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    1. 3 Aug: Confronting some mafia guys, people from the past, yelling at former boss

      by , 08-03-2019 at 09:58 PM (Lucid-schizo-dreamer)
      non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid false awakening

      With a group of friends heading to the door of some mafia dude to ask something. We get there and he is throwing a family party for his daughter who is having a birthday or going to marry. Hard to say. They have a skating ring in the house, invite us to skate and I feel like it, but the others point out that we are there for serious business. I thought they were Russian or Armenian, but then they all start dancing merengue and salsa and I think again that they must be South American. We leave empty handed.

      I am walking with a group of people. Feels like the kids from my extra curricular activities when I was also a kid, but I am an adult. Then I leave them and go alone across VFX. Come across a guy who recognizes me. His face isn't strange to me either, I think he went to primary school with me. I ask hiss name and it is something like Leonildo.

      A company of stone pavement is going bankrupt. I have worked there and go there just to get something back. Cross path with the manager saying it is our fault? I make a scandal and question him "Us, who? I think you mean the admins in suit who run this shit, not the workers!" He admits it. He leaves frustrated.
    2. Low Gravity

      by , 03-30-2015 at 10:01 AM (The Dream Magic Experiment)
      Daytime/Afternoon and night. I and some others are literally jumping from island to island in some kind of world/planet. The place has lighter gravity than earth, and we (three of us) were always being blown away when the winds are strong. We were in the forests and other places. We were avoiding meeting other residents of the planet. I think they're aggressive.

      Morning. I was in a dorm of some kind. There were a lot of beds in one room that is shared. My name was there. I thought that it was a place rented by our company for us, but I didn't get to use the place since I have my own place. I thought it's a good backup plan though. I checked the bathroom, I think.

      Night. I was outside a hotel. I was ordering food. For some reason, they gave me a slip, maybe to pay it later. I was planning to pay it on the spot, but oh well.

      I went inside the bathroom. It was very small.


      - Slept at around 2 p.m.
      - Woke up at around 4:17 p.m.
      - Very tired.
      - No alarm
      - I'm thinking of the rent-to-own units sometime during the day
    3. 11-3-14 Florescent-yellow puppy!

      by , 11-03-2014 at 07:52 PM
      For whatever reason, I dreamed I could time travel.

      I went back in time to the point that I was about 8 or 9 years old. I was at a friend's house, and it was late at night and it was raining. The family was furiously cleaning their house and preparing food. I remember the mom sweeping a pile of huge leaves that were lying in the living room into a dust pan. They all seemed to be preparing for company.

      Then company arrived. It was a family I am friends with, only everybody was much younger. Some of them were only twelve. Other significant changes were the fact that one of the son's names was changed to Chris, another son wore glasses, and the eldest children of the family were some dumb-looking twin brothers.

      We all sat down to eat. I kept glancing at one of the daughters. I think I had a crush on her.

      After dinner, the Chris guy and another guy went into another room and started playing with legos. The daughter I had a crush on went in and sat down to watch them. I kind of stepped up next to her and asked if she was cold. She smiled gratefully but didn't reply. So I took off my coat, sort of draped it over her and tore out of the room. I was very shy.

      The next day, we were outside playing. It was a beautiful sunny afternoon. My friend had a huge swing in his front yard. I got on it with the girl I had a crush on. I was still 8, but she was suddenly much older and appeared to be 19 or so. I sat on her lap and held on.

      The swing got going, and instead of going just back and forth, it swung in circles around a pivot mounted on a high pole. The rope extended to be nearly a mile long, and the girl and I swooped around and around a huge radius at a thrilling speed.

      I looked up at the girl. Her hair was blowing, she had her eyes closed, and her face was raised to the sun. She was smiling. I held on tighter, rested my head against her and watched the scenery speed by.

      Then I dreamed we gave our dog a surgery enabling it to have puppies. Then she gave birth to a garish, florescent yellow dog. Think highlighter pen. It was weird. We also owned a steamroller.
    4. #10. Humans vs Zombies with New Rules

      by , 06-08-2014 at 08:45 PM

      In bed: 2:55 AM - 9:20 AM

      #10. I 9:00 AM
      I am taking part in a week of Humans vs Zombies. During this game, zombies will have a limited number of lives over the whole week, limiting their lives like a human though they do get more than one. The new game is just starting. I am at my dorm and already a zombie, so I must be an original zombie or there was an earlier mission that I was tagged at. Something is going on here at my dorm, with some fighting here. I am much more cautious though since I have a limited number of lives. Later, I am just hanging around the dorm talking with non-players as I wait for the mission to be sent out. When it is finally sent out, I see that it is located at this company of sorts on campus that has an office building here for some reason. I am quite surprised by this mission location. I head out biking to the place. Inside, I try to stay hidden since I see a big group of humans who I can’t do much too alone. Later, I see two humans I know and follow behind them crouching down trying to stay quiet. They enter an office room, and I follow behind them inside. I see a good moment after entering and sprint at them, cleanly tagging one of them. The person heard me at some point and was turning around as I tagged the other person. I still am able to tag them, though they do fire. They accept that they were tagged but argue to take a life away from me.
    5. Anger, Food and Buy-Back Work

      by , 08-24-2013 at 06:10 PM (The Dream Magic Experiment)
      I was in our hometown. I was online. Suddenly, mom asked if I can buy something (food called laswa) from the store. I exploded, asking why she's asking me to do this when she just came from the store this morning. She replied calmly and reasonably that they don't cook it that early, and they should have it by now. I was still mad, wondering aloud why buy that particular food in the first place. I replied that I'l just finish something on the computer or Twitter, and I was also eating.

