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    1. 231115: Morbid Mittens, Jeffrey Dahmer in the Trunk, Semi-Sleep Paralysis?!?!?

      by , 11-23-2015 at 09:59 PM (The Dream Journal)
      Only recall some pretty vague dreams as I punched my alarm clock into snooze mode...

      I see Bart, Milhouse and Nelson from The Simpsons in a metro tunnel. They all have super powers. Bart starts showing his stretching ability until he is electrocuted by Milhouse's electric ability that is then absorbed by Nelson's super strength.

      Samuel L. Jackson as Nick Fury is playing bad cop as he interrogates a prisoner in a children's clothes department. I see mittens meant for children, colorful, with words like "dying", "cancer" and "paralyzed" knitted across them. Pretty morbid.

      Nick Fury and his partner are outside an American suburban house. They throw Jeffery Dahmer in the trunk of the car, they finished interrogating him. I don't want to sit in the back seat in case he starts stabbing me through the cushion. I go to the front seat thinking Fury's partner is going to sit in my lap (or I'd be sitting in his) but to my surprise the seat is not taken.

      I have a false awakening, I get up and I'm walking in my old childhood home. Where is everyone? Did I sleep past my alarm and miss school? I'm pretty upset. I try to make out what time it is by looking out at the grey sky outside.

      I wake up in my real bed, but my body is very heavy, can barely swing around and get my feet on the ground. My body suddenly collapses into itself, I'm back in bed again. I try and try, never getting further than my feet onto the floor. How can this be so hard? I then wake up for real.
    2. #162 - texting my gf

      by , 11-21-2015 at 09:28 PM (The Oneironaut's Odyssey)
      I remember being in a car texting my gf about whether she had left for Rotorua. She texted back saying that her and her family left at night so that our daughter would be able to sleep in the car. The car I'm in is being driven by my parents and we're heading to Rotorua to give them emotional because their granddad is having an operation. We arrive in a dull grey looking town, my dad asks me something but I'm busy texting trying to find out if my gf has arrived or not.

      Dream experience: 1
      Dream awareness: 1

      Pretty much the only dream I remember, every time I woke up I would start thinking about the book I'm reading O_O
      Tags: car, cara, dad, rotorua
    3. #35: Woman behind the wheel / Little boy

      by , 11-21-2015 at 10:01 AM
      Woman behind the wheel
      It's daytime and I'm sitting in a car. There's a girl who is driving the car. She is still taking driving lessons. The male teacher is somehow sitting in the back and I'm sitting in the passenger's seat. I look at the mirrors and I feel like they aren't well adjusted, which would explain this girl's mediocre driving.

      At one point she has to stop for a red light, but stops too late and crosses the line. She puts the car in reverse to go behind the line again. While she is still driving backwards the light already turns green and she goes forward again. At another moment we pass a zebra crossing and she lets a pedestrian go first.

      Somewhere later I'm alone with her teacher, who tells me he is satisfied with her driving. I'm surprised by the fact that he's satisfied.

      » I walk into what seems my elementary school building. In front of me I see my old co-worker. I doubt for a moment if it's him, cause he looks skinnier. It turns out to be him. We make some work related small talk. A second co-worker joins in.

      » Something about an argument between my mom and my little brother.

      » I think there was something about a tram.

      Little boy
      I'm walking on some streets with a guy. It's already semi-dark. We talk about some stuff and he also asks me a question related to the police. Across the street are 3 boys, 12 years old at the most, standing in front of the small entrance of a shop. One of them is pressed against the wall and receives a punch to the head from another one. The 3rd one just stands there doing nothing. I go up to them to intervene. I'm in doubt about smacking this kid, cause he's still a kid. I don't remember if I ended up punching him, but both boys ran away. The kid that got punched is now even younger. He's really small. I think he's crying and I ask him if he's ok and where he lives. He points to the door next to the shop entrance. I knock or ring and his mom comes out. I explain the whole story. I'm in a low squatting position so I can give this kid a hug to comfort him. He walks inside. Hey my coat! Ow wait, I'm still wearing it myself. I'm still standing at the front door, which directly leads into the living room. The decoration is more what you'd expect from an elderly woman. There are also two cats. The woman is grateful and offers me her house for just €5. There won't be anyone here for a while, so I can housesit, provided I behave. I consider it. It's a bit closer to the city centre than my own house, but not by much. I tell her I would still have to get rid of my contract. I tell her that I know where to find her and I'll let her know.

