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    1. Third LD

      by , 04-07-2011 at 12:16 AM

      I had my third Lucid Dream last night. Last night marks the two week anniversary since my first LD. So three in two weeks...I'm happy with that.

      I am slightly frustrated because recall wasn't very good on this one. I didn't think that that would happen to me on a lucid dream, especially this early on.

      I had awakened at about 5:00, and had decided to WILD. Wednesdays are a sleep-in day for me, so I thought it might work. But it was hard to concentrate. I had the window open, and it was already getting light, and there were dogs barking, and the birds were all singing so loudly. I finally decided that I wouldn't WILD. But as usual, I was hoping that I would DILD.

      So I did fall back asleep and start some normal dreams. In one of the dreams I was flying. Not by myself, but in some sort of open topped flying car. And I was with several other people. Recall on that part of the dream is poor.

      It was doing this flying that triggered lucidity. I remember thinking, "This is a dream. I'm Lucid." And the next thing I knew I was out flying on my own.

      Yesterday, I had made it my goal that if I had an LD I would work on changing scenery...and if that didn't work I would patch a hole in a bucket (May's Lucid Task).

      And this is where I wish I could remember details; I do remember being sucessful to the point of changing things so that I was instantly really high in the sky. I have never been that high in any dream. Comparing it to Google Earth, I would say that I was about 15,000+ feet altitude...which is pretty amazing for me since my normal flying altitude in dreams is a couple of hundred feet tops.And that is basically all I remember of the lucid part of that dream. I somehow lost lucidity and went to other dreams that involved my grandma and having a toothache.

      But knowing I had a lucid dream at all makes me happy, and it makes me realize that this is starting to become more natural. And that it will only get better from here.

      Updated 04-14-2011 at 04:11 PM by 5578

    2. First WILD: Eating a Goldfish

      by , 04-07-2011 at 12:09 AM
      First WILD attempt....a Success!

      May 1 2006 2:00am

      I just had an amazing experience. I wrote it down on paper when I first got up, but then decided to get it right on the computer. Here it is:

      I was awaken at about 12:15 and was having trouble falling back asleep, so I got up and did a few things and then laid back down in bed. Laying awake in bed at night has always frustrated me. I feel like I am wasting time, yet I know I need to try to sleep.

      But this time I thought I would make use of this time. I decided to try to WILD. It had been quite a while since I had read about WILDing, so I wasn't really sure what to do. I did remember something about counting down back from one hundred while laying real still. I figured it was worth a try since there was nothing to lose.

      So I got in a comfortable position on my back and slowly counted down from one hundred. But I kept having itches and found myself scratching them. I got down to one and started again.

      At about 50 I thought, "This isn't working. I must be forgetting to do something." So I stopped counting. I laid there for a few more minutes and then I suddenly felt very sleepy. I figured I'd try one more time.

      This time I didn't even count. I just laid there staring at the ceiling and focused on the feeling of myself becoming more and more "detatched" from my body. I heard a noise that was like a "hum", and I saw the ceiling "bouncing". Or maybe I was the one bouncing. Which ever it was, the ceiling would come closer then go back, then closer and then back, until finally I reached out my hand to see if I could "physically" feel it. Sure enough, I could feel it...even the texture of the plaster.

      When that happened I knew that I had successfully WILDed and I was in a Lucid Dream.

      I did the first thing that seems to come naturally for me in LDs. I flew out of bed and down toward the door. This time it was still dark outside. I remembered that in my last LD I was able to control the weather so it wasn't cold outside. I did the same in this dream. I opened the door and flew out in the not-so-cold night.

      I could see the house lights and street lights around me as I started to fly higher. Finally I looked over toward the city and saw all the city lights. I realized that this was not my city, but a much larger city. I decided it didn't matter. In this dream my house was on some sort of hill overlooking the downtown area. I had to fly across the hill before the ground dropped away, and I was over all the city lights. That was pretty cool.

      But then everything changed. I wasn't expecting this. My last LD seemed so perfectly real except for the fact that I was flying. But this one got a little strange. I was suddenly in a big dark room flying over these board games. Everything was huge, like I was the size of a fly in comparison. I didn't like it. I wanted to go back outside. I tried to change that, but was frustrated that I couldn't. I also wanted to see other people, since my LDs don't seem to have other people in them (except for that little girl that just passed through in the other one). But I couldn't make anyone show up.

      I decided to try one more thing. I remembered that the Lucid Dream task for April was to swallow a goldfish (It didn't dawn on me that I was now at least an hour into May). So I decided that I would fly into the next room, and that I would see a fish tank full of goldfish by the wall. And....yes.....this time I was able to do it.

      So there it was...this fish tank in an otherwise empty room. I landed on the floor beside it and looked at the fish. There were about 8 in the tank. They were a little more like Koi than the typical goldfish, but I figured that I had done pretty well considering this was only my second LD. They were all about 3 inches long and white in color with little spots of gold and black.

      When I had read about this task I had wondered if "dream goldfish" felt or tasted anything like real goldfish. I was actually very curious to find out. I stuck my hand in the water and grabbed one. To my dismay, it felt exactly like a real fish...cold, wet, and slightly slimy. Without looking at it closely, I popped it in my mouth.

      I stood there for a moment not knowing what to do next. I had hoped that once I got it into my mouth I could wish it into a cookie and chew it up and swallow it. But instead I had a very large, very real goldfish wiggling around in my mouth. It was too big to swallow whole. Yet the idea of chewing it was too gross to consider.

