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    1. Walking with a girl. June 29th 2012.

      by , 06-30-2012 at 03:50 PM (Dream Journal)

      The final dream I had on the 29th, I think I will type up the rest later.

      I was walking down the local market with a girl. She was in the dream because I was talking to her on facebook that day. We were just walking, hand in hand, down the market. There was a fountain in the middle of a wide, circular path. We were not saying anything, just looking ahead. I looked at her and then let go of her hand, she still didn't even make a reaction. We still walked, towards a group of people by a shop. As we arrived at the shop, it had turned into a huge tunnel gate with a small stone bridge leading to it.

      Not a long dream at all, but I managed to recall 4 dreams which was nice. Thanks for reading .
      Tags: market
    2. Luna Kuune Dragon. June 29th 2012.

      by , 06-30-2012 at 03:44 PM (Dream Journal)

      The 3rd I had that morning/night. Turned into a mild nightmare at the end.

      I was walking through a grassy plain like on skyrim. Seconds later, a dragon named "Luna Kuune Dragon" flew over the mountain to the right of me and I somehow knew it was going to be very strong, so i ran towards the mountain it flew from. As I reached the mountain, it blew a huge round of fire at me. I almost died, but I managed to heal the burns. I managed to out run the dragon, so it flew over me from behind and then into the distance. The battle wasn't over yet, 12-15 'Muse Warriors' ran out in a scrambled line towards me. I hacked and slashed through all of them as they came. There was a small hut to the left and a big rock to the right, so I had the advantage. Only one warrior could fit through. I sliced them all down as they came through one by one. The last 3, I pushed into the hut and they turned into cats. I had killed 2 of them before I realised they were cats. I had injured the last one too. The last was a small grey cat, led on the stone table. I had already hurt it so I kept slahing to try and stop it from suffering. It just wouldn't die, not even blood was coming out of it, but I could see it was in pain and carried on. I grew tired but I was determined to put this cat out of it's misery, although I had no effect on it's rock hard skin.

      I think the dream ended there. Not sure if I liked this dream though...but thanks for reading .
      Tags: game
      non-lucid , nightmare
    3. birds of a color fight each other

      by , 06-30-2012 at 03:33 PM
      there are three duck or goose-like birds on a rooftop three bright red chested brown wing and backed females fight with the intention of killing each other over one iridescent green male. they fly into each other and hit one another with their wings, one one knocks the others about 2 feet back into a an aluminum lined hole in the rooftop but they jump right back out of it and so the fighting continues. they squabble for a while longer before one knocks the other two back again, this time into an air vent. they fall down it and while you can hear a grinding sound you can see feathers flying up out of the metallic shaft. the survivor then walks up to the male and for a second all i see is the sky for some reason (then the dream skips and now t find the two birds as people, the male is sleeping on a sofa while the female is awake, i am their doughtier. i stand across the room for a moment and then i run over and attack my mother, she says "you cant kill me, i can survive anything." i reply "then how do we get out of here?" then i find myself putting ball barrings and magnets all over the floor to make it look like there was a struggle all the while my father is asleep. i walk outside of the house and ask my mother where she is going, she says "Denver" (the dream slowly fades away, the last thing i can remember is a car. i now realize that i was never in this dream as myself)
    4. Drugs Are Bad, Mkay, Some Kind Of War, The Weed Restaurant

      by , 06-30-2012 at 03:29 PM
      These are just a few old dreams that I haven't taken the time to log yet, figured I should get them out of the way. The first two happened on the same night, but the third one was a different time. Unfortunately I don't remember them very much, but it is what it is. :T

      #1 - Drugs Are Bad, Mkay [Non-Lucid]

      O and I were in class, and apparently the class was about how bad weed is for you.... We ended up staying after class and smoking weed. But what I do remember is that the teacher was so adamant about how terrible drugs are and so on and so forth, and then out of nowhere she suddenly started acting all fiendish and talking about how she needed her OxyContin to get through the day or she'd go insane, and she yanked the pill bottle out of her drawer and popped one. At the time I thought it was so funny that I started laughing like Shion except happy. I honestly couldn't stop, I had to grab on to nearby objects for support because it was knocking the wind out of me. Later on the dream gets a little hazier and less structured, what I wrote down was "something about a hotdog, a boyfriend, and a gay manager or producer or something?" Hmmm....

