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    1. "the four paintings" May 9, 2011

      by , 08-24-2011 at 04:02 AM
      I was driving. Some one was chasing me and jr. I was nervous. We stopped at a couple houses. I changed my clothes at one of them but don't recall what I put on. I didn't feel comfortable staying. On the way to the next place we stopped I seen a lady broken down on the road. I wanted to stop and help but I sensed the person chasing me was close. I couldn't afford to stop. I felt guilty. We stopped at another house. I we took a nap. I woke up and went out side. There was another house really close to the one we was staying. I walked up to the porch. The light was on. They had a nice outside furniture on their porch. It all matched and it was orange. Then a lady approached me. She asked me to follow her. She wanted to show me something. We walked into a room with cloth on the walls and ceiling. There was four easels on them. She pointed to where a signature should me and told me they were mine. I didn't believe her at first. Then I looked at the signatures on all of them. "They are mine!?" I got really excited. I then knew I was dreaming but didn't. I said " I need to look at these really hard so I don't forget what they look like when I wake up" The words I said were a passive observation. I didn't really take in what I had said...I stared at the paintings trying to remember every detail. I woke up looking at them. I only recalled what one of four of them looked like. It was something unlike anything I've done. A man running from birds. It was abstract looking. It looked like it was a reflection in a mirror too.
      lucid , non-lucid , memorable
    2. " my mom would tell me !?" may 6, 2011

      by , 08-24-2011 at 03:36 AM
      I was inside a house. There were a few people there. I don't recall who they were. One of the guys there hands me a bottle of absinthe. I got excited and told the guy about a bottle I had found at the daily cheap with cat eyes for decoration. I didn't drink any :/ then he told me my mom left and wouldn't be coming back. This frustrated me and I told him "my mom would tell me if she was leaving" then a a chick pulls up in an old truck...I wake up.
      non-lucid , memorable
    3. "changing the ringer" May 5, 2011

      by , 08-24-2011 at 03:24 AM
      I was laying down sleeping. I had jr's moms phone next to the bed. I heard it ring. I thought "that ringer sucks, I need to change it to one you can hear". So I grabbed the phone, went threw the ring tones. The loudest one was the same one I have on my phone. So I changed it to that. I wake up to the phone ringing. I thought it was jr's moms phone that was ringing but it was mine. I then figure out it was a false awakening.
    4. "finding lost stuff" May 1, 2011

      by , 08-24-2011 at 03:15 AM
      I was out side in my current yard. I found the piece to our blue water jug that blew away in the storm. I wake up.
      dream fragment , non-lucid
    5. School dream

      by , 08-24-2011 at 02:34 AM (This really is just gibberish don't read it)
      I should've written this in directly after it happened, it happened friday night (Saturday morning) I was at a school like setting Danielle(a friend of mine)was there, she was wearing a pink shirt, I asked if she was pregnant. She said no (she wasn't offended). Throughout this dream this man was chasing me saying "get back here" but I kept on repeating the same excuse (I don't remember what). At one point I threw a giant blanket in the auditorium seats I hid under the blanket and dylan pope was sitting in the seat that I was hiding by. I don't remember anything else right now (was never lucid). Its probably worth mentioning I've been having a lot of dreams at or relating with school.
    6. Boring entry

      by , 08-24-2011 at 02:31 AM (This really is just gibberish don't read it)
      *This dream was set in the old west. I recall there was an accusation of some murder in the middle of the dream I became lucid. All of a sudden I was being chased by several people. I was running from them until one (the person was David bender) grabbed my forearm and spun me around in a 360 like motion and then either he let go or I broke free and it made me run even faster I guess it was from the momentum I remember bender saying in the distance "man he's fast" then as I'm running I jump off the a hill and jump really far (was not flying) the Idea of flying came to me so I jumped (still running but the people were gone) up and down several times but it couldn't happen thats all I can recall
    7. lab action

      by , 08-24-2011 at 02:20 AM (Tales from the sun chaser.)
      I think I was in a lab...with all these medical people. There was some sort of violence going on, and people kept throwing grenades. I never got to see the enemy, but there were explosions left and right. I started to wake up.....and I went right back into the dream, and the DC's ask me what was I doing, and I told them "coming back to make it last longer". Maybe for a split second I was lucid, but I couldn't stabilize the re entry long enough to actually see if it worked.

      I also had these reoccurring dreams last night that every person I met turned out evil, and we'd end up in a gun fight.
    8. Rusty Dream

      by , 08-24-2011 at 02:01 AM (The Dream Magic Experiment)
      School? A challenge. "Ken" was there. Rusted yellow color.
      dream fragment
    9. Looking for Kitty.

      by , 08-24-2011 at 12:55 AM
      This was actually a really lucid nightmare I had. In the dream I was a little boy. I was in an old bedroom. the walls were brown and there was a green carpet. The bed was brown wood/green clothe. I was looking under it for my boyfriend's cat Sophia. When I got up and turned around to leave, my mother was there. She was filled with rage. I don't know why. She backed me into a corner and all I could do was grasp the cat and hope for the best. I looked up at her with helpless eyes, and she grabbed my neck. As soon as she grabbed my neck the life drained from her face in seconds. It was like she aged 30-40 years in just a few moments. I could see the wrinkle on her face and the rage in her eyes. I woke up-

