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    1. Vice President

      by , 07-27-2017 at 07:35 PM
      Non-Lucid. Had dream I was right-hand man to Donald Trump. One of my secret service agents was a green beret. I was in the white house and we were decorating everything for christmas. Donald had a red cloak on.
    2. The Incredible Shrinking Dreamer

      by , 07-27-2017 at 01:27 PM
      Early evening of July 27, 2017. Thursday.

      Dream #: 8,483-07. Reading time: 1 min 10 sec.

      Precursory (vestibular): I enter my dream self’s imaginary physical body and find myself running. I am Grant Williams as Scott Carey in the 1957 movie “The Incredible Shrinking Man.” I am running over the top of a series of cardboard boxes on about the fourth shelf up of a metal utility shelving unit. I am about four inches tall. I do not seem to be running because of a threat, just running along. (“On the shelf” is autosymbolism that is analogous to being in bed. The closed boxes represent the inability to move my body while sleeping, yet I am running on them as I still subliminally perceive my muscularity.)

      Virtual witness integration: Zsuzsanna, appearing somewhat like a 1950s actress, is running behind me, though to my left. There is a heightened sense of energy. (This short dream occurred at about 5:30 pm AEST during a nap. Zsuzsanna was in bed with me at the time. She was to my left because she was to my left in bed, and behind me, because I was closer to waking as liminally perceived by my dream self.)

      The drop: Soon, I see the scene from an incorporeal viewpoint from the front of the shelving unit. “We” are running from left to right. Grant Williams as Scott Carey as “me,” running at an angle, runs straight off the cardboard box from off the front of the shelf and falls to the floor onto his right side and kicks. Simultaneously, I experience a mild hypnopompic kick and upper back spasm as I realize the residual imagery reflects my sleeping position. (I am looking down at my body.)

      This July 27, 2017 dream is a fictitious scene from “The Incredible Shrinking Man.” Grant Williams died on July 28, 1985.

      Updated 09-25-2019 at 06:44 AM by 1390

    3. Dating introverts

      by , 07-27-2017 at 01:13 PM
      July 10th, 2017

      Scene 1
      I meet Carol in a bar. She's dancing. She's in her early to mid-thirties, attractive. The men there are assholes. I talk to her for a while. She's sweet. Likes dancing. But has this empty gaze about her, like she's deep in her own mind. I meet some other girl.

      Scene 2
      I'm on a date with this other girl. We're gonna make dinner, so we're out shopping. It quickly becomes apparent that I have nothing in common with her. She demands the most expensive wine there, and when I have to check my bank account before paying, she becomes impatient and yells at me. I yell back at her. That's basically the end of our date.

      Scene 3
      I visit Carol at her work. It's a bright and open workspace. It's nice. Carol is alone in her office by her computer. I ask her if she wants to go do something, or just hang out. She tells me she'd love to, but reminds me that she's at work. Right as I'm about to walk out the door she tells me she's about to go on her break, and I could just pull out a chair and sit with her. I didn't hear her. I walked out the door. Now I'm gone, and I'm seeing it through Carols perspective, third person, as if on TV. Some mean coworkers, noticeably a middle aged woman with glasses, sneers at her for eating her lunch at her desk, saying that the rest of the people are eating in the breakroom, clearly insinuating that they think she's uptight or "too cool" to eat with the rest of the team. Carol keeps staring through empty space, lost in thought.

      Scene 4
      It's Christmas, and Carol is celebrating it with her family. I hear her dad talking in the background as you see her unwrap the present she received from the rest of the family. The audio of the father is from a few days ago when they were picking out the present. He's talking about how this "present" is gonna crush her, and tells the rest of the family how she's gonna retreat from the world inside her own head. How they should look out for the empty look in her eyes. Carol opens the present which contains a bunch of cheap, shitty, precooked food. The rest of the family finds this very amusing.

