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    1. More pleasant dreams. Weird awakening

      by , 07-17-2013 at 07:34 PM
      Yet another pleasant nightmare from the deep depths of my clear soul.

      It started off with me in my house. Some guys broke in. (Did I mention that its long but I have bad recall?). A couple days later, they broke in again. We were trying to recover from the first time, so there wasn't much to steal.

      I was up in my room. Strangely enough, the only things that looked like my house, were the outside (with the exception of a few sheds), and my room, the rest looked like a beach house I go to every summer. Since I was up in my room, I was safe. For some reason they only messed up the kitchen.

      A couple days later, I was talking to my neighbors (not Jerry this time), and then I heard some alarm. I could hear windows crashing. Everyone ran away to behind a wood pile to hide, there were some sheds there (that do NOT exist in waking life). I tried to run but I couldn't move fast at all (a tell-tale sign of one of my nightmares). So I slid down, I though one of them was coming after me, but they were apparently too involved in their kitchen-robbery. I came down into a shed with a smaller boy than me, about 10 or 12, and he had a baby-ish face. He talked to me about something, can't remember what, and then I closed my eyes, out of scared-ness.

      This... is where it gets weird. I can't describe it all in this, its already long enough, but I'm starting a thread about what the heck happened. Anyways...
    2. Clear water and animal enclosures,

      by , 06-28-2013 at 03:52 AM
      Sorry if it's a bit much to read, this is my first DJ

      When I woke up from this dream I couldn't remember it at first, I knew it was one of the greater dreams I had in a while but It just couldn't come to mind. After sitting for a minute thinking hard telling myself to remember it, I eventually did.

      I was in some kind of zoo. The entire place was like a giant boardwalk/forest kind of thing with huge trees. People could stay in tree house type rooms and live there or at least stay overnight from what I could tell. Somehow I wandered off down the boardwalk and walked through a random door thinking it was someone's home. It was completely dark and as I walked to the center of the poorly lit room I heard a growl and then a huge roar. Apparently it was a huge Lion pen and the one in it jumped at me (the walls of the enclosures are giant trees but there was also two small trees in the center of this one) for a short time I was just yelling running in and out of the trees in the center or the room to avoid the lion because it was blocking the door. It moved out of the way and I finally ran out but sadly the door got bigger and the lion was able to run out after me. I turned a corner and up some wooden stairs (I think this was the entrance to one of the tree houses you could stay in) but I tripped and turned around and the lion was jumping at me over and over trying to bite me growling and snarling at me but somehow something invisible was blocking it an inch from my face and all I could do was yell at the top of my lungs.

      Suddenly I felt weird and to what I'm guessing happened was a false awakening but instead I was awoken by my parents telling me I had a nightmare and that I was yelling. When I sat up I was actually in one of the tree house rooms. The dream skipped a bit but I was till in this tree house (In it was my Girlfriend, some random boy I hated the minute I saw his face even thought of course I can't remember it, my parents and from what I could tell the boys dad. My girlfriend was ignoring me from some reason, the boy as well) Automatically I knew the boy was supposed to be doing something off by himself but when I walked into what was my room in this tree house it was trashed with clothes and him and my girlfriend were laying there watching TV. For some reason all I could do was throw myself down and say "This isn't right" so I left to go ask my mom why the boy was there and all she told me was he wasn't supposed to be in my room, he was supposed to be somewhere else but the dream skipped again.

      This time I was on a dock (Still in this tree house/zoo forest type world. The tree houses and animal enclosures were off to the center of the area but it was like a giant island surrounded by a big clear water river and on the other side was jungles and mountains) I was looking at this little cottage on the dock with my friend Brianna and somehow even thought it had no windows or doors it was filled to the top with absolutely clear water. I was walking in and out of it quickly, it slowed you down when you walked in but when you walked out you were dry. I thought the water was pretty neat so without control or thinking I jumped backwards off the dock into the water head first without taking a breath. It wasn't such a great idea when I realized this time I couldn't breath and Brianna was yelling my name from the dock. (For some reason even thought I couldn't breath I refused to move or swim up to catch my breath) Brianna dived in a grabbed my arm to pull me up and all I could say was a simple thank you. I then woke up and the dream was over.
    3. Nightmare to Lucidity

      by , 06-26-2013 at 12:34 PM
      As a forward, this happened after 29 hours of being awake, so it was most likely during a rem rebound, it was my 3rd dream of the night (I woke up after the first 2).

