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    1. January 30, 2018 Frags

      by , 01-31-2018 at 03:10 AM (Deep Inside The Lucid Dreamer's Subconscious)
      Note to self: write down dreams when you wake up so you don't forget them like an idiot throughout the day.

      One dream I was in my middle school, I think Kolby was there.

      Another dream I was at KC lakeview pool, there were a lot of people there working. I believe I was working too. It seemed to be early in the morning and the day progressed very quickly.

      Another dream I was trying to go to the beach with Moo and Owen but I was currently at home. I was debating whether or not I wanted to get back there. I think this might've been linked to the middle school dream in some way. We might've been drinking in the middle school, then came out onto the pool deck, and then I was at home with my Mom trying to go back to the middle school/beach/pool.
    2. Successfull WILD

      by , 01-08-2018 at 10:49 PM (Nef's dream journal)
      I lied down around 8 am , and started to drift off, but after like 10 minutes I heard some noise I suspected to come from nearby the house , so I went and checked. Nothing. That happened like 2-3 times.
      I went back and lied down , placed myself in a comfy position and started to drift off though I was still minimally lucid. And then I started to hear the noises and started to feel the pressure on me . I didnt mind it , just repeated to myself to give in to the comfort and just go with it. As I got more comfortable a full blown sleep paralysis kicked in , heard weird screeching noises that you can hear when a pc glitches. It was a bit scary but as I repeated the mantra to myself, I kept going with it .
      This time it was unusually long, it may have been 10-20 seconds long , in the middle of it I tried to get out of my body using rope technique. Nothing happened. Then I tried to float out of my bed , and it happened, or so I felt, but in the moment I opened my eyes, I was back in my bed . I was still in paralysis so I quickly closed my eyes and concentrated on staying comfortable, and so It continued. Then it ended slowly, and suddenly my eyes were open.

      I was in the dream. It was spring , the wind was blowing in from outside the curtains were flying with the breeze. It was comfortable and nice. I quickly got up , it was a surprise to me that it was suddenly night in the dream but I knew that this is a dream. I tried to open a portal by saying "to the central park!" because my house was empty and it creepy so I wanted to teleport to central park in New York but it didn't work . Then I walked outside the house where I found a guy ,who I started to speak with. Unfortunately at this point the dream fell apart , and I woke up. The dream was vivid and it felt amazing despite the shortness of it.

      It's interesting how the dream does not summon demons and all sorts of crazy things when I'm scared ,even if I expect one to pop up any time.

      Another thing I observed is that most of my lucids ended when I got distracted and started to talk to a DC . I wonder why is that.
      Next time I will surely use my phone to teleport, and take time to stabilize and think what to do .

      Updated 01-08-2018 at 10:51 PM by 92016

      Tags: home, lucid
      lucid , memorable , side notes
    3. Lucid and Regular Dreams - Morning of Dec 27

      by , 12-29-2017 at 11:26 PM
      The following lucid dreams were not extremely vivid, but were numerous (for me) and groundbreaking nonetheless. Although I forgot to do any stabilization techniques or RCs, I remembered to yell "More Lucidity Now!" and ask several DCs if they were my dream guide! All in all, it was an eventful night.

      In the beginning of the night I had a few nonlucids, which I have little memory of. The first I can remember was in a humongous supermarket -- I'm starting to add skewed, elongated, or infinite spaces as one of my dream signs -- I was with a girl and possibly others down a long aisle that reminded me of the pet food/accessories aisle in Walmart irl. I wrote down in my DJ that I asked the girl something about dream characters, but I can't remember anything more specific.

      Note: That night I went to sleep on my parent's couch, tired after a long day, tried a glass of apple juice as an oneirogen for the first time, and took .75mg of melatonin.

