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    1. No Memo

      by , 09-05-2013 at 09:53 AM
      No Memory at all from last night. Guess I'll just write down my frame for attaining LD's.

      Bed time
      Normally 10:50pm to 6:50am
      Actually 12:00pm to 7:10am

      So 7-8 hours of sleep on the avg. - Will have to work hard on that one.

      I supplement daily with Zink 30-50mg and Fish oil caps 3-5.
      I heard they have a positive effect on vividness & "strangeness" of dreams, but that's not my primar reason taking them.
      Occasionally noopept 10mg/day.

      Few supplements I am eager to try out:
      Aniracetam + Choline

      Mantras, RCs, ADA
      My daily RC's are every hour to ask myself "Why am I not dreaming right now" and find a logical reason for it. I.e. "I woke up this morning" either that or I try to push my right hand trough my left.

      Stress level
      My daily stress level may be quite high, because I work in a architects office as construct. draughtsman and it gets pretty wild sometimes.

      Will try to actually wake up when my alarm rings at 5am.

      Slept over the last few times..

      Recall Quality
      IF i can recall any dream, the quality is high and i can recal feelings, sounds, emotions and so on.

      Level of control
      None yet, hope to be able to control my dreams troughly.

      None yet, hope to get as as vivid and real HH's as they can get.

      I'm convinced this will get me somewhere in the next few weeks/months.

      Updated 09-05-2013 at 11:17 AM by 65418

      side notes , task of the year
    2. My green scaled friend

      by , 09-04-2013 at 01:43 PM
      Kind of a weird post, to start of my dream journal but whatever, here we go..

      Brightness turns into a shape, it's a zoo.

      Due to personal reasons I havent been to a zoo in a long time, altough the last time was quite fun.

      After i realize that I'm in a exotic part of the zoo, the one with the tropical animals such as snakes and iguanas, I notice my pet Juancho in a terrarium. So I run towards him and try to alwardly poke around the glas. I try to shout "that's my lizard!" but it seems that nobody can hear me.

      The dream progresses and the next thing is me walking down some stairs. As I walk down the stairs I notice there is a big party going on around me and the people are dancing and having fun. I try to find my friends but some guys jump me, I must have pissed them off somehow. One guy beats me and grips my nuts and squeezes them.. UGH.. I wake up in a hospital and get a poorly made Apology note.

      As i wake up i remember i forgot to feed my pet lizard Juancho and give him 2 fat crickets.

      Wierd feelings-photo-2-.jpg
    3. Miracle within the dream

      by , 09-03-2013 at 12:35 AM
      It was weird but aparently i was in another city that look just like the one i used to live. I knew i was far away from my home but everything seem familiar. I started walkind down a street and when i reach a corner there was a big church. I looks like there was a wedding to be held later and people were preparing everything for it. I walk into the church and look around. At the door was a bed where a girl should sleep thru the nigth. I knew that girl, she is from the real world. Sudenly the next day came and the girl was death. I saw her and i knew someone had kill her. I started yelling that i would find the killer but nobody was around. I walk around the corner and pass three blocks, they all had churches in the cornes. When i reach the third block there was a big church again. It was painted in white and had blue strips on the edges. I walk in and went to the altar. I pray for the girls soul and then walk out. Something toll me to go back in the church. I saw a statue of a saint. After staring at it for a while the statue move her eyes. My heart started to beat fast and strong but i felt very peacefull.
    4. Getting back into it...

      by , 08-15-2013 at 07:10 PM
      Wow. Well i've been out of the loop for a long time and my dream recall has been deteriorating as a result of studies and stuff, so i thought i'd commit myself to this dream journal, mainly because my handwriting in the morning is literally unreadable and actually resembles hieroglyphics in a way, so trying to de-cipher it later in the day was always a nightmare, so i thought typing it up would fix that problem. So without further ado, my first (partial) dream to kick off this journal;

      15th August 2013
      Fragment: It's the middle of the night, i'm in my bedroom and it I was asleep. I opened my eyes and slowly looked to my left. I saw that there was another bed next to mine. I looked a bit further and noticed a baby in a diaper sleeping on the bed. It's feet began kicking, then it's skin turned a sickly grey colour, then i woke up.

