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    1. Death Discs and Boring Conversation. November 28th, 2011

      by , 11-30-2011 at 07:31 AM
      Involuntary WBTB around 5:30, which was too soon, and I stayed awake for about an hour, which is too long.

      No LD.

      First, I was in this hotel-looking place. I was with a bunch of people, none of whom I recognised, but I knew that I didn't fit in with their crowd. The room was very well-lit, thanks to the large window that occupied the entire wall we all faced. There were various blandly-colored chairs and plastic plants placed around the grey room. The group of people and I were all gathered around the window, and looking at a person floating next to the building we were in. It seemed we were pretty high up, like if we were in a skyscraper. The person flying next to the building was pretty far away, but I could make out his flamboyant, super hero-ish outfit. What he was doing was creating these energy discs that he chucked at us vertically. When they came whizzing towards us, they would instantly and very cleanly cut through anything they touched, but then the object that was cut would automatically reassemble, as if nothing had happened. The rest of the group I was with were anticipating these discs, like it was fun when they cut through them, but I was understandably cautious, and did not want those things chopping me up. I was in the middle of the crowd, and I noticed that the floating guy was throwing these discs, and from my right to my left, so he could get everyone. I took advantage of this pattern, and tried to time them so I could hop between them safely to the right, and away from the room. I almost jumped too soon the first time, and I had to quickly jump back before one disc caught my head. There was little time between this disc and the next one, and I had to shift my momentum forward to be able to escape this one as well. I got out just in time, with only a rip in the back of my shirt.

      Next, the cast of Everybody Loves Raymond was standing on top of a square platform with sewer water below them. There was another similar platform adjacent to the one they were on. The background to this part of the dream had dirty orange and green colors, and the cast didn't pay attention to this, and just went about their business. I don't remember what they were talking about, but eventually, Raymond turned into a pig, and fell down a sewer grate on the second square platform. Frank then morphed into a pig as well (although he had an apple in his mouth), and went after him. The sewer grate led to a series of see-through tubes that the two were just zipping through, like some sort of carnival ride, with the occasional build up of dirty garbage water, where everyone held their breath through. Soon, my dream forgot all about Raymond, and it was just watching Frank, the pig, sliding through the tubes. There were a lot of parts of the tubes that went through strange places. One part was a supermarket, in the frozen food section. Right where one of the glass doors would be was the tube that came through the floor, around one of the doors, and then back into the ground. The dream only showed a glimpse of this part, with Frank flying through the tube. There was also a dream with the best train conductor in the world, but I don't remember it.

      There was one dream I vaguely remember where I had to get ready to go somewhere, and I shaved off all of my body hair. The hair on my head was blue, and I was procrastinating something. Meg from Family Guy was there. Coffee had something to do with this dream too. In the end, I was embarrassed or something because I did all of this for nothing. I forget.

      Lastly, I was at some sort of newspaper stand, and there was a giant stack of video game pamphlets or something. They were red and black on the front, and were reserved for people who work for IGN. I was talking to some guy with a coffee and a soft pretzel I think. He made an exception for me, and I took a pamphlet and did a "game of the year" review. There were also meatball sandwiches that were "not for guests." Suddenly, I was in Anthony's kitchen, and his house looked kind of like his grandparent's house, but the table was on the wrong side of the room, and the doorways leading to the living room were too...unrealistic? But anyway, we were eating meatball sandwiches, which were delicious because of the sauce, and we were talking. There was some other third person there, but I don't remember who it was. It may have been Matt. The subject of a Sony Super Smash Bros came up and I asked if Sonic was still going to be in it, since he's not a Nintendo character. I got a yes, and I said, "Who is going to replace the rest of the characters?" I'm sure I got a list of characters, but I don't remember who they were. I asked if Mega Man was going to be in it, and the other guy who was there said yes, but I knew he was talking about some other Mega Man. I thought to myself, "Oh, wait. THAT guy is Mega Man, too." I clarified and asked if Protoman (huh?) was going to be in it. I turned to Matt and said I should have said Mega Man Volnutt, because then they would know who I was talking about. Anthony and I went to sit down at the table. His brother and his sister were there, and we were all listening to the radio. The radio was on the table with a big plate of roast beef, and I was flipping through the channels. I wasn't hearing anything I particularly liked, but I knew the Jazz station was coming up. Just as I thought, it was the next one that came on. I knew that his brother would probably complain about it, so I kept flipping through the channels after i gave a look of "cool, jazz. Too bad we can't listen to it right now" to Anthony, and he returned to look. We settled on this one channel, and Anthony was sitting across from me. As if he was answering a question, Anthony said, "Yeah, this is Bob Cole." I called him an idiot and said, "No, this is Bob Dylan, you idiot." I changed the channel again, and American Idol came on and the radio started flashing red and blue, like a police car, because I guess those are the show's colors in my subconscious. Suddenly I was in the mall with Matt and the other kid. We were all sitting at a table chatting. I got up to walk around and put a coat on. I went back to the table we were at and I picked a piece of bread, and held it in my mouth while I continued to put my coat on.
    2. School's Out. November 27th, 2011