      I finally thought, "If I can make myself fly in a dream, I certainly can make myself swallow a goldfish!" and with that, I swallowed.

      The huge goldfish went about halfway down my throat before stopping. I started to gag. Unfortunately, the gagging made me wake up.

      But again, I wasn't upset. I suddenly realized the significance of what I had just accomplished....my first WILD....and how easy it had come.

      I had felt slightly frustrated that a week and a half had gone by since my first LD, and I had nothing else close to an LD since then.....until now.

      I am definitely going to try this again.

      Updated 10-15-2012 at 05:44 PM by 5578

      lucid , memorable , task of the month
    3. Twoshadows' Dream Journal

      by , 04-07-2011 at 12:00 AM
      Time to start...

      My first LD:

      April 19, 2006 4:50am

      I just had my first Lucid Dream a few minutes ago.

      In the dream I was lying in bed. Suddenly something felt funny in my mouth. I felt my teeth with my tongue and, sure enough, my upper left bicuspid was cracked and loose. I pulled a piece of the tooth out of my mouth, thinking, "I can't believe this is happening!" Then I thought, "That's it! I don't believe this is happening. This must be a dream. This always happens in my dreams." [NOTE: This was the dream sign I kept telling myself I needed to recognize because it happens so often in my dreams. And I have now started using this as a reality check during the day...to feel if my tooth is loose].

      Nothing else strange happened, but at that point I knew I was in a dream, and I realized I was lucid.

      As one might expect, I got very excited. I then thought about this website and how it says that when people first start having these experiences, they get so excited that they wake up. Well, as soon as I thought that, I felt myself wake up.

      Next thing I knew I was lying in bed saying, "Darn." But then I reached up and felt that same tooth. It was still loose. I had had a false awakening. I was still in the dream. I finished pulling out the tooth, and took a moment to sit and think about what was happening. Some of my thoughts were: So this is what it feels like to be in a dream and know it is a dream. It feels amazingly like real-life...yet there is a difference that I can't quite pin-point. Okay, what I really need to do is to try to float".

      I concentrated on the feeling I have had in dreams where I have floated. Next thing I knew I was floating (horizontal...because I had been laying down). At this point I really wanted to get outside. Too many of my recent flying dreams had taken place indoors (what a waste). I wanted to fly high.

      I floated out of the bedroom. Suddenly there was a little neighbor girl there pulling on me and asking for her ball. I reached in my pocket and pulled out a little pink bouncy ball and gave it to her. She took it and went away. [Note: Since this makes no sense to me, it shows that my subconscious mind was still doing its thing. If I were more lucid I'm sure I would have noticed that this was strange-- or that it wouldn't have happened at all.]

      I floated to the back door. As I reached for the door handle, I thought, "I don't want it to be cold outside...I can control that too, can't I?" I pulled the door open and floated out and took off flying. The weather was perfect. It was early morning...cool, but not cold.

      All around me the music from Peter Pan started playing, "You can fly...you can fly...you can fly...". I was feeling so happy that I started singing along. [Note: I remember thinking "I hope I am not singing in real life in bed and waking everyone up". I think that shows how lucid I really was...not forgetting that my real body was still laying in bed somewhere else.]

      I flew up over some trees, and grabbed some leaves off the top of a really tall one and told myself to fly higher. I did for moment, then the next thing I knew I was back near the ground. I told myself I had the power to go higher. And I was then able to go quite high. I looked down and could see the roads. I remember thinking, "I'm glad I have done Google Earth so much so I know what this is all supposed to look like from above".

      I decided I wanted to travel. I started following the highway, but realized that I was going to have to learn to fly faster or I wouldn't have time to get anywhere before I woke up.

      And sure enough, at that point I did wake up.

      But I didn't really mind. I was truly excited. I now knew that lucid dreaming was possible for me. And that this was just the beginning.
    4. Learned how to fly first time trying

      by , 04-06-2011 at 09:01 PM

      So while laying in my bed last night i kept repeating in my head " im dreaming". Then i thought wait i read something about someone say what if you could tell a dream character to tell you when your dreaming. So repeated in my head "A dream character will tell me im dreaming". Eventually i went back to repeating that i was dreaming, so i feel asleep and all i can remember from the dream was talking to my grandma then suddenly having a false awakening. I woke up in my bed and because i always plug my nose when i wake up in the middle of the night just in case its a false awakening i did it then to. But i didnt hold it for longer then a second and i felt some air come through, half my mind wanted to go "back to sleep" and the other half wanted to go do something because i was semi-lucid. Randomly the whole background changed and im talking to this girl and she said something and i replied saying
      Me: In your dreams!
      And out of random some random dc appeared and says
      DC: What did you just say?
      Me: In your dreams?
      DC: Ok and what are you doing now?
      Me: Talking
      DC: No your doing what you just said!