      This was a memorable dream because there was quite some detail in my conversation with the little boy, who was really sad. I waited too long with writing it down and lost details though
    4. Yes give me more...more...more RECALL

      by , 11-11-2015 at 07:23 PM
      D1 - I am looking at a stretch of road that has the wall of a building running along it. Single storey, dark brown flat roof, bumpy.
      There is a pavement running along, it then goes off to the left.
      I am being persuaded to demolish the building as this is a good time, as the owner is away. I know it is wrong to do.
      but I agree anyway.
      The part of the building is demolished and I have a new property built on the land. The owner is unsurprisingly unhappy on his return.

      Tryed to DEILD but just ReEnter Dream

      D2 - In the same street a bit further down the road, there is a modern apartment block. The windows are double glazed, with dark brown frames.
      I am asked to go park the car, on returning from holiday. I go to park it on a parking spot owned by the apartment block.
      I am asked to move it. So I try the next spot.
      I am asked to move it. So I try the next spot.
      each time the spot I am offered is smaller.
      Eventually I am given a spot only big enough for a small piece of luggage to sit on.
      I put the luggage down under a seated bar area and it is immediately covered over with food for a party.
      So I remove it.

      Tryed to DEILD but just ReEnter Dream

      D3 - Back into the same street, it is a Saturday. We are tired from returning from holiday but my partner does not want to go to bed :/
      We are traipsing around the streets. We do some shopping then arrive at a Pub. Inside is pretty empty as it is early morning, there are strange posters on the wall of some creature, plant like. The owner won't give us a refund for tickets to the band that was on last night.
    5. Vampire ate my friend, Devil at the cemetery

      by , 11-07-2015 at 10:48 AM (Snehk's Dreamlands)
      First dream

      Midnight, the moon was bright, giving some light to the city. It was really cold. I was driving a car in a Central District, following main road and then driving off to an alleys between skyscrapers. I parked the car, and went outside. Suddenly another car appeared and parked in the darkness. Then four persons came closer to me - they were my friends. All of them wearing black hoodies with dark trousers.

      - What's the plan?
      - We'll wait in the shadows. The vampire would arrive shortly.
      - Sounds good.

      We have hidden, and then another car parked in the darkness. Then a monstrosity - a tall humanoid with gray skin, sunken eyes and bat-like wings. We charged at the beast, but then it just swallowed one of my friends in his entirety. Next the vampire started to climb up a skyscraper, and tried to fly away. Suddenly I became a giant, and catched the vampire in my hand. I just thrown him down, and he hit the ground with force so strong, that vampires head just flied away from the corpse. Then my friend just scrambled out of the body. I became normal-sized again. We drove away to the docks, to throw the corpse into water. Next we were sitting near a fireplace and talked about getting a boat and crew.

      Second dream

      It was in another planet. It had breathable atmosphere and Earth-like gravity. I was in some sort of settlement. The main hall was really crowded. There was a teleport specialist post in the middle of the hall, a huge archway teleporter to the right, and a way outside to the left. I followed the hallway, and entered a locker room. I took a key, and opened a 182 locker. There was a bag with food rations, water and a hunting knife inside. I took it, and then went outside, as teleports were out of order for some reason.

      The whole planet was a rocky wasteland. There were little to none vegetation, and no animals. The planet was swarming with some sort of creatures with distorted bodies, attacking anyone at sight. Many explorers were slain by them, but I kept fighting, going through Rocky Wasteland, Dark Valley and other regions, until I appeared at Red Mountain - a huge volcano. There was a raging ash storm, but I couldn't go back, I've gone too far to retreat now. There were other explorers here, but no one was cooperating. It was a race - the person who reaches abandoned cemetery first and retrieves family memorabilia for a rich man, gets the prize.

      I was finally reaching the cemetery, but I stopped. Looking further, I saw that a wall of fire, and clouds of smoke and ash appeared. The rubble was flying all around. Finally something moved out of the clouds - it was devil himself, sending rays of destruction and death to anyone who might come. At first he was of more demonic appearance, but for some moments he looked like a corpse with glowing white, sunken eyes and gray hair.

      This is where the teleporters at main settlement became active again. I found a teleporting stone in my bag, and used it. There was a siege, everyone had to evacuate. People were running to Earth through the archway teleporter. I decided to go deeper into the base, and look for some things I could've left. There were none, and I ran towards the main hall.

