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    1. Lucid Dream #52

      by , 09-20-2011 at 10:39 AM (Warbenifit156's Lucid Dreaming Adventures)
      Lucidity: 8/10
      Vividness: 9/10
      Length: ~10 Min.

      I was lying in my bed when my whole body went numb and I started to fall, I held on and I barley opened my eyes and I saw my window. Something that looked like a tree branch turned into a dinosaur, then I tried to turn it into a bird, it did. It was kinda cool, but very scary. I lied there until I couldn't feel any numbness anymore and looked around. I went down stairs to talk to my dad and he got up after I poked him a couple of times. He checked his sides and next to him were a bunch of pictures and one was with a kid that had a knife in his hand pointing at his neck, then he went back to sleep. I turned around and my dad's friend Steven was caught on something, I didn't help him and I jumped out of the window. I got caught on a part of the window, so I just untangled myself. My dream body looked like Ichigo from Bleach. I ran through the darkness of the night when I found a place where they caught somebody. I turned into someone else and listened in on their conversation. It wasn't that interesting so I left and went to a store. I started to feel hungry, so I didn't think about it. I threatened somebody, I saw a camera with a bunch of lazers and stuff in front of it. Then I saw this girl, while I was walking up to her. She started to bark like a dog, as an experiment I barked really loud at her to see what her reaction would be, as I expected. She barked really really loudly back. I thought that this dream was out of control and I thought it would never end, so I tried to wake myself up and I did.
    2. Space Ship Mission

      by , 09-20-2011 at 08:45 AM (The first foothold of Arch.)
      Ill just jot these down before going to college.
      I attempted to do a wake back to bed last night, at 5.15, I went to bed a 0.45. When I woke up I couldn't sleep again! When I do a mantra I just cant pass off.
      This is a possible lucid, I can't really remember it though.

      I am sitting in some sort of living room, being briefed about going into space. Technology has clearly advanced because they are telling me that it is a mission to reduce Space Travel Costs. I distinctly remember Simon Pegg being the leader of the mission, not too sure why.
      We head off into the ship, it looks awesome in side, small blue lights casting a awesome glow across the room.

      Possible Lucid.
      We are flying across the universe, watching galaxy after galaxy go by.
      We head either into a problem, or just complete blackness.
      I begin to try and pull galaxies and move them near by, I do, I remember moving one in the shape of a wheel near by.
    3. Three lucids, once again.

      by , 09-19-2011 at 10:07 PM (Yuppie's Dream Journal)
      So this is what you get for being lazy and never writing your dreams down in the middle of the night. Definetely taught me a lesson
      1. I become lucid in my parents room, I rub my hands and shout "Lucidity, stabalize!" It takes a few times. I can't remember what happens after that.
      2. I'm outside my house, past the gate, and I stabalize. I tell myself my dream guide will be behind me, but he's not. I'm pretty sure we have a fight.
      3. Can't remember where it was, but I tried to summon pizza.
      I hate this! D:

      I'm at this road where the blue store is, and it goes up, towards something I can't remember. I walk inside the blue store, and buy two lollipops, for some ridiculious price. I ask for a pack of gum, and she tells me I don't have enough. I walk out, but with more than two lolipops (weird) I struggle to make it up the hill, while I self conciously hide my food from the passing buses. Everytime I make it up about half, I look back, and I'm back where I started. My mum's suddenly climbing as well, and we eventually make it up to this school, about two thirds of the way up the hill. There's a train track, with little kids riding on it. My mum takes the joy stick, and the tracks switch just in time, and the train keeps going. I turn to my dad, who seems to have suddenly appeared "That's just for show right?" I ask, worriedly. He nods, but doesn't seem to confident. I take the control and try to figure out how it works, I ask for advice, but no one can help me. Suddenly, everyone notices there's like missing panels of wood in the track, that the trains heading for. We all run up, and try to fill it in, but there's not enough wood. Someone says something stupid.

      I wake up.

