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    1. 2016-01-30 LD#170 another teleport attempt, beautiful fish pond, scary nightmare

      by , 01-30-2016 at 11:44 AM
      poor sleep, frequent wakings
      bedtime around 10:30pm
      phase 1
      ~ 04:00

      + reaching into a mass of cob webs strung over a chair, putting (taking?) something from underneath where there is apparently a freaky dead gnome zombie/skeleton

      phase 2

      + My wife wants to do a prayer at a holy place in a grocery store, and I'm stuck unable to speak and can only desperately point at a black woman (ghost?) who comes up behind her of whom I'm terrified

      + Driving around suburban neighborhood, see a group of kids and some adults returning home

      + A baseball player makes the final catch in a neighborhood ball park to win the championship

      phase 3

      + In an office building, there's a guy trying to write (love?) notes (written in nonsense) to my wife, "sssh" my wife says, here comes the cleaning woman," she looks really weird, she's here to clean up the Christmas presents.

      + LD#170: I get pulled up into a building where I get lucid, reject caveman mode, and try to teleport, resulting in a FA.
      I'm outside some tall abstract building, it's dark. I try to fly up but can't. I see a part of the surface of the building has a circular hole that you can grab, I grab it and it the whole thing moves up, I think this must mean I will go up, too. For a second or two I do not move, then I'm drawn upwards. It sort of tosses me onto the lobby of one of the floors high in the building and I slowly float to the ground. "I'm dreaming," I realize. There is a small cabinet on the opposite wall, is it a mailbox? What shall I do, something with girls? Nah, I'm not feeling the urge. Let's teleport to my favorite destination again! As I imagine the destination (I'm aiming for right in front of the fountain this time) the scene fades, and I get "woken" by a loud sound from my wife and loose lucidity into a false awakening (rest forgotten).

      + Tour of a small pond with lots of fish in shallow, clear water [dream sign], tour guide says "This is the home of Freddy the eel."
    2. [30-01-2016]

      by , 01-30-2016 at 10:49 AM (Snehk's Dreamlands)
      First dream

      It was dark evening. Moon was shining up in the sky, the church bell rang. With whole my family and my three pals we were going to church for a funeral. I was thinking who would want to have a funeral at dark, Saturday evening.

      Second dream

      I was in my home. I took my laptop and started browsing the web. Suddenly I found myself in some kind of temple. I wandered around it, and found an axe lying on the floor. I heard bell, and guards tried to fight with me one by one. The guard captain was the strongest foe. He parried all my strikes and when he found my weak spot, disarmed me. It was really irritating, I was scared that he would chop me to pieces, so I decided to use more power. I pointed my hand at the axe lying on the floor. It started to shake and flied in my hand, so I could continue fighting. I used this ability a few times, but then the axe landed behind captains legs. I tried to shoot a fireball at him, but it only gave me a strange feeling. I tried to retrieve my axe pointing at it again. It shaken, but then everything turned red. I found myself in my house, holding an axe in the air, trying to hit my sister. She told "It's ok, as long as you won't hit me for real." I swung the axe without hitting anything. Sister laughed and went away. Suddenly I felt great fear and an urge to run away. I sensed that my grandma is coming.

      Waking up, I realized that the strange feeling I get when trying to shoot a fireball was the same as getting lucid. I didn't realized that it was a dream though.
    3. #80: Wasting time

      by , 01-30-2016 at 09:11 AM
      Went to bed at perhaps 01:00 and woke up around 08:00.

      Wasting time
      It's daytime. I'm riding my messed up bicycle on a street somewhere in a neighbourhood. My mom is driving her car just behind me. From the opposite direction another car is approaching. It makes a strange maneuvre and blocks the way for my mom for a moment. I keep going. I come close to a flat and my cousin is calling out to me. I join him. I'm not sure what happened to my bike at this point. He tells me to be quiet because his ex-girlfriend is around here looking for him. We move around a bit and then I spot a girl I went out with twice. She has huge cleavage. I spot a girl I know from high school and there's a 3rd girl whom I can't remember. I think they are wearing badges of some sorts on their chest. They are with the ministry of foreign affairs and they're out here not doing anything important. I make a condescending remark about it, as if there's a bit of rivalry.

