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    1. lxxiii.

      by , 01-30-2020 at 01:57 PM
      Some fragments from last night.


      I was in some kind of starship, not unlike one from Star Trek but there was a mixed feel from several space stuff, including a bit from Starpoint Gemini. I was captaining the ship and we were headed straight for a blue-ish planet, covered mostly by water than anything else. I could see the system's star just left of where the planet was, much further away.

      Some four or five other green-coloured ships appeared, intercepting and following us closely. I suggested to an officer to simply activate the cloaking device ability and could see in a third-person view from outside the ship as the field enveloped it and the other ships disbanded in separate directions. (Expectable AI behaviour if it were a game)

      As we got very close to the planet, I could see everything in a sort of cinematic view and then the ship started getting close to the ground to land somewhere but for whatever reason it had to be at an airport, so the ship kept making really wide loops closing in and away from the planet surface.

      Every time we got close, I could see on some disembodied interface some information about the local surface structures. I did see a fair few airports, but many of which had tractors lining up vegetables in the runways. This annoyed me slightly.

      There is a transition and I am now on my own at some sort of Japanese-looking castle. It's night-time but I can see the moon and everything looks bright and blue-ish. There are some sort of holographic security features. (This part of the dream vaguely reminded me of Starbound)


      Just a small part of some other dream, I was in a town with some friends, not sure who. We just came out of a restaurant that was closing for the night and then two of us went one way, and I wondered where the third member was. I asked my friend, who only vaguely suggested the other might have gone looking for something.

      I remember wandering streets, there was a lot of light, from glowing signs and lampposts. I could see people sitting at cafes and so on.

      At some point we went into some shop and I wondered again about the missing friend. The friend that was with me was fascinated and excited by rediscovering some sort of cardboard packed plastic ketchup sachets.

      The next bit I remember, stuck in some sort of traffic at a four-way junction, with three lanes on each direction.

      Side notes:

      • The first dream was a bit more unusual as I haven't had many dreams that take place in space, even though I've played a lot of games that do.
      • The view-point changes were sort of frequent in the space dream and they felt a bit like they were made through a keyboard I couldn't quite feel. I suppose this sensation is quite similar to when I'm actually playing or writing something, where the keyboard sort of just becomes an extension of awareness, rather than existing as a physical obstacle, in a sense.
      • Most of these dream fragments I am getting lately are written quite a lot later from when I had the dreams, so it's a sign that recall is improving somewhat and I am also noticing more pre-lucid thoughts at a sort of "gut feeling" level, where I am not expressly thinking in spoken words but rather getting feelings or intuition about the dreams' content.

      Updated 01-30-2020 at 02:21 PM by 95293

      non-lucid , dream fragment , side notes
    2. lxviii.

      by , 01-16-2020 at 01:52 PM
      I've been having a somewhat better dream recall average than I normally would, but haven't been taking note of dreams enough and my last DJ here was ages ago now. This is a particularly memorable dream fragment from this week.

      Dream Fragment:

      First half is missing.

      Was in my home city, or some altered version of it. It was day time and I was heading home on foot; there was a fluid transition to my arrival home but I've forgotten the detail of it, and when I got there it was dark at that point. My dad was in his car and approached me and told me to get in the car so we could go somewhere (for a meal or something?) - I was a bit reluctant, I was feeling in pain and really tired; mom was sat at the back with one of my brothers (T) and one of my cousins (R) was sat at the front, so I sat next to mom.

      Dad started driving and very shortly after, we were going through some surreal highway that I've seen in some other dream fairly recently; surrounded by cliffs and 10-story buildings on top of the cliffs. It then turned into a rock and dirt road and there were dark abysses either side of the road, with more cliffs in the distance. I was a bit apprehensive too, but mom was starting to get quite worried and told dad, in the same way as I ever expect.

      He reassured her with a smile, saying: "It's fine, I've driven on these roads loads of times!". Very shortly after he said that, we went over a bump in the road, but there was nothing on the other side. The car fell straight into one of those abysses, none of us seemingly very concerned by this, plunging into water at the bottom.

      At first we didn't try to get out; I remember thinking "Well it doesn't really matter" but eventually we all got out and swam up. When we got to the surface of the water, some sort of root-like things descended toward us and took us to a sort of rocky area under a much bigger floating mass of rock.

      At the centre of this area there was some sort of little shop. I remember going in and seeing all these small 4:3 CRT TV screens, each one no bigger than my head, sat on shelves, almost perfectly spaced apart. Each one of the screens had a landscape view in it, like a live feed, but not much was going on in any of them. It was a colourful shelf to look at.

      As I walked along this narrow path between these big metal shelves with the TVs, something caught my attention on top of one shelf. A moonstone, but not as bright and vivid or even opalescent like one I actually have in reality. The gem was pale and sort of a sepia or cream colour but it was still slightly translucent as expected. What was odd about it was that it was encrusted with some sort of gold filigree and small golden spheres.

      Start to remember less detail at this point. I remember dad went off his own way and so did my sibling and cousin. Mom stayed with me and we went outside, where it was still dark, although the direct area around wherever we went was always seemingly lit. More like the darkness was a fog made of black.

      I remember seeing some bones or dead plants and noticing the floor was particularly arid. Eventually we found some building thing, which was very square. It had a brand new kitchen I think, but apart from that it was mostly just dark corridors. I don't remember anything after that point.

