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    1. Night of Tuesday 10/17/23 (DILD)

      by , 10-21-2023 at 09:50 PM (Dreamlog)
      Went to bed at ???

      Bad Pheromones
      I'm in a school/college situation. It may have been mixed with my work cafeteria. ER from work a few years back is there.
      I default to hiding my interest in her (as I did in waking reality), thinking that there is not a high likelihood of that interest being returned by her.
      There is a vague situation where I smell bad (lack of deodorant, dirty clothes etc).
      This makes the situation all the more tense.

      Recorded at ???

      I woke up from my alarm and started to get ready for work. I showered, dressed etc. But then I decided to call in for the day (and went bad to bed) because I felt crappy. So, that technically makes this a mid-morning WBTB, but I wasn't going for any kind of timing goal here.

      Went back to bed around 8AM.

      Getting Lost at Costco
      I'm at Costco with my girlfriend.
      I do a nose RC out of habit and
      become lucid. I also do a hands RC, and I have baby-hands branching off my fingers. Nice.
      I'm thinking that this is a great opportunity to try baked goods and see what they taste like in a dream.
      Ape-brain kicks in at this point though, and activities ensue with my girlfriend.
      She comments that since this is a dream, it doesn't matter that we are in public.
      After that, I try to find the bakery section but lose my lucidity before reaching it.

      Summoning Snow
      I'm at home and did a nose-RC in the hallway, becoming lucid.
      My brother is there. He had a nerf gun, but I mostly ignored him.
      I did stabilization (narrating, rubbing hands/feet). I had the presence of mind to try to stand still, observe the dream environment, and ground myself.
      The dream started to fade, but I managed to hold on. The same dream reformed, and I repeated my reality checks + stabilization. I felt pretty happy about this.
      I reflect that maybe past dreams 'fading' were just my brain attempting to wrestle lucidity from me and succeeding. But this time I beat it.
      I went out to the living room area, it's a long room instead. I wanted to go somewhere more interesting.
      I remember one method for traversal is association/reframing, and also that my previous attempts at portals have been lackluster.
      I think about where I would like to go and decide on a snowy place. I wonder what association might help my brain generate such a place.
      I decide to imagine an ice pick and search around the living room for one, but no luck. I head outside.
      There is a bit of snow on the ground, sort of like when snow that had been there previously has mostly melted. I find the ice pick on the ground in the yard.
      I vaguely recall seeing my brother outside too, but then there was an older woman there. Not someone I recognized now or then.
      The woman tries to advise me on lucid dream ability. She tells me that I have done well, but need to move on now.
      I take the advice to mean my summoning of the ice pick went well, but I should try something new.
      Where there is normally brick wall in my yard, there is a wooden fence. There is a beautiful New Zealand-esque grassy field landscape beyond the fence.
      I jump over the fence and fly into the distance.

      Alternate Silverlight
      I am in a futuristic city with silver skyscrapers, lucid, and flying around.
      I wonder whether this place is another interpretation of Silverlight (a fantasy forest I've been trying to get to).
      I'm in a crowd with some DCs. The DCs know I am there, lucid, and dangerous to them. They have been warned by something.
      I didn't do anything with these people and just flew off again, enjoying the dreamscape. This environment is much more interesting than my typical lucid dream fare.

      Recorded around 10AM.
    2. Musical Metamorphoses

      by , 07-04-2023 at 04:35 AM (The Fourth Factor)
      All the most interesting dreams from this week involved music in some way. These included:

      -Applying a temporary tattoo of the notation for the amen break to my face, apparently for some event I was going to attend.

      -Working on a piece of music. As the dream progresses, the different parts become associated with characters, and a story plays out among them. The characters all travel somewhere special, like the moon, a number of times. I think it ended with everything being absorbed back into the composition again. Unfortunately, I can’t remember many of the details as I woke up to one of the cats getting ready to cough up a hairball and had to immediately turn on the lights and make sure she didn’t do it on my bouzouki.

      -Programming a couple weather patterns on something that looked suspiciously like a groovebox. I’m doing this at somebody’s request, at the shop he owns. There’s a sense of the machine making the process much simpler than it would be otherwise, just a matter of pressing a few buttons. When I’m done, I make a mental projection of the future to check that my proposed patterns won’t screw up the weather in other places, and since everything looks OK, I confirm them.

      At some later point in the dream, I gain lucidity flying over a place that’s a cross between a highway and a waterway, with cars going one way and ships going the other. I decide to go back to the scene from the earlier dream, and I speak with the man to find out if he has anything else I can do there. It strikes me as an interesting thing to do while focusing on maintaining lucidity. I woke up not long after, though, which wasn’t surprising as it was actually getting rather late into the morning.