      #2 - Some Kind Of War [DILD]

      This one I really don't remember at all, which kind of sucks because it sounds really interesting. This is what I have written up on my phone: "Shopping district bomb supposed to go off but doesn't, the country backed out of some political thing, families are fleeing and I'm with O and others. Lots of active DCs like PZ but can't remember much now, stealing A's (self-hint: old) car (supposedly) that we found abandoned, with some pretty metallic orange heels for me to put on right next to it. ^_^ The dream fading away in the car made me lucid and I tried to save it, but it was too late."

      False Awakening - "Transitioned to a false awakening where I wrote the whole thing down in a notepad."

      #3 - The Weed Restaurant [Non-Lucid]

      I was in Las Vegas at a casino with O, and we were going to some in-casino restaurant where all of the food was made from weed. SD (game shop) was out front somewhere, and PR was sitting at the table with us. When I sat down I accidentally moved the table, which was on wheels, and a girl who was sitting there also spilled her water and got mad at me. Afterwards O showed up again and started telling me how he broke his leg or something making a really stupid decision. If I remember correctly, he tied his leg up with an American flag so that it was always being held back in the air, and then with his one remaining leg he leaped off of a cabinet or desk on to the ground, and his leg gave out and he slammed into something, injuring the other one. ._. Though he looked perfectly fine at the time, and was walking with both legs. In the meantime, he was totally chowing down on all of the food. We had water and fries and cheese sticks so far I think, all with weed in them. I wanted to order some mini-churros, but I never got to try them. >w< Also, I'm pretty sure that the cheese sticks were just like the basic thing they bring out and refill over and over whenever you run out, like chips at a Mexican restaurant or bread at most Italian places... which is pretty awesome. Basically, my last thought before waking up while listening to O's story and watching him stuff his face was "Oh god, we're going to be so fucking high."
    5. 29.06.2012

      by , 06-30-2012 at 03:26 PM
      Date: 29/06/2012
      Place: Friend's sofa bed
      Time of getting into bed: 11.11pm

      I had terrible problems writing these dreams down, my memory was terrible, my notes were short and made no sense. I vaguely remembered having trouble writing them down in the night. Perhaps because I have stopped taking B6 tablets? I will start again tomorrow and see if my dream recall improves.

      Dream 1 - non lucid

      Friend R and myself got to R's house after being somewhere. We are sat in his living room, discussing his carpet and debating weather to change it or not. There is an advert somewhere in this dream (on the telly maybe?) for a band that is playing a gig in Thailand.

      Dream 2 - non lucid

      I am staying at the house of an incredibly rich person, who has a large garden / acres of land. I'm walking around the house, we are guests, and I think it is a party. I get in the jacuzzi, or some sort of similar water with a floating tea set, (with tea inside) The owner of the house is present. There is some sort of secret meeting.

      Dream 3 - non lucid

      The first half of the dream is missing, I didn't write it down fast enough and forgot it. My mum is sunbathing in the garden, on a brightly coloured deck chair. There is no sun. My brother is also outside, cooking sausages on a BBQ, he is wearing nothing but an apron and is using a dustpan (like dustpan and brush) to cook with. He is also singing loudly. I sit inside the house with my dad, watching TV. It is some sort of documentary about people at a party, all the people are fat. I am waiting for someone I like to come on the TV, my dad tells me 'The south is dry heat, so you can never get sunburnt here.' I tell him I have been sunburnt before, and he says 'you have gone pink, you can never get sunburnt.'

