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    1. Competition | Night 2 | Recall still mostly kill

      by , 07-31-2016 at 10:17 PM

      Dream 2

      I'm in a hotel room with a huge bag of cash, over 100 000 [currency unit here], possibly stolen.

      0.5 points [dream fragment]
      non-lucid , dream fragment
    2. Spell's Comp Night 2: Nonlucid Spam

      by , 07-31-2016 at 07:58 PM (Lucid Time!)
      So this is going to be an exceptionally long entry because I have to bundle dreams from a nap I took yesterday with dreams from last night. Yesterday I took a nap from about 3:00pm until 6:00pm and had these dreams:

      Something to do with a fat Minion. He had stolen some macguffin crucial to the plot of whatever movie I was watching (I think it was minions 2, but I can't be sure.), and was weighing the three options he could do for it. I remember he had three ideas. One that he could come clean and give the thing he had stolen back to its original owner and face the consequences. The other was that he could keep it and sell it on the black market. He had a third option but he had a very limited window of time to carry out this option, whatever it was, I forgot.

      I remember he was in a restaurant setting and he was squirting blobs of mustard and ketchup to represent the good and bad things about each of his possible plans trying to weigh the pros and cons. The scene was supposed to be funny but I found he was making a mess. He got kicked out of the restaurant and these secret service guys took him away and interrogated him. When they took him to the interrogation chamber he played dumb and kept saying something about a banana.


      I was walking with my mom. My dad was cranky and didn’t want to walk with us but still wanted to be with us so we could know how mad he was about… uhh… I don’t know… something. so he was driving along very slowly in a car with the window rolled down next to us while me and my mom were talking.

      My mom said something about the sky and I looked up to see some turbulent looking clouds (as well as a missed multi-moon dream sign) There was a very pretty sunset.

      I’m fairly certain that there were little kids who looked like Cafe’s Dream Guides who were buying ice cream from the ice cream truck. There was some subplot where all three of them had a crush on her and were trying to impress her by buying her ice cream that she liked. But none of them actually knew what kind of ice cream she actually DID like, since none of them had the courage to approach her and ask her, so they were all making their best guesses. I remember just thinking about how the ice cream truck always comes so late in the day. (Accurate to WL, the ice cream truck in my neighborhood always does come very late in the day.)


      There was also a false awakening where I woke up at about 9:30pm, when in reality I fell asleep around 3:00pm and woke up at around 6:00. I remember a very large orange cat sitting in loaf position in the door of my room and I couldn’t get out of my room because of it.

      Onto the dreams from last night: Between two WBTBs and my final awakening I had a lot of dreams, all of them completely non-lucid. A plot-line or two even transferred over the first Wake-Back-To-Bed.


      I was having lunch in the cafeteria of my elementary school. I said that I was having "Pickled Bento" and got some weird looks from some friends.
      I attained some level of lucidity and chuckled at the idea of a bento box inside of a giant glass jar of vinegar, and one appeared.

      A fragment involving Bismuth being a sacred element. There were either three, four or six bismuth crystals that needed to be slotted into some alien device in a particular way. I think the bismuth crystals became contagious due to improper handling and began spreading across the surface of the planet. (I remember the planet I was on was not earth, it was some kind of alien planet, like mars, with dusty red soil.)


      I was playing Minecraft with this kid that I sometimes babysit. (IWL, our favorite activity is to play Minecraft.) I had built a large, detailed castle that he was very impressed with. I remember the castle had a large network of tunnels and rooms underneath it spreading almost all the way down to the bottom of the world. I was in the basement of the castle expanding the tunnels. But I had run into a lot of lava and the moment I remember most clearly was when I was mining some diamond ore blocks.


      I am at my college. My creative writing professor is there and she says we are going to watch some surprise children's cartoon and write a poem about it. She talks for a bit about the context of a children's cartoon and how we are adults and shouldn't be able to get much out if it. But apparently that's part of the exercise, that we have to re-invigorate this childlike sense of wonderment and fun from watching a cartoon and that's part of the exercise, then, while it's fresh on our minds, write a poem about it. The professor reminds us to not be late for the viewing of the cartoon.