      The first lucid dream I had started in a dark room. I could see two silhouettes in the lighted doorway -- a woman and a man. At first they were completely dim, but soon their silhouettes had horizontal rainbow stripes projected on them. I asked them repeatedly if they were my dream guide, and after that they left. I freed myself from standing still and walked through the doorway. It was an office-like room with a circular table in the middle. The lighting wasn't bright, but wasn't all the way dim -- the best way I can describe it was a blue overcast. On the central table and possibly throughout the office were full-sized Christmas trees (not the ones you put on tables as decorations). There were 20-30 people (workers?) sitting around the central table and at other desks along the walls which had large '50s era computers and control desks from a disaster movie lining them. There was an older lady who either had white hair or was bald. I got the feeling she was mean. I asked her if she was my dream guide and she responded with a scowl (I don't remember her saying anything -- possibly she mouthed something and didn't verbalize it?). I screamed "More Lucidity Now!". I don't remember the dream getting noticebly more vivid, but the old woman looked physically hurt after I said it. I screamed it again, and each time I screamed it, she got angrier and her face started running with blood from her scalp. Despite this, she seemed alright and she wasn't directly confrontational with me (she either walked off or faded out -- I can't remember). I believe this dream came from watching The Santa Clause (1 & 2) with my family.

      The next dream, I was in a large, dimly lit brick room (not red brick, this was more like the beige brick of an old Italian house) with an open window. I maneuvered out of it and sat on the ledge, then reached above where I knew there would be a broom (I hadn't planned this or thought it out -- this sort of makes me think that the beginning of this could have been a dream *about* having a lucid dream rather than a lucid dream, but when I awoke I was convinced it was lucid the whole time!). Looking out, I could see many of these blocky buildings expanding out horizontally. In front of me it seemed like these buildings were actually raised high up because there was a sort of drop off point with a ~100ft radius. I grabbed the broom and flew down off the windowsill. It felt amazing! I remember trying to figure out the rules for flying as I was flying, and the actual mechanics changing dynamically -- I could feel my conscious mind working it out -- does the right hand stabilize while the left pulls up? Which hand goes over the other? As I continued to fly I saw below me several stormtroopers infighting and the red lasers of blasters.

      Next I had several chained False Awakenings. During each of these, I would wake up and reach out for the chair that was pulled up to the couch irl, and grab the number 2 pencil and 8.5x11 sheet of paper (not there irl). Each time I did this I would write down my previous dreams. The first time, my grandpa stopped by and complained about something (it was still dark out). In the next FA, I wrote down this dream below the spot where (in the last FA) I had written down my previous dreams. But there was nothing written there! This triggered lucidity immediatelyI got up and walked into my parents' bedroom and put my hand over my mom's face (who looked somewhat like the old woman from my Christmas dream). After this, I talked to her about something (perhaps asked if she was my dream guide -- unsure).

      In another FA, I got up, walked over to a picture frame that used to be near the kitchen in my childhood, and pressed my face against it. It was a reflective black and I could see other people's faces in it (in white). I tried with some success to summon specific faces, but the final one I was trying trying kept eluding me.

      On the whole, these FA-sparked dreams in my house gave me quite a spooky vibe.

      After this, there was a semi-lucid fragment where I was walking up a small, cramped staircase, but either my focus was waning and the visuals were dying, or, as part of the dream, there was a large black/white spot covering a portion of my vision like an eclipse.

      I wrote in my DJ that I had several other fragments, some of which I felt were lucid, but I can't remember them now. I feel as though I might have returned to the supermarket from the beginning of the night and been lucid then, but I can't remember.

      Note: there were points where, during the dreams, I wouldn't necessarily RC or spot a dream sign and then realize I was dreaming -- rather it was like I was lucid the whole time and I simply willed myself into a participatory role. This was an interesting feeling.

      Because I'm unsure about the validity of some of these dreams, I'm going to mark the lucid count for this night as 4, which is amazing for me! I'm still excited about this two days later. Happy dreaming!
    4. Knees Weak, Arms Not Heavy, and Vomiting Up Mom's Spaghetti

      by , 12-14-2017 at 04:00 AM (An Insomniac's Dream Journal)
      Fell asleep at: 11:00 PM

      Woke up at: 6:00 AM

      Fell back asleep at: 6:00 AM

      Woke up,again, at: 7:00 AM


      I'm in my room, reading notes on this particular bug that, if ingested, could cause a slow and painful death. The scientists shown on the paper are Albert Einstein and Michio Kako for some reason, though both aren't exactly biologists. They both have opposing viewpoints: With Einstein's being grim and Kako's being optimistic.

