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    1. High jumping in Grandparents front yard

      by , 01-04-2014 at 05:16 PM
      It was quite a weird night. I had just come back from a cruise and I was in this 5 star hotel. Except one strange thing was the room was incredibly hot. We couldn't find the thermostat so we just lied there in the heat. I woke up several times and I felt I had no need to go back to sleep but to pass time til morning. I had drank a shit-ton the night before. Anyways I only remember one dream from that night

      Black: dream
      [COLOR="#800080"]Purple:[/COLOR] lucid

      I had given unwanted sexual advances to a friend on the cruise and she was ignoring me and I felt horrible about it. For some reason I have a very foggy idea there was some part of the dream where 2 of the friends were sitting in the hotel room while I was sleeping. Anyways the first thing I remember clearly was being in my grandparents front yard. [COLOR="#800080"] I then became lucid and did not do any reality checks. I knew I was dreaming and I started trying to fly. I flew up about 30 feet in the air but I started to lose momentum and slowly fall back down towards the ground. I looked at my hands which looked incredibly realistic. I repeated trying to fly for about 15 more times then I woke up.[/COLOR]
    2. 00:00 Saturday 2013-12-28 comp #16 night #16 LD #15

      by , 12-28-2013 at 09:35 PM
      00:00 Saturday 2013-12-28 comp #16 night #16 LD #15

      01:08 bedtime

      golf, thte queen and the humulus, crazy dogs, dales in the garage, starry moonlit night

      1) game of golf, a father is hitting his golf ball, which knocks into his son's ball, the announcer says "if it goes down the right hill the son will be the winner." there is a small mound about a meter high with various slopes going forwards/backwards and left/right. The ball is like a small tribble, a furry ball with white/brown patches. The son is watching the ball rolling down into the target "hole" (more like a large bowl), so he is the winner. I'm also watching, up close. I imagine it would be stupid for the son to knock the ball out of the hole since he'd lose points.

      F1) the princess/queen is waiting for someone. I'm with her. She's going into the back of the library, I follow and sit down with her. She sits down and reads a story. I see "the princess and the humulus" written on a wall. The "humulus" is some other woman.

      2) MD is driving down the driveway into my childhood home's garage where I'm standing with my wife. There's a refridgerator there, low, long and rectangular. RD has been coming to spray the things growing inside the refridgerator with water. My wife is asking my why I can't do that, she was upset that I wasn't doing it and someone else had to. I couldn't find the spray bottle which is why I couldn't do the spraying. I say if I could have found it I could have done it. ND is up at the top of the driveway (on HC). M's car comes into the garage and manages to turn around in a tight circle without having to back up, it turns around several times. He manages to avoid hitting my parent's car. I tell my wife she could leave a message for RD on this other refridgerator in the garage.

      3) sitting with a bunch of people outside. There had been some battle. There were crazy attack dogs like little Tasmanian devils whirling around that are posting signs on fences about their enemies. I'm standing next to an open furnace. I'm indicating with my head towards the furnace, several times, and I say that they could soak their enemies in oil and through them in the fire. They said they tried it before and it didn't work, but I know it can work.

      F2) guy in a car with a date. If all else fails, they could look up at the stars and the moonlit sky. I look up and see a beautiful night sky with silvery moonlight. They need to find a place to park, though.

      F3) there's a cord leading up to a security camera high on a street pole on the street.

      06:04 MILD and SSILD.

      06:57 still trying to sleep

      07:35 still trying to sleep, get up get a snack, BTB

      08:57 LD #15

      4) walking/running through well-lit narrow office corridors with white walls and blue office carpet, I realize I'm dreaming. I continue walking a few steps. Dream feels unstable (dizzy?), I rub hands together, I hold them up in front my eyes and feel the rubbing and see my hands (they look normal). I do my stabilization kata: pat down my dream body with my hands while counting to 5, I see my torso and legs, I'm just wearing my underwear, so my hands are slapping on my skin, it's effective, I feel my hands on my body. I hear someone behind me in the corridor, I don't want to encounter anybody while stabilizing, I count to 5 again turning around, I don't see anybody. There are lots of intersecting corridors (at right angles). Vision is clear and vivid, dream body is well-lit. I have good memory of dream goals, I have a huge point-fest all planned. I feel stable, vision is clear. I say "OK, Pickman, time to get down to business!" I reach my right hand behind me to summon him and fade to awake in bed. Total time, about 45 seconds. Lying on stomach, head to the right.