      Tags: music, weather
      lucid , non-lucid
    3. Weird school assignment and guy at work.

      by , 05-08-2022 at 02:31 PM (Dream-quest by UnknownKadath)
      I dreamed I was in school, as in college. But it was a weird school and I forgot quite what class I was taking. And I had an assignment to go pick a certain type of plant that grew wild in the area(the 'school' itself was a cabin somewhere I think I had classmates but I don't remember them well).
      So I went out to pick the plants, but the as I drove up to the field I was going to take them from, I saw that a storm was coming. The sky got darker and darker and I saw streaks of lightning. I wasn't lucid but I was aware enough to know that I, picking the plants in that field, would be the tallest object around and that was dangerous. So I shot a quick video on my phone showing the sky and lightning and explaining that would not be completing the assignment on time(it was due that evening for some reason) because it just wasn't safe.
      Back at the school, I showed the video as evidence to the teacher, who said I could it later, no problem. A classmate who had gone somewhere else to pick the plants gave hers to the teacher. I wandered away to play with a small dog on the cabin's porch.
      Cut to me at my retail job. I was still somehow in the cabin but it looked a little more like a storefront now. I went to the register to ring a guy up. I forgot what he was buying aside from a magazine. The guy was friendly and quite good-looking and I was talking to him, I forget about what. Then I noticed that the magazine was called Transmasc, short for trans masculine. So am I. I wanted to strike up a conversation based on that, but I wasn't out in the dream just like in real life, so I kept quiet within earshot of my coworkers. For the last few seconds of the dream, after the guy had left, I was staring at the magazine display and trying to figure out an excuse for buying a remaining copy of Transmasc that wouldn't look weird.
    4. 3/30/18 | Random

      by , 03-30-2018 at 06:18 PM (Fantastical Adventures)
      -1-I played a preview of a thing I hadn't yet done in BoTW at night that involved snow, and pillars of rock.
      -2-At a beach, some people were thrown 10ft into the air by a sudden, powerful dust devil. This happened 2 or 3 times in the same, sunny location. The vortex turned horizontal once, allowing me to catch a glimpse of the center of circulation. That was cool.
      [New Scene]
      I messed around with a TV to play some Wind Waker.
      -3-At my old house, I played Melee with somebody from church.
      -4-It was September 22, and I still didn't register for classes. Oops. The layout of the present building interior was completely different.
      [New Scene]
      Later, I was playing a hide-and-seek game in the same building. I hid behind a door, but someone found me within 30 seconds from following my trail of boolean logic.
    5. July 2015 | Bits and Bobs

      by , 01-10-2018 at 05:47 PM (Fantastical Adventures)
      -1-Some earthquakes were going off and triggering the gold farm chickens. Whenever they shook, specs of corn shot outwards.

      -2-I was playing Ocarina of Time as Captain Falcon at Lake Hylia. In my inventory, there were a bunch of spare bottles, some of which had green potion, or fairies. I decided to fill all the remaining empty bottles with fairies from the spawner. I pressed a button, and 3 fairies spawned. I captured one and put it away.

      -3-I exited a forest into the open just as a thunderstorm started. Very close lightning started to appear. Suddenly, I fell through a portal to a familiar room in a house. Looking back at it, it appeared to be closed. Then, I laid a trail of garbage bags for mom to follow to find where the portal was. Somehow, I got back to the ring of trees, and I fell through the portal again. Then, 80s music played.

      -4-I was sleeping outside when I saw a low pressure system in the sky about 20ft above the ground. It looked like it was carrying a band of snow and then it started snowing. Eventually, it turned to rain halfway down. I decided to leave then. Right after that, it came down in a solid sheet and then a solid block of rain. It represented heavy rain in another dream scene that was going on at the same time.

      -5-NASA discovered warp drive and built “train molecules.” They made a green ring out of them.