      There is a jump in time to the night that we are supposed to be viewing the cartoon. At some point somebody figured out that it was going to be Episode 19 of season 2 of the original Avatar Cartoon. Then I remembered the professor had told us to take lots of notes before, during and after the viewing of the cartoon. Apparently the context of how we were feeling before and after viewing the show was important to our poetry.

      For some reason, we were viewing it on a projector screen in the yard of the house next to mine, and I was in a hurry to get there because they were about to start. (I think I was hurrying back from a Taekwondo class, but I'm not sure.) Also, it is late at night, the sun is down, but there is still a little bit of twilight at this time. I am driving down the road in my subdivision backwards, mostly navigating with the rear view mirror. I remember I pulled into my yard backwards and ran out of the car to the neighbors yard where the class was. The professor was happy to see me and told me she was worried she would have to put a bad mark on my grade for not showing up.

      I then remember my dad came out and told me to move the car off the lawn. (Surprisingly not very ticked considering I had done a pretty considerable lawn job.) I figured I could, since it would just take me a minute. He went back inside and started up the car. I started to pull into the road to park by the side of the road but a car drove past without its headlights on as I was pulling out and hit the rear passenger side of the car. It drove off without stopping.

      I sighed and thought "oh great, now the car is damaged too." I started to orient it to park but I was facing down the road the 'wrong way', but then I saw another car (this time a big white pickup truck) drive out of the darkness without its headlights on. It rammed into me and I went third person as I saw the car roll several times onto the opposite side of the road to my house.

      I went back into first person and saw a large cut on my left arm that was bleeding. I looked out the window and saw three moons (missed that dream sign again) and things went black.

      I wake up in the hospital. The doctors said I had no permanent damage from the car accident, that I just lost consciousness from getting knocked around too much. I saw a bandage on my left arm. I then remember some police came in to talk to me about the car crash. I told them that there were two people driving without their lights on that it was their fault for hitting me since I had no chance of seeing them. They asked for more details on what happened.

      I wanted to draw a picture for them but I didn't have a notepad, since I thought it would be the best way to explain it. I got out of bed and stood in the hallway with the police. One of the police went back to the car to get a notepad, but when he got back, I had lost the pen. I tried to walk back to my room to get it, but a doctor told me to sit down in the other room, since I was supposedly still weak from the crash. (Though I felt fine.)


      Somehow related to the previous dream. (I think I had been recruited into a secret agency after surviving the car crash, nobody thought the crash was survivable, but apparently I had unwittingly employed some advanced technique for surviving car crashes, and they had wanted me to drive a car and chase down criminals.) The car wasn't like a police car but a black sports car.

      I was chasing some criminals in a remote country road. (I think it started out as the dirt road that runs behind my house, but as I drove it became an original creation to the dream with big hills and a railroad crossing. It was a beautiful, remote wooded road.) But they turned the tide on me because it turned out that the car I was chasing was just bait and their real plan was to capture an agent (me) and use me as a hostage. Two armored trucks came behind me with machine guns on top and started shooting at me.

      I saw the railroad crossing was flashing so a train was coming. I thought this was how I could lose the armored trucks. The second one was hit by the passing train but the first one was still following me. I remember I turned and drove down another railroad track for awhile until my car got stuck. I got out and was walking by the side of the railroad track. I think was trying to call the agency for help on this little black star-trek communicator spy thing but the enemies had jammed my signal.

      I came across these hillbilly people who were walking along the railroad tracks. It turned out they were all other agents. They said that a train shipping valuable supplies for the agency was going to pass through here but the bad guys had cut down trees and put them on the tracks.

      I helped the redneck undercover agents by telling them to use a tree stump and a small log to make a lever that could be used to roll the bigger trees off of the train track. We got the last tree off of the track just as the train was getting near.


