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    1. Night of Monday 1/15/24 (Comp Night 10)

      by , 01-17-2024 at 05:34 AM (Dreamlog)
      Math Class Is Ruined:
      I'm with my girlfriend walking through a hallway at my college campus.
      I'm leading a group of classmates forward.
      We pass by a snack store, and it is closed with gates covering the entrance.
      We come to a man who appears sickly up ahead.
      My girlfriend notices that my heartrate is going fast and is worried.
      The man is telling us that the pandemic is back.
      Somehow, I conclude that math class is ruined.
      I false awake into my bed, questioning whether this new sickness will be a pandemic.
    2. Night of Tuesday 1/9/24 (Winter Comp Night 4)

      by , 01-10-2024 at 04:18 PM (Dreamlog)
      Coffee Splash:

      I'm in a long square-like room, sort of like a trailer.
      My Grandpa R has just died, and his casket is on display.
      I keep thinking that the body is going to stand up.
      Highly emotional feelings. My Dad is there with me.
      We're tasked to set the casket aflame in some ritual and we are hesitating to do it.
      Later in this process the casket goes down a serpentine system of pipes into fluid.
      Later I am in a huge banquet hall-like building, with a theater attached.
      I'm walking over to a concessions stand. I find a couple of fruits with barcode stickers and try to scan them.
      A woman nearby says that this cannot be bought, even though the scan goes through.
      I've come home to my current garage. There is a small circular folding table setup.
      My laptop is setup there, and my brother has an identical one setup for him next to it.
      My sister is with us as well.
      I'm having an argument with my brother. He thinks I'm being too easy-going, and not allowing our sister to mourn.
      This makes me angry, because I want to deal with grief my own way.
      I notice a cold mug of coffee on the table, and I splash it in his face.
      Trying to remove myself from the situation, I start to pick-up and leave.
      My brother grabs my laptop's power cord, preventing me from going.
      I wake up angry.

      Shooting for the Girl:

      I'm on a roadtrip with my girlfriend, her mom, and a young guy.
      The guy is a friend of my girlfriend's mom, and I suspect that she is positioning him as my replacement.
      I'm checking out at the counter, buying some snacks. I pay for the guy's food, trying to be cordial.
      He seems to appreciate it, not outwardly trying to steal my girlfriend. He is friendly.
      We leave and head outside. We are driving a large semi-truck.
      A middle-eastern looking man follows us outside and seems angry.
      He points out that I'm carrying wrappers, and going to make a mess in the car.
      I notice a dumpster nearby and try to basketball-shoot the crumpled wrappers into it.
      My shot is miserable. Embarrassed, I pick-up the clump and place it in the dumpster.
      I'm worried that bad shot just affected my chances against the guy.

      Game Night:

      I'm playing a Yu-Gi-Oh inspired card game with my girlfriend.
      Taking just a couple turns, I've already cleared her side of cards and attacking her life points.
      The values on the cards are in the single digits.
      Later I'm playing a mid-generation Pokemon game.
      Looks like it might have been DS or 3DS era, with animated 2D sprites.
      I'm controlling a Magneton, except it is made from four Magnemites instead of the usual three.
      I use an attack called Tetraelectro Blast or something similar.
      The animation has four distinct stages with accompanying sound.
      Basically, it looks accurate to the games.
      I'm in a Yu-Gi-Oh duel with someone in a large empty warehouse.
      The atmosphere is dark and foreboding.
      We have fully 3D virtual monsters, like in the show.
      My opponent has summoned the Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon.
      But it is multiplying. Four heads. Five heads. Six heads...
      It's the Blue-Eyes Ultimate Hydra now.
      The entire warehouse is filled with the oppressively huge heads and necks of the monster.
      This monster gets so comically large that I'm nearly trapped by the slithering necks moving around me.
      I see a light on my left side. I duck by one of the snaking necks and escape.

      The Blue-Eyes Ultimate Hydra. Made with Bing Image Creator AI.