      by , 11-28-2011 at 09:27 PM
      I slept over Alec's this night, so I didn't get to record anything down (of course on a day I have a bunch of dreams), but I remember some stuff. Hopefully it will come back to me as I'm typing this up. (It didn't).

      The dream I remember the most is this one where I was at school, and it was on the verge of being taken over by a swarm of thorny vines. We all needed to get out because once these vines took over the place, we could never escape. I vaguely remember a mine cart in one of the rooms or something, and it may have had something to do with our escape. But anyway, eventually, after a bunch of stuff I don't recall, I was outside the school. There was still a little bit of time left, and I knew that there were a lot of people in there that weren't going to make it. I summoned up the courage to go back inside and save some people. The one I was after was Jenn. She was with some other people on one of the mine carts, so they came too. We got outside just in time, and I thought about all of the people I couldn't save, and I also thought about all of the stuff that I left inside the school.

      There's a glimpse I remember of this dream where I am in this record store and Lindsay happened to be there. She was complaining about all of the records being mainstream, and I muttered that she shouldn't be talking, because that's all she listens to.
    3. Musical Tubing (fragment)

      by , 11-26-2011 at 03:27 PM (...from the dark corners of my mind...)
      DJ Log: November 26, 2011 – 8:00AM (USA Eastern)

      I am cutting some bright copper tubing into various lengths, than standing all of the pieces in buckets. When I touch the cutter against the tubing, it plays a musical note and the frequency is adjustable by moving the cutter along the tubing. While watching a guitar tuner, I align the cutter with the desired note, then squeeze and cut the tubing.
      Tags: music
    4. Fragment Collection 7

      by , 11-19-2011 at 09:33 PM (The Erratic dreams of StaySharp)
      Musical Glide:
      The first dream of this night, I was in a open place on a way that went down a really long way. I sorta started to glide down there and the music (for the first time) involved primarily music (there was music in reality but the track in the dream was completely independent), it really got my bashed mood (fell asleep with a terrible mood) high up and simply induced an overall awesome feeling.

      Limes and Stuff:
      I was in a city and the dream primarily involved Limes (Green ones as well as unripe yellow ones) on a tree in the middle of a city. I remember having a conversation with a bunch of DCs about the limes.

      Odd memory:
      I was back in my old favourite boarding school. I was recalling different (unreal) states of my boarding school, especially two big ones, one symbolized by blue the other by red. There was also a logo for the school which changed together with the phase (the first logo looked a lot like the one of my current city).
    5. Rock Out

      by , 11-18-2011 at 02:46 AM
      -Rock Out-

      I Am At An Outdoor Concert.It Is Also At Night.Throughout The Dream I'm With Various Friends.Alright,At First I'm With One Of My Best Friends,Caleb.Were Up On A Mountain Watching The Concert From Afar. I Later Leave And Meet Up With Another Group Of People.We Are In The Back Row Of The Concert .I Believe The Performer To Be Be,"Skrillex."(A Famous Dubstep Artist) Were All Jumping Around Singing.

      -End Of Dream-
    6. Random Events. November 14th, 2011

      by , 11-15-2011 at 11:34 PM
      Gonna go from least remembered to most on this one. I should go back to typing these up in the morning instead of later, when I already forget the details.

      First off, I wrote down "celebrity", "piano", "relationships", and "train station." I can not even remember the setting of this dream, never mind the details.

      The first dream I remember, I was going to get this tattoo or something. I had already gotten plenty of prison tattoos (with a needle and ink) and this was my first official one. I asked if the prison tattoos would ever fade away, and this big buff guy said no, and I was pretty mad.