      » My friend has offered his macbook for sale. When I come over to check it out, the upper right corner is totally bent, like a Dali clock. When I make a remark about it, my friend is really casual about it, as if it's no big deal. I don't think I'm still willing to buy the laptop from him.

      » Something that had to do with Harvey from Suits
    4. Hissing Hands

      by , 01-30-2016 at 07:30 AM
      Morning of January 30, 2016. Saturday.

      This dream mostly involved a focus on “forcing” energy from my hands. Typically, the energies that flow from my hands in dreams where I heal people is a sort of blue lightning. In real life, I had discussed this with other posters on the dream journal website who had the same experiences. It was interesting that directing blue lightning from one’s hands is not that rare a dream event with certain dreamers.

      This dream does not feature the blue lightning but instead has a sort of “hissing” emerging from the palms of my hands. The force seems less automatic than with the blue lightning dreams; that is, I sort of mentally initiate the sound and implication. My wife Zsuzsanna and our children and I are present as we are now. My mother-in-law and Zsuzsanna’s youngest sister are also present. The setting is completely unknown. It seems to be an unfamiliar residence my mother-in-law lives in near a rural area. There seems to be a backstory of her having to move out soon. There are many small items everywhere in her house, including a miniature yellow rubber duck on her kitchen table.

      The situations where I mentally force my hands to “activate” certain inherent energies create a sound that is similar to that of a garden hose. Perhaps this is a play on rainfall due to a very intense period of thunder and lightning in reality here yesterday (which knocked our power out for several hours) - and it is interesting that lightning and rain go together and my blue lightning is replaced by the “sound of rain” (again, in a situation that does not involve healing). I do not seem as confident here as with previous dreams of various forms of energies from my hands and I do not seem to have a specific reason for doing it. Curiously, my mother-in-law and her youngest daughter do not act aggressively and obsessively as they do in real life. The energies that flow upward from the palms of my hands seem like small and long transparent cylinders of very pale silver light, almost like a “raining upwards” effect but no feeling of wetness or impression of water. These scenes take place outside at night (or just before dawn) in a rural park-like area.

      Tags: hands, hissing
    5. [Lucid Dream] 3 ToTM Tasks, 1 ToTY Failed? Task, and Dreamwalking Attempts

      by , 01-30-2016 at 06:32 AM (The Lost Sanctuary)

      T.O.T.M. (Task of the Month), T.O.T.Y. (Task of the Year) Dragon, AND Shared Dreaming Attempts

      ~ Dream #1 ~
      100% Lucidity

      Approximate Real Life Time: Around 10 minutes
      Approximate Dream Time: About half an hour

      Backstory: So, I guess I am back! Woo-hoo! Same Dream Journal Template as usual... let's start!

      Story: I am in the void... I feel the emptiness... I stress my hands, but instead they were mechanical sharp pointy needles... It looked very awesome, and I decided to complete the ToTM and ToTY tasks. I started off with the basic task, and I created a few books. I wasn't able to read out what the first book's title said. The second book scored the goal. The book's title was "Economics", and it had a red cover with oldish, light brown paper inside. I skimmed through the book of random text. There was nothing useful. Afterwords, I created a paradise with floating islands, green vegetation, and waterfalls. The sky was still dark, and I decided to make it better and added an atmosphere to my little paradise. The sky is now light blue. After I decided that it wasn't enough, I added a sunset to my small paradise. Now my little world looks way better. I decided to summon a DC. POOF! They appeared, and I changed their gravity and they started floating upward. I started giggling as they were so confused, and started saying, "WHAT IS GOING ON?". Soon, I guess I have forgotten about the DC, and they were gone. ToTY Time! I told myself. I flew up really high above my floating islands, and I created a huge island with many houses and people. I summoned a dragon (I thought we were supposed to summon the creatures, but I guess I am wrong) and a dark mist formed in the middle of the air. A dragon appeared, and it flew directly for the village, and burnt it into smithereens. The houses were made of wood, so they burnt really fast. I patted my hands, and my job was done. Later, I drop down to the ground and I move to the right side of the islands. I wanted to start my shared dreaming journey.

      I decided to use doors to enter other people's dreams.
      I decided to go to gab's dreams first. I open the door, and a wormhole speed area appeared around me.