      False Awakening:

      I wake up and start telling my girlfriend about the Blue-Eyes Ultimate Hydra.
      She has put a couple Monster Energy drinks on the foot of the bed for me.
      My room is perfectly rendered, down to the real-life detail that my girlfriend is up early for an important work meeting.
      I go over to the bathroom and look in the mirror.
      I see that my eyes are large and white, with the pupils faded like a blind person's.
      I start to freak out and wonder what is wrong!
      The eyes correct themselves after I blink a few times.
    3. Night of Wednesday 1/3/24 (DILD)

      by , 01-05-2024 at 06:32 PM (Dreamlog)
      Miles to Meters With Grandpa:

      I'm on vacation with my girlfriend's family. Mostly her's, but a few representatives from mine are there too. We are all staying at a large ranch-style home.
      Recently I have woken up from a dream and I have my phone out ready to record audio for it.
      The dream within a dream I am remembering is apparently a lucid dream, where I noticed my girlfriend sleeping next to me.
      She is twitching and making quiet pained sounds. From experience I know this is a nightmare.
      After a few tries I successfully wake her up.
      So, I want to find somewhere private to record this dream, but there are people everywhere I go.
      I walk from the living room, to a hallway, to a den that looks like a room from my ex's Dad's house.
      All crowded with people. I make my way outside eventually into the yard.
      It's vibrant green, summertime, as typical for my dreams, with some yellow shine effects.
      I'm in the garage now with somebody that the dream indicates is my girlfriend's Grandpa, but he doesn't look like him.
      We're in a car together and parking it by pulling forward into the garage.
      He wants me to measure some distance from where we are to the parking spot, so he hits some big square buttons on the dashboard.
      There is a digital indicator with a two digit number followed by an "m" for the units that comes onto the dash after he has hit the buttons.
      I say outloud that "Ah! That must be miles...oh wait that doesn't make sense...meters!"
      I'm worried that I look stupid in front of him...not wanting to embarrass myself in front of my girlfriend's Grandpa.
      I ask him why we are measuring this in the first place and he excitedly says "So that we get to hit the buttons!"
      This strikes me as odd, so I do a nose reality-check.
      I can breathe. This is a dream.
      I tell the Grandpa that this is a dream, and he gives me a strange look. Like an "oh shit, you've figured it out" look.
      I attempt to transform him for certain experimental purposes, but it doesn't work.


      I'm in a mall-like building, in a large diner similar to something like a Coney Island restaurant.
      There is a clothing store nearby that, within the story of the dream, I am very familiar with.
      It seems that I have worked at this mall for a long time.


      I'm with my brother and my girlfriend in the living room. My brother hits my girlfriend. I'm enraged.
      I catch her, and then within seconds I've knocked my brother down, without thinking about it.
      He tried to defend his action, but I'm not listening. In my mind, he has no excuse.

      Updated 01-08-2024 at 03:33 PM by 99808

      lucid , nightmare , dream fragment
    4. Night of Wednesday 12/20/23

      by , 12-29-2023 at 04:21 PM (Dreamlog)
      Push and Pull:

      I'm pondering whether to ask SB to marry me, and I decide to just go for it.
      I'm at an outdoor party. I've just asked SB to marry me.
      She said yes and is very excited.
      Even afterward I'm still wondering if I made the right decision.
      Later I'm with my Grandma P.
      I'm showing her a song that I think should be the first dance song.
      There's a music video, with some men on a subway pushing art on a cart.

      Updated 01-04-2024 at 04:34 PM by 99808

    5. Night of Thursday 12/7/23

      by , 12-08-2023 at 06:24 PM (Dreamlog)
      Falling into the Drink:

      I'm with my girlfriend and my Dad. We are at a sort of lakeside pier in a city area. It's day-time.
      My Dad has walked off, and I'm talking to my girlfriend quietly.
      I make a comment about how he is probably looking for some bar to have a drink.
      I express some resentment there. My girlfriend nervously agrees with me, not wanting to offend.
      Later I'm on a small paddleboat going into the lake. I'm worried about falling in.
    6. Night of Wednesday 12/6/23

      by , 12-07-2023 at 11:50 PM (Dreamlog)
      Learning to Drive:

      It's night and I'm leaving a game night at JM's (Tots) house.
      I'm with EP from highschool combination rackets. Her dad is coming to pick us up.
      The car is a beat up old Expedition. We sit in the back.
      We get to EP's home and it is a small condo/apartment. It's dirty as well.
      I see a large smartwatch adhered to the wall, meant to act as a regular wall-clock.
      There is a bag of fast food on the ground. It might have been Firehouse Subs.
      Later I'm downtown somewhere that reminds me of Las Vegas. I'm near a parking structure stairwell.
      My girlfriend's Dad is supposed to meet us at a restaurant soon.
      There is some sort of event related to car sustainability going on.
      I'm at my high-school parking lot.
      I've just bought a brand new car, but my Dad is in the driver's seat.
      I'm very annoyed that he is trying to drive it before I do, so I ask him to give up the spot to me.
      He does, but when I get in, I notice that he has only partially moved out of it.
      He is sitting in the passenger seat, but his left leg is still under the wheel.
      I'm struggling to fit in the driver's seat, and my Dad is struggling to fit in the passenger seat.
    7. November 13, 2023 10:23 am

      by , 11-13-2023 at 06:26 PM
      I was dating a German influencer and host, I don't remember the exact details but it was pretty cool
    8. Night of Thursday 11/9/23

      by , 11-10-2023 at 06:16 PM (Dreamlog)
      Went to bed around 10:30PM.

      Smashing Birthday:

      I'm at my friend JM's birthday party. There is a long table setup in a restaurant.
      The restaurant resembles one we were at during festivities from my girlfriend's sisters wedding.
      I'm working on a tapestry that is inspired by Super Smash Bros as a gift for JM.
      I go to sit at an open spot next to his left, but he tells me it is for his girlfriend BH.
      The person on the right of JM scootches over to make room so that I can sit on JM's right.

      New Old Car:

      I'm driving through a nice looking community in a new car.
      The car is older, but it is well kept. It smells like leather too.
      There are clean-looking wood accents on the doors and console.
      I'm driving to a parking garage for the community.
      I'm in a main receiving area for the community. It resembles the lobby of a fancy hotel.
      It is a large open space with a desk at the far end in front of me.
      This place resembles the facility a character was infiltrating from the book, Neuromancer.
      Later I'm leaving the parking structure and I wonder if the older car has high mileage.
      I realize that I never checked it before buying it.
      I start to wonder if I actually got a good deal or not.
      I notice some smudges on the frontside passenger door's wood trim and I rub at them with my finger.
      It mostly comes off.

      Both recorded at 7:16AM.

      247 words for the night.

      This dream with the receiving area is interesting. I was recently wondering whether locations I visualize while reading would manifest in dreams or not.
      The facility location indeed has, and while the theme and tone of the situation is entirely different from the book, it is still noteworthy.

      Updated 11-10-2023 at 06:26 PM by 99808

    9. Night of Wednesday 11/8/2023

      by , 11-10-2023 at 06:04 PM (Dreamlog)
      Went to bed around 11:30PM.

      Berries with the Tots:

      I'm with JM and JV from the Tots group. We're at a store modeled after the Pokémon Centers from various Pokémon games.
      There is a deli nearby in the same store selling lunchmeat, as well as Pokémon merchandise lining shelves on the walls.
      I'm looking at some berries, and the perspective changes such that I'm using a menu to scroll sideways through the different berry options.
      There are arrows up and down to change the quantity of berries to buy. There is a price that dynamically updates as well.

      Recorded at 5AM.

      Kitten in the Kitchen:

      I'm at a house. I get the impression it is a new thing, as in somebody has just bought it or started a rental arrangement.
      There is a front door area with a kitchen on the left. There is a mudroom type area on the right. The layout is vaguely similar to my parents' old home in northern Michigan.
      I'm standing in the kitchen near a plate with some food on it. There is a small kitten near the plate, attracted to the food.
      The kitten is black and longhaired, similar to how one of my cats from childhood, Oreo, used to look.
      I pickup the kitten to show it to my girlfriend who is in the kitchen nearby.
      I get the impression the situation is a 'meet the parents' type scenario.
      I'm with my Grandma P in a bedroom area from the same house.
      She seems to be sharpening chopsticks to resell as a business.

