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    1. Two Dreams

      by , 10-18-2012 at 02:01 PM (Fennecgirl's Collection of Dreams)
      Last night, I had a dream that I was a vampire. I went to this one girl's house (I was a guy) to ask her to run away with me and let me turn her into a vampire, but she wasn't home. Oh well.

      In another dream, I was filling up the bathtub with water, only to realize it was full of clothes. I started taking all the clothes out, piling them on the floor and on the toilet lid (there were a lot of clothes). I got in the tub - the water was really nice and warm - and started watching an episode of Doctor Who because there was a TV in the bathroom for some reason.
    2. LD: DV Member, TOTM (Rabbit Hole)

      by , 10-15-2012 at 07:55 PM

      Lucid Dream:

      I was with a group of people. We were all talking to each other. I remember DV member CoLd BlooDed was there. At one point he asked me a question, something to the effect of "What do you like to do?"

      I remember he was wearing a dark green sweatshirt with the hood pulled up. I went closer to him and pulled back the hood from his ear a little and whispered (for dramatic effect, maybe?) "I like to lucid dream."

      Obviously in this dream I didn't think CB knew anything about lucid dreaming, because I then went on to explain just what lucid dreaming was. And then, to stress the point of how cool lucid dreaming was, I then flew a little in the air and asked, "Wouldn't you like to be able to do this?" I then told him that I would help teach him how to do it. I took his hand and helped him float in the air. At this point we were in the dining room of my old LA house. I helped him float to the ceiling, and then out the back door.

      As crazy as it seems, I still was not lucid at this point.

      CB told me that he was going to be leaving town and was going to be gone for several weeks. Then he said, "So I really need to learn how to do this so we can see each other in our dreams." This seemed to make perfect sense.

      We then practiced flying up into the air. At first we moved so slowly. I was having difficulty getting up very high . So we flew around the backyard a bit.

      Then the girl that lived next door while I was growing up came over. IRL she was three years younger than I was. In this dream she was about 7 years old. She starts talking to me about how this cable was broken and how upset she was about this. I was feeling frustrated because I did not want this interruption.

      This gets fuzzy here.

      The next thing I remember is that we are now inside again. I tell CB, "Let's try this again." And we flew back to the dining room.

      I believe it is at this point that I finally become lucid. I don't know what happened to CB because I never saw him again in this dream.

      But I do suddenly remember that I really should be trying some Lucid Tasks. I remember thinking for a moment, trying to remember what they were. I then flew into the other room which was a kitchen. There is a TV set on the counter. It's on and I start watching it. Then it hits me, "This is it! I need to remember this." I sat there watching and trying to remember all the details. But all I remember at this point is that it was some kind of News Talk Show. There were three people discussing the subject, which I believe was "problems youth have in today's society". Two of them were women and one was a man. The only one I remember any detail on was one of the women who was young, beautiful and black. She had long hair that was braided into hundreds of little braids.

      After watching the TV as long as I felt necessary, I flew outside. I started looking for holes on the ground. I couldn't remember at first what it was that I was looking for but I knew it had to do with holes. Then I remembered--I was supposed to go into a rabbit hole. The ground below me was covered in little holes that were big enough for little mice or gophers. I didn't think any of them would work.

      Then I looked over into the neighbor's yard, and under their apricot tree was a large hole. It looked big enough for a rabbit. The hole was divided into two sections. One had a long roll of chicken wire going down into it. I didn't think that I could fit in the center of that roll. So I chose to try the other hole. It was more open. I saw that it went directly under the tree and through to the other side. I dove down inside. I could see roots from the apricot tree poking out into the hole. I had a camera with me and started taking pictures of the inside of the hole. For some reason I thought that I could document the experience better by doing that.

      I went all the way through the hole and back out the other side. I then wanted to document the experience one step further. I pulled out a notebook and started sketching the tree.