      [THIS IS WRITTEN AROUND 1/15 ~ 1/17? I don't want to finish plus I forgot]

      Updated 01-30-2016 at 06:36 AM by 69246

      lucid , task of the month , task of the year
    6. 1/26/16: More Fallout and a Mexican Dude (Semi-Epic)

      by , 01-30-2016 at 04:28 AM
      - Yet another Fallout dream... probably withdrawal symptoms
      - Also during finals week.

      [Enter dream]:
      I'm stealthing on this BOS encampment in the middle of the city. I try fighting them and do well for a little bit, but it doesn't last. Soon, this Legendary Knight-Sergeant completely wrecks me as I see a kitted-out Vertibird (with red flames and racing stripes) flying in the distance.

      I run away, and I find this Mexican guy. We're at a ramp. I recognize the muffler shop down below and realize I get an achievement if I slide down the ramp into a spot, so I do it. I'm hangin out with this dude in the shop, when suddenly this strange creature runs up to me. It's like a synth dog with a human skull on one of its appendages. It furiously asks me to wear the skull and go take out the BOS.... and I say no, because that's a ridiculous idea. Then, it/she kinda forces me to...

      [The dream dissolves...]
      non-lucid , side notes
    7. 1/25/16: Fallout and Weed (Not in a Good Way) (Epic)

      by , 01-30-2016 at 04:22 AM
      - This was during finals week... surprised I dreamed at all.
      - No WBTB or anything.


      [Enter dream]
      I'm at this grocery store, and there's these cherries that are candied and dried. I realized I really wanted them, then S tells me that they're five dollars, like it's a really big deal. Then I look around that area and find the price tag on this basket, and they were like 4.50 or something. I bought some.

      Fallout-ish. I'm standing outside, looking for S. Apparently we were going to go do something together, but she wasn't here. I call her up, and she doesn't pick up. Instead, this gravely guy does, and gives me threats and demands me to stay away. I'm looking around, then I get hit with this green lazer out of the corner of my eye. I then follow the light, behind the shed and off into a field. I never found this light-guy. There, I stealth until I get really close to this guy holding a satellite dish and a pistol. It's the gravely phone-dude. I take him out, smacking him in the forearm, etc. Then go to this military base off in front of me, and there's this shed/cargo container where they're keeping her. I sneak in, and find her strapped up to this strange machine. The other soldiers are fine with it, until ones in the distance see me. They start shooting. Guy with an rpg. I get out and start collecting their weapons, which have really boring names, like "tuned" and "unknown 1", and they're practically all the same model.

      Mini-nightmare, dripping concrete.

      "Going out" with N.... yeah. It was just on the way to the theater with S. She saw me... yeah. Awkward and strange.

      SP was trying to make everyone smoke weed. We were at my house, and there were tons of other students. There were these little shanty storefronts everywhere. I'm hangin with J, and SP comes up to us with a cigar box and opens it up. It's full of blunts. He asks us if we wanna smoke one. I say "no, dude." Josh continues to talk with him though, and eventually he decides to do it. I lose faith in him, "don't do it!" He goes anyway down to the creek with SP. I wander around for a bit. I'm on my sofa, with JH and a few other people I don't really know. Then, SP comes over and gives JH a bong with a bunch of M&M/skittles. There's no weed in it or anything, but the kids keep passing it around... I don't take it. I'm in the front yard. J comes back with SP, and they're both really screwed up. J reeks of weed, wearing his leather jacket, and then we're kinda on this city block place. He reeks so bad that when my dad tries to talk to him he gets giggly.

      [Dream dissolves...]
      non-lucid , memorable , side notes
    8. Politics

      by , 01-30-2016 at 01:04 AM (My Dream Journal)
      I am in my Literacy classroom after a political event, cleaning up. I see Ted Cruz's daughters and think that if I clean up everything quick enough I will be able to talk with them.
      I am in the hallway at school, talking with a boy who says that he's seen Hillary Clinton at a political event. I tell him that I was probably there. I then try to explain what happened there, but I find that I don't remember it.
      I am in a pool with my sister and my dad. My dad then gets out to go to the bathroom, and I get mad at him because he doesn't flush the toilet.
      I am hiding with my cousin behind my parent's bed, holding a baseball bat. We are hiding from a group of people in eh house next door that are terrorists. Mom then comes in the house, but at first I don't realize it is her, because of course all I hear is footsteps. she finds me and my cousin. Pretty quickly, though, and asks us something about lucid dreaming and eos. For some reason she is a bit annoyed at us.
    9. [Dream #12 - 1/29/2016] Signing Up For The Porn Industry

      by , 01-29-2016 at 10:53 PM (The Book of the Multiverse)