      Last people were going through teleporter. Suddenly a portal appeared, and demons - bald people with gray skin, wearing bracers made of brown metal, and brown ragged trousers were going out of it. They had white, glowing and sunken eyes.

      I had to choose - running to Earth, or going to cemetery, to fight devil. I've chosen the latter, and went to teleport specialist, so he could teleport me to cemetery. She said "Perhaps you're the one to fight devil. You may be our last hope." She made a mistake however, and I ended too far from it. I went back through teleport - demons won, the building was ruined, all portals inactive. The teleporting specialist was still alive, and her friend appeared.

      I decided to go on foot again. Everyhting was gray and distorted. The sky was plain black, and there was only a green moon visible. I haven't went too far, getting weaker and weaker. In the end I just fallen on the ground. Suddenly everything get blurred, the time was moving backwards. I had to choose again, but this time I went to Earth. I appeared in an upper floor of old mansion. I went downstairs.
    6. double crossing dreamlets worm there way in

      by , 11-03-2015 at 06:51 PM
      Dl1 - Driving around the neighborhood, indistinct local roads, all very grey. Collide with other car driver (old ds). Agree to give him some more and pull out wad of cash. But trick him, the money is not to fix his car but to pay for him to do some work for me.
      He has to write a long essay for me.

      Dl2 - In an office, im given a form that has been filled out. I must change the form as its all filled out incorrectly: wrong address, lots missing. I fill out some details then ring firm to check they have not acted on application yet. It's ok there is still time to change the details before they go live on their system. The application is fraudulent, all the needed information is taken from random spurious sources.

      Dl3 - A country had been invaded by someone. I can see a kind of zoomed out view of the country with the natives highlighted black and the invading army highlighted in red.
      It shows there are far more invaders that native peoples and where highest concentrations are.
      I am standing on a hillside (zoomed out) overlooking the shores of the other country and far off towns, undersiege. I need to save the country. I abseil down cliffs to the beach below. There are some caves below the chalk cliffs.
      A bearded man asks if I want to buy some vials of earth. The earth is in different colours and is good for your health. I buy some and taste it, it's disgusting.

      He then sells me a selection of balloon like worms of different colours. I take one out and it crawls/slides onto my face. This one is whitish in colour, looks a bit like intestines. Every hair on my body stands up as it crawls over my lips and feeds on me. I try to move it away and it goes onto my neck. I scream inwardly Aaaaaaaaaa!!!!

      Dl4 - I go across the sea and again see a zoomed out view of all the important towns and roads. I choose to land away from the main towns where the land slopes down. I travel through some weird stick forest, where the trees are like giant twigs. I manage to get through without being spotted.
      Again, I see zoomed out view of towns on hillside. I set fire to a giant CD, shiny silver and roll it at town at bottom of the hill. It sets fire to the town and a chain reaction is set in motion as town after town is set ablaze.
      The main towns do not realise until it is to late and the battle is won.
      The leaders of the opposing army are brought to meet with the other sides leaders.
      All seems victorious until a knight of the other sides army grabs a gigantic sword, claymore and proceeds to cut everyones heads off in one swing. Leading to a sudden reversal of fortunes.

      The bit with the worms were too vivid and bit with the earth was the first time I recall tasting anything in a dream...I think.

      Updated 11-03-2015 at 06:53 PM by 88638

    7. To the bar

      by , 10-28-2015 at 06:20 PM (Snehk's Dreamlands)
      It was cold winter morning. A blizzard was raging all around. I took some clothes and then someone parked his car on my front yard. I went outside, and saw that it was one of my classmates - a blonde haired, well built dude. He told me that we should drive to a bar. I agreed, but told him that with winning a wager with him, I'm not going to drink alcohol. He told me that he's going to drink, but needs a driver. We entered the bar - it was heavily crowded as there was a party inside, sat near one of the tables and he drank some vodka.
    8. #139 - compliment / awesome dad

      by , 10-25-2015 at 09:29 PM (The Oneironaut's Odyssey)

      My flatmate had a random burst of energy and offered if I wanted to go to the gym with him at 9:30pm. I ended up managing to get into bed around 11:30pm so my sleep wasn't that great. Interestingly though I decided to meditate before going to bed, and for the first time that I can remember, I actually felt myself falling asleep.. I think meditating in bed before I go to sleep might be good for me so I'll trial it again. I also had a whole bunch of WILD visions, where I could see the dream forming. It was pretty cool, it happened several times and each time it would dissipate (probably because of inexperience and because it was too early in the night). I woke up at 3am for a WBTB and decided I'd try meditating again. I did a mindfulness practice on my body, starting from the feet and working my way to the head until I held my whole body in awareness. Unfortunately I became too aware and lay in bed in a sort of borderline-sleep state from 3:30-6:00, bored as f*ck... I managed to recall two dreams (one from earlier in the night and another from 6:30-7:30).

