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    1. rubbing hands and voice commands worked

      by , 01-23-2011 at 01:01 AM
      i Had 2 lucid dreams today.

      i can't remember a lot about them, i had no paper so i didn't write any key words.

      the first one started at my place:

      My grandma was looking at the sky, there was full moon and the whole sky was purple
      i realized i was dreaming, i moved a chair with telekinesis.
      I said something like "change location: school" everything went black... i said "lumus" like in HP so i could see where i was. It was some kind of school.

      the second one:

      I woke up from the first lucid dream, i saw the sky through the window and it was purple. i heard a voice saying "you know this place and something is not right" then i saw a gas station in front of the house (it is not there in real life) so i realized i was dreaming again. ( false awakening )
      I started rubbing my hands, i saw a men walking to the gas station and the voice said "he is going to start a fire!"
      i created a shield made of ice, the gas station exploted and the shield melted but we were all right.

      i went to where the gas station was, there was the dude...
      the dream started to collapse so i tried with a voice command "increase lucity".
      it worked and i got closer, the dude now looked a lot like catherine tate and she started to attack me... i made "the sylar move" and extracted her brain, turned it into a burger and ate it.

      a silent hill like creature appeared and ate the corpse and it was going to attack me but then i woke up.

      that's it
    2. Portables, A Mission, and Bicycles (December 24-27)

      by , 01-16-2011 at 02:29 AM (The Lab Notebook)
      Awake, Non-lucid, Lucid, Dream within a dream, [Commentary made while awake]

      [This is a catch-up post. These dreams are from December 24-27, 2010.]

      Night of December 23-24

      I'm playing Neopets, and I somehow obtain an item that makes a particular level of a particular Flash game easier.

      I'm with P. in a hotel/bookstore. It's 12:30 A.M., according to an analog clock. [That's what my handwritten notes say, anyway.]

      I'm at my high school, once again visiting the second row of portables located a little distance to the west of the main campus. [These portables don't exist in real life, but did appear in a previous dream, namely, the last dream in this DJ entry.] I'm walking around with no shoes on. As I climb up the steps into one of those distant portables, I wonder whether I'm going to get in trouble for that.

      Night of December 24-25

      [I only have a very vague memory of this dream, especially now that I'm reconstructing it from handwritten notes this long after the fact (1/15/11). I've reconstructed it from my handwritten notes as best I can.]

      I'm at dream!Disneyland, watching a video in a theater. I also have a lucid dream within a normal one. When I first realize that I'm dreaming, I try to fly, but I can't. There are three DCs there, one of whom introduces himself to me and to the other two, and says something about how he isn't sure if we've met in reality or not. [Hmmmm... very interesting.] I actually tell the three of them that I'm dreaming. I get a second shot at completing a mission, and this time, I succeed. The mission involves saving the son of some teacher from someone. To complete it, I have to go into a room full of computer workstations and press a red, rectangular button that I find on someone's workstation. I couldn't find it the first time. At the end, when everything around me is blowing up [I think], I'm lying face down, going, “Please be a dream... please be a dream...” because I'm convinced that it's reality.

      I wake up out of my lucid, back into the regular, non-lucid dream I'd been having before.

      Night of December 26-27

      I'm riding along on my bicycle. A mechanical arm attached to an overhead conveyor belt grabs my bike and pulls it into this big, elaborate, two-story construct that's a combination of a maze, a play structure, and an amusement-park ride, with me still on the bike. I think, I thought things like this only existed in dreams! I didn't think anyone had actually built one as a ride! [LOL, more dream sign fail...] I'm excited to be going into it, though, because I know it's an amusement-park ride/activity and it'll be fun. The conveyor belt goes up at an angle, taking me up to the second floor. When I get there, I get off my bike and go inside a room. Other people are there, including some real-life friends [I think; I don't really remember who now]. We're all role-playing that we're scientists in a laboratory [I think], because that's part of the ride.

      The next thing I remember is realizing that being put in
      [artificial] danger is also part of the ride. I run toward the double doors through which I came into the room and open them by punching them. They swing outward, and I see that I've opened them just in the nick of time – just after the doors open, I see a locking bolt on one of the doors shoot out automatically. If I hadn't opened the doors when I did, we would have been locked inside.

      [I don't remember the transition to the next scene.] I'm in a large bike repair shop. My red bike [the one I have in real life right now] has been taken here, and I want it back. The female DC who runs the bike repair shop gives it back to me, along with a brand-new pair of long black-and-gray bicycle shorts, which are lying in a particular spot on the floor, waiting for me.

      [Fragment] Something about a [different] female DC who is infected with some kind of microbes that, when active, cause her body to become excessively warm.

      Updated 01-16-2011 at 02:37 AM by 37356 (fixing a color tag)

      lucid , non-lucid , nightmare , false awakening , dream fragment
    3. 11/17/2010 - "Blood in the Water"

      by , 11-19-2010 at 05:54 AM (Oneironaut Zero: Dreamwalker Chronicles)
      "Blood in the Water"

      I was in a sunlit cove, but deep within the hull of an enormous, old ship. Also on the ship was a coven of vampires, and I vaguely remember a small number of lycans, but I'm not 100%. MJ was with me, along with a few other unfortunate humans, and we were being held in the ships bowels. Apparently, I and a few others were going to be turned, against our will. MJ and the rest were going to be completely drained, and/or eaten. This coven consisted of dozens upon dozens of vampires on board, and only a handful of us. We knew we had no chance of escape, but we were going to fight like Hell.

      ...It wasn't really much of a fight.

      There was a long sequence of watching the vampires just rip through our numbers, brutally tearing humans limb from limb and gorging themselves on the seemingly gallons of blood that soaked the chambers and hallways. People screamed and ran for their lives. The sounds of a slaughter filled the entire vessel. I don't remember what it was, but a few of us - the last alive - figured out a way to blow up the ship. It was something of a suicide mission, but it was the only possible thing to do.