      Dream fragment: Where in what looks to be like target, I drop my money repeatedly, and this girl comes up and starts talking to me. I have a conversation with her, and mum is like "Come on Nathan"
      Dad shakes his head, he seems excited that I'm talking to her "let him stay" he says. (LOL)
    4. 09/18/11: Souvenirs From The Dream World

      by , 09-19-2011 at 03:35 PM
      I am on a beach somewhere and grabbing fossils and other unique rocks from off the sand. I find some really great specimens, such as rocks with leave imprints and others with garnet and agate chunks. I'm in a great mood. I eventually fade out of this dream and "wake up" in my bedroom. I feel my body lying on my mattress but I don't open my eyes quite yet. It feels like I'm holding a few rocks in my hands and this really perplexes me. At first I think I'm just imagining the sensation, but I realize I'm not when the feeling of the rocks doesn't fade away. Next, with my eyes still closed, I reason that I must have sleepwalked to my rock collection in the middle of the night, grabbed some rocks, and climbed back into bed with them. But I disregard this theory because I never sleepwalk. I open my eyes and look at the rocks in my hands. One of them is rectangular-shaped and has a layer of garnet, layer of limestone and a layer of darker rock all in one. The other rock is a gray, round fossil with a leaf imprint in it. I realize that these were my specimens from the dream I just had! I am awestruck for several seconds, but I soon reason that I must be dreaming. I look at my hand and see that I have six or seven fingers. I'm in a false awakening! I look around my room and am very impressed with the detail and its accuracy in representing my room in waking life. I jump out of bed and from a distance, I look at my reflection in the mirror. The mirror is projecting a close-up of my face and a view from above me. I walk closer and my face starts to get really fat and disproportionate. I laugh at this. I open my door and right as I step out I wake up for real.
    5. Lucid harp playing

      by , 09-19-2011 at 06:02 AM
      I am outside in my backyard or something similar in the winter looking for a large harp with my friend Jesse. We go along the side of the house and I spot it. The french teacher is going to get there first! Oh no, if she gets there first we'll fail! She's about to touch it but I dive for it and grab it. I'm about to play when I realize that this is a dream! I say so, and Jesse is like "Yah man its a dream!" I don't know what to play, but I start to pluck the strings. It sounds beautiful and I'm shocked that I am able to do this. Its a decending scale I'm playing, and I'm plucking two strings at a time going down the scale. Theres a pitch difference between each string in the couple, it sounds really nice like something from ancient greece or something. I start to screw up, and am worried that I'm going to screw up even more, so I do and it starts to sound horrible. I try and convince myself that I can do it but theres just too much self doubt and it doesn't improve. The professor tells me that it will sound much better in real life.
    6. The Lil Wayne video game?, Harry Potter, Cliffs -ending lucid

      by , 09-19-2011 at 05:01 AM (High Quality Head Movies)
      This dream was very odd but was adventurous as usual.

      Harry Potter again
      It started with some building and me running from something or some one and I don't remember know why but this is common. I was running through the building trying to find a place to hide when i found the closet (no I'm not going to Narnia). I jumped in and it was filled with coats and clothes. I used to remember when I was a little kid we would play hide and seek and we would hide in the closet and bury ourselves with clothes and we were hard to find. So I crawled into the wad of clothes and then I froze. I waited for the bad guys to come and then the clothes started constricting around me and were attached to the floor. I was stuck in the clothes and stuck to the floor. Then, the closet opened like a box and I was in a cave full of giant spiders. They were about the size of a medium sized dog and were moving all around me.

      I thought I was doomed when a broom appeared like from Harry Potter, and the clothes let go of me. I grabbed the broom and flew away and tried to find a way out. I flew out of the cave and realized I could fire lasers from the broom tip so I started flying in and out of the cave firing lasers at the spiders until I had killed all of them. I flew back outside and then noticed a queen spider inside the cave and flew in after it to finish it off. After killing it, I flew out of the cave and there was a futuristic tank shooting fireballs at me (same shape as a wraith tank from halo). I remember flying away from it and getting in a car with some of Harry Potter's friends and we drove away.

      Lil Wayne fps video game
      I remember getting out of the car and seeing a crowd around a video game store. I went inside with my friends and then a lady came out and pointed to us and said Lil Wayne wants to see you. Everyone in the crowd looked disappointed that they didn't get picked. When we went into this room, there were recliners, beanbag chairs, and food stands around the room with Lil Wayne sitting on one with a PS3 controller in his hand. He said wassup I'm Lil Wayne and Immunah give you an exclusive preview of meh new game! I had never heard of it and I forgot the name but it was a first person shooter! We all sat down and started playing. It was a weird game. It was like planes, guns, experience points, tons of different weapons, etc. The best first person shooter ever but I was terrible at it. It seemed that everytime you kill someone, you get killed by someone else. There weren't many places for cover. After that we said thanks and walked out the door and went to sight see around the city until I was reunited with my family.