      5) On ski lift with sister, brother-in-law, and parents. We're looking at the snow paths down below. The path has gently rolling hills, my sister says that it looks like a really attractive path for beginners. Lots of bumps to do little jumps if you want to. The lift reaches a 90 degree turn to the left, and I say "here we go up the mountain!" We're up very high there are large snowy mountains. I feel like I'm starting to slip off my seat. I wonder how my folks will get back down since they're not skiing.

      01:30 wife woke me up

      6) in the neighborhood a few blocks away from childhood home, down below. I'm standing in a clearing, looking down towards a circle. I see houses and a playground beyond the circle. There are houses in the distance, I'm studying them, they seem to be under construction. I'm trying to remember if those houses were they before or whether they were new. There are lots of open arches in the design, I'm thinking they're building more and more houses down there. There is an opening leading through some trees to the playground. I say "that playground must be for everybody who lives around here" I go into the playground. There is a drinking fountain there. It's low to the ground again a brick wall, in a tight spot, I turn it on and bend down to get a drink. There were some small kids thre playing.

      F4) Frickin' awesome flying scene. I'm *imagining* that I can fly. I'm flying from the hills down to the city. I'm It is superman-style flight, powered, will-controlled speed, not just gliding. I see the trees and the ground passing beneath me, I'm ecstatic, and say "oh yeah!". I'm astounded at how well I can "imagine."

      I almost didn't remember the flying fragment. It's amazing how much we forget every night.
      lucid , side notes
    3. Swimming and Flying.. And throwing babies

      by , 12-26-2013 at 07:39 PM
      ~My house was completely underwater. I still lived in it. One day, me and my sister swam for what seemed like hours, and everything was colorful and beautiful. There were big tubes of all different colors in certain locations that you could swim through to get to another room, or outside. Our entire property was underwater: about seven acres. I remember becoming a little nervous, because I had the feeling we were both going to be late for school, and I was afraid we were going to forget to come up for air every once and a while. I went off on my own for a while, and when I swam back into my living room, I find my sister sleeping on the couch. I woke her up so she could go outside and get some air at the surface. The entire dream was very realistic and beautiful.

      ~It started off as a nightmare, where I was a baby and my mom was playing these 'games' with me and the guests in our house. The games mostly consisted of me being thrown from one end of the room to the other. I was completely helpless, so it was actually pretty scary. After a while of this, I decided just to stand up. When I did, I was back in my 17 year old body. I walked up to my mother and told her "You can't do this to me anymore, I am 17." She stared at me for a moment, then she went and got a little machine that looked like a mini guitar amp and pressed it against my chest. It beeped and showed a number, i think it was 42. THis apparently was some sort of baby detector, because she said plainly, "You're a baby." Horribly enough, I suggested she would just play these games with my little brother or sister to take the pressure off of myself. We were walking upstairs, i think for her to decide who she wants to choose, and I was wishing i could just escape. Then, without a reality check, I simply just remembered I was dreaming and ran upstairs for a window. Mom opens the window for me, not sure why, and i try to climb out. I got a little stuck, and got a terrible feeling that my mom was holding me back. Then, I remembered this feeling is just my own subconscious, and pushed through. I soared through the clear sky for a while, It was exhilarating and wonderful, as flying would be. I closed my eyes and counted to ten, and decided when I woke up, I would be someplace else. When I opened, I was in the dark bedroom of a guy I used to be in love with (i dont use that term lightly) . He was sleeping. I crawled on the floor and into his bed... which is when I experienced a false awakening :/ I woke up in my own bed, sitting up straight. I layed back down and closed my eyes, which is where I actually woke up.
    4. Dream Sharing Experience.