      I was in a house I did not recognize, but my aunt, uncle, and 2 cousins were there. There was an extremely large front window overlooking a jungle and a large river, I could see 2 crocodiles, and my family seemed to be having a discussion on whether they were crocodiles or alligators. After a few minutes I noticed that everything outside the house seemed to be frozen in time (birds were stuck midair, the crocodiles mouths were perpetually open), the only thing that was moving was the sun, which had almost set by this point. I decided to go to bed (in the dream house), and my aunt showed me to my room, it had a large 4 post bed and a large chandelier in the middle.

      As I laid down, I heard some sort of noise from the far corner of the room, but i thought nothing of it at the time. As was falling asleep (still in the dream) i could hear some guitar playing and thought it might be my alarm clock going off, then out of nowhere this ear piercing scream fills my head, one of the posts snaps off the bed and the chandelier comes crashing to the floor, send glass all over the place. I hear running down the hallway and my aunt comes into my room to ask if I am ok, I tell her that I wasn't hurt, just freaked out.

      As I stepped out of bed, my foot came down on a piece of glass, cutting fairly deeply. I decided to go to the bathroom to bandage it, when I opened the bathroom door there was a woman standing there in a navy blue dress, that was flowing even though there was no wind. All of a sudden some force pulls me into the bathroom and a second door opens. There was a massive staircase, filled with decomposed bodies, they were all covered in this sort of grey-green slime, I looked behind me and all I could see was darkness, and the woman in the navy dress floating a few feet back, I had no option but to descend the staircase.

      As I walked down, the bodies started moving, not in a particularly creepy way, just sort of falling over and stuff, but I checked each face to make sure it wasn't someone i knew. After a few minutes of walking/being pulled down the stairs I reached a door, I was really hesitant to open it, I could only imagine how bad it would be, to my surprise it was an early 20th century home, lit by candles and a fireplace, it was a stark contrast from the cold death feeling of the stairway. I could see 3 beds facing me, each had a man and a woman around my age on them, 2 of the couples were awake, but seemed to pay no attention to me, they were completely focused on each other. I walked past the fireplace to the other side of the room, there were 2 couples asleep, and one woman sitting by herself on the bed, looking scared, but happy to see me. I sat down on the bed beside her, and she embraced me, we lied down on the bed and I fell asleep.

      I wake up in the room where the chandelier has broken, there is blood on the floor from where I cut my foot, and glass still all over the place, I get out of bed making sure not to cut myself this time. I flick the light-switch, nothing happens. Walk into the hall, try those switches as well, still nothing, I mention my problem with the switches to someone who I cant really see, and all I get is a laugh in response, so I go back to my room and surprisingly, it was completely empty, and the floor had changed from white carpet to hardwood. At this point I do a nose pinch RC and instantly become lucid, I took several deep breaths while holding my nose closed, just to make sure.

      My first thought was to get the hell out of the house, so I plunged my hand through the floor, and pulled myself face first into it. Once my whole body was through the floor, all I could see was complete darkness, with the occasional swirl of color, I must have been pulling myself through this state for a good minute and a half. Because my relative position in the house I was worried I might fall through into the staircase of bodies, but thankfully when I finally popped out of the darkness, I was in some sort of large drainage pipe, I was instantly swept away by the current, but thinking quickly I tried to fly up into the air. At first the current was too much to overcome, but I eventually managed to get myself out of it, I flew to the end of the pipe and was in the jungle I had seen previously, I could see the house a few hundred feet away, and flew in the opposite direction. I cant really describe what I saw on the sides of river, all the animals looked like 3d representations of impressionist art, I landed beside something that I can best describe as a tiger, but its fur had a soft white glow that seemed to be changing the tigers internal structure, almost as if it was made of liquid. I thought I would try and ride it, but the second I got close to it, it swiped my with its claws and I woke up (for real this time).
    4. Totally failed road trip.