      Recorded at 6:45AM.

      254 words for the night.
    10. Night of Sunday 10/8/23

      by , 10-09-2023 at 05:09 PM (Dreamlog)
      Went to bed around 1AM.

      I'm at the airport.
      My Grandma P, Uncle J, and brother are there to pick me up.
      I'm angry with them about something and I storm away with my bag, outside, and across the street.

      I'm at a football game at my highschool field.
      It's nighttime, under the lights.
      A cheerleader girl bumps a microphone boom on the sideline and apologizes.
      Initially I'm on some bleachers on the endzone side of the field.
      There's a football game on a screen, and I see the cheerleader bump the boom and apologize exactly the same way.
      I'm in a bar that looks like a Pizza Hut with my girlfriend and my friend J.
      J is having a rough time from too much weed.
      The bartender looks like Ryan Reynolds and he is making us a series of strong looking drinks.
      The bartender also lays out some joints and calls them 'enchiladas'.
      I realize that I need to be able to drive home so I take it easy.
      There's another guy here (seems to know the bartender), and I'm concerned that if I get sick, he will try to get with my girlfriend.

      All recorded on waking around 8:30AM.

      Updated 10-09-2023 at 05:22 PM by 99808

    11. Night of Saturday 9/30/23

      by , 10-01-2023 at 11:55 PM (Dreamlog)
      Went to bed around 11PM.

      Memory Storage
      I'm with my girlfriend S. We're in a long hallway.
      Seems like a hospital. Sterile. Clean.
      There are bodies in metal drawers all the way up and down the hall.
      I can see some feet sticking out.
      S goes to one of the drawers and opens it.
      There is a small paper cartoon person standing inside.
      I feel some relief for finding this paper person.

      Recalled on waking around 7AM.
    12. Night of Thursday 9/14/23 (Comp Night 14, Final) AMAZING LUCID!

      by , 09-15-2023 at 06:06 PM (Dreamlog)
      This is by far the best lucid I've ever had. Part of me was hoping that this WBTB would fail because then I would have 3/4 fails for 6hr/10m configuration for WBTB (and therefore a clear indication that I should try something else) but now I basically have 50-50 results with it. Sigh. At least the walk and extended waking RC session were different. Maybe that was the key.


      A vague impression of a field, like a fairground. Dragonball Z characters are there. Almost didn't count this because of how vague it was.

      I did everything the same as the previous 3 WBTBs (10 minutes and 8mg Galantamine). Except, I decided to take a walk this time. So I walked to the end of the street and back. It was nice. It's finally cooling off around here so the morning air was very pleasant. I spend the time outside walking thinking about "The Lucid Dreaming Portal" and his extended version of reality checks. I try to make the 10 minutes one long reality checking session of heightened awareness. I return to bed after that.


      Counters & Pizza
      I find myself waking up, and I think to do a nose-plug RC because I think it may have been long enough for a dream to form.
      I can breathe, I'm lucid. I double-check with a hand-RC and I see more than five fingers on my left hand. Dream verified.
      I get out of bed and rub my hands together to stabilize, but don't think to do more than that.
      I go down the hall into my living room and think about how while the teleporting may be challenging, I can still get points other ways.
      I think about how last time I licked a wall (and the judgement of the result) so I take a bite out of the edge of the counter.
      It's very hard on my dream teeth, and honestly I barely get any actually into my mouth. It tasted a bit like how dust smells, but hard to describe.
      Then I wonder if that is going to count, so I look for something else.
      Because my brain must believe I am a slob, there are two boxes of cold pizza on the counter nearby.
      One of the them is square-cut and resembles Jet's Pizza, which is one of my favorites from back home (they have one here in AZ but it is out of the way).
      I pick up a slice and bite in. It it super-hard like the counter was but I can still taste the tomato sauce. 1/10 do not recommend. Maybe the counter taste was still in my mouth.
      I feel the dream start to fade and I enter the void.