      Dream 1 - Compliment
      More of a dream fragment, I was sitting in the lounge in my flat playing guitar and watching TV. No one was supposed to be home so I just decided to start singing. I love to sing but I REALLY suck lol, so I was just enjoying it . Then my flatmate Olly walks past and looks at me a bit surprised. I look up at him from the relaxed position I'm in as I sit on the couch. I don't seem to stop singing, I kind of keep going, trying to finish the verse I'm singing. It takes a few seconds and then he's like "Hey maybe your singing voice isn't as bad as you thought". Damn that felt nice hearing him say that ^_^

      Dream 2 - Awesome dad
      I remember being with my dad and he was driving us away from my university. We were heading to the university that he worked at (he doesn't in RL). It's not as prestigious as my own university, its reputation is that some of the people are a bit dumb . We arrive and enter through a white archway front entrance and rolled into a small courtyard with parking all over the place. There's a narrow road with diagonal parking spaces but they're all filled up, we drive down there anyways hoping to find a space at the end. It feels so vivid it's unbelievable. Like I can remember lots of random details... The sky was bright blue, I remember the clothing that some people wore (kind of artsy looking students, upon looking at them I thought they had some kind of school uniform too). I can remember the main building and how the windows looked (far too hard to explain), and I remember peering outside of the window to my left and spotting some cute looking girls looking my way . I thought to myself that this university would have been cool to go to, the whole place felt alive. I was still in the car with my dad driving down that narrow road looking for a park, but we reached the end and nothing. He then starts backing up the car and just goes so fast, he's looking behind us as he drives and looks so comfortable driving. I think to myself how good at driving he must be, especially since the road was so narrow. It really blew my mind. I notice also how damn long the road seems to be, was it always this long? We've been reversing for ages. I know that the road wasn't this long when we first went down it (low level awareness but I didn't get lucid). We're finally out and he turns the car around. "How come you didn't send me to this university?" I ask
      "Because I worked too damn hard" he replies (or something along those lines). He wanted me to go to a good university, though in RL he had no influence on my choice ^_^.
      I have to go back to my university now, so we both step out of the car. The place around us is quite active, there's a lot of people walking around since it's the middle of the day at a university. I run around the car and give my dad a big hug, "Love you dad!" I say with a profound sense of affection. I felt like my dad was just awesome . I wasn't even the slightest bit embarrassed about all the people that were looking at us. I head to the front entrance of the university by myself so I can catch a taxi home. The end.
    9. #17: Lecture / Car / Languages / Boring sunset

      by , 10-23-2015 at 09:01 AM

      Dream 1: Lecture
      I'm sitting in a lecture hall. It's one of those classrooms where the rows to the back are way higher than the rows in the front. I think the lecture was already over. There are just a few people left. I myself am somewhere halfway to the back, perhaps a little bit further. I remember a girl sitting a bit further to the back. Also a classmate whom I rarely talk to because I don't care for her too much is there. She asks me how I'm doing with the final assignment. Ow man.. I'm too busy with the exams right now to do the assignment. I walk with her a bit, down the steps. She mentions that the assignment is already due this week Thursday. Wait what?! Isn't it the week after? I'm fucked. I realise that I need to go back to my seat instead of walk out with her, cause I'm barefooted and my shoes are still at my seat. I end up having the attention of the girl in the back for just a split second, while I'm standing in a row that's further to the back than hers. I do a diveroll [parkour move] over a row of seats.

      Dream 2: Car
      It's daytime and I'm sitting in the car, back row to the right. On the left is my girlfriend. The driver's seat is on the left side of the car. Cas, someone who I haven't talked to in years, is driving. In the passenger seat is at one point his ex-girlfriend and at one point a different girl. We are driving to the airport of Jakarta. I've got a sort of comfortable foetal position going on. At one point it feels like I kinda pretend to be asleep, but eventually I actually do fade in and out of sleep [in the dream only, I didn't really wake up]. I think about having to spend 14 hours on the airplane back to Amsterdam. So long... I don't really remember the conversation, if any. At one point we were just there. I do remember being able to look at the girl in front of me as if there was no chair between us. I also remember an oddly shaped part of the car, underneath the dashboard.