      R is decorating his house at the moment.
      I went to Thailand a year and a half ago
      Watched a film about a rich gangster before going to bed.
      My mum loves to sunbathe
    6. The EXs and Geocaching nonsense

      by , 06-30-2012 at 03:16 PM (Xanous' Dream Journal)
      1)I was still with my ex wife and she was being a bitch. Thats all I want to say about this one

      2)I saw an ex girlfriend. She text me and wanted to come over just as friends. I said OK that would be fine. I am with my wife now and I think oh no. This might be bad. I get a text that she is here. I go outside and part of me remembers her and misses what we had but that was a long time ago. We give each other a friendly hug. Then I tell her this might not be a good time. My wife will not like this. She laughs me off and goes inside. I find my wife and her talking and getting along. I relax but think this was a stupid idea.

      3)This one make little sense. I am with my wife and I make a Geocaching t-shirt but the shirt itself is the geocache. Its like we are younger and we are with her college friends. Its like this is some sort of school project. Some one donates a camcorder and we want to set it up to see people finding the geocache. I tell the dud with the camcorder that whomever gave that know they may not see it again right? He just shrugs.The my wife and a girl are with the dude trying to interview people on the street about.... I don't know... Geocaching? Some people say no and they get very pushy about it. And some people are glad to interview. The whole time me and another dude are making crafts that make no sense. Like tires with a shape in the middle full of paint. Then its like we get bored or run out of time and start packing things up. I feel disappointed that we didn't get to finish but glad to be done.
    7. (Lucid) Changing Clothes. June 29th 2012.

      by , 06-30-2012 at 03:10 PM (Dream Journal)

      Didn't type up all of my dreams from yesterday, so I am typing up the other 3 I didn't get down, plus the 4 I had later on that night.

      I think this dream started from a FA.

      I was at home, on my sisters bed. The bed was on a different side so I became semi lucid. It was extremely clear and realistic so I wasn't sure if I was dreaming or not. I picked up a small purple calculator and read the digits. I looked away, then looked back. I kept repeating this and everytime I looked back, the numbers would change. This still wan't enough for me to become lucid so I performed a reality check. Within seconds, I became lucid because I could breath! The first thing I thought of doing, was to attempt flying, but I felt so caged in because of the walls. I got up from the bed and looked outside. It was so sunny I couldn't even see anything, the light was blinding. I decided to try and get outside the safe way by going downstairs. As I left my sister's room, I remembered to stabilize, so I rubbed my hands together on the way out. I almost tripped over the vacuum cleaner . I walked across towards the stairs and realised I was in my dressing gown, so I looked up in the air, imagined some clothes, then looked back down and noticed I was fully changed. I thought about stabilizing a second time, maybe even nose plugging but decided not to and as a result, lost my lucidity.

      Had a little bit of control in this dream, but I was kind of annoyed that I didn't make it outside. Closest I have got to exploring a dreamscape. I never focus on doing that . Thanks for reading (Ugh, 6 more entries to go.)
      Tags: family
      lucid , false awakening
    8. A broken car

      by , 06-30-2012 at 03:01 PM
      I dreamed yesterday with Xiomara, a university friend, and Delmy, a school friend. What do they have in common despite both have been my classmates and friends? They are not slim.
      I also dreamed with La Papa, a band mate, the curious thing with him is that I dreamed I was driving and parking his truck. Then, the car started to fall apart, window included...The window did not break but loosened. I also dreamed with my German lesson friends. I had a new teacher, chubby, who was German and payed $1,200 for a crappy apartment and she stated that she had to give a deposit and had to live there until the contract finished. She pointed out that if people wanted to move to DEU, they had to speak the language pretty well, I had many flaws in the class... and be good in what they did, meaning a good engineer in my case.
      dream fragment
    9. Not The Safest House

      by , 06-30-2012 at 02:40 PM
      Not The Safest House [Non-Lucid]

