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    1. nightmare (kind of?)

      by , 12-02-2013 at 05:36 AM
      To start out with, i haven't had anything close to a nightmare for years, so this one is kind of weird. i wasn't one of the characters, i was just watching and couldn't do anything.
      There was a group of boy scouts in an abandoned park with at least a mile of wilderness on every side, and the scouts were spending a week there. It was all fine, setting up camp in one of the picnic housing area things, then a kid found a gameboy with a game in that was like tetris mixed with DDR (i don't even know) and the scouts played the game until night time. when it became night, there were loud noises and my vision turned staticy with a red hue.

      I woke up.

      it was late at night, so when i went back to sleep, i came back to the area and i was one of the scouts, trying to spend the night there. the last thing i remembered about the dream was a wolf or something jumping out and attacking someone . The dream wasn't very scary to me, just more dark than any of the dreams i have had for years.
      non-lucid , nightmare
    2. Waking yourself up experiment. Anyone ever tried this?

      by , 11-30-2013 at 04:25 PM
      Last time I was on this site I was reading an entry from someone who was saying they were afraid to Lucid Dream in case they couldn't wake themselves up. To me that's not a problem as even before I knew about LDing I could force myself awake when something bad was happening - so I thought id experiment a little.

      The other night I was in the middle of a non-lucid dream, and things where getting bad, (This nowadays is where I usually become Lucid and change it.) But on this occasion I wanted to wake myself up differently from normal, no forcing myself awake. Normally I force my eyes open from within the dream and kinda feels like i'm sucking myself out of the dream.

      So when shit started going down I tried to find a different way to leave the dream. Now lucid of course, I walked through an alleyway and into a little corner shop style thing. It was dark and dingy and like a little old sweet shop. I spoke to the lady at the counter, a tiny little, very old Chinese lady, looked almost like a witch sort of character. I said to her whilst looking at all the different sweets and stuff lined up on the counter and in jars -

      "I need you to give me something that will wake me up."

      She took a moment to think and pottered around, and come back with a dark blue sphere shaped sweet. I was well aware that outside the shop was still very hostile and coming closer. The DC handed it over and nodded assertive and reassuringly to me. I popped it into my mouth and swallowed it whole. Instantly my vision went funny, bright colours in a spiralling black tunnel, It felt like I was being pulled backwards through the tunnel head first. Only about three seconds later I was awake on my pillow, slightly shocked, but it worked! How amazing was that!

      So yeah I thought that was a pretty cool experiment, and something new to me. Worked just how I wanted it too though and would be interesting to see if that style works on anyone else, (I know most people don't want to wake up from LDs,) but if they did then give it a try or let me know ways you have tried!
      nightmare , memorable , lucid
    3. Insects Infestation

      by , 11-13-2013 at 01:52 PM (iBranko's Dream Journey)
      10.11.2013 2/2

      Eu estava na casa dos meus sogros, na sala, que por sinal estava bem diferente. Estávamos sentados assistindo TV quando eu vi uma aranha e a matei. A partir daí começaram a aparecer insetos de todos os lados da casa. Quanto mais eu matava, mais apareciam. Matei aranhas e escorpiões, grandes e pequenas. Os escorpiões brilhavam como se tivessem uma luz de LED no corpo. No fim, estava tentando matar um inseto que se parecia com um mouse, mas tinha uma caraoaça dura por cima. Lembro-me de tê-lo atingido várias vezes antes que ele rachasse. Acordei com a Ju me chacoalhando. Ela disse que eu estava agitado na cama, mexendo muito as pernas. [Nesse dia, minha gata encontrou uma aranha grande em casa e eu a matei]
    4. House Unfolded

      by , 11-10-2013 at 05:32 AM
      Original entry dated Feb. 16, 2002:

      Nightmare #1:
      I had a nightmare that I was in this deserted ruined city-place, and there was nuclear ash everywhere. The city was quasi-inhabited by the ghosts of children, who told me that I couldn't leave because nobody leaves. I tried to leave anyway, by climbing over a crumbled wall and biking down a deserted and shattered highway. I could bike a LOT faster in my dream than in reality - in fact, I was amazed by the speed at which I was going. There was something nameless and terrifying behind me, and I didn't want to look back because I knew that if I did I'd see nothing there but a tremendous wall of brute evil force... like a visual shock-wave from a bomb blast... and then I opened up my eyes, I was lying in bed in the pitch-black and felt something sitting at the edge of my bed. Something like a man but not a man. It terrified the hell out of me. I could feel it there like... a dead weight... solid as a rock. I was paralyzed with fear, but finally gathered the courage to lunge for the light. When I turned it on - of course nothing was there. Perhaps that was when I really woke up and the nightmare ended, or at least I hope so.