      Me: Ummmmmm..........OH I'm Dreaming!
      Then the whole background went back to the false awakening where im in my bed and its dark outside. So i go outside and im standing there thinking whats something i can do? then i remember how everyone says flying is hard so i decide to try flying. So i go to this field in my complex and think ok everyone always trys jumping so thats what i did and i went like 5 feet in the air and i was like "THAT IS AWESOME!". So i jumped again like 50 feet in the air and did like 10 frontflips but sadly landed on my back. I get up and say "ok time to actually try flying" so i think about superman and how when he's just floating in place his cape is swaying so i was like maybe he thinks of being extremely light? But i was like naw and then the thought came to me maybe its that in a way hey's controlling the air or gravity around him? So i was like yea lets go with that, so look up to the night sky looked at my hands bent my knees and jumped with my hands infront of me like superman and i flew like 100 feet of the ground and then i was in mid-air motionless. I was so happy so then i started flying around like superman but i was like "i dont like this i look like noob" so i put my hands down and flew with my hands at my side. I flew around everywhere doing spins and everything and as im flying past my house to go other places i see my grandma and im like "Hmmm why is she here when shes in Puerto Rico" So i flew down and stopped in front of her.
      Grandma: Look your flying!
      Me: I know its really cool
      Grandma: I bet
      Me: yea!
      But then after that i woke up but i wasnt mad because i was happy that i learned how to fly!

    5. construction project; poor neighborhoods; shaving instructions

      by , 04-06-2011 at 11:40 AM
      Good morning, everybody.

      Dream #1

      I was walking through some park with my mother. It was daytime, and the sunlight was kind of pale. My mom and I were walking along some kind of concrete walkway and up a slight slope. At the top of the slope and off a little to the left, my old friend D sat on a concrete staircase.

      My friend D wore a brown, button-up shirt, not tucked in, and light brown, casual pants. His hair was a little long and paler than usual. D looked depressed. When I first saw him, I wondered how I might be able to avoid him. But when I saw how depressed he looked, I figured I should talk to him.

      D told us that he knew I hadn't wanted to talk to him. He was only here at the same time as I out of coincidence. He was actually with some group of people working on some kind of volunteer project. D was actually on a break at the moment.

      D took me to where the volunteers were. The project was all about pouring concrete for something I may have thought of as an ice skating rink. D showed me that first, people lay down wooden shipping pallettes, so that the slats of each pallette made some kind of checkerboard pattern. Then concrete was poured over the pallettes. The pallettes were supposed to hold the concrete in place.

      But I realized that the concrete was supposed to go much higher than that. I asked D how the rest of the concrete was supposed to stay in place. D said that other pallettes were added to the first layer of pallettes, stacked one on the other. But the checkerboard pattern was alternated.

      At some point, D may have tried to illustrated what he'd meant. But he may have been required to "go outside" with us, as if the construction project had been inside the whole time. He may have taken me and my mom outside. Then he may have asked more personal questions about our friendship, which I felt bad about.

      Dream #2

      Some kind of documentary about poor neighborhoods. The neighborhoods looked really torn down and destroyed. For some reason I felt bad about not living in these ruined neighborhoods myself.

      I was now flying through some neighborhood that looked like the neighborhood where my family had lived while I was in high school. It felt empty and desolate. It was daytime, and it may have been winter. I feel like there was snow everywhere.

      I flew over a lot of backyards. All the backyards were strewn with junk. I finally came to my family's old backyard. I landed on the top of a wooden fence and looked into the yard. This backyard was filled with somethink that looked like old cloths or tarps. The tarps appeared to have been frozen by the cold.

      Dream #3

      I had bought a new razor. There had been a lot of talk about my razor with a few friends of mine who work in the deli in my office building. I kept shaving and looking at my razor and the other razors I could have bought, as if the bathroom I was shaving in was somehow mixed with the store I'd bought the razors from.

      At some point, one of the deli workers slapped me on the back in a friendly way and told me to shave in an upward direction. He then said something about how I was going to have a good shave. That was apparently the same thing as saying I was a good guy.

      I was apparently shaving off my mustache. I wondered if that was a good idea.
    6. The Tornado

      by , 04-05-2011 at 01:09 AM (INeverWakeUp's Super Dream Journal)
      I dreamed I was at my friend Zaine's house. Oddly, the house was more like a wooden lodge. Interesting. Zaine and I were watching TV. The house was really dim-lighted. It was really uncomfortable. I would've prefered it to have been dark. The house was nice though. Amazing furniture, antiques, wooden base, white walls. Pretty funny, cause Zaine's actual house isn't close to this nice. By the looks of it, we were the only two there. As we were watching TV, a warning came up. O wonder what about. We see that it's a weather warning. But, not an ordinary warning. A tornado warning. Aw, shit! Zaine and I know what to do. We get up quickly and head to the obvious safest area. The basement. We head downstairs, and wow. It's just as nice as the upstairs! So, Zaine and I head to the center of the basement. I'm guessing the center's safest. Outside, we can now hear rumbling thunder and winds. That's bad. It means that the tornado is getting closer! Aw, shit! The ground starts shaking. I swear it felt like a fuckin' earthquake was going on! The winds have really picked up now. It's sounds as loud as a fuckin' jet engine! The house is shaking even more now. Suddenly, Zaine flies up toward the ceiling. What the fuck?! He says the tornado is pulling him up. He tells me to let go and join him. Because it's "fun." When the hell was I holding on to anything? At that time, I start to float up too! It feels so cool! Holy shit, that's fun! We remain in the air for a few minutes. Finally, the tornado is gone. Then, we fall down. Ouch! That was one hell of a storm! Shit, it felt like we were defying gravity! Now, we decide to go upstairs and see the damage. When we arrive upstairs, it's like were hypothetically shitting our pants. The entire neighborhood is fuckin' demolished! Holy shit on a stick! Zaine and I meet up with sone other guys and talk. Zaine and I are bragging because we got to fly around. At about that same time, I awake.
      Tags: flying, tornado
    7. Lucid Dream 208: Western Flame

      by , 04-03-2011 at 11:57 PM (KingYoshi's Dream Journal...My World is Different)
      April 2, 2011
      Lucid Dream 208: Western Flame
      Series: Fearless, Episode 4
      around 11:30pm

      I don't remember the very beginning of the dream. The first thing I remember is standing at my old elementary school bus stop with my friend Cliff. The bus pulled up and we got on it. We walked all the way to the back of the bus and sat down. I looked around and noticed something odd about this. Half of the people on the school bus were full grown adults. After a few more moments I became lucid.