      Odd thing is, I don't care for rap music and I only saw an album cover of Lil Wayne on a Jukebox yesterday and that must be how he got in my dreams.

      Restaurant on a cliff in paradise
      So my family and I were sight seeing and I was tired and starving the whole time (completely normal). Then we found a balcony that led to a rocky cliff side on the ocean. Everyone decided to jump in and swim for a bit despite my starvation. I jumped in and complained we need to get food I am starving. They said that we were already on our way to the restaurant and it was at the top of the cliff. I looked and everyone was climbing this impossible cliff and I went with them. I started climbing and it was easy at first but then the cliff got steeper and steeper to climb until i was practically leaning backwards unable to hold my feet against the wall.

      I said that I'm not going to make it and everyone else was doing fine and said I was just complaining and then I looked at the water and realized I was dreaming and said okay I'll just fly. I jumped off the wall and glided to the water like a flying squirrel. I was trying to fly out of the water but I would just jump out of the water a foot high and then go back in. I then found a small square foot of concrete that was an inch thick and got an idea. I focused on it and turned it into a firebolt broom from the Harry Potter movies.

      I started flying around and then I woke up to my phone ringing in my room.

      Odd how I've had so many Harry Potter dreams recently... 3 in 2 weeks.

      I have been lucid 3 times within 5 days and that is a record for me. My average before was 1 per 2-3 weeks!
    7. 33rd shared dreaming attempt- whiterains dream

      by , 09-18-2011 at 06:09 PM (International Oneironaut Shared Dreaming Journal)
      whiterains dream

      can only really remember a brief bit of lucid flying from last night. also a little bit with a group of people talking about fighting techniques and teaching each other things. damn im sure there was alot more but i had to get up
    8. Yet another Lucid Dream

      by , 09-18-2011 at 04:19 PM (It's all about Awareness.)
      Here I am waking up from along dream after I went back to bed earlier this morning, I went to sleep and had a long dream like I said, Woke up after that and I felt like I couldn't open my eyes, So I drifted back into a dream. So I was in the dream, I was in a bedroom. I noticed something was off. I saw some water falling down a door that looked like a shower from when you take a shower. It was falling and everything. I was thinking something was off. So I didn't know if I should walk through it or not but I did it any way. I ended up in the living room and I noticed a glass table with game consoles sealed in it. I went up to it and saw my parents around. I felt soaking wet when I walked passed the water.

      Any way. I noticed the glass table. I saw a purple PSP, it looked like a game boy colour. And something triggered me. I noticed. Wait a moment this is a dream! Then after that I begin to stabilize. Again with the hand rubbing technique. I got fully lucid. I saw my DC dad looking all mad at me, He got angry with me for no reason and came after me, He looked all pissed off, He tried to come after me, I got a Japanese fan with some rice in it. I tried to turn it into a sword but it didnt work, Instead it turned into a sword like stick. I got mad and when he was coming after me I told him I'm not afraid of you, He walked pass through me and I woke up. I woke up feeling with confidence and thinking wow this is really neat.
    9. !st lucid dream (8/31/11)

      by , 09-17-2011 at 04:39 PM
      I remember waking up in my bed.I did 2 reality checks and it worked. i knew i was dreaming. I remember trying to go outside. i was at the door and rushing to put my shoes on. i knew that if i didnt hurry up my mom was going to call me. i guess that was mistake number 1. the fact that i considered my dream mom my real mom. so as soon as i grabbed the handle to leave my mom called me. i went to go see what she wanted. mistake number 2. that was the ball buster. thats when i went back to my nd. therefore it didnt really feel like a lucid:(:?
    10. I finally did it! Yesh!!!

      by , 09-17-2011 at 07:14 AM
      I got my first Lucid Dream last night! Yesh!
      Okay, I had 2 FAs:

      I found myself in my bed. It was dark, so I turned the light on. I'm sitting in my bed, and suddently I remembered, that I had to do a RC. I blocked my airways, and tried to breathe.. And I was breathing!! I became lucid. I saw how the light became brighter, but my room wasn't so vivid. I could feel, that I had got too excited, and that I probably would wake up soon. I wanted to do something funny. I pushed my hand through the wall. It was so weird, it was an amazing feeling! I laughed.
      I "woke" up in a castle. I was alone. I wanted to tell someone about my LD, but I couldn't.
      And then I woke up for real.