      An old friend JRE and I were going to a party in some random neighborhood and we parked a ways down the street from the house it was at, for some reason. I was about to tell him something really important... but then suddenly a house across the street caught fire. It went up in flames really fast, and there didn't seem to be anyone inside so I called 911 and then we started running down the street, to where the party was, to get away from the danger. I don't remember much about the party itself, I think it might have been one of those moments where the dream just skips forward but you feel like you experienced everything in between. What I do recall was that there were lots of my family members there, including my late grandfather. JRE and I were smoking weed or something, and when we were leaving I had stuffed a bunch of pot brownies down my pants to sneak them out of the house with us. I was also carrying a TON of things, but I can't really remember what they were now. JRE had walked up to the door to open it when someone knocked on it loudly, but when we opened it immediately after there was no one in sight. We looked around and closed it again, then said our goodbyes and I hugged my grandpa, and then we headed out. When we opened the door this time there was a small stack of pizzas sitting outside, so we figured it had been a pizza delivery guy who had knocked before. JRE and I left and started walking down the street back to where the car was, and when we were approaching it I had kind of a sense of foreboding. He started walking across the street to check out the now-burnt house, and I told him I just wanted to get in the car and go but he wouldn't listen. I walked across the street after him and some cops pulled up out nowhere, I knew that was going to happen. From my understanding of the situation, they were going to arrest us for not being drunk. And they didn't give us any time to respond, they instantly pulled out Gatling guns and started unloading on us. We ducked under this tiny, destroyed walk way leading up to the house, and the house EXPLODED behind us. Somehow, this caused us both to suddenly have liquor bottles that each contained just the tiniest amounts of alcohol... made from anandamide. Now this really asshole-ish cop with a cowboy hat and deep black sunglasses comes up to us and starts saying that now that we have alcohol what we're doing is perfectly legal, and he starts giving us some tips for drinking it (though I can't remember what they were now), and then he drives off. And after that, I woke up. ._.
      Tags: family party
    10. Who is Into Me, Robert Downey Jr., Outside Band

      by , 06-30-2012 at 02:04 PM (Linkzelda's Dream Journal)
      Who is Into Me? (Non-lucid)


      I'm walking down some random empty area, and to my left are a few large garages, kind of like the storage ones where they look a but more durable in terms of the formatting.

      I believe someone else is walking with me, but I don't pay any attention to them, and I'm trying to find where I can more ice. I don't know why, but I just need more ice. I see a man near the set of storage garages, and he looks Asian.

      As I'm getting closer, his visage starts to get familiar, he looks like one of those Assistant principals, or staff members in a High School I attended. Let's call him K. Mao
      (Mao is the last name he declared to me in the dream, even though that's not his last name at all).

      The person who was with me asked K. Mao if he can give us some ice, and I'm still not paying attention to who is with me, and it doesn't feel like it was a female either. K. Mao is pretty silent, and takes a while to respond. He's just looks at us for a while, and then goes inside the garage to get some ice.

      But it wasn't enough, three cubes of ice in melted water is not enough. -_____-

      The guy who was with me eventually leaves, and I'm still here with K. Mao. He continues to take quick glances at me, and he goes back into the garage again, and I'm assuming it's to get something else.

      He comes back with what looks like a Macadamia Nut Cookie, and I immediately accept it when he offers it to me. He walks around me for a while, and I take a little bite out of the cookie.

      He finally gets to my eye level and tells me,

      "She's into you."

      I stand there clueless, and I wanted to ask him who it was, and I believe he told me his name, which was K. Mao. When he told me that, I tried to manifest some kind of mental list of who he could be talking about.

      I first assumed it could be his daughter, a girl I knew in waking life who had the last name of Mao, but since this Mao in the dream doesn't really have the last name of Mao in real life, it couldn't have been her.

      The resemblance is nowhere close for either of them, but before I got to ask him who it could be, he simply passes me, and then pats my right shoulder and walks off.

      WHO IS INTO ME!??!?!




      Robert Downey Jr. (Non-lucid)


      First of all, meeting Robert Downey Jr., aka, TONY FREAKING STARK???

      Woah, yesterday's dream was with Statham from Transporter, and now Stark? Must be some kind "meet epic celebrities" kind of fest for me lol.

      I believe I'm following my father, but I'm keeping a safe distance away from him. He isn't looking back, so I don't know if he can tell that I'm following him, or maybe I'm just good at being stealthy.

