’m a little too rational-minded for that.” This dream experience proves that I was right.]

      [Sure enough,] When I get on top of the cloud, there is nothing there – just cloud. I sit down cross-legged on top of the cloud and decide to fly around on it, using it as a mode of transportation, just like Goku does in “Dragonball Z.” While flying on the cloud, I find myself flying down a corridor that turns lots of corners at crazy angles, lined with doors on either side. [I don’t know what it was, but] Something about this situation makes me go, “Of course,” and then start singing: “This little light of mine, I’m gonna let it shine,” etc. I continue singing as I fly through the corridor.

      As I fly around some more, I think excitedly and proudly about how I’ll get to have my username in orange on DreamViews tomorrow or the next day.
      [Although now I don’t think I really deserve it, since I fulfilled the letter of the challenge but not its spirit. I really didn’t find out anything; all I found when I flew into the sky was the source of snow that I already expected to be to be there, namely, a cloud. I am so boring!]

      I need to get out of a building very quickly. [It may or may not have been the mall-like building mentioned earlier. I think it was a different one, though.] The building has a glass wall right next to the entrance. I decide to go out through the glass wall. I run toward it. A second before I reach it, I focus my mind on activating my intangibility, an ability I have used in several dreams before. It works perfectly; I run right through the glass wall without breaking it, just like a ghost.

      I’m in a circular meeting room with several levels of steps leading down to a central circle of floor. There are no chairs. There are a lot of people standing around in the room. I know that they’re all just DCs. They have gathered here to conduct a sort of tribunal to determine whether or not I am a goddess. Some of them have found out about the superhuman abilities I exhibit when I’m in the dream world, and have concluded that I am one, but others disagree. I think, I’m not a goddess. I’m just a human who knows how to lucid dream. I don’t say anything during the meeting, though.
      [I don’t know why not.]

      Side notes:
      Wow. I really feel like I took a step forward in my dream control skills last night.
    10. Lucid Dream--Walking through Fire, Bringing a Snowman to life and flying with it

      by , 12-20-2011 at 06:49 AM
      Old LD from 7-11-07

      Wow...I just had a long lucid dream in which I did the Task of the Month again, plus several old ones.

      I had awakened at 5:00 I laid in bed about 20 minutes. Then I got on DV for about 45 minutes (looked at old Task of the month) and then went back to bed. I laid there for a little bit wondering if I would go back to sleep. As I felt myself started getting really tired, I made myself open my eyes and glance at the time--6:32.

      The first part of the dream that I remember is being with my two little neices. They had had a birthday party, and things were still decorated. I was talking to one of the neices (K) and she was telling me about how the party theme was Pirates and how fun it had been.

      I then remember picking her up and jumpin with her, and at the top throwing her up a bit and catching her, then both of us would land on the floor. She loved it and I remember noticing how I could keep doing this and not get tired (Missed the dream sign this first time).

      Then I set her down and started doing back flips. I remember being amazed that I was doing such good backflips and I wasn't even on a trampoline. Then I started doing front flips and I noticed how good they made me feel to do them

      Then it hit me. This was a dream-- I loved doing dream flips because they make me feel so good.

      As soon as I realised that I was dreaming I decided I wanted to do the DV Member Task again to see if I could get more DV members to show up.

      This first transistion is a bit fuzzy. I think I started looking through the house for DV members. I didn't find any. I then decided to head out into the backyard so I could try the "Pet" task from last month that I had never gotten a chance to try.

      I walked through the back room next to a sick looking Vietnamese guy huddled in a yellow blanket. I opened the door and went into the yard. It was my yard form my LA house.

      I saw both my current dog and cat there. I started with my dog. "Hey boy, what do you think of me, huh? I need you to talk to me. DO you like me? Tell me what you think." But he kept sniffing at something in the grass and wouldn't even acknowlege my presence.

      I looked and now saw my cat just a few feet away. I asked her the same questions. But like my dog, she seemed more interested in something in the grass than in answering my questions. So I thought about trying another Task before I woke up.

      The Fire Task. I had to do the fire task. I looked around for a fire. There wasn't a fire in my yard. But as I looked over the fence toward my neighbors' yard, I could see smoke and I knew that there was a fire there.

      I flew up and over the fence into my neighbors' yard. I landed on the grass. The yard looked just like I remember the Franko's yard to look. They had been the neighbors that I grew up by. I walked under their big tree. I could see the Frankos on the patio. I told them I needed to borrow their fire for a moment.