      And danced my chandler-dance!
    11. Epiphany - My first lucid dream ever

      by , 09-15-2011 at 11:29 AM (Oneiric Mirror)
      The Ogre-Elf

      I´m in Hell...Around me only exists fire, ashes and brimstone...

      Suddenly, in front of me,an ogre-elf appears. He is gigantic, like 50 stories high.

      I´m inside a bird cage, an old one, those who had a round topside.
      The whole cage is brown.

      I manage to open the birdcage, and i start running.

      I can feel the ogre-elf trying to reach me with his hand. I get scared...but all of a sudden, i realize i´m dreaming!

      And then i thought:" If i throw myself into the ogre-elf´s hand, my fear will be so great, so tremendous that i´m gonna wake up right know"

      I woke up

      Comments: This is the first dream i remember, ever...
      i must had four or five years old... and as far as i know, it was a lucid one...
    12. The Crazies-Lucid ending

      by , 09-15-2011 at 04:27 AM (High Quality Head Movies)
      So this dream was the first zombie dream I've had in a long time but it ended with me being lucid.

      Okay so it started on a Camp Ground (as usual), and everything was normal. There were a lot of people I knew there, it was like a big gathering from my church. I just walked around and checked stuff out and talked to people about normal stuff. Then I noticed a Japanese girl with an anime haircut and outfit. She seemed alone and she wasn't talking with anyone so I introduced myself to her and led her around the campgrounds showing her the place. Then we met some people around our age and they were watching the crazies on a small tv plugged into a wall outlet on the outside of the cafeteria. It was half over when we got there. She was nervous at first but she got used to the other people there and I got to know a few of them (don't remember them but I know I got to know them). She didn't like the video because she said it scared her. I told her not to worry and that it's just a movie. When the movie was over I said that I was going to go back to my camp. When I turned to walk away I saw a guy on the shore of the lake trying to catch a bird and eat it. He looked like one of the crazies from the movie.

      Everyone sitting near me that had been watching the movie just froze. The japanese girl said, "It can't be..." I immediately ran to the camp ground to tell everyone what I had just witnessed. They said I was just letting the movie get to me. I remember walking around some more and then decided to get back to the people I met watching the movie a while before. When I got there they were watching a women in the lake with water up to her nose with only her eyes showing above the waterline. She looked like one of the crazies. She just stared at us with no blinking and dark eyes. The people around me were talking about helping her and I was the only one that said it was not a good idea and that we need to warn everyone. Nobody believed me...

      I ran to the camp and it was becoming hard to find people. Cars were not moving, no fires, just silence.

      I knew I had to hurry and find something/someone to help me. I ran to an office building (odd having one of those on a camp ground) but it was somewhat destroyed. I ran to the building and rushed to find guns or something. Then, two crazies came from around the corner of a hallway and ran at me. I grabbed a piece of concrete from the building rubble and smashed one in the head and punched the other one in the head. They both lost their heads with ease (surprisingly).

      I ran to the elevator but it was smashed in with a giant I-beam smashing through it. I took the stairs and explored the building a little bit but found nothing useful... I looked out the window of the building and saw two guys with an army truck and a machinegun turret on the back of it. And they were shooting at a few crazies but were also shooting at normal people. They were doing it just because they could. I knew I had to get out of here. I ran back down to the stairs and ran toward the parking lot to find a car and there were a ton of people running and screaming frantically in panic. Then things got worse. The two people on the army truck started crashing through cars and shooting everyone. I hid behind a car and watched people get mowed over by machinegun fire. They drove off after more people and I told everyone that we had to call for help but they said the phones were not working. I ran back towards the camp grounds and noticed some disco lights going off from the cafeteria. I can't remember if I was more relieved or confused.

      And now, the strangest part.

      There were crazies all around and all walking towards the cafeteria and TALKING TO EACH OTHER. They were like zombies. Slack in the jaw, mouth open, and the weirdest part was they talked with a redneck country accent. Now I have a country accent and I know that this was a REDNECK country accent. I thought maybe if I act like them, I can go in there too and they won't know. I walked in and talked redneck and had my mouth open and to the side (like a mentally challenged kid) and they didn't notice!!! Inside the cafeteria was a live band that weren't crazies, arcade machines, a dance floor, and food stands. I started having some fun and thought maybe they were just crazies in appearance and were just misunderstood. Then, I noticed that many of the crazies in there were friends and family of mine that were at the campground. I talked with them and they were glad to see me and were glad I could join them and be a crazy.