      -6-I was very high up in a large tree, talking with a female on another tree. Then, the snow began to slide, and it was very soon a huge, chunky avalanche. It toppled the tree I was hanging on to, and pushed me down the slope. I started to run down, but it was hard to run normally. I jumped and then leaped off of several tree tops, then landed on a ledge before a cliff. I jumped down about 20ft to the first boulder, the avalanche still tailing me. At this point, I wanted to be a wolf, so I decided to start acting like one and ran on all fours, hoping the change would take place. I leaped head-first into a creek, which annoyingly slowed me down a lot. Once I got out, I tried to sprint, but I continued to hit trees and push myself off of them in quick succession. Eventually, I got to the bottom of the hill, where 4 people were playing super mario 3d world.
      Tags: games, snow, weather
      non-lucid , dream fragment
    6. The Book of Secrets

      by , 02-27-2017 at 09:13 PM
      27 Feb

      I'm in a room with lots of DCs. Some of them are leaving for an event. There are different kinds of chocolate boxes at a nearby counter. The DCs go to get chocolate, leaving a bit of a mess. I take couple of chocolates as well and consume them slowly. There's a particular idleness in my mind. I recall I was trying to fall asleep. Something tells me I can already act as if in the dream. I look around - indeed it's a dream. In still somewhat clouded awareness I recall about totm.

      This is now incorporated in the dream - there's a room where people do the current totm. It then changes to totm suggestions written on the door. Spellbee has suggested that we do programming def functions which appear on the door.

      My awareness increases and I now have greater clarity. I decide to leave this place and look for a window or door. I opt for the nearest door though a bit afraid I may end up in a labyrinth inside a building rather than outdoors. There's an unappealing old corridor with worn out walls. Luckily, after I reach its end is another door leading outside.

      I'm now walking near a wall, wondering what will be on the other side once I glance at it. A couple of blocks like those in my hometown appear. I stop to contemplate briefly on this entire process. How and why did these blocks appear, from all the possible items and images that could have been assembled. Did I think them up? Why precisely these objects and not something else. I stare in the distance ahead, thinking that I am not seeing images. What I am seeing are endless possibilities of what could be there.

      After the feeling of amazement has subsided a bit, I decide to get back to the totms. I am now on top of the wall and think about summoning the book of secrets from the basic task. To do so, I cover the top of the surface with my palm, moving it slowly to reveal the book behind. A red leather book promptly appears underneath with to my suprise the title Book of Secrets. It has relatively few pages and they are all leather. On the first browse there's a list of words with positive qualities or goals. One of the words is "innocent". I try to memorize two more words but forget them after wake. The entire book has a rather medieval appearance. The rest of the pages contain portraits of figures of importance like cardinals or archdukes. I browse one last time to find pictures of weird experiments that were done at the time. Some sort of medieval type of scientific research.

      Memory gap. There were several moments of the dream thinning out and me back to bed and back to dream, ruining coherent recall.

      The next scene I remember, I am still lucid and inside a room talking to a DC. I want to continue with totms and the task I recall next is the advanced one to change the weather. I confidently ask the DC for help - "There's something you can help me with. I know you can do this!" We are near a window and I can see the outside ground. It's not too evident which season it is - just bare ground, but I need it to be definitely winter.

      I turn my back so that I don't see the outside world but face the DC. She is looking outside and waves her hands around as if she is painting the snow. I then turn around and look again - now everything is covered with snow! Alright, now we need for spring or summer to come. I turn myself around and let the DC do her magic again. I look back and the snow-covered ground is now green grass. There's a weird bird resembling a toucan but much larger walking on the grass. Its beak is very unusual - a shiny green color. A closer look reveals that its beak is actually a purely reflective mirror-like surface and the green is just the grass being mirrored. Now there are several of these birds with shiny green beaks, black feathers with strangely warped structures. I am amazed at the kinds of stuff dreams can come up with.

      I take one last look at the weather transformation - despite the season change, it's still a bit dark and cloudy. To let the sunshine in, decide to get rid of the clouds. First, I stretch my arm and literally pick a few clouds from the sky as if they were nearby objects. Moreover, I get the sudden desire to try to blow the rest of the clouds away. I do it and it actually works! Now the scene is much brighter.

      The dream soon thins out and I feel my body once again. I fall asleep almost immediately and end up in another room. I feel this dream idleness which makes me realize I am still dreaming. I come up with a funny song and start dancing around while DCs stare at me.
      Pretty fast this time, the dream disappears, I feel my body once again and wake up.