      by , 06-24-2013 at 09:43 PM
      Me and my friend decided we were going to go on a road trip. So, we were driving down the highway, and my friend was driving. When I looked over at her, I realized that she was asleep. I panicked, and grabbed the steering wheel. I tried my best to keep the car in the right lane, but I was also trying to find some way to get the break, and she wasn't waking up. So, eventually, I lost focus of steering, and when I looked up, there was a red transport coming for us. I was too shocked to try to steer out of the way, so it hit us head on. Somehow, I wasn't injured, but I noticed the car was on fire, so I got out. I wanted to try to get my friend out, but I didn't know if she was okay, and if she was, she was still asleep. So, I ran away from the car. Once I was at a safe distance, I heard a loud boom, and turned around to see that the car had exploded.

      Right when I thought my dreams were getting normal again, this happened xD I guess that's what happens
    5. 6-13-2013 Urban Nightmare

      by , 06-13-2013 at 11:44 PM (Subjects' Dream Journal)
      Legend: Dream , Semi-Lucid , Lucid , Side notes.

      So far, i've died plenty of times in dreams. I count a death as anything that happens in a dream that would kill me in real life. Most of the time, Dying doesn't scare me much at all. With that said, not many dreams i have manage to give me a good scare. However, there are rare dreams that for some reason, really scare my dream self. The dream i logged last night managed to scare me decently, it was a pretty neat experience xD.

      Urban Nightmare:
      Dream Summary: I go to some city, it's a very bad part of the city, it's nasty looking. It's also located by the coast. I go there because my friend invited me. I get there, we're on some grassy hill right on the outskirts of the city, i'm with a lady and so is my friend. Me and my friend decide to head back to his house. My friend's girlfriend goes with us, the lady that was with me stays there.

      We get to my friends house and we start watching the news. We see on the news something about a girl getting raped by two guys, or maybe it was the girl raping the two guys, i really can't remember. Either way, it was the girl i was just with. This wouldn't freak me out in waking life but my dream self got really disturbed by it, the fact that i was just there and i could have easily gotten caught up in it.

      The next thing we see is a man with a mask, it's security camera footage. The man is at one of those power generating areas ( my knowledge of electrical engineering is little to none so stick with me while i attempt to describe the place, the place is a caged in area with lots of transformers and things that generate electricity, it's not like a power plant or anything but an area that generates power for a small town ). The man has bolt cutters and the footage shows him cutting something which then causes the transformers to not function properly, causing a loss of power and an explosion of light.

      This really freaks my dream self out, i start thinking that the town is being sabotaged by bandits and everything is about to go to hell. My friend for some reason then gets on something similar to google maps and we see in real time, another electric area being sabotaged, and it's one near us. This utterly scares my dream self, i had to get out of there now and prepare. I leave and start walking down the city slums. No one is in the streets, i hear gun shots in the distance. I start trying to get out of there fast.

      I make my way to some chinese food place and attempt to call my mom for a pickup. She doesn't answer but thankfully my dad is conveniently already waiting outside. I get in the car and start telling him all these horrible things as we drive back to our house. We get a mile away and my dad gets out, apparently, he's going to walk there so he doesn't lead anyone to our house. As it turns out, there was about 4 people in our car listening to me as i described my situation. My dad also treats the 4 people as if he knew them as friends, is everyone i know against me?

      Those 4 people now know my situation and basically where i live. That worried me. The dream ended as i walked up my driveway after the 4 people went their separate ways.

      Thoughts: I thought this was a pretty cool dream. It's even cooler by the fact that today in waking life i saw on the news a power line getting hit. There could be some connection. Also, i like how the dream seems to hint at being aware of who you trust and protecting your privacy.

      Tree top Music: In this short dream, i climbed a really tall tree and tried to play air guitar at the top while hanging on to branches. This scared me, i mean, this is so dangerous, climbing a tree and pretending to play a guitar at the top. I thought i would totally fall and break something.

      Military Recruit: So in this one, i joined the military. My first mission was to go with a friend, who is also in the military, and protect this girl. We get to this like bonfire at night, the girl is with us. The girl goes and sits by the fire. Me and my friend sit on each side of her. We have batons made of Ice but they don't melt. I quickly get bored and go to hang out with the other people there. However, when i get back to like camp, a higher ranking officer takes our ice batons and splits them open. My friend's baton is melted on the inside, mine isn't. The point of the mission was to see if we followed orders. The batons didn't melt on the outside but they did on the inside. The fire caused the melting.