      I'm drinking out of a cup of water and there I eat it. I accidentally swallowed the nightmarish bug, causing my body to slowly go limp. I inch out of my bedroom and make my way over to the restroom. I can barely stand on my own two feet, and slowly approaching death's bed.

      I look in the mirror, a foggy one. The whole room was humid. Someone probably took a shower before me. Anyway, I wipe off the fog from the mirror and see myself, barely keeping my head up above the sink, with droopy eyelids that show the tissue behind them.

      Then I wake up.


      1. A very vivid dream. I remember waking up with a sense of dread today and it took a few hours for it to wear off.
    5. February 16, 2014 (L) Layer 2M | Beaten by a little girl

      by , 07-18-2017 at 02:20 AM (Fantastical Adventures)
      People leaving, Repeat body slamming
      It started out in my room with ridiculous detail and feel. Before I did a RC, I told myself that I would go outside. So I did a RC and became lucid and slowly went out, minding how real the dream felt. When I opened the window, some cars drove by. [Timeskip] it suddenly became daytime and people were leaving for some reason. [Timeskip] I was inside a building shooting a DC. Then, another DC turned the lights off, and a female DC produced very uncomfortable sensations. (She repeatedly slammed my whole body on the ground.) I bore them long enough that the DC told me that she was “Something that affects you in a weird way.”
      Time: 3-4 minutes
      Tags: dialogue, home
    6. TARDIS and Dimension Jumping

      by , 06-30-2017 at 09:23 AM (An Insomniac's Dream Journal)
      Okay, I am literally typing this out in the middle of the night because this might just be the coolest dream I've had yet. No, I wasn't lucid, but not all cool dreams need to be lucids as far as I'm concerned. Anyway, here's the boring stuff.

      Fell asleep at: 10-11:00ish

      Woke up at: 2:30 AM

      I was in my home when suddenly I find it: The TARDIS. I inspect the humble machine, and having not watched the show (I know what the TARDIS does but the dream worked with it differently), I'm curious. And I think, "inter dimensional travel? Okay, let's start small before we do anything drastic." And I use the TARDIS to send me to a parallel version of my house. Nothing was too drastically different, but then I notice something, a box with candies and junk food. I quickly take the foodstuffs (Without suspicion, since I was just in a parallel universe and I probably looked like that universe's version of me) and bolt it for the TARDIS.

      If I haven't told you already, the little telephone booth was in my washroom. Maybe another interdimensional traveler found his way to my dimension before being stuck there when I took it. Or my dream just sorta threw it in there.

      In one of the parallel universes I had to distract DCs by means of drawing attention away from the TARDIS and how out of place it was. They made it to the washroom to do some laundry where I maintained conversation with them until they left the room. I then hopped back thinking I didn't have much time left. The DCs represented my sisters.

      I then wind up at my school. I step out of the washroom containing my precious when I wind up getting myself lost. See, in the real world, I have a pretty shit sense of direction. Tell me to go somewhere and it'll take me forever and a minute to recognize what you're talking about. I'm not stupid -- even though I have the reflexes of a sloth.

      Anyways, it was getting dark out but there were still people running around. Apparently some kind of big event was going down. There were carts, unfinished rides, and crowds everywhere. Feeling like I needed the assistance I found my friends Shanna and Rudy as well as a parallel version of me. And I say something along the lines of, "I am an alternate version of you, me. I come from a dimension where everything is the same, but different, and I need your help. I don't know where to find the washroom that contains my TARDIS. You know what that is right Shanna?". They tried helping and were pretty cool with the fact that I was from a different world.I mean, you can't really argue with that when you see an exact clone of somebody in terms of personality and appearance now do you?

      It is also worth noting that parallel universe me had longer hair. That helped differentiate us.

      But after some time had passed and I felt like we were getting no closer to finding the TARDIS, I eventually split up with the crew. It was a mad dash to the TARDIS and I was running around all of the school's grounds to find it. Daylight had come, and I eventually found the "appreciation center". A place with high ceilings, a podium, tons of small sofas, and tall windows where the sunlight streamed in. It was apparently a lounge/book reading area.

      I go back outside and go through the bushes when I see an old man copying my movements. It wasn't anything too scary, as he was just mocking me for how stupid I looked. I did the same and made an old man voice that went along with his movements. He walked off, but after that the dream ended.