      Updated 02-27-2017 at 09:20 PM by 61764

      lucid , false awakening , memorable , task of the month
    7. February Totm attempts

      by , 02-03-2017 at 02:31 PM
      Tonight i finally could sleep in as long i wanted after some hard days of work. before i got to bed i looked up the totms of this month. i wanted to do the book of secrets, changing weather and switching to black and white.

      i wake up at night and remember a dream where i started throwing fireballs. i didnt get lucid but this is always a good sign that my awareness is higher than usual. i stand up, go to the toilet and set my intention.
      i fall asleep and i have a dream where i am in a building. i have some trouble with someone? i go out and in front of the building a car is parked. i notice that i have an item in my hands. like a thing that you can use to plug in two headphones in one port. but instead i go to the wheels and stick it into the valve and let out the air. i go to the front wheel. here i have to screw of the cap first and repeat it. here you go.
      i stand up and walk down the street. it is night. im thinking what to do next and this moments of reflection make me lucid. i start flying and fly close to the street straight thru different buildings. i phase thru all with ease. but now i start to worry that i might loose control because the scenery is changing so fast. i slow down and find myself now high in the air. i keep flying and look for a good spot to do the advanced task. i want something in the nature. i fly over a small hill with threes and a meadow. i land there and while landing i think about how i get snow and suddenly touching the ground everything around me is white. a lot of snow is lying around. but it seems like it snowed days ago. the snow is not fresh and slowly starts melting. i feel the cold around me. i seem to wear a pullover. i touch some of the snow. it is cold but not as could as ice should be. okay how i change the weather now? i look around. there are no leaves on the trees. i try to will better weather but i accept that this wont work "okay maybe i can swipe of the snow" i think and start swiping around and i manage to make the snow disappear right infront of my eyes. my swiping gestures gets bigger because this method seem to be very slowly but the parts i can make disappear gets bigger and bigger. after some time nearly no snow is there anymore. but it seems that this does not really change the atmosphere to a nice warm day...i approach a small naked plant. i will her to start growing and it does. it gets a little bigger and some branches start to spring. but its not enough.i pause and fly up again thru different stuff and find myself in a room again. i jump out and fly down again and suddenly i see full colors of green. i smash into the ground and find myself on a healthy and well nourished meadow. i see a lot of clover. wow the weather changed. i get up and look around and the trees start to bloom. i notice that its pretty comfy and warm. i wear a t-shirt now. i look into the sky and i see full orange and yellow tones of color at the horizon. i start with some gestures because its still kind of night. i want to make the sun appear. the full red and orange colors raise a little but instead of a sun i manage to rise some bright glowing stars. i make them disappear again and try again but now different symbols of the sun appear at the sky. some numbers appear next to them. okay so no typical sun nevermind. i let it go but notice that its gotten brighter.
      K. starts to move in bed slightly and my attention shifts to my waking body. i keep calm and concentrate on the dream. i hear a voice talking and i start to engage my dreambody. it seems to work but seconds later the church bells start pretty loudly.
      so i woke up and make mental notes of this lucid.

      i fall asleep shortly after and i think i have a short nld. K.´s alarm clock goes of around 30min later. she gets up and i put in my earplugs and my sleeping mask. i lay there not too comfy. i feel like i fall slowly asleep but i notice that my arm is not comfortable. i change the position of my arm and instantly i find myself in a dream lucid. wow was this a wild?
      i am in a building with high ceilings. i jump around a little on different hights. i find it interesting that no matter how high something is when you aim for it and jump up you always get high enough.
      after some climbing at some metal beam i decide to think about the totms again. "okay what was the basic one i wanted to do?" at first i cant remember but then i do: find the book of secrets. i look down and instantly see two bookshelves. i am pretty happy with the fact how easily i summoned the shelves. i jump down and look into the first one. different books and magazines. some seem to look like waking ones i own. but nowhere there is secrets written on it. i look into brownish one. its a empty book i got by a friend of mine. it looks pretty similar. outside is written something like: treasure or safe or something. not secrets but in a way related to the sense of this word. i look inside and only on the first side are some notes. it looks private. something about bondage*another word* i have the feeling its not what i am looking for and close the book but open it again. the layout of the notices have changed a little but for some reason i dont keep reading but close the book and start to look in the other bookshelf. again it seems like i recognize some books. one looks like the black dream yoga book. for some reason i think i dont have to pick them up because i know them already...
      [to sad now when i think about it it would be very interesting to read some more and see what there is]

      some part i dont remember. i dont know if following was in same dream or another.

      i am lucid and i think about what to do next. i try to make my dream black and white. i am in a room and dont know how to start. for some reason i summon money out of my pocket. first there is only a used tissue but after get it out a lot of money is around. i think i asked a dc to give me some glasses that change my perseption into black and white. he give me a pair of glasses where one glass is a little brownish. i look at him and ask him "this will work?" he nods. i put them on and my vision changes. it gets a little darker and the colors get full and high contrast but not black and white. i put them of and next to me are different ones. i put them on but again not black and white. "hm" i start with swiping again to get ride of the color. it works in some way. everything i swipe over gets darker and less colorfull but a plant for example is still greenish in the end. i dont get it completely black and white. nevertheless the effects i created was pretty cool.

      again memory hole.

      i think what totm i could to and remember the other basic totm. i am sitting in a chair like in a bus. i turn around and there are two girls sitting. i excuse myself for interrupting and ask one of them to tell me a totm that i should do AFTER i wake up, she looked confused at first but then tells me an easy math calculation. [i cant remember the equation anymore] i tell her there has to be a better totm and she stands up and goes somewhere. now we room. i fly thru some walls where i think she is and we talk again but i dont remember what.