      Oculus rift demo: Me, my brother, and maybe our parents are at this convention thing i think. It's indoors. I walk around and eventually find an oculus rift and people can pick it up and try it out. (the oculus rift is like a virtual reality gaming headset that is in development, call me immature but i want one really bad, they look so cool! xD ). So i pick up the rift and i'm seeing things as if i were in a video game, and i start playing, it's really fun.

      Updated 08-06-2013 at 02:06 AM by 63517

      non-lucid , nightmare , memorable , dream fragment
    6. Knowing things in dreams you don't know in real life

      by , 06-09-2013 at 12:16 PM
      This is a dream I had a few nights ago:

      In my town there is a petrol station on the corner of a cross road and I dreamt that the petrol station was now a small white wooden chapel. It didn't really have a main large room it was more like lots of small, home like rooms, but it was definitely a chapel. I went in and I was much younger than I am now (16), in the dream I was about 8 years old and dressed like Alice from Alice in wonderland, in a dress, long blonde hair the ribbon and everything...

      Anyway I was with a friend who I don't know in real life but I knew very well in my dream, he was a young boy, also dressed in very posh clothing, and we both ran through all the rooms right to the back room of the chapel which was a small toilet. I had an urge to move one of the tiles from the wall of the bathroom which revealed a wooden box, probably the size of a shoe box, but it had no openings.

      Next thing I know I'm in a forest. I was almost as if everyone knew what this forest was as if it was like a tourist attraction but I was in there for another reason. In my dream I was fully aware that there was a murderer in the forest dressed as someone like the Game Maker from the Hunger Games, and another murderer assistant person dressed in a scraggly dress, with boots and a rabbits head on her head. They were both after me and my young friend in the forest. We still had posession of the box and were running in all directions trying to lose them in the forest.

      Eventually we ended up running into them directly, I dropped the box and that was when I woke up..

      The thing I'm most curious about is the fact that in my dream it's like I have a completely different mind. I know things in my dreams like facts and locations and people that I don't know in real life. Like I know them from other dreams. But I don't know them or can't remember them in real life. It's like I'm a totally different person in my dreams but still me..

      does anyone else have this?
    7. random demon in the basement, and the Infernal Devices

      by , 06-03-2013 at 11:56 PM
      once again, I've had a random nightmare that somehow ended up as one of Cassandra Clare's books -_-

      I was in the perspective of some little girl, probably 8 or 9 years old. She went to the basement and to her room that she shared with her older sister (who was probably 13) her older sister was jumping on her bed, and on the bed of the younger girl I could see the impression as if there was someone jumping on that bed, too. I asked what she was doing, and she said, "Jumping on my bed with my best friend." There was a scene change and I was in the perspective of the older girl. It was the middle of the night, and she opened her closet door. The closet was empty of clothing, but at the back of it I saw a girl standing, her hair was about waist length and black, and her eyes were glowing green. I closed the closet, and when I went to go back to the bed I had a false awakening. In this false awakening I drew a picture of the girl I'd seen, and then another picture of how her eyes looked in the darkness. Then it seemed to kind of melt back into that original dream, and i was staring at that girl. I could hear a voice in my head, but i didn't pay attention to the words it said. I thought it was the girl at first, but then I realized it was Jem as a silent brother (lolz) and apparently there were a whole bunch of shadowhunters there to kill the demon that was there.

      Indeed this was one of the weirder dreams I've had, but its the first dream I remembered in about a month since I haven't been keeping my dj up to date e-e anyways, yeah. Thats about it.
    8. Camper van in Wales dream (Dream 2 of dreams logged on phone..)