      I told Cliff we were dreaming and then I kicked open the back emergency door. I jumped off the back of the bus and floated softly to the ground below. The dream seemed really fuzzy, so I performed a quick dream spin to try and clear things up. I was now in, what appeared to be, a bar. I walked up to the nearest DC and said, "Let me see your eye drops, Chuck" He acted friendly and handed over some eye drops in a strange yellow tube. My arms felt heavy and I could barely lift them. Finally, I managed to get the eye drops in my eyes and everything cleared up nicely.

      I felt something poke me in the back, so I turned around. There was a real redneck looking guy holding a pool stick behind me. He looked at me in disgust and told me I owed him money for screwing up his shot. I replied, "Oh, I'm very sorry about that. Actually, could I see that pool stick for a moment?" He outstretched his arm and as soon as that pool stick touched my fingertips, I jerked it out of his hand. I quickly swung the stick and broke it over his head. I impaled his chest with the broken piece of stop and he toppled over.

      A gang of bikers surrounded me. Each one had a pool stick in their hands. I grabbed a pool ball from the table and lit it on fire with my hand. I then launched it at one of their heads and shouted, "Its baseball season bitches!" I began launching flaming pool balls at all the bikers. Their clothes caught on fire and they ran around the bar in a cartoon-like manor. Eventually, I took flight and exited the bar through a window.

      Outside, I was in an old western town. I had the idea of engaging in some Red Dead Redemption style activities. I felt around in my pocket until I found a gun. I pulled it out and noticed it was the cricket gun from the movie, "Men in Black." I shot it at one of the nearby buildings. I never felt anything or even saw a type of projectile, but the building exploded into a massive burst of flames. It was absolutely beautiful. I just stared at the enormous blast of fire for several moments.

      I then decided to catch myself on fire. I flew into the flames and could feel the heat all around me. The flames engulfed me, but I never caught fire. I started inhaling the flames and then shooting out massive fireballs. I flew around in the fire and spit fireballs at the town and towns people for a while before finally waking up.

      I failed to write this dream down before returning to sleep and I forgot a lot of the details. It was actually a pretty long lucid, but I can't remember much of it now. I was pissed when I woke up for good and realized I couldn't remember but like a 3rd of the dream.

      Series Details
      Join all the action in the dream series, "Fearless." You never know what I may run into, but you can guarantee I'm ready for a fight. Stay tuned for more blades, guns, and explosions in this series!
    8. Lucid Dream 207: What...The...F***!?!

      by , 04-03-2011 at 07:20 PM (KingYoshi's Dream Journal...My World is Different)
      April 1, 2011
      Lucid Dream 207: What...The...F***!?!
      Series: Sexcapades, Episode 3
      around 7:00pm

      I had woken up several times and fallen back to sleep. I remembered bits and pieces of some odd dreams, but hadn't achieved lucidity in any of them. I closed my eyes again and could feel SP setting in. I just went with it and soon transitioned into the dream state with very little HH (just some vibrations and flashing colors).

      I got out of bed, took two steps, and immediately had a false awakening. I was in a completely different room from the one I had fell asleep in, so I knew it was a false awakening. I stood and noticed that there was someone sitting at my bedside. It was me. My twin stood up and walked up to me. He smiled and said, "So what do you want to do?" I said, "Well, first I'm going to stabilize. Are you going to help me?" He looked at me like I was stupid and said, "Uh, no!" I thought to myself, "What a dick!" I began performing a few nose pinch RCs for stabilization and I noticed the wall was glowing. I looked closer and saw that the wall double as a t.v. It was odd though, I could still see the features of the wall and it seemed like it could be a projection. It was of really high quality though and there was no projection in site. I heard movement beside me, so I turned and saw my twin taking off a belt. He took off his pants and underwear and bent over the bed. He said, "Get over here and f*** me!" I was stunned at what I was watching. I just decided to exit the room and get away from my incest twin-self.

      The hallway was very oddly designed. At one point I had to crawl under the low ceiling. I finally made it to a different room of the house. It was my room. I scanned it for a moment and noticed that there were no windows. I heard another noise behind me and I saw my dad. He asked me if I wanted to go fishing. I told him this was a dream and I wasn't going fishing. He started yelling about someone being stuck in the belly of a whale and left the room. I turned back around and my dad was now standing in front of me holding a fishing pole. He asked me again, "Do you want to go fishing?" I was a little frustrated and said, "No, dammit! This is a dream and I'm not fishing." He got excited and told me that dream fish were bigger. I just turned and left the room.

      I started flying through the hallways of the house. The rooms and halls were now large open areas with plenty of room to maneuver. I found the front door and exited the house. The driveway was completely made of wood and there was a giant grill sitting in the middle of the driveway. I took flight and attempted to leave the neighborhood when I suddenly had another false awakening.

      I was back in my room, but it was about 20x's larger than normal. I noticed a group of people in the corner, so I flew over to them. There were two very tall chicks standing beside two crash dummies dressed up in suits. These girls were like a foot taller than I was. One was very hot, looked Russian, and had some very large breasts. I decided....why not. I began kissing the girl and removed her shirt. The other girl began undressing as well. I noticed that the other chick had two tits like normal, but had 4 nipples. Two per breast. It was quite odd.