      Comment: That was it really, that's all i remember from last night. Hopefully my recall will improve in time. Overall i thought the dream was a weird one, clarity was somewhere between 'poor' and 'average'.
    5. ALMOST DEILD!!! And weird party dream.

      by , 08-14-2013 at 10:40 AM
      I remember being taken to a party but I wanted to be taken by bus so I kind of stretched like Google Earth when you click forward on Street View to find a bus. The outside was dark and I think it was at my school because I'm pretty sure the skywalk was over us. I couldn't find a bus so I just zoomed back to the gates. In the party I realised I wasn't wearing a bra so I couldn't start dancing crazily. Someone with a blue costume came up to me and some other friend who was there, you couldn't see the blue guys face, only his eyes but he wore sunglasses. Xiao-Han told me it was Seb and I agreed, it looked his body shape. Anyway next at the party I sat next to Xiao and we were doing a quiz. One of them was to draw the Greek letter 'Theta' or however you say it but I thought it was a T shape. (Its actually O shaped). Then a question "what is the relationship between .... and ...." The answer was work but I didn't hear the items in the question. The next was something to do with colours.
      *BTW There was more before this dream I just can't remember yet, if I remember I'll post later as Part 1, and name this bit part 2.*

      Sam woke me up and I looked at him then said "Why'd you wake me up, I was having a really cool dream?" I stretched and put my blanket over my eyes then my arms over my face.
      He got my DSi charger and left, then I immediately remember DEILD!! I quickly stay still and look at the back of my eyelids where I see a circle with a black dot in the centre getting smaller then a sort of TV static filled my sight and I thought "Wow maybe it'll work?" There were weird black orbs floating around the static. Then suddenly it all vanished for a minute so I decided to get up and I had failed... what went wrong?
    6. Adventures and Evil Simon Cowell

      by , 08-13-2013 at 11:41 PM
      I was in some sort of adventure house which I had entered through a video game. Some other people were with me such as Billy, James, Beth etc. one of the rooms had a slutty woman in it and it was weird. The room was dark and had a party atmosphere. I tried to get James to go in because his reaction to it would be funny but he was relaxing on a bed. I went to the bed and sat on it and he woke up. I took him through the room but I forgot what his reaction was to the woman. There were 3 slanted bridges resting on metal barrels that we had to climb up to get to the next bit so we did. Suddenly we realized Simon Cowell was hosting the event and I think he did a speech or something but not sure. The next bit was shops and there was a build a bear factory where I saw Simon Cowell standing outside. He was crossing his arms and had sunglasses on. I screamed "SIMON COWELL!!" And we all rushed over. I said "Can I have a hug" while stretching my arms out and he accepted. I said in the hug" I also want an autograph" and he said "ok". I waited for him to stop hugging but he didn't. He said "Well get your autograph book then" and I was like Oh! And grabbed it from Annabelle who was next to me. Simon still hugged me and he seemed to have lifted me up so I sat on his arm or something. He signed my drawing book which had a drawing of him on it. There were lots of drawings of him in it but I chose the best one. I said "We have to go home now." And he said "I'll give you a lift if you want?" So we accepted.
      Me, and some other friends I can't really remember who, got in the car. Simon had some friends with him and I think one of them was Dom!!? He was driving and I was next to him so I got my photo book out and tried to find a bit with large space that he could sign for Sam. I found a page with a photo of two fingers or something with a large space under so I showed it to him and said "Can you sign here?" He said "no." So I just kept hold of the album feeling sad.
      Simon took us to a ferry or airport place I don't know which but it was some sort of travel and had the same entrance bit as Legoland. It said it was going to France. I realized quickly he was trying to kidnap us so I quickly pointed this out to my friends and started to get out the car and run. Our stuff was in the back so I opened it and it was like opening a lorry and I think the car had turned into a lorry. Simon was actually a fake and he just wanted to steal us. My friends helped each other get their stuff and run! Someone called the police and we escaped. It wasn't too difficult, luckily we managed to do it.
      *blank moment here*
      I was in a hotel near the pier on the seafront. Me mum Sam and dad lived there. I remember playing a Hell's Kitchen game or something I think they were Lego people in it? I chose who to kick out and who to stay. I made Jon always win. Under Jon there was a picture of some cabbages piled up in a triangle like a profiterole tower but bigger. He had done something like push them down a hill or something I can't remember. Then a Facebook comment thing popped up on the photo and both Jon and my friend Freya had commented on it. (???)
      I was back in the hotel and me and Sam decided to check out a shop opposite us. It had orange scaffolding on it. We went in and it was dirty and sold drugs as well as normal stuff. Some girl started going crazy like "You expect me to drink this!?" And stuff and then I realized that the people who tried to kidnap me and Dom worked here!! Omg so we went back to the hotel but outside the door mum was there crying! It was because we didnt tell her we were going to she got worried. I think I told her about the kidnappers and she went in the shop while me and Sam went back. Dom texted me saying "omg that was you in there?" Or something and I replied "yeah why are you turning evil now?" Then I can't remember what he said but he starting making fun of me for running away and I said "what the hell I was being kidnapped what was I supposed to do?" Then ended the convo.
      I don't remember what happened now so I'm just going to say the end!