      A note:
      I remember that in the dream the surreal landscapes felt familiar but out of place. Although I did not get anywhere near being lucid, I've had more of these moments lately where I'll have pre-lucid thoughts or recognition of a feature from a past dream.
    3. lviii. lix.

      by , 10-26-2018 at 11:40 AM
      lviii. 25th of October

      Non-lucid fragment:
      Some guy wanting me to have sex with him, I told him I didn't want to, and he insisted about it, and I told him I'd made that mistake before and I wasn't going to treat my partner (H) that way again. I remember telling him to ask H if he'd wanted to have sex with him and then at some other point in the dream I remember meeting up with H.

      The dream took place in some unknown dream-generated location. It was day, the light and the sky were yellow/orange and there were rock cliffs and wide ravines. The rock was warm colours too.

      lix. 26th of October (date of this post)

      Non-lucid fragment:
      Something about being flexible enough to inspect my bottom; Was trying to identify the cause of some pain. For context, in waking life I've been having pain in that area for quite some time but it comes and goes, likely part of my condition.

      Non-lucid dream:
      I remember driving a truck from outside its cabin, around a roundabout some several times trying to figure out where I was supposed to be going. There was some halloween party at some castle and the truck had supplies I was going to deliver. Busy traffic at this roundabout, was constantly worried about causing an accident, but not so worried because I was on the truck and not in a car.


      In a fancy hotel/penthouse-like place. Me and H were walking toward a door, carrying some stuff. We were expected. This was the personal penthouse of some old Pioneer Corp executive. We were bringing some gear to demo to this guy and I think he was curious about us bringing in stuff this old.

      I was carrying one of the very heavy power-amps but it seemed exceptionally light and maybe a bit too small; still, I was very careful putting it down on a glass table and H was bringing in some not-too-big speakers that would go on top of a table too. We got it all set up after a bit of faffing around but the Japanese executive didn't seem to mind. There was another man, a fat white guy with some beard and long-ish hair, who looked a bit like a hippie and maybe had a Hawaiian shirt.

      Then they asked us what we were going to play on the sound system and I can't remember what were our first thoughts, something classical? Then someone or H said the Matrix soundtrack, and I said "yeah that'll work". The Japanese man seemed satisfied enough with that choice and he had given us a choice after all.

      I remember the furniture all being wood, in a light-ish stain; sort of orange but very highly waxed or varnished.

      Some sort of transition, all of a sudden watching some version of the World of Warcraft film (which I haven't watched in waking life), and I remember thinking and commenting how bad some details looked. The story was all over the place, with King Terenas and his son Arthas being underwater and Arthas trying to murder his father with a long blade and laughing underwater. Arthas' hair was black, rather than blonde in the dream.

      Then there was some sort of Alliance siege on an underground naval barricade.

      I don't remember enough details to describe the scene and it was all a bit messy to be honest; for most of it my perspective was directly within the "film".

      I will do some scoring a bit later. Not adding any notes. I'm really tired and was almost not motivated enough to even write this entry.

      + Previous score: 58.5

      + This DJ entry score (breakdown below): 2.0
      ++ Recall a non-lucid fragment * 2: 1.0
      ++ Recall a non-lucid dream: 1.0

      = Total score thus far: 60.5

      Updated 10-28-2018 at 01:48 AM by 95293

      non-lucid , dream fragment
    4. lvi.

      by , 10-22-2018 at 12:19 PM
      Non-dream stuff - Woke up at about 7:40, I was very hot, remembering a non-lucid as I came out of it; initially wasn't going to make note of it but did so on my phone, remembering more detail than expected but quite tired so some details missed. Then I woke up again at around 11:00, with a non-lucid dream in memory that started fragmenting but didn't disappear as I got up.

      Dream 1:
      Was dreaming I was walking through a supermarket store with my partner (H) and it was a bit busy. The shop had a weird layout and looked like it was just in an old warehouse; the floor was a mix of large tiles and bare concrete? It was day outside and some light could get in through corrugated plastic that was only partly translucent. The place didn't look all that clean.

      Got to the other end and there was a tourniquet and a guy watching over it behind a counter. Somehow H had a ticket, it looked green and bulky. I asked if we should both go through at the same time but instantly I thought this wasn't a good idea with the guy watching so closely even if it was busy.

      I tried asking the guy about getting a ticket and he wasn't very interested in helping me and gestured to a machine. I ran up to it as some other people were slowly getting up to it too. I got in line first and probably annoyed the others; I couldn't read the screen properly because it looked like a calculator's liquid crystal display and it was small and dirty. Background was typical dry yellow-green and black letters.

      I faffed about with the controls because I couldn't see or reach properly. I felt twisted trying to use the machine. A kid with a yellow cap helped me and I thanked her and gave her a pat on the cap saying "thank you, you're a good kid" and I think she smiled.

      Struggling to get my wallet out from my (left?) pants pocket. I got it out and it was the wallet I have in waking life; there was a flat bit on the machine and I opened the coin bit and dumped it over the flat area and a lot of junk came out; there was a tiny blazon thing, some rocky/gravel fragments, and other things I don't remember. The total money I had that I could use was about 1.14 or something, and I apparently needed 1.73 or so for the machine.

      I put the crap back in my wallet and inserted what money I had somewhere into the machine and got the ticket and ran back to the tourniquet and H had already gone past it. I tried passing too now with the ticket but it wouldn't work and the guy at the counter said it didn't have enough money in it, I said "I know it doesn't but I don't have enough cash on me" to which he replied "you can pay with contactless...". I said "I didn't even notice any card payments" and I was hoping he'd pity me or feel sorry for me at least and be kind but I tried asking him to just sort it out with me here and now, but he ignored me and eventually told me to go walk around and get back to him.