      by , 12-25-2013 at 01:10 AM
      I had experienced a WILD and "teleported" to the outside of my house. The warmth of the sun felt amazing on my skin and the wind blowing through the trees made me really think about the reality of things. Anyway. I take a step and just think, " who wants to walk in a dream?" so i bolted to the sky. I notice below me a couple of people i know from school standing around a gas station. I land right next to one, namd Jeremey. I begin to shake him and tell him its just a dream, that he has to wake up. He just gives me a crazy look and i just say goodbye and fly off.
      Two or three months later, Jeremy came to my house and told me about this dream he had and almost blew his mind, somehow we shared a dream and i woke him upon within the dream, he said as i shook him, he realized he was in a dream and was the most vivid dream he has had in his eniter life. LOL.
      Crazy things are possible.
    5. Teaching Others to Fly in a Lucid Dream

      by , 12-24-2013 at 09:59 AM
      12-19-2013 -- [Two detailed lucids today, surrounded by days of nothing even memorable. Sigh! But these two dreams were really cool!] I am in a supermarket that seems familiar, though I cannot identify the exact chain or location. There is a bit with managers and entering through turnstiles or something that seem vaguely reminiscent of other recent dreams, then soon I am wandering the aisles. Eventually I come across an aisle that has snack cakes, and among the various offerings are the Little Debbie Christmas Cakes that I enjoy. But for some reason the packs have been broken up, and the individual plastic-wrapped two packs are being offered for sale, and a few of them are a new strawberry flavor, rather than my usual preferred chocolate flavored ones. Since I don't know if they are any good, I decide to open one and eat it, to test how I like it, so I can decide if I want to buy a bunch of them or not. I figure I will just take the wrapper to the register with whatever else I decide to purchase, and pay for them all at once. I don't really like the strawberry ones that much, but I still want to get some of the chocolate.

      Suddenly I find I have left the store, and I don't know why, but I am kind of worried about it. I never paid for the one I ate, and even if I go back, they are going to be mad at me, and darn it, I don't even know why I left! I find myself in an odd blend of California and Omaha that I have dreamed of before. I am on a freeway that is a cross between the 22 in California and I-680 in Omaha. I am trying to figure out exactly where I am and where the store was and get back to it, and I seem to be driving Joe L's Lexus SUV. I am just starting to turn a corner while muttering about pizza, and a nearby cop hears me and calls me over. I am worried about a ticket or something, but no, he just points to an NYPD (New York Pizza Deli) and says it is his favorite. Soon after, some rough looking guys in a beat up van (who look like they could be real trouble) are flagging me down ... to make their own recommendation! Nuts, all of them!

      Soon I am back on the freeway, heading north, but the car has disappeared, and I am now flying along. Soon I am flying through a building, and some woman is attacking me, saying something about how because I am flying, I killed her husband. I think my dead mom is trying to argue with her about it. Meanwhile, I am just trying to get away from the crazy woman when I feel a tap on my shoulder. I glance back to find a ghostly angel flying above me. I think it is Louie Anderson [and it took me perhaps 45 minutes to find him on the internet to identify him ... though it turns out he is not dead in real life, like I thought], who apologizes for her, saying she doesn't really mean it, she is just upset about his death. Though I had nothing to do with Louie's death, somehow I help his wife to easily pass on to join him, and the two of them fly off to heaven.

      Meanwhile, they have carried me far higher into the air than I usually manage to fly on my own, and I find myself up around maybe thirty stories in the air, and am flying back toward the ground. I am worried about hitting the power lines and such, which are everywhere, and almost forming a net waiting for me, but the positive aspects of the dream hold, and I easily sail through them without getting caught up, until I am back at a level I am comfortable with, 20 to 30 feet in the air. I am now getting fairly close to where I think the store is, but I find myself flying through the middle of a generic shopping mall (not one of the specific ones I often dream of). I am now flying south through this mall, heading for an exit, but there are a couple of sisters (at least I assume they are sisters, as they look quite similar.) They are large women, bulky, but not seriously fat. They remind me of a cross between one of my relatives and a balloon artist named Patricia Bunnell. They are kind of chasing me and trying to catch me for my daring to be different and unique, and having the ability to fly.