      Thanks for reading!

      Updated 08-13-2013 at 11:51 PM by 48112

      Tags: cowell, dream, lol, simon, weird
      non-lucid , memorable
    7. Hotel and Ice cream... Teleporting people

      by , 08-11-2013 at 03:48 PM
      Date: 11.08.13
      Type: Non-Lucid
      Sleep: 2:30-11:30

      Dream one was something to do with being late for school then I bought an ice cream which said it was £41 but it was actually 41p or something. I met my brother at the top of the hill entrance to my old school and then we couldn't go in because of the ice cream and we were already late so I had to eat the ice cream really fast then I woke up.

      Woke up at 6:30 or something I can't remember but it was 6 something then attempted DEILD but I realised it's too early so tried a WILD but failed because the room was too light. I put a shirt over my eyes to block the light and fell asleep

      2nd dream was that I was in a hotel or something and drawing with black marker pen on a drawing pad. I made a brilliant car illustration with the black markers and showed it to dad. Then someone from another place seemed to portal or teleport to where I was and a glue stick with a drawing on appeared on my book. It was a young boy about my age or a bit older who teleported. He asked for the car drawing and in return about 6 giant boxes of sweets that looked like pixels. I accepted the offer then he said its actually £1 for a sweet!! So I said no way and went back to my hotel room. I remember another boy portalling to me and his mum wanted us to go out with each other. He was alright but I wouldn't go out with him. His mum seemed to be obsessed with me!!? I was friends with him though. I gave him a crunchy granola bar and he loved it.
      I can't really remember what happened next but I think I went to a restaurant with my dad.
      Next I remember being in my hotel room and putting on the dinosaur shirt I'm wearing today. It was my last day at the hotel and I put a crunchy granola bar in a sock then something else in another sock as gifts to the boy then locked it up and hid the key in some stairs made of rock.
      He found the key and when he touched it it started flying and spinning then snapped in half and the chest magically unlocked LOL. The boy liked his gift and then it was time to go. I was going to hug him but then he turned into my friend James so I thought it was weird and just left. Can't remember what happened next, I think that was the end then I woke up.
    8. Back to school?? And some really weird stuff!