      At some point here I lost lucidity. I went on to two more dreams that I may write up later.
    3. Mindwarp, Politics, and Prison

      by , 09-27-2012 at 04:25 PM
      09-21-2012 -- VERY strange dream. I'm having some political discussions with some liberal friends right before bed, who I strongly disagree with, then I go to sleep. I suddenly find myself waking to a very Mindwarp* situation. There is a loud, commanding voice giving me orders in my dark, empty room (in the Hickory house). I look around the room carefully, and eventually find some sort of squak box / monitoring device has been installed on the blinds in my room, while I slept.

      This voice is promoting a very socialist agenda, and threatening me with what will be done to me if I don't follow it's orders. It gives lots of orders, but most I can't remember. The one I can remember is that I was to hold myself back because my sister is not as talented as I am, and I am not allowed to do better than her. [Has nothing to do with my real life sister.]

      As this this is going on, there is a really weird game show on the TV in my room. It is a game that involves people trying to solve charades by other people that they can neither see nor hear, which makes it really tough. At the moment, Wink Martindale is the contestant, who is trying to solve charades being performed by ... Wink Martindale?!? Somehow they have moved him in time so he is playing against himself!

      I approach the box, rip it off the blinds, and start to break it apart, and it threatens me ever more fiercely, ordering me not to separate the broken pieces, though I am obviously going to do so. Finally, it produces a line of tiny glowing hieroglyphics that look like human figures. I have to figure out the meaning, but they are too tiny, there is no way to decode them.

      Somehow throughout this entire thing I have not been myself, but KB. They have come and taken me away to prison because I didn't obey the voice, and they have thrown me into a very large bathroom with four or five big nude criminals, then turned the lights out. Obviously a scary situation. I rush to the door, still nude, and open it so there is some light to see by.

      I find myself in a locker room, and start opening lockers until I find one with my clothes in it, and start dressing as quickly as possible, hoping to get out of here before anything more happens to me. Semi-short, but intense dream.

      *[Five or six years ago I had a very strange real-life situation happen. Kind of scared me for an evening. Had no idea what was going on. Had been renting a room from some people for just a couple of months. This room was lined with shelves near the ceiling that had tons of kid toys on them. One night I went to bed, and was fast asleep when I woke to hear this loud, deep voice seeming to come from nowhere, saying something along the lines of "Prepare for Mind Warp!"

      I was suddenly wide awake in my room, quite scared by this mystery voice, not sure if I was awake, asleep, or insane. I'd turned the light on, there was nobody in the room. The TV was off. I had no radio. Nothing!

      I sat there hyperventilating for a minute or two, turned the light off, and tried to go back to sleep, when the same voice returned again, saying something about mindwarp over or something. (It's been several years, I no longer remember the closing phrase nearly as well.)

      Terribly frightening. Got up the next morning and searched the room carefully, and found a battery-powered game called Mind Warp that spoke when activated. Whatever it was, exactly, it was a toy I'd never heard of, and therefore very frightening to suddenly hear in the middle of the night. That toy was quickly relocated out of my room.

      Anyway, that was the Mind Warp story referenced in the dream.]
    4. Wipeout (Dream version) o.o

      by , 09-27-2012 at 04:28 AM (Dimension X)
      Some of you may know about the show called "Wipeout". It's basically a televised obstacle course. But anyways I had a dream that I actually got past, or actually beat the obstacle course and won the show I don't remember many details, unfortunately... But it was actually pretty fun. I made it to the last part of the obstacle course and got to the finish line. Almost fell in the water a few times. But I still won xD
    5. Kermit the Frog, Soccer, Coffee at McDonald's ...

      by , 08-20-2012 at 03:49 PM
      I had three dreams last night (that I can remember):

      DREAM #1

      I am semi-lucid during this dream.

      Kermit the frog appeared next to my bed. And then we both float up into the air and start flying down the stairs and out the front door. I decide that I wanted Kermit to glow, so he starts glowing. Then we’re just flying through the sky and singing together, and that's about where the dream ends.

      DREAM #2

      I'm sitting in some kind of loft type place, with some guy with a beard, and we're watching soccer on TV. I have a feeling I don't like this guy. Not a very long or detailed dream.

