View Full Version : Lucid Experiences

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  1. does this count?
  2. How long of a WILD...
  3. My first lucid
  4. Who is Paul Stromberg?
  5. Who is Paul Stromberg?
  6. Duking it out with my dream guide.
  7. First successfull but very PAINFULL WILD :-(
  8. My Faith Has Been Restored
  9. Lucid Sex
  10. fist lucid exp still haunting...
  11. Being tickled... quite a strange LD!
  12. My first LD and another and another
  13. Ever realised you were dreaming but you are paralysed?
  14. First post=first LD
  15. LD brings out my subconscience fear
  16. question...
  17. First ever Lucid Dream
  18. Lucid dreaming and sleepwalking?
  19. My best lucid dream.
  20. What i did last night
  21. Haan's World
  22. Finally!
  23. Hanging onto the dream
  24. my entirely unintentional lucid dreams
  25. First good lucid
  26. 2 in one night, and im just starting :)
  27. Bed Spins?
  28. Crazy vibrations.. maybe i dreamt those too
  29. another first
  30. Walking Through Glass
  31. Dream Character Seductress
  32. ever been scared your never gonna wake up?
  33. My first LD
  34. Interesting experience...........
  35. An old LD.
  36. Deceased friend still around
  37. 2 missed LDs in a row
  38. First Lucid dream in a year
  39. Lesson of last night's mildly-lucid dream
  40. Answers in Lucid dreams?
  41. My first LD ..
  42. Finally My 2nd Wild!!
  43. My first WILD(s?)!!
  44. SUCCESS! finally another lucid
  45. Most awesome dream weapon >:-)
  46. my first LD
  47. FINALLY had my 2nd LD! Woo hoo!!!
  48. *NSFW text* Worst. Dream. Ever......
  49. New abilities, new questions.
  50. Its Worth It!!!!!!!
  51. Me Vs My Dream Guild
  52. Pain when forcing myself awake from a nightmare!
  53. Nightmarish and painful false awakenings and SP
  54. First try
  55. Lucid Repeat
  56. Lucid in a Lucid....
  57. Some Difficulties
  58. First WILD (unintentional)
  59. Were your mirror experiences similar?
  60. My 5th DILD
  61. My dream world.....
  62. Newbie Attained LD but...
  63. Being lucid for a few seconds with my eyes open.. just before waking up
  64. Number 2!
  65. The Purpose of Life
  66. What did i do wrong?
  67. I accomplished my dream goal!
  68. End Of Dry Spell :d
  69. lame
  70. Writing in lucid dreams
  71. My first REAL lucid dream
  72. An Epic Task
  73. Awoken by the alarm, yet..
  74. Yay!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  75. Lucid Dream OR Hallucination?
  76. Armageddon Dreams
  77. Seeing white
  78. I HATE feeling like im new at this..
  79. Trying to classify flying experiences
  80. Extremely high and fast jump :D
  81. The Lucid Mirror
  82. A Disembodied Kiss
  83. The night of October 15th
  84. First SP and WILD
  85. Morphing DCs
  86. Falling?
  87. Wow!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  88. First Lucid Dream.
  89. All-time favourite dream?
  90. Was this a lucid dream?
  91. Question???????????
  92. car accident
  93. Woot i had a lucid last night lol
  94. I flew for the first time.
  95. my second lucid dream, short and wholelly unsatisfying
  96. I was SO close to accomplishing my personal lucid task
  97. Got 2 without a method (then DEILD)!
  98. First Sleep Paralysis Experience
  99. My First Adult LD
  100. "Gun Kata"
  101. My first ever Lucid Dream experience!
  102. Someone tried to hurt me!
  103. negative gravity
  104. finally another WILD
  105. Lucid Battle
  106. My first LD? =o
  107. I can't stay lucid!
  108. Psychic Lucid Dream?
  109. Ways you become lucid
  110. my first LD w00t!
  111. Flying Sensation
  112. Insane lucid dream.
  113. Lucid Dream OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  114. Confronting your subconscious - not OBE's
  115. A first for me [dream]
  116. A first for me
  117. can you expalin this? it has to do with sleep paralysis
  118. First LD!
  119. All my lucid dreams start out in my house?
  120. Weird Lucid Dream Loop
  121. Woot!!!
  122. Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeehhhhhh!!!!!!!