      I walked over to the bed and laid the russian chick down on her back. I noticed that the quad-nipple chick also did not possess any type of sexual organs whatsoever. She sat down on the bed and started rubbing her four nipples. A little creeped out, I turned back to the Russian chick. Suddenly, the quad-nipple girl starts yelling very loudly. She kept repeating, "Your face says their names! Your face says their names!" I looked down at the russian and she whispered, "I can see them all through your face." She then flared her teeth and I saw that she was a vampire. I felt a little scared for some reason, but shook it off quickly. I then inserted myself into the russian and began hammering away. I leaned down and let her bite into my neck. For some reason I felt a rush of pleasure and got off in the dream. I thought that I would wake up with a mess, but I woke up a few moments later and was thankfully, dry.

      I immediately thought, "WTF was that?" It was a pretty strange one, lol.

      Series Details
      Class is thrown out the window in the dream series, "Sexcapades." Not unlike your favorite porn video, I unleash my inner "Ron Jeremy" and give those DCs what they are looking for ! Stay tuned for more entries to the series!
    9. Party

      by , 04-01-2011 at 06:02 PM (* The Sandman's Dream Journal o/***)
      I don't know where I was coming from; I forget, but I was in a shopping cart or something, cruising down the street and up a hill so fast that I flew threw the air.

      I had to lean back or else I would fall forwards and crash. I landed in a restaurant.


      I was in my house alone. Three women came in without knocking or anything, and started running around. At least two of them were really cute, but it was still kind of disturbing. Then a fourth girl, a black girl came in. One of them said they were just checking the place out and looking for something. Then they left and my wife came home.


      I was at some kind of party. There were escalators going up to another level.

      As if it were an instructional video, I saw how the escalators could take small tanks up, and if they weighed too much, they would get a jolting bump to push them up to the next step to help them out.

      Then, I was going up the escalator. There was a heavy-set black lady in front of me who couldn't make it up. I couldn't understand why when the escalator would help her.

      Then I was in another room trying to explain what had happened to a bunch of people who were socializing. I started explaining how the escalator could help bump up a tank, but this big lady couldn't make it.

      I started to explain how that was what happened in a dream I had. I was getting confused if it was real or I had dreamed it. Casually but quickly, everyone started going outside. They left me feeling really stupid on the couch.

      Then there was a guy who rode his bike everywhere. He was like super bicycle man with a blue, yellow, and white spandex outfit and matching helmet. He did it by choice, but Work was about 40 miles away, and when I told him I couldn't believe he rode his bike there, he rolled his eyes because it was so far.

      We walked off talking about some stuff; I forget what. Eventually I was going to let him go, but then I saw a gun at his side. I asked what kind it was. I forget what kind it was, but he let me see it. I removed the action the way you would remove a camera from a tripod. Strange.

      Then I released the mag and looked at the bullets. I said, "Hollow-point 40's?" He said, "Yea. It is awesome knowing about guns, isn't it?" I agreed. (I know a little about guns in waking life; not much.)

      He finally left.
    10. Lucid Dream 206: School Days

      by , 04-01-2011 at 03:44 AM (KingYoshi's Dream Journal...My World is Different)
      March 30, 2011
      Lucid Dream 206: School Days
      Series: The Land of Dreams, Episode 7
      around 5:30pm

      I am the teenage version of myself, walking around a school that resembled my old elementary school. I was walking behind the "new girl". The girl was actress, AnnaSophia Robb. She walked around the hallways alone and didn't seem to make eye contact with anyone. She went into the library and I decided to follow her in. I noticed she kept looking over at me while I browsed around the library. I decided to make my move and go speak to her. I started bullshitting about some book that was nearby and I got her to laugh. She then brushed me off as if she wasn't interested. I knew otherwise. She checked out a book and I followed her. I was trying to talk her into going on a date. She playfully declined and entered the elevator. I asked her if she would at least tell me her name. She smiled and said goodbye as the elevator closed. I took off down the hallway and noticed that my feet just started sliding/gliding along the ground. It was as if I were skating. I was reading one of O's dreams the previous night where he was doing this same slide skating. Must be where this came from.

      I skated my way to the steps, jumped up on the railing, and grinded/slid down. I met the girl as she exited the elevator. She smiled and said, "You wouldn't be following me now would you?" I told her that she hadn't answered my question yet. She said, "I answered your question. I declined, remember?" I replied, "Ah, but you answered the question incorrectly. Luckily for you, my question follows the, "no child left behind" idea. So, you have to get it right before I stop bugging you." She smiled and kept walking as I tagged along. Whenever we came to a set of stairs, I would unrealistically jump all the way to the bottom. This school building was like 5 floors tall. There was a small set of stairs in the hallway that led up to flat landing and then there was another set that led up a bit more and the hallway continued. We both started running at them and she said, "I've got you on this one. I was the state record holder at my old school for the high jump." I randomly became lucid as we were running.

      She jumped and cleared the first set of stairs. I jumped and cleared the first set, the platform, and the second set of stairs. She seemed surprised and amused at the same time. She then entered a room and I followed. It was a large empty room with mirrors covering one entire wall. It was a dance room. I looked into the mirror and saw a reflection of my high school self. She changed her shoes and started stretching. I plopped down on a bean bag in the back of the room and fired up a blunt. She started dancing and seemed to have forgotten about me. She was a really good dancer and her style was beautiful. She noticed me and said, "I suppose you wouldn't leave if I asked you to?" I replied, "I wouldn't be here if you didn't want me here." She smiled and said, "You are pretty full of yourself, huh?" She then went back to dancing.