      Hugging the Goose
      I test out opening my eyes and they are heavy. Instead of doing that, I try to visualize my bedroom.
      This works. I get a feel for "dream-eyes" versus "real-eyes" that I didn't really understand before when people talked about it.
      I get up for another round.
      This time, I think about other things I haven't done yet, and I remember that I told my girlfriend in waking life that if I lucid dreamed about her I would give her a hug.
      So I call out to her "Goose! Where are you!" (I call her The Goose because she is basically the goose from Untitled Goose Game, nothing to do with Top Gun).
      No answer, but I find her in the living room. I walk up to her and give her a hug. She seems happy to get the hug
      I notice that there is a ring on the side table nearby, so I think that maybe I could use the ring to practice proposing to her.
      It was at this moment when I realized that I don't know what knee I'm supposed to kneel on.
      I start to feel the dream fading again.

      Great-Grandma and the Sledgehammer
      Back in the void. Not letting go yet. I visualize my hands in front of me and end up laying in my bed.
      Round three, back on my bullshit: Time for the Elusive Fantasy Forest™.
      I walk out of my bedroom once again and start looking for ways to teleport.
      My girlfriend is there in the living room and I think to try out Saiz's advice.
      "Hey Goose, is the elusive fantasy forest behind me?"
      "...NO!" she says resolutely.
      So much for that. Maybe I can try something else. I remember Lang's advice and go into the kitchen.
      I open the fridge and shove my face in. I try to visualize a green swirling portal inside.
      Despite seeing a weak green glow at the back and spending some time with my face in the fridge among the food, no luck. Damn.
      I look around for other options. I notice a closet door that isn't normally there. It's white and has a yellow-colored metal handle with a spiral design on it.
      It is identical to the ones from my Grandma's and Great-Grandma's homes growing up. I enter.
      Inside is a small room with white tiling from the floor all the way up the walls and ceiling. The door has disappeared behind me.
      I see the tiles start to fall off, revealing new tile beneath. As the tiles fall,
      ♫ music ♫ starts to play.
      Yep. My brain is hilarious. The tiles are slowly revealing the Banjo-Kazooie title screen.
      Guess I'm not going to be trapped in a nightmare room, but rather a weird one. Thanks for that brain.
      As the scene is revealed, there are more than Banjo-Kazooie characters there.
      There is some other animated character that is more sinister. Reminds me a bit of Freddy Fazbear, but less horror-themed.
      Banjo and Kazooie are being chased by this character.
      I still don't have a way out. This is all so silly.
      I decide to try out old reliable. The Kamehameha. It's old reliable because it worked for me exactly one time in a lucid dream as a child.
      I get into the iconic pose and start...
      "Kuhhhhhhhhh...mayyyyyyyyyy.....haaaaaaaaaa....... mayyyyyyyyyy.......HUHHHHH!"
      I see a blue energy swirl in my hands, but it doesn't shoot.
      I think it might be because I said "KUH-MAY-HA-MAY-HUH" (which I think is the correct pronunciation) as opposed to the way I've always said it "KA-MAY-HA-MAY-HA". Brain didn't like that, I guess.
      I start to panic a little.
      As if in response, I hear someone yelling from outside the room.
      "I'm gonna help you out! Don't worry I'll come back quick!"
      It's my Great-Grandma (who has long since passed away).
      I turn back to where the door was, and the wall blocking my way is gone.
      I see my Great-Grandma in the living room carrying a seriously heavy looking sledge-hammer.
      I tell here that I am OK and she seems content.
      The dream starts getting unstable again.

      Back in the void. Nope. Not waking up just yet. This time, it feels like I am in a valley between my mattress on one side and the lowered section of the bed-frame on the other.
      I visualize my arms and hands in front of me and the dream pieces back together again. Back in my bedroom.
      Round four. Still on my bullshit, looking for the EFF™.
      I think it might be a good idea to get out of the house so I head to the living room again.
      This time there is a knock at the front door. I open it and there is a woman there I don't really recognize.
      She's a little overweight (but not excessively) and her skin is a bit tan. She has short reddish hair.
      She has a friend with her but I don't really register her.
      I wonder if this is an opportunity to earn more points. I decide to try out some DC-control.
      "You're going to bend over on the couch." I tell her.
      "OK." she agrees without any hesitation.
      Fun activities ensue.

      Spoiler for Spicy Content:
      The dream starts to fade once again.