      As I got to the far side of the yard I could see a small campfire. It wasn't very big, and I didn't know if it would actually count as walking "through" fire. but I was just doing this for fun anyway since it was now a new month with a new task.

      I looked down at the fire and took small step and and walked over the fire. Since it was only about 2 feet across, I could only step twice--once with each foot.

      I had wondered if the fire would feel hot...or if it would just seem like I was walking on normal ground. Well, as soon as I put my bare foot on the coals, I realized that this was going to be harder than I thought because the coals were actually very hot and burning the bottom of my foot.

      Still, I walked though. Even though it hurt, it seemed a bit anticlimatic. So I turned around and did it again. It still hurt. I decided that I would keep trying until I could control it and make it so it didn't feel hot to me anymore. On about the fifth time through the fire, I felt that I had achieved that.

      I started walking across the yard back toward my own yard again. Suddenly the neighbors dog ran up to me not looking very friendly [the real Frankos had a dog that scared me as a child]. I decided that it was time to fly.

      I remember wondering what the Frankos must be thinking of my strange visit to their backyard, but then remembered that they were my dream characters and weren't actually thinking anything.

      In my own backyard I saw two large white and brown dogs. I chased them out the side gate.

      I was still not satisfied with my attempt to find DV members so I tried again. I walked around (somewhere near the yard I think) calling out for DV members. I saw this group of people. I asked again if there were any DV memberd present.

      Finally this teenage guy walks toward me from the crowd with his arm up. He said, "I'm a DV member.

      I said, "Great, what's your username?"

      He answered, "T-Arizona"

      I said, "Cool, I think I'll remember that one."

      Then two more guys walked out. One of the boys had two heads, one looked normal, the other had no neck. He told me his username. It was something cool sounding with two words and started with an "S".

      Then the third boy told me his name...which I have also forgotten by now.

      After that I decided to go look some more. I really wanted to find DV members that I knew. I walked inside a building and decided to call out for certain members. I decided to start with Oneironaut.

      So I walked through this crowded building calling out for Onieronaut. Several times I could see black guys that from a distance looked like the right guy. But each time as I got close I could see that I had the wrong guy.

      I finally decided to try another name. This time I called out for CoLd BlooDed. I walked through what now looked like a school building. I called and called, but still got no matches. I even tried CB's real name to see if that made a difference. But it didn't.

      I finally ended up in a hallway by the doors to the outside. There was a group of students there waiting for the bell to ring and for school to get out. There was some teacher by the doors reminding the students to wear their bicycle helmets. The students all repeated a chant about helmets.

      Finally the doors opened. At this point I decided that I wasn't having any luck with finding DV members, so I decided to try another of the older Tasks that I had never gotten done. I decided to do the "Snowman" Task.

      As luck would have it, I walked out of the school and into a snow covered park. There were at least five snowmen in the park. At this point I was also suddenly with my childhood best friend M. I looked at the snowmen and wondered how hard it would be to bring them to life. I decided just to look at them with the expectation that they would just start moving. And sure enough, the one closest to me started twitching. Then it turned so it was facing me, and then started moving toward me. It was smiling, and I felt no fear that it would suddenly become evil and attack me.

      I looked around and saw at least four other snowmen now moving in my direction. When the closest one got to me, I decided that I wanted to go flying with it. I told it to turn around so I could climb on its back.

      After I was on its back I told it to fly. As we took off in the air, I remembered my friend that I had left behind. I knew she was only a DC, but I just felt the need to be polite, so I called back to her to get on the next snowman and to follow me.

      At first I felt cold being on the snowman and flying through a winter sky. But I remembered how I had been successful in changing the temperature in past LDs. I told myself that I would no longer feel the cold since it was just my good imagination making it cold in the first place.

      Gradually the snowman started feeling warm beneath me, and the air became just cool and not cold. It was perfect.

      Then suddenly it was night. We were flying low and past buildings that were all covered with Christmas lights. I remember a building that looked like a City Hall that was just beautiful. We flew so close I could almost touch the lights.

      There is a transition here that I don't remember.

      But the next thing I remember is that I am back in a building looking for DV members. I believe it was an arcade. I could see out the window that it was still dark outside and I could see Christmas lights.

      There were no DV members in the arcade, so I walked into the next room. There was a long skinny swimming pool there, the kind that makes a current that people can just stay in the same spot and swim against it..