      Nightmare #2:
      There was a house that was - how can I put it? - unfolded. It existed in more than three dimensions, so to speak, and was very frightening to experience. There were ghosts living in it. There seem to be a lot of ghosts in my dreams. One of them was a sort of... respectable old gentleman, who would be kindly if he weren't so sinister in a way. The house was a labyrinth, and I kept getting lost and becoming very afraid.

      Nightmare #3:
      I had a nightmare that I had died. In it, my mother and brother and I lived in an old Victorian mansion. I couldn't move on, and wanted very badly to communicate with them, but the only time I could was that split second when they hovered between sleep and waking. At night I was chased by hell-hounds, and was sort of held back by things that I thought of in my dream as "death-bones".
    5. Devil and Tower

      by , 11-10-2013 at 05:30 AM
      Original entry dated Feb. 16, 2002:

      I had a nightmare that the devil tried to seduce me, but at the last minute I pulled back and ran out of the room. It wasn't so much terrifying as unsettling. I also had a dream about being chased through an iron tower. It was creepy. I managed to escape and ran out into the road to ask for help, but nobody would pick me up. Finally, a nice young couple was kind enough to pick me up even though they knew the consequences, but they still didn't seem to appreciate the danger that I was putting them in.
      non-lucid , nightmare
    6. Santa Claus, Bringer of Storms

      by , 11-09-2013 at 04:04 AM
      Original Journal Entry - Feb. 1st, 2002:

      Santa Claus was actually an evil overlord who derived his power from people giving him pennies (thus granting him control over them). He caused storms and floods that destroyed entire villages. But we robbed him of his power, and he became a decrepit old man who traveled around with a family in a station-wagon. One of the little girls in the family learned his power, that is, to clap her hands and cause thunderstorms. The station-wagon then floated magestically across the ocean, into the sunset.

      Original journal entry dated Jan. 31, 2002:

      I had a dream that I was in a grade school fighting demons with an iron, and was afraid to stand still too long because they would come up through the floor. It had the Gundam pilots in it, for whatever reason. Then there was something about a woman being a train on train tracks going through a flooded city, and meanwhile I was a juvenile delinquent trying to set myself straight and failing miserably.

      I lived in an apartment with the old dude from Men In Black. And then I was taking care of my pet rabbit, and for some reason the radiator was in the bathroom. I was cleaning her cage and set it next to the radiator, and somehow she got out of the cage and into the radiator. I managed to get her out but she was VERY badly burned, and really cut up, so I was flipping out and my mother (who was suddenly there for some reason) was telling me to cut it out because the burns were only third degree (?!) and she wasn't missing THAT much skin. Then mom woke me up (in real life) to tell me that she had let my rabbit run around on the deck for another hour or so. Then I went and checked on my rabbit (this is awake, in real life) who was remarkably unburnt and had all of her skin. *shudder*
    7. Nightmare: Evil Monsterous Party Crashers

      by , 10-15-2013 at 11:47 AM
      The visuals were realistic and colorful. The beginning of this dream is lost, as usual..

      I was at some sort of garage party... This was a garage made up of various garages and garage parties I've attended. At the party were a few people I know in real life, and other random dream characters. The place was complex and dingy. In real life I wouldn't have been thrilled to be at this party. I barely recall interacting with anyone.

      At one point I decided to step outside for a change of scenery. Outside looked like the backwoods of some remote county. There was a healthy green lawn, tall white-bark leafless trees, and only one neighboring house, which was really more shack than house. (*Recall gets hazy at this point*)

      Out of the shack, come the next door neighbors. Three men who looked like sinister cast members on the show Swamp People. (A show I've not watched a single episode of yet.) They were big, and glaring at me with absolute hatred. I realized that disdain for their appearance might be showing on my face, and fueling mutual repulsion..

      I looked one of them up and down for something to compliment him on. I thought it would lighten the mood. He was wearing dirty jeans. Muddy boots. A stained and ripped jean jacket. A very old darkened flannel shirt, and a vest that looked like it was made in the 1950's. He had wild hair. Yellow teeth and dirt on his face with very blood shot eyes.

      I said "I like that vest."

      He looked at it, somewhat taken off guard by my remark. He didn't thank me, but when he looked back up at me he had this half puckered expression that revealed his rotten teeth. It wasn't a smile, but it was better than the 'I want to kill you right now' look on his face before. I started to walk back towards the party, the three men followed me a ways.

      I said "We're having a party, you guys can probably come for a few beers." They seemed slightly curious, but not impressed.