      I looked around the room and noticed that there were three people sitting on the floor right behind me. They seemed to be playing poker. I heard a whisper in my ear say, "Faith." I turned and the girl was standing in front of me, "My name is Faith." Me and Faith attempted to join the poker game, but the guys were acting really immature and one of them got up and said, "I don't want to play cards with a stupid GIRL." They all got up and left the room. Faith seemed sad and her eyes started watering a bit. I hugged her, kissed her gently and said, "Don't cry over those idiots. They are just jealous." She asked what they were jealous of and I said, "Jealous of you. They totally wanted me for themselves. One of them was just dying for me to bend him over." She laughed and playfully gave me a shove. I smiled and took her hand. I told her I was going to show her something cool.

      I took flight. We flew up several sets of stairs to the top floor and then landed. I explained to her that we were in a dream and could do anything we wanted. I took off and started running along the side of the wall. The first few steps felt like I was running sideways and then my perspective instantly changed. The wall was now like the normal ground below me. I stepped up to the ceiling and felt like I was running upside down for the first few steps. Then my perspective changed as if the ceiling was just the ground. I stepped onto the other wall and then back onto the ground again. I flash stepped back over to Faith. Finn from the t.v. series, "Glee" was now with us. I told both of them that they just had to believe in themselves and they could do it to.

      A teacher walked out from a nearby classroom. She handed Finn some eye drops and said, "Here, these will help." He put the eye drops in and handed them to Faith. She put them in and handed them to me. I said, "Eh, I have pretty good clarity already. I don't want to mess it up." Finn convinced me to put some in. I used the eye drops and the clarity/vividness increase by 100x's. My vision was otherworldly. It was as if I had the eye power of a hawk. I looked all the way down the long hallway and could have spotted a fly on the wall (the hallway was at least 200 yards long). I have never had vision like this in a dream before. It seriously was 100x's better than waking life vision. It is really hard to explain how crazy this was. It didn't zoom in and out or anything like that. I could just see way better and further than normal. It was really amazing and I wish I could see like that all the time. In waking life as well.

      I grabbed the old teacher and kissed her on the mouth and said, "Thank you, thank you! This is awesome. Those aren't normal eye drops are they?" She smiled, shook her head and said, "They are Eagle Drops." Me, Finn, and Faith started running matrix style along the walls of the hallway. The other students didn't even seem to notice us. I knocked a few of them over and they just got up and acted like nothing happened, lol. I was running along the wall and accidentally stepped into an opening to the girls bathroom. My perspective flipped back to normal and I hovered in the air and exited the bathroom. The old teacher was standing nearby and she looked like she was about to scold me. I quickly said, "Nah, that doesn't count. I never touched the floor in there." She pondered for a moment and said, "I guess its ok." Finn, Faith and a few other students let out a triumphant and corny, "Yeah," in unison. As if my perfect record was on the line in a corny teen movie.

      The dream started to become unstable and I couldn't do anything to help it. It had faded to black and I thought I was waking up. I then felt someone slip the eye drops into my hand. I blindly put in the eye drops and the dream instantly cleared back up. I thanked the old teacher and looked for Finn and Faith. I heard Lady Gaga's Bad Romance playing, but didn't see anyone. I followed the sound of Lady Gaga (even though I despise the song) and it lead me to a concert area in the school. Faith and Finn were actually singing the song and putting on the concert. Faith sounded just like Lady Gaga. I leapt into the air, over the crowd, and flew up to the stage. Faith held up her hand and I flew by and gave her a high five. The crowd started cheering and I continued to fly around the area. It seemed to be a large club with a bar and lounge area. I proceeded to engage in some mischief.

      I grabbed a large plastic mug and began slamming it off the ground and then zooming to catch it. I started slamming it off people's heads and catching it as well. It finally broke, so I flew around knocking people's hats off and knocking their drinks and food over. After a bit of knocking things over, I swooped down and started stealing drinks. I would then splash the drinks in people's faces. It was a lot of fun. I finally touched down in the lounge area. I overheard a guy talking about a new line of hats coming out. One was a Carmelo Anthony, Syracuse hat. He also started talking about an Iverson Georgetown hat. I noticed he was wearing a UVA sweat shirt. As I approached, I noticed that he looked a lot like me. I felt the dream slipping away. I was going to DEILD, but I couldn't recall the start of my dream, so I allowed myself to wake up instead.

      Series Details
      In the dream series, "The Land of Dreams," I explore the depths of my subconscious. With no real goals in mind, I explore the creative lands and characters that come before me. Who will I meet? Where will I go? What will I do? To find out, stay tuned for more entries to the series!
    11. DragonGirl!

      by , 03-30-2011 at 11:55 PM
      I had this dream when I was like, eleven. I think this may have been a WILD dream, and the only one i've had, so i'm going to write the most memerable part for me.