      This is an image of the Blue Fairy from Pinocchio

      Don't worry, nothing sexual happens in this one~

      This began in the parking lot outside from the last apartment place I was at. There were bags of food and for some reason I wanted to take some with me as a fly. I had white butterfly like wings and I was naked as well. Once I grabbed a couple bags which seemed to only contain loafs of bread, I headed off.

      I glided across the sky looking below me at the scenery quite like the over-worlds in a lot of video games, roleplaying games, more specifically. I went over a forest and then over towns. I could remember creating some kind of hologram-futuristic radar by forming the edges of the square shape with my two fingers. I could see the layout of the area I was in and I ended up typing in "zoophilia" into the search bar. It brought up a little white house icon on the map and the direction I would have to go to get there.

      The bags of food were long gone *disappeared* and I headed to the house. I flew over an urban looking area and watched a black-city man walking by me, completely not noticing me flying overhead. I then arrived at some sort of waterfall. There was a dam type mechanic (that didn't work because the water was still flowing over to the other side) and according to the map, the place I wanted to be at was in some weird crevice where the water from the top crashed to the bottom. I landed on top of the roof that apparently could be easily pulled over like tape to paper.

      I did so and found a man in his older ages laying on a bed underneath. Sun reached into his direction as he grunted a bit, slowly opening his eyes. He looked at me with a scowling expression, "What do you want...?"

      MobianAngel: "I came because-"

      Old Man: "Whatever you want I'm sorry but we're out of business.."

      MobianAngel: "I came for the zoo-"

      Before I could finish the word zoophilia the man's eyes shot open. "What did you say? Oh really! OMG that's amazing! We got to get you signed up now! Come with me~"

      I then began to hover following the excited man down a street. While walking I waved my hand around and magically put on a long blue dress. The blue fairy came into my mind while in the midst of changing. I then arrived at a building, I'm assuming some sort of porn industry building, with the man as we both walked in. We arrived at a glass window. The man went into the room behind it as I watched a woman on the other sides sitting in an office chair with a black furred dog beside her as it seemed she was getting interview for becoming a new porn actress. Not to be the stereotyper but she was tall, with long blond hair, skinny with bright blue eyes, the typical look of most women who work for the industry.

      The dog then came by the window as his tail brushed up against my nose, similar with people's experiences with cats. The bristles of the fur sent tingles throughout my body as I immediately flew into the other room through the glass as if a gentle wind blew the seeds off a dandelion. I felt so light and free as opposed to the many dreams I had where I felt clunky and stiff when I tried to fly. I perched lightly ontop of a desk fan in the room.

      One nerdy looking guy looked at me with amaze, I guess for the fact that I could fly. I began to apologize repeatedly for just entering their area and stated that it was just instinct. I got down and went back out to the other side of the window as I watched the old man talk to someone about getting codes to the registration forms for me to sign. I then woke up.

      Notes: (More to come | I'm too lazy atm to write my interpretation)

      Date — 1/29/2016

      Went to bed — Around like...12 - something PM (Another nap dream)

      Woke up — 3:00PM

      *Time logged — 4:36PM

      Total sleep — +2 Hours

      Stress level throughout the day — Pretty good


      *Daytime — Did RCs

      *Recall — N/A

      *Inducing Method — N/A

      Dream Signs — The Obvious

      Perceived Length — 30 Mintues

      Emotions — Happy

      Awareness — None

      Updated 01-29-2016 at 10:59 PM by 89722 (Changed date in title...)