      DREAM #3

      I'm in my backyard, and Acacia and Abby (my friends) are there. I'm commenting on Abby's hair because it has all these weird braids in it that you can somehow see from the back but not the front.

      Suddenly, Acacia decides that she really wants coffee, and we decide to go to McDonald's to find some. There's this random McDonald's window near my house. The lady working there is one of the cafeteria ladies from my school. Unfortunately the McDonald's is closed. I check the time on my iPod and see that it's almost 9 PM, when for some reason I thought it was only around 5 or so.

      Acacia and I go to a different McDonald's, where we have to stand in line for a minute because there are a few people ahead of us. While we're waiting, I notice that Acacia is wearing a black hat and sparkling purple lipstick. So I'm like, "Ooh I love your lipstick!" And Acacia is like, "Thanks!"

      So I try to decide what to order, but I can't see the menu from where I'm standing. Plus there's all this random stuff piled up behind the counter. Acacia tells me they're selling one brand of coffee called Coldwell Scent that only costs a dollar, so that is what we both decide to order. The lady who takes our order has black hair pulled back into a messy bun, and I think she seems nice.

      I wake up before we actually get our coffee.

      ... Well, at least I was kind of lucid during that first dream. I realized I was dreaming and controlled one small thing. Not much, but it's a step forward I guess.
    6. Hiding In My Own House

      by , 08-08-2012 at 11:26 PM (Dimension X)
      ...Ok... I was in my house with my parents and all I remember is that I was hiding in the bathroom from my mom for some reason. It was all dark and stuff, and the dream involved me just hiding in there, and not really doing anything.
      But, I remember, After a while I was watching TV. There was a movie playing. It showed a man and woman flying straight up a clear tube, like an alien elevator or something. Weird stuff happened to them as they were flying. First, they were all normal... Next thing I know they're a weird glob of light skin colored worms, kind of like some sort of brain, then they're both a red sphere... Weird...
      That's all I remember from this dream. ._.
    7. High School Friends and Wacky Wafers

      by , 08-04-2012 at 10:25 PM
      08-04-2012 -- Started with just bits I can't really expand on, but gets better near the end. Somehow I am walking between a couple of buildings, heading to a place where I should be investigating something, except there are a bunch of cops who won't let me into the area. So I walk around the building trying to come at it from another angle, but they block me there, too. Eventually I find myself driving down a road where I see three or four Del Taco locations (fast food chain I know from CA, but there are only two of them in this area that I know of) and I am thinking it is kind of nice they are building more of them.

      Soon I am in an office signing up for something, and Tammy is the receptionist. [Tammy is really the receptionist for the company I currently work for.] Some kind of mafia-type organization, and I am waiting for paperwork about something I have been asked to do, before I can go out and do it. As I turn and look around, I spot Calvin from my high school, and I recognize him because of the yearbook pictures Steve has just recently posted on Facebook. I think it is nice Steve posted them, because otherwise I never would have recognized him now. [Funny thing is, the dream version I only recognize because of the pictures of the now version looks exactly like he did in high school.] He turns and recognizes me, as well.

      I am just about to leave, but the shelves of the office are loaded with boxes and boxes of candy, and as I glance over, I notice one of the candies they have is Wacky Wafers. They have them in a package containing six different flavored wafers, and I grab one. Somehow, as I try to open it, the one turns into six (that is six packages of six wafers each), and I end up eating all six of the watermelon wafers at the same time. Very tasty! I'm thinking about how I am going to have to post this on some of the lost candy forums on the internet, and how great it is that one of these old favorites has finally been brought back. I try to pay Tammy for the candies, but she is busy trying to put the hands back on a clock that lost them in an explosion. Finally she turns back to me, and tells me they are 86 cents each, and both of us are trying to do the math for six of them. As usual in the dream, math is difficult.