      I walked back to the house, opened the side door and walked back in to the dark garage. The guy with the vest leaned inside to have a look. There was now blood everywhere, and no sign of the party goers. I felt very uneasy. I ignored the neighbors and bolted inside to see what happened..

      Near the back, there was trough filled with water about a foot deep. There were a number of people in the trough standing and fighting off what appeared to be something like skinless gremlins about 3ft tall. And the people were losing. Blood was splashing. Lights were flashing. Music was playing. It was like a twisted dance floor. As I watched in disbelief, a more powerful looking skinless gremlin with a bulging oblong brain leaped from a rafter and sliced another gremlin in dozens of of pieces with its steel straight edged elongated claws.

      I was fighting off being horrified. It turned and faced me directly. It was hideous. About 3.5 feet tall. Humanoid. It had yellow cats eyes. Wicked snaggle-tooth fangs and a huge visible brain. No hair. No fir. Just exposed. Bloody. Densely packed muscles. It looked agile and a little bit stocky.

      I said "Why did you kill one of your own?"

      It said in a raspy voice "He was going to die soon anyway."

      I pulled out a pocket knife and said "What happens if I stab you in the brain?!"

      It said "Try it."

      I stabbed it in the brain. He rolled his eyes up to look at me. I pulled out the knife and stabbed it again further back and with more force. It acted disoriented by the second attack. I staggered back reeling with disgust. After another moment, he regained composure and started to climb out of the pool to follow me. Now, I ran. Strangely into a small room with a TV. I looked at the TV remote.

      I said
      "I want to change the channel. I don't want to see these things anymore." --Then I woke up.

      I have not had a nightmare since I last posted one on Dream Views. When I woke up, I felt perfectly calm and well rested. This is the most complex dream I clearly recall in about the past year.

      Updated 10-15-2013 at 01:08 PM by 32174

      memorable , non-lucid , nightmare
    8. Lots of orders at fiverr.

      by , 10-15-2013 at 04:24 AM (Percy's Void of Thoughts)
      Lots of orders at fiverr. (Non-lucid)


      I went to my computer and updated the Fiverr site. I had a ton of orders such as $100 Tarot Readings, $80 orders and lots of small orders. Most of these they bought the rush feature. I felt overwhelmed due the huge and suddedn workload.
    9. Lucid nightmare

      by , 09-24-2013 at 06:26 PM
      This was my first time actually being able to do a lucid dream on purpose. And it just so happened to be a nightmare that I've had before.

      It was middle of the day I was sitting in a medow with a pond with my right foot in the clear water and suddenly the sun was setting and it started to get cooler I got up and was starting to walk away from the water when suddenly a dark shadow was looming over me. I didn't turn around, but the hair on my arms and back of my neck were standing on end and I started to run to the house. There was a large Weeping Willow and I nearly tripped over the root caught myself before I could trip and I ran into the back door...like literally ran into the back door before I was able to open it and slam it close. As soon as I slammed it shut whatever was chasing me slammed into the door. I ran up the stairs, ran down a long hallway and I could hear heavy footfalls on the stairs. I stopped at a small door opened it, and fell down a long dark tunnel and into dark blue water, I could only see a little past my chest but other than that the water was dark. I heard whatever it was that was chasing me make a horrible growling noise and I dove under the water and swam through another tunnel where I came up for air there was a table with a chest on it, a small night stand with an old school tv with the rabbit ears on it. I don't remember what was on the tv, but as soon as I got to the chest I woke up. Just like always. Does anyone know what this means I've been having this nightmare for the past year, the house is always the same as well as the tree, but everything else changes.
    10. Defending the house from the bad guys

      by , 09-16-2013 at 02:58 AM (CHiLLEN's Dream Journal)
      I was at my old house in blacks land. A delivery man had come to the door, and I could see his yellow uniform through the hazy glass. I opened the door and he was there with a parcel for me. I said if I paid him some money for the parcel, he could give me it, if not I would have to collect it from the post office. I opened the door, and as I did, I felt a sense of danger, as if he was a scammer and wanted to get inside my house. I quickly closed the door and locked it.
      this is all wrong!!!!!-delivery-man.jpg
      Delivery man.

      I saw someone trying to get into inside through the back door, but it was locked. I was positive that something bad was going to happen if I allowed them inside. I picked up the phone and went to dial 000 for the police. The numbers on the phone were weird, it had like options for calling 00, 0, 0000, and a few other crazy combinations.. but not 000! I was struggling to figure out how to call the police. Eventually It started ringing, waiting for someone to answer. I was getting nervous as I didn't know what to say, I was a bit confused.