    10. [29-01-2016]

      by , 01-29-2016 at 10:36 PM (Snehk's Dreamlands)
      My family got forced to move out of our house. I wanted to find out reasons of it, or for someone who can help us. We went to out house to look for some clues. Someone stopped us, but a blonde woman appeared and tried to talk with the guard. HR told her that he knows everything. She mad at him, but in the end he granted us access. I searches the cluttered room and found a few coins.
      Tags: coins, house, woman
    11. Weird Sand Hole sucks up my Friends

      by , 01-29-2016 at 10:19 PM
      Me and my Friends were hanging out in Joshua Tree in side of an old market Town. We were running around trying to find something to do or a game to play. We decided to play Tag like the little kids we are (Were actually 14-15yrs old).I was running behind a big group of my Friends while being chased by the Tagger. A couple feet away I noticed 5 of my Friends falling in a weird invisible hole, it wasn't actually invisible but it was a huge pool of what looked like quicksand and it sucked my friends right through it. I panicked and grabbed my other 6 friends including me and tried to dig through the sand but once again another one of my friends fell through. There is now only 5 of us not including me and we run to find an adult. We run in to what is now another Sand hole and 2 of my friends fall through we panicked and i yelled for them. I threw a rope that was inside someones yard down the hole and told them to grab on. I felt a tug and pulled up but what was on the end of the rope was what looked like a neighborhood Stray dog. I yelled for them again and heard a voice. I jumped in the hole with a rope tied around me and told my other 3 friends to hold on. I saw all my friends and told them to climb up the rope which my friends had tied to a tree. They climbed up one by one slowly, and while the last person was climbing the rope i saw in the distance down the canal of the hole a Huge worm about 3 feet tall and who knows how long. I screamed and told them to pull me out and they pulled me out a second before the worm could reach me. We plugged the two holes we found with rocks that were scattered everywhere. One of my friends came running over to me saying "You Have to come see this", I followed my friend and what we found was a whole valley full of these barely visible holes. I took a couple steps back in disbelief and then 'I woke Up'
    12. DJ#68: Football & Disneyland

      by , 01-29-2016 at 09:55 PM (BlairBros' Adventures)
      Dreams from afternoon nap:
      Dream 1: I was doing high school again for some reason, and there were different species of bees around the table tennis tables. One of them was particularly aggressive and the stings were very painful. Someone was explaining to me the difference between the two species, but I wandered off a bit. I then watched a Youtube video about climate change and then went on a crazy car ride with one of the people in that video.
      Fragment about some wild adventure

      Dreams from night:
      Dream 2: I was at a museum in the city, a beautiful old building surrounded by very nice gardens. I can't remember what I was doing there or why I was there.

      Dream 3: I was playing football at school on the field, well it was some weird combination of Australian football and soccer. I and a few of my schoolmates were playing with some pro players, including a Ronaldo like figure. I was trying to follow in his footsteps and support him, but I ended up getting in the way a bit so I asked him for advice and he started teaching me. There was a bit of a training/playing montage with some commentary about the history of the game and stuff like that. I think I ended up helping score the winning goal.

      Dream 4: Fragment about being on a ship/boat with friends.

      Dream 5: I was on holiday with my brother and mum in a small motel. My brother and I were watching the tv, I think the Olympics or something were on. Suddenly the TV stopped working o I scrambled looking around and under the TV to try and figure out what was wrong. I couldn't see anything out of place but I saw the main cable needed for the tv had disappeared. I scrambled to look in bags and things for the cable but couldn't find it. Somehow my brother and I ended up doing some sort of twin modelling thing in the room which got us enough money to get the TV repaired.

      Dream 6: (I am pretty sure I have had this dream, or one similar in the past in hindsight) I was at Disneyland with my family. There was a huge waterslide there, one of the biggest I'd ever seen, so I went on it. The line was quite long but eventually I got onto one of the boats and it began. It was set in a giant fairytale castle, and a voiceover started explaining the story of some prince and princess. As we climbed higher and higher the tale grew sour, with the prince being rejected by the princes. Eventually at the top the lights were out and the voiceover described the feeling of rejection as being like falling down a black hole. The waterslide then reached the finale where we flew down sideways down a super steep ramp in the dark to eventually splash down in the lake. We remarked on how little we got wet (should have alerted me to something suspicious haha) and then went back to everyone else and gushed about how good the ride was. We then went off to some other ride as the dream ended.
      Tags: non - lucid
      non-lucid , dream fragment
    13. Jurassic World Gone wrong

      by , 01-29-2016 at 09:38 PM
      My Dream was about how Scientist tried to clone dinosaurs afters decades of testing and experiments and they finally were able to clone the first dinosaur which is my favorite dinosaur of all time, The Torosaurus!