      H come back but it wasn't H anymore but a friend from my childhood M, and I asked him what happened to him, as his nose was all bloody. I remember him smiling but don't remember his answer.

      I walked around and watched people in the shop getting milk and so on, and as I walk along, this black teenager has a trolley that acts like a spider or something; as he comes past me I smile awkwardly because somehow I think it's amusing and he was smiling too. I remember thinking he'd modified the trolley himself.

      Going through a cheap art prints section, it's very busy, and I appreciate seeing some of the art pieces anyway. I get to the end of the aisle and it's a corner of the building, so there's only a left turn, which I take and there are some vases with big-ish plants in them, like small palms. I start heading back to the guy at the counter and the tourniquet and then this bouncy beach ball appears and is going towards the vases; I see it hit one and I watch until it's just about to hit the ground, turning my head back in the direction I was walking and it makes a thud noise, presumably not breaking, and I hear people sigh in relief.

      Then the tourniquet guy accuses some youth and me as being responsible; I say I don't even know this guy and I was walking around like he'd told me in the first place and get pissed off, feeling like punching him in the face. I wake up sweating and too hot.

      Dream 2 (in pieces):
      I was in some unknown place, it was night and there were ancient Egyptian buildings. It was dark but I remember some creatures or some danger, and there was a pick-up truck thing, which someone was driving; they told me to get in the back and I remember climbing over in a rushed manner and sort of fumbling into the back.

      We drove away I think. Transition?

      In a building nearby, ancient. Dark inside, some faint blue glows. I remember previous parts of the dream where I was collecting some blue glowing stones, and here was a final one or something; this was a fourth stone.

      In this building there were two tiers, the ground level and a higher level on a bridge. There was some sort of lift mechanism to go up. I went up to the bridge, made of glass and maybe some metal, and there was a door at the end; glowing blue, faintly, with 4 square sections, for the stones. Dream implied I placed them and transition, unsure where to, but maybe I remember a dark hall next. Some sort of pet creature, a cat? Dream is too fragmented at this point and there are several possible fragments that could fit here, but not enough detail for them...

      At some point at the ground floor of a tall building, modern, day time, lots of glass, light coming in from outside. Some sort of levitating lift platform, my mom is nearby I seem to remember, but I break the platform trying to use it. A guy gets annoyed at me and I say "look it's fine, I can fix it" and I see there's a circuit board and I inspect it looking for an issue; it's snapped at one of the ends but it actually doesn't seem so important that it can't just be jumped with a new lead and some components moved; I do it somehow and it's fixed but the guy wasn't happy anyway.

      Transition, at the top of the same building, arrived in some sort of elevator. A much smaller room, but still like a big office hall, but glass all around still. I really need a wee and ask someone to use the bathroom, they tell me to go to a horizontal cylinder near one of the windows; apparently this thing is the toilet... I get inside this plastic tube thing, it is really uncomfortable inside, and I start getting pain hypersensitivity because there are sharp plastic edges and I ask for help to get out because I can't manage on my own; I give up on the toilet idea and am annoyed by the fact that these people aren't sensible to just have a bathroom that's actually a room.

      There is a big door. Reminds me now of a level transition door from STRAFE's final levels. I remember going through, different feel to this area. Isolated, darker, but still bright. There's someone else here, some sort of boss? But they're hidden, and I remember walking around at a calm pace, exploring. It looks like some sort of game level, there are conveyor belts and pick ups and dark pits. I see some glowing green panels, again, like STRAFE. I don't remember what I did next or what happened but woke up soon after.

      Some notes:
      • Dreams from which I wake up too hot I think have an inverse cause-effect relationship. I think I'm having those dreams because I'm too hot, as when my body temperature regulation goes bad I start to get a lot of mental side-effects (if I'm awake and body temperature goes awry I start getting "fever-dream" effects).
      • The kid that had the cap, the cap was like ones I've seen (and worn) in my childhood, when I was very young and we went to the beach, for one example.
      • Though I wasn't aware of it at any level in the dream, there were actually a lot of elements in the last part of the 2nd dream that reminded me of a mixture of STRAFE and certain malls I've been to.
      • The other glowing blue stones weren't just dream memories, I had actually dreamed those bits too, but most of that was too vague and of little visual detail for me to be able to put into words.
      • Overall the 2nd dream was very long.
      • I've started noticing a pattern/dream sign with these two dreams, which I think has only started occurring recently; the feeling of being twisted using the ticket machine, struggling to get into the back of the pick-up truck and the cylindrical sharp edges plastic "toilet" thing. In all of these, there was a heightened sensation of struggle and pain to reach for things or to move. This may be related to something that is going outside the dream world...

      Scoring thus far:
      + Previous score: 52.0

      + This DJ entry score (breakdown below): 5.0
      ++ Recall a non-lucid dream * 2: 2.0
      ++ Buy something: 1.0 (the ticket)
      ++ Ask for advice * 2: 2.0 (asking the ticket guy for help; asking for the bathroom)

      = Total score thus far: 57.0
    5. xliv.

      by , 10-03-2018 at 09:49 AM
      Non-dream stuff - woke up at about 9:00, remembering one long(ish) non-lucid dream. Some details lost.

      I remember being in a variation of my current home. I was in the kitchen. I remember a big man, he was a friend of ours; I think he was of some african ethnicity but he wasn't that dark - he had short hair and brown eyes and big hands; his girlfriend, who was of similar ethnicity was there too? She had long curly hair and brown eyes also. I think the kitchen lights may have been on, but it was day outside, maybe clear but very early.