      I hurried to finish something on Twitter because I felt that she's going to leave already. I went out to find she did. I angrily said that I said I'll just finish whatever I was doing. It was afternoon. Found my sister and asked about mom. It was night. Found mom still within ear shot at the corner, and called out to her. She paused and looked back, asking what is it. She looked unsure and went back. I also wondered why my sister was there, and since she's there, why didn't she buy the food. Mom arrived. We talked. I asked sister if she has work. She said something about resting and a buy-back scheme with her work, that after she worked a number of years (five?), she can rest for a bit (vacation?), and store the value of her work. She can then just return for her work in the future, or the company can buy it from her for a certain amount. I thought of a way to make it a good investment scheme.
    6. My house, made weird by the dream state.

      by , 09-07-2012 at 01:44 AM (Zechariah's Dream Journal)
      So last night I had probably five different major things happen in my house, so the order of them is a little bit jumbled in my head. As far as I know, the first part went like this.

      I told my wife goodnight, she went to bed. Shortly after that, I was alone in the house- but I got a visitor. My old friend Eric came over and we talked a while, and smoked a little bit(Which is a little off, because I quit smoking marijuana a short while back because it was giving me extreme anxiety attacks.). After we hung out for a while, he took off. Suddenly I remembered, "Wow, this is strange. I'm not panicking."
      So I called my sister and told her about it, kind of excited even though it made little sense. After I hung up I started to panic a bit(Haha, dreams). But at that point my wife woke up and got mad at me, because she had been trying to sleep in that room the whole time. I realize now that she hadn't, but it was a dream so I went with it. I said sorry, I had no idea why I didn't realize that. My mind made up the excuse that I just wasn't used to our new sleeping arrangements. Anyways, after that- she had to use the restroom. But for some reason, we had an ill feeling that something might be waiting in the bathroom.
      So I grabbed the knife off of my desk and walked in slowly to find a small, thin, wooden labyrinth going through my bathroom to the side with the toilet. Of course though, on the thin wooden panels going all the way through were mirrors. I could have sworn I saw something move other than myself when first entering the bathroom. Entering the mirror labyrinth*. Now that I remember my dream, I did see something move. But I attributed it to my mind playing tricks on me. I walked all the way through and found nothing, and walked back out. That whole scene made me pretty nervous for some reason, even after I found that nothing was there. Probably just my subconscious telling me that something in my bathroom looked wrong. lol. That was the end of that dream.

      But at one point later, I had a false awakening where I was telling my wife about my weird dreams of this night. She told me that she assumed I was having some weird dreams, because I was yelling "Fuck your mother!" in my sleep. This is funny to me, excuse my language.

      Updated 09-07-2012 at 01:47 AM by 57343

      non-lucid , false awakening
    7. 38th Shared Dreaming Attempt: Mayatara's Dream

      by , 10-02-2011 at 12:51 PM (International Oneironaut Shared Dreaming Journal)
      Mayatara's Dream

      non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid false awakening

      Penises independence day
      Two guys in a bathroom start comparing their penises sizes: "Mine is bigger than yours!", "No, it's not, mine is bigger!"
      As they keep going, their penises start to grow and to swell and they are still not happy that the other insists that he is bigger. So they continue "You see, mine is definitely bigger!", "No f*cking way! Mine is bigger an inch!". And their penises become grossly gigantic and greenish and deformed. As their penises grow, the men seem to shrink the same amount and at a certain point, they are just a tiny appendix at the end of the massive penises. Tired of being the playthings of these men, the penises become alive and decide to cut the men off of them! Bleeding and shrieking, the men are then thrown down the toilet by the penises and flushed away.
      It's bloody and gore. The monster penises celebrate their freedom.

      Mission in Africa
      I'm working in an African country for a company exploiting some natural resource. They have an operational base with houses for the workers and a fence around to protect from the wild animals. But once in a while, teams are sent out to the middle of the savanna to work and there have been incidents with missing people and lost material. Apparently some bandits have been kidnapping the white workers to enslave them and robbing the machinery to sell it.
      I offer to be in a team who's going to try to solve the mistery. Zilla is also there. One day our camp is attacked and we are kidnapped and taken to the bad guys' camp. That was part of the plan. When we're alone we make plans for uprising. Somehow we retrieve our weapons and we fight back. There are shots and machete blows, people bleeding on the floor, arms and legs being cut. I go rescue the previously enslaved men, women and even children. Someone screams that the blood has attracted all the lions and hyenas that were nearby and that we should run and save ourselves. We have no chance to help the wounded and we watch from the distance as they are eaten by the lions. I feel disgusted, but at least we saved about 20 persons. With no chance to go back for water and food, we just start crossing the savanna on foot towards our company's base.
      Starving and thirsty, we arrive there and they are throwing a party! Nobody pays attention to us and they even try to take us away not to disturb the party. I feel really upset, but it is my friend Zilla who has the guts to run for the stage, where the guys in suit are making speeches and takes the microphone away from them to scream in their faces how disgustingly cold and heartless they are.
      I smile. Then I accept being taken to the canteen by some colleagues who offer us water and the leftovers from the lunch. I had rice with cabbage, mushrooms and bamboo shoots and a soup.
    8. 30 Sep: Giant penises and mission in Africa

