non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid FA / AP At the apartment I used to live in front of my mom, but it is my two vets who live there together (not as a gay couple, just roommates). I am staying as a guest in the office room, which is totally empty, except for a tent where I sleep. I bake them a cake for some reason but have to throw it away. They want to know why and I find it hard to explain. Later on inside the tent, it starts tumbling like pushed by a strong wind and I accidentaly find myself getting out in my old dojo. I recognize my Kenpo colleagues, but I don't see our sensei. I try to go away before he arrives, but instead some other sensei appears. He doesn't know me and is not happy to see me there. I sneak out and on the next room people are practicing yoga. Alicja is with them as well and a couple of her friends and some funny Eastern European lady who tries to do a headstand and hits me with ther feet on my face. I end up helping her and others follow my example and help each other. They invivite me to stay and practice with them, but I say I gotta go. Next room is a pavillion with some IT expo and it is so packed with people, I need to cut through stands and step over people totry to get somewhere. I get kinda stuck at a booth where some couple puts some half dozen boxes in my hands saying it's gift merchandise. I say it's inconvenient for me to carry it and they get offended, so they take it back and put it all in the trash. I beg them not to do it and that I'll take it gladly, but only when it becomes possible to talk away through the crowd with it. There is some kind of end of the world event and I am stuck in some cult that rejects sheltering from it and forces me to be part of some ritual where we wait for the shockwave (from a comet, maybe) tp hit us. The vibe is very surreal, it is circus like, or like a Terry Gillian movie. Everybody else is running for their lives and we are standing on top of a cargo train, in the middle of the night. But when the shockwave is coming, turns out they also start running in panic. But there is no escape so I stay in place and just repeat mantras, trying to clam my mind. Miraculously, the wave doesn't affect me. All of a sudden it is gone and all the crazies are also gone, just a couple friendly people around and everything in chaos. As if the world was purged. Then I start walking down towards where the others ran and I start finding only belongings that everybody left behind. There is furniture and smaller belongings. I find someone's jewelry collecttion and there is lots of gold and silver. I fill a bag. A friend points out that maybe that is now worth nothing, but I still treasure it. Ahead is an entire library and I pick my favorite books as I dance and sing happily Björk songs.
Comet Visit I was on a space shuttle bound to visit a comet. This was mostly a white surface, probably inspired by concrete more than ice. I don't remember any sky or starscape, since I was mostly looking at the ground. I came across some small red plants (similar to seaweed) growing in a patch. Finding plants growing on a comet would be an important discovery! Unfortunately, upon getting back in the space shuttle, it turned out that the plants had been put there previously as part of an experiment 'by a PhD student'. (I don't think anyone told me this - as often happens in dreams, I just knew.) Later I went out in deep space and ended up floating out there, somewhat worried about by prospects for getting back. I had a HUD which allowed me to scroll through possible targets, and upon selecting a target, my thrusters would slowly take me there. I managed to select the space shuttle quickly enough to get back before it got too far away, but only after hurriedly scrolling through many irrelevant targets. I remember hearing some radio chatter between the pilot (a woman), and ground control (male voices), and peering forward into the cockpit. Skip forward to re-entry, and everything seemed to be going well. While we landed, though, I realised the wheels were beginning to smoulder and might catch fire. Suddenly, all of the crew of the space shuttle (including me) were outside sprinting away in fear that it would catch fire and explode. I saw a person or two I recognised from my memories in the crowd. The end of this scene seemed to be inside a very large warehouse where the spacecraft were stored; in the end the space shuttle was fine. Note: Lately I'd been reading about astrobiology and speculation on alien life. Can't remember any other space dreams off the top of my head. University Life A senior member of a student society or 'panel' had resigned in order to make way for a new member, since they thought it would help the new member's career opportunities. They were mostly female and drawn from my memories. After watching this being explained, I went into a side corridor, and I knew that everyone had a small extra room here for 'emergency purposes'. My room was to the left, the first door off another side corridor, containing only a bed. A man came in to repair something, and watching this for a while, a man opens the door of the side corridor. For some reason I get it into my head that the second man thinks I'm in a gay relationship with the maintenance man, to my irritation. Later, everyone gathered outside on a lawn to watch a building's roof (a glass dome) explode. An announcer explained that this is due to its composition of silicon dioxide, which is said to be unstable in our atmosphere. Note: I've had the odd dream set in a school or university, normally involving very different buildings or outdoors areas each time. Awful Pixelated Game I'm walking in the road in a random real-life location, with a skip on my right-hand side (and a lack of cars on the road) as the only changes. Someone is talking to me about a game. It's set with a light blue background, and I may have somehow seen the game by looking into the skip. I think the game may have involved bears or polar bears, and it had these weird low-resolution pixelated graphics, where one of the characters was a sort of blobby snowman marked by one-pixel borders and a face made of a few black pixels. There was nothing particularly good or special about the game (probably better than Flappy Bird), except that a sixteen-year old teenager had designed it. I didn't get why people were talking about it.