      I remember they were talking and then it turned into an argument and I joined his girlfriend's side of the argument for some reason. Then I asked him to leave, and I realised I was a bit angry, so I immediately calmed myself down, touched him in the arm, as he was upset too, and I said "I'm sorry about that." - then everyone was a bit calmer and for some reason he had this bag full of chestnuts covered in sugar that had been deep-fried. They looked delicious but I commented that they looked nice, but unfortunately my mouth didn't agree because of all the sugar.

      I tried to make light of the situation somehow but either way, I then went through the main hall; the front door was open and as I walked out, the scenery was different from what it should be; our side of the street was still a row of terraced houses but the opposite side was just forest/green, and the road was wider (2 lane instead of single lane) and the pavement was much wider. My partner was parked up to the right in the car. To the left was some sort of factory (maybe tire factory, there is one where I live, but not that close).

      The factory was not open, as all its (visitor?) parking spaces outside were empty. I thought it had closed for the day, though the dream-time seemed like morning, my assumption was end of day time in the dream. Opposite to the factory parking spaces was a wide bit where a bus/coach could stop. Then the road did a curve as it went on.

      My partner was on the phone and had sunglasses on in the car. Opposite me, the other side of the road was some Korean man, he smiled a lot I think. Some children were playing too, I remember a little girl for some reason. I remember my mood outside was a driven one, I was looking for parking for the man inside the house, and I concluded there was none apart from the factory's spaces, so I walked back in and was going to tell him, but I had some doubts it was "ok" to use those spaces, but I think I could hear my partner's voice saying it was fine, because everyone had left. (another hint that the dream time was end of day, really)

      Transition of some kind or missing detail...

      I remember being with a group of people, my dad was one of the people but I don't remember who else, I think just dream characters. Of note was a man older than my dad. We were in a mall (this could have been a more obvious dream-sign on its own, plus the presence of my dad) and then we went up some concrete stairs and we were in an overhang tunnel, that went over some street or something. It wasn't very long but had angular corners. I walked next to my dad and as we were crossing, he pulled some sort of lever and the tunnel bridge started to rotate its middle section; I looked behind to see if the other DCs were able to get on.

      We walked to the other end and there was a stairwell down. Then I remember being outside of there and it was like some sort of campus... I looked around (I can't remember my motivations or intents) and ended up going down some more stairs into a dark place, a subway. The tracks were at the same level as the platform, i.e. there was no stone/concrete lip over the tracks. There were quite a few people at this tiny platform that was no bigger than a small room. The tunnels were equally dark, maybe brighter somehow. I think I had stepped on someone that was sitting down at some point, though I don't remember apologising, for some reason. I couldn't see them, still.

      Then I went down more stairs, to a similar sort of platform, also dark and small with several people waiting. I realised I was in the wrong place "that's the yellow line... I want the blue line" I thought, after seeing a yellow line along the tracks. I went up a level again and concluded that platform wasn't right either. I had the impression that each track was for the same line but went opposite directions.

      I got out to the surface again, this campus place, but everything looked... fake, almost plastic-like. I walked along the pavements between the grassy bits and there were people around. I reached a point that had one of those blocks you can hit from Super Mario. The dream started to look a bit Minecraft-y, with voids in certain spots on the ground, sky visible. I fell down by accident into a small void pit but fortunately there were some stone blocks there. I climbed up the opposite side and continued walking.

      Dream details are starting to go really fuzzy now, remaining memories of particular note only being one of a sword or something and of walking into a different place.

      • When I was thinking why I didn't want the chestnuts the reason was a valid waking-life reason, as I currently have some mouth ulcers that I really shouldn't "feed".
      • It is peculiar that chestnuts appeared, especially prepared in such an unusual way. I haven't had chestnuts in quite a while, but I haven't been thinking about them. It may be an automatic craving, as this is about the right time of the year, when we used to have chestnuts at my childhood home.
      • The Korean man was a waking-life remnant because a friend of ours was discussing the North Korean leader in passing conversation last night.
      • The subway, tracks, etc all were very obvious dream-signs that I missed as always. As I was thinking about that part when I was writing it, I was realising that when I've seen trains recently (mostly in games) I've never remembered to do a RC.
    6. xxxix.

      by , 09-19-2018 at 11:46 AM
      Non-dream stuff - I have a lucid fragment, that occurred at an unknown time. Then, just a non-lucid dream that I've forgotten details on.

      Lucid fragment:
      It was dim. I see my left hand and count 6 fingers, the extra finger being conjoined with the pinky or ring finger. I have a brief realisation that I'm dreaming, visually the dream starts to disappear into darkness and it feels like I bump into something, and then just the nothingness of unconsciousness until the next dream memory.

      Dream fragment:
      I remember arriving at a street with my partner, in the car. I suggest we park on some spots close to these terraced houses on the street. The layout is a bit like a corner but it makes more sense in the dream context than it would in waking life. The bit I suggested we park the car on, turns out is for disabled only. In the dream I remember thinking that I really need to do something to get that sorted out, the thought felt like it was more conscious than other parts of the dream.

      We park somewhere else a bit further and then I remember approaching the terraced houses, and one of them is actually a bank, and I bought that specific one, apparently. The house door was 60 something, and in the dream context I notice or remember that a friend of ours who's been staying over with us, is living over at door 57, which is around the corner, which again doesn't make sense in a real layout, since it technically would be a different street, the numbers shouldn't add up like that.