      by , 05-29-2013 at 07:20 AM
      Think that I'm in Wales in a camper van or caravan with living with some guys & girls, some of which I recognised from when I lived out there. General theme was a rave/outdoor festival being organised. Someone I knew from my hometown where I live now was involved in the plans. And I remember him saying he'd been to the council & got permission & had a poster with some potential acts listed. Money seemed to be a theme too & someone I knew was also trying to get a cheque card from the bank but struggling to.
      At one point I was in bed with three girls, one I recognised from the past and another who layed on me saying 'tell me all about it', but I didn't know what to say!
      The dream then got really dark & it was like I watching a horror film where this guy finds his family hung in the attic (this was around the time that I first saw the film 'Sinister' so anyone who's seen it will understand!).
    9. Catching up on dreams logged in phone! (Nightmare with Jaguar and psycho bitch)

      by , 05-29-2013 at 07:09 AM
      I've been very slack on here lately but am going to try to catch up on some dream journal entries that I've been logging into my phone with the intention of writing here.
      I unfortunately haven't recorded the dates of these dreams but am just going to type them up in the order they appear in my phone.

      Bristol/Jaguar dream

      At a friends in Bristol (despite never having been there but having friends there!), playing with a dog in the garden a Jaguar appears, I run next door and lock out this Jaguar from the garden. Suddenly I'm in house and there's this mad bitch we can see through the window, she's going from house to house trying to smash in people's doors with a spade. She comes to the house I'm in with an accomplice. I call the police to tell them and they just hangup! Then I open the door to confront them, they try to cut my hand with a sickle but it's blunt but I vividly feel it going over the top of my hand. I wake myself up screaming 'Get Away!'.
    10. Hallucinogenic Bees

      by , 05-25-2013 at 03:48 PM (Another Night: Best of Jabre's Dream Journal)

      1. After I am mugged , me, a family friend, my mother, and a guy I do not know wake up. Each of us is in a different location. I am near the man, who is on the floor naked for some reason. Each of us cannot remember much, and we slowly find each other. We begin ranting about May 15. We discover that all of us are talking about the same thing. We go back to my house, and we find a nest of bees. The man does a search and identifies them as bees with hallucinogenic stingers. We conclude that after I was mugged, we went to an event involving May 15. There, we were stung by the bees, tripped out, and forgot everything. It is night, and we are in my house avoiding the bees. I actually go to them and aggravate three of them into stinging me. I do this to have more hallucinations. We sit there and wait until morning and until the high wears off. Then, we call animal control and they confirm this hive of hallucinogenic bees as the last on Earth. They drive away with the intention of safely mating the bees and re-introducing them to the wild. After it is all over and the others leave, I consider doing a reality check because of the situations bizarreness. I do, but it isn't working. I complain to my mother about it.

      "It's okay; I'm sure you'll be able to figure out this is a dream all by yourself," she said. Satisfied by not allowing my lucidity, she bears a sinister grin. I force my eyes open to wake up.
      Tags: lucid, nightmare
      lucid , nightmare
    11. Horrible Camping in the Woods

      by , 05-21-2013 at 02:51 PM
      It is a school camping in the woods, my friend and I noticed an abandoned mall in the woods, we went in to explore. After that, a [COLOR=#b22222]deformed nurse with an ugly face[/COLOR] started to chase us and we kept running. I was lost in the mall and I can't find my friend. That moment I thought the nurse was gone but she reappeared again in a shop just beside me. She stared at me through the shop's window with a [COLOR=#b22222]horrible deformed face[/COLOR]. With fear, I ran to a small storage room and locked the door. The place was dark and humid, I woke up.
    12. Nightmare in an art gallery

      by , 05-18-2013 at 08:52 PM
      This dream happened early this morning after a night out with three of my house mates and a friend. I had already woken up at least once, and spent a certain amount of time feeling vaguely unhappy - hung over, wishing I hadn't got drunk, judging myself for what were in retrospect pretty harmless antics. The dream began in my college (a small art school which I love, and spend most of the day there Monday - Friday), which soon morphed into an art gallery that I have no recollection of ever visiting in WR. I'm outside on a large patio over-looking a city (large, but no skyscrapers - looks possibly French or Italian, nice old buildings) with my 4 house mates (all good friends of mine, two of which I go to college with). It's mild outside, a little sunshine. A woman dressed in a dark skirt suit and matching hat walks up some steps onto the patio. She looks quite well groomed, short dark hair, well made clothes. She's holding a short black strappy dress at arm's length in front of her, and talking to no-one in particular; she seems a bit agitated, angry. She's scaring me a little bit, and we all decide to go inside. She's walking quite close behind us, I can hear her talking but she doesn't make any sense, she just sounds aggressive and a bit insane. We begin to run, and go up some steps into the gallery itself.

