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    Non-Lucid Dreams

    1. A lot of dreams

      by , 12-03-2011 at 12:54 AM (redisreddish's mess of dreams is still messy)
      I had no access to the internet for about three weeks, but I did record quite a few dreams. However, my handwriting isn't exactly what you'd call 'legible' when I write as soon as I wake up, and some things I wrote are just notes that make no sense to me now. So, here it is, word for word from what I have written down, and I'll add anything else I remember in parenthases.

      ~Voldmort says, "Don't fall asleep or I kill Ginny."

      ~I show someone my (drum? trom...bone? I can't read it) because I can't for the life of me remember who Bob Marley is.

      ~The Confederates come back and want to use our house to rest. (I remember being disappointed that Jasper Hale wasn't there, and briefly thinking that there was an amendment that said soilders couldn't stay in our house.)

      ~I get a pug, and have a German Shepard.

      ~In church, we get an assignment to be a computer. I work with J.R.

      ~Supposed to be getting married... can't do it.

      ~In the trashy back-alley part of a city I find my Chinese friend yay.

      ~What a dashing young lad: Mama's friend in a hooded cloak.

      ~Teacher says something about taking Jasper and Emmett home. We have to butter a biscuit to leave; even though mine isn't in complete sentences I can go.

      ~Someone does ballet in the middle of the road.

      ~The bus driver says it sounds like a ninja food fight. (???)

      And then two dreams that I wrote in more detail: ~Playing a Tarzan game. Aliens come into it eventually, and that morphs it into a whole new game. When I stop playing, I'm in an unfamiliar house. Out one door, there are a bunch of dogs, so I go out to pet them. They start trying to come into the house. I shut the door and see that a waddly little bulldog got in, so I decide to take him to the pet store. Don't remember how I got there, but somewhere along the line I became lucid. The dog wanted to eat a candle so I started picking ones off a shelf and seeing if he liked them. As I held out a brown one swirled with red and green (cinnamon candy, I think it was called), my mom walked up and asked what I was doing. (just realized I changed tenses there... oh well.)
      "It's a dream, so he's eating candles," I told her.
      "This is a dream."
      She starts freaking out. "Wha... Thi... Are you serious!?"
      "Yeah. Calm down. Control your breathing and touch the stuff on the shelves."
      She makes an effort to stop hyperventilating and runs her hand across a shelf filled with bottles of shampoo. "It feels so real," she says in amazement, taking one bottle and holding to her ear like a phone. A loud voice starts coming from it.
      I smile. Suddenly a bell rings at the counter so I go up to see what the person wants. He's a vampire. I can't remember what he asked for, but regardless, he just yanked me over the counter and bit my neck. I only felt little pinpricks of pain, and when he let me go I just lost lucidity and followed him out of the store. () I ended up walking down and road and seeing kids play under a little bridge.

      ~In school, a zombie apocalypse is in progress. I'm roaming around with a group of random people. The hallways are spattered with blood, and every so often a few zombies will come around a corner. The people I'm with bash them with blunt objects. As we pass the doors leading to the second floor, a white and tan Siberian Husky rockets past us and skids to a stop in front of the stairs, sniffs the air, and barks loudly. A man in a trenchcoat and fedora walks up and pats the dog on the head.
      "Dog knows where it's safe," he says to us, already heading up the stairs. We follow them to a small, dark, round room that's empty apart from a few music stands and an armchair. Several minutes pass peacefully, then I realize that no zombie situation can ever be peaceful for long. Just as I'm about to suggest moving to a different area, the husky starts barking. Everyone in the room rushes to look down the stairs, where a large group of zombies is slowly making its way up to us. We all grab music stands and prepare to fight.
      I wake up, a little relieved to not have to see how that ends.

      Updated 12-03-2011 at 01:15 AM by 23679

      lucid , non-lucid , dream fragment , side notes
    2. 12/2/11 | All this for lotion?

      by , 12-02-2011 at 11:01 PM
      I started out by walking into a HUGE bathroom at my school, it was filled with 7th graders. These 3 7th graders try to beat me up and I beat the crap out of them. I was then driving to my soccer practice and the coach said it was gonna be canceled early due to rain but there was no rain. So I was then going to the place and my mom was climbing this huge rock climber just to buy lotion that costs 100$.