      I wake up

      Updated 07-27-2017 at 01:29 PM by 93718

    4. Lake of Souls

      by , 07-27-2017 at 01:11 PM
      In an empty house, the walls are faded and the floor looks worn. There is a man on the second story of the little home, he has a noose around his neck and is about to hang himself when he hears a knocking at the door. He unties it in one pull of string and lets it fall away from his neck, I'm unsure as to what the rope is attached to because we never look up enough to see or justify it floating in the air. The people who knocked before enter the house, it's the lady that rents the home and two policemen. She mentions how the man we first saw has been in here forever without paying rent and that people complain his home smells bad. The man they speak of, walks downstairs and right past them outside. He doesn't seem to acknowledge that the police told him to stay there, he doesn't seem to care at all really. He just keeps walking, outside the early morning light is much brighter than the light inside his home and perhaps he welcomes it. His movements are slow and relaxed, a leisurely walk leading toward a wide lake up ahead. He stops just infront of the lake and to his left are two policemen, on drinks from a mug and the other stands looking out at the water as we do. To the right is another policeman, though further away and also seemingly to enjoy the lake view. One might ask why are there so many policemen here when it was only one man in a home who didn't pay his rent? But if that is asked, then we must also ask why he meant to kill himself and why does he seem so insensitive to those around him or perhaps unaware is a better word. It's as though he's thinking back on things, perhaps he's had a change of heart? One of the policemen is cheerful and offers him a cup of tea, then tells him that they there is the ghost of one of them. We look toward the lake again and see a black figure further out, it has a red outline where it's heart should be and he seems to be dancing on the water. I suppose they were all waiting for this, it seems a bit silly but curiously we head to the left where another policeman is right near the water. It's a bit of a walk, but when we reach the policeman we see that he's watching something. We ask what he's up to and he tells us that he is waiting for the boy's ghost that died here to come out, apparently it's very rare and he has yet to collect information from him. So we ask if they know that the ghosts come out at a certain time, why do they not go to each murder site and post a guard to watch for the ghosts and ask them about the information regarding their deaths? Our question was never answered because we saw a footprint in the sand, we knew the boy was near and so the policeman watched the ground as I ventured into the water. He said he hear splashes and that I shouldn't be in the water, it was here that I began to be fearful and tried to walk out. But I couldn't seem to move out of the water, I kept walking along the edge as near to the policeman as possible but I couldn't get out. I asked for his hand and I found it hard to grasp, it was as though it slipped out each time and I had not the muscles to retain a grip. -Q's: Was I going to die? By a ghost child's hand? Why were there a lot of ghosts here? Why was I afraid of death now when I tried to summon it into my body before? Why didn't I know about the deaths that had happened here? Or did I know? Why did my house stink when there was no furniture or anything inside, except myself? Where did I connect the noose from? Is there a link to it all? Am I here?
    5. Dream - Beauty For A Birthday

      by , 07-27-2017 at 12:30 PM
      Date of Dream: THU 27 JUL - 2017

      Dream No. 161 - Beauty For A Birthday

      The first part of the dream was taking place in my bathroom and I was talking myself through my upcoming test. The dream gave me a tip such as when I approach traffic lights, not only to look forward but also to pay attention to the cars bunching up around me. The dream then went to me checking my Facebook. I saw on WB's timeline a post about attending someone's 13th birthday party, with a photo of her and her family wearing medical outfits at the party.

      The dream then showed the actual scenario of the party without the Facebook surrounding. WB and her family were due to wear a green colour scheme to the party and what's more interesting is that each family member was wearing the exact same tone of mint green. The dream camera did zoom onto WB's outfit, really emphasizing the pattern of the dress and the overall elegance. I was then in my driveway and I was going to go with the to the party except my dress was dark blue and so if I was going with the family, I needed to somehow change my dress to be in the mint colour. I did so by activating one of my four elements, earth, which changed my colour to that exact green. Then the dream went further and showed the dress' colour due to my default element of ice, which indeed made the dress an icy blue. I don't remember what else happened in this dream.