      Indonesian cars have a steering wheel on the right. Also, this car [kinda beat up] is definitely not Cas' real life car.

      Dream 3: Languages
      I'm chilling with my housemate and Indonesian classmate, both girls. We're at one point at 'home' [it doesn't resemble our home] and at one point standing in front of it. My housemate has a lot of thick fantasy books, which were left behind by the last person who occupied the room. Nice for her. She has some stuff to use to her liking, or just sell or whatever. We're outside, but it feels like we're just sitting.. on the ground perhaps. My housemate spends about 90% of the time talking in Dutch to me, which I think is mean to my classmate who barely understands Dutch. I try to talk mostly in English. I don't remember my classmate talking at all. My housemate justifies talking in Dutch by saying that there's no need to talk in English if my classmate doesn't participate in the conversation. I explain that it's a vicious cycle that I've experienced myself in Indonesia: because people speak a language you don't understand, you don't participate. Because you don't participate, they continue using a language you don't understand.

      Dream 4: Boring sunset
      I'm in what's supposed to be one of the rooms I lived in during my time in Indonesia, except it's much more luxurious, with a balcony and such. There is ok-ish scenery with a sunset that is supposed to be beautiful, but right now [while writing] I don't think of it as such. I remember I promised to give my friend pictures that I made from my window. There's another guy in the room with me.. and a baby, a boy. I film the baby, who does some funny stuff.
    10. #16: Driving / Leaking

      by , 10-22-2015 at 08:34 AM

      Dream 1: Driving
      I'm driving my old moped. I've got my Indonesian classmate on the back. We're going to the train station. She handles navigation but is not too good with left and right. It's mostly a curvy road with just a few options to go left or right. Ahead of us we see her [so she's there twice] going to the left on her bicycle, while the train station is on the right. I mention that that is what happens when you leave navigation to her. Luckily I know the way a bit. Just before the end there is a small uphill part. I struggle with it, as if I'm bicycling instead of using my moped. As soon as I'm on top I smoothly park to the right side, just left of an orange beat down motorcycle. Another Indonesian classmate and one of my best friends show up with another moped and park to the left of me. I open the seat of my moped and allow for them to put their helmets in. My helmet is too big to fit, but my classmate and my friend can easily stuff their helmets in there.

      » It's daytime and I'm sitting on the couch with my girlfriend. On the right side of us is my little brother. My girlfriend and I get a little bit flirty. On the left is another block of houses. There's a dude with an afro who spots us and says something. I think it's about something sports related, though I don't remember what exactly.

      » It's daytime and I'm riding a bicycle, with someone on the back. Perhaps my girlfriend. I'm going through a neighbourhood and a part of the road has been blocked for construction work. I take another route.

      » Still daytime. Walking outside, I think with some friends. We pass an intersection where a car accident has happened.

      » I'm having a fight with my mom, though I don't remember what the fight was about.

      Dream 2: Leaking
      » Daytime again. I'm sitting in a public transportation bus with one of my best friends. It's just us and the bus driver. There is a pipeline similar to that of a sprinkler system on the left side of the bus, near the ceiling. It's leaking in several places, causing gas to come out. I mention that it's dangerous as fire is put out by taking away oxygen, exactly what this system does. I turn one of the handles to close it, but this just increases the pressure on a different leak. I don't wanna close them all, afraid of what all the build up pressure will do. In the end we exit safely. I remember the bus driver having brown hair, almost shoulder length. With curls. [aka: he had a mullet].

      Updated 10-22-2015 at 08:55 AM by 71740

    11. #14

      by , 10-20-2015 at 08:18 AM

      Dream 1: Number
      I'm scrolling through my Whatsapp conversations. I see the name of the girlfriend of my housemate. I see a message popping up that she has accepted me as a contact. I figure that it must have happened through Line [whatsapp alternative]. I had her number, Line automatically added her, which notified her and allowed her to accept me.. and that passed through to Whatsapp.

      In reality I don't have her number. The process through Line is accurate, but the Whatsapp part makes no sense.

      » I'm talking to my friend T. She asks me how the Amsterdam Dance Event was. I tell her it was fine.

      I went to ADE last weekend.