      Updated 12-04-2011 at 12:07 AM by 50709

    3. 2 dec 11

      by , 12-02-2011 at 06:05 PM (Tales from the sun chaser.)
      I'm on set, and there's a movie being filmed with Ty Digs, and Gabriel Union, and she's topless! I head over to the pool, and there's this device that makes all the water rise up and cling to the ceiling. The water is this thick substance, kinda like jello. I was thinking that It would be cool to have if you wanted to skate in the pool....then I thought about having wax everywhere and scuff marks.

      Then I'm at some party with a bunch of family and it takes me a while to park.

      Then I'm at some city, in a skate park, but instead of ramps there are these really big books...about 4 feet tall that people are setting up anyway they like to so they can skate over them.
    4. Dogs and Sci-fi suspense

      by , 12-02-2011 at 04:39 PM (The Labrynth of the Mind)
      Spock Meets the Woman

      I am Spock. Or at least someone similar to Spock. I am exploring some planet, or at least some building strange enough to be a different planet. I'm doing something with energy beams (?). I enter a large domed room where a woman is. The woman appears to be some powerful alien entity, which I am fighting (?). She uses some strange weapon on me that can read my mind.

      "This weapon", she explains, "Will turn your world into your greatest fear".

      I wonder what my greatest fear is, and if I even have one since I am a Vulcan.

      "Out that door is your greatest fear", the woman goes on, indicating a door next to me. I being to realize that my greatest fear is claustrophobia (which it isn't in real life as far as I know). I open the door, and find myself in a tunnel. All of my surroundings become kind of fractured, and I realize that I will have to navigate through this world of small spaces. Somehow though I don't seem to be too worried.


      I have a new dog. It is some kind of a terrier or Scotty dog, and white in color. The dog is really smart, and I find that I can easily train her to come when I call. My family doesn't believe that she is that smart, and I demonstrate how I have trained her to not only come when I call, but to leave a dog biscuit alone until I say when.

      I am eating cheesy popcorn from a bag while I do this. It isn't the best popcorn in the world, but I keep eating it anyway.

      I am in a campground heading back to our campsite. When I am almost back, I see a couple of our dogs (including mine) are in the campsite next to ours. I start to call them away, but my mother reminds me that if I do so the dogs will have to cross the neighboring campsite to reach me. I wait until I am back to our campsite and call, and the dogs obediently come to me.
      Tags: dogs, food, star trek
    5. In Anime School and a Race, Raiding McDonalds, Random Party

      by , 12-02-2011 at 04:19 PM (Linkzelda's Dream Journal)


      Dream 1:

      I’m in an anime school, some guy has a crush on a girl, but he can’t admit it to her. He gets a friend who is a girl to tell his confession to her, but I can’t remember much from that.

      The school is also having a race indoors. (There was even a random dream scene where anime girls and boys where punching each other). Towards the end was a finish line, but it wasn’t. It was just a distraction to see who would fall for it, and you had to turn left and run upstairs.

      At the end, there’s a line of people near the right of the wall cheering I guess, and some guy who looks like the fat version of Ronald McDonald lures one of the racers near him
      (pedobear much?).

      I forgot who won the race though.

      Dream 2:

      I’m on a stealth mission (or so it seemed). I waited for Sam Fisher to duck under the lasers.

      Somehow we ended up in McDonalds and just raided the place.

      I find some watch that made heartbeats and ran with it.
      (It was like a golden pocket watch).

      Then a random light brown van comes up and the person inside is wearing a light blue shirt and demands the watch I took. (I think the van is just another sign of a Pedobear? What the hell? I think this was an association to the article I read about some idiot putting a pedobear logo on the back of their vehicle).

      I give him the item and I can’t remember much after that.

      Dream 3:

      I’m at my parent’s house and a few people are inside for some party. I’m still in underwear though, and this random lady who is similar to the one I know IRL (let’s call her Jen) hugs me. I go in my room and two guys are inside. I was a bit surprised to see them.

      I turn on the fan and they said that it seemed to blow the heat on them instead of bringing it up. I explained to them why, but the fan still malfunctioned.
      (There went my chance to be lucid, and my fan in waking life was set on HIGH too).
    6. rgb mansion library

      by , 12-02-2011 at 01:44 PM
      Good morning, everybody.

      Dream #1

      I may have been in an airport. Near me was a black man who may either have been a friend or an acquaintance. He was kind of tall and kind of strong looking. He had long, wavy, brown hair that almost looked like a wig. He also had a long, black beard. He wore black sunglasses, a black, denim jacket and no shirt, and probably blue or black jeans.