Morning of May 22, 2015. Friday. There are a number of (seemingly) random facets to this dream. The first event relates to hearing about a comet on a collision course with Earth (the name of the comet not being known or mentioned) and to strike somewhere in New England (America); either Maine or Vermont. I heard the name of the city as well at one point, but do not recall it - or there could have been a “reset” to explain the Maine and Vermont confusion as I seem to recall both conflicting elements. The unusual detail is that it will supposedly not cause that much widespread destruction even though it is indeed an entire comet that had apparently passed by the Earth before. I am not that concerned as I am on the other side of the planet anyway. However, my (deceased) sister Marilyn is also an in-dream character, and she has never been outside the United States. I do seem to be living amidst some of my present real-life features and circumstances, though the setting is ambiguous. The next part of my dream seems set in possibly our Stadcor Street home in Brisbane (though it does have a few elements reminiscent of our present house’s kitchen). It involves an unknown family cooking an elephant bird (extinct birds from Madagascar - formally known as Aepyornithidae) as some sort of taste test or trial. It is not fully known of how ordinary citizens in a family got the body of an elephant bird, though there is a mention of someone having cloned one. There are only two smaller cooked pieces on the plate (which resemble distorted parts of normal-sized chicken legs with about half the skin removed - which unrealistically represents a part of the otherwise huge bird), but oddly, my dream “resets” twice - where I eat the two pieces as three different people in a sequence; a black female of about thirty, one of her sons of about thirteen (who I believe cooked the meal), and as myself as I am now. I do not question this strange transition and impossible series of events of the changing in-body perspectives - it is like spiritually “jumping” from body to body for a very short time to experience the essence of how the person is moving and what they are tasting. The female gets annoyed by a single small red ant crawling on the edge of the plate at one point and says loudly to “get that animal out of the house” and it seems to foretell failed cooking endeavors in the future until it is removed. This part is a bit unusual in that the two pieces of meat are “still” on the plate as if they had not already been eaten three times over in the few “resets”. After this is another somewhat confusing event involving my sister (appearing as she was in about 1980) chiding me (but without that much emotion) relating to having broken a CD case holder, which is somewhat drawer-like (so that it would fit in a larger cabinet in the kitchen). There is a part near the front on one side that is broken off, which is a cylindrical piece of plastic, which makes it difficult to keep the cases uniform. I explain how it had happened due to it being difficult to get the case back in, being slightly wider than what the holder seemed designed for. As I look around, I notice a couple dish racks which look very similar to the CD case holders (and almost the same size - but for smaller plates) and notice that there had been a breakage in the same area along the top runner of the “drawer” in at least two of the racks. I then say how I am not the one who had broken the other items, reflecting that my sister had probably done it, making the act of me having broken the other item seem less eventful and me less deficient. There are about a dozen holders for either CDs or small plates in the kitchen, all on the same side of the room. At this point, I am also still aware of the comet approaching the other side of the planet (but again, supposedly not to be a catastrophe even though I am somewhat wary of the idea). Finally, I notice that I have an open cut near the middle of my right middle finger, which seems infected. Green jelly is showing, which somehow seems to be coagulated blood. I start to reflect on the idea, as I pull out what seems like an entire “vein” that resembles a green-apple strand of toothpaste but more viscous, that I probably should have gone to the doctor and gotten antibiotics before it progressed this far. Still, I am somewhat relieved that I am able to pull out most of this green “vein” (all the way down to my wrist) before it infects more of my body, but as I do, I am aware that it will make my hand somewhat hollow and eventually useless. There is one area above the knuckle that seems more problematic and “lumpy” as a result of the infection and needs to all come out. In fact, as I mention it to my sister, my hand is already weakened and “hollow” near the wrist where it will probably just flop around unable to be used to pick things up. Most of the muscle seems to somehow be gone shortly after my act of pulling out the green “Gummy Worm”, even though it was only the one strand that I pulled out.