      » I see my ex-girlfriend dancing. She's always been a good dancer. Her moves look good from the waist up, but if you look at the feet it looks really weird. A ballerina on her toes, but that doesn't fit what she is doing at all. Her feet are covered in bandages

      Dream 2: Cars & girls
      I'm standing in front of a counter with someone. There is a girl working behind it. It's like a reception desk, made from wood. There is a box-shaped item on the counter and from my perspective, in front of this item are her car key and another key. She mentioned something about keeping our stuff safe and in return I mention that her keys are here and I could've swiped them if I wanted to. I also say I did it once when she wasn't looking, though I didn't. We try using the clicker, to see if it will unlock her car from here. To my right is the exit which has some glass walls and immediately after is the parking lot. She tells me it works. I ask her where her car is cause I don't see it. She mentions a car type, but I can't recall which one, just that it didn't make much sense and I still didn't know what to look for. I scan the parking lot from left to right and see her car to the right all the way in the back. I recognise it from the orange lights blinking once you unlock it remotely. Her left passenger door has opened cause of it. An older man who is walking by closes it.

      My cousin and I are getting a ride home from Sophie, a girl we met years ago and haven't seen since. I'm sitting in the back to the right. Sophie is driving, her steering wheel on the right side.
      In the Netherlands, steering wheels are on the left side. She has a cigarette in her right hand, but has crossed her arm over her body so that her hand is to the left of her body. I look outside. We're in my mom's street. The playground looks awesome! There are a bunch of canoes about 3 meters from the ground, connected through pipes or something alike. Some men are chilling on top of it. I notice quite a big spot of sate sauce on the interior of the car [on the plastic 'wall' to the right, which has a brown/beige colour] and mention it to her. I manage to wipe some off with a banana peel. She looks behind her to see what's up. It's a straight piece of road now, so it's ok for a moment. I tell her to watch out, cause there is a 90° turn to the right ahead, and a car parked just ahead as well. She reacts really slowly. Less than a meter before impact I reach over for the handbrake, but I'm too late. She has already hit the brake though and miraculously not hit the parked car. Her car came to an immediate stop just a few centimetres away from the parked car. We both wonder if she didn't hit it. Well we didn't feel a bump, so...

      It's now my best friend and I who are getting a ride from his sister. She parked the car in front of my mom's house. She gets out, I get out, my friend is still inside. He's somehow laying all the way from front till back, apparently exhausted. His sister says that she knew she he wouldn't be able to make it home the moment she saw his bike. I look at his sister attentively. Wait.. am I starting to fall in love with her? No way. His sister! I look again. She isn't even attractive to me, braces and all. Why am I falling for her?
      It feels as if the feelings for Sophie [who we thought was an attractive girl] are projected unto her.

      Updated 10-20-2015 at 08:27 AM by 71740

    12. Minor Antics (DILD/FA/NLD)

      by , 10-15-2015 at 06:46 PM
      Ritual: Woke up around 5am after four hours of sleep and decided to make a proper LD attempt. To reinforce my intention I used supplements, my usual stack of Alpha-GPC, L-Theanine, and Bacopa. Did some SSILD cycles until I felt too wakeful, and then breathing/counting. After falling half-asleep and waking up again, I turned on my side.

      DILD: My recall is poor from the fact that I haven't been journaling diligently, and I also didn't write more than a few notes promptly after the dream, so I don't clearly recall the onset of lucidity. I just remember that I was in a small, empty, square room with white walls and beige carpet, and I knew I was dreaming. I had the idea that I should better integrate with the dream through physical activity, so I did some high-knee running for a few circles around the room, and followed it up with jumping jacks. This felt absurdly easy compared to the physical strain of exercising in WL, and the sense of incongruity almost collapsed the dream.

      I managed to hold the dream together, but now I was feeling dissatisfied, and I decided that I didn't like this room with its ugly beige carpet. I went through the door and found myself outside, which was a nice change. I found myself in a small yard bordered by beautiful vegetation, glossy green leaves and vividly colorful flowers.

      FA-NLD: At this point I had an FA during which I lost lucidity by believing I was actually awake. I recall telling someone about how beautiful the outdoors was in the dream I just had, compared to the bland indoor environment. The dream proceeded to take the form of a meeting with colleagues at work, though the details have faded.