      The man was in trouble for some reason. Airport security may have thought of him as a terrorist. I hoped security's suspicion of the man wouldn't spread to me. The man and I seemed separated from each other by about ten meters. Near the man was a line of boxes about knee-high.

      I was now in the man's house, which was a big mansion. We were in some area like a living room or a sun room. We still stood apart from each other and facing each other, like we'd stood at the airport.

      The interior of the mansion was spacious and open. Everything was white, and there were big windows and sliding glass doors everywhere. The man may have been wearing white versions of the clothes he'd worn in the airport as well.

      Somewhere was a "library," which the man showed me. It was really just a bookshelf. It was wall-height, maybe three or four meters long, with five or six levels of shelves.

      All the books in the "library" looked like they belonged to one edition or came from one publisher. The books were all bound in leather or fake-leather, marbleized-looking covers. The bindings had gold lettering and trim.

      There were only three colors of books: blue, red, and green. The three different colors were all grouped together. There were very few blue books: they only took up a portion of the left side of the very top shelf. The red books took up the most space: from where the blue books ended, down to about halfway along the second to last shelf. The green books took the rest of the space.

      The man may possibly have showed me "my bedroom," or the guest bedroom, which was, now, also the library. In this library-bedroom there were a bed and a desk, both white. Over the desk was a wall-mounted bookshelf, with the same kind of books as on the previous bookshelf, arranged in a similar fashion.
    7. Fragments

      by , 12-02-2011 at 12:55 PM (My world, my rules)
      no-dream / dream / lucid

      Fragment #1:
      Provavelmente aconteceu em algum momento do sonho Uma estranha festa na minha casa. Estava com Gabriel e sua prima Luiza, de uns 5 ou 6 anos, em uma loja de jogos. Havia várias estantes com jogos de PlayStation 3, XBox 360 e Nintendo Wii. Havia consoles a venda também. Eu caminhava pelas estantes e sentia muito entusiasmo, pois era como se eu voltasse à época em que eu gostava muito de jogar e comprar jogos. Lembro que pensei "Quando eu chegar em casa, vou falar com meu irmão para comprarmos um PlayStation 3.".

      Fragment #2:
      Estava em algum lugar (talvez na entrada do parque de diversões Beto Carrero) conversando com alguém (talvez com o Lucciano). Lembro que o assunto chegou em "Percy Jackson" (que, inclusive, Lucciano chamava de "Perseu Jackson). Comentei que eu voltara a ler os livros, e estava no segundo livro. Falei que era uma leitura rápida e fácil, com um vocabulário agradável, o que deixava a experiência bem leve e divertida.

      Fragment #3:
      Havia uma mulher com uma roupa de borracha bem colada e toda preta, com um capacete preto de moto também, em uma moto preta. Ela usava salto alto e lembro apenas que ela estava em um local escuro, talvez em um beco de alguma cidade, de noite. Ela acelerou a moto, deu meia volta e saiu do beco, com pressa; mas, devido ao capacete (completamente preto), não era possível ver sua expressão (se estava com medo, séria, assustada.)

      Fragment #4:
      Estava eu e mais algumas pessoas (devíamos ser uns 5 ou 6) sentados no chão, na frente de algum tipo de edifício (casa, prédio). Acho que estávamos comendo ou algo assim, lembro que eu estava com a mão molhada. De repente, saiu desse edifício um grupo de pessoas, um deles era um cara que vi ontem, que parece uma celebridade da internet. Ele cumprimentou a todos, inclusive os que ele não conhecia. Sentou-se conosco e os seus amigos começaram a comer também. Um deles pegou um pote com feijoada e ofereceu para os outros. Outro pegou o pote e, ao cheirar, perguntou se era brincadeira sobre ele ter que comer feijoada de novo. Ele não aguentou e vomitou dentro do pote mesmo. O rapaz que parecia a celebridade da internet então pegou um papel que estava na mão de um dos meus amigos e leu em voz alta. Nesse momento, notei a presença de um palco ao nosso lado. Ao terminar de ler o papel, o rapaz falou algo como "fim do primeiro ato, continua daqui 14 páginas".