      Before I fell asleep I kept hearing loud whispers and such in my room ( hallucinations of course )

      Side note: I was put on Elavil (Amitriptyline) the day prior.
    10. Ow

      by , 08-23-2011 at 11:52 PM
      These dreams were all school related. It was my sisters registration day, and we were preparing. For some reason we were walking all the way to Winco and I asked mom, where are we walking, she said Build a Bear. I asked why, and she said to kill time or something. We normally never walk ANYWHERE and I was actually pretty happy. When we were walking I was holding my iPad and we ran across the street before a truck hit us. Sis was wearing a grey shirt.*
      I remember being a wrestler, or volunteering to be a wrestler or some sort and then sitting on the outside with my family. I kept getting these sweatshirts with text on the back saying really weird stuff like racist words. Every time I asked my boss something like when am I going up, he said you already got your prizes up in the stands, go get ready. It was vivid but really confusing.*
      At some point in these dreams I saw that I went through this cargo hold with seats inside, we were probably in spaaaace. When I went in there, I stayed a bit, then came out and my neck was super long. Unrealistic looking. Another guy went in there and didn't wait, so he didn't look precisely like me.
      These dreams were stupid.

      Updated 08-29-2011 at 09:59 PM by 40393

    11. Limitless desert table

      by , 08-23-2011 at 10:58 PM
      im at a table(IT ROUND AND BLUE) with a lot of food (THE DISHES ARE WHITE AND SMALL) all by myself so im just tying everything beacuse im hungry; there these weird cake and desserts and i never get full and i can eat each dish with one bite. when i wake up IM SO HUNGRY
      Tags: food, hungry
      non-lucid , dream fragment
    12. Infinit tennis game

      by , 08-23-2011 at 10:47 PM
      im like playing tennis and this guy at the othere end of the court is hiting the balls pretty fast but i hit them all back i look at the screen and im out of playing time so the other dudes like ha i going to whin by default. so i turn around aand there a machine so i take out a 5 doller bill and put it in hoping it wont just take my money it gave me more time i look at the screen thinking it gave me only 5 more min. But mut it actully says som thing like 64810000000000000000 so im like DAUM so the dud get all pist and wals away im like come back now where in the dead in circle of my old hose he looks like my old friend tray we might fight
      Tags: tennise, vivid
      non-lucid , dream fragment
    13. Monkey blues

      by , 08-23-2011 at 10:13 PM
      I was in a lounge type bar, sitting on a bar stool, and there were three monkeys playing the guitar that had blue strings on. I had borrowed a guitar from one of the monkeys, and was playing some great blues riffs I didn't even know I could play. I handed it back when their owner came, one of the monkeys was light skinned. I listened to them for a while, just enjoying the music. Then I said I had to go, and in order to go I had to crawl through the front door, on my side and sort of wiggle through because it had gotten a lot smaller. Then as I was walking down on the street, this guy started choking me. I got stuck in some sort of time loop, and was choked over and over and over again, dying again and again and again. Overall, I liked the bar, but the choking was bad.
    14. Lucid, finally!

      by , 08-23-2011 at 09:44 PM (Yuppie's Dream Journal)
      I'm flying, well I wouldn't say flying, perhaps rotating around this object, in the middle of the air. It's a object, like, well very hard to describe ;P I begin to find this strange.. and I become lucid!
      I take off in the air, at a very high speed, It's very cool, but I'm dissapointed at my lack of things to do, in the boring landscape. I decide I should try to meet my dream guide, I shout out 'When I turn around, my dream guide will be standing behind me.' I try to talk to him, and I have no luck. He has an "x" button above his head, and frustrated I press it. He beings talking, I don't recall what he said, but I don't think he's my dream guide

      Next dream.
      I'm walking back to go home. I have to walk, and walk, and walk, I feel like I've had this dream before. Come to think of it, it vaguely reminds me of the one I had at the rain station, did I mention I'm in a train station? Anyway, back on track. I recieve a call from someone, I talk for A while, not to sure what I said. I proceed on, and to cut a long story short, I arrive at my destination. I just read the sign, and know here is where I need to be. I emerge from the subway, and walk to the place where I remember dad told me to call to be picked up from. I see a person, and ask if I could borrow there phone. "Excuse me, would I be able to borrow your phone? Mine's dead flat" I raise my phone to prove this. She says hers isn't working either, I feel like she's lying, but what can I do? I repeat this to two people, including my school principal O_O
      I finally get a "Sure" and she gives me some phone that's really stupid, and requires precision to use, because of the really small keys. Finally I give up, and request she texts him for me, she nods, and I tell her to type "Hey dad, I'm at the place, please pick me up" She shows the text to me and smiles, It's a little different to what I said, but I say "Thank you!" Gratefully. I don't recall anything else.
    15. A

      by , 08-23-2011 at 09:28 PM (Naiya's Gallery)

      Updated 12-31-2011 at 10:32 AM by 17680

      lucid , memorable