      I remember I brought the agents back to my house. They told me I was a good agent and I should keep eating my kid nuggets to stay healthy/strong/a valuable asset to the agency. I asked them what 'kid nuggets' were. They said that they were like chicken nuggets but made with the meat of little kids. I went up the stairs and saw them all eating what looked like plain timbits but they had meat inside of them and I figured those must be kid nuggets. Some low level of lucidity possessed me and I was able to convince myself that they were not really eating children, but rather just timbits.

      4:30am WBTB

      I am inside what feels like my cousin's school. (I visited my cousin's school once.) I remember I was re-taking the class from before and I was the assignment where we had to watch Season 2 episode 19 of Avatar. But this time we just had to walk to another classroom with a working video projector to do it. I remember the professor left and told us to take a ten minute break and meet her in either room 114 or 119, I forget.

      I didn't need a break from the class and was actually rather excited to get on with the assignment. I walked down the hall to a room marked with the number I had to be in but when I went in there was a different teacher/professor teaching me math. There was a misunderstanding because the numbers 4 and 9 looked really similar when they were printed on the room numbers in the building and I had gone to the wrong room.

      After the professor let me out, I realized I had to go to the bathroom. I went in to find ten gray urinals of increasingly large size. (The smallest being about the size of a sheet of letter sized paper, The largest being about 25 feet tall and so large that I had to slide along the opposite wall to get past it to the stalls.) There was only one bathroom stall. It had a black privacy wall and the toilet was elevated on a concrete slab making it very awkward to get on top of.

      I went and did my business (sparing the details of this, other than saying that going to the bathroom here was surprisingly normal as far as dream bathroom trips go.) The bathroom was pretty dirty and it looked like somebody had peed on the floor. (Or... er... several people judging by the amount of urine.)

      When I came out there was this girl with short blonde hair and a cheerleader outfit and I realized that I was walking out of the woman's bathroom. She took a picture of me with her phone and laughed because I walked out of the women's bathroom. Apparently she had switched the signs as part of a prank. I didn't get that right away and was convinced that I had been in the men's bathroom because there were urinals. She said she was going to start a rumor about me and I kicked her in the groin hard enough to lift her into the air and shouted:

      Spoiler for for those of you who aren't used to how I talk when I'm angry in dreams:
      Thanks nonlucid dream-me. That was a totally valid reaction to that situation...

      I don't remember the visuals/etc, but I remember the remainder of the plot that I ended up getting in trouble for kicking that girl because she was the daughter of the principal of the school and I got sent home early. My professor (who apparently saw the her switch the signs and defended me) said that I should come to class next time having watched the episode of avatar and taken notes for my poem.


      This was somehow also tied to both of the first two dreams. I remember my dad said that I had been having a hard time because I had either crashed the car or gotten in trouble at school or both. (The timeline of this whole thing was now nonlinear, this dream somehow took place on multiple timelines. In one timeline, all of the dreams from the night were supposedly happening in a linear sequence, and that he thought I was down on my luck because I had both failed to do the class assignment two times and I had been in the car accident. In another timeline, only the first dream involving the car crash happened, my dad assumed that I was only down on my luck because of that, and in a third timeline, the first dreams of the night had not happened and my dad thought that I was down on my luck only because of the incident in my cousin's school and the other dreams had not happened.)

      S was there too, curious about what my dad was about to show us.

      Anyways the thing he wanted to show me was his vinyl record of songs that he had recorded. Apparently, in dream my dad had secretly worked as a DJ at a disco deck around the year 1980. He had recorded this album called 'dark matter disk' of early electronic/techno songs. Apparently he was famous enough as a DJ to get this science fiction movie with the songs from his record as the soundtrack, and he was this sort of flash-Gordon style movie star to his own movie. But apparently the movie majorly bombed in ratings and didn't make enough money to pay for itself, and my dad was really embarrassed about the corny acting and poorly written story, but he decided to overcome his embarrassment and show me and S.