      Dream Trophies Achieved:
      - None
    6. Dream - You Need Good Eyesight

      by , 07-27-2017 at 12:28 PM
      Date: WED 26 JUL - 2017

      Dream No. 160 - You Need Good Eyesight

      I don't remember what happened at the start of the dream. From the point where I do remember, I was at a lolly shop with my parents and were picking all these lollies to put into a really big bag. I remember being really amazed at the huge range this place had and then afterwards, we went into the library that was linked to the store. I don't remember what happened after the library scene.

      Something minor happened back at home and so I ran onto the streets, calling for Dreamy WB in a panic. I was calling her for ages and still there was no response but soon after, this really old lady appears. The old lady tells me that she too is a dream guide that I wasn't eligible to have Dreamy WB as I needed good eyesight. Then the old lady proceeded to help me, slowly floating across the road and then doing her thing.

      Later on, this parcel arrives in the mail with the lolly bag that we had in the my parents and I had in the store earlier. During the day, NN is at my house but he wasn't handing around with me, rather he was playing games with my brother down in his bedroom. In the evening, I am flaked out in my own bedroom and that's when NN comes to see me. I asked why he didn't come earlier and he said something like that he sees me enough already. At night time, there is some sort of bonfire party in the backyard. That's all I can remember about this dream.

      Dream Trophies Achieved:
      - Sramota (Have someone stop Dreamy WB from helping you)
      >> When the old lady said I needed good eyesight to be eligible for Dreamy WB.

      Updated 07-27-2017 at 12:32 PM by 93119

    7. Dream - Adventuring In Abandoned Lands

      by , 07-27-2017 at 12:25 PM
      Date of Dream: SUN 23 JUL - 2017

      Dream No. 159 - Adventuring In Abandoned Lands

      The dream started off with me at home on Easter Sunday, where I was going on an Easter egg hunt around the house. I then started placing eggs around my brother's bedroom and would find them later, afterwards going upstairs and seeing the cat go crazy. She walked towards my bedroom and just stood in the doorway, looking at me with her eyes wide open and a face like she was teasing me. I yelled out from the far end of the house, “Shoo!” and she went running out as fast as lightning. She was in another room but the family wanted her outside, so when she came into the front room where I was, I picked up a plastic bag next to the couch and waved it at her. This really startled the cat and she ran out the back door, never to be seen again.

      My mum was relieved as she could now prepare to continue for Easter lunch. The phone started to ring and my mum got mad because she thought it was a sales person calling on Easter Sunday. It just turned out to be a stranger that called the wrong number and said to my mum that he wanted his choc chip cookies. My mum ended up inviting him over for lunch but he said that if he was coming at all, he would come on Monday. I said to my mum that it was okay because we would still have leftovers for him to eat.

      The dream then skipped to me walking down this random path, still thinking about the cookie guy that called. Another stranger, a woman, appeared beside me and we turned left to walk across the farmland that was closed off to the main track... I had to explain to her that these farmland paddocks were closed off. As we continued walking towards the swamp and then the lake, others started to slowly appear and join us. Eventually, I felt this familiar, unique, warm energy which made me come to the realisation that Dreamy WB was walking with us but then I couldn't see her, she was invisible to everyone including me.

      At one point on the walk, the group reached a small town and there were all these shops there. I thought we were going to stop there to take a break but we didn't and rather continued into the forest. I was at the back of the public toilet shelter when Dreamy WB became visible and pulled me aside to show me something. She had her hair more straight and tied into a pony tail, wearing all black sports clothes. She pointed to this bush that had these miniature plain donuts, the size of hair ties, growing on it that were coated in sugar crystals... She tasted one and then she told me taste one. Those donuts were the most delicious things I had ever tasted and I told her I wanted to pick some so I could take them home. Then there were some donuts appearing in the colours of pink, yellow and blue, all in the neon spectrum.