      I speed up and try to fly to the exit, but they sense what I am doing. "He's trying to escape," they scream, and rush to the doors ahead of me, blocking them off so I can't get through. So I turn around and start to fly in the opposite direction, figuring I will lose them, and find another set of doors to exit out of. Problem is, others start to chase me, more out of interest than the anger the two women were showing. One guy and his wife are close, and he manages to grab my leg even though I am right up by the ceiling, because he is 9 or 10 feet tall, with long arms. Darn it! I keep trying to slip his grasp and fly away, and as they hold on to me, they both figure out how to fly, and are soon able to fly on their own. "How is this possible?" she asks. "It's a dream," I reply. "We're all dreaming?" I don't want to be rude and tell her she is probably only a figment of my imagination, so I hedge and say "I only know that I am dreaming." "Well, how did you get so smart about dreams?" And I start to explain to her how I started making lists of my dreams back in high school, and by now have thousands of dreams written down to learn from. I also hint at the fact that since I know I am dreaming, I might find somebody to have some fun with.

      By this point, right as I am considering landing and trying to lose myself in the crowd, we exit through some doors on the west side of the mall, and the couple let go of me, and decide to fly off on their own to their own adventure. I'm pleased to find I am finally free, and am about to soar off and resume trying to find the grocery store, when suddenly somebody else latches on to me. I find it is a tall, attractive, rather Nordic blonde with a thick Nordic accent. "How?" she demands of me, as we drift through the air. I start explaining about knowing you are dreaming as I wrap my arms around her. I tell her she is warm and safe and protected. I won't let anything happen to her. I steal a line from Douglas Adams and explain that flying is really quite simple ... you just have to throw yourself at the ground, and miss. But I stress it's the bit about missing that is important, because otherwise it can be kind of painful. I wrap my arms further around her as she chuckles, very close to feeling her up as I continue this wonderful new technique of seduction by teaching flying.
    6. Night 10, Competition #16 Crazy Mirror Induced DILD, WBTB then Awareness DILD

      by , 12-23-2013 at 07:15 AM
      12/22** DILDx2 1210 220 410 6 740
      Mirror dild, awareness dild

      220 F: wife&I see lovebirds in a store leaning into each other, we look at each other...I say I bet he's touching //
      Spoiler for explicit:

      410 D: really cool ride at amusement park (any ride designers credit me!) Hybrid train ride on tracks for all ages. Some cars or seats move independently as it goes along. One kind rotates horizontally, some up and down like a Carousel as it takes you through a long stretch of the park. Wife and son are directed to seats on the near side and back of the train and I am directed to the far side of the train. Do you want me to go around the front of the train or under here (small clearance under train and tracks)? I hurry around the front of the train and it starts to take off without me so I jump on the train its a set of 4 seats in a circle and there are three older guys sitting in the other three seats. I sit down in the fourth seat and look back towards the back of the train and see my wife and son and they're waving for me to come on over. I hop off the train as it starts to move slowly and as I try to make my way over to them the train movement
      becomes confusing and I can't make it over to where they are and I lose track of them. There is some kind of like water slide path that goes along the train track and I foot surf down the path having a great time. I wonder if I'm not supposed to be doing this and along the way I see a worker look over at me and I wonder if I'm busted but he keeps walking on. I find them at the end of the path. That was so much fun waking up from even though it didn't seem like I was lucid. If I was it was very low level. Definitely not counting it.

      ~6am F&Dild F: helping Sj M with something related to my business near the Capitol in a town south of where he currently resides.

      DILD: amusement park again I take train as before one quick stop to where the bathroom is but this is more a traditional train but I got on the wrong train and it took me to completely different stop people that got off there were catching a connecting train so ask the conductor of that train where I should go and they said you can catch the same line you were on back to where you started and then catch the correct train. I walked away from there and I saw a girl in one of those corndog Hut like outfits brightly striped and ask her where the nearest bathroom is and she said over there behind such and such some feature at the amusement park and I see a animal faux fur hat/partial mask like for kids (pikachu etc) but a little realistic I think fox. I put it on and start skipping through the park acting silly and I think this may make me look gay to some people and sure enough my subconscious spawned a gay bashing closeted gay that steps into my path and
      wants to fight I guess. I say hey dude chill (or something like that) I'm just acting silly and then I go ahead and skip on around him. I see the bathroom and go inside and wash my my hands first and look up at the mirror...Holy Shit I'm dreaming and I'm a black guy. I have high wide set cheekbones, wide nose, medium dark skin, shoulder length dark brown to black trimmed dreadlocks. I take my time to really soak in the face/look. I start making faces to see if like before there would be sync issues. Sure enough there was a delay..I would close one eye and moments later "he" would. It was fascinating! I then went outside no longer concerned with going to the bathroom. I see two boys walking and say look what I can do and I take off flying up ahead a little. Unimpressed I say how about this and I shoot up straight into the air at super speed and then shoot back quickly but slowing down at the last minute landing gently on my feet. Enough of that...I go
      flying around the amusement park exploring
      and start fading back to bed. I woke up thinking the mirror thing was cool but now 12 hours later transcribing from my paper DJ I am a little "weirded out." I have read about one or two people seeing a different person in the mirror...but what the heck is that about?