      At one part, I was outside this school with Anthony. I think it was supposed to be Ben Franklin School, but it was a lot bigger. Anthony and I were chatting, and we were waiting for his mom to come pick us up. We were getting really hungry, so we had to eat these worms that we got from the basement of my old house. In that basement, there were sewer canals and it was very spacious. Inside the worms, when you bit into them, there were dollars, but you could only spend them on Tums. We could see the store across the street from where we were. We were sitting on the curb outside of the school. Then, there was one really vague part where we had to drink water, and I also wrote down "nervous acting" and "Verizon". I also have "Spongebob" and "maints". I know maints is supposed to be a made-up word, or someone mispronounced something in the dream.

      Next, I was in my room of my current house (it was a little bigger), and I was with Sean, Anthony, and these two girls. The girls were named Ngoc (pronounced "knock") and Kim. In real life, I know this girl named Ngoc Kim, but in my dream it was her and this girl who was supposed to be her sister. Anyway, we were all sitting on my bed, although I don't know how we all fit, and we were playing video games. My TV was on the opposite side of my dresser. Also, before they came over, I was getting dressed because I just got out of the shower. As I was getting stuff together they all walked into my room without knocking. For some reason, this wasn't embarrassing, and I had all my clothes on. I was just surprised that they were here so early. I wrote down in my dream journal "Emily door." I don't know if the Emily is my dog or my neighbor, but either way I don't remember what it means.

      Then, I was in my backyard, and there were a lot of people over. There was a long table with a turntable and lots of food by the horse shoe pits. There was also a very large tree in the middle of the yard. The people were there for the performance I had to put on, but the show had to be at the top of the tree. So we rigged up these ropes and pulleys all over the tree, and when the time was right, we yanked the band up to the top, and they played their music. The first band to go on was Grizzly Bear, and they played "Two Weeks". I don't remember what the second band was. This dream led into this one where there was snow all over our backyard, and Sean and I had to do yard work. The tree was still in the middle of the yard. There was this candy inside the house, and we kept going inside to get candy, and then going back out to work. There was only Swedish Fish left or something, and we weren't allowed to have that, so we had to eat this really sour candy.
    7. Kitchen Musical

      by , 11-15-2011 at 12:59 AM
      I was in the kitchen that I know think might have been the kitchen or some room from a ranch I visited some time ago. Me and my mom were there and on the table was a huge Disc Jokey(DJ) thing. It had two giant record type things and I think some ports and stuff for iPod and discs and stuff. I remember my mom leaving and I stayed there to try and figure out the system and I remember getting annoyed that I needed two iPods when I only had one so I couldn't mix songs. Soon after that is when I woke up I think but It was annoying because it was my alarm.
    8. 11/11/11 - Danzig

      by , 11-12-2011 at 02:29 AM (Dandelion Wine)

      I was listening to Danzig and Sex Gang Children on Last.fm while eating cheese and crackers.
    9. Random Battles, Drunken Mothers, & Leather...

      by , 11-11-2011 at 10:02 AM (Three Fold Utopian Dreams)
      Last night consisted of broken up sleep due to my lil' one being sick with a hacking cough. But waking up in random intervals helped in the recall department. My recall for the warehouse dream was exceptionally vivid & detailed which is awesome.
      **side note: It should be known that I take a medication for nightmares and I've realized it helps a lot with lucidity and dream stability.**
      oh, and one more thing... my personal thoughts during the dream are italicized. I feel it's important to understand & analyze the thought process you hold when dreaming for various reasons.
      Anyway, here are the two main dreams i remember...

      Arrested Development & Drunken Mothers

      I’m standing outside of a high class apartment building. My mom is drunk and wobbling around aimlessly with a glass of wine. She never drinks so I find this odd. I’m trying to punch in the door code to get her upstairs but I can’t guess the combination. I try asking but she keeps telling me random numbers and letters, and then laughs hysterically when they don’t work. At this point I’m frustrated so I start asking random people walking into the building to let us in but they ignore me. I sit down on a bench to calm down and figure out my next move. Just then, I see the entire cast of a show called Arrested Development walking towards the building. They’re all laughing and joking with each other as they walk up. The actress who plays the mother in the show sees me distressed and asks what’s wrong. I tell her the situation and she lets me in without hesitating. I say thank you at least 5 times as I drag my mom into the building who decides to randomly flip them off while saying something about New York bagels as we pass by. But the cast just laughs and says you’re welcome. Nice people.