      Soon I find myself watching some sort of reunion on a cruise ship of the cast from the Love Boat television show. Oddly, though, even though it is a reunion show of actors, they are all being treated as off-duty crew, and expected to keep out of the way of all the passengers who have come to see them. I spot at least Stubing, Vickie, Isaac, Doc and Julie, not sure I see Gopher anywhere.
    8. July 19, 2012 - Random TV Clip & Bullying

      by , 07-20-2012 at 06:11 AM
      Random TV Clip
      I was in some studio or room that was quite small - everything was bright, modern and futuristic. I remember looking at the TV and seeing the intro animation for The National (news show on CBC Canada), but it was a very old version from the late 2000's. It was quite funny because it was so modern looking and the TV clip was so old. I should have realized and became lucid, but I wasn't focusing right.

      This one is weird. I was in my garage and I remember being approached by some weird boys (I'm guessing I was being like a little version of myself) and I remember them beating me up. I didn't get bullied when I was little (and even now for that matter) so I don't exactly know why I had this dream. The scene continued on my front yard - I remember hearing them say something like they were doing the 'track brace' or 'train' something to me. In the moment, I was actually pretty freaked out and felt helpless.
    9. 02.07.2012 - 2 x lucid and several non lucid

      by , 07-04-2012 at 10:51 PM
      Date: 02/07/2012
      Place: Friend's bed
      Time of getting into bed: 1.48am

      Dream 1 - lucid at the end - 3.35am

      I am laying in the bed I fell asleep in. My partner is laying next to me, he gets up, and does not open his eyes, but tries to get out of bed sleepily. I ask him what he is doing, and he claims he is getting up to go and get changed. I think he is sleepwalking so I tell him to get back into bed, he grabs me, and I kiss him on the lips. He doesn't respond, which I think is strange, and I tell him he is dreaming, but he gets a little annoyed. I now realise I am dreaming. I decide to wake myself up, because I feel uncomfortable in this dream, and feel like my dream partner is getting angry. I wake up and am slightly annoyed I woke myself up when I could have made use of being lucid.

      Dream 2 - lucid at the end - 5.19am

      I am with my partner, and we are going to go and take a shower. We drive along a dirt track road, it is muddy with ditches either side. It seems to be located in the middle of a field. We get to the end, and there is a small building, like a shed, which has a shower inside it. N gets in the shower, he has a red towel round his waist. I wait in the car, as I do, I look to my left (I am in the passenger seat) and notice a playground in the distance. It looks old and abandoned, and there are a group of intimidating youths hanging around, possibly drinking. There are 2 girls who are also there, just passing by. One of them is wearing nothing but a pink towel, and I know she has just had a shower and is making her way home. The youths harass them, and lift up her towel. I don't move from the car, because I don't want them to see me. I lock the door, and the youths make their way over. They surround the car, but only one approaches close, he lifts up the window wiper and lets it go. I open my door slightly, so I can shout out 'What do you want?' He tells me to open the door so he can get in, I say no. I then shut the door and lock it, before he tries to get in. I then stare at the shower waiting for N to return, hoping he will be fast. The youth knocks again and again, but I ignore him. Finally N comes out the shower, and does not realise what is going on. I jump into the drivers seat (which is on the wrong side of the car) and unlock the car so he can get in, I shout to him to hurry up. The youth gets his hand inside my door, but I bite hard on his arm, drawing blood. I clearly remember the feel of his flesh on my teeth. Then as N gets in I lock the doors, and drive away fast, taking care not to drive down the ditch as we flee. I suddenly become lucid, I have no idea how I do this but suddenly I know I am dreaming, and I am watching the car from above, like a bird in the sky. There are a few seconds of noise in my ears, while I watch the car drive away safely, then I wake up.

      Dream 3 - non lucid - 7.10am

      I am me, but I am a super fast runner, and with my family. We are in a place which is a bit like a theme park, and I run at super speed everywhere.There is a themed area called 'Breakfast of Champions' which features some statues and objects. We go to a house, inside this house, we get stuck, a bit like in a deflated bouncy castle. I have to use my super speed to run 'at' or 'up' the walls, to free us and get us back to being on our feet. I remember the room is brown. Someone gave me some weed to slow me down, and I sit and watch a TV show. The program is about a hospital in Stamford, where they carry out surgical proceedures for enhancing beauty, such as breast enlargement etc. There is a female narrator, and some famous clients having plastic surgery, including Kelly Osbourne. They have a visit from a famous singer (female, late 40's) although I know she is famous I don't know who she is. The narrator makes a point of saying the singer has NOT had plastic surgery, and the singer sings to the clients as they are recovering.