      ~740 DILD#2 having trouble sleeping after a bit of a late WBTB. I just remembered about how I saw myself in HI's in the last night or two and note it down. Also noted how weird it was to look in the mirror during the WBTB right after that LD. I don't feel like trying to WILD. I think about how i didn't get to any goals or contest items and remember i need to do step 2 telekinesis which i chose because I don't remember trying it before. I eventually fall asleep. I am in this giant Conference Center like what I was in recently with escalators and all and I am noticing lots of beautiful women going by and then I notice but I'm floating around the place just above the floor and realize that I'm dreaming. I'm having a lot of fun just checking out all the beautiful women while fly floating about and I start to get a little mischievous and beside the try out the telekinesis. Using telekinesis, I am pulling down the womens clothes with a simple motion of my
      hand through the air including one that looks a little like Girl Friday. Then something on happens it is like the scene is playing in front of me on two separate huge movie screens and I'm watching this group of 3 women putting another woman up like a pyramid for cheer and the same thing is happening over to the left as well but the one on the right is closer to me and I watch curious if they are able to perform the maneuver. They are also out of sync - the two screens. Could this be a residue from recalling the earlier lucid dream where the mirror image was out of sync? . The woman on top tumbles down and her hair gets stuck in the escalator and I have no interest in watching anymore of that. I look away or possibly close my eyes
      and find myself back in bed. (too tired to look for typos, gotta go to bed soon)

      Updated 12-25-2013 at 09:05 AM by 61674 (forgot to hide explicit content in spoiler, nothing else changed)

      lucid , non-lucid
    7. Flying Cow Demon

      , 12-23-2013 at 03:56 AM
      I’m standing outside like a house or a school or a church. I’m talking to someone maybe a kid or something and then I walk over to the building ahead of me and I see my sister there but she’s very young like 14 maybe. I say hi and I realize that I’m dreaming. I start stabilizing by looking at my hands but it’s not working very well as my hands are kind of unstable so I decide I need to touch stuff. I walk back to the building where I was standing and start touching the wall, really feeling it. It’s made out of little bricks or tiles and I feel the grooves and then I decide I will kneel down and feel the grass or flowers that are growing from the ground right at the wall. As I’m doing this some little kid comes from behind me and starts grabbing my shirt. I tell him to get off me and what the hell is he doing. He keeps at it and actually I decide that it’s ok because it just adds to my stabilization because I can feel my shirt better. After a moment or two he just disappears. I’m fully lucid now and as I look up I’m amazed at how crystal clear everything is (note: I forgot to say verbal commands to stabilize and also forgot to say that I’m anchored in lucidity and anchored to this dream and I’m all powerful and I can do anything). Anyway, as I look up I see this amazing green lawn of grass ahead of me and it also looks like a bed in a bedroom at the same time, even though it’s a large lawn...strange and hard to describe really but that’s what it looks like. So even though I’m outside I’m also inside and I go on to explore this house where I now find myself...possibly my dreamscape changed somewhat while I was stabilizing. I walk through a few rooms and I don’t recall now exactly how that went but the last room that I went into I see a woman doing something and she looks like my wife and I get closer and in fact it is my wife. I momentarily have a thought of having sex with her and I feel my lucidity drop a bit, so I decide to just go ahead with exploring the dream. I go outside and take off flying over this lawn of grass. I keep going higher without wanting to and I see down on the lawn a black cow with I think white spots. I consider this cow to be an excellent target to practice my magic spells and I want to land but I can’t. I then try to just stop flying so that I can fall down and land on the grass and that doesn’t work either. I then try to throw a fireball as I’m flying over the cow but that doesn’t work either (note: I should have stopped to stabilize at this point as I was loosing my lucidity). Now the cow grows wings and takes off flying like a cow demon. It flies to this roof of a building where I can see something protruding that looks like spider legs (giant spider at that)...but I can’t really see to tell for sure. So the cow lands there and I fly after it trying to throw another fireball and it’s not working again. I try to make a tight fist and imagine heat inside to make the fireball..doesn’t work. I then try to shoot lightning out of my fingertips at it and that doesn’t work either. The demon cow now notices me and takes off flying after me. It flies much much faster than I so it catches up to me in like 2 seconds and we are fighting in the air. I imagine that if I rip off it’s nose it will die and I grab onto the nose and try to tear it off. After a few seconds I can feel it giving way but I also find myself in a limbo where I no longer see anything and I transition into the next dream, which turns out to be a false awakening but I don't realize it and continue non-lucid.