      I remember the explosion. The ship's hull had been completely sealed from the sunlight, for obvious reasons. But when the ship exploded, nearly killing me and - as far as I could tell - the other survivors, all of that sunlight was unobstructed. It flowed into the void that used to be an enormous ship, while the ship, itself, was literally blown to pieces. Most of the vampires were instantly obliterated. I was thrown into the water, and remember beginning to sink. I swam toward the surface, as fast as I could, but I kept feeling someone grabbing at me, frantically, from below. It was a vampire, and there were more of them surrounding me. I paddled for the surface with my arms in a panic, kicking my feet - more to keep the pursuing hands from getting a grip, than trying to actually go upward. Luckily, when I got to the surface, I was floating in a bath of sunlight. The vampire completely stopped giving chase. Not a single one of them could swim those last few feet, to reach me. Looking down at the vampires, with my head still underwater, was an amazing sight (though creepy as all shit). The top section of the water was a layer of orange from the sun, and it just got progressively darker blue, beneath. And there were those creatures; just staring at me, descending into the darkness because they couldn't come any further. (It sticks out in my head as the most distinct visual of the dream. I may draw it, one of these days. Here is a photo manipulation, for now. )

      On the surface, rescued by a blistering sun, I slung my arms over a piece of debris - exhausted. Incredibly, I had no fear of the vampires being able to reach me, and I completely relaxed, with the lower half of my body still hanging in the water. I looked around and saw no one. There was nothing but wooden planks scattered around me; remnants of the great ship, which was probably still sinking beneath me. I was sure I was the last one to make it out, though I was not surprised, since there weren't many of us left, in the beginning of the end. But I was wrong. I finally spotted another figure in the debris, hanging on for her life, just as I was. It was MJ. She and I were the only ones that had made it out alive.

      I swam over to her and we just allowed ourselves to float with the current, for a moment. By this time - seemingly out of nowhere - there were other people in the cove, large boats just floating passed and around us. One would have guessed that the massive explosion had never happened, if not for the large piece of wood we were floating on. We tried to wave people over, to pick us up, but all of the boats just traveled on by, as if they didn't see us. We could see that the driver of one of the larger boats was a man with a shotgun. We called out to him to let us aboard, but he just glared at us as his boat hummed passed, not saying a word. Finally, though, we made it back to land, on our own. The atmosphere seemed to have changed again, and this was now just a massive party; people dancing and drinking in the, quite beautiful surroundings of rock and water. Instantly, our spirits were lifted. We got to partying our asses off, with the unspoken understanding that some serious 'We fucking survived!' sex was in order.

      Woke up before we got that far, though.

      (Source Pictures can be found HERE)

      Updated 12-02-2010 at 05:13 PM by 2450

      non-lucid , nightmare
    4. 11/16/2010 - Fragment

      by , 11-16-2010 at 12:47 PM (Oneironaut Zero: Dreamwalker Chronicles)

      The only thing I really remember is that I was being detained by some group of people. One of them was this huge, hulk of a guy who looked like he might have been a butcher or something, judging by the filthy apron he was wearing. Most of the dream, I just don't remember, though I do recall one scene were lightning struck, somewhere on their property. I saw the bolt hit the building in slow motion. The electricity scattering across the area and ignited a combustible tank, causing a massive explosion, which injured at least one person. The whole thing played out in slow-mo, and I think I was watching from a disembodied perspective. That's about all I remember, though.
    5. Unicorn and Terrorist Airplanes

      by , 08-23-2010 at 07:43 PM
      Type: DILD.
      Lucidity: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
      Vividness: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

      This one feels pretty similar to my last recorded dream. The vividness decreased when I became lucid, but I still managed to complete the evasive TOTM and witness a terrorist attack.

      This dream started off with me being on a long rope of grassy hill. It was a hill that rose only ten or fifteen feet from the ground, so walking back down to the ground would take less than a minute. It was probably later in the day, but it had yet to become noticeably dark.

      The rest of the land was flat and covered in grass, and you couldn't see anything in any direction except a road traveling along the base of the hill that led to a very nearby city. The tall buildings started at the end of the hill, so you can visualize how close the city was; I was right on the outskirts of it.

      I looked around and suddenly became lucid, shouting "yes" rather excitedly and doing the nose-plug reality check, which obviously failed. But then, the dream suddenly decreased in vividness. Things became slightly hazy and the lighting became dim, although it was still light outside. I rubbed my hands for stabilization and touched the blades of grass on the ground, but it didn't help. So, still being on the hill and in no position to move, I decided to summon a white unicorn that I could ride. After all, I had no idea how long the dream would last but I didn't want to flip out. I used the familiar turn-around-and-expect-it-to-be-behind-me technique, and it was.

      However, although it was a bit harder to see, I could tell that the unicorn was a bit smaller than normal. I don't know how to measure horses in terms of hands, but it was probably only four feet tall. It also looked like its skin was made of white velvet, and I couldn't see its muscles moving as it walked over to me. It looked sort of like a toy, but that didn't bother me. I got up on it with a jump and landed square on its back, without having to reposition myself.

      There was no harness so I looked away, out towards the city, and then back again; there was now a single metal hoop around its neck. I rolled my eyes and expected it to walk forward, and it did. The dream still wasn't fading, so I got off it to do something else.

      That was when I lost most of my lucidity, with only a bit lingering. The road on the base of the hill had now changed to a six- or seven-lane highway with cars traveling quickly along them. All the lanes were in one direction, I observed. Although I wasn't lucid, I then chose to summon a random DC to test my dream control. I tried to summon it, but nothing appeared. I looked at the sky and then, at that very moment, two large gray planes flew overhead at an incredible speed, directly into the buildings in the city. There was an explosion which blew me backwards quite a bit, and the city buildings were now on fire.

      The dream ended.

      Updated 07-06-2011 at 09:14 AM by 28408

      lucid , task of the month
    6. Many, many fragments

      by , 07-13-2010 at 03:58 PM (Hidden's Dream Journal)
      This is actually from three nights ago.

      Series of Fragments 1
      I was at a camp. I went to a lake, where there was a big wedding boat which caught on fire. I was the only one helping put it out, and all I had was a squirt bottle. My DJ says I almost ran out of time, so I guess I was being timed.
      Then I was in a field. I couldn't find my horse, which made me sad because I missed him.
      Next I was at a village where they were selling See's chocolate. I wandered around, but I was having issues focusing. I may have been close to lucidity here. I came to a building where an exclusive theater was performing a comedy. There was a long wait list for it, but my dad got us in. Outside there were some people dressed as clowns. I had a contact-putting-in race with someone, which I lost. I went into the theater and we gave someone a Flareon.
      Callie (from Grey's Anatomy) was driving a helicopter upside down, trying to pick up one last person. The person jumped at the helicopter, which made it blow up. S and a random cat were blamed from the accident, but both were spared.
      A little girl started screaming in the middle of a country road. She got hit by a bus, going through the windshield and landing in the back. Birk (also from Grey's Anatomy) started to treat her.