      Silverlight Way
      It's a bit of a struggle, but I manage to come back one more time.
      I find myself in the same bed-valley as before.
      Round five. Same approach but now I actually manage leave through the front door.
      It's fall outside, which isn't a season that exists in AZ in waking life. I enjoy the orange fall leaves.
      Other than the impossible season, it looks accurate to my neighborhood.
      There is an old man standing near my driveway. He's wearing a tracksuit and has short white hair.
      I refocus back on the mission.
      "Hey man, do you know where the enchanted forest is?"
      "Oh! You mean Silverlight Way? It's over that way!" he says excitedly. He has a slight southern accent that I find appealing.
      He points up past the houses across the street and over the horizon.
      Jesus Fucking Christ. It's real and it has a name! Silverlight Way!
      "Can you take me there?" I ask.
      "Well, can you fly?" he says, like flying is as trivial as knowing how to play chess or something.
      He starts to float five feet or so in the air and I follow suit.
      Feet are freedom units, from 'Murica. For our non-American readers, this translates to about 1.5 meters.
      We start to fly in the vague direction he identified. As we go up, I see the road up ahead. It looks like San Francisco and its hilly streets. Still a beautiful fall-themed landscape.
      We enter a town-like area and the old man uses telekinesis while flying on what I assume to be his car. A red sedan. It rises up into the air with us.
      There is a large cube-like package tied to the bottom of the car as it floats.
      He slides the package off the sedan and into a garage (since this is like San Francisco, the garage is on a slant going down away from the street) and then flies to the car's door as it opens on its own.
      The old man is driving the car through the sky now, and I sit down in the front-passenger seat.
      I see there is a teenage boy with mid-length black hair sitting in the front-middle seat. I understand that he is my brother and he is paralyzed.
      He doesn't look like my waking life brother though. I start to wonder if this is meant to be some alternate reality, where the old man is my dad and this boy is my brother.
      Later the car is back down on the road, and there is a group of people walking on the sidewalk. They are wearing hoodies and look a bit like they could kick my ass.
      "Let's see, there are one-two-three-four-five-six-seven, seven people there. You could get like, thirty-five points if you get them all," I tell the old man sarcastically.
      Our old man then proceeds swerve and pretend to runover all these people.
      I tell him that we probably shouldn't actually hit the people. Then, the passenger door opens and my 'paralyzed' brother climbs over me and jumps out. Guess he is feeling better.
      I slide out the door as well (no seatbelts in this dream ya'll), and the old man flies off into the Autumn horizon. No Silverlight Way for me. God. Damn. It.
      I find myself on some concrete steps going up near a building.
      All alone, I think to myself. Just a guy, with the ability to fly and unlimited god-like dream powers...whatever will I do?!?!
      Despite this proclamation, I can feel the dream starting to fade again. Not so god-like, it turns out.

      School Conference
      Plot-twist, not a false-awakening this time.
      Now I'm in a school. It looks like one of my engineering classrooms from college.
      My coworker B is there, and a few others. They are all discussing the epic lucid dreams we just had.

      I become lucid again, because I realize these are my dream characters and they all remember the lucid dreams because of that fact.
      I can feel that this dream is very unstable though and I let it fade. I've surely already forgotten details and I need to record.

      Updated 09-15-2023 at 07:04 PM by 99808

      lucid , memorable
    13. Night of Sunday 9/10/23 (Comp Night 10)

      by , 09-11-2023 at 09:18 PM (Dreamlog)
      Went to bed around 11:15PM.