      Dream 4 - non lucid -9.13am

      I am at my sister's house, and I hear her boyfriend getting mad at her, then beating her up rather badly, saying 'You make me do this.' While she cries in pain, I jump up to see, but do not help her, although I am very upset. After he leaves I take her to one side and tell her to leave him, that she can come and live with me and I'll look after her. She is sad and crying.

      Later on in the same dream, I am rolling a joint with L, when I find out (via Facebook maybe?) that R has got a job that he was after, and tried hard to get. We celebrate, and I buy R a pencil, and a pencil sharpener as gifts to say well done. S wants to go to the pub, but my partner doesn't want to as he is too tired.

      Dream 5 - non lucid

      My mum takes me on a ride, where you climb into a small room, and someone shuts the door behind you. (a bit like a ferris wheel, but bigger, and more solid, like rooms instead of cages.) The ride takes you really high, into outer space, and you can see the whole of the universe. I don't like it at all, I don't feel safe and I complain to my mum. When we get back down, my mum gets off the ride, but leaves me on with a man I don't know. The man is drunk. I try to get off the ride, but my exit is blocked by a man drinking in a pub, and chatting to his mates, and he has 3 pints of cider on a table next to him. I do a flying kick and smash the glasses off the table, so I can escape the ride. This is caught on film, and everyone stares, some people are impressed.

      Dream 6 - non lucid 11.15am

      I forgot the beginning of this dream, because I took a while to wake up properly and get to my DJ. It was a matter of seconds, but the dream kept slipping from my memory.

      I have made my dad a CD of music, mostly Nirvana and the White Stripes. At first he is unsure but he soon gets into it and appreciates it. I found some of Kurt Cobain's old clothes, which are like animal skins, sort of like what cavemen would wear. It includes a fur hat, with ears. I put them on, and as I look in the morror, I have long, curly ginger hair, which is all knotted. I try to pull the knots apart but it rips my hair.

      I go to work like this, and work is in a dark, cluttered place with lots of people. My boss is an older woman who is angry and strict. A friend (not from RL) works with me, they are a bit of a walkover but I am not. Our job involves fitting a knife, fork and spoon into the corresponding slots. My friend has no knife, and is worried about what the boss will do when she finds out. I reassure them, and we make plans for when we get out of work.

      N has never sleepwalked
      I can't drive in RL, but it was N's car I was driving in the dream
      Someone was smoking weed in the same room before I went to bed, and I did help them roll, but didn't smoke any.
      I was telling someone to read 'Breakfast of Champions' before I went to bed
      My sisters boyfriend often argues with my sister, but has never hit her
      R was moaning about how he should get a new job a few days ago
      People were drinking cider in the same room before I went to bed
      I often give my dad music, and recently saw a live gig with him.
      In real life I have shortish, black hair.
    10. Tube color television

      by , 05-13-2012 at 10:21 AM
      In frount of my stands a wooden display case with glass the only thing sperateing me from it's contense. The case (about four foot cubed) is filled with a device that appears very old. The device has an aluminium heat sink that shines just above a six inch by six inch tube screen. On the screen is displayed a baseball game played on a fresh green field (the screen although old is in color.)
    11. Sleepy

      by , 05-10-2012 at 03:45 AM
      There is a video game I'm playing. It might appear in a couple of different dreams. I don't really remember the game itself. I'm in a rather large house with a lot of rooms. Most of my family are there and they all have their own rooms. I'm in the kitchen making an evening snack. I look around and everybody is sleeping in their rooms. I sit down in the living room. Someone comments on how sleepy they all are. I'm a little sleepy but not enough to go to bed early. So I do some channel surfing, but there's nothing interesting.
    12. Weird Neighbors