      The man that tried to get through the back door was now there again, but this time he had been able to open one of the doors. He couldn't open the next door though (Wire Door).

      I went outside into the backyard. To my surprise, I saw the man that was trying to get in through the back door. He looked very tall and solid. He reminded me of someone from my previous job. He was a delivery driver. I was pretty close to him the man at one point. I saw Mum open the back door and pop her head out. I quickly ran back inside and locked the back door before the man reached it.

      I tried calling the police again but it was engaged. I thought maybe, that they had cut the phone line. I looked out the front window and saw a police car, but it looked like a American cop car, not an Australian one. I figured this was the scammers up to there tricks, trying to pose as policeman.
      I looked out of the kitchen window and saw another cop car, it was driving over the hood of another car.
      this is all wrong!!!!!-police-car-comparison.jpg
      American police car (left) - Australian police car (right)

      Mum went outside to see what was happening. I thought this was a bad move, because scammers were probably hoping to lure someone out, so they could get inside. I was about to tell Mum to get back inside quickly, but there plan worked, the big man from earlier was now inside the house. I was thinking about what I was going to do to the man, and I pictured myself hitting him.

      Dream ended.
    11. Her Family Jewels Are Still Intact...Wait..Her What???

      by , 09-09-2013 at 02:00 AM (Linkzelda's Dream Journal)
      Her Family Jewels Are Still Intact...Wait..Her What??? (DILD)


      Boy, me talking about the lucidity at the right time in the dream journal entry I had yesterday?

      I don't even know anymore. I just can't have the decency to describe this dream in long detail.

      [18+] This isn't even that graphic in the first place. I just state a word or two, and whatever imagery you come up with it is YOUR fault, not mine man.I'm exiting a room and I'm going into a hallway, and I encounter a female that's sitting on a desk and is working on a computer. For some odd reason,
      Spoiler for You Wot M8?:

      I will admit she could've gave the best fellatio. You want to know how hard it is to get out of a situation like that? She wanted to do it man, she wanted to do it, her nails were already skin deep man.





      Updated 09-09-2013 at 02:08 AM by 47756

      lucid , non-lucid , nightmare
    12. 9/4/13 - WILD Fail and Update

      by , 09-04-2013 at 08:17 PM
      I was pretty confused last night. When my WILD alarm went off, I could've sworn that I was already awake and that I hadn't slept at all. I shrugged it off and attemted a WILD/FILD, but I failed and ended up dreaming about spiders again. FML. I guess hordes of spiders is a new dream sign, lol.

      I start school tomorrow. What does this mean for my lucid dreaming efforts? Now that I have an actual reason to get up in the morning, I'll be able to establish a regular sleeping schedule and better understand my sleeping patterns. This should make the whole process a hell of a lot easier.
    13. It's a creepy day in the neighborhood...

      by , 08-26-2013 at 10:40 PM
      Date: August 26, 2013
      Method: WBTB & DILD
      Total Hours Sleep: 8-9

      I was in a neighborhood looking at houses for sale. All the houses had a strange component…for every house being sold, something terribly scary went wrong in that home. How did I know? I was shown immediately (by vision or ghost) upon arrival to the house. Once I walked up the driveway, I saw a human being hanging from the door (like the person committed suicide by hanging). I would go to take a look at the next house for sale and see (by vision) that an explosion had taken place at the house, but the current sellers were always trying to cover up what had taken place. We went to another home and saw another ghost like figure giving me the ‘eye’ as to say, “Do you know that I’m haunting this home your thinking about buying?” I should have become lucid from all of this, but I was so wrapped up in what I was seeing…I was afraid and I woke up.

      Note: This was one of my most vivid dreams...I don’t ever have nightmares, so this is one of my new dreamsign.

      Updated 08-26-2013 at 10:49 PM by 62703

    14. 8/3/13 - Frightening Reflections

      by , 08-04-2013 at 02:30 AM
      I'm standing in a huge, bright bathroom. I'm in front of a mirror, looking into it. The longer I stare the stranger my appearance becomes. My reflection starts rapidly changing and flashing. My eyes flip between colors and what I see happening scares me. I finally step back from the mirror and scream. I'm hit with a wave of terror and run towards the bathroom door. I try to open it but it's locked. I jiggle the handle a few times, terrified that there's something in the room with me. The door suddenly swings open.
    15. The Further Chronicles of Narnia and the Old Hag

      by , 07-25-2013 at 02:12 AM
      07-21-2013 -- I am walking by an apartment complex on either Hickory or Dale, where there is no apartment complex. I am more or less minding my own business, when I run into this guy who starts yelling at me. He tells me I am worthless and horrible, and he knew my mother, and my actions caused her to die in sorrow, and I ought to just go off and die, myself ... he goes on and on and on with really horrible accusations. I think back to the life my mother lived, and how old she was when she died, and how our relationship was (fine), and I can't see any reason for his accusations, and I tell him so, but he just keeps screaming at me, while I sit at this picnic table and begin to doubt myself and feel worse and worse. He finally stalks off, leaving me depressed, until a nice fellow I recognize from around the place comes up to me, asks me what is wrong, and tries to console me for a bit.