      The dream was a MILD and I had taken Galantamind 4mg, Alpha GPC 300mg and Melatonin 0.75mg 2 hours before the dream. The dream lasted a little less than 2 min.

      Updated 12-23-2013 at 03:59 AM by 66593

    8. My longest LD to date…about 8 min

      , 12-18-2013 at 03:00 AM
      I'd like to share a lucid dream from early November 2013. This is so far the longest lucid dream that I've had. That night I took B6 100mg after 5 hours of sleep and the LD occurred 2.5 hours later.

      I am in my bed and I look at my hands (RC) and realize that I’m dreaming. I get up and start stabilizing the dream. I think first I rubbed my hands but I don’t recall for sure. I decide that I need to eat something to stimulate my taste and in fact I seem to think there should be some lobster in the kitchen that I put into shrimp water so it would be tasty. I go in the kitchen and the layout is different from my kitchen. I check a toaster oven and there are slices of bread with something on top but I decide to forgo tasting this. I then look in the oven and there is a filet of fish..again I don’t really want this. Then I look in a pot on the stove and there is something weird and possibly slimy in there and I decide to try it - it was disgusting and I spit it out. Enough for my sense of taste...hahaha. I walk out into the living room and start looking around. The room is completely different and the view outside is so clear. I am on the first floor of a house and I’m looking out through large floor to ceiling (or close to it) windows. I’m in a city. I then go ahead with anchoring and I imagine lines with anchors pulling me and attaching to this world...the lines go down and sideways. I also say out loud some stuff such as ‘I’m all powerful’ and ‘I’m anchored to the dream.’ Outside I see a car and I levitate it without going out. Then I see a van and I levitate it too and make it shoot out into the distance real fast. It went flying but then for some reason started coming back and I caught it with my telekinesis and put it down. Then I made some more cars crash on the street and then I smashed two cars into each other. I also flicked my finger and made a car slide sideways on another street. After I was done having my fun with telekinesis I decided it’s time to move through solid objects. I am trying to put my hand through a piece of wood that is part of a staircase. It is not working and after a few attempts I gave up. There was an older guy maybe a father figure but not my dad. He had some needles without syringes and I assumed he wanted to poke me and either make me fall asleep or wake up for real. I decide that I would not allow this to happen because I don’t want to loose my lucidity. I grab the needles from him and then I try to convince him that this is a dream. I tell him that I will tell him what’s going on but he will probably not believe me. I take him aside and I tell him that I’m a human being and that this is my dream and he is a part of my dream. He of course does not believe me. I take the needles away from him and I want to run away and fly away. He holds onto me for a bit but then I break free and fly away. As I’m flying out I see down the street someone I need to pick up....I think it’s whom I believe to be my girlfriend. I pick her up and hold on to her as I’m flying. In a little while the person I picked up turns out to be my little brother ( I don't have a brother in WL). As I’m flying I say out loud something like I’m still anchored. I decide I want to go see a pretty girl. First I see a house up ahead on my right and I consider this to be the place I will go to see her but then I see a tall apartment building up ahead a bit to my left and I decide that that’s better. I want to drop off my little brother and leave him there and I land. The little guy would not let go of me and I try pushing him off and then I bite him real hard on his finger. I think I almost bit it off...I definitely bit into it and made an impression but it was sort of plasticky and there was no blood. He didn’t seem to be hurting too much and was still holding onto me. I slapped him around a bit and then I grabbed him and smacked him into a tree. Finally he let go and I woke up.