      Updated 02-03-2017 at 02:39 PM by 87116

      Tags: fly, phase, swipe, weather
      lucid , task of the month
    8. Another Rainbow (DWILD)

      by , 12-24-2016 at 08:09 PM
      Ritual: WTB 2am, woke up after a couple hours and strapped on the Motivaider, timed for 30m intervals. I woke up again after what I thought must be at least an hour and hadn't felt any vibrations. I decided that my awareness was not sufficient tonight to continue, removed the device, and went back to sleep. But apparently this process created an anchor for the idea of lucidity, because in my next sleep interval I became aware of lying in that intermediate state between sleeping and waking and went through the motions of getting up into a WILD. However, in retrospect it is clear that I was already dreaming at the start of this experience, so it was not a genuine WILD but a dreamed WILD (hence DWILD). It was 5:45am when I woke from the dream.

      DWILD, "Another rainbow": I am lying on the flat surface of a wooden table as though it were a bed in a large, strange room with a distant, domed ceiling. I feel groggily half-asleep, but notice the distinctive sensations in my body that make me wonder if I'm close to the dream state. I start playing with it as I would when inducing a WILD, attempting to roll and rotate my body while avoiding real physical movement. When I find myself face down and succeed in getting up on my hands and knees, I'm sure that I'm sufficiently integrated with my dream body to get off the table and explore the dream—and given that in retrospect I know was dreaming all along, it is apparent that the sense of difficulty that I experience as I carefully maneuver myself into a standing position, similar to what I experience in real WILDs, must be wholly a mental fabrication.

      My awareness is still low and initially lacking in agency, so I go along with the dream narrative for a while. The space in which I find myself is strange and hard to describe. There's a kind of reflective dome above me that rotates and shifts to reflect different parts of an upper floor or balcony. The dome moves until it is showing a distorted reflection of what looks like an early twentieth-century radio, one of the elegant ones in a large wooden cabinet. I am aware that seated up by the radio there is an older man who owns this place, and I am his guest. After this is a scene in which someone tells my brother that if he wants to get along with this man then he should take up shortwave radio as a hobby.

      Then a bunch of us are seated at a long table for a dinner party. [Source: Order of the Phoenix was on TV last night, and it has a number of scenes with people seated at long tables.] Plates are served and they all contain huge sandwiches. The older man that I saw in the balcony earlier is picking disinterestedly at his sandwich and asks where the other food is, the stuff that had been simmering in the crockpot. My brother, who had put together the food, says that it will be coming up as the next course. I'm seated directly across from the older man, who I think of as our "host," and can tell from his expression he doesn't want to eat the sandwich. I decide to be helpful and comment loudly: "That's a huge sandwich! I couldn't eat all that even for one meal." Although this is true, my intention in speaking was to save face for the other man by legitimizing the option of leaving the sandwich uneaten while waiting for the next course.

      After the sandwich course, we take a break from the meal and everyone who was at the table, about a dozen people in all, are standing in another room. The host is there, and a bunch of vague random people I don't recognize, as well as DC versions of my brother, mom, and dad. For some reason, maybe because of the lull in the narrative, I finally remember my intended task, the leprechaun TOTY, as well as how I had planned to accomplish it. My chief difficulty in previous attempts had been that once I managed to create the necessary rainbow, I got thwarted in my attempts to seek the end of it. As I had earlier been pondering this difficulty, a straightforward solution, perfectly obvious in retrospect, finally occurred to me: why not create the rainbow such that it ends right in front of where I'm standing?

      "Okay everyone, we're going to play a game, kind of like a party game." I smile at the host and add, "It'll give you time to digest before the next course." I reach out and pat his belly, an oddly familiar gesture given that the DC did not scan as anyone I know in WL. [Possible source: yesterday I was doing research related to Budai, the so-called "Laughing Buddha," and rubbing his belly is a recognized ritual gesture. But the DC did not in any other respect remind me of Budai.] I complete my announcement by telling the group: "We're going to make a rainbow!"