      I didn't pick many donuts before she told me to hurry up or we would lose the others. So in a rush, I picked a really big handful and scuttled off with her. We were trailing behind the other people who were way ahead in the distance. I then woke up.

      Dream Trophies Achieved:
      - None

      Updated 07-27-2017 at 12:34 PM by 93119

      non-lucid , memorable
    8. Dream - Exclusive Parents

      by , 07-27-2017 at 12:20 PM
      Date of Dream: SAT 22 JUL - 2017

      Dream No. 158 - Exclusive Parents

      I don't remember everything that happened in this dream. What I do remember is that my mum and dad were being quite civil to everyone in the house except me... They were talking down on me. I tried to ask my parents where they were going but they were still in a bad mood with me and so refused to tell me. At some point, I went over to Jess' place and we saw her aunty, that's when my mum got really upset at me for something. That's all I can remember in regards to this dream.

      Dream Trophies Achieved:
      - Deja Vu (Have a dream about something you have experienced in real life)
      >> Parents were really bad on Friday and this reflected in the dream in Friday ---> Saturday.

      Updated 07-27-2017 at 12:34 PM by 93119

    9. Dream - No Show Girl & The Dirty Dog Man

      by , 07-27-2017 at 12:14 PM
      Date of Dream: THU 20 JUL - 2017

      Dream No. 157 - Separated Sections

      Dream 157 A - No Show Girl
      At the start of the dream, I was in this this random place when I bumped into IH and as we were talking, I mentioned something about WB. IH told me that WB was planning to drop psychology in year 12 so she would have one less subject to do. IH then said that she was meeting up with WB at Waverley Gardens and that I should come along too... I got really excited that I could finally get to see her. When I got to Waverley Gardens in the dream, it looked completely different than it does in real life. At one point, I did see NK coming out of a store but I didn't say anything to her. I eventually came across the central area of the shopping centre where I saw IH. SW came there but WB never showed up and that made me really disappointed as I suddenly realised she was never going to come. That's all in regards to this dream.

      Dream 157 B - The Dirty Dog Man
      The dream took place in this random school where an announcement of this random guy on the premises was made. He came as he wanted details for some dirty deed. We had to pretend like we didn't know what he wanted or we'd become his new target. I was eventually in this room and saw the guy face to face. I then wrote down my name and phone number on a piece of paper and gave it to him. In then later saw the guy in the yard but didn't pay attention to him as per the requirements but when his shadow was close enough to me, I had no other choice but to acknowledge his existence. I then handed him the slip of paper and he said, “Good. Now, just bring your dog in next week and we'll keep him locked up on the property”. I started crying because I just came to the realisation that he wanted to steal all these dogs. I then woke up.

      Dream Trophies Achieved:
      - None

      Updated 07-27-2017 at 12:33 PM by 93119

      Tags: crying, dog, girls, man, shops, upset
    10. Dream - Owner Of The Mall

      by , 07-27-2017 at 12:09 PM
      Date of Dream: WED 19 JUL - 2017

      Dream No. 156 - Owner Of The Mall

      At the start of the dream, I remember telling Mr. Hickey and a whole group of Killester girls that I owned this shopping centre. I then went off by myself to look in this store that looked like Dangerfield but wasn't exactly. As I progressed through the shop, the layout of things started becoming more unusual and almost distorted. In the main part of the mall, I eventually found my family who were doing their own shopping and I also told them I own the centre. I ended up taking them on a tour around some of the shops. I ended up in the food court and noticed that an ice-cream place wasn't doing so well in business performance, so I asked the worker man there what was going on.

      I was then in David Jones and was looking at shoes, sighting a pair that cost around $600. There was a label at the bottom of the shoes though which said that the price was now $139.87. Still, those shoes were too expensive and so I didn't buy them... But then I also wanted them. I went into Kmart and found the exact same shoes for $3.33, the shoe sizes were 107, 109, 110, 112 and 114. I first tried 114 but they didn't fit my feet and then I found out the right shoe for me had a size 112.45 printed on the label. That's all I can remember about this dream.