      Series of Fragments 2
      I was with my cousins. There were evil ants, so we had to be careful not to get splinters or they'd kill us.
      My friend and I carried some things back to camp.
      I almost got hit by some tennis balls.
      I found an extra flip-flop, so now I had three of the same kind. They turned into boots.
      Something about climbing stairs. Apparently I was a walking ad for ski boots.
      I took a shower.
      There's something else written, but I can't read my handwriting.

      Sorry, this is really boring. >.>
    7. Mzzkc's Mind Games

      by , 07-02-2010 at 09:09 AM (Mzzkc's Mind Games)
      Dragon Slayer (DILD)

      They're probably going to die.

      I watch the dragons slowly descend upon two neighbors from inside my doorway. Fearing for my own safety, I shut the red metal door and casually step away.

      "Hurry up and get over here." My brother states from his fancy wooden seat at the dining room table.

      "There's dragons out there, man."

      "Don't worry about that." He brushes me off, as I take a seat next to him. Plopping down in my chair, he starts talking about something in his usual way, but I can't help thinking about that horde of dragons, the ones from the LD I just had a few moments ago before my. . .

      DEILD attempt! Right! This is a dream! I realize excitedly. Taking a look at my brother, I wonder if it's Burmes. "Hey, Burke." He looks at me as if I've got three heads. "Sorry, Burnes--Burmes right?"

      "No, not exactly." He states coldly.

      "Well, whoever you are, you're pretty convincing. You had me fooled for sure." I stand up and head to the door. I figured I'd help out those people in the court. Those dragons did refer to me as prey, after all.

      "Where are you going? Hey! Get back here!" My brother shouts at me.

      "I'm alright, thanks." I respond kindly, opening the front door to reveal a dragon hanging off the awning over my porch. Leaping out the door, I grab onto its head just as it begins to launch itself toward the center of the court, where those two people still were. Utilizing Super Strength, I break its neck, sending it hurdling onto my car-less, sloped, concrete driveway where it slides down a bit before stopping, dead in its tracks. The rest of the dragons were quick to notice.

      One, two, three, four, five, six. . . and probably more just around the corner. Better get started, then. Taking to the air, I pull out a bow from behind my back, and grab an arrow from much the same place. With a burst of will, I light the tip of my arrow ablaze, draw my bow, and aim it at the heart of the nearest dragon, 50 meters away.


      My shot is right on target, hitting its mark in the exact center of the dragon's chest. Stunned, the dragon looks down at the arrow protruding form its deep red and orange scaled body. It stumbles forward, but doesn't go all the way down. That's cause enough for me to switch to my Barret .50 Cal. Sniper Rifle. I take a quick shot without scoping, but it goes rather wide. Resigning myself to obscuring my vision for a short while, I peer through the scope, line up the dragon's head in the cross-hairs, and let off a round, which creates a rather large hole in the thing's forehead. Before it can hit the ground, and after dealing with gun's recoil, I put another bullet through its skull for good measure. Yeah, there's no way it's getting up from that.

      Off a ways from all this, I see and hear a dragon howl ominously into the afternoon sky. The narrator in my head explains that this particular dragon was upset because his last living brother had just been killed. I was also informed that the dead dragon in question was the one whose neck I had snapped moments ago. They probably shouldn't have started screwing with my dream, if they didn't want me to fight back.

      Dropping the gun, I pull out a weapon from a more civilized age (No, not that, you silly Star Wars fan, you). My steel Katana glints luminously in the slowly failing sunlight. The mass of dragons--plus one enraged ex-brother--smoothly move in my direction. I too move forward, as one of them takes out a missile launcher. Oookay? I think as he fires it, sending a missile careening toward me. . . very very slowly, I might add. Watching the missile sputter out halfway and drop to the ground, isn't too surprising. However, I don't expect the resulting explosion to be as large as it is. If I had been any lower in altitude, this could have ended badly. I need to deal with this before things get even more out of hand, and if there's anything I've learned about efficiently dealing with large groups of enemies from my HvZ exploits, it's that you should always rush them before they rush you.

      Shouting ferociously, I fly at high speeds toward a dragon to my left. Raising my sword high above my head I scream, "Getsuga Tenshou!" tearing at the air before me in a dramatic swipe. A blue cyclical wall of energy erupts from my blade and flies forward, hitting the dragon and creating a huge gash along its entire body. Feeling confident that would be enough to put that one out of the fight, I turn my attentions to the others around me, just in time to block a claw from removing my head. I back off from my attacker, and start to fly around him, being sure to make a note of the positions of the other dragons. Right then, that asshole with the missile launcher tries his luck at blowing me out of the sky again, but my next maneuver will put me well out of range of the blast.

      Flash Stepping into striking range, I unleash a flurry of slashes on my attacker, before Flash Stepping to the other combatants and doing the same. I finish just in time to feel the shock-wave of the explosion behind me. Unfortunately, my strikes barely break through the dragons' skin, and I'm forced backward yet again in order to avoid being cleaved in half. I let off another Getsuga, but this one is deflect by. . . A dragon with two gigantic sabers? Fuck me.

      I strafe aerially in a wide arc, carefully watching not only this new threat, but all those still in the fight. It's then I notice the second blade in my off hand. How'd that get there? I wonder for a moment before realizing how unimportant that information is. All I know is that now I should be able to take on that monstrosity slightly below me.

      Changing my flight path, I dart diagonally toward the dragon with the giant twin blades. "Getsuga Tenshou!" I yell, but my blade fails to perform the technique. Ignoring my seeming lack of control, I engage her in direct combat. Yet, as it turns out, fighting with two swords is a lot harder than you'd think, even when acting on instinct. Despite my best efforts, each attack I make, no matter how complex, is subsequently parried and met by a counter. What's worse is some of my opponent's attacks actually manage to nick me a bit. What gets me is that here's this target five times my size, I can't even land a single blow, but she manages to make contact with my skin on several occasions!

      "Come on!" she taunts me, "Is this the best you've got?!"

      "No, actually." I state as coolly as I can in my agitation.

      "Well, then bring it!"

      Jumping backward, I warn her, "Remember, you asked for it." Then, throwing my arms out to the side, I proclaim, "Ban--kai!"


      The energy deep within me bursts forth in a remarkable fashion, violently throwing about the air around me. My dual blades are now wider, more ornate in design, and encased entirely in glowing, bright, yellow energy. But that isn't the only new thing I have to show off. Moving toward her, my speed is so great that the world blurs around me and she herself seems to be stuck in time. I circle her, once, twice, three times, four times in less than a second, with each pass I cut into her with a volley of slices faster than even I can make out.

      "I'm not quite done, yet." I comment with a grin as I slow down enough for her to register where I am. "Reverse Bankai. . . Resurrection!"