      The Warehouse with “Bad Lighting”

      I pull up to a warehouse in the pouring rain. It’s in the middle of nowhere and I’m extremely confused. I stare out the window trying to figure everything out.
      The voice startles me. I turn and see Kaomea in the driver’s seat...
      Wearing leather from head to toe.
      Yup, that’s right…

      Kaomea: "You ready? We gotta move and get these lights out."
      Me: "Wha? What lights? What the fuck is going on? Where are we & what the hell are you wear-"

      She jumps out the car while I’m still rambling and runs in a stealth mode manner towards the warehouse. I think about staying in the car for a moment but decide my odds are probably better with my crazy leather wearing ninja friend as opposed to being a sitting duck in the pouring rain outside a creepy warehouse. I jump out the car and run towards her. I feel the rain hitting my face...
      It feels like silk...
      running across my skin...
      silk blankets on my bed...
      why are my clothes barely wet? It’s raining, its pouring....
      the old man is snoring....
      and this is a dream. I am dreaming. I am lucid.

      I get excited and the dream starts to fade... I try to calm down as everything starts to spin. I close my eyes and hear Kaomea.
      I feel her grab my hand and pull. I open my eyes and everything is stable again. We’re inside this huge warehouse with crates and boxes everywhere. It’s also a grocery store.... kind of like a Costco or Sam’s club & it’s really bright. Every light in the entire place is on.

      Me: “ok, so what do we do now?”
      Kaomea: “I told you, we gotta turn off the lights.”
      Me: “why? Why is that so important?”
      Kaomea: “the people who own this place are really tired. They’re good people and they need rest but they haven’t been able to turn the lights off for a very long time. They need our help, so that’s why we're here. We gotta help them find solace.”
      Me: “ok, and what’s so hard about that? Where’s the breaker? Do we even need a breaker? We’re dreaming... I don’t get it.”
      Kaomea: “No gypsy, shutting off the lights isn’t the hard part....”
      me: “... then what is?”
      Kaomea: “... Cleansing the darkness it leaves behind.”

      I look at her blankly as she tries to analyze my reaction.

      Kaomea: “what’s the matter? You scared?” ... She smirks.
      Me: “actually... No... and that worries me a little.”
      Kaomea: “you took your pill didn’t you?”
      Me: “yup.”
      Kaomea: “well, that’s gonna make things interesting. Ok, so… ready to make some new friends?”
      Me: “yeah, I'm feeling pretty friendly.”
      Kaomea: “good.”

      She smiles and I instinctively put my hand on her shoulder. I see shadows start to climb the walls. Kaomea lifts her hand up from her side, palm up. It’s emitting a light that brightens as she raises it. She’s pulling energy from the surroundings and I’m pushing my own into her shoulder to help. I feel her reach capacity. I let go and step back as she slams her blinding bright fist into the cement floor creating a sonic boom of white light that ripples the entire area. It cracks the walls, the floors, the crates.... and every single light in the warehouse shatters. I hear demons cursing her name as they dissipate. Kaomea and I are talking telepathically now. It’s safer. She thinks she got most of the runts but the big ones are gonna take more than that. I agree and we split up.
      The warehouse feels like a maze. I turn a few corners and get immersed. I walk down an aisle staked to the ceiling with crates. One falls off, narrowly missing me. I don’t jump or scream. I look up and see nasty looking.... roach-like thing with a human head?? Anyway, it’s hanging from the rafters, hissing and trying to drip some acidic substance on me. Then it dawns on me that don’t have a weapon. I start to feel a slight panic when the... creature? Starts climbing down the crates towards me. The dream begins to destabilize so I close my eyes and try to will some sort of weapon into my hands. Nothing. I open my eyes and see the creature getting closer. I nervously start to tap my heel. I notice the thing stops in its tracks and looks irritated. I look down and see little ripples of energy emitting from my tapping foot.
      Rhythm. Rhythm. Music. Tones. Bass. Light.
      Light is a weapon.
      Light is love.
      What do you love?
      I love music.
      My weapon is me.
      My vibrations, my tones…
      you’re on my frequency.

      I feel the air change around me; I pull it in as I slow the tempo of my tapping heel. I feel a song flowing from me, naturally... as if I already knew it had the vibration I needed. I lock eyes with the creature in front of me and direct the white light waves emitting from my tapping at him. They carry the tune. I picture the vibration seeping into his spine and flowing up into his conscious... drowning him in the song. I focus on the words.