      by , 08-10-2013 at 04:09 PM
      Date- 10/08/2013
      Type- Non Lucid
      Sleep time- About 11 hours, 1:30am-12:30pm

      Went to school first day back and it was science. Mrs Martin said choose a partner so I went with Billy (my friend). There seemed to be loads of arcade machines in the room! Me and Billy went to a dancing one where you step to the music it was fun then we went outside and I went off on my own to the cafe where I met up with Beth. We talked a bit then she went to sit with Jenny at the other end. I walked to a new part of the school leading up into a forest. Lots of people were playing there outside the entrance and I walked up to see you couldn't go in the forest as a guard was standing there. Idk why but he was standing with his back to the entrance. He looked like the guy with the weird eyebrows from the Apprentice. I remembered (a false memory) of the guy I used to like telling me that he would meet me there to tell me if we were going on a date or not. I tried to get into the forest but the guard kept catching me so I went down to the entrance and tried to get out. Some random girls kept spinning so I had to wait for them to spin somewhere else. I waited and the guy came up to me, we chatted but he never said anything about dating I can't really remember what he said.

      Another dream I had is that I was on a good side with some people and Mason (another friend) was on the bad side. We kept having battles and I forgot how to win because it changed each time. I remember winning once by putting 4 hot water bottles in my pillow before he did or something!? On that battle I felt bad for him so I went up to him and hugged him then kissed him on the cheek. Suddenly the earth was crumbling and I was a hero so I had to carry someone to Dr Eggman's ship (from Sonic)?? The ship was filling with water or something dangerous that I couldn't touch and I had to go to the bit where Sonic starts the sky levels in the game Sonic Adventure DX but it shut last second so I tried going down a hole in the ground instead. Voldemort appeared and started going "NOOOOOOO!". Then some more stuff happened and we were at a room that looked onto a swimming pool with everyone from Bishop Bell and I think the swimming pool was a new thing added to the school but not sure. The water was shaped like jigsaw pieces? It looked like jigsaw-shaped jelly.
      Everyone was in groups and we had to pass the swimming pool to go to the room we wanted so loads of people jumped in including me but you didn't get wet if you jumped in. The next room was kind of like a bar where you try other people's food. I tried lots it was really nice! Then someone said "that's just the starters" and I was like yay then I can't remember what happened.

      When I woke up I was drifting back into sleep and had a small dream about shredding paper and turning stuff 4D for people to watch. Then you're meant to put the shredded 4D bits together and it makes a picture or something on the back??????
    9. my first lucid dream journal entry :D

      by , 07-29-2013 at 09:13 AM
      as with most of my lucid dreams i just realized i was dreaming with no reality checks whatsoever

      in the dream i couldn't open my eyes because if i did the dream went blurry and i would go into sleep paralysis and i would change positions and be back in my bed, so i kept my eyes closed (i could still see) and went outside where there was patches of snow on the ground. after looking outside i went back in my house and was jumping around my living room trying to fly to convince my DC family i was dreaming but at the same time they was trying to convince me i wasn't, then i remembered how can i see if my eyes are closed which convinced them. i then remembered some tasks i was reading about
      1. look in a mirror (unfortunately not this months)
      2. ride a sea turtle (i think it was one of the tasks of the year)
      so i chose to look in the mirror and seen that i had no eyes and looked different ( i had short hair and no facial hair whereas in real life i have long hair and stubble) so i opened my eyes and eyes grew on my face in the mirror and then my face started morphing. i then remembered sivasons advice of looking at my hand (to help dream vividness and control?) as i was looking at my hand and the details kept on becoming clearer and then blurry and then they morphed into the surface texture of a golf ball.
      i then asked my subconscious to show my something brilliant and i woke up.
    10. My brother sleeping - 24th july to 25th july

      by , 07-25-2013 at 02:15 PM
      Today i dreamt i was waking up from my bed and decided to pick up
      my brother's phone and check what time it was, he was sleeping and i picked up
      his other phone and decided to play with it, i wasn't tired at all and he said "What are you doing? let me sleep."
      i told him "I will play some games in your phone because i'm not tired at all" he said "No, put the phone where it was"
      I was kinda bored so i picked up my phone and started to play.