      At that, my body is covered in white light as I immediately transform. I switch to the third person to get a good look at my new form. I'm completely shirtless, with smooth pale skin, flared white sleeves sporting two lavender and orange squares overlaid on top, and white bone-like gloves. My shorts are also pure white, and my feet and lower legs are fitted in a bone-like material as well; they too bear the colored squares. My medium length green and blue hair spikes out to the side, flowing subtly in the warm twilight air. A metal loop is affixed to my stomach, from which a thick silver chain is passed through. On the end of that chain is my new weapon: a pair of red marble nun-chucks with gold plated tips.

      "But that's still not all I've got lined up." The dragon's eyes are visibly wider now as they continue struggling to follow my movements. Reaching my hand to my face, I rip down my Vizard mask. I feel a cold wave flow out from the center of my being; my desire to utterly destroy this creature rises as the numbing current overtakes me. Allowing myself to act on the impulse, I Flash Step in front of the target of these urges, bringing my weapon down hard across her head.


      The explosion from my strike sends overpowering vibrations throughout my neighborhood. Standing behind my opponent now, I slow down time for the both of us and explain to her why she's missing half her face and falling to the ground, while I'm completely unharmed.

      "It seems every time this weapon makes an impact with something, it lets out a fairly powerful blast. I'd say the actual force is around ten times as strong as what those missiles your friend was shooting could produce. Luckily for me, this new form has a built in perk that protects me from attacks below a certain level. Unfortunately for you, its limit is high enough to let me use something that devastating as my main attack. I don't think you're body will be able to handle it like mine can. Let's find out, shall we?"

      Resuming the flow of the battle, I move back in front of her and begin my assault--and what an assault it is. Every blow from my viciously spinning nun-chucks is coupled with an enormous explosion. Smoke, fire, and smoldering flesh flies around me as I continue my attack, each strike taking a good sized piece of her body with it. She drops her blades, but I'm not just going to let such massive weapons go to waste. Snatching them from the air, I use a bit of chain from my stomach to bind the sabers together, creating a pair of sword-chucks three times the size of my body. Expertly utilizing both weapons, it's only a short time before all that's left of the dragon is an unrecognizable husk of meat and bone.

      My brother comes up to me, his mannerisms completely different from before. "Well, if that doesn't scare them off, I don't know what will."

      Nodding to whom may have been Burmes, I turn to the rest of the dragons. Staring them down, shock splayed against their collective faces, I instruct them, "Run, while you still can."

      The dream fades as I watch these beasts who once thought of me as prey vacate the area with a hurried purpose.

      Updated 07-19-2010 at 04:13 AM by 25167

      lucid , memorable
    8. 06/30/10 Revenge Served Cold

      by , 07-02-2010 at 05:44 AM (New Dream Adventures of Raven Knight)
      Note: I fell asleep this night with my energy in a very unstable state due to some problems I had during the evening. When I say unstable, I mean unstable to the point where I was not able to finish my evening class in school… I had to tell the instructor I wasn't feeling well and then leave early. While I had managed to calm down some by the time I went to bed, I was still very unstable. A large portion of my negative energy was directed at the Templars who have given me nightmares on the previous two nights… so my main plan was to kick Templar ass. I had this plan in mind when I fell asleep, but I was not successful in entering my WILD. Fortunately, my intentions were strong enough that I still ended up where I wanted to be…

      I was in my room. I was in bed. I rolled over and thought about the events of the previous evening. I was a nice mixture of pissed off and depressed, basically quite unstable. I was thinking that was why I was being unable to sleep. I sat up in bed and stroked the kitty beside me. She purred. I got out of bed to use the bathroom. I thought I should try to stay in the habit of doing an RC when I wake up or get up in the night… even if I don't think I've been asleep… I did a nose-pinch RC and found that I was dreaming. I became fully lucid.

      I thought about what I wanted to do… I was feeling pissed off… and I wanted someone to take that out on. Templars! They were the origin of my current problems, so I would take it all out on Templars! I had told them that continuing to disturb my dreams and turn them into them nightmares would result in serious consequences. Now it was time to deliver on those consequences. I focused on opening a portal to find a Templar base, I would go straight to them and have a kill fest right there in their base. The portal opened and I went through it.

      I was now in a Templar base. There were Templars wandering around. They all were going about their own business. At first no one noticed me. Those were the bastards who had turned my past two nights' dreams into nightmares… they were the cause of the instability and the situation that had led to an argument between a friend and mine who had told me that he no longer wants to be my friend… I walked over to the Templar closest to me as the others moved out of sight. I could feel unstable dark energy inside of me… my energy had been unstable all evening, and now I could finally do something about it! I grabbed the Templar by the throat and slammed him against the wall. He let out a surprised 'glurk' but could not speak to alert the others. I squeezed his throat until I felt something get crushed, then I let him down. He grabbed his neck and was choking… he couldn't breathe… he coughed up blood, collapsed, and died.

      One dead Templar was not nearly enough. Time to start killing them in larger numbers. I went into a room with two Templars there. A big guard and another who looked more like a scientist. I used Master of Puppets on the guard, and made him beat the other Templar to death. I then made him grab a scissors from a desk and imbed it into his own throat, followed by using the scissors to cut the wound larger. He pierced his own jugular vein and bled out . I continued through the base. I met several Templars in the halls. I stabbed each of them with my hidden blade before they realized I didn't belong there. I looked into a large control room. There were 15 Templars in there at control stations. I let a tendril of Witchblade out, it went through the room and pierced the throats of each Templar. The instant I retracted the tendril, the blood flowed freely and they all died.

      As I continued on my way, I tried to think of a creative way to kill the next Templar… I found a lone Templar in the hall. He stopped and looked at me. I used Damage, Inc. to set him on fire. The Templar was quickly engulfed in flames. In a blind panic, he ran into another room with a number of Templars in it. He wanted someone to help him, but all he ended up accomplishing was to set several more of the Templars on fire… now there were five Templars panicking in the room, engulfed in flames and screaming in pain. That didn't last long; they all collapsed, dead. I killed the next few Templars I met with my Witchblade sword. Electrocuted a few with lightning. Crushed several more with gravity. And each Templar I killed was immensely satisfying. My unstable energy was simmering down to an icy rage.

      It was around here that I thought I was waking up… but I wasn't finished getting my payback against these Templar assholes! I focused on Allura's method of time dilation and the dream stabilized.