      1. This has been the longest regular dream I've had so far. Even though it probably happened on the first REM cycle of the night.

      2. Dimension hopping and stealing from parallel universes with no consequences was both fun and exhilarating.

      3. I can always count on my friends (And myself) when times are tough. I know that probably wasn't a major theme throughout, but I thought it was too heartwarming to pass up. Thank you subcon for not trying to make me feel bad.
    7. In Search of Another

      by , 06-07-2017 at 02:04 PM (The Secret Life of Demons)
      Trying to Locate Man of Shred (ld)

      It's a long way from where I am to where I need to find him. Worth the travel, if I can ever find him. The dreamscape is vast and the circles my mind has chosen to reside in (out of necessity) make travel inefficient. A father figure leads me through the country. He takes me through a field of tall grass which is clearly a road, but without cement. We enter a village area, the houses are smaller, about the size of single room lofts. Now I'm walking along the sidewalk and viewing the homes in the area as I pass them. The sunlight is softly fading through the windowpanes; the visual is quite lovely. Most of the homes are empty, but some have potted plants along the windowsill (inside). The town is quiet and deserted. I'm pondering the reasons for the emptiness and why we're taking our time to move through the town. I have no conclusion for why we've lingered.

      Home (nld & ld)

      I've traveled home, without that father figure. I'm tying up loose ends and am on my way out from the dream. Right before I leave, the house beside mine produces a tone I recognize. I step out of the car to gaze up at the window it's originating. The tone I heard was very similar to a Tibetan singing bowl. I stare at the window, gaining some degree of lucidity, but the person is hiding. I think of Shred but I realize that it might be best to not proceed inward. He is calling for my attention with the tone, but there's no attempt for him to leave the house. Also, I'm on my way to the airport so there isn't enough time for me to knock on his door (I was seconds away from waking). I'll have to come back later.


      I feel as though I did find him (my spirit). Sadly, my recall has been neglected as I focused attention on restoration instead of exploration. I'm hoping to flip this now that I'm feeling restored to a greater degree.

      Updated 06-07-2017 at 02:10 PM by 93387

      lucid , non-lucid , side notes
    8. Dream - Parent Troubles

      by , 04-26-2017 at 10:27 AM
      Date of Dream: THU 23 FEB - 2017

      Dream No. 86 – Parent Troubles

      From the part I can remember; I was doing L-plate practice with my mum in some unknown area. I have to drive off some sort of upwards cliff which drops off to a steep downwards hill. The car ends up flying off the cliff and I can't control it and we end up running into the back of a parked car. The car also slips down into a side, ditch-like road due to some sort of banana grease which was visibly yellow. We end up being trapped in this area and cannot get out if we drive over any banana grease. I thought I was never going to get out of there and so my mum to took over. She managed to avoid the banana grease and we got out of there. To get home we had to drive over this really long, hilly and dusty highway. I was already tired from being trapped and so wanted my mum to drive home as well.

      When at home in the pergola area, things weren't feeling right. My mind was in a state of pain and I think my mum knew. I was still fretting over the real WB and due to it, I was really stooped over and had a really down facial expression. My mum got really angry with me and started yelling at me. I tried to hide the fact that I was hurt, but I couldn't, and she was getting really bad too in regards to her anger. This was a common theme for a remainder of the dream.

      We were still in the same place but it's like the dream had gone back to the start of the scene... Although it was a different scene. We were walking thought the back door from the garage as we had just come back from that L-plate trap. There were all these square tables in the pergola area with all these random people having lunch. I quietly went through to my own table because I thought I didn't want to interrupt anyone and rather let them keep eating. My mum gets really mad because I didn't say hello to anyone. Once again, I try explain why I did what I did but then she started to become really irrational and wouldn't accept what I was saying. My mum then comes and puts an extra chair at the table and makes all these people come and sit at it. But I don't ignore these people, I say hi to all of them and even have small chats with them.