      Technique used for this dream: Mild
      sleep time: 6 hours
    11. Now Entering My Subconscious Dream [LUCID] [WILD Technique]+ Hallucinating In Real Life

      by , 07-23-2013 at 04:28 PM
      So it's 3am and I'm soo tired because I've never been to sleep in 2 days out of curiosity and stupidness. So tired I am hallucinating while awake that the lights all over my house were flickering really fast even though all the lights weren't even on (confirmed by my step sister laughing at me) and me hearing random people in my head talking(not tulpae if you know what I mean by that). I layed on my bed until I got sleep paralysis, closed my eyes and instantly got thrown into a dream or closed eyed hallucination?

      I am in what looks like a tunnel that is swaying me back and forward while seeing in front of me an odd spiral and feeling as if i'm about to be sucked in. After a few minutes of trying to stop this weird force of energy swaying me back and forward I hear a female robot like voice say "Now Entering Subconscious". Just to note, from when I closed my eyes I was already 100% lucid. A huge flash of light nearly blinding me came across my vision and within seconds I was standing in what I felt was my subconscious. There were blue transparent blocks everywhere and floating dream characters that I've seen from previous
      dreams. Unbelievable... Bill in US Congress Proposes Draft-sleep-paralysis-lucid-dream-e1297199806299.jpgUnbelievable... Bill in US Congress Proposes Draft-screen-shot-2012-12-31-6-23-44-pm.jpg There were pirates sword fighting, stars dancing, cartoon characters talking and a whole lot of words flying rapidly through the air. I leaped onto another block, and another block and another. I found myself in a black room that I can see clearly in. My brain was there and was vibrating so loud that the invisible floor beneath me were shaking my legs. There were 2 rooms, one labeled "Thinking room" and the other labeled "Extras" I walked into the thinking room which was a green room filled with green lasers floating around me. I pressed a blue button that was on the wall. I heard things like "Why are they staring at me,fuck this, waste, school sucks, am I normal?, do I look awkward?" and loads more. I went to check out the Extras room and it felt like my brain was going to explode. My thoughts were racing VERY fast. I heard over 100 different voices talking really fast and even some yelling. I could solve complicated math problems without even thinking and blue smoke filled the room. After a minute I couldn't take it and ran out. Then Kitana from Mortal Combat came around the corner and put her hand around me and asked if I was ok. Then, everything just started breaking. The floors, blocks, people, rooms started shattering like glass leaving me in an empty black space floating. I then woke up.
      Unbelievable... Bill in US Congress Proposes Draft-230840-science-fiction-inception-wallpaper.jpgUnbelievable... Bill in US Congress Proposes Draft-kitana_mortal_kombat_-2011-__04.jpg

      Updated 07-03-2017 at 04:33 PM by 63377

    12. My brother's girlfriend discussing with him on the phone - 18th july to 19th july

      by , 07-19-2013 at 07:07 AM
      Today i dreamt i was giving a walk with my brother and my mom.
      My brother asked me if I could borrow him my phone, i did borrow.
      I could listen what my brother was thinking: "Should i do it now? is it the right time now?
      well i'll do it" he phoned his girlfriend and decided to tell her why he didn't tell her anything
      about he being "dissapeared" from their house 2 days ago. His girlfriend monologue:
      "What happened to you?"
      "Why you didn't tell me anything?"
      "I was worried you know?" <- almost crying
      **WEIRD PART**
      "I wanted you to come home, i want your love" <- crying
      "I want your friendship" <- crying
      "I want the music" <- crying
      My mom tried to talk to her but it was useless, she just continued with this nonsense monologue...
      "I want the football" <- crying
      And i whispered to myself
      "I want a lucid dream"