      I made my way down into a dungeon. That looked like the kind of place where they would carry out their tortures. There were hooks on the walls from which lanterns were hanging. I used telekinesis and lifted a Templar up, impaling him on a hook through his abdomen. He was still alive when I left him, coughing up blood as he tried to call for help. The next several Templars I came across met the same fate as the first one, hung from those iron lantern hooks. I found three more Templars near an open dungeon cell door. A couple of big guards and a smaller one. I could hear them talking, I could hear them clearly.

      "Ok… when she gets here," the one said to the others, "You grab her like last time. All you have to do is chain her up in this room, and we'll let the rats do the rest." He laughed.

      I was standing right beside the three Templars now, between the two larger guards while the smaller man was facing away from me, looking at a door. "So…" I said, "What's the plan here?"

      "Weren't you listening at all?" the Templar said with some frustration, "You two grab Raven, chain her up in the dungeon, and then we watch the rats eat her alive! Now get it…" the Templar had been turning around, and was now facing me. There was a big guy on either side of me. "There she is right now! Grab her, you idiots!"

      Each of the big Templars grabbed one of my arms and held on tight. I didn't even try to pull free. Time to activate Witchblade. Nothing happened. The smaller Templar held up a remote and laughed. He said the dampening field was up, so I could forget my little tricks. I told him it was their loss. Using Witchblade would have brought them to a much quicker death than the alternative… The smaller Templar told the other two to put me in the cell; the rats are hungry. He laughed again. I focused on controlling dark energy into tendrils. The tendrils wove from each of my arms and wrapped around the arms of the big guys beside me. At first they didn't seem to notice. Then both of them started screaming and let go of me… or they tried to let go. Each of them had a black tendril boring its way into their arm. Each attempt to pull free resulted in more pain.

      The third Templar just stood there and stared at us for a bit, muttering something about the dampening field he had mentioned before. He pulled out a sword and was apparently intent on just killing me so I would wake up and be away from them. A third dark energy tendril snaked out of where my 3rd eye would be and wrapped around the sword. The Templar dropped the sword and turned to run down the hall. The tendril was faster, and it bored its way into the Templar's back. Armor was nothing to the dark energy tendril. All three of the Templars were now screaming in pain. Their screams brought more Templars to see what was happening. The tendrils that attached me to the three separated, and I was able to direct those tendrils and more at the arriving Templars. Most of them didn't have a chance to react… a couple tried to cut the tendrils with swords, but that was completely ineffective. So soon all of the Templars in the room, the three I had found there plus 12 who had come to check it out, were writhing on the ground in pain.

      I went over to the Templar who had been telling the big stupid ones the plan. He was grimacing in pain and clutching his abdomen. I kicked him there and lifted him up. I told him I knew he would wake up soon, but for his sake he had better have learned a valuable lesson… don't fuck with me. And don't go back to fucking with any of my friends, either. Harm one of them and the results will be the same, maybe worse. Get the picture? He cursed at me. I slammed him against the wall and said if he was still failing to get it, there's a lot more trouble where this came from. So stay away from me, stay away from my friends, or there would be consequences. I dropped him on the ground where he continued to writhe in pain. I wasn't sure what the dark energy tendrils were doing… or maybe I was… they were eating the Templars alive from the inside out. Well, they had intended for me to be eaten alive, so their plan backfired.

      I went into the dungeon cell and looked around. Chains and shackles on the floor clearly meant to chain a prisoner so they couldn't move… cages with horribly underfed rats inside them; add animal cruelty to the list of Templar offenses… I felt my dark energy. It still felt like an icy rage… I was glad the Templars were in pain. But not the animals… they had done nothing. I opened the cages. The rats weren't in such bad condition that they couldn't make a run for it when given the chance. They ran for the cell door and out it. I heard more screams from the Templars. I glanced out and saw some of the rats were on various Templars. The Templars seemed nearly immobilized with pain from the dark energy tendrils… and now there were rats on them. A rat chewing on a Templar's ear, a rat chewing on a Templar's cheek, a rat chewing on a Templar's nose… The rats would be fed… but it was fresh Templar on the menu… I shut the cell door and was waiting to wake up. Now I was alone in the dark room with nothing but the background sounds of Templar pain.

      I was waiting in the dark room to wake up. The icy rage inside me made the Templars' dying gasps of pain sound like wonderful music… then there was silence. Ok… now to wake up? Maybe that dampening field was still there and I would have to leave here by normal means and then wake up… I formed a fireball in my hand… my abilities seemed to be working fine.

      "Raven!" came a voice from behind me. Wtf? Who had found me here? I turned and looked behind me, I saw MoSh was in the room with me. The icy rage I had felt inside had been starting to subside… but suddenly it surged back again, almost as strong as it had ever been. Now it was MoSh's turn… I would see him writhing on the ground in pain… I would… wait… no… I turned my gaze back to the blank dark stone wall. Watching Templars suffer… ok. But not MoSh… no. I focused on that blank stone wall and on The Curse by Disturbed, must stabilize the dark energy. It'd had its fun with the Templars… and that's all it was going to get. MoSh was saying something about dark energy and an attack. I said that telling me to stay out of his dreams doesn't make a whole lot of sense if he is just going to come into mine. He said he needed my help to stop the dark energy something… I said if there was a dark energy threat, get Walms or Tigress… and if it was simply an extremely powerful threat of any kind, get Vegeta… but don't stay here. My energy is currently about as stable as nitroglycerin… well shaken nitroglycerin, and could blow at any moment. And it was getting very unstable… it hadn't been very unstable earlier because I had been working with it to eliminate Templars, but now I was actively fighting it… and that was creating instability.

      That was it… I wouldn't be able to keep it inside any longer. I turned back towards MoSh… who took a step back when he saw how crazed I probably looked… I opened a vortex portal right next to MoSh that led back to his inner world, used telekinesis to push him through, closed it behind him and then BOOM! There was an explosion… and then I was no longer standing in a Templar base… now I was standing in a crater… um… ok… I hadn't realized the explosion would be quite that bad… although the icy rage was completely gone now. Completely vented off against the Templars. I looked around the crater… I didn't think a single Templar could have survived… which brought me to a chuckle. But I felt stable. Finally it felt completely under control. Now that control was restored everything faded and I woke.

    9. Mzzkc's Mind Games

      by , 06-09-2010 at 02:46 AM (Mzzkc's Mind Games)
      The End (Non-lucid)

      VRRRRRRMMMM--VVVRRRRRRR! My father and I were speeding home after just narrowly escaping from a zombie filled corporate building. "Something's not right." He says, as we screech around a corner.

      "What's wrong?" I ask.