      Updated 12-02-2011 at 02:14 PM by 32539

      non-lucid , dream fragment
    8. Uma estranha festa na minha casa

      by , 12-02-2011 at 12:43 PM (My world, my rules)
      no-dream / dream / lucid

      Talvez eu tenha sonhado com isso por causa de uma promessa que fiz, mas não cumpri ainda (e estou um pouco preocupado em não conseguir cumpri-la). Eu e Gabriel estávamos aqui em casa, jogando um jogo que ele trouxera (era uma espécie de "vôlei de carros", como ele mesmo chamava. O objetivo do jogo era jogar o carro da sua ilha para a ilha do inimigo o mais longe que conseguisse). Ele me mostrava o jogo enquanto conversava com sua prima Luiza, de uns 5 ou 6 anos agora. Em certo momento, ele me deixou jogando e saiu (estávamos no meu quarto). Um outro garoto entrou, alguém me apresentou ele. Começamos a conversar, então eu disse "Por que não conversamos e jogamos ao mesmo tempo?" (tive essa ideia após me lembrar de um programa da MTV, onde um entrevistador conversa com os convidados enquanto jogam vídeo-game). Quando fui falar sobre esse jogo para ele, ele disse que já o conhecia. Então começamos a jogar. Mas o jogo mudou um pouco de foco, agora já parecia um jogo de espionagem.
      De repente, estávamos dentro do jogo, e tudo funcionava via touch-screen, mas fazíamos os movimentos com a mão no ar. Lembro de uma parte em que estávamos em um apartamento, na janela, olhando para uma pequena ilha no mar, cheia de carros (era quase noite). Peguei um binóculos para ver a ilha mais de perto, comecei a fazer movimentos com a mão para dar zoom na minha visão. Quando fui fotografar a ilha, passaram duas garotas na frente (lembro que uma era loira, usava óculos escuros grandes e uma blusa listrada com azul claro e branco). Comentei isso com meu novo amigo, e ele achou engraçado. Falou que eu não precisava ter feito aquilo tudo para dar zoom e tirar a foto, eu podia simplesmente ter apertado K, L e M (sonhei com isso devido ao 9GAG) (nisso ele estava comum controle de XBox na mão).
      Voltamos para o meu quarto, como se tudo tivesse sido apenas o jogo mesmo. Vi que havia muita gente aqui em casa, estavam dando início a uma festa. Mas eram pessoas mais velhas, de uns 20 anos cada um. Alguns estavam na sala do "cinema" jogando o jogo de tabuleiro "esquenta". E, com certeza, o clima estava esquentando. uma das consequências foi uma garota ter que beijar o pé de outra, e todos deliraram quando isso aconteceu. Achei engraçado, embora pensasse que isso poderia sair um pouco do controle. Desci as escadas e encontrei Gabriel, Vinícius e mais uma garota (talvez a Carol, que conheci ontem) sentados na mesa grande na minha sala de estar. Meu pai arrumava uma TV na frente do espelho grande para que eles assistissem um filme. Todos me olharam enquanto eu descia as escadas. Perguntei a qual filme iriam assistir. Gabriel me respondeu algo como "A profissão do coração", e disse que era um filme que falava sobre carreira profissional, decisões difíceis e etc.
    9. Dando aulas de matemática

      by , 12-02-2011 at 12:32 PM (My world, my rules)
      non-dream / dream / lucid

      Acho que sonhei isso pois, ontem, uma amiga minha me pediu ajuda em matemática (ela está de recuperação, eu já estou de férias). Eu estava em casa, na garagem, com alguns amigos (não lembro exatamente quem). Era como se minha casa fosse o colégio, pois todos do terceirão estavam ali, mas a maioria estava fazendo prova. Deram-me uma prova de matemática para fazer, lembro que ela começava com questões de trigonometria sobre seno e cosseno (a questão dava o seno de um ângulo e tínhamos que descobrir o cosseno). A primeira questão trazia um seno de 3/5. Nesse momento, meus amigos saíram de suas provas e vieram ao meu encontro para que eu os ajudasse em matemática.
      Havia várias mesas brancas de plástico e cadeiras assim também na minha garagem. Fazia um dia de sol. Anna Giulia sentou-se ao meu lado esquerdo, Gustavo ao meu lado direito (embora eu lembre que eu o via várias vezes sentado no chão, lá no canto da minha garagem). Eu ia começar a explicar a questão, dizendo que havia duas maneiras de resolvê-la (montando um triângulo ou usando o princípio fundamental da trigonometria), mas a Maria Eduarda, que estava de pé poucos a metros de mim, começou a me apressar falando "vamos rápido, Léo, temos prova daqui a pouco". Aquilo me deixou muito nervoso, então comecei a gritar com ela: "você não é obrigada a assistir minha aula, esse é o jeito que eu ensino e se quiser ficar aqui, vais ter que ter paciência...". Nisso, me levantei e comecei a jogar algumas cadeiras e mesas no chão, de tão nervoso que fiquei. Com medo, ela foi embora pelo portão, que estava metade aberto. Voltei à cadeira, mas quando sentei, quase caí para trás. Apenas quando consegui manter o equilíbrio de novo, percebi que sentara na cadeira errada (Mariana estava do meu lado direito), então voltei para a cadeira que estava do lado de Anna Giulia para explicar a questão.
    10. More fragments