Updated 09-26-2015 at 01:54 PM by 1390
30.11.2013Comet ISON tracking, Sphinx revival and flight. (DILD) NON-DREAM DREAM LUCID I had a false awakening and it was night. The room was very dark, darker as usual and my wife was not there. I went to the living room and saw my wife looking at the TV, even though, the TV was off. There was an iPad laying on the TV (note, we own Samsung, not iOS) and it had a real time tracking software on comet ISON and it was beeping every two seconds. My wife told me she was tracking the comet to see if it survived the sun or not. I looked outside the window and I could see a sky full of stars. I realized that there was no electricity at all. Even though, my computer was working. I wondered if the grid went down, but a few seconds later, all the street lights started to lit and the stars went away. I dozed off. I had another false awakening in some weird warehouse. I kind of realized that I was dreaming, as I did not know the place where I woke up. The dream was very low quality and I could not make it stable well, so I opened a small window and started to fly to make it stable, but lost the dream. I had another false awakening in the same warehouse and now there were people. I somehow believed I was still dreaming, so ran outside. I met a guy and asking him where to go to exit there. He looked at me like if I was nuts and pointed the exist. As I exited, I was in a forest with a lot of trees. I tried to take of flying but I could not, even gravity felt normal. I told myself, "Well, I am dreaming, I think..." And looked at my hand. My fingers were made out of energy and wavy, so I indeed was dreaming and reminded myself flying is an easy task to do for me, so I took off. As I was flying, I saw a desert and reminded myself in the tasks of the year. I recalled I had to do the Sphinx one, so I landed and was near the Great Sphinx. There were other buildings around (western buildings) but the pyramids were there, and specially, the Sphinx . I flew to the top of her and placed my hands in front of her nose, which was chipped and damaged. I started to channel healing energy like I use to do in real life and a new nose spawned. Easy and done, lucky me... Suddenly, the Sphinx started to move and I flew on her above the pyramids. As I was flying, the pyramids shrunk and some weird metallic buildings spawned out of nowhere, after a short while, the Sphinx landed and then, she flew away. She kind of looking half stone half flesh, but, I flew on her so I was good to go. I started to focus on making an L-DEILD and get the last task of the year done, but I started to feel my body in bed and rapidly, lost the dream and woke up.
Tuesday, 4/23/13 Last night, bed at 12:45am - 6:50am DR: Long and detailed I'm with group of fighters. We are attacking or escaping from a glass, lit up corporate building. Running through corridors, at one point I go around to top of some rocks to see if the velaciraptor is waiting for us behind the corner. As we come to the end, standing in a big hallway, next to glass exit doors, a guy in distant control room tells us, that someone needs to shut the blast doors somewhere halfway from start to finish. I have a feeling that my characted will volunteer and I kinda watch her from outside make decision. But then the guy said that he did it remotely. So we are walking away, safe, no need to run. Walking by some glass display cases on left. In one of them is something that looks like 3 pieces of pink flower. Like the ones in Avatar, when you touch them, they detract themselfs. But they are not flowers, but a 3-piece comet hurtling through space. It was a live image of it. NAP: 8;15 - 11:20am - My dad is into foot fetish and I worry for the teenagers having a party in neighbors apartment, while he is out of town. - I get upset at my mom and storm away from backyard carrying something. - I'm leaving my hotel room. I'm not happy with the door in saloon style, because it gives no privacy. I'm locking it with lock and chain. I'm attempting to land inside the dreamlet to be lucid. As I'm flying over some pleasant rolling hills, I see a house on the hill, which gets more sinister the closer I get to it. I say "I am there" but I know I don't mean it, so i don't transfer into LD. I change direction and land next to the tennis field. I ask some boys if they want me to throw their tennis balls over back to them.