      The room we are in is walled entirely with glass on two sides, like a skyscraper, and I recognize that this clear view of the sky will be helpful for the task. I'm slightly more concerned about the fact that we're three or four storeys up, which means that if the rainbow ends here and I start digging through the floor, I won't actually be digging in solid ground. I remind myself that it is silly to maintain these kind waking life assumptions in the dream state. It can be solid ground if it wants to be, or maybe I can find the leprechaun in the room below us. Dream is nothing but malleable, so I really don't need to be this finicky.

      I continue with my instructions to the group: "What we need to do is hold hands and create the end of the rainbow right here." I gesture to indicate the patch of floor in middle of our circle of people. "Then we'll go through, fight the leprechaun, and take his gold." I look around to gauge the response and decide the DCs need a little more incentive. "We can split the money," I add, and am pleased to see that this perks up their interest.

      We join hands around a large circle. I feel that my shirt cuffs are too long and and getting in the way, so I have to break off and fold them up in order to get proper skin contact with the people around me. Once again I wonder if I'm being too finicky. Probably. Even the hand-holding seems like overkill, but I thought it might help us join our focus on the same goal.

      My assumption had been that the assistance of the DCs would help my own confidence and focus on the task. This idea was probably based on my last rainbow-making dream, when I really did feel like I benefited from the help volunteered by the little girl. But this group of DCs is not helping at all. Like typical adults in a social setting, they are only marginally interested in my unusual party game. While I'm trying to concentrate on making a rainbow, the others are getting distracted and starting to chit-chat among themselves. This is distracting me in turn.

      "Quiet!" I rebuke them sharply. "No talking, please. I need you to concentrate. Focus your intention." I figure they could use a reminder of the goal of our task: "We're going to create a rainbow"

      Periodically I've been glancing out the windows to see if a rainbow is visible in the sky yet. This time I notice that the weather has changed. The sky is grey and a steady rain is now pouring down. Rain, well, that's halfway to a rainbow, isn't it? I let myself be encouraged that the environment is showing some response.

      I continue attempting to focus, and the DCs continue to stand around without helping much. They're quieter after my reprimand but still distracted, and I have the impression that they don't seem to know how to focus their intentions properly. This is exasperating. What good are dream characters who don't even know how to interact with a dream? My mom starts speaking and I almost raise my hand to swat at her, irritated by yet another interruption, until I realize that what she's saying might actually be helpful. She is commenting on the light, how it needs to filter through the water particles a certain way to create a rainbow.

      I had never intended to create a rainbow with meteorological accuracy, but hey, since it's already raining outside, we might as well give it a shot. If we can just get the right sort of light, it might encourage our expectations in a way that will make this easier. You know how when it rains and then you see the light break through the clouds, and you wonder if you will see a rainbow? That's the expeirence I was now trying to recreate. I look out the window and sure enough, in one direction bright sunlight is now alternating with the dark clouds. Very well, the rainbow can come from that direction.

      Once again I concentrate, reminding myself that rainbows consist of light broken into the spectrum of colors. I think I almost see them in front of me, faint and translucent, but I can't tell if I'm only imagining them until the DCs all break out into "oohs" and "ahs," and saying things like "amazing!" I smile triumphantly, amused that everyone is acting so impressed after their earlier disengagement.

      (While it seems odd to make the above distinction between something that "happens" in a dream and something I'm "only imagining," given the many times I have attempted to complete some task by imagining the outcome and it has not tangibly manifested in the dream, some such distinction seems warranted, if much less clear and stark than the difference between imagining and experiencing in waking life.)

      It is a bit odd to try to look at a rainbow head on, from immediate proximity, but I do see a faint shimmering band extending from the lit quarter of the clouds to the floor right in front of my feet. I remind everyone that creating the rainbow was only the first step. "Now we have to dig through the floor." I start scrabbling at the smooth wooden boards, trying to imagine that the floor is soft and that my hands can scoop it up like clay. I feel everyone watching (no one else is trying to help) and their expressions are dubious. If merely creating a rainbow surprised them, imagine the skepticism they must feel watching me try to break through solid floor with my hands! I wonder if I can better align the expectations of the onlookers if I use some sort of tool to dig with, but I can't think of what might be handy.

      This time it is my dad who speaks up with some advice: "The location of the floor isn't localized on the floor." I don't understand what he's trying to tell me, and I don't have long to think about it because I feel myself waking. I lose the dream and lay still for a few minutes, feeling to see if I can DEILD, but no, my body is fully awake now.