      by , 10-02-2011 at 10:04 AM (Lucid-schizo-dreamer)
      non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid false awakening


      Penises independence day
      Two guys in a bathroom start comparing their penises sizes: "Mine is bigger than yours!", "No, it's not, mine is bigger!"
      As they keep going, their penises start to grow and to swell and they are still not happy that the other insists that he is bigger. So they continue "You see, mine is definitely bigger!", "No f*cking way! Mine is bigger an inch!". And their penises become grossly gigantic and greenish and deformed. As their penises grow, the men seem to shrink the same amount and at a certain point, they are just a tiny appendix at the end of the massive penises. Tired of being the playthings of these men, the penises become alive and decide to cut the men off of them! Bleeding and shrieking, the men are then thrown down the toilet by the penises and flushed away.
      It's bloody and gore. The monster penises celebrate their freedom.
      [Freud would go bananas with this one I was quite upset all day with men's ego and overall male's attitudes, so that's where this came from.]

      Mission in Africa
      I'm working in an African country for a company exploiting some natural resource. They have an operational base with houses for the workers and a fence around to protect from the wild animals. But once in a while, teams are sent out to the middle of the savanna to work and there have been incidents with missing people and lost material. Apparently some bandits have been kidnapping the white workers to enslave them and robbing the machinery to sell it.
      I offer to be in a team who's going to try to solve the mistery. Zilla is also there. One day our camp is attacked and we are kidnapped and taken to the bad guys' camp. That was part of the plan. When we're alone we make plans for uprising. Somehow we retrieve our weapons and we fight back. There are shots and machete blows, people bleeding on the floor, arms and legs being cut. I go rescue the previously enslaved men, women and even children. Someone screams that the blood has attracted all the lions and hienas that were nearby and that we should run and save ourselves. We have no chance to help the wounded and we watch from the distance as they are eaten by the lions. I feel disgusted, but at least we saved about 20 persons. With no chance to go back for water and food, we just start crossing the savanna on foot towards our company's base.
      Starving and thirsty, we arrive there and they are throwing a party! Nobody pays attention to us and they even try to take us away not to disturb the party. I feel really upset, but it is my friend Zilla who has the guts to run for the stage, where the guys in suit are making speeches and takes the microphone away from them to scream in their faces how disgustingly cold and heartless they are.
      I smile. Then I accept being taken to the canteen by some colleagues who offer us water and the leftovers from the lunch. I had rice with cabbage, mushrooms and bamboo shoots and a soup.


      Updated 10-02-2011 at 10:07 AM by 34880

    9. Winter accident

      by , 07-19-2011 at 12:18 PM (Taffy's Sweet Dreams)
      It was winter and I was looking for something in the snow in front of my house with my brothers. A car turned the corner and hit my youngest brother. I panicked and went to check on him (the owner of the car drove away). He was missing. Me and my other brother checked the mounds of snow to see if he landed in there. I was so afraid. I saw my uncle's house. I ran around to the back and up a ramp to a deck (it definitely didn't look like thier house at all, and it was across from mine). There were a lot of people over. My uncle was sitting on a chair by the ramp. I told him my little brother got hit by a car. He didn't say anything. I ran to my aunt and told her. She told me to stop bothering her while she had company over. This made me snap. I picked up a huge pile of snow and launched it at her. I ran back to my house to see if my other brother found him yet. He was inside, on the computer and his friend was over. I couldn't believe it. No one cared that he got hit by a car.
    10. 05/16/11 Nap (3) 11:15PM - 6:30AM

      by , 05-17-2011 at 01:44 PM (Graham's DJ)
      I took a 100mg B6 supplement before bed, and left a very dim light from my speakers on in my room (otherwise it would have been pitch black). I initially remembered 3 distinct dreams upon waking up, but only remembered part of one because I couldn't get to a pencil in time.

      My dream had to do with my girlfriend's father's family company and something about a discussion about a major corporation that pays for all his supplies (like a franchise would). I can't remember the exact name of the company now, but I find it interesting that he told me many months ago that they have to pay for all of their supplies. None are supplied by their clients nor by any company.

      I can't yet tell if the B6 is making my dreams any more vivid or not yet, but it seems to be helping a bit with recall.

      Updated 06-01-2011 at 01:17 PM by 47214

      Tags: company, rosa