      Updated 12-23-2013 at 03:57 AM by 66593

      lucid , false awakening
    9. WBTB win and a strange dream.

      by , 12-17-2013 at 05:59 PM
      Ok so I did a WBTB which resulted after not being able to get to sleep for the first thirty min. of trying to in this LD:

      Ok so I was in my room, but it looked totally different than in real life. It was nighttime, and the sky was completely dark without stars. I did a RC (looking at my hands), without a proper reason. So I was lucid. I stabilized the dream and I tried to fly, I did manage it, but because of the excitement I woke up, so the stabilization wasn't really effective.
      I forgot to DEILD.

      The second dream I recall was this:
      I was in a room with another guy but idk why. After taking quick look around the building I was in - it was a rather large bungalow - I decided to talk to the guy. He was ~18 years old and pretty nice. He had short brown hair and looked very similar to a cousin of mine (it wasn't him though). We talked about music and we decided to play a couple of songs together. Then we played some old-school video games like the original mario and zelda, although they were not very 'real'. Then he showed me that he liked to program his own videogames, too. Sadly at this point I woke up. The dream was very calm, no things I had to do and I didn't have any fears etc.
    10. My first real lucid

      , 12-16-2013 at 03:39 AM
      I'm starting my dream journal entries with the hope that they may help some of my fellow aeronauts that are just starting out as well as maybe get some helpful input from those on DV that are much more experienced than I. I started researching and really getting interested in Lucid Dreaming about 3 months ago. I used to have maybe 1 dream a month if not less before I started my quest to become lucid. I read a lot on DV, started a dream journal, etc. In my first week I did not notice any changes until one day I had 3 dreams in one night and 4 dreams the following night. Since then I have been averaging about 5 dreams a night and sometimes as many as 10…not all vivid of course as some are just a tiny portion of the dream that I can recall. My first LD was about 2 weeks after I started my research. And of course as many others I woke up as soon as I became lucid. For the next week and a half or so I had several more LDs where I woke up immediately after becoming lucid until one night….

      I am in my apartment and I’m walking around and I went to get some water. I am walking through my living room and I decide to do a RC (I am assuming I am awake and just doing a practice RC as usual). I look at my hands and it hits me...This is a Dream! I couldn’t really count the fingers on my hand because I couldn’t see them but I knew I was dreaming. The dream started fading at that time because I must have gotten too excited and I started rubbing my hands and trying to spin...that brought me back into the dream. I believe I then did a math problem but nothing changed after that...I was probably fully lucid at that point. Retrospectively, I should have spent a little more time stabilizing the dream before going on. Anyway, I had a glass of water in my hand about half full maybe a little less. I put it down on the little table in the living room and I tried to levitate it. I think it didn’t work the first time but it did the second try. I had the glass levitating in the air about 6 feet in front of me. It wasn’t following my intended movements right away but after a little practice with my newly acquired skill of telekinesis I was able to move it as I expected. I made it move away from me, side to side and then toward me and into my hand. I threw it down to the floor and I wanted to try something heavier. There was some kind of object lying toward the far right corner of my daughters' and I think it was on the bed. I was not able to lift it after a few tries. There was a black handbag on top of that object and I was able to levitate that and I made it go up and them put it back down. There was another item - I think it was a big box. I wan’t able to lift that either so then I gave up on it. I then decide that I want to fly...no problem. I flew around the room for a sec and flew out the window...my thoughts from WL were with me (my concerns of what if I’m not really dreaming and I just fall out the window) but I knew I was dreaming 100% so I just flew out the window. I think the window just opened when I was flying through it. I flew for a bit until I came up to a tree branch and the leaves were like in my face. I just floated there for a second and then I decided I want to fly to the Dominican Republic to see my wife and daughter where they are on vacation. As I am floating I look around to see what direction I need to fly but I can’t figure it out. I call out I want to go to DR..which way do I go? This lady appears...I didn’t see her appear she was just there (a couple of months later I find out she is my Dream Guide and I will post that dream later as well). She is blond and maybe around 5’6 or 5’7 but that is with heels. I believe she was wearing a skirt up to just over her knees and it was either white or light grey...not sure of blouse but I think a light color as well. She is somewhat attractive but not distractingly so. After waking up I was able to rather clearly recall her face (that’s a first...I can almost never recall faces). She starts telling me which direction is what and she points to one direction and says the name of a city or state and then a bit to the left she says that’s Florida and I see a building that makes me think that that’s Florida right there (Dominican Republic is in the same direction from where I live…south). I decide that is the direction I will go. I ask her what is your name. She answered - Dean. At this point we are no longer in the air and we are standing on the ground. I tell her I want to go to DR but then my dream faded and I woke up. The dream lasted about 5 min. I took B6 100mg after about 5 hours of sleep and the Lucid Dream occurred about 2 hours after that.