      I remember being inside the bank-turned-house and noticing glass with red painted stripes, as with a particular bank, and for some reason the house is connected directly to another one that was also from the same bank but hadn't been sold. I remember turning something on or looking for something to eat and feeling like it was odd that I could see a bank agent across the way.

      In the dream I was satisfied with how the house looked, though it was pretty bare; mostly shiny tiles and glass.

      Later on in the dream I remember walking with my partner again, over some sort of low roof (less than a story high), which was used as a public bridge or something. My mom was at the opposite end, sitting with her legs crossed; as we got closer she looked at me and smiled and told me something. I remember people going past us on the left, using the "bridge". It was day-time through the entire dream, but at first it was cloudy and then it must have been less cloudy near the end because there were more bright streaks.

      No notes for now, feeling quite tired.
    7. xxxvii.

      by , 09-15-2018 at 12:13 PM
      Non-dream stuff - Still waking up generally later than I'd like, which has been messing with dream recall a bit but usually by the time I get up I have to be thinking about other things, so I've probably skipped some days I could have managed some DJ entries. A fragment of a non-lucid, since I've forgotten many details by now.

      Dream fragment:
      I don't remember exactly where I was, but it felt like somewhere in the USA. There was this old wooden house, maybe a farmhouse, kind of "western" style but not quite. The wood was painted white I think and it was day time, clear or mostly clear skies.

      The house was going to get pulled down by some people using ropes, I think I gave them a hand with it; it sort of tumbled on its face but without much real damage. Then we got closer to have a look and I think there was a transition or some sort of change, as it felt like I was looking through the windshield of a lorry, but anyway, there were several contents inside and it was a bit dark. Some of these other guys were looking at what they could take, because someone said this didn't belong to anyone, so it was free pickings.

      At first I thought they were all going to rush for several objects of more value but that didn't happen and I found myself looking at an electric piano/keyboard, and one of the guys was sitting on its bench. It didn't seem to work for some reason and I noticed some big pan-head screws on the corners of the top; they were so big I just unscrewed them by hand and had a look inside. With the lid off, I was somewhat surprised to read in a cursive font "Pioneer" on the top of the wood that was under the lid. I expected it to be a Roland. (And that I know of, Pioneer never made this sort of thing)

      Inside, on the left side there was some sort of "tone control" that went from -2 to +3, but was set to +3. Under it was a bakelite type thing with 2 knobs on it but I'm not sure what it was or did. I commented to this guy sitting at the keyboard that they probably put the tone control at +3 because they used weak transistors which made it sound not very good at 0. I think he asked why and I said "it was probably cheaper for the company this way".

      There was more after this, but I seem to have forgotten any details.

      • In the dream, looking at the keyboard, I had a vague memory from waking life about an amplifier we recently looked at.
      • Because I generally only help with electronics and don't do actual repairs myself, my knowledge is somewhat limited, so I am not currently certain if my assessment of the inside of the keyboard would have been correct or appropriate.
      • I think all the other people were men, but I have no idea whose the house was.
      • It seemed remarkably easy for us to pull down the house, especially because it looked like it didn't rip or anything from foundations or anything. Perhaps this ease of pulling it down would have been a good cue for a RC.
      • Despite mentioning transistors, I don't actually remember seeing any circuit boards inside the instrument.

      Updated 09-16-2018 at 11:52 AM by 95293 (typo)

      non-lucid , dream fragment , side notes
    8. xxxiii.

      by , 09-06-2018 at 11:47 AM
      Non-dream stuff - woke up at around 8:30 with the normal alarm but still fell asleep and woke up again about 2 hours later. Some non-lucid dream fragments from both awakenings persisted.

      I was in a mountainous area, and there was a town or something. There were rocky overhangs and the landscape looked like something I'd only see in games in general; the stone was mostly all like limestone, which reminds me now of an area in Dark Souls III. It was a bright and clear day.

      I remember fighting some sort of blue dragon, not unlike some of the Rathians in Monster Hunter. It got tired or was scared off and flew away eventually.

      I remember briefly a subway train station, similar to the last one I've dreamt of, but in no particular way other than how it felt; the lighting was perhaps a bit dim, like the other one. Then a train was arriving and it looked full-ish on some carriages and there were plenty of people on the platform; but I chose to go to a carriage that was not as close to me and it was much emptier.

      The seats were in groups of 5, with their backs toward the windows. The seats were low and sort of cushioned. I was about to sit down when a woman on this row of seats said to me "could you please not sit down on these two", gesticulating at the particular seats; so I sat on the 2nd seat of the row, and she was sat on the 4th. She said something like "I'm sorry" and "... my assessment ...", the implication being it was some sort of benefits assessment. Somehow I knew she had children though they were certainly not here. I'm sure the train had set off at this point but I don't remember noises, come to think of it.

      I was in some version or another of World of Warcraft and I was in a player group. The group consisted solely of my character, which name I don't remember reading, and another player/character whose character name was simply "Marshal". My character was a warrior, and the other player was another plate-wearing class, maybe a paladin; both characters were human.

      We entered an Arathi Basin battleground together, but a lot of it looked subtly different; I remember both me and the other guy had full grand marshal equipment (which is the highest PvP rank for the Alliance faction), and I had two of the great-swords. We went separate ways but I sort of patrolled on my mount around the central blacksmith (which in the dream was more like a lumber mill) and the gold mine.

      Oddly enough, despite being in a battleground, I don't remember seeing any enemies, though I know that our team was fighting some on the other side of the map.