      Then after a while the music got quiet and someone got up on stage and said, "People, you know why were here!" Everyone cheered. "We are here to stop the humans and destroy them!" More cheering but occasional zombie sounds like hissing and snapping. "We will kill them, eat them, or change them onto our side!" They all cheered and started exiting the building slowly.

      I desperately tried to get away before someone noticed me and right when I got out of the cafeteria, they saw me going the wrong way and snarled "A human! Get him!" I ran as fast as I could through the forest until I came up on a hill and there was a cliff edge with a drop that I couldn't see the bottom of. I looked at the scenery and realized I was dreaming.

      Scenery does that for me I don't know why but when I see lots of scenic stuff, I immediately feel that I'm dreaming.

      I turned around and saw the crazies still pursuing me and said "I've got to get away from here."

      I jumped off the ledge and looked forward and flew.

      I flew for a while until I knew I was far enough and then thought hey what if I flew lower to have some fun while flying. So I lowered my altitude and then I started rapidly approaching the ground and tried to raise back up and I crashed into the ground while moving forward and into a woodsy area.

      Then, I woke up. <--------Most common journal entry ending.
    13. Two lucids in one night, Flying, Void, and Stabalisation.

      by , 09-14-2011 at 02:51 PM (The first foothold of Arch.)
      non-lucid lucid comment

      Tonight I properly worked out my wake back to bed time, using 90 minutes per REM cycle I chose the third REM to wake up. I also used sleep cycle with a wake period of 15 minutes, so I get the maximum REM period, wether this helped I do not know. (Going to upload my WBTB Sleep Cycle pictures from now on.)

      I am in tesco with some friends, this guy searches me, and some staff tell me that he is there to find hazzards, one tells me he's really creepy and annouying. I become weary of him. For some reason we all decide to see how many of us can fit in one toilet cubical, the cubical is blue and large, there isn't enough of us to fill it. Hazzard man comes instantly and makes a massive fuss, chucking us out. I tell him to back off, he says no and grabs my motorbike helmet, and begins peeling off the sticker, I push him off it and tell him to back off again.
      Vision changes and I'm charging at him, we are having a massive fist fight in the middle of the store, it's quite fun.

      Quality = 6/10
      Recall = 3/10

      I am sitting in a circle of people, I think we are all dressed like warriors from games, I know I am wearing plate mail although I feel no burden (even when lucid), there is a women across from me wearing brown/green cloth clothes.
      I can't remember why, but I become aware, I do not do a Reality Check, I don't need to, I know I am lucid, it is very unstable and bad quality.
      The second I become aware I feel pushed back on my real life body, as if it has gone completely stiff. My arms feel forced into place, like in iron man or dead space 2 when you change your armour, a machine holds you in place, it was like that.
      Impressively the first thing I attempt to do is stabalise, it's hard to describe, but the dream was only appearing in the top right of my vision. I grabbed it and brung it down, then I fell to the floor, eyes pushed up against the floor hands grasping the surroundings, this stabalised the dream.
      I go round a corner and fade out, ergh.

      I'm in this house where a single dad and son lives, I get the feeling I am the dad's brother, I remember sitting in a dark room discussing whats going on. I am sleeping in this large childrens bedroom, I have a laptop, I put the laptop down to go to the toilet, when I get to the toilet all there is is a kids potty, I begin, but realise why the hell am I doing that.

      Quality = 8/10
      Recall = 7/10

      I'm in my bad, it's not a false awakening because I know I'm dreaming, again no reality check needed. It's my room now, and the laptop I was previously using has changed colour to white (from black) and is gigantic, wedged in my room. The dream is already fairly stable, as I am calm and not too bothered.
      I decide to try flying, it comes very naturally to me but there is one problem, I can only do it on my back, for so my back is facing the floor. This is quite annouying as I can't see where I'm going, I explode out of the roof of my bedroom into the street outside, I float down to the pub. I observe the surroundings, it is very clear, but there are bits of blackness, abit like google road view thingy.
      I consider doing the ToTM I imagine a dark night lake, but I don't go there for some reason, then I'm in this fog. There is a voice narrating whats going on. Apparently I am too close to my eye ball (yeah I know it doesn't make sense) and I am begining to fade out. I have to swim to stay up, I'm loosing control, strange monsters begin to swim after me, they are composed of an eyeball and a tenticle to swim, there are hundreds of them, I attempt to swim away. The voice says "if you see cars you will be coming out of the fog." I look desperately around for car lights, none. I attempt to teleport by closing my eyes and spinning but before I spin, a monster bites my on the hand (doesn't really hurt but puts me off) I keep swimming through the fog... CAR LIGHTS! I swim towards the car lights, and a dream scape begins to appear, I look down and DCs are helping me away from the monsters by carrying me. I look around considering to ask them for a gift, I lose thought and see a beautiful women in front of me, I've lost so much concentration I fade out.
    14. Lucid dream escaping Alcatrez-like facility