      Still, my mum is not satisfied and still I can't believe I didn't say hello to everyone when I walked in from the garage. I start to get scared of my mum and get out of my chair and try to hide further up in the backyard. It is then that my dad joins the affair as he wants to beat me. My dad is even worse than my mum and is yelling at the top of his lungs. As he tries to pull me back for a beating, I fight against him and try to beat him instead. As we fight, we end up ascending into mid-air, continuing the brawl. My dad gets absolutely frustrated that I keep dodging him with confidence that he starts making verbal threats as well. The dream camera perceives him to be violently peering from bedroom curtains while telling me to consume all this chilly for a future dastardly deed.

      As I say no to his verbal threat, he is now back outside and we continue fighting. Rather than me being totally stressed out by him. I have this closed smile pasted on my face, while I make these heroic sounds, trying to appear confident when on the inside, I am actually absolutely nervous that I will be hit. He eventually becomes so hostile and nasty that I feel I have to get away from him rather than fighting back. As I end up flying away, I find that both him and mum are now chasing me.

      We end up having our final showdown on the track next to the Dandenong Creek. Dad increases his violence a notch and therefore, the fact that I am scared, starts to show on the outside... Both mum and dad are closing in on me. I then suddenly get a sense of new strategy in me and I think to myself to call Dreamy WB to come and stop this nonsense before things get even worse. And so I say in a high-pitched screech, “Dreamy WB quick! Get him in the nose!”. That's when an image of Dreamy WB appears in the background and she comes to life... She has the appearance of how I would perceive Dreamy WB in real life. So as I said it, she goes in-between my mum and dad and pushes them apart, which each of her arms going outwards, like someone trying to break up a fight. While keeping my mum away with her right arm, she faces directly left towards my dad and squeezes his nose really hard, which forces him to drop me. He tries to violently scramble back to get me but I cry out to Dreamy WB, “take me away!”. I then come into the background where she is and both she and I start to fade away. In sync with the fading, I end up waking up!

      Updated 04-29-2017 at 07:10 AM by 93119

      non-lucid , memorable
    9. (L) L2- | Home, Numbers

      by , 04-24-2017 at 01:20 PM (Fantastical Adventures)
      If you think vacations were bad, try having a cold AND being on vacation. Despite all this, I became lucid.
      -I became lucid inside my bedroom and started my routine. However, I got distracted by numbers in the background. How lame.
      Time: 30-40 seconds

      -2-In Minecraft, I killed somebody disguised as a skeleton. (Disguise was irrelevant.) After I killed him with one heart left, I took off south because I remembered he would respawn nearby. On my way, I instamined a dirt tunnel, passed a partially-walled base, and got hit by skeleton guards.

      The walls around these outdoorsy bases used pistons as decorative blocks on the top--it looked okay.

      When I stopped running away, I told the guy about my bunch of enchanted golden apples(32), which left him speechless.

      Updated 05-01-2017 at 12:31 AM by 67050

    10. New home :?

      by , 03-31-2017 at 08:17 PM
      D1 - Visiting a place where there is not enough room to swing a cat. They're is a fridge which you can open the door of and some kind of straw in the ceiling, a concrete white room where a black cat lives.
      We are visiting just to feed the cat. There is some left over cauliflower and tomato from the day before. Is this cat vegetarian.

      D2 - Next i'm visiting another place with my deceased mother in-law. This time to visit a small girl who needs looking after two. I am distracted by the neighbours for a moment then look around the plain but elegant apartment. It has fancy fittings and a tasteful sofa. Evidently we are in a posh area. I toy with the idea of us moving in so we can look after her more easily.
      Tags: cramped, home, white
    11. Tons of False Awakenings

      by , 02-27-2017 at 06:21 PM (Cinder's Dreams Gallery)
      If I had any dreams prior, I wouldn't remember them. I woke up in the middle of the night, felt rested and figured I should get up and check the time and stay up if it was 5am or somewhere around that time. I must've fallen asleep, because after getting up and checking the time, I noticeed that my room was fitted with an air conditioning unit. I tried to remember whether or not I had an air conditioner, when I woke up again in bed. I tried to get up again, this time in my normal bedroom. I turned on the light and looked at my fingers, and saw that there were four, which made me realize that I was dreaming. I woke up again, and when I got up the air conditioner was back, I struggled a little again to remember whether my room had an air conditioner before figuring out that it ddid not. I decided to get outside my room and stabilize my dream before I woke up again, but then I woke up for good.
      Tags: home
      lucid , false awakening , memorable
    12. hom-adic?

      by , 02-17-2017 at 10:35 PM
      One memorable house dream!