      Some notes:
      • Subway train stations are one of my most obvious dreamsigns, but I always seem to miss them. Part of it is because I don't expect them to come up, even though they are fairly common, but another part of it is that whenever they do show up, I had not set any sort of intention to recognise them as a dream-sign. They are a dead giveaway of the dream-state these days because I don't use the subway where I live (because there isn't one).
      • I can't remember what the woman in the train looked like exactly; but she looked local to where I live. I remember feeling sorry or perhaps worried for her. Recently a friend of ours had an appointment for an assessment for benefits, so perhaps part of the context here is because of that.
      • I haven't played WoW in quite a while now, and truthfully I don't think I will play it much more in the future; but I played the older versions a lot when I was younger and my dreams about the game are invariably about some sort of nostalgic feeling of those old times.
      • I never attained the highest PvP rank in the classic game, but my eldest sibling nearly did.
    9. xxv.

      by , 08-16-2018 at 11:25 AM
      Non-dream stuff - woke up at about 10:45, remembering mainly one non-lucid dream.

      Dream sequence:
      The first part I can remember is in an underground tunnel, with a road. It was dark and there were old sodium-type lights, the orange streetlight kind of lamps. There was also this area that joined with the tunnel.

      There were no cars and I went through the joined area and there was a man; I stabbed him in the back and continued on forward, running I think.

      Then my "view" changed, from the same height as him, I could see the man lying face down on the ground, with a lot of blood under him, and with his face in a state of surprise and shock, eyes opened. But then he got up. Now he was naked, and he had tattoos, he also had a 9mm type pistol and he was scared and paced backwards toward an elevator. My view followed in front of him as he got into the elevator.

      Inside it was mostly chrome/steel, maybe with one mirror. It was very bright inside the elevator and the man was still shaking; he made it go up, I think. My point of view changed to be behind him, as the lift arrived.

      There were some bodyguard types in a dark room and he asked them for help, they were like his henchmen; I can't remember what happened here exactly but then he walked into that room and then another, and the other guys were gone again. And in the other room was me, and the man was surprised to see me. He got a katana from somewhere and tried to cut my head off, and succeeded, but only for my dream self to disappear and another to reappear in the same place, taunting him. I explained to him, this was his dream, and he could not get rid of me (which doesn't make sense 100% and also I failed to realise it was a dream... )

      He kept trying to cut my head off, the same thing happening repeatedly, and he was obviously getting frustrated.

      Then the dark room was not a room at all anymore; we were outdoors in a japanese-style house garden and it was day, with a few clouds. He still had his katana but I was at a distance now, and I had a weapon now too, either a katana or a naginata. I rushed to attack him with confidence and he struggled to predict my moves.

      I can't really seem to remember the ending.

      • I don't really know who the man was, but I remember his role was that of a criminal leader or something. He had long black hair, but I do not remember his clothes, when he had them.
      • The elevator is a common recurring dream-sign, though it usually involves me rather than someone else.
      • As far as I can remember, most of the setting was dream-generated.
      • I spoke to the man about the nature of the dream, his dream, even. But then I didn't realise the nature of my own dream; it is as though I was a dream character to this dream character man of mine.
      • I did not feel pain from the beheading but perhaps remember feeling a slight pressure from the blade initially.
    10. xxiv.

      by , 08-14-2018 at 11:49 AM
      Non-dream stuff - only a couple of non-lucid fragments, have vague memories of more but can't put them to words.

      Fragment 1:
      Remember being at a rustic village or inner area of a castle with my partner. It was a popular tourist attraction in the dream's context and it was day time.

      We walked a path until we were at a place with shops, and one shop we stopped by was a wine shop. They showed us some special packs we could buy, and for whatever reason we were interested. The wine "bottles" were odd though, because they were the shape of a drinking flask, even though they were still made of glass. They even had paper labels like normal bottles.

      Some of the wines were unusual; one was made from peas. I remember the lady at the counter asking if we wanted other specific ones like "homosexual (something?)" wine. Most of the wines made no sense, even in the dream. We still ended up buying 2 packs of 9 flask bottles each...

      Fragment 2:
      Was playing some sort of old real-time-strategy game. Remember getting annoyed by the fact that some interactions simply didn't work at all like expected.
    11. xix.

      by , 08-07-2018 at 10:31 AM
      Non-dream stuff; Woke up at around 9:45. Two non-lucid dream sequences.

      Dream Sequence 1:
      The chronological order is a bit off now for me but I think this dream started with me buying some sandstone pillars online. The pillars weren't much taller than me and they were also not very thick.

      I remember I went with my partner to collect the pillars, in his car I think. The place was like the opposite of an oasis, it was a desert in the middle of valley that otherwise was pretty much green. The town here was in a raised area in the desert bit. It was day, but I think nearer the end of the day.

      Initially when we got there we arrived at someone's house or something and then there were indeed some pillars there, but the seller wasn't. A couple of the seller's relatives showed up, like her mom and dad. The context of gender for the absent person was provided by the family. They commented that she should probably be back soon or something and we went around the town quite a bit and I remember seeing palms and small ponds of water and stuff in the lowest sandy areas. I remember thinking that this was in the US somewhere.

      As we went full circle around town I think we went into the parents' house and for some reason we roamed it like we had been family friends for years. The layout of the house was peculiar and both that and the shanty-look it had reminded me of a house my grandmother from my mother's side used to live in, in waking life. But come to think of it, in a bit with stairs in this dream house, there was a lot of light, like the ceiling of the stairs was all a skylight. I remember in this room there were 2 or 3 wooden panels that were hatches to access some things but otherwise the walls were rough and stony.