      "I don't know, the controls are all weird. Bleh! Hold on!" He guns the sleek black car down the straightaway to our house and whips the back around. His expert driving parks us right in front of our neighbor's mailbox in a flurry of smoke and burning rubber. He gets out of the car hurriedly and goes inside their house. Out of nowhere, a friend of mine jumps into the driver seat and turns the engine back on.

      "The hell are you doing?!" I exclaim in protest.

      "What's it look like I'm doing?" She rolls her eyes at me and takes the car back out into the main street outside my court. "Huh, that's weird." She is all over the road and seems to have absolutely no control over the car.

      Frustrated, I shout at her "Get out of the way!" moving her to the side I take the wheel. To my surprise, the turning was, indeed, quite f-ed up. Spinning the wheel in any given direction would cause the car to drift off to the opposite side. It only takes me a moment to get the hang of it, though, and before we know it I've maneuvered my way back into the previous parking position. I get out of the car and look up to the smoky orange sky. What I see only confirms my fears. It's the end of the world.

      Large clusters of missiles and bombs are being shot high into the sky and scattered all around the area. I turn toward the house and see my dad motioning for me to hurry my ass inside. I don't hesitate for a moment. Leaving my friend behind, I rush inside the house only to have one of the falling pieces of ordinance crash through the roof and violently pass through my leg. Surprisingly, I feel no pain. My dad takes one look at the small brown and red blinking object on the floor and his eyes go wide. "Quick! Downstairs now!"

      As we close the door behind us an explosion rocks the house. My father pulls out a shotgun and explains we would have to hold out here for the time being. I understand completely.

      Time lapses, and it turns out the world had been taken over by sentient robots. I'm watching a scene where two of them, who look exactly like me (apparently the thing that passed through my leg collected a DNA sample), discuss breaking into our stronghold. They conclude that if they both go they would lose only one robot life in exchange for the two humans residing below. "Acceptable losses," they called it.

      Meanwhile, the rest of the invasion force is searching for the last hope humanity has for survival: The Avatar (think more 'last airbender' not the popular movie). Long story short, they find her, and end her life in a most spectacular fashion. All hope is officially lost. . .
    10. Mzzkc's Mind Games

      by , 06-09-2010 at 01:41 AM (Mzzkc's Mind Games)
      Yellow (Non-lucid)

      What a great night for dreaming. No lucids, but almost every non-lucid was quite a lot of fun.

      I was taking the role of Static Shock, and had just finished a rather interesting fight with two DCs. While they had the ability to use the others' powers, the most interesting part was how they fought: using fancy moves, bright colors, and lots of light effects. I don't remember who won the battle; regardless, I was now inside a store. In this store were several "Hoodies" signified by their wool caps. Turns out Hoodies and un-capped mutants like myself had been in a constant war with each other that was taking its toll on the community.

      I was making progress to ease tensions between the groups, befriending many of the Hoodies after bouts. I found this out while explaining it to some random person who asked, flying on my collapsible manhole cover, citing the lack of merchandise in the store. It was at about the time I finished talking that the girl from my fight earlier came into the store and approached me. She wanted me to accompany her to train, so she could learn to use my power. I said sure, and she jumped on my cover and off we went, in search of a training ground.

      This part was incredibly vivid.

      As we flew over rooftops, I felt a strange connection to this character. Similar to the one I felt when I first spent time with my first DG. People were outside on top of their houses, taking pictures of each other in the starry night sky. We passed over a miniature golf course where I spotted a friend who didn't notice me. Soon, the urban town was growing more old timely. I mentioned that I had always liked this part of town. She questioned me, asking why I would like such a creepy place. I had no answer.

      As the environment did indeed get much creepier, we came across a large caged dome, which apparently housed political prisoners. There was a large forest inside. Perfect for training. The Warden was nearby, luckily, so I asked him if we could use the area to train in order to help fight crime better or some such nonsense. He warily agreed and showed us inside. We found a nice clearing and that's when the fun started. She explained that you could use any ability if you had had it used upon you at all. Thrilled at the prospect we began to spar.

      She was using some kind of yellow light that could explode, lash out, and do a multitude of other things. I was using standard purple electricity. After a short while we overheard the Warden saying that now that I was trapped here it was just enough time for them to destroy the town. At this point a large being emerged inside of town, and my perspective cut away to it. It grew until it was fully formed. It was a Hollow, but not a real Hollow. Sure enough, a copy of the monster, with glowing red eyes and bone white mask came out of the ground before it. The first beast questioned it, wondering who it was. The second one responded, calling it an idiot and promptly absorbing the first.

      As it stood up, a large indent in the street was created, freaking out all the nearby DCs. Then, as it reached out it's hands, large bolts of blue electricity shot down from its fingers onto the streets and buildings. I had to stop it. Unfortunately, the Warden's henchmen, large, fat, round, fleshy, golem like creatures started to attack us. We went to work. I discovered that if I charge a blast with one finger, and direct the needle thin line of electricity at them, then I could use the yellow light to make them explode from the inside out. I did this to several of them, to spectacular results. It looked like we were thinning their number, but suddenly Menos started to materialize all around us. My new friend set up some kind of barrier of yellow light that slowly dissolved them as they appeared, but they were too resilient for it. For some reason, it made sense to draw my sword. I put my back against hers and released my Bankai. As energy swirled around us, and Menos made their way through the barrier of yellow light, I shouted: "Getsuga Tenshou!" a yellow stream of tornadoes shot out of my blade and started cutting through the Menos. As I sustained my ability, the girl beside me used her yellow light to slice through the Menos. We turned in one wide arc, together, cutting down our enemies in a wondrous fashion. When it was over, I took a look at my blade. A short silver blade with a large, black, blocky hilt that came around the front of the blade into a swept point. I wondered why it wasn't black.

      This led into a weird tangent that involved my WoW playing suitemate explaining that I needed to play WoW and collect "evil orbs" to change the stylizing of my character. Yeah. . .

      I don't think I did that dream justice.
    11. Mzzkc's Mind Games

      by , 06-09-2010 at 01:21 AM (Mzzkc's Mind Games)
      Boom! (DILD)

      I didn't sleep at all two nights ago, which explains my lack of any entry for that day.

      I was running for my life. A friend had just overheated the new temporal computer we had built, out of spite. We were using it to store the consciousnesses of a large group of people in order to make an animated film using real actors. However, people weren't following the carefully laid schedule and plan I had set out and were freaking out over the logistics. Hence the reason my colleague decided to overheat the system, which would cause it to explode. . .