      I was looking at this super new possibility for the person who can't afford a house of their own,
      it was a large mercedesbenz van thing but when you went in the back it was just like a very small
      sitting room with sofa and chairs and little table with a lampshade etc. In short a little mini house on wheels!
      I thought it was cool in the dream and was seriously thinking about buying one.

      Funnily enough we were talking about a cousin of mine today who has never had a "home" as such. She has always travelled and when she comes to visit someone she sleeps in their garden in a sleeping bag. Her base camp now she is 65 that she does stay in is a storage container.
      Might point is interesting coincidence and secondly evidently a physical home is not required our ancestors as we know were nomadic. What I need is security i.e. self love.
      Tags: home
    13. Fur Shift

      by , 01-03-2017 at 08:00 PM (Cinder's Dreams Gallery)
      My recall had been pretty bad lately. I remembered something about being back at my home in Thailand, and our dog, White, was no longer white like his namesake. Half of him now has soft brown fur.
      Tags: dog, home
      non-lucid , dream fragment
    14. Home and relationships

      by , 12-08-2016 at 07:48 PM
      My brother is staying in a house, with white walls, low ceiling and a large collection of vinyl records stacked to one side. My brother and sisters are telling me I may inherit my parents house. And i am filled with relief at the possibility of having a home. there is a music concert going on.

      At a conference, I am organising there are loads of groups gathered. At one table their are people with an old style mini-computer which I try to connect with a usb connected to a big silicon chip. A red gauge keeps showing to say out of juice. At another area kids are riding on pretend animals, I help put the animal covers back on. Next there is a table with kids from my school one is eating dorrttose and cream (spooky as today I was offered something like this Oo),
    15. November 7 2016, Semi-Lucid

      by , 11-07-2016 at 11:16 PM (Deep Inside The Lucid Dreamer's Subconscious)
      Off and on sleep at around 11am, when I noticed my body was very sleepy and I knew I was about to go into either SP or a lucid. So, I thought to myself 'okay let's go lucid' as my body started to feel that numbing high feeling that comes with lucid sometimes. I needed to create a dream scene, so I decided on the skydiving example that I've used in the past. For a moment, I could see the open door of a plane and blue sky out of it, but then that faded quickly. I tried to imagine another scene. For some reason, a girls face appeared in front of my view. She was blue and had darker hair, I couldn't make out any of the details in her face but I've seen her before, probably in the same way as last time, coming into a lucid.

      The girl's face fades away, and now I appear in my room from Mechanicsville, except the bed is against my window looking at the wall. The first thing I notice is my hands. I flip them over a couple of times. I notice that the room is very dark, so I shout "illuminate!" but nothing happens. I can sort of tell that the dream is collapsing, so I tell myself "no" and start rubbing my hands together. I can feel friction, and the dream stabilizes. Next, I look up at the ceiling fan and shout "illuminate!" again, and this time the room flickers and then lights up. I celebrate to myself and then decide I was going to go look at myself in the mirror because the image is fucked up in dreams. So I walk into the hallway and into the bathroom. There, I see myself in the reflection, except it's like I'm in a carnival fun house or something where the mirrors distort how you're shaped. I get up close and see my face is all smooshed together and I laugh. Then, I remember that IRL I wrote an "A" on my left hand for the "awake" reality check. I looked down at my left hand and see that where there was an "A", there was just a semi-circle with some lines coming off of it. Then, I noticed under that symbol the words "A MOOSE OWWES" written in red pen. This confuses me one because I thought that people couldn't read in lucid dreams and two that sentence doesn't make any sense at all.

      After that, I walk downstairs but halfway through need to take a seat because the dream is collapsing. I rub my hands again and shout "illuminate." I can hear my mom yelling at me from the kitchen. She's telling me that I'm going to distract my sister who is sitting at our counter doing some sort of puzzle. I walk past them
      and then the dream collapsed.

      Updated 11-07-2016 at 11:20 PM by 59595

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