      Soon I am feeling a little better, and I start to look around. I spot something that seems a little interesting: there is an empty tape box sitting next to an unlabeled tape, and the tape box says it is the first of three parts in a continuation of the Chronicles of Narnia, the first of which is about the silver throne at Cair Paravel. I instantly slide the unlabeled tape into a machine that instantly makes me a copy of it.

      Soon I find myself in a family-type setting with a father and his little girl, and there is a VCR there, so I stick the tape in, wanting to watch it. There is a flash of light, and I suddenly realize. I have no idea what is on this tape. Sure, it could have been the the tape of the new Chronicles. It could also be a porno tape, just about to blare out a sex scene in front of this little girl! I violently stab at the eject button, and we see just a couple of seconds of a pair of silver boots sitting right in front of a ruby throne, before the tape ejects. I guess it was the right tape.

      The father glances at me, as if to ask what's up, and I explain about the whole thing, and not being sure about what was on the tape, and even about feeling guilty for copying it. I apologize, and he looks at me like I am crazy, and decides to ignore me. He may be ignoring me, but a Narnian dwarf suddenly appears in front of me and tells me it is no real problem. If I can't finish the tape before leaving the library, they'll gladly make a transcript for me. He takes the tape and disappears with a pop, and I suddenly know the next time I make it back to the room where I copied the tape, I'll have a printed copy of it that I can take legally. I start to walk away feeling much better about myself.

      I soon find myself in a small village of small houses with thatched roofs, and a young woman asks me what I am so happy about. I start to explain about more stories in Narnia, and the dwarf and the video tape, but she is walking away from me to the right. I turn to the left and see the same woman, and her daughter, and she asks me "What are you talking about?" "The Narnia story I was just telling you about." She says I wasn't telling her about any story, and I turn to look to the right and see a bent and shuffling old woman just about to turn the corner. She seems very sinister, somehow. I call out to her to wait a second, but she just continues around the corner.

      I chase after her, and I see her just entering a crowd, so I continue forward, but when I get there, she is nowhere in sight. It is like she just disappeared into thin air. I find myself in the middle of maybe a dozen or so clowns, in rather duller makeup than normal, and ask if it is a convention or something. I am waiting for an answer, until I hear a noise that causes me to turn around back the way I came. There are three little girls standing there, being approached by a bent old hag looking more and more like the hag the queen turned into in Snow White to give her the apple. I realize whatever this thing is, it can change shapes to look like anybody it wants to. I run forward to grapple with 'her' and protect the little girls, and I suddenly find I am wrestling with a grim reaper figure in black robes (which I facetiously refer to as Skeletor) and losing the battle.

      Finally I start speaking to it in the name of Jesus, and it starts to steam a little bit, and flinch back from me in pain, and as I continue, it breaks away and tries to run off. I give chase again, but it runs forward into another crowd of people. I run forward, and find myself being grabbed. I tense, ready to fight, but it is three Golden Horseshoe can-can girls who have pulled me into a tickle war. Three ladies working together, not one, not the thing, whatever it is. Soon I am walking along, studying everyone I see very carefully, looking for the old hag, or any single person.

      Suddenly I find it is very dark, almost pitch black, and I am walking near the door to my apartment complex with no idea how I got there. It is kind of foggy, and there is a forboding figure looming in the fog just by my door. Just as I realize I have fallen asleep at some point, and am now dreaming, the figure jumps out and attacks me. Now I am able to see it's true form, a red devil in a black death robe, and I am very, very scared that this thing can invade me dreams. But there is no hesitation this time. "I come against you in the name of Jesus! I come against you in the name of Jesus!" It is flinching at the name. "Jesus! Jesus! Jesus!" Suddenly there is a powerful figure, an angel, standing next to me, battling the creature. Unexpectedly, it is female. I thought angels were male ....

      She speaks in one of it's ears "I come against you in the name of Jesus." I follow and do the same. She does the same to the other ear, and again I follow, and do the same. It writhes at our words. Just as I realize we ought to do one ear each at the same time, I wake up, panting from the battle.
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