Updated 04-24-2013 at 07:52 AM by 50242
This dream started out in the void. No landscape, no characters, nothing; just my dream-self and the absence of everything else. At first I didn’t know where I was or if I was dreaming, having sleep paralysis, or something similar. I tried touching my hands and spinning myself around to gain control, but to no avail. At last I yelled as loud as possibly could. Absolute silence. Fortunately, this confirmed that I was indeed dreaming and lucidity was achieved! So there I was floating out in the void. It's like my dreamscape was waiting for me to manifest it! So I decided to have some fun with physics/geometry. I had always wondered what a tesseract (4 dimensional cube) actually looked like, and now that I wasn't in dumb old 3D reality, I decided it'd be a prime time to conjure one up. It was easy to create the tesseract shape we all love and know from images and videos, though I can't recall what color it was. Next, I tried transforming it into a true 4D structure, which is where I started to run into problems. Every time I tried "folding" the object, it seemed to crumple up. The more I tried to manifest it, the more I began to feel an upward pull on my body and become panicked, like I was going to get launched out into oblivion like in that really dumb movie "The Forgotten." I decided it wasn't worth losing control of the dream, so I settled for doing something a little more feasible. I ended up conjuring forth two blue orbs and placing them opposite each other at either end of the void (if it can even have an end). I then accelerated them to tremendous speeds and crashed them into each other dead on. They exploded into billions of tiny particles in a fantastic bloom effect that was one of the coolest things I’ve ever seen. Further observing the collision, the particles, all orbiting their common center of mass, started to coalesce into a sphere, which eventually settled into a swirling disk. Regardless of whether it was entirely accurate to real world physics or not, it was insanely radical, and that's what counts! I collided orbs several more times, making them hit each other at skewed angles. This produced structures that resembled spiral galaxies. dead on collisions between a small orb and a large orb produced structures with protruded rings. Collisions between fast objects and slow objects painted comet-like smears across the void. I went on colliding orbs until the dream faded out and eventually I woke up. All in all, it was the coolest dream I've ever had. Prior to this dream, I had reinitiated my practice of daily mediation as well as multiple ADA sessions every day. I think both of those had a lot to do with this dream’s success.
The Comet and the Cube: I was in a really vivid dream, probably one of the most vivid ones I can recall. It started with me finding out I am working with some of my colleague at my current job. We were working outside at nighttime in a place near my house. The night sky was very beautiful, dark but there were a lot of bright starts which gave it a nice glow. Supposedly, I finished my shift and walked past two colleagues which my mind interpreted as being new ones, since, I don’t recall seeing them before. I walked past them and into the middle of the store which had no walls and I ended up hearing a colleague asking me about what sauce I would like. At this point, I turn to her and ask why and she looks at me, laughs and agrees. I noticed a comet moving west across the sky. It was in the shape of a very bright rod with sparks coming out in front of it and large circles that were touching its front as if trailing it. I immediately notify my colleagues to look up at the comet. Afterwards, an object which was said to be a galaxy was moving south and as it moved, it became larger where eventually it took the shape of a cube with a ps3 game controller pattern on the top side and with two circles, possibly more surrounding it. This cube was huge, it was taking up a good part of POV and took me completely by surprise. Thoughts: Interesting dream, again didn't catch the no wall thing, but, the dream was sooo vivid, not lucid but was still a nice one. Would love to get another one that is THAT vivid.
Updated 06-13-2010 at 02:34 AM by 24565
Night of August 15, 1990. Wednesday. Prior to contacting my wife-to-be for the very first time in waking reality, I had a very vivid dream of two comets orbiting each other in a very close spiral pattern and becoming the Yin Yang symbol for a time. The feeling of Fall/Autumn seems slightly enhanced. The pattern of the two “comets” eventually turned into a Paisley design after moving apart again. I am also aware of one-half of the Yin-Yang symbol floating out over the ocean (seemingly from another country far away), like a sort of intelligently guided swirl - and I feel a sense of peace. It moves in a circle, but at times becomes comet-like again - leaving a trail of subtle sparks and brilliant wavy lines. After several minutes, the swirling light becomes of human form and “lands” on the shore, near the ocean. (The original objects appeared to come to me from the south.) It turned into a girl named Amelia (wearing a Paisley dress) possibly of about seven to nine years of age (no older than twelve), standing on rocks a bit out from the shore. I “knew” she was my future daughter Amelia (in complete contrast to when my “mystery girl”, that is, Zsuzsanna, appeared in a dream). She is seemingly wearing an old-fashioned dress with a blue and gold flower design. There is also a curious feeling of peace and assurance that seems to be coming from some sort of “superior force” (of nature?). The Paisley design represents another subtle form of the Yin Yang symbol for me. This was a fairly common “pre-anniversary” dream, where the date prior to the precognitive link matches (in this case, my real daughter’s birthday). My wife-to-be, without any clues or cues from me, told me that she liked the name “Amelia” and thus we decided on this as a first name before we even met.
Updated 03-19-2017 at 11:25 AM by 1390