      Technique used for this dream: MILD
      Sleep time: 6 hours
    13. Vampires vs zombies - 17th july to 18th july

      by , 07-18-2013 at 01:24 PM
      Today i dreamt i was in a world where vampires and zombies only existed
      and they were enemies, i was the only human there. I was alone in a village near a desert.
      That village was quite peaceful, but suddenly the scenario changes and i teleport to another place.
      This place was in war, the weather was very cloudy I couldn't see the sun and i was in the middle of the desert.
      There were a guy on front of me, it was tall and had a black hat, he was a vampire, behind him was a very cute girl
      with black long hair, brown eyes and a shy personality, she was dressed with a black dress. and i felt in love immediately when i saw her. For some reason i kissed her on mouth and after i did that i felt so happy. The girl didn't react just became shy and i found her so cute (Still happy that i kissed her lol)
      Suddenly i see a black tornado near the desert, the weather was becoming stormy and i was scared she was as well.
      I wanted to protect her, but who really was protecting us was the vampire that was killing zombies. He said that we had to get out of there
      as soon as possible before we could get caught by the tornado, suddenly a zombie bites girl's neck, and i stay in panic and sad at the same time.
      The vampire gets me and fly away from there, i scream for her and cry but she was now becoming a zombie and there was nothing i could do.
      The vampire leads me to his "base" where there was his partner, it was a girl as well.
    14. Dream #1 - Dream Disease?

      by , 07-17-2013 at 05:08 PM
      Dream #1

      Lucid Dream? - no

      Dream Topic - I get a disease that makes my dreams black

      Dream plot - When I entered the dream I was in my Living Room with my Mother. She asked me if I had any dreams the past night. I said I didn't remember any. A few minutes later I fell asleep on my couch, when I woke up I asked myself, what did I just dream about? But nothing came to mind accept darkness. After a while I realize that I have a disease that makes my dreams black and nothing else, but I still dream. After I realize that I may never see anything in my dreams again I started to cry. My mother says that I can go to the pharmacy to pick up a pill to help me dream again. I woke up as i'm walking to the pharmacy.
    15. I'm lucid, but i'm not - 16th july to 17th july

      by , 07-17-2013 at 01:03 PM
      Somehow i don't remember how it all started, i just know i was lucid already and was hanging out
      around my home, when i go to the kitchen i see my brother and my mom seated on those black chairs.
      My brother is doing something on his laptop although i didn't look at it, I plugged his nose and told him "try to breathe now"
      I felt his nose on my fingers and felt he could breathe, well he was dreaming now. Next, i get near my mom and plug her nose
      and i tell her "You said lucid dreams weren't real, try to breathe now" I could feel her nose and felt her breathing as well and i told her.
      See? You are dreaming, i was kinda happy and excited to bring them on my dream and because i was lucid of course (i wasn't )
      then i go to the sitting room, but i have to stop on the middle of the kitchen because my mom asks me "Okay, what am i supposed to do now?"
      I told her "Well, you can see your mother that died" she says "I don't want to see her dead" I say... "You can just resurrect her, just try to imagine her
      when she was alive." and i made my way to the sitting room. **RANDOM PART** I lay down on the sofa and saw a transparent sack, guess what was in there?
      Pokémons, there was a charizard a charmeleon and a charmander, i took out charizard from the sack and started to caress it like...
      caress him on the belly on the head, like it was a dog i was extremely happy. Now some girl wants to fight against my charizard with her
      snubbull, i was like "lol, snubbull vs charizard" she gave me a time to think on the battle, so i went to the kitchen again and i lay down on the kitchen floor
      it was kinda fresh and it felt good, this time i took charmeleon from the sack and careless him.

      Technique used for this dream: WBTB
      Sleep time: 4 hours

      Updated 07-17-2013 at 01:05 PM by 62470

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