      Updated 12-23-2013 at 03:58 AM by 66593

    11. Only fragments today

      by , 12-15-2013 at 11:40 PM
      Just a bit of scenery: I was flying through a forest by a river, with a road running through it. A few of the trees had formed something like natural nests in the places where their trunks divided: wide platforms ringed with thick branches and covered with moss, out of sight of the road and with a good view of the river. They looked like they'd make a nice place to rest, but I was in too much of a hurry to stop.
    12. Touching gravel and turning into Ryuuko for a small glide down the cliff

      by , 12-14-2013 at 12:49 PM (The Erratic dreams of StaySharp)
      I was at some kind of bus or tram station, I think it was somewhat similar to one I know in real life, always driving through on my way to work. Oddly enough the actual street or railroad seemed to be missing though. There was a lot of gravel on the ground and a cat, I remember touching both and being surprised at how realistic it felt and used it to try a slow stabilizing start on my dream which also worked at first, somewhere in between these scenes I also must have done a RC as I was lucid most of that time (I also remember that RC, just not when exactly I did it).
      After I thought I took the dream slow enough I intended to fly, succesfully turning into Ryuuko and jumping off a near cliff, gliding for some way, then I remember how I suddenly saw myself (or Ryuuko) from behind, able to pick up on some details (mostly the not black as thought, but instead colorful, blue-green scales, but it also ended my dream. It also looked like some kind of forest but I can't remember the details as much as I'd like to.

      Updated 01-13-2014 at 12:43 AM by 48127

    13. Breaking the glass and spreading my wings

      by , 12-14-2013 at 12:28 PM (The Erratic dreams of StaySharp)
      I was on my way to work, I was driving in a car through the mountains, and it was a beautiful, already somewhat bright day, the complete opposite to my actual way to work. I got lost there but realized how far away from reality all this was, then I suddenly was in a building with a nice view of the mountains and did a nose-pinch RC, with success.
      Out of a strong urge to fly I dashed forward, broke the glass of the window and spanned my wings, starting to glide immediately. The world then was filled with repeating patterns which I could control to some degree, but the dream faded fast.
    14. Flying Zsuzsanna Down From a Bridge in Winter

      by , 11-24-2013 at 05:24 PM
      Morning of November 24, 2013. Sunday.

      My wife and I are on a large, old brick bridge with arches, seemingly running north and south and likely in Wisconsin. It is very cold and in the middle of winter (although in real life here, it is unbearably warm). I make it so that the large winter jacket I am wearing goes around her so that she is able to put her right arm through the right sleeve while my right hand holds her left hand (my left arm still being in the left sleeve). We are then “wearing the same jacket” and also embrace so that we are fully inside the jacket after zipping it up effortlessly. After a short time, we slowly float down from the bridge onto the iced-over surface of a lake or river. There is a feeling of great love and joy. There seems to be a vague plan to eventually see my best friend Toby T as we go north into the city and we sort of half-walk, half-float to get there.
    15. Tiny Blue Monkey Minivan

      by , 11-24-2013 at 09:31 AM
      Original journal entry dated Dec. 11, 2002:

      I was at school learning to cook spaghetti and I could turn into a tiny blue monkey at will. When I was in human form I wore a sock over my head so nobody could tell who I was. Nobody commented on it because they thought the sock was my real face. So then I was in tiny blue monkey form cross-country skiing on the roof of a minivan and I almost fell off into the wheel-well but my friends rescued me. Oh, yeah, and the minivan could fly. The end.
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