      by , 04-14-2012 at 03:04 PM
      I'm watching a prank TV show called "Weird Neighbors". *The pranksters have set up a mudkip impression booth at the entrance to the local library, where they meet everyone who comes in with a horrible moaning noise right in their face, then try to charge them money for the impression. *The next prank is the finale of the show. *The squad stands at the side of a country back road, signaling for a ride from passing cars. *An old blue pickup truck with two old farmers riding pulls up. *The squad of pranksters thanks them and gets in. *It's not long before one of them acts very sick and exclaims he needs to take a dump. *Unfortunately they are in the middle of nowhere so the farmers stop and hand him an egg carton. *He walks away, acts like dumping in the carton, and then starts running back holding the carton limply and pinching his nose. *Right when he reaches the farmers he trips and they nearly have a heart attack. *Its the end of the show, I wake up.
    13. You Can't Outrun Sonic

      by , 04-13-2012 at 12:25 PM (The Inner Workings of a Sound Addict)
      Although the vividness of my recall isn't getting massively better, I think my consistency is improving. Though I didn't remember anything after 4 1/2 hours of sleep when I woke myself up, I did remember this after falling asleep again (maybe it was the apple juice I drank).



      I'm watching a televised run, in which only 5 or 6 people are left. The losers of the pack, they're all extremely tired and struggling to stand, and it's quite painful to watch. In the lead is a man dressed as Sonic, while someone in a Robotnik costume trails a few people behind.

      Towards the end of the track, Robotnik gains a sudden burst of pace and overtakes everyone in front of him, much to the excitement of the commentators. However, while approaching the final straight, Sonic whips it out the bag to regain his position in first place and win (though dozens have already finished long before him). While celebrating, a wall falls on Sonic, causing the commentators to go berzerk. Fortunately, it later turns out to be a couple of fans that have jumped the barrier to congratulate their favourite hedgehog.

      Updated 04-15-2012 at 05:01 PM by 52203

      Tags: run, sonic, television
    14. Creepy house & tiny poptarts

      by , 04-08-2012 at 03:59 AM
      - I was with a small group of people exploring a very old, abandoned house which was possibly haunted. Despite its age, it seemed fairly clean and bright. The group was 4 other people besides me - S was there, as well as a guy in my English class, A, and others I don't know. It was kind of scary, though I can't remember where the haunted part came in. We were in a room that had various containers full of old British coins on a shelf. They were apparently not used as currency anymore, but we were thinking we could maybe sell them on eBay or something.

      I was considering dumping a big jar of coins onto the floor to look at them, but suddenly, we heard a dog bark. We weren't supposed to be in the house. Everyone froze for a second, then someone said, "Run!". I ended up being left behind, as I'm a slow runner. I charged down the hall at the front door, which was red with gold designs on it and very wide, but it opened just before I touched it. Turned out an old guy had opened it. He grabbed me as I tried to run by.

      We exited onto a sort of veranda that was green and led onto a big nice grassy field. I saw my friends standing in a row just a few feet behind the old guy. He was holding onto my shoulders lightly, facing the opposite direction from me and standing to the side, just telling me quietly not to run. My friends started saying, "just run!". I tried running from him, and was surprised when it was easy to escape.

      We kept running away from the house. I was running as fast as I could, but was getting really tired and my legs really hurt from trying to keep up. Then it got a bit weird and hard to understand... It was then that they told me I'd had something "installed"(?) which was like an app or something into my body (not permanent) that gave me some characteristics of a bull, which explained why I was strong enough to get away from the old guy. Everyone else had one, too, of different animals, though the only one I remember was a goat. They told me it was an experimental thing we were being subjected to, but I didn't get the impression it was dangerous, or feel bad about it or anything. In my mind's eye I saw "icons" for each of them. The other four were in a row, with mine just underneath. They all looked like Adobe icons and were all different colours; I think mine might have been teal.