      Dream Trophies Achieved:
      - None
    11. Dream - The Dead Always Live

      by , 07-27-2017 at 12:06 PM
      Date of Dream: MON 17 JUL - 2017

      Dream No. 155 - The Dead Always Live

      I was in this random building with my mum and dad and could hear these dance lessons going on in the next room. As the people are exiting the dance studio, I say hello to some of them. There are then six people standing at the front door of the foyer, we had to shake at least one person's hand before leaving. We decided to stay and chat to people but as we were doing so, I found that mum and dad were slowly getting upset for no reason.

      I looked around the place and shockingly discovered that we were in the Geelong Funeral Home and so my mum's uncle's body was still haunting the the aura, creating some negative energy from the world of the dead. I eventually saw a small, pixie like ghost figure with a red aura near the front door and I knew that's what upset my parents. This thing was coming for me but I actually shot my hand out and face-palmed it immediately. I then decided that I had to get out of the place as soon as possibe. I forgot what else happened in the dream.

      Dream Trophies Achieved:
      - Confident Dreamer (defeat 1 nightmare without any assistance)
      >> I seemed to face-palm that red aura away in exactly the same way that Dreamy WB face-palmed the girl back in Dream No. 142.
    12. Dream - Cemetery Confusion & Family Holiday Capers

      by , 07-27-2017 at 11:56 AM
      Date of Dream: SAT 15 JUL - 2017

      Dream No. 154 - Separated Sections

      Dream 154 A - Cemetery Confusion
      I forgot how the dream started but I do remember that my brother and I were supposed to find our way from Springvale to some far away suburb. I thought the quickest way to get to the other side was to go through Springvale Cemetery. I thought we were on the right path but just shortly near the entrance, we came across a dead end and couldn't go any further. I said to my brother that we should go back out before we get lost.

      Back at outside the main gate on Princes Highway, we looked a map of the cemetery and tried to point out all the exits. I then told my brother that if we ever did get lost in there, I could call my “Dream Guide to come and show us the way”. For the rest of the dream, I didn't have to call Dreamy WB as we didn't get lost yet. I don't remember what happened next.

      Dream 154 B - Family Holiday Capers
      The whole family was on a holiday at the Grampians, I forgot where the specific tourist place was though. When we got back to our accommodation grounds, I heard that there was a good café on site and so I went by myself to check it out. I went in and spoke to the lady who told me that I apparently needed a membership card. The dream quickly showed snippets of some other girl who already had a full membership with the café and so was able to get all the luxuries. I pulled the card out of my pocket with a few math sums on it and the lady said that it was the right one... She said that I now had access to all the red cakes. The lady put 6 cakes on a plate for me, 2 large and 4 small.

      Mum then came in and she goes for the 2 large cakes, I have to shoo her off before she could take more. Then we left the café and started talking outside, telling me that she needed to go to Waverley Gardens to buy groceries. I asked if I could come with her but she said that she didn't want me with the adults but rather for me, my brother and his friend to stay back and do something like read. Because Waverley Gardens was really far away, I asked her if she at least wanted to take one of my planes and she said yes. I protested due to the fact that I couldn't go but she just kept saying no. Eventually, I thought to myself that I could smuggle myself into the boot which was basically a sheet of swiss cheese. I then woke up.

      Dream Trophies Achieved:

      - None
    13. A Word Usage Argument (fully explained)

      by , 07-27-2017 at 07:14 AM
      Morning of July 27, 2017. Thursday.

      I become aware of being in “my apartment” in the King Street boarding house. (I have not lived there in real life for nearly thirty years.) My bed is on the opposite side of the room as the door.