      An Indian man wearing some nice and fancy clothing, some dark vest that is over a shirt, and some long jeans. He's also wearing a light brown beret. My father asks him if he plays tennis, and the guy quickly responds with "Yes."

      My father asks him another question, but the sound is a bit diluted for me at the moment, and I just couldn't remember. All I remember is how the Indian man responded. He declared that the tennis courts that are near them are reserved for a player.

      Apparently, it wouldn't be reasonable for companies or real estate agents to sell the courts to residents, since it's already private property to someone, at least that's what the guy told my father.

      Seems reasonable, and by the time he says that, I don't think I'm paying too much attention to whether or not my father knows I'm following him. It seems he's planning to go into a building to the left, and he still doesn't know I'm following him, because he would've opened the door for me by now.

      He goes on his separate way, and as I open the door for myself, I quickly realize there are people coming out. So I decided to be polite and courteous and hold the door for others coming in and out for a while.

      As I'm getting reading to hold the door while I'm inside the building, I see someone in a black suit, could barely see his visage inside of the building, since it was fairly dark (probably was a movie theater or auditorium I was in by now).

      His visage becomes more apparent the closer he gets to the light outside. He smiles at me, and I take that as a silent "Thank you."

      Seems he was too busy at the moment, and it ends up being Robert Downey Jr.

      I stand there for a while, and I take into what I just experienced.....I just met the guy who was Tony freaking STARK.

      I indulge in those few seconds of what could've been a reality check, but as usual, I don't do it at all and continue going my own way inside the building.

      I completely forgot about the people who were coming in, and I just let go of the door without a care in the world if it slammed into their faces by now. But I do remember it was two females walking in, one with a short black dress that barely covers her private parts, and the other female I can't remember too well.

      I go inside of what seems to be an auditorium that is really well-lit. I try to find a seat, and it seems the seats near the entrance are quickly filling up. I look at the front section, and quickly advanced towards the area.

      While I was doing so, I glance to my left to see a little small female, someone you would think that looks like a little kid, but in fact is more than 18 years of age, at least in waking life. Let's call her Nicole. She gives me the look like she wanted me to say "Hi" to her, but I gave the cold shoulder for some odd reason.

      Maybe because I was naive at the time to tell she was giving the look, not like a "I want you inside of me" look, just a look for a small "oooh my god, it's YOU!!!!" conversation.

      I finally get to the front section on the right side of the auditorium. I'm sitting one seat over to the right from a blonde nerd in some weird blue hoodie that seems to be over-sized for him.

      I sit down, and wait for whatever is starting, then I look to my right, and I see a slightly overweight guy to the right of me getting ready to go in.

      Ugh...REALLY? THERE ARE SEATS IN FRONT OF ME THAT YOU CAN TAKE....that's what was going in my mind at the time.

      I get up, and let the guy pass, and sit back down. He sits right next to me on the left.

      I wonder why, but then I realized the same nerd that sat one seat over to the left was his friend. I was like meh in my mind and waited for whatever film was going to start.
      Outside Band (Non-lucid)


      Seems some random people are playing instruments outside, and I get closer to one of the females. She was kind of cute, but not really your drop dead gorg----okay enough comparing females. The band members seem to be finished with whatever it is their doing with their instruments.

      I think this was the type of band where each member was a boyfriend or girlfriend of a another member.

      Updated 06-30-2012 at 02:45 PM by 47756

    11. LD where i wanted to eat creamed honey but had no luck

      , 06-30-2012 at 01:41 PM
      it was a dream about new medical equipment presentation and one man criticize all. after the presentation he came to me and spoke abbout politic asked what is the purport of life. i didn't want to dibate with him, so i answered that the purport of life is to reach awareness.
      - How?
      - Just count fingers.- The man began count 10 fingers.
      -no. - i show him how to count five fingers but several times i count six so decided that its a LD.
      - and what is the next ?
      - To fly - and i flew away. I desided to try creamed honey and want it to be beside the door. I land, open the door, there was table not with creamed honey but with home-cooking pie. i tried it and it was so tasty and smelled so sweet, so i took a big piece and began to eat. and soon lost awareness and awoke.
    12. From the human catapult to the winter forest into the forsaken complex