      The room we run into is busy, lots of people wandering around looking at large paintings. High ceilings, big windows, white walls and wooden floors. Somewhat old fashioned, feels more like a manor house than a modern white cube gallery. We lose her in the crowds, and I go into the next room to tell someone in charge that there's a possibly dangerous woman wandering around. Security go to get her, and I hear a commotion from the room nearest the patio. People are crowding round, my friends are watching the scene but I can't - I'm scared to see. One of them says to me 'She just had a complete meltdown', then I see the guards dragging her out; they're dragging her along the floor by the arms, she's pretty much catatonic. She now looks like the girl from The Exorcist, longish brown hair, terrifying sickly face, wearing a long white night gown type thing and nothing else. She's also covered in paint, she seems to have pissed her self and rolled all over the canvases - she's all pale pinks and greens and blues. They drag her out of the front door.

      I woke up pretty horrified - I haven't had such a disturbing dream in a couple of years. Not to mention Ifeeling very guilty about getting the woman forcibly removed and effectively causing her mental breakdown.
    13. Super random nightmare xD

      by , 05-18-2013 at 05:31 PM
      Well, it started out fairly normal, but I can't remember that part very well. I remember being tweeted by someone important, but it was like a pin, and not even on my phone xD But eventually, my family and I were going to this restaurant. When we were walking in, everyone was staring at us and making rude comments about me. My family seemed totally oblivious to this fact, and continued on. We got to a table, and there was only enough chairs for three people, and I didn't have one. Everyone was still making fun of me, so I ran out of the restaurant crying, and went into the car. I was sitting there for a while crying before my dad came out. I had my window open, and he was talking to me. Meanwhile, I was looking at posters on the wall in front of the car. There was some weird comic strip that was creepy and demonic, it scared me, but I told myself it wasn't real, and continued looking at it. then there was a picture of a bunch of dead people behind a curtain, and on a picture next to it, there was no one there, and under both pictures it said "Was this HI?" I don't know why, but that kinda scared me, too. So, once again I told myself it wasn't real, and it changed. This time, it had a picture of a man wearing a light greenish-brown trench coat, and said "Have you seen this man?" and went on to say how he was a serial killer. I looked over at my dad, and the man was walking up behind him, I yelled "Dad" trying to make him turn around, but not in time. The man came up behind him and stabbed him in the back, and left, so i was in the car, with my dad dead, leaning against it. I was horrified, and told myself that it wasn't real. I could have undid that, and had my dad back alive, but I couldn't shake the feeling of shock and horror that I was feeling so I kept saying to myself "I have to wake up. I have to wake up." eventually I saw my room, but I knew it was a false awakening (idk how i knew, I just always seem to know xD) So, I closed my eyes as if i were trying to go back to sleep, and when everything went black, i woke up for real.

      and once again this was one of those dreams that I've had before (minus the random part at the beginning) ...whatever goes on in my head, I don't know.
    14. Parasitic Nature

      by , 05-17-2013 at 03:17 AM (Another Night: Best of Jabre's Dream Journal)

      1. I am at school. An announcement is made that the water is going to be shut off for a few days. People grumble. I go home, and my grandmother is convinced that she needs a new bathroom door. I become angry with her, and she locks herself in her car. She stays the night, but I inform her I never wanted her to do that.

      2. I am fearful of writing SATAN in a grimoire I find because of an angel or demon character from the dream.

      3. I am at the Marsh or Woodland, looking out into the distance. Lately it has transformed from a swamp into a hill-scape. I am sitting on the hill.

      4. I am in school. They state that nuclear radiation exceeding normal levels has encompassed the building, and that we must evacuate immediately. We all become happy because we get to leave school. Our homeroom teacher brings us up to the ongoing history class to retrieve the rest of her students. We evacuate the building, and go to a camp. Someone hurt a bunch of kids the annoy me and other DCs. We are astonished by his psychopathic behavior, and I bring him into a cabin. I stab him to death with a pair of scissors.