      "Baby, you got a...
      Got a bad, bad mouth...
      Everything. Poison...
      Coming out…
      Coming out...
      Cheating, lying…
      Since the day you were born...
      Ought to…
      Rinse it out with soap.
      Wash. It. Out.
      Wash. It. Out.
      Wash. It. Out…"

      It fills his head. His eyes bulge. I expect to hear a scream or cry but… nothing. Some of that acidic substance begins seeping from him and he dissolves. His body tissue is still vibrating to the tempo as I watch it melt into the floor… and that was enough to royally disturb the crap out of me. I run away, calling for Kaomea. I see reflections of random bursts of light in the rafters. I start to feel dizzy and sick. The dream feels like a fun house mirror.
      I hear a hacking cough echo through the warehouse.
      Cough? Who’s coughing?
      My daughter. She’s coughing.
      I'm gonna wake up.
      Don't forget this. Don’t forget… you will remember. Details matter. Remember….

      I repeated that over and over as I slipped awake.
      It definitely helped.

      ** the lyrics mentioned above are from "The Life and Death of Mister Bad Mouth" by PJ Harvey.
    10. 11/9/11 - Sweater Sam

      by , 11-09-2011 at 10:35 PM (Dandelion Wine)
      My dad was driving me and two of my friends somewhere off the highway, but as we were driving through the parking lot of a strip mall we passed by some chain restaurant and suddenly the male friend in the back seat and I decided we want to go on a "date." Megan, who was also with us, didn't seem to care. But my dad seemed bothered about spending money because our initial destination was either free or very cheap. I brushed off his concern and my friends and I went inside.

      Later on I was in the bathroom of the restaurant which was actually a dingy old basement with cement walls and floor. There was a small ground-level window and through it I could see my dad talking on his cell phone outside. He was explaining to someone that he was stuck here (because of money or gas?) but he didn't seem angry, just tired and distressed. When I got back to the table I was going to tell my friends we had to leave.

      I saw Sam sit down on a bus with Lauren and he was wearing a bunch of oversized cable-knit sweaters. I saw the bottom fringe of a green one sticking out below a big white one with the sleeves bunched up around his wrists. I thought he looked hilarious and I wanted to text him just the word, "sweater," and I did this by reaching over the seats and sticking my hand underneath one of them where he seemed to be hiding his phone. Lauren was the only one who seemed to notice this but she pretended not to. I typed my message directly onto his phone but because I couldn't see what I was doing I accidentally typed "single." He then suddenly started making a big deal about how he was single, implying he and Lauren had broken up, while she sat there smiling uncomfortably.

      I was on some dreaming forum on the Internet describing a problem I had with dream recall. A guy who'd been assisting me throughout my thread said something like, "Now rub your hands together and meet me in a dream later." I thought this was punny, like: rub your hands together in anticipation, and also rub your hands together to stabilize your dream.

      Steve wanted to show me something he made or helped create, so I followed him. An alternately docile/aggressive female lion leaped at me while we stood in a small wooden shed. I huddled up against Steve for safety. He seemed distracted and confident I would be fine. A Brian Froud-y looking creature which emanated the melody to I Lay Stretched on Your Grave from its ears. I wanted to tell Steve how emotional the song made me but I didn't get the chance. I felt so affected by everything but he remained calm and stoic.

      Updated 11-11-2011 at 09:14 AM by 50986

      Tags: dad, money, music, steve
      non-lucid , dream fragment
    11. 11/8/11 - Tupperware Slide Carousel

      by , 11-09-2011 at 05:08 AM (Dandelion Wine)
      I was spending time with Tori who was still living with Nana on Putnam. Then I remember us being in the kitchen at her old house on Winthrop Ave. and M Mollica was there. He'd brought me something I asked him to buy, like some kind of chicken stock, but I got mad because the stock either was or wasn't made with the neck of the chicken. He apologized but I blew up like an immature bitch while he just sort of sat there next to Tori smiling unaffectedly and I suddenly felt like a child.

      I went to the eye doctor with my dad, whom I was (still?) mad at about the chicken. When we got there I stormed away into a separate childrens' waiting room, which I realized was also the office. The optometrist, a young Asian woman, was examining this little boy who sat looking at images projected on the wall. We were both seated at a small table on which were the slides used in the projector. It was like a makeshift slide carousel; there were a bunch of clear Tupperware bowls nested inside each other and around the edges were things written on in permanent marker and crudely taped pictures. The doctor took it from the table while I was trying to figure out how it worked. The entire time obnoxious 90's pop hits were playing rather loudly over the radio, including Third Eye Blind's Semi-Charmed Life.

      I was playing Petz and looking at all the catz and dogz I hadn't taken out in so long. I began thinking of which ones I wanted to breed to make more interesting petz. I felt the kind of remorse I always used to feel about using my virtual petz just for breeding before I remember they are in fact virtual.