      DILD: At some point after the meeting, I was driving in a car with two women and realized I was dreaming again. I had reviewed the TOTMs during my WBTB, and was very confident in my recollection that one of the basic tasks was to blow a car horn! That will be easy, I figured, since I'm already driving a car... in fact, I feel bad because it's almost too easy. Dream took care of that, so when I pressed the horn, no sound came out. I ended up putting a lot of concentration into trying to coax some sound out of the horn, and the best I could get was a kind of doorbell buzz.

      After giving up on my efforts to make the car horn sound louder or more realistic, I pulled over to the side of the road, and got out of the car with the two women. We were on a small rural road with a nice view over some fields. Now I wanted to try one of the advanced tasks, to pass into a DC's body. As I approached one of the women with this intention, I noticed her appearance had changed: previously she had been a fully-clothed middle-aged woman of non-descript appearance. Now I was walking toward the body of a nude young woman with no head! It wasn't that the head had been chopped off, her body just ended at the neck, a smooth stump.

      I didn't let this deter me and walked right into the body. I realized that the lack of a head was handy: since the only "headspace" I was occupying was my own, I didn't feel any confusion about my identity—although it made the task less interesting than it might have been. However, I began to suspect that since the body had been facing me as I merged with it, now my head might be attached backwards! This thought was so disconcerting that I woke up before I could look down and check.
    13. #122 - Riding a lawnmower

      by , 10-05-2015 at 02:45 AM (The Oneironaut's Odyssey)

      Dream - Riding a lawnmower
      This dream was pretty cool, I seemed to be sitting on top of a push motor-lawnmower that's being pulled along the road by a car that my dad is driving. In my head I was thinking it was similar to how you sit on a skateboard and just roll downhill or something. The road I'm on looks to similar to an area where I lived a few years ago. The road is long and straight at this point and it starts sloping uphill. We pass by 2 high school kids who must have just finished for the year, they were wearing red + white letterman jackets. Further up the road we passes by 4 skateboarders who also must have just finished from a different school. They were wearing purple + black letterman jackets. After passing them my dad slowed down a bit, there seemed to be a red helicopter landing on the road with a red car next to it. Things got a little chaotic, as we pass them I turn to look ahead at the car my dad is in, except now it's a helicopter too and he's flying higher and higher. He can't pull me along any further as there are trees obstructing his path ahead. He circles back behind and lands, kind of dragging me along with him. Next time I look at him, he's driving a car again... I don't know what happened but I wake up after this.

      Worst sleep last night, insomnia kicked in so I'm feeling pretty ragged today. Surprised I even recalled a dream
    14. That's a accurate depiction of travelling with my family actually.

      by , 10-01-2015 at 07:12 PM (Here be dragons)
      Semi-decent WBTB gave me good viviness but zero lucidity. Let's try that again shall we.

      I'm with my mother in her car, and we're traveling through the contry. It's very peaceful, everything is sunny and the forest are lush and bright, deep green. We talk about someone I'm worried about IRL*, and on cue we're trying to get out of a hospital parking lot. It takes some maneuvers but my mother manage to get us out and back on the peaceful road. We reach a small twon, build on a steep hill. All the house are in old, weathered beige stones, with red tiles roofs and accent of potted plants and bright drapes. The road are paved with stones of the same color that the houses. Some of the houses are linked together with small aisles and overpass, it looks lit the town grown on itself over the years, becoming quite maze-like. I walk in a house and go up some stairs to enter another house, where the very old owner agressivly throw me out. I smell smoke, and see that the town hall is on fire, emitting a thick yellow smoke.
      There are children running from it and firemen running to it, I join them to steer the reimaining children away. One of the fireman thanks me, and ask for my help to do the same with dogs trapped inside. The smoke is suffocating but I try, and soon there's dogs running everywhere. I don't recognize any of they breed, but some are clearly overzised. One of them, lanky in build with dark shaggy fur take a liking in me and follow me around, giving me doggy kisses and rubbing against me.

      *The engineer I worked with during my training period. He gave me some new recently and things aren't easy for him.
    15. 22/9/2015

      by , 09-22-2015 at 07:02 AM
      Standing in our driveway, a mini drove up and through the barn. I found a doorway had been made at the back. On investigation someone had made an illegal milk bottling plant at the back of the barn.
      Spent ages showing my dad how they had made special doors to hide what they were doing.

      I was doing lots of things around the back of the barn. Then there was a small fire in the roof of the barn I didn't do much about it. it was raining and I was worried the rain would get in through the hole and threw some plastic sheeting over.

      Can't remember much else.
      Tags: barn, car, dad
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