      I seem to remember we'd first gone into a room at the end of the stairs here, which was the seller's room.

      Eventually we were outside again and we were just gonna set off in the car again because she never showed up, and I didn't want to take the pillars without the seller being there, for whatever reason. I remember having a number-plate on a note and reading it and comparing it to some other cars in the area and a car that had just arrived with a girl; the girl's cars number-plate was very similar but not quite it. Maybe I had the wrong number on the note but I didn't think about it. It was past sunset at this point, kind of twilight.

      There was some kind of transition and I remember in very poor detail some warehouse area and a big truck that was part of someone's evil plan and I wasn't "me" anymore. I think I disarmed the truck or something but don't remember more other than some dream character showing up to get me out of there or advise me.

      Dream Fragment 2:
      I have a very vague recollection of playing a game like Warframe with one of my siblings.

      Dream Fragment 3:
      This was the last dream I had but remember little of it, other than being in that place in Lord of the Rings where there was the ill king. The dream took place before Frodo had even started the journeys.

      In this room, from which I could see through a window outside a beautiful scenery with snow-covered mountains on a sunny day, there was "me" (whoever I was), Aragorn (I think) and an unspecified female character, either elven or human. I seem to remember her skin looked impossibly smooth but Aragorn spoke to her of something and she said that "something big is coming, I just don't know what it is yet", making me immediately think to myself "she means the ring, it's not happened yet...".

      Some notes:
      • The desert town did have tall buildings but everything looked like it was made of mudbrick or sandstone.
      • The town looked a bit run-down overall, and in the dream context I knew they hadn't had too much trouble with water shortage but were going to in the future. I remember thinking about solutions.
      • That location in general seemed to almost all be dream-generated, apart from the familiar-feeling house.
      • The fact that the number-plate I had on a note was so similar to that of the girl arriving should have been a good cue to RC.
      • In the LOTR dream I remember the woman had a sword sheath on her right side, so I suppose she was left-handed. I remember noticing Aragorn had a left-side sheath, in contrast.
      • The woman was a brunette and she had some sort of forest-green tunic or tabard type clothing, with some tree symbol on it like some characters did in the films. She had a noticeably firm personality but was not uncaring.
      • I do not know whether I was physically existent in the last dream or if I was more like a conscious bodiless entity, because of camera-like viewing.
    12. xvii.

      by , 08-05-2018 at 12:23 PM
      Non-dream stuff; Woke up early enough but slept again and then just stayed in bed far too long because I felt very poorly yesterday. Had a few long non-lucid dreams but let's see what I can remember...

      Sequence 1:

      I remember being at a street and walking down with my partner; it was day time and I think the sun was to the right, as we were walking in the shade of some terraced houses or the like. We were going to some rented cars we had at the moment, we had two rented cars and one was up the street and the other down the street. When we got to where the second one should have been, it was gone. We reacted a bit with "oh shit..." as some of the stuff we had was in the boot. I couldn't remember what exactly but I think my partner's laptop and some backpack of mine.

      I said we should call the police and I remember "seeing" an interface that showed they'd find it in under an hour. There was even a thing where I could pay the police some more money and they'd use a jet to find it very quickly. My partner said not to bother, because (for some reason) even though the car had been stolen we'd only have to pay the rental company 100 from the deposit, which I found to be odd. But I was still worried about our stuff at the very least.

      Can't remember how that sequence ended.

      Sequence 2:

      Still part of the same general dream somehow, I remember us arriving on foot at a house; it was night time. The place was more like a small castle or small mansion than a house, actually; a typical estate you'd find on large plot of land anyway, the building's stones were limestone, and it probably had some sort of gothic ornamentation. I remember we went in... There was a woman? Or maybe there wasn't anyone, but I seem to remember the presence of a woman.

      I seem to remember we went into some rooms and dropped off some stuff we had on us and maybe sat down. The memory here seems to blend with memories of the previous sequence, so I'm not sure what chronological order things took exactly, apart from considering time of day in the dream.

      Something about secret rooms... But then I remember that we somehow owned this place all of a sudden and that we were gonna change some things around.

      Fragment 3:

      I think this came before the first sequence, but some game where my partner was playing and he got a jet and I said "oh, I haven't seen that one before! let me try" and he wouldn't, saying "find your own" in a cheeky way even though he wasn't flying the jet too well, as I remember he clipped the nose of the plane on a skyscraper as he was doing a loop. I remember the jet had a nozzle-mounted machine gun and some rockets.

      Some notes:
      • These sequences were much longer, but only writing them down about 3 hours after I've woken up, I've forgotten most of the details...
      • I think in sequence 2, there was a fireplace that was lit when we first came in.
      • The fact we had 2 rented cars does not make any sense, as I cannot actually drive in waking life. And my partner couldn't be driving 2 cars at the same time, obviously. Just this in itself should have been a good cue for RC.
      • The fact my partner didn't care so much about our belongings in the stolen rental was odd too. Again another good cue for RC.
      • The police "interface" thing was reminiscent of something from a game, I'm not even sure "where" I saw the interface, I think just in my normal field of view.
    13. xiii.

      by , 07-31-2018 at 08:54 AM
      Non-dream stuff: A very long non-lucid dream. I only remember one part of it, that I held on to loosely as I was quickly forgetting everything, deciding this was the most important part to remember.