      Updated 12-24-2016 at 08:17 PM by 34973

      lucid , task of the year
    9. [11-11-2016: Arctic hurricane]

      by , 11-11-2016 at 09:47 AM (Snehk's Dreamlands)
      I was in some polar station in arctic. I was starting at some display panel showing different factors responsible for weather. It was kinda still, nothing moved even a little. Suddenly everything moved wildly and display showed an enormous hurricane over one of icy valleys.
    10. Lucid Dream 6.7.13

      by , 10-15-2015 at 09:31 PM
      Only remember bits and pieces of this dream…

      I was taking a load of laundry down into the basement of my former home, to find a door that lead to the actual washer and dryer (not like IRL). I was going to turn the nob on the door when I saw a HUGE spider had made a web all around the door frame, and had positioned itself right above the nob. If I had attempted to open the door, the spider would have bit me. This spider was very strange, long black legs, with a large body. However, the body was bright florescent red or pink, and it almost seemed to glow. I took a step back and realized that the spider had created a web all around, and it was probably best for me not to do laundry at that point. I backed up further into the basement only to find myself outside and my basket of laundry gone. It was this dramatic shift in location that allowed me to become lucid.

      I laughed when I realized I was dreaming (a common thing for me apparently). As I looked up to the sky I saw dark storm clouds brewing. I was not alone, outside with me on this grassy green, fenced in lawn, were a few kids and teenagers, a bit younger than me. I remember a brunette girl, and a couple of other kids. They were all concerned that the storm would rain on them while outside. I told them to watch me. I reached my hands up to the sky, and like wiping marker off a white board, I wiped away the dark clouds, revealing the blue sky and the shinning sun. They all cheered and started playing in the field again. I told them that I was going to just fly around a bit, and began lifting myself several feet off the ground. I flew over to the edge of the field to where the white picket fence was, and saw that there was a road beyond the field. I noticed a red haired animal trying to escape the field and it almost seemed like it wanted to jump into traffic. I had the feeling that this animal was connected to me, or belonged to me, so I feared for it’s safety. It was a very obscure animal, and the best way to describe it was that it was almost like my “pokemon” and I had to save it. As it tried to jump over the fence, I used my telekinesis abilities to grab it in mid air and pull it back to the field. I didn't understand why it wanted to go into the road so badly. But I made sure it was safe.

      The dream shifted and I lost lucidity for a moment, I was at work, selling someone a flute…I woke up.
    11. The Church and the Storm

      by , 04-04-2015 at 12:54 PM
      There was a grand extravaganza with the heads of state and leaders of the church attending. I could tell it was more of a party and not an official function. There was some discussion between a few church leaders on how to bring about a revival and healing to people. It was decided by them some sort of traditional rite should be performed. The most prominent church leader then went through this rite, and to end it, it involved him pouring a goblet of wine into the sea. I could see him at the cliff edge, pouring it over ceremoniously into the pacific ocean. So where we were must have been eastern Russia. Anyway, as soon as he poured it all out, what was somewhat normal weather over the pacific ocean erupted into a huge storm. Clouds covered the whole expanse of the Pacific Ocean and the winds and waves roared to life. It was like God took offense to the rite being performed and judgment was now at hand. Everyone there were terrified at what was happening and those condoning the rite were shocked that the rite had exactly the wrong effect. It is weird in how I can see a impression of the whole Pacific in my dream and what is happening to it.

      Somehow I transitioned to a different place, I could tell it was England and I was near a grand cathedral. Well I wandered around the cathedral and also went to the balcony of it, looking out. The people there were also now gathered in masse, and some seemed to be praying against the coming evil. They started singing a beautiful song of praise to the Lord, and as they did, light shone through breaks in the clouds and beams of light lit up the area. It was all so majestic. I wandered around a bit more after the singing stopped. The light quit coming once they stopped singing. Not all were singing, only a few what seemed, random, people in the crowds. Everyone spirits lifted at the singing, but after it stopped, the crowd went back to being nervous and fearful at the coming storm. That's about where my dream ended.
    12. Burning Tree 8/24/13

      by , 08-24-2013 at 06:21 PM
      I was with some people. It felt like I knew them but I don't remember who they were. We were at a cemetery, or like a park or something. I remember there being something large like a big grave to my right because I couldn't see past it. We were led there by some woman. She revealed to us that she could use God's power to change the weather and demonstrated it. Then she called to God and the sun shone brighter than anything I've ever seen on us. We all went to our knees, I remember being able to imagine what I thought God's voice would sound like and it made me feel terrible. I felt like I was going to have a heart attack. And while this was happening a small tree near us would burn up, then grow back. Over and over.
    13. 1st Aug 2013 Fragments

      by , 08-01-2013 at 11:05 PM (Scionox's Journal of Dreams)
      Dream 1(fragment):

      I had to travel between various villages and cities in search for something, i was really quick.