      In actuality, based on the real layout of the King Street boarding house and where I am, “my apartment” in my dream would be the King Street bathroom; the larger bathroom on the west side of the mansion (second floor). Adjacent to the north wall is a composite element, the Cubitis southwest bedroom’s large closet (which in real life was at ground level in a one-storey house).

      My dream self has no memory of my current conscious self identity and does not see my location as unusual or mixed up even though it is, as usual, a brand new composite.

      I need to use the bathroom. I go over towards the closet and notice one just outside the closet’s left sliding door (but facing the closet). I see that someone else had used it and not flushed. However, I also see that there is soon no water and I lift up the toilet and see there is no pipe or in fact, any sign of plumbing, as if it was just a container to empty elsewhere. This annoys me, as I do not feel like doing this. (I am unsure of where the water went, as there is no sign of a leak anywhere.)

      Going into the closet, I see a second toilet, out from the west end. It has also been used by someone else. I consider using it, but then see it is like the first, water lowering but with no plumbing. (In reality, with respect to the mixed-up layout, the King Street toilet would have been in this general location, though both of my dream’s toilets are in incorrect orientation otherwise. The King Street toilet faced south, but the two toilets here face north and east.)

      I am aware of an unknown female in the hallway. I am not sure if I should open my door. Still, I do, and she eventually starts to make fun of me for what I had written on a few documents downstairs that are on the chest of drawers in the foyer. These documents are apparently mathematics tests that I had checked and graded recently. I do not have a full understanding of what she is saying, but she does not seem to understand my system of grading or supposedly very clever usage of the language. This “unknown” female is actually my wife Zsuzsanna’s younger half-sister Crystal. However, my dream self does not recognize this fact.

      Soon though, I notice my King Street landlady standing just outside my door (and the other female is gone). She is also annoying me by questioning my grading terminology. In particular, she complains about me having written “cooked” on one test I graded. I explain to her that “cooked” is a common word for “finished”, meaning that the test was successfully completed at possibly a hundred percent. I then decide to make fun of her, but I am not sure how. I start to make fun of the word “fantabulous”, but it seems she agrees with me that the word is idiotic and apparently would not use the word either. From here, I wake, having to use the bathroom, with a vague memory of the lyrics to “Wake Up Little Susie“, which I haven’t heard in years.

      This dream contains, intriguingly, six common forms of waking symbolism:

      1. Bed recognition waking symbolism (a subliminal awareness that my physical body is in bed and asleep, and as such, is a real-time dream state indicator).
      2. Toilet waking symbolism (a biological indicator that I need to wake up and use the bathroom, which is why the toilets in my dream were not usable - and note also that my “bedroom” was in the area where a large bathroom was in real life).
      3. Water lowering waking symbolism (a common type of waking symbolism which has several layers of meaning including a biological need to wake and rehydrate).
      4. Doorway waking symbolism (the personified preconscious, in this case my landlady from years ago, transmuting into my emergent consciousness due to her beginning to agree with me, is also a type of coalescence waking symbolism, but I only typify it as such when it is a more dominant factor). A doorway typically symbolizes the dream’s exit point, though may also serve as a trigger into lucidity. I first realized this when I was four years old.
      5. Alarm clock waking symbolism (subliminal until briefly after hypnopompia).
      6. Failed flight waking symbolism (subliminal). As I have already explained hundreds of times since 2004, “failed flight” (and waking symbolism in general) has nothing to do with so-called dream interpretation and is unrelated to real life other than when literally extant (environmental influence) or premonitory (such as my dream of the missing Malaysian flight shortly before it occurred).

      The potential staircase reinduction symbolism remains unused. This is validated by the graded tests being downstairs (deeper into the dream state) and my dream self acknowledging this by saying “finished” (that is, my dream is finishing).