      Dream sequence:

      I was in my native country, in the dream context it had been explained why I think but I can't remember it. I was in a small town and it was day, looking to soon be sunset, as everything looked a bit orange.

      This was just a typical town and I was wandering around and there was an old brown-stone church, with one of its doors wide open. I walked in, and I remember I was looking at the floor just before doing so and seeing a roach type bug, but small. In the dream context there was something about going to visit local landmarks. When I entered it wasn't like a church at all, but a community centre of some kind. It was deserted. All the lights were on, but there were many many webs... and spiders, weird ones, some almost as big as my hand. I was very wary, but something compelled me to continue and I kept my instinctive fear in check, wondering why I was fearing them, they were just stood there on their webs, undisturbed for years, clearly.

      I wandered through the first two rooms, and the second room was at the "back" and had large modern glass windows that were letting the sunset light in. Everything had that orange light bath, as expected. I used my boot to clear away some webs I just couldn't avoid if I wanted to move further. After having a look around in this room, where there had been some displays of some kind, I turn back a bit and again have to carefully remove some webs from the way, feeling extremely wary of the spiders on it. I remember being in a room or common hall that connected other rooms and there was a bag of some kind on a swivel office chair. On topof the bag was a black leather wallet. Everything was absolutely covered in webs and I looked at the wallet with the intent of seeing what was inside and taking it, but I saw a slightly open door and could sense something. It was a very small room, a cupboard of some kind, and I couldn't fully open the door in, because of an object inside. The light inside the tiny room was also on, oddly. I reached with my left arm into the room and felt something stony and as I touched it, I saw the wallet and bag disappear and heard a female voice saying "You have resisted temptation. You are blessed with protection." I could "see" an interface icon showing a "buff" as in a game, but the context of the dream felt all too real.

      I remember exploring a little more but there were some areas that didn't have lights on and were getting on for darkness. It is implied in the dream that I went into these areas, as next I remember being at a doorway in the same building and walking into my the room my mom uses as an office at home in waking life, except the view through the windows was part of the dream context. I found it odd to find this room, but didn't question it much. I looked at her computer screen. It was on, something about this feels emotional though I have no idea now what was on the screen, other than the fact that on some timestamp it said the date was "2013". It was 2018, I knew this in the dream context. I took a photograph with my phone of the screen, and I thought something but I can't remember what. I seem to remember that at some point before this in the dream I'd found something else pertaining to my mom, from the past also. Even in the dream I couldn't help but wonder, are these things I'm finding related to her mental health?

      I know I went out of that room but I cannot remember more details, even though the dream sequence didn't end there.

      Some notes (spread out because they'd be too dense to read otherwise):
      • The sunset is a dream-sign. I hadn't realised this before. It is distinctly different from all other times of day, and in my dreams it always represents "the end" (of time, in some way).

      • Even in the dream I thought everything in that light looked beautiful.

      • As I saw all those spiders, I was about to react instinctively and let out some reaction of fear, but the fact that in the dream I had strongly intended to go into this building and that I somehow felt compelled to go further in, made me remember my practice of trying to keep my fear in check. This is the first time in a dream that I have truly suppressed such a basic and intense fear, as far "consciously" as my dream mind would allow. Keep in context that I have been an arachnophobe almost all of my life until very recently, and that in dreams basic fears and instincts are much, much stronger in my behaviour.

      • In the dream context I remember being told by someone to look at the local points of interest and landmarks because I could be interested in them and because they needed people to do some tourism around here. That's the context I had for the "church".

      • The bag/purse under the wallet was magenta. The office chair was a deep blue, I think.

      • All I can remember seeing on that computer screen was a few different windows open, and maybe an image as one of the windows, which is what had the timestamp. In my dream, I knew that my mom had not been in this office for a long time. It looked just as the rest of the community centre.

      • I do not know why even out of the dream now I feel some strong emotion thinking about the date and the screen. As far as I remember, 2013 was no different for my mom, if anything, her mental health has improved greatly since then. But considering it now, it was also when I moved to where I live now, away from my native country.

      • At some point in the dream I understood the sunset feeling like "end", though I'm still not certain what about.

      • The community centre (which was actually the church, after all) corridors and rooms looked, actually, much more like a very stereotypical office building and some doctors offices I've been to.

      • As for the context of my mom's mental health, she suffers from bipolar or something the like, but has it very well controlled by medication these days.

      Updated 08-13-2020 at 01:23 AM by 95293 (Butchered the list a bit to make it more readable instead of it being all condensed.)

      memorable , dream fragment , side notes , non-lucid
    14. Turning into Ryuuko and gliding a bit

      by , 11-16-2016 at 12:53 PM (The Erratic dreams of StaySharp)
      I remember being on some kind of tower, it was day and all around me were wide, open and grassy hills and here and there rivers and creeks. Something about the scenery was off but I can't quite put my finger on it. Maybe the size relations. Also something here reminded me of Skyrim.

      I jumped down from the tower into a creek below, and the drop was very high. At some point I turned into Ryuuko and glided through the air, and I was seemingly close to the ocean now. I even tried to see myself from a distance, with some success, and I'd say Ryuuko looked mostly correct too, though I couldn't see details. Odd that this didn't make me lucid.
      The rest of the details were very hazy, something about a flying motorcycle I dodged and other very random stuff.
    15. [09-11-2016: Blurry fragment]

      by , 11-09-2016 at 11:08 PM (Snehk's Dreamlands)
      I recall only a brief, blurry fragment. It was a sunny and warm day, I was standing on some balcony or something, looking at some fields.
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