      Dream 2(fragments):

      I was in some video game and i traveled to the past version of some village, there were metallic houses and some engineer that was making some weird cube item, i had to help him. Also there was some annoying system of points.

      Dream 3(fragments):

      I was in some video game where i had to go through some complex with group of people and avoid various traps. There was one tricky trap that had timing problems.

      Dream 4(fragment):

      I was at home, looking outside, weather was changing rapidly.
    14. LD: Merging with a Tornado

      by , 07-06-2013 at 04:45 PM
      5-29-10 (missed posting this one)

      Lucid Dream:

      I almost forgot about this dream since I have to get up early this morning to help a friend move and never wrote it down...or even had a chance to go over it in my mind. So here is what's left of it.

      I remember being in this old little burger place in a small town. I looked outside and saw a tornado coming toward the place that I was standing. I started to run away but realized that there was no way I could outrun it.

      I suddenly became lucid.

      Something about a tornado made me think that there was once a lucid task involving one. I thought it might have been to merge with a tornado (I still haven't checked to see if this actually was ever a task or not).

      So instead of running from the tornado, I ran straight at it. As I got close I decided to start spinning myself with my arms out so when the tornado went over me I would already be spinning. I guess it worked. The tornado was obviously not a very powerful one and much more like just a dust devil that I have had personal experiences with in real life. I spun around a bit inside of it and was lifted off my feet for a brief time.
      And that's all I acutally remember of the dream. Something tells me that there was much more to this dream.
      Tags: tornado, weather
    15. Spaceship/Tornado/Funeral

      by , 05-11-2013 at 06:21 PM (Xanous' Dream Journal)
      This set of non lucid dreams were after a natural and brief WBTB with no supplements. I went for the MILD technique but never got lucid. My recall was pretty good considering that I never made notes in my DJ until after I woke for the morning. I used my old technique of just remembering key words and phrases to jog my memory later. I have had considerable trouble with that since I came back last summer and I'm pretty pleased with myself for getting back into my old technique. It makes those micro awakenings less troublesome with a greater chance of DEILD.


      Someone was going to destroy the earth. I left with a group and we were going to destroy the enemy's ship as they left earth but it turned out that they blew themselves up. Capitan Picard ordered me to activate the radiation bomb anyway just to be sure. There was a blue radius blast with our ship in the center.

      Then I look at the Capitan and see he is having a heart attack. I assume there is nothing I can do and just watch him die. I notice that he dropped some playing cards that looks like they are made of thick plastic, much like Rummikub pieces. I pick them all up and see the ace of spades. I keep that one separate to hold for good luck. When I turn to leave I see some woman moving hologram images. It looks like a tournament tier for some kind of anime style fighting game. The woman asks if I want to see who wins but I decline and leave.

      I enter a forcefield room outside of the ship. I have some conversation with another woman working at a computer terminal in a jumpsuit. We decide its time to leave.

      I go into a glass room with other men an women. We all take out our brains and put them in acrylic containers full of some clear liquid. We have to do this in order to survive warp speed into hyperspace. I relax and close my eyes. I feel myself surge forward and then open then and we all put our brains back in. I look to the person to my right and jokingly say, "Oh no we switched brains. You're in my body." The man looks just like me and starts to panic. I tell him I am just joking and laugh.


      I am in the back yard thinking about digging a swimming pool by hand. There is a good start already and some strange ceramic pools stacked up. I think about how far to dig and remember some advice my father-in-law gave me.

      Then I look up and see dark storm clouds. I watch some rotation start and I hear a neighbor shout, "ROTATION!" I watch it vividly and quickly form into a full tornado and join a giant separate tornado. I stare in fascination but remember the last tornado Joplin had and decide to hide.

      When I turn around I realize I am in the trailer we lived in when I was 5. I know I don't have a chance but don't know where else to go. I run around and decide to hide in the bathroom. After a few seconds everything seems calm but I am panting and breathing hard with fear. I go back outside and only see dark storm clouds without a tornado. I wake up panting.


      I am in some place with a group of people. Most of them are black. Some famous person died and Will Smith is saying some words about him. Then we get to see a brand new music video by Will Smith in the mans honor. It sounds really hip hop style but the video makes no sense. I see some drunk celebrities on the floor looking really confused. (I can't remember who they were supposed to be) I see myself with them. I am the only one to laugh out loud at that point. I look around and say, "I remember that."
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