      5. An Irish kid I know gets mad at me, and I go to my house. I then sneak out at night. I begin to fly although I am not lucid. I go over hills and end in the Woodland again, although it is no longer swampy. It is dawn, and I am over the hills with many trees. It is perfectly misty and peaceful. Some areas have snow. I accidentally go too far in the mountain scenery and fly into the tundra. I am lost.

      6. I am taking a shower, but frogs and slugs peel out from my skin. I am absolutely horrified. I get dressed and am too afraid to even look under my shirt to find out what happened.

      Updated 05-17-2013 at 03:21 AM by 60107

      non-lucid , nightmare , dream fragment
    15. Neighborhood Pool fiasco with vampire coffee detours

      by , 05-11-2013 at 02:10 AM
      Vividness: Around 6-7/15 (10 being lucid) (From the night of Wednesday, 5/8/13)
      Awareness: 6/10
      Sleep times 11:05PM, 6:56 AM, 7:20AM
      I am at a pool (one I am not familiar with) and there seem to be many people (indistinct blurs, I don't exactly focus on the detail here) running around the edges. Somehow I gather that there is an 'evil spirit' that transfers through contact (my subconscious can't make up it's mind: sometimes there are many and I'm made to believe that they're devouring people, sometimes just one) and chases you around endlessly. I remember running up the stairs of a mini tiki hut by the side of the pool, and getting jostled as people crowd up in the small doorless frame. I get tagged a few times, but feel no effect and immediately get someone else as the running in circles cycle continues.

      At some point I'm at a pool I used to go to as a child, and the water level is a few inches about the floor (so the entire surface of the pool, concrete and all are covered with at least 6 inches of water, the pool parts going down to 14 feet). I am splashing along the edges of the pool and seem to glimpse sharks near the bottom of one of them. I notice that the water is very sparkly and pale, and the concrete has a bleached look about it. This was the middle dream, then the pool location switches back to the first.

      More running around, then (about 453632626 hours later my mind realizes if I'm getting chased I can actually LEAVE the premises) the focus switches to there being bombs in either the pool or one of the cars in the parking lot (a flat gravelly area with dense foliage on all sides, not a place I recognize). I'm trying to think about where to go, and glance over at the suddenly enlarged entrance to the pool to see a mass of people trying to leave and drive away. I notice my dad and mom, and as I do so there is a movement out of the corner of my eye and all the cars drive away, leaving one empty white SUV conspicuously parked near me (at least the passenger side was). I usher my parents out of the building, and I recognize slight fear and confusion on my dad's face as I single him out in the crowd.

      I'm at the pool parking lot still, but deathly afraid and run along the gravelly path that makes way for a cheap asphalt road. Here I am very aware of some of my limbs, and glance over my shoulder every few seconds, moving my neck quickly. I can see a great amount of detail, with flickering lights shining through the leaves behind me and giving off beautiful shadows on the ground (I almost never notice shadows in dreams). There appears to be some pulsating 2-D shape moving along the ground and emitting a strange 'eeeeeeeeee', but my mind deems it nonthreatening and I stumble onwards. I make turns aimlessly and don't really recall the scenery, just the fact that I need to run away and I'm lost. I finally am running down a extremely narrow, lineless road that heads towards a coffee shop I sometimes go to on the weekends. As I run, I meet up with a misleadingly innocuous girl, slightly shorter than me with an average, unattractive face with brown hair and eyes. I somehow learn that she is a vampire (my disoriented brain is trying to tie in with the spirit-monsters from earler) and mistakes me for one as well. We talk briefly, but as we reach the entrance of the coffee shop, she realizes I am a human as a bulky, lumbering male companion of hers steps out onto the road to meet us. She says how they bite thousands of humans every day, and I feel an immense relief, not having realized how scared I was that if I were to get bitten, it would hurt badly (thinking I probably had been bitten before, and either I didn't remember it or it was not painful). I start to run back down the road, and she lopes gracefully after me. We swing our arms at each other, and I block a quick secession of blows with the sides of my forearms, somehow hitting a combo to disable an attack buff (...? even I don't remember or know what I'm talking about here). We exchange some deadly hand to hand blows, and then I have NO IDEA what happens next.
      Talk about crazy sickness-induced dreams, eh?
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