      Reunion of The Twist
      I'm in my middle school's gym during an assembly.
      I'm in the audience wearing a college t-shirt.
      I think to myself that I wish I would have dressed with something better (like my trusty red flannel) and showered.
      We're watching a ceremony on-stage, where my brother and sister are being honored as part of a larger group.
      Moments later, my brother is down by me in the audience wearing a similar college t-shirt as me, but I don't notice the discrepancy.
      I wonder why he isn't wearing his college's version of the t-shirt.
      The event reminds me of a band concert, they had instruments.
      Later we have rotated and are watching a different group of people. We are seated now.
      EC from highschool is seated in front of me.
      Awkwardly, my legs are spread apart, and he is sitting between them.
      I can feel my balls touching his back. Lovely. He doesn't seem to care or notice.
      The performers are now making an arc, again, like in band.
      I can recall that GW from band stretches forward to us, like a cartoon character (similar to how Monkey D. Luffy does from One Piece, especially in Gear 5 form).
      RW, her older brother and friend of mine, is by me now. He's excited to see her being honored.
      GW regards me, saying hello, but I get the distinct impression she was only saying so out of obligation.
      Then she stretches back to the arc, with a reverberating snap noise.
      I noticed that the bari sax players were playing without their mouthpieces on. But I don't pickup on that being especially strange.
      EC points out that they are doing a special trick with the brass, as if to explain what I noticed as normal and avoid suspicion on my part.
      Sure enough, the are moving in rhythm, doing a choreographed twist move, with the trombone players.
      They pick up their mouthpieces from somewhere out of view.
      They play a short melody with their mouthpieces only (which is high-pitched and funny to listen to) and then put them onto their instruments.
      The formal event ends and turns into more of a social.
      My brother meets up with BY and they talk about dad stuff. BY gives my brother this tablet made out of rose flower vines.
      It's not like an iPad, more of a clipboard or ornament.
      It's a strange item, but it seems to have a sort of value to it.
      The plot of the dream has changed at this point, where my girlfriend and I are now at the event together.
      AG, from my more recent friend group, is now there with us too.
      My girlfriend senses that I am exhausted from being social for this long, so she is looking for an excuse for me to leave.
      AG suggests that we check out a local escape-room called The Twist, where there is an obstacle course that looks fun.
      I tell him that my knee is still recovering, so it would probably be a bad idea.
      Within the plot of the dream, I then recall that last-year (or a previous reunion-type event like this one), there was an emergency lockdown.
      During that lockdown, I was with AG, and we left the emergency lock-down room to go to the bathroom.
      Now, in the present, we are in that bathroom, talking at the urinals about going to The Twist soon.
      I look in the mirror, and I am wearing a hat. I lift that hat and see that my hair is thin. Starting to recede. Great. I put the hat back on.
      There is a rotating cylinder on the floor near a sectioned off area, presumably an obstacle similar to one from The Twist.
      I test it out and my knee does OK, which I tell AG means that I can go to The Twist with him so long as the other obstacles aren't worse.
      He tells me that I should still go, but just skip the bad ones, and we can go get the girls to come along as a group.
      We left the bathroom and head back to the main assembly room where we were earlier.
      Now there is a large lit-up horizontal limbo pole crossing the entire room that we have to pass. We do so easy enough.
      AG jokes that if we can't find the girls we should just get GP (the other guy in our group of couples) and leave without them.
      We make our way to the exit, and outside the gym door is my Grandma M's condo outdoor area.
      I see a trash can that isn't normally there. It is overflowing with McDonald's bags and transparent extra-large iced coffee cups.
      I sarcastically give a salute and say "GOD BLESS AMERICA!!!"
      "How much money must McDonalds make, if it is like this every day?!" I say to myself.
      AG gets into his car, and drives to The Twist. For some reason, I decide to take a nap by a "For Sale" sign next to the condo and the trash can.
      When I wake up, AG is gone and inexplicably, there is gravel in my shoes. I don't care about this or consider it odd in any way.
      Because dream-logic do be like that sometimes.
      I think that I should find my girlfriend and tell her about the plan to meet at The Twist.
      I go back to the event, and enter through my Great-Grandma's condo (Grandma M and Great Grandma's condos were actually in the same neighborhood in waking life, just a few condos apart).
      This time, it is actually her home inside the door.
      There is a young boy there playing a rhythm video game that involves a cat.
      He seems embarrassed to be seen playing the game.
      I went toward the back of the condo where the bedrooms are. The layout is reversed, such that the kitchen has swapped sides with the bedroom.
      I don't notice the discrepancy, and correctly move to the bedroom area.
      There's a new door (doesn't exist in waking life) that connects the condo to the neighboring one.
      I can hear there is another family in that condo playing a Legend of Zelda game.
      I wake up with the impression that my girlfriend might have been in the guest room with another man, potentially against her will. Anxiety ensues.
      Either way, no bueno.