      Relevant lines from “Wake Up Little Susie”: “The movie wasn’t so hot, it didn’t have much of a plot” (meaning that my dream was not that involving or interesting); “We fell asleep, our goose is cooked” (failed flight waking symbolism in a very clever “hidden” thread, which has happened many times in the past); “Wake up little Susie”. (Note that my wife goes by Suzi.) The lines “The movie’s over, it’s four o'clock” relate to my dream ending at about four o'clock.

    14. Body Swapper

      by , 07-27-2017 at 04:56 AM
      Started out at nighttime in a room that had a door leading to a balcony. I wasn't a specific character, but rather a watcher looking at it all like a movie. Inside the room was a group of friends, males and females I believe? Though mostly males. So we are focused on one guy wearing white clothes, he's curled up on a couch and trying to sleep when we see another guy sneak up and raise his leg as though to stomp him. My sense of fear increases because I think he's about to be murdered. But then he stirs and the image like flashes as though we've blinked, then the guys switch positions and we see our main fellow about to stomp the man who snuck up on him who is now sleeping peacefully in the same position our confused main character was in. This seems to confuse and frighten him so much that he starts screaming and keeps his foot suspended in mid air. So then he runs off and we see a bag on a table and then someone unzips it revealing a guy in a joker costume and someone else is trying to shove a person dressed as batman into the bag as well. The joker guy said there's plenty of room for two! and then we panned over to the right, where a man was a bit drunk or something so he ran into a mirror. Except it wasn't a mirror, it was a reflective window that shattered and he went out of it. Plummeting to his death I'm sure, but perhaps not because I don't really know how high up the building is. So then we pan over to the right, outside on the balcony where our main character is sort of leaning sideways on the railing but laying on the floor as well? He has a leg on the railing and two arms over it, his head is swaying slightly as I suppose he sleeps. Behind him, someone comes up and does the same raised leg maneuver and once again the bodies switch and our main character gawks in horror as he realises what he is about to do...again. So the other guy is just like, what? and our main character just stumbles a bit and runs back wards into the main room. Dream End.
    15. Let It Snow

      by , 07-27-2017 at 03:59 AM (New Dream Adventures of Raven Knight)
      2017, 07-26

      Let It Snow
      I wake up in my own bed, a false awakening. I get out of bed and dress before going to the other room. I look out a window when I don’t see my mom around. She is outside with Max, throwing snowballs at Max, and the entire ground is covered with at least six inches of fresh powdered snow! Bearing in mind that I live in a desert that almost never sees snow, definitely not in the hot summer in July, I go outside immediately and get involved with throwing snowballs at my mom. We get in a big snowball fight and are having loads of fun when I wake up.

      This was another false awakening, and I get out of bed and wonder how seeing all that snow didn’t make me do a reality check. I dress and go to the other room. Outside the window I see that things mostly look as they usually do except for some snow that is in the shade under the trees in our yard. I wonder why my mom didn’t wake me up earlier to see the snow since it’s such a rare event. Then I wake up for real.

      One Life to Live
      I am in an office that looks like it belongs to some executive of a big company. I see some other people in there, and one of them looks familiar. He looks like Asa Buchanan from the old daytime soap opera One Life to Live. He is doing something with a letter and looks up at one of his people, who looks like a hired goon. He says those fools will never worm out of this now, he owns everything they have. I think he is being an asshole and bullying someone so I go over and take the note right out of his goon’s hand. It is a forged document giving Buchanan Enterprises full ownership of some business. Asa asks who I am. I tell him it’s not nice to cheat and I tear the letter to shreds. Asa gets mad and says I shouldn’t have done that. I say he can’t threaten me. He says his hired goons will take care of me. I tell him I’ll kick their butts if they try anything. He says there’s no way I could do that. I grab the arm of the goon closest and twist it, flipping the man to the ground. I say I can do what I want. One of the other goons shoots me right in the chest. Nothing happens except I have a hole in my Assassin’s robes. I say that’s annoying, I like these robes. I see Asa’s shocked face before I wake.
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