      Updated 11-11-2011 at 09:10 AM by 50986

    12. The Dream of the Pink Harry Potter Musical

      by , 11-08-2011 at 06:53 PM (Folqueraine's Oniric List)
      The Dream of the Pink Harry Potter Musical (Non-lucid)


      I'm with the Harry Potter cast (the three main actors) and I'm part of it, although I can't tell exactly what role I played in the saga, if any. We're all dressed in pink and we go to a concert/musical about Harry Potter.
      Although we're not expected to take part in it, we climb on stage during the concert and start rocking out with the musicians. The crowd is over-excited.
      From then on, the perspective switches to third-person. I watch the show as someone else, and when a song called Vulgarity comes out, I predict that I'll leave the stage, since I hate vulgarity. Indeed, I see myself climb over the railing and into the crowd, still singing, as the song starts.

      Updated 11-08-2011 at 06:55 PM by 8172 (repost)

    13. Where The Hell Is My Lucid Dream? November 6th, 2011

      by , 11-07-2011 at 05:05 PM
      No MILD, no WILD. I tried WBTB, and I was so tired that I don't really remember it.

      And I honestly have no idea if I had a lucid dream or not.

      First, I had a dream that St. Vincent (musician) brought us Chinese food after we ordered it. It was pretty cool. Then there was something to do with Metal Gear Solid.

      Then, there was this part where Ephraim and I were walking around this carnival place, and I know a girl was involved, but I can't remember who. There was also this band that I think he was a part of. We sat down to eat with them at one part.

      The last vague dream I had was that Brian and Mom were working on something, and they really made progress ,so they invited me outside to see. But, the thing is, there was nothing there. They brought to the backyard, but it was this really small concrete backyard with fences all around to other really small concrete backyards. It was like a backyard in Philly. There was snow everywhere. It was so deep in some spots that it came up to my thigh. Brian handed me some raw eggs. For some reason, we were throwing them at the ground. I remember stepping forward to the middle of the backyard, and worrying that my shoes were going to get snow in them. The wall of the building next to us was brick, and definitely not our house. Anyway, after we cracked some eggs on the snow, I got bored and was going to just throw mine as far as I can, when Brian advised against it. I said I was only going to throw it and see if it hit a house, and the dream ended there.

      Next, I was in this very big city. The best description would be Isle Delfino from Super Mario Sunshine, but it was a lot more open, and realistic. This part of the dream was very brief and in third person. I was on top of this bridge looking at the far end of the city. I saw a DE villain.

      All of a sudden, I found myself in my old house. I was in my mom's room, and I got up and went to my own room. I got this sheet music for...I forget what song. Anyway, I went back to my mom's room, and the villain was there on my mom's bed. He wasn't so much a villain as he was just some random guy that had DE bad intentions. He didn't do anything though. Anyway, I asked him what he was doing here, and he said he was going on vacation. I sighed and went back to my room. I got a change of clothes (one change of clothes) and brought it back to my mom's room. I threw the clothes on the bed and sat down as the room started to move. It was like how when ships leave the harbor, and in those movies where the characters make it just in time and they jump onto the ramp up to the boat. Well, the whole room started to move outward, as if it was leaving a harbor. I got a little worried, and got up and went to the hallway. I asked the guy when we would be back from vacation. He replied with, "A forest." I clarified, "No, WHEN are you coming back?" I walked back into the room, and knew I still had little time to make a decision. He replied with, "Oh, I don't know. I was thinking some time around...April?" I screamed, "APRIL!?" Was this guy nuts? I had stuff to do today! I grabbed my clothes, and ran back to the hallway just as the ramp to the room was too far away. I told him if he got bored, there is sheet music I printed out and left on the bed. He immediately took interest to it, and laid on his stomach to read it. He may have been able to read the tune without an instrument.

      This next part is pretty confusing, and slightly frustrating. You see, I was in the old house watching TV I think. Ashley was sitting next to me on the couch, and I was on the end by the window. I may have been eating a meal as well. I stopped for a second. I looked at my hands. "One, two three, four, five, six, seven, eight. Okay now the other ha-wait a minute..." I stood up and looked at Ashley, "Am I dreaming?" She looked right at me and said, "Well, yes." I immediately remembered to rub my hands together to make the dream more vivid, which it did, and I constantly told myself I was dreaming as to not lose my lucidity.