      I looked down in the pool to see if anyone I recognised that there. But I saw this man--he was bald and scarred and was very white. It disturbed me, and I suddenly felt myself start to wake up. Instead of fighting against that and staying in my dream, I suddenly realised that I had dreamed such a long LD that it would actually be a really good idea to wake up at this point and see if I could remember all of it.

      So I let myself wake up.

      Updated 12-20-2011 at 03:52 PM by 5578

      lucid , memorable , task of the month
    11. Remembered Several Mini Dreams from Last Night, Succesful WBTB

      by , 12-18-2011 at 06:49 PM
      Dream Journal- night of 12.17.11 - One successful WBTB attempt after 5.5 hours, was up for about 10-15 minutes

      Connected the new 22" monitor that dad

      gave me to my computer, but for some reason

      it was an iMac, and the Microsoft Word

      software was outdated and weird.. Also, this

      was in our old house I haven't lived in for 4 years, and the sound

      from the computer came out of the playroom

      instead of my room. The monitor was banged

      up, not new at all.

      Had an epic sword battle with some evil king

      (i knew he was evil, don't know why) and he

      looked like the dad god from Thor. Stabbed

      him several times, deflected lasers he shot at

      me, it was freakin crazy...

      At some point I was in our old house's backyard

      and pissed off a guy living at what used to be

      Ms. Vicki's house because we throw tomatoes

      at it or something... My little cousin

      was in our old playhouse, saying he was

      getting too big for it.

      Hung out with my cousins D and T.... what we all did is really fuzzy, can't remember.

      I had one Lucid Dream that night, but I don't want to share it. Rest assured it was short, but awesome.
    12. LD--Flying over Lake Powell/School

      by , 12-07-2011 at 03:31 AM
      Old Dream from 2-17-07

      Another lucid dream....

      I am seeing a bit of a pattern here. Again I was awakened. I was awake between 1:30 and 4:00. As I went back to sleep I tried to WILD. I don't remember transitioning. But I remember being lucid and in a dream.

      I was flying. I remembered that I really wanted to fly over Lake Powell again. I looked down and saw that I was flying over the desert, and in front of me I saw the dam and Lake. I wanted to fly under the bridge and over the dam and across the lake.

      I was flying swimming style, but going faster than I have been lately. I could feel the wind and coolness of the air as I flew below the bridge and over the dam...and across the Lake.

      Then somehow I was in a hallway in a high school. I saw many people walking by. I randomly chose one of the guys. I wanted him to be the one to ask my future. He ended up being fairly good looking. I pulled him aside and talked to him like I was making friends.

      And at this point I think I lost lucidity because I ended up deciding to hang out with him and be his friend. I forgot to ask him the question.

      I can't remember how the dream ended.

      When I finally woke up, I decided not to fully wake myself up to write the dream down. I am going to have to travel in a few minutes and I didn't want to risk not going back to sleep again for the night. I had already missed a few hours by being awake.


      I just remembered that at one point while I was still lucid I went outdoors and thought about making a tornado appear. I remember it being a difficult decision---I wasn't sure I wanted to give up my very cute heart badge...lol. I noticed many strange looking clouds in the sky. I looked around for a tornado. I didn't see one already there, so I'm thinking I didn't pursue it any further.

    13. Task of the Month--Valentine's Day, Questions, Eating Cookies

      by , 12-06-2011 at 07:44 PM
      Old LD from 2-14-07

      Wow...I just did another Task of the Month. And how appropriate, considering it is Valentine's Day.

      I had gotten to sleep in, and I had been awake for a bit, but decided that today would be a good chance to do a WBTB. I wanted to get the Task done, and I thought that since it was Valentine's Day I might have extra inspiration to get the Task completed.

      The dream started with me looking over a balcony of an apartment in which I supposedly lived. There were lots of people below in the yard or road or whatever was below the balcony. I remember thinking that something was not quite right with this. And I suddenly realized that I was dreaming.

      I looked back down. I had to find someone to ask to be my Valentine. I saw some teenage boys from the neighborhood. At first I was reluctant, but then said to myself, "It doesn't matter--this is my dream--no one will know that I asked them to be my Valentine in a dream."

      So I glided down the the ground level. And went up to M and asked him to be my Valentine. He looked at me like he thought I might be playing some sort of trick on him. He squinted his eyes a little and said, "Are you serious?"

      Then my dream faded.

      But I ended up back in the apartment and was still lucid. This time I recognized it as my friend E's apartment (of course it was not his either in real life). His family was there along with some family friends. They had been making cookies with sprinkles, but were now cleaning up.