      [ https://encrypted-tbn2.gstatic.com/i...Tnwf2bxYqIfr9A ]

      After cloning the Toros they cloned many other dinosaurs, and when the first Dinosaur egg first hatched the immediately knew it was a bad idea and tried to put it down put they could not find it because it had ran away out of plain curiosity.
      They evacuated the Lab and left the other Dino eggs there which also eventually hatched as well. They also ended up breeding mammoths, Dire Wolves, and Sabers. Soon enough the world was in Anarchy and these Prehistoric Creatures were everywhere. I was alone and a survivor and build a huge Tree house in the Highest Red wood Trees i could find and camped there for years to come. In this time I Tamed Sabers/ Wolves/ Raptors/ and other small creatures and made a living. Both me and the Tamed animals made a living off each other, In return for these animals hunting for me i gave them shelter and protection, which held our Relationships Close.
      After many years a Huge group of people (about a Hundred) were hiking along the path nearby my tree house. They noticed the Tree House and stopped in their tracks to investigate the forest beneath. My Saber-tooth Cat came darting from the trees into the the large group of people who held Guns and Knives. Before the could shoot i ran out to protect my Cat. They are now pointing their weapons at me, and i could tell that they were scared. We walked by to their Camp after talking and they gave me a place to sleep and food to eat. I couldn't let by Tamed animals inside the camp but i still protected them day and night.
    14. Communication and a journal

      by , 01-29-2016 at 08:59 PM
      (Though not lucid, this first one was about dream control.)

      I've finally figured out how to work with this house. I've begun simply telling it, out loud, what I need from it - not exerting any effort or willpower, just a statement. "House, we need x thing," and the house takes care of it itself, without any effort on my part - simply informing the house what's needed instead of trying to control it. Amazing what a difference clear communication can make.

      I'm talking to a servant girl in a room about the size of a closet where she both works and, I'm surprised to learn, sleeps. I ask if she'd like her own room, which of course she does. "House, we need a spare room." I walk out the door and find a new room's appeared, though it's dark and half-finished and covered in dust. "A nicer spare room." Now it's something suitable for living in - and I don't think I looked away, and there didn't seem to be any transition. One moment it had the first appearance, the next moment it was completely different. The girl explores the new room, exclaiming over it. There's a little bundle of fake white roses in a bowl of sugar.

      There's what I think of as a wildfire at the edge of the house, just small patches of burning grass but I know it'll grow if I'm not careful. I have the impression this is the result of carelessly reshaping things, creating vulnerabilities around the edges. I have the house stop the fire, and though the fire's stubborn, it goes out as I walk towards it.

      (Woke up. Back to sleep.)

      A servant girl came running into a room at the back of the household after hearing one of the other servant girls shouting, but I grab her at the door and stop her. I can hear voices outside, and I recognize the voices of some soldiers who were causing problems with that second girl earlier, somewhere more public. They were reprimanded. Clearly they resented it and want payback. Realizing this, I admire the girl who came running to help; she's small and only armed with a kitchen knife and completely outnumbered, but she doesn't hesitate. Very noble.

      Unfortunately for both of them, I'm in a hurry, so I'm not going to let her go help her friend. I'm just here to track down an object that belongs to me and which was stolen long ago, and which she stole from its most recent owner - a leather journal with a star on the center of the cover.

      She showed me her room where it was hidden and ran off as soon as I released her, and I start looking through the journal, full of brief observations and sketches I'd drawn. I stop at the sketch on the last page, Jules sitting in a chair with his head tilted back. I feel like there's something foreshadowing about this. And while I'm looking at it, I hear an old man's voice as if he's looking over my shoulder. He makes a comment that makes it clear he recognizes Jules, and then asks me, "Did you follow me?"
    15. Water

      by , 01-29-2016 at 07:37 PM
      I am in a water setting like in between some land. Some people I know are here. At first I think I am in a pool but as I look around I see some land around me and I might be in the middle of a city while I am in the water. I want to swim underneath the water but I feel like the water is too cold. Then I am partially lucid or aware enough and look around more and see what looks like a giant person on the land. He does some kind of action but then I wake.
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