      Anyways, there I am, running through the halls of this school, and a little voice pops in my head. It tells me not to worry, since this is just a dream.

      Nice. I thought as I burst through the front doors. I rubbed my hands to stabilize. I figured I'd try the finger through the hand RC since I've never done one of those before. I was pretty weird, not something I think I'm going to make a habit of doing though. Anywho, I took to the air, trying out various flight positions in order to find out what worked the best for me.

      Soon, I thought, Oh, right. That building is going to explode. Better get to a safe distance. I flew off and up, and then down again, getting caught in some telephone wires, but pushing through them as if they were rubber bands. At that point, I heard a loud booming and I looked behind me in time to see licks of flame and debris shooting around the large building I had gotten behind for safety.

      I went to investigate to find the building had indeed blown up. Most of the outside walls were intact, albeit on fire, but everything inside the school, and the roof, were totally destroyed. Hey, that reminds me. Wasn't one of my old goals to set off a suitcase nuke? So, I got right on it, dropping down to the fountain in front of the school. I reached down in the crevasse where the fountain met the ground, and sure enough, out came a suitcase nuke. I opened it up, people around me going about their usual business. And I hit a few random buttons up in the corner, since I had no idea how to work this thing.

      Sure enough, the console on the thing booted up and I was presented with a nice graphic of a missile station receiving my coordinates and orders. A pretty accurate 3D model showed me the nuke taking off. I knew it was only a short matter of time before it hit. So, I sat down, in meditative pose, and waited.

      In moments, the missile hit, and the nuke went off. It enveloped me, burning my skin through my invulnerability. I could smell and feel the radiation around me. I could hear the sonic boom. The resonating frequencies of every possible wavelength ripped at my ears. And I saw nothing but an orange glow, rushing over me, trying to uproot and destroy me. It was marvelous, yet terrifying.

      When it was done, however, nothing around me except the fountain was really gone. I didn't pay it much mind at the time, but it would have been cool if there was nothing left behind, except a wasteland. Regardless, I went about the lucid, flying about in the air. I noticed some people from TO, my old SG. I went over to say hello to everyone, but no one knew who I was anymore. All the old members had moved on.

      I did a bit more airborne exploration before the dream finally started to fade. I let myself wake up so I could hurry up and write all of this down.

      Updated 06-10-2010 at 01:39 AM by 25167

      lucid , memorable
    12. Mzzkc's Mind Games

      by , 06-09-2010 at 12:41 AM (Mzzkc's Mind Games)
      Ka-Blammerz! (DILD)

      This is a long one, so I'll cut out the unimportant bits.

      We're on a bus heading out to a lodge somewhere. There are some douche bags on the bus, some antics ensue, not really that important. We're in Florida and heading through some of the sketchier parts. We've been on the bus for awhile, when the driver finally decides to pull over, stating he will not be going through that section of town. Instead, we're going to be walking around it since there's no other route. We get out and start making our way to a swampy area. A car pulls around and the Bus Driver hangs back. Turns out a drug deal or something is going down, and the bus driver gets killed. By now I'm in the swamp, but I can't move very quickly through the slush. On top of that, the people who just offed the bus driver are coming for us now. This triggers that handy dream reflex of mine and in an instant, I'm Flying away.

      The best part is I gained lucidity doing it. Sweet, finally, a legit DILD. I stabilized for a moment, rubbing my hands, before deciding to get right on the Task of the Month. I had it all planned out, I was going to activate the Self Destruct power from CoH. I "clicked" on the power (this is really abstract and hard to explain) and started through the animations. The red 10, 9, 8, started counting down over my head. I crossed my arms and hunched over, there was no electricity shooting off my body like in the game animation, but when the countdown hit 0 I released. It was one of the weirdest and coolest sensations ever. I could feel the blast engulfing and vaporizing my pursuers and the classmates around me. I saw pixelated specks of red and puffs of orange as my body became nothingness. I was gone and so were many of the things around me. I floated like that for a moment, in that serene state, before reconstructing my body.

      That part wasn't too tricky, it just involved realizing my physical body was in my bed, and emulating what I felt outside the dream. That destabilized it a bit though, and I had to stabilize again. After that, I went into the nearby house and interacted with a few DCs, my lucidity waning, but still there. Most of them were people from the bus I hadn't seen before. The house was filled with old nerf guns and this one guy had a mini uzi that shot needles. I told him to shoot me with it, he did, and I stopped the projectiles a la Neo. After a short time chatting with them, I figured I'd attempt to locate my DG. It had been awhile since I had talked with her, and our last conversation was very insightful. So I casually asked the group if anyone knew where she was.

      Surprisingly, they told me she was just up ahead, and sure enough, she came out from the other room. This conversation proved to be almost as insightful as the last one. We talked about the nature of reality, death, and she told me about a few drugs I should look into. I hadn't remembered hearing about these drugs before, but some of them turned out to be real, which was odd. One was Pepp, a hangover relief thingy (I don't drink, so this was weird), and one was Melox, or Meloxicam, an anti-inflammatory. The other one was Persep or something like that, I couldn't find anything on that upon waking. I knew the dream was ending soon, because my stabilization techniques weren't working well. So I said my goodbyes, went over the drugs once more to memorize their names, and woke up.
    13. I am ultimately not fooled by little aliens

      by , 04-19-2009 at 10:19 AM
      Morning of April 19, 2009. Sunday.

      I am at Northern Engraving, a factory where I had worked in the 1980s, on the second floor in the lunchroom. I am seated at a wooden picnic table and talking with a coworker about having seen tiny people of about four inches high. No one believes they exist. (My dream seems to have at least one reset after the point where the coworkers leave and the tiny people are seen by me.)

      When there are again no coworkers in the lunchroom (which illogically implies that all my coworkers had come back only to all leave again) of which has minimal lighting, I see the tiny people running across the floor near the doorway (from right to left) and they are soon aware that I can see them. They seem like humans at first, only miniature. At this point, my dream becomes extraordinarily vivid.

      Over time, there seems to be an area beyond the lunchroom where the doorway connects to the Barolin Street house’s doorway directly into the hallway (from where would have been our oldest son’s bedroom at the time).

      There also seems to be areas that lead out from there into WWTI (where I worked in maintenance as well as having taken two courses in machine tool and carpentry). I sit on the floor with my knees up and my back against the hall’s wall and I am very friendly with these apparent aliens that also somehow now seem like fairies relative to the legends. A female sits on the back of my raised hand while a few others are also seated on the floor and we share a few jokes about humans (even though I am human). After being friends with them for awhile, they agree to take me to their planet to explore or perhaps to live for a time. (My conscious self identity is not extant, so I am unaware of my present life status of living in Australia and having a family.)