      Now this may seem all fine and dandy, but I'm not sure this was actually a lucid dream. At most, I'd say it was the least lucid one could ever be, or not lucid at all. I say this because I didn't remember it upon waking, and I wasn't "conscious" per se. It felt more like I was going through the motions, as if the dream was just telling me that, "Oh you usually look at your hands first, then you were supposed to rub them together, etc." Not to mention, the dream sequence ended as soon as I rubbed my hands together. It went straight into the next dream, and I didn't remember the other one, and I wasn't "lucid" in any sense. My biggest thing, though, is that I wasn't "thinking", but rather it felt more like the dream was doing the thinking for me, if that makes any sense.

      I also may have had a false awakening. I think after this fake lucid dream, I went to my dream journal and wrote down the events of the bed/vacation dream. It was so vivid, and clear, that when I actually woke up, I looked at my dream journal and was confused how there wasn't anything about the dream.

      Anyhow, the final dream took place in a set-up-differently school. I was in the principal's office, visiting, as I had already graduated. I was to meet with the principal, or was also the president of the United States of America. So the character kept morphing from George Washington to Dr. Morris, my principal from 5th grade, and back. Anyway, I felt honored, and went over to meet her/him. When I got to where they were, they showed me a computer screen. They said that this was the upcoming picture prompt test, and since I graduated already, I could see it. The picture came up, and It was the cast of The Magic School bus, and Arthur, climbing on these statues of animals. They were at the zoo. Then the principal looked at me and said, "Is this something you would be able to write a story on?" I said, "Yeah, I would be worried that the kids will just write about The Magic School bus, and not something original." She agreed and said she thought the same thing, and we needed to think of a way around that problem. I suggested that we get a bunch of random kids together, and we find statues like the ones in the picture, and we take their pictures individually, so that we could imitate the picture. She said, "I hope you aren't serious about that idea." I realised that it sounded a bit creepy, but I persisted, "Yes, I was serious. We could pull it off." Just then, I was in the presence of Green Day. The drummer wasn't there, though, and the bass player was playing a keyboard. The singer started up a song, and I remember thinking that this song has flute in it (DE song), and I wondered how they would pull it off. Just when the flute would come in, the bass player started playing the part on the keyboard. The flute's part was to play harmonies with the singer's tune, and it worked pretty well. Then, the band vanished, and I was left to mess around with the keyboard. I noticed that some keys light up, and I was supposed to hit them in order. I turned to this guy next to me, and I was like, "Is it like Simon? Or do I just hit whatever?" He didn't say anything, and I turned back to the keyboard. Hank Hill, from King Of The Hill, was on every key now, and I turned to the guy I asked about the keys, and said, "I love King Of The Hill. It's such an under-rated show. He turns to me, and in the most arrogant, condescending voice says, "Oh god! King Of The Hill is the worst sho I have ever seen. I can't believe you watch it." Then Lenny walked up (SUPER religious kid). It was DE that they were in the same club, and that they weren't allowed to like King Of The Hill or something. So I figured Lenny would feel the same way, so I walked away.

      I was still in the school, but now I was trying to get...somewhere I don't even remember. Anyway, I was wearing this back pack with a yellow sign on the back that said: YES. This short kid behind me had one that had a red sign on the back that said: NO. It was like there were tow sides to a big argument in the school or something. We were running up these stairs, and he was following behind me. So this short, annoying kept trying to get close and trip me from behind. I was getting annoying, and started to skip steps, he followed suit, and now when he got close, I would grab onto the railing, and jerk myself backwards, so I would hit him as he tried to run up to me. Eventually, this kid behind me went for gold, and hopped up onto my back pack (he was small enough). I freaked out, and leaned back, so that he would fall off. I was successful, and I turned around to see this kid very violently and painfully smack his head on the railing with his full body weight, and then tumble down the stairs to a landing. I felt extremely bad, and went up to the kid and said, "Oh my god, I'm so sorry. Are you alright? I'm really, really sorry." He got up, like it was nothing, and prepared to fight me for knocking him off of me. I knew he was no threat so I said, "Go ahead, hit me. We'll be even." I took off my back pack, and positioned myself so that he would hit my right shoulder. He took a bunch of swings, and repeatedly and swiftly hit me on my shoulder. I faked, "Ooooowww, oh you got me. Shit that hurts. Alright see ya." I put my back pack on and left on the other side of the landing, which had a ramp down to a door, which led to a hallway. I walked along the hallway thinking that I probably ruined that kid's whole day. I got to the lunch room. It was set up so differently, that I can't really call it a lunch room. We didn't eat, but we chose where we got to sit, and it was more like an auditorium. As I walked up to the doors to the room, there was a lot of commotion going on. I saw some chick kiss this Ed kid I knew. Then I saw this other dude kiss Ed. It wasn't gay in the dream, it was actually more like a joke because he couldn't get a kiss from the girl because she was dating Ed, so he kissed Ed on the cheek so he could get a taste of the girl. I walked into the room, and saw a bunch of rows or wooden seats. It was reminiscent of a congressional hall, but everything was bright, and school-vibed.