      - Another really weird one, lol, and it's a bit fuzzy. I was with the same group of people, but it was a separate dream. We were discussing underwear for some reason, and there was a pyramid of rolled-up squares of fabric next to us which we referred to as underwear, even though they were much too big and square. They were all white except one which was light blue. A took some, put them in his backpack, and left.

      I left, too, and went to this big indoor playground structure thing. It was all red/yellow/blue and I think there was also a fountain. I wanted to explore it, but I had to wait, because I needed to watch this thing that was happening. It was like a news report by this girl, but she was actually there, and I think it may have been being broadcasted live.

      She was standing in a big blue mostly empty area by a wall, talking to a camera. She had a picture of a brightly coloured parrot on a screen on the wall to her right. She said (exact words): "We've decided that parakeets are now allowed to have sex with whales, because parakeets are actually very well hung." xD This also necessitated creating pop-tarts for birds for some reason, which she brought out to show us. It was just a bag of mini pop-tarts, like maybe an inch long (I actually really want these now) and she was saying sarcastically, "We received complaints from people saying they got their pop-tarts after the expiration date, and they had gone bad, so we figured, pshh, we'll just put any old date on these ones, who cares..." That's about all I remember.
    15. 4/7/12 37th lucid: I'm far away from home.. and other dreams.

      by , 04-07-2012 at 02:48 PM (Sydney's Nightly Adventures)
      Technique Used: SSILD

      Clarity: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

      I don't remember at what time I was lucid, but I guess I was right from the start. I looked around. I saw that I was in some kind of city. I didn't like it I felt alone. I decided to run up to a nearby eighteen wheeler parked in front of me and ask about my dream guide, since that is one of my ultimate goals. I started to run, but it seemed like my legs wouldn't work! It was like I was running in slow motion. I tried to believe I could run, anything is possible in a lucid dream.

      I finally made my way to the window of the large truck. A pudgy woman sat in the front. She looked down at me with a frown. I quickly asked her, "Do you know where I might find my dream guide?"

      "We have nothing like that here," she said. "Come back with a couple hundred dollars and maybe you can apply to this school here." she pointed in front of me at a school not too far away. It looked like a large private school.

      I sighed and walked away. Moving on, I decided to explore. I looked into a nearby forest. I walked down the slope, trying not to trip on any rocks or limbs. Then the thought came to me that I should stabilize. I remember Mzzkc's method of stabilizing, taking a bite out of a tree. I didn't take a bite out of it, I just picked a small limb off of a tree and tried to take a bite out of that. It felt really weird in my mouth, like it wasn't supposed to belong there.

      It only raised my vividness just a tad. I continued on. I found a small shack, well it wasn't really a shack. It was just an awning with people under it watching a TV. There were four guys. One I recognized, my youth leader. Only he was skinnier, and was growing out this long gotee looking thing. I watched what they were watching. It looked like some kind of show that was supposed to embarrass the people on it. The first person was a girl who was supposed to sing a song, a Taylor Swift song actually. She sang horrible. Next there was a girl that was supposed to dance a weird dance blindfolded.

      The dream ended shortly after.

      Working in the Mall
      I remember walking around a mall, looking for something to do. I eventually found some kind of little restaurant with pool tables and such. I found a waiter who looked just like Gibby off of iCarly. He told me about a waiter job he had to do in Chicago that got him embarrassed. I don't remember the story though. He was telling me this while leaning over a counter.

      The Lesson
      I was at my mom's house with a couple of guys I knew and one of my friends. I'm not sure what we did, but we did something bad. That resulted in my dad teaching us all a lesson. I was supposed to drive a car or something. I got in the car, ready to drive it. I started it and was going. Once again, I forgot where the breaks and gas pedal were. I found them.

      As I was going, I was trying to remove the stuff on the dashboard so I could actually see. I heard my dad in the back go, "Good. Good." I swerved to get into the right lane, while almost hitting a couple of cars. Instead of the breaks, I hit the gas, and I sped up a tree on the side of the road. The car fell back down on its side. I got out of the car and said I was okay. It scared me to death though.

      Then my dad had to drive us home, showing us all the obstacles that he could easily maneuver or something.
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