      I wanted to try the Task again, to see if I could get a better answer.

      I asked E's sister. She said, "Sure, why not."

      Then I asked a blond girl, "Will you be my Valentine?"

      She said, "Yeah, because I owe you." I looked at her somewhat confused.

      She said, "The meeting tonight......I'll be getting you your pin and uniform."

      At first I felt slightly alarmed, then thought "There is no meeting. This is just my dream. How funny that my brain would come up with that."

      Then I asked another girl that was about 15. (There were only girls in the room--no guys.)

      She said that she couldn't be my Valentine because she was already a sister.

      I asked her why she couldn't be both. And then she went on about not being able to drive herself anywhere and how she was a burden on others because of that. It didn't actually make a lot of sense. But I let her go on.

      Then a guy in his late 20's walked in with a little girl about two years old on his shoulders. I walked up to him to ask, but at the last minute I asked the little girl instead. She couldn't talk so I didn't expect an answer. But I just talked to her like you do to a toddler. "Hi...you are just so cute...hey, do you want to be my Valentine? That would be fun, huh? And, see, you are wearing hearts on your dress. You are already all dressed up for Valentine's Day."

      At that point I figued I'd asked enough people...an interesting variety...and had gotten an interesting variety of answers.

      I thought, "What else can I ask them?" I thought back to the Task in November where we were supposed to ask people of we were dreaming. I decided to do that again.

      So I started with the blond girl whose meeting I was supposed to attend that night. I asked her if I was dreaming and she nodded and said yes.

      I went down the line and everyone was saying yes. Finally the last girl I got to I asked, "But how do you know I am dreaming?" I really wanted to know what she would say.

      She said, " Because this all sounds like it is being recorded in a studio." (I was not expecting that answer). And the funny thing is as she said that sentence, her voice started sounding all echo-y and unnatural.

      Then the dream faded again.

      BUt I ended up back in the apartmant again. This time it was empty. I looked at the table that still had lots of sprinkles left on it fron the cookies they were making.

      I suddenly had an idea inspired by my mom.

      In real life my mom and I started eating a raw vegan diet about 6 weeks ago. A few weeks ago she told me about a dream she had where she was eating pork, and then became lucid (her first lucid dream--and it was just from listening to me talk about it). She then thought, "Well, since this is just a dream, I might as well finish eating this pork" Since it was tasting so good.... .

      So looked around the apartment. I saw some cookie dough and put it in my mouth. It didn't taste as good as I had wished. I remembered that in real life I had been craving peanutbutter cookies with chocolate chips.

      I opened the fridge. And sure enough, on a plate all made up nice and with plastic wrap over it was a large batch of that kind of cookie. I took one and ate it and was incredibly thankful that my dream taste buds were fully working in this dream.

      I started to take another, then paused, momentarily feeling guilty for taking the cookies that E's mom had put away. It was obvious that they were supposed to be a gift for someone.

      I then had to remind myself that this was still my dream--that's why I was getting to eat these in the first place. That no one with ever miss these cookies.

      So I spent the next five minutes (or so it seemed) just eating one cookie after another
    14. Baby Mammoth and Flying Above the Clouds in the Moonlight

      by , 12-06-2011 at 05:20 PM
      Old LD from 1-31-07

      Lucid Dream!

      I read out of my Lucid Dreaming book about MILD before I went to bed-- and this is the dream I got.

      The dream started out nightmarish. I was becoming aware that this huge monster/creature was getting into my room at night. I never saw it, but I could see from evidence it left that it had been there. It was really starting to freak me out to the point where I no longer wanted to go to sleep. The thought of something so big being just a few feet away while I was completely asleep made me feel so vulnerable. I couldn't believe that I wouldn't wake up with it there. I am normally not that deep of a sleeper.

      The scene jumps and I am climbing a very big tree with Jeff. We suddenly see men that look like hunters in down in the next field and decide that they are the ones we need to talk to to see if they know anything about a huge creature that may be in this area and if they have any idea of what to do to keep it out of my room at night.

      It takes a while to get down from the tree. I hadn't thought I had climbed that high.

      Jeff started talking to the men. I noticed that one of the men looked just like Jeff. It seemed so odd, that I missed the entire conversation.

      Then scene changed again and I am with my sister in my bedroom. I had slept through the night, but my sister had seen something. She saw a huge unidentifiable shape, but it had dropped something in the trash and toilet before it left. I looked in the trash and saw what looked like tiny mammoth bones. Like a small mammoth fetus that hadn't grown properly. The bones were all soft and the consistancy of gummy worms. I realized that this was a wonderful clue. The mystery monster was really a mammoth! But how was it getting in my room.