      Woke up after that.
    14. Why Was The Toilet So Small? November 3rd, 2011

      by , 11-04-2011 at 09:39 PM
      This night, I thought to myself that I hoped I didn't remember many dreams because I would have a lot to write the next morning. Well, my wish came true.

      I tried WBTB, to no avail.

      The first thing I remember was that Grandmom, Uncle Tom, Dad, and Grandpop were all in the same room. There was something very dramatic in the air, and Dad was lying about something very serious. It involved a red book that was on the cabinet. The setting was my grandparents house on my mom's side of the family, but they have since moved out of there. My dad's lies had something to do with his mom. I woke up in the middle of the night after this dream, and I decided not to write it down, because it was a pretty disturbing dream, the way it was presented, and I didn't want to remember it. I remembered it anyway.

      Then, there was a long-winded dream about Metroid (gotta love me some Metroid). This one was the best one is a while, but sadly, I didn't write enough down to remember it. I know there were bits where you controlled the ship in first person, but that's about it. This took place at the old house, too, and I wrote down "Sean", "Grandmom" (I don't know which one), and "Mom."

      Then I woke up for the WBTB, and I went back to sleep after writing about the Metroid dream. I should stay up longer.

      I had this dream where, I was (well, I was really just watching) Dee from Always Sunny In Philadelphia. The gang was trying to put on this show for these hobos, and they rehearsed some music. Dee was playing guitar, and didn't learn the ending of any of the songs, and they were going to play three. Right before they went on, Dee went up to Mac and said, "Look, just play the first two, and I'll play the last one alone." She was going to improvise what she didn't know. The first two songs went off without a hitch. The crowd loved it. The last song however, which was Asilos Magdalena by The Mars Volta, had some issues. Since I was (sort of) Dee, she knew how to play the song, but forgot the rest of it. What's worse is that the guitar kept flipping around and was backwards for a lot of the song. Luckily, she managed to get into this groove of an A minor, then a C major, then she played a solo to it.

      The last dream I had took place in my current house. Brian was watching TV, and I had to go to the bathroom (number 2. It's relevant). The house was very messy, as if we were renovating the whole place, and the kitchen had a checkered black and white style rather than its usual pale tile. I went to the bathroom by the kitchen, but there was renovating in there, too. the normal toilet was taken out, and sitting in the corner, and it was replaced by this impossibly small toilet that only mice would be able to fit on. This room also had black and white checkered tiles on the floor, and the walls were all blue. The door to the bathroom turned into these double doors, with slanted slats in them, so that you could see out if you looked up, but not if you looked down. When I woke up I realised that these were the doors that were to the bathroom closet in the old house. Anyway, I was really having a predicament, since I had to go terribly, but I couldn't because of the toilet. So I yelled for my mom, so she could bring me some toilet paper, although I don't know what good that would have done me. At this point, I am pressing my hand against my ass so that this turd doesn't pop out, because it's getting really loose. My mom shows up and I realise that she can't see anything. Her eyes looked like Neo's from The Matrix when he gets his eyes burnt (the third movie), but it was DE that her eyes looked like this because she was getting an eye version of a pedicure done.

      Then I woke up, happy as hell I didn't have to shit in real life.
    15. Frags

      by , 11-04-2011 at 03:49 PM (Tales from the sun chaser.)
      I remember my brother had this pickle jar and I wanted to see it next because it had a label that offered free full music software.

      I was playing or being in this game. I remember talking to this girl....and we got in her car. But the car was something like a house, and we headed through this forest, and there all kinds of dragons in it. But they were friendly.

      I remember going on a mission with the president and a few other people. We had no NBC gear, and the main guy who we had to get was surrounded by gas. Everyone fell down, and Obama wanted to retreat. Something else happens where we're all just chilling....still lying down in our uniforms but there's no threat of danger. S starts flirting with two guys, and I cursed her out and walked off.

      I was in DV chat, and someone linked a totally unrealistic scene from what I assumed was the last action hero. The thing that got me was how quickly it loaded. After that I turned it into a gif for my avatar.
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