      by , 06-30-2012 at 11:51 AM (The Erratic dreams of StaySharp)
      Everything started when I was in a city and I was about to witness the launch of someone. He was supposed to be launched by a catapult; I think he was wearing some kind of armor. Not sure whether I was actually existent at that point but I'm sure I was watching the scene in 3rd person, it seemed to be spring and it was rather bright. Upon launch I followed the "human projectile" which flew quite a long way until landing in a winter forest. The snow was 10-20cm deep, the weather itself was pretty clear, though not much light came through the trees. At this point I was definitely existent, and I was searching the dude. Not sure if something more happened here but then I found an entrance to the underground and went in.

      I'm pretty sure I went down a dark staircase into a big forsaken complex, which remembers me a lot of the Talenta boarding school I was in some years ago. The building itself was pretty long stretched, 4 or 5 levels high and there was no real separation for rooms, it seemed to be more or less one big room. I seemed to know that place really good as I always knew where to go. Somewhere around this point I had a girl who went with me, she had green medium-short hair and was a few years younger than me (15-18 I guess).

      Minute for minute I heard more and more sounds in the building and it seemed like suddenly there were a lot of people, though there should have been no one, then there were people (primarily girls) with brooms scattered everywhere, they were apparently part of a project to tend to this forsaken complex once again. They were however hostile to us as we were seen as intruders. The girl which was with me used some incantations (that's when I saw her the first time by the way) to defend us while I navigated through the corridors to avoid contact, I specifically remember she used a "Defensive Map" spell allowing us to see where people were in this complex. At that point we were in a sort of canteen, left of us a lot of tables and seats, right of us a small stair and the kitchen. It was pretty bright, as it was day and one side was pretty much a big window.
      Some minutes later in the same place I think it was dark and I was being attacked by a weird dude, he seemed to be dangerous. His eyes were a little weird, he had a strong green iris and the pupil was cross shaped. He tried to stab me with a weird tool but I catched his arm and started to stab him with a similar but longer tool into the face, specifically targeting his eyes, though I didn't seem to make much damage. I told my companions (thinking that there are a few around) they should help me because he raised another knife already. At that point I woke up.

      This dream was pretty long, so no wonder I woke up then, I probably was due some time already. Shame he didn't stab me, the standard dream invincibility would have surely made me lucid.
    13. day nap 9

      by , 06-30-2012 at 11:02 AM
      ate falfel with my sister - had confusion me and her about paying the sellers - later we went to sit on a becnch and we heared a father arguing with his sun - later we noticed a child looking at us later another and one more

      Updated 07-03-2012 at 04:41 PM by 55917

    14. Dream about School

      by , 06-30-2012 at 09:38 AM
      I came out of lesson thinking I had english so I walked to the other building in my school and went up to the highest floor where all the english classes are, as I was on the top floor walking to my english class, I saw a girl that I knew in the corridor staring at a wall. I went inside my english class and there was a different class in there I didn't realise this until I sat down then I quickly sprinted to the door. I looked through some classes and I was puzzled because I thought I had an english lesson but then I realised I had english for my first lesson and then I thought to myself I have history, so I walked down the stairs and my friend was next to me, we both jumped down the stairs and we said something at the same time, we said if we would of 10000 we said something before that but I can't remember, so we walked out to the exit of the building when my friend saw one of his friends and they sort of done a weird facial expression to eachother, we walked out the door when I was awoken by my cat who opened my door.
    15. Walking with a girl

      by , 06-30-2012 at 09:31 AM
      I dont remember the beginning of the dream I remember walking with a group of people a couple of blocks away from my house when we get to where were going I ask a girl if she wants to go with me and we start walking back to my house and we get a few blocks closer and we see some type of parking lot see a car with a person inside it and he about to shoot at us he was from earlier on in the dream which I don't remember, so we blow his car up and dipset.
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