      by , 12-02-2011 at 12:23 PM
      These hardly seem worth writing down in detail lol but I might as well...

      - N came to my house and made veggie chicken nuggets in the microwave. I talked about my toaster oven. He went in the fridge and got BBQ sauce. I asked if he'd ever tried it with honey. He said no and I got some and he tried it and it was good. xD

      - I was in some sort of class, possibly art, and someone was supposed to play like...some Christmas song? or something? So they played it but it was Save Me by Darren Styles, except I was the only one who noticed, and everyone else thought it was a Christmas song.

      - Toronto. Again. Nothing really happened.

      I took some B6 and had quite a few more dreams but didn't write them down and forgot.
    11. 3 Dreams

      by , 12-02-2011 at 12:05 PM (Typho's DJ)

      Updated 03-19-2012 at 04:10 AM by 44350

    12. Secret Passageways and Evil Dragons

      by , 12-02-2011 at 09:24 AM
      There is a very strange vending machine. It has normal things like packaged food, as well as clothing on racks that are somehow attached to the machine, and other strange things. I put some coins in the machine to buy something, but the numbers indicating the amount I put in keep skipping around oddly. I get my coins back out and it's a different number of coins. I try this two or three times with similar results.

      I am outside, in an area with a fence and a light brown colored building or garage. I get in a fight with someone/thing. I have a summoned creature servant thingy. It looks sort of like a large animal, and then I imbue it with some sort of blue energy. It's much larger now and has a vaguely human shape and rippling bluish stuff on its exterior. I think I at least didn't lose the fight.

      I am somewhere snowy in the wilderness. A group of people are trying to take a very sick boy to a lady who can help him. The father stayed behind. He is no friend of hers. The child is accidentally left behind. I pick him up and go the rest of the way. The lady wants to know why she should help this child. I tell her he is the child of her enemy, not sure if that will help or make things worse. She might heal him just to keep him hostage.

      I'm in my room. Some powder (possibly lemonade mix) got spilled on the floor and on my bed by the pillow. I try to clean it up, at least brushing the stuff off my bed, so I can sleep. I sleep in that bed at least two times while I am there.

      I'm looking at the map of the world. The blue dots are fortresses. J is telling me where I ought to explore, mostly pointing at the blue dots.

      I'm to leave the castle soon, for the exploration mission. I'm in my room, and I'm supposed to be packing my things. Instead I take a look around. In an alcove, there is a glass shelf sticking out of the wall a couple feet above the floor. The edge of the shelf has a gradual curve to it. Underneath the shelf is a sort of white statue (possibly of a cherub), that also looks like it might be a drawer. The bellybutton looks like it could be pushed. It's too awkward to reach under the glass shelf with my hand, so I push the button with my foot, half expecting the statue/drawer thing to slide out. Instead, a trapdoor opens beneath me, and I fall.

      It's not too bad of a fall, but I can't get back up. I'm in a secret passageway. Cool. I go exploring. All the walls in this place (and probably the entire castle) are black.

      I come across a sort of downwards stair made of chairs (they have green seat cushions and curved wooden backs/armrests) leading down into a huge room. The chair stair is awkward but navigable, until I come to a chair that isn't quite placed right. I don't think I can reach the next lower chair without knocking the whole thing down. I am considering going back up, but my current position is quite precarious. I lean too far forward and the whole thing comes crashing down. I fall, but I'm ok.

      There are three black dragons down here, and they are neither nice nor happy about my presence. I have to fight them. I use the same summoned creature from earlier, again imbuing it with energy so that it looks like a giant furry humanoid with bluish stuff rippling on the surface. It's a good fighter and goes right after the dragons. I attack too, sword in hand. We prevail.