      Recorded at 3:30AM. Late sleep cycle 3.

      Walking down a shore looking for something. Sky is gray. Ambience is somber, muggy weather.
      It reminds me of Darkshore from World of Warcraft.

      Redridge Hotel
      I'm playing World of Warcraft with the boys on Discord.
      It's getting to be about time to log-off.
      I recall that ahead of time I had changed the music that will play in the Redridge zone. It now plays a song about change.
      It was supposed to be funny, but outside the context of the dream, I have no clue why.
      Maybe it was that the 10 minute plus track was replaced with a short 30 second one.
      I was waiting for the group to notice that the music had been replaced.
      The joke doesn't land. Oh well. What's new, eh?
      We reach the main bridge, and it is broken.
      I try to justify within the plot of the dream that, the bridge breaking was part of the Cataclysm expansion.
      I don't notice the discrepancy that we are playing Classic World of Warcraft, so the bridge should be in tact. Since it doesn't break anyway in waking life.
      I jump off the side of the bridge and get the group to watch.
      My gnome avatar safely lands in the water.
      Then I head to the inn to logout and get that sweet sweet rest xp.
      As I walk in, I'm holding a gnome toy, and the inn is a real hotel room.
      I put the toy down and "tuck him in" as a joke over some chairs.
      I went around the room and locked the doors.
      I see some messages on BattleNet from my brother, where he had gotten notifications from when I played with my display resolution settings.
      This was an accident, not sure why he was getting notifications for that. I try to explain to him that it has to do with having two monitors.
      My brother is now in the room next door, and they are connected through a door as well as an open section near the far-end of the room.
      My brother tells me there is an inspector that is coming and I should clean up.
      I shrug him off and say that "Whatever. If he finds something, he finds something."

      Recorded at 7:30AM. Mid sleep cycle 6.
    14. Night of 6/27/23

      by , 06-28-2023 at 05:17 PM (Dreamlog)
      I was too tired yesterday to practice the incubation techniques. So I didn't get a forest. Maybe tomorrow.

      Pete is Gone
      My girlfriend has come home with a puppy. It's an aussie, the breed we've been considering for a while.
      We are in the living room by the couch playing with it.
      There is a particular puppy I've been watching online, Pete.
      Pete is black and white, with heterochromia. One eye is husky-blue and the other is dark green.
      I'd decided that this was the puppy I wanted (but couldn't get for logistical reasons).
      The puppy here is not Pete. This puppy has white and grey colors and black eyes.
      I'm happy to have a puppy finally, but I'm a bit sad that it isn't Pete.

      Updated 06-28-2023 at 07:17 PM by 99808

      Tags: girlfriend, puppy
    15. Other Relationship

      by , 06-18-2023 at 02:03 AM (The Dream Adventures of MadMonkey)
      This dream made me uncomfortable but I still want to journal it because this isn't the first time I had a dream like this one and I am trying to journal every full dream here.

      Other Relationship (NLD) 06.17.2023

      I am someone other than myself, something that happens fairly often in my non lucids. He is younger and has more of a punk or goth vibe than I do in waking life. This character I'm existing as is single until he connects with someone on a dating app. She has kids and is getting a divorce which doesn't bother him at the start of the dream. They spend more and more time together and start to feel close. The weeks pass by at a dialated rate and her divorce starts to get messy. She starts pushing him away, probably from the stress. The final blow comes when she tells him she is going back to her husband and she breaks up with him. This is when I wake up from my alarm and I just sit there processing the loss, not fully comprehending that it is just a dream. I spend about a week in dream time contemplating the loss.

      In the next fully solidified dream scene I am in a room with her playing video games with her kids and my waking life girlfriend, k, is there too. This situation makes me very uncomfortable because I am starting to remember my real relationship. I tell everyone that I am unfomroftable and sink into the back end of the room until I wake up.

      When I wake up, of corse, I can remember my waking life fully again. It takes me a while to process it and talking to K really helped. Overall this only makes me appreciate K even more!
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