  123. My first WILD!!!
  124. WILDing malfunction?
  125. Lucid post
  126. Anyone else turn their dreams into nightmares for fun?
  127. Unexpected WILD
  128. Drawings of Lucid Dreams
  129. 6 Dilds in 3 nights
  130. Reading Someone Else's Dream Journal
  131. Whats been your fav task of the month since joining?
  132. FIRST LUCID after 5 days :D
  133. Clarity when dying in a dream?
  134. Darn Jeff Corwin
  135. Somewhat lucid without knowing it was a dream
  136. Sick Lucid experience wa while ago
  137. Lucid Dream + OBE
  138. 2 false awakenings! Thank you WILD!
  139. Short but realistic!
  140. why talk to your sub conscious?
  141. 3 recurring LDs (vortex/spiral, geometrical shapes, eyes, sound)
  142. Condo in The Clouds just for Dreamers who fly!
  143. DILD, Then a WILD same morning
  144. Weird WILD
  145. here i am!
  146. Odd Lucid Dream
  147. 2nd and 3rd LD !!!!
  148. My First Conscious LD
  149. testing
  150. huge dry spell :(
  151. Everyone's Got To Try This One!!!
  152. First lucid- false awakening
  153. My Longest Lucid Ever! =D
  154. Q'apla!
  155. Sex, death and great balls of fire and ice
  156. What films/shows/sports you been in?
  157. Interesting Experience...
  158. Has anyone ever done this????
  159. Sweet!! Most deliberate lucid dream yet!
  160. 3 LDs in one night!
  161. Brawling with farmers
  162. Weird lucid
  163. A challenge from a friend. Maybe a few for you guys too?
  164. Yay!
  165. 1st LD Woohoo
  166. Yes FINALLY! OMG YES!
  167. correct definition?
  168. first in long time
  169. My First Lucid!
  170. My 1st LD.. So happy
  171. My First Planned LD --- First Time Flying As Well!
  172. A Dream about Lucid Dreaming
  173. Wasting Lucid Dreams
  174. Wow... I achieved so much in one dream...
  175. I keep waking up! Help
  176. Waking up somewhere else
  177. 1st LD and I've found my method!
  178. Got scared and became lucid
  179. Horay!
  180. Rush in the darkness
  181. Dreaming about LDing?
  182. Building a Dream-Studio
  183. I had my second LD! Pretty random
  184. Crap! A Dild!
  185. I had a Lucid Dream BIG TIME...
  186. Finally my first lucid dream
  187. WILD with no dream characters
  188. Just a funny thing that happened in a dream
  189. about to draw in a dream
  190. Lucid LSD
  191. Saying my name in an LD
  192. my friend had a LD :O
  193. Dumb dream characters
  194. Wind running dream
  195. Random Lucid
  196. first lucid since joining!
  197. The laws of physics still work...
  198. Neither lucid or non-lucid
  199. An unorhodox series of events
  200. lmfao first DILD
  201. He has an H2O problem...a BIG one.
  202. First long lucid
  203. Best Lucid Dream Ive Had
  204. An old lucid dream
  205. Annoying
  206. Dream Guide killed, what can I do?
  207. An Incredible Night...nearly constant lucidity, well not quite, but close
  208. Flying & Sleeping on the back.. (Related?)
  209. The Best Lucid Sensations...
  210. Blood rush
  211. First ever flying dream
  212. I did it!
  213. Couldnt fly !!!!
  214. Noobie Mistake: Beware jumping in your friend's body.
  215. first LD/wild
  216. Killing Terrorists + OBE
  217. First WILD!!!
  218. whoo 1st LD!! :boogie: kind of long
  219. The dark forest
  220. I remember 4 dreams!! 2 WERE LUCID!!
  221. Sound distortment during sp
  222. Sound distortment during sp
  223. wow. DMT and dreams!
  224. seeing dream objects after waking.
  225. First LD?
  226. Successful!
  227. Does anyone else have sex in their LD everytime they have a LD?
  228. hello !
  229. very short weird ld
  230. Details on my first and second LD.
  231. FINALLY!! SUCESS!! My first LD.
  232. Dream psychiatrist
  233. Crazy lucid dream today.
  234. Other DCs can possibly be other real life dreamers
  235. Movie
  236. During SP eyes go out of focus or tilt
  237. Finally a REAL WILD i know I got it this time
  238. Lucid with NO technique. (kinda long)
  239. Re-Living my first lucid dream, things have changed
  240. Wake induced sleep paralysis (WISP)
  241. Wisp
  242. No control, full lucidity.
  243. A Dining room full of strangers
  244. Talking in dreams
  245. Tickling sensation during SP
  246. Almost forgoton second lucid
  247. sucked out
  248. DILD from subliminal messages
  249. A man...with woman parts..great way to become lucid
  250. Multiview of myself