      Everything is tinted gray, like an old movie, and their is a girl with short black hair and a black robe and belt. Shes only about ten. Theres an old temple that looks Aztec in the background. The girl looks serious and then suddenly I'm inside her head and she's flying around the temple. A Dragon flys by and I know she is somehow part Dragon. I zoom back out of her head and see that her eyes are a weird shape and colour. Them I'm back inside and lifting my/her arms out at my sides and doing what seems to be the airplane. 'I'm flying!' I think, but am strangley not excited, like it comes natual to me. And thats because at that moment, it was. I was DragonGirl.
      Tags: dragons, flying
    12. Delivered a Tank- fragment

      by , 03-28-2011 at 05:02 PM
      I got a phone call from a friend who was across the bay. He asked me to bring him a large metal cylinder that he had forgotten to take when he left. He told me he needed it right away. I looked where he told me to and found it. It was quite heavy. I wondered how I was going to be able to carry it and still be able to keep my balance. Then I noticed it was attached to what looked like a harness. I managed to get it on my back and all strapped in. I still was not sure if I could manage such a heavy load, but decided to give it a try. I pushed off the dock and began to fly over the shallow water. Because the cylinder was secured on my back and not shifting it's weight, I was able to handle the extra weight. I do not know what is in the tank, but I assume it is some kind of fuel for his fishing boat. I took off across the bay to where my friend was waiting. When I got there he asked me to stay for a while. He had some friends coming over and he would be grilling. I agreed to stay. I got comfortable on the dock. (There is not much I remember in this part of the dream., but he is only there part of the time. He keeps going elsewhere to be with his other friends then returns. At one point we all get together and eat.) While we were all sitting around my friend's cabin after the meal, a man comes up and tells my friend that he was only authorized two fishing passes and there were a lot more people using it. I told the man that only two people had been fishing, the rest were just friends that were visiting. The man left, but I then had a very uncomfortable feeling come over me. I noticed how everyone else was acting jittery and nervous. I felt that I had unknowingly been involved in something illegal and it had nothing to do with fishing passes. The last of the food had been put away and my friend left with his other friends, leaving me alone in the cabin. I wondered what was in the tank I brought over. I looked around and found the tank. When I lifted it, I was surprised to discover that it was now very light. Whatever had been in it was no longer there. I unscrewed the lid and looked inside. Empty. Then I took my finger and ran it on the inside of the container. A white residue remained on my finger. I smelled it, but couldn't smell anything. Then I touched my finger to my tongue to taste it. It had a slightly sweat taste, but it was nothing familiar. Suddenly I realized what I had done. I had no idea what was in that container. Why would I taste it! I thought of the old detective shows where they always tasted the white powder to see if it was cocaine. But I had no idea what cocaine taste like, so what sense did that make. I put the lid back on the container and put it back where I found it. Then I headed into the kitchen. I heard my friend returning and I grabbed the broom and began to sweep the floor. That is all I remember.
    13. Who Are You Supposed to Be?

      by , 03-27-2011 at 01:55 AM (Nocturn Core (Abridged))
      I was on a train. Two guys noticed that they both had Swiss Gear backpacks. I showed them mine, and they laughed when they saw I had one, too. I realized one of the guys was Eric Weller.

      “Eric?” I blinked. He pointed at himself as if to make sure I was talking to him.

      “Yeah, I’m supposed to be Eric. Who are you supposed to be?” The phrasing of his question was bizarre. I replied in a manner that struck it down.

      “I’m Josh.”

      “Oh! Right!” Awkward silence followed. We got off the train and came to a room with strangely shaped windows… It was painted purple throughout. I thought about how much I wanted to realize I was dreaming. Then, confused by the origins of the thought, I looked around. I was dreaming! I grabbed Eric by the shoulders.

      “Dude, we’re in a dream. What do you feel like doing?”

      “I dunno…”

      “Neither do I! Let’s fly!” I threw him out the window forcibly and jumped out after him. He didn’t know how to fly, so he just tumbled toward the rugged mountain valleys below us. I swooped down and pointed a finger at him to levitate his body in the air.

      “What are you doing?!” he cried, waving his arms.

      “Try moving. Float up.” As I spoke, he drifted upward. He panicked when he couldn’t change directions, however, and I had to bring him down with my magic finger. “You’re bad at this…” I brought him down to a boat on the side of a mountain. I gave my intent to summon Nicole, and voila! There she was, standing on the deck. She looked around, then at me. “Welcome to my dream,” I said. “Is it really you, or are you just ‘supposed to be’ Nicole?” Eric didn’t seem pleased by my teasing question.

      “I’m me…” Nicole said. “So hold on, we’re dreaming?”

      “Yes. I saw a portal while I was flying around. Let’s go into it!” Nicole agreed, so we flew up to a purple vortex in the sky. Darkness spiraled into it as it seemed to spin. We were both sucked in. Hopefully, dream Eric didn’t starve in the middle of nowhere – we left him behind. The vortex filled my vision.

      I had a false awakening. I sat up in bed, staring down at my hand. My arm was incredibly long – at least five feet – and each of my fingers branched off into two. I felt like I was going cross-eyed. I couldn’t focus on anything properly. After a while, things stabilized, and my hand was normal.

      “I guess we’re not dreaming,” I told Nicole.

      Updated 03-31-2011 at 01:58 AM by 19592

    14. Security Fight, or is it Flight?

      by , 03-26-2011 at 05:41 PM (...from the dark corners of my mind...)
      DJ Log: March 26, 2011 – 6:00AM (USA Eastern)
      Text color legend: · NON-DREAM · NOTES · DREAM · LUCID ·

      I am walking into a large hotel building that has a huge stadium attached to the side of it. There are several security guards standing at the counter and throughout the building. As I walk toward the counter, one of the security guys decides he doesn't like me for some reason. He pulls out his baton while giving me a couple of hard looks, then starts walking toward me, twirling his baton. I decide that I do not want to find out what his problem is, so I jump into the air and start flying. I fly up over the entry area and into a large open hallway that goes all the way to the top floor. I turn around to see that the security guy is flying after me. I look forward again to see that I'm about to crash into a window. Instead of hitting the glass, I pass right through without any effort and stop outside the building while hovering in the air.