      by , 09-13-2011 at 10:45 PM (High Quality Head Movies)
      I remember starting off in a dungeon of a facility like alcatrez which was elevated on a very tall hill and the hill was surrounded by water.

      I was with my Dad, brother (taterking5), and my uncle (Jwhitley's dad). We were in the dungeon but I never could figure out why. We kept trying to find a way out until we discovered the window bars came off.

      We looked out the window and the drop to the ground was too high and jumping would surely end with feet in your brain. Below our window ledge about 1 story below us was a water flume coming out of the facility. We details iced to see if we could aim for that.

      My dad and bro went first. My dad made it to the flume, but my bro missed entirely and crashed into the ground. We all panicked and couldn't believe what had happened when suddenly he reappeared next to me. Turns out when we die we return to the previous place before death! We didn't ask why.

      My dad jumped and landed on another hill 2 stories below the flume. After many deaths and revivals we all made it to the ground safely. We looked out to the water and we were all on a beach. I then had a strange sudden realization that 2hat had just happened couldn't have been real and then became aware of the dream.

      Everyone and everything started getting brighter and fuzzier and I thought I was waking up and panicked and dove into the water. Everything slowly became normal again except I was sinking and couldn't surface. I was telling myself I can't drown in a dream as I was swimming back up and eventually overcame the sudden pull toward the ocean floor. I came up out of the water and everyone was back to normal and not fading like before when i thought the dream was fading.

      I got back up to the hill and started trying to summon lightning on the horizon but had to give up because I saw some prison guards running towards us. I separated from the group and started to swim away from the facility and towards land. I went toward the road and started running. I saw a wall that extended as far as I could see and realized I was walled in and I was not free yet. I then ran to a guard station and tried to determine how I was going to get past the two guards at the station. One was on my side of the gate and one was outside the gate. I saw that the one on the inside of the gate was standing with no weapon and the one outside of the gate was sitting down but I couldn't tell if he had a weapon or not. I grabbed a stick and slammed it into the head of the guard on my side of the gate (if I wasn't in such a rush I probably would have thought to try and do more dream control). I knocked out the guard when the other stood up with an RPG.

      Then time moved in slow motion when he went to squeeze the trigger as I dove behind the station booth. I saw the explosion go off with dirt and chunks of concrete flying everywhere. I knew he would have to take the time to reload it so I ran around the booth, jumped over a wooden fence (went from concrete walls to a wooden fence somehow) and jump on him with a rock and beat him with it until he was unconscious.

      I then heard sirens going off so I guess the guard called for reinforcements before I beat the crap out of him. I ran to get to anything that could get me away and found a red 2011 Silverado crew cab like my dad's and for some reason I thought it was my truck. I ran to it and the keys were in it along with a bunch of airsoft guns in the back seat and airsoft gun pistols in the door pockets. I told myself that I could just use some dream control to make them real guns. I then realized that the road was the same road as the livingston camp grounds that our Church goes to for a weekend every year and I saw my cousins Ben and Brett riding bikes down the road and they looked at me and gave the nod (you know raising your head to acknowledge and then continuing with whatever you were doing). I started the truck and started backing it up and then I woke up.

      I can't believe I didn't try more control, I guess I was just afraid of getting captured or waking up that I just decided to continue on with the dream with no fear of death knowing I was dreaming...
    15. Lucidity Achieved!

      by , 09-13-2011 at 02:50 PM (The Universe of Infinite Possibilities.)
      ok well my recall was not soo good as it was a couple days before but here goes
      it felt as if i woke up and i was laying in bed chatting with my dad on a laptop which i never had before
      it seemed strange
      as i was typing i looked at my hands
      and realized
      im dreaming
      and sudddenly everything fely so real
      it felt like real life
      and then i woke up
      Tags: lucid
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