      I hesitate to kill the smaller, younger dragon with the purple eyes, after the others are dead. What if it isn't evil, like the others? It runs away and almost makes it to some kind of portal. I summon it back with some sort of shadow bind technique. I somehow know it is evil now, and kill it.

      One of the other people from the castle arrived sometime during this whole mess. She is a warrior, and she is the one who is to travel with me. She is in love with someone else at the castle.

      After I get back to the main castle, I read about the adventures in a book. It's different than how it happened. I try to reconcile this.

      I have to finish packing, to leave. The sleeping bag and pillow are already so bulky. How will I be able to take what I need without being excessively burdened?

      This is possibly the most detail in a dream I have ever remembered and then written.

      Updated 12-02-2011 at 09:30 AM by 51129

      non-lucid , memorable
    13. ..desperate times, desperate measures?

      by , 12-02-2011 at 08:26 AM (Lucid Lucy's Dream Explorations)
      Colour Legenda:
      Setting| Technique used | Dream (lv1) | Dream (lv2) | Lucid Dream | Notes
      ************************************************** ****************
      I fell asleep listening to Jazz music (Jazz program on the Classic radio channel), and at some point the song was kinda eery but very trance-inducing. Suddenly a female voice goes "Shifting Conscious. Real unreal." (and a load of other words and phrases like that) and I had a panic attack, thinking I was entering the Hypnogogic Hallucinations phase, which I want to avoid at all cost. So I just shook all muscles in my body XD ..then it occurred to me that maaaaaaaybe it was just part of the song that was playing XD This was confirmed when the vocal sequence was repeated. Sure gave me a fright, though!!

      I dreamt i was with my friend Cassie, cycling or walking, and we discovered this little sand path to explore. I have dreamt about it before. We were staying at her place and I had to decide whether i'd stay another night. Her mum got a bit annoyed so i just said i'd leave that night, but actually wanted to stay longer.
      I think this is a seperate dream.
      I was in the same setting and neighbourhood, with another friend, Nele. We were in a state of preparation for war and had to report back to a bunker. I remember having to go through nettles. (i fell in them as a child and am manically phobic of being stung again) by this time, my friend was Cassie again. Then she was Nele again and said she was the only One who didn't climb an iron mpuntain. But she got irate at the sargeant (behind his back) for expecting her to study an insane amount in a few days.

      Updated 12-02-2011 at 10:01 AM by 51317

    14. Random

      by , 12-02-2011 at 07:07 AM
      I'm in the nether (in Minecraft), trying to build a path somewhere. I'm on a different level than everyone else. There aren't any ghasts.

      I'm riding the trains.

      There's a little rich girl who has been kidnapped and is being held for ransom. She is living in squalor and looks like a dirty street child. She is rescued by secret agents.

      The devil keeps trying to convince me to sell my soul. We have some interesting conversations, but I don't agree. I don't understand why the others took him up so readily.

      It's Halloween. There is a circle of black robed eeevil cultists. I'm in the circle. They ask to be dominated by the devil. I get weirded out and leave.

      A guy, possibly a teacher, is splitting us up into two groups. I'm not sure which group he meant me to join, so I just pick the one I want and talk about how I don't care what I was supposed to do. No one objects.

      Updated 12-02-2011 at 07:12 AM by 51129

    15. Flex for All

      by , 12-02-2011 at 06:16 AM (Dream Journal)
      I was outside my apartment complex where the entrance to the garage is. Matt Ogus was on the other side of the garage sitting, appearing to be waiting for someone to pick him up. I recognize him and conjure up the courage to go up to him and say something along the lines of "Matt Ogus? I'm a big fan, I watch all your videos." Then we shake hands and I leave him alone.

      Time appears to skip and we are in the same situation all over again, this time he invites me to go train with him at his gym. I agree and we arrive at a strange gym. It wasn't 24 hour fitness or anything like that, but more of a private gym for MMA or something.

      The first thing we do is we slide down this pole like a fireman's pole, but it goes down this tunnel/tube like a water slide, both vertically and horizontally. I go first and I have a hard time with this exercise, I feel like it is tough on my core. Matt goes after me and I feel like I am slowing him down.

      After that he was going to do the incline bench press but I tell him that I'm going to pass this time around.

      Updated 12-02-2011 at 07:03 AM by 51288