      Realizing that I just flew through a window without breaking it and am now hovering in the air, I become lucid and continue my flight. I fly up the side of the building and land on a steep part of the roof. The security guy lands near me and starts running toward me. I do a nose pinch as a quick safety check, then run and jump off the edge of the roof. I nose dive toward the ground, then catch flight and fly through the front of the building into the stadium area. The security guy crashes into the ground, then gets up and walks in the door. At this time, I decide to face him and find out what his issue is. He walks up to me and says nothing, then starts punching and kicking at me. Thinking that this is a boring place for a fight, I fly up into the upper area of the stadium and land on one of the I-beams on a roof truss. I look back and see the guy climbing up the beam toward me. It appears that he has lost his flying ability, or just doesn't want to try and fly again. As he approaches, I jump off the beam and fly through the wall and straight up into the sky.

      Once I gain some altitude, I stop and look down at the building. The security guy is standing on the roof, staring up at me. I decide to take him out so I can enjoy the rest of the dream, so I summon a large sword and a shield. I dive straight toward him with the sword pointed at him. When I reach him, I pass through him then crash into the building. I tumble off the roof and fall to the ground, unable to attain flight. When I stand up, everything quickly fades before I have a moment to stabilize.
    15. 26/03/11 - A possible future

      by , 03-26-2011 at 01:44 PM (Nom nom nom, Mmmattelicious...)

      Good morning! Intended to get lucid last night, and I did, but I haven't had a long and vivid LD in two weeks now, and that sucks. I have tried getting lucid more than once a night, but I'm finding it very difficult. I'm thinking I shouldn't have too strong intentions when going to bed. Instead I will focus on the WBTB during the morning, which will ensure me to have a long and vivid LD. Also I'm having a hard time writing down my dreams, too damn tired! This is what I recall from last night.

      22.30: Sleep

      07.30: Lost love
      I'm in Gene Simmons house. I don't recall what I've done there, but I have a vague memory of doing alot. I look through a closet of his and find a box full of random things. A small pin board with different military honors on it. None of them are special and I put the thing aside. I find a brown envelope with a couple of pictures in it. This thing I know, it's actually a letter I and my girlfriend used to fill up with pictures with things we did. I realise that never actually happened.

      Dream skips. I'm outside of the house and ring the doorbell. A woman opens the door. "Yes?". "Hi, you probably don't know who I am, but I just want to thank you. I want to thank you for everything you gave me in the past, for everything you gave me in the present and everything you might give me in the future, even if it might never happen" I say and begin to get emotional. An entire lifetime was all a lie. I hand her the brown envelope and walk away. A friend of mine is with me. "What now?" he asks me. I jump up in the air and do several spinkicks before I land.

      I realise it's all a dream because of the low gravity. Cool, the second time I'm lucid tonight. Something suddenly rushes past me. I turn around and see a few people driving around in invisible go karts. "Let's follow them" I say and get down on my butt. I use their momentum just as they're rounding a corner and drag myself with telekinesis after them. It's quite fun, but I can't seem to catch up. I stand up and start to run instead. I jump and try to fly but I land on my stomach, scraping my belly. Damnit.

      07.30: Fragment
      *I'm in my hometown with Monica. Ahead of us is a tunnel full of people. I walk up to the crowd which is being held back by the police. A policeman gives me a push with his shield and tells me to step back. I spot an old classmate and I ask him what's going on. He tells me the cops punched him and he shows me his broken lip.

      09.00: Boat
      I'm in a boat at work. There's something on the bottom we have to get up, and my boss shows up in a smaller boat and starts circling us. I get in the water and dive. There's a rope down there and I'm desperately trying to grab it, I almost black out when I reach the surface for air. I lie still for a while to regain my strength. On the second try I grab the thing and pull it up. It's a small boat and I turn it upside down to get the water out. A small girl who was with us has to ride the boat and I tell her to relax and sit still. I grab the oars and put them in their holes and hand them to her.
      All of a sudden the water turns to ice and I get up on it. I grab a rope coming from the boat and I try to pull the little girl over the ice. The rope breaks and I tie it up again. Once again the rope breaks and I have to redo it. I struggle with it for a while and when I feel like it should hold I start to run.

      I am completely oblivious to the change of scenery and I run into a restaurant on a cruiseship. The rope breaks and red onion slices spreads out on the entire carpet. My brother Martin shows up. "Hey Matte! Let's get wasted ok?" he tells me and gestures for me to follow him. I don't feel like eating any more McDonalds (apparently I had had some) and I follow. We run down five or six flights of stairs going around. "I don't have anything to drink" I tell him.

      My sister shows up on the next floor. "You can have milk from me, just chug it!" she tells me as I keep on running downwards. "Get drunk on milk? Are you serious? I don't want any milk!" I yell at her back and we arrive at a club. I head up to the bar to order a few beers I can chug.

      09.00: Wake up

      Amount of sleep: 10 hours

      Supplements: None

      That's it! I'll do a proper WBTB tomorrow morning. Wish me luck!

      Keep on dreaming, HARE BRA!

      Updated 03-26-2011 at 04:06 PM by 36346

      lucid , non-lucid , dream fragment
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