      They eventually lead me into an old abandoned building, though of which they claim is their spaceship disguised as a building and which had been there for a long time. It reminds me of my high school in Florida in some ways. I go into a large old shower room with a concrete floor and with about four adjoining open showers, which is apparently an internal part of the spaceship supposedly near where the engine is. Interestingly, I suddenly and clearly realize that their intent is malicious (and that they are against humanity) and consider that I will probably be killed if I stay here, because I now understand that the building is not a spaceship, and I also realize that it is set to blow up very soon. I manage to escape just in time, feeling very intelligent by intuitively knowing of their deception. I am not sure if they were in the explosion or not, but it seems they might have been. A four-block area is destroyed by the explosion as I wake while on the perimeter of the area, feeling safe.

      As with most of my non-lucid dreams of this type, this dream is about my lifelong experience of being subliminally aware of being in the dream state even when not lucid and as such, has nothing to do with “interpretation” (especially as usually misused to imply “meaning”) as commonly propagated by the unknowing (including so-called experts and professionals who usually have zero understanding of what a dream is). It is ultimately about my lifelong relationship with RAS (reticular activating system) and its mediation while unconscious. I have the choice of remaining in my fantastic dream or accepting the biological urge to wake and urinate.

      The presence of the tiny people vivified my dream but not enough to trigger threads of conscious self identity, though did link me to a later setting (though of which we no longer live) and of which is a subliminal reminder that I am really unconscious and in a bedroom. The combined fantasy of aliens and fairies is obviously unrelated to real life. I deliberately (though again, subliminally, that is, without being aware I am dreaming) use this impossible scenario to sustain my dream. It is purposeful, but ultimately fails, as waking is a biological necessity.

      Still, in subliminally avoiding the inevitability of waking, I ultimately end up in a shower room, associated with bathrooms, of course, during which RAS becomes the “enemy” in its role as the waking trigger.

      Had I chosen to gone with the aliens in their spaceship (if my dream had taken this route), the vestibular system symbolism would have been utilized. (This is associated with various forms of movement, typically flight symbols such as birds and airplanes, though also the common falling sensation, which is solely biological.)

      The explosion simply symbolizes the cessation of the dream state itself and my (subliminal) choice to end it. What could have been typical return flight waking symbolism transmuted to a more defined bathroom wake-up call.

      Updated 01-03-2018 at 10:00 AM by 1390

      Tags: aliens, explosion
    14. Old DJ - 07 March 2009

      by , 03-07-2009 at 11:00 AM (DC's Dream Journal)
      Can't Nuke Me! (Non-lucid)


      I am in a building (in the middle of nowhere) where we get to watch explosions from a distance. I could have gone to a few closer buildings like most people did but I chose the one furthest away from the site. It turns out I made the right decision, because we were the only building that didn't blow up... the explosion was very pretty I guess, for a dream. Im outside the building and I see a ghost ship flying over the debris that used to be a group of buildings in front of ours. theres rubble everywhere, even large rocks floating in the sky. it kinda looks like we're on mars. I'm back inside the building and there is tons of arcade game that i didnt notice before. Theres some good stuff, but I get distracted and follow a DC into the bathroom.
      Family get-together (Non-lucid)


      Me and my family are riding bikes around a lake, which is something we never do together (?) After a couple minutes we reach a park and have lunch
      Name (Non-lucid)


      I'm at a public pool - there are 2 of them, one is up stairs to the left. it seems that there is nothing around the place but beaches and mountains not too far from where we are now. In the distance I see a friend of mine as a lifegaurd. I jumped in a small gap where there was tons of seaweed, I end up being in an ocean and a large sand mountain rises from the seabed. i think.

      Updated 02-13-2012 at 01:58 PM by 17430

      non-lucid , memorable
    15. Blood and Rainbows

      by , 03-07-2009 at 02:00 AM (DC's Dream Journal)
      Blood and Rainbows (DILD)

      I am watching two people fight each other. The DC that is winning ties the other guy to a lightpost by his arm and walks away. all of a sudden the skin on his arm comes off and you can see all the fat and blood, flesh... very pretty... A van pulls up and he is thrown into the van. Continuing from before,i am now in the front of the van and we are speeding down the road. I look back and he is on the floor - he seems to be in a lot of pain. I kinda start to think about the situation, and I realise its all a dream. I throw myself out of the van and land on the footpath on the side of the road. I look around and see that I am at my old school. Its also pretty vivid too. Apart from the lack of trees, fences and cars on the road, its a pretty accurate manifestation of the side entrance of my school. I run to the closest DC and ask them for green eggs and ham, they replied, "I don't have any, but my brother does" She points into the school, a place where I have to run around a building because the place he is is raised... its hard to explain... anyway I change my mind and I make a rainbow appear. unfortunately the end of it is also inside the school, but I run to it anyway. The dream begins to fade so I focus on the paving at my feet. I lose it. Everything is black... so i visualise the rainbow and eventually I'm back in the dream, walking up to the end of the rainbow. Its width is a couple metres and the colours are in the right order... but its like a giant blow up slide. I try to climb it, but I slide off. stupid gravity... I stand back and squash it with my mind, it works, but the colours are mixed up. Its now like an orange path with patches of other colours. I walk up it anyway. then it goes second person, which is like the bane of my brain! I completely lose lucidity D: The end
      Can't Nuke Me! (Non-lucid)


      I am in a building (in the middle of nowhere) where we get to watch explosions from a distance. I could have gone to a few closer buildings like most people did but I chose the one furthest away from the site. It turns out I made the right decision, because we were the only building that didn't blow up... the explosion was very pretty I guess, for a dream. Im outside the building and I see a ghost ship flying over the debris that used to be a group of buildings in front of ours. theres rubble everywhere, even large rocks floating in the sky. it kinda looks like we're on mars. I'm back inside the building and there is tons of arcade game that i didnt notice before. Theres some good stuff, but I get distracted and follow a DC into the bathroom.
      Family get-together (Non-lucid)


      Me and my family are riding bikes around a lake, which is something we never do together (?) After a couple minutes we reach a park and have lunch
      Name (Non-lucid)


      I'm at a public pool - there are 2 of them, one is up stairs to the left. it seems that there is nothing around the place but beaches and mountains not too far from where we are now. In the distance I see a friend of mine as a lifegaurd. I jumped in a small gap where there was tons of seaweed, I end up being in an ocean and a large sand mountain rises from the seabed. i think.
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