      The next night I was determined to stay awake to find out. As I sat in bed I could see the opened bathroom door. Suddenly I saw a shape coming out of the toilet. So that's how it was getting into my room!. I watched as it grew bigger and bigger as it came through the toilet. It didn't grow full sized. It was a baby mammoth...only about two and a half feet high and three feet long. It didn't look real. It looked like a sketchy drawing.

      As I was watching it I suddenly started thinking, "This is just a little too weird for me...a mammoth coming out of my toilet...and being all sketchy.....Could this possibly be a dream??" I needed to find out so I said, "Okay, Baby Mammoth, if this is a dream, will you come fly with me?"

      Next thing I know is that the mammoth and I are both circling in the air. And I laughed out loud and said, "I knew it. This whole thing was just too weird. Yes! I am finally Lucid again!!"

      I circled my room a little more and decided to just fly through my wall. I end up bumping against it. I decided that that is no big deal--I'll just go out the front door. I flew down the hall and to the front door. I opened it and flew outside. It was early moring. I said to myself, "Early morning...just like it is in real life." [Note: it was actually 2:15 am].

      I flew down the street and passed a lady. She points to this man's car that is filled with junk and make s a comment about it. I remember commenting back, "Yeah, he is very unreliable,"..and then flew on.

      I flew toward the school. I was flying quite slow and had trouble getting very high. Instead of flying "Superman" style, I was flying "swimming" style--breast stroke to be exact. I was going about as fast as I would be if I were actually swimming...or maybe a little faster. But even though I was a little frustrated, I thought to myself that at least I was moving and if I was patient I would get to where I wanted to be.

      The street slooped down into a hill. This would be a good chance for me to get some height. I just flew straight while the street sloped steeply down.

      By the time I got to the school, I was quite a bit in the air above it. I looked up. It was no longer morning, but night. The light of a very full moon shown on a layer of clouds overhead. I wanted to go up and through those clouds. They looked so magical, so I started flying upward. I finally got to the clouds and started to go through them. They were very thick clouds and I started to feel a little claustophobic. So I told myself that I needed to create an air bubble around me. So I did. It was a very interesting feeling to be surrounded by that thick cloud. Finally I broke though to the top of the cloud.

      I looked around. The cloud stretched out forever and glowed in the moonlight. It was beautiful. I wanted to lay down on the cloud and rest and just take it all in. But at this point I could feel the dream fade and I woke up.


      I want to point a couple of things out.

      1. I woke up in the night at about 2:15 with the dog barking. I suddenly realized that I really wanted to recall all of my dreams of the night, so I searched my brain for dreams and was disappointed to find none. I told myself again as I drifted off that I was going to realize I was dreaming in the next dream I had. And it seems to have worked.

      2. Also when I woke up the clock said 2:36...so the dream was actually quite short in spite of it seeming to go on for days within the dream. Every dream I have ever timed has surprised me how little time they actually take in real life.

      3. Also I wasn't as lucid as I wished I had been. I never really thought about much and really just went with the flow. The flying was really nice and magical, but I never once thought about trying to complete a task. I never thought about my sister's book, or about looking at my hands or making CB appear.... . So I am considering this a somewhat low-level lucid. But it was still very satisfying to awaken from and realize what I had done.

      I actually had two other dreams last night. One was quite vague. I remember something about flying indoors in this great big place. I was flying up to reach something. There were two guys watching me, and it made me feel uncomfortable. I wasn't sure how they would react to my ability to fly.

      The last dream was quite perverted, so I am reluctant to say much. So I won't.

      Edit 2:

      I keep remembering things. When I woke up from my LD I had a false awakening. I remember talking to Jeff about my LD. But then he started reprimanding me. Telling me that I had talked in my sleep and that I had given away important secrets. I asked him to tell me what I had said. As he told me I wrote them down on a can on coconut milk. The one thing I remember was the phrase "Within three months time...". Apparently there was something very significant about that.

    15. Almost

      by , 11-23-2011 at 10:00 PM
      I woke up early this morning and decide to try a WBTB, I didn't have a WILD but I realized I was dreaming soon after I fell asleep. I was on a bus and I began to try and stabilize the dream but tried to do so with my eyes closed (I feared that if I opened them I would wake up). It didn't wok, I woke up.
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