      He put the movie into the video player. It started off with the backstory saying that in 2077 Nasa built a telescope powerful enough to see planets in orbit around other stars. But when they looked at what seemed to be an empty patch of sky they saw the Dark Matter Disk.

      It was an alien spacecraft but in the shape of a record, a huge disc with a hole in the center. There were energy conduits glowing green running out from the center. The NASA scientists said that the spacecraft was twice as big as the distance of the sun to Neptune, but very thin, only a few hundred miles thick. I remember very good for 1980 computer CGI of the spacecraft using gravity waves to collect gas planets, apparently planets that were rouge and didn't orbit any star. There were dozens of planets originally arranged randomly, but they were arranged by the ship's gravity waves into a row perpendicular to the spacecraft, passing through the central hole.

      Then two smaller spacecraft detached from the main, and each flew to the end of the row of gas planets. They were originally thin needle like spacecraft but they unfolded into these parabolic dishes facing inward toward the middle. They then fired an energy beam that forced the row of planets to collapse right in the center of the main spacecraft. They formed a black star, but it created white light along the edges and a few spots in the middle. Apparently they called it a black hole star.

      I lost the dream here, but the plot of the movie had something to do with the aliens trying to steal all of the gas planets in our solar system to make their next star.

      6:00am WBTB, Wee back to bed, Nose Pinched upon awakening, suspicious of a false awakening, but it was real life.

      I was walking out of my high school. I think this was on a timeline where only the dream involving the cheerleader in my cousin's high school had happened but none of the other dreams had not happened.

      I remember I got to the room in the stairs under the wing by the bus loop and these four guys stopped me. They started talking to me like they were going to bully me. I got ready and as I expected one of them came at me and tried to attack me with a knife. I didn't want to get in trouble for fighting in school so I tried not to kick him too hard. (Also, my martial arts felt sluggish. Usually even when nonlucid, I'm very light and nimble and can attack quickly. In this dream they felt slower than real life) I did kick the guy away into the wall and he dropped the knife.

      Then this little but still muscular guy came up to me and I grabbed his hand and twisted it causing him to fall over and took him down. This big burly black guy then came at me with brass knuckles. I ran around and avoided his punch, then jumped and kicked him in the stomach. He just laughed it off and told all of the other guys to stop trying to attack me. Everyone else got up, uninjured.

      The black guy explained that these four were a part of some fitness club and they wanted to remind people that fitness was good for self defense, and that if this had been a real fight, most people would have lost. Apparently they got clearance with the school to pretend to assault people to convince them to go to this after school fitness thing, since apparently violence was a big problem at my school in-dream.

      I told them I already did Taekwondo, but that I would consider coming in if I found time in my schedule. I also told him to probably rethink the marketing tactic though and the guy said that it was probably a good idea since not a lot of people appreciated being pretend attacked. My friend S appeared saying he saw the fight happening at the other end of the hall and came to help, but I explained what was going on.

      The last thing I remember was the power in the school going out. The black guy said that some antagonists were doing it and now the six of us had to work together to take them on in a real fight.

      Nonlucid Dream: 1pt*7=7
      Fragment 0.5pt*4=2
      WBTB (fail) 2pt*2=2

      Night Total: 11

      Updated 07-31-2016 at 08:00 PM by 53527

      non-lucid , false awakening , dream fragment
    3. Spellbee2 Competition Night 2 Team Mystic

      by , 07-31-2016 at 07:56 PM
      I was hoping to fall asleep early for the second night. But even though I went to bed at 8pm all I got was dream images in my mind. So I had to give up when it reached 10pm and ended up staying awake for a while. Tried again at 1am and fell asleep around 2am.

      First Dream

      I was staying at a hotel where someone was awarded hero points for saving two people.

      Second Dream

      This dream is kind of embarrassing because it stems from my fear of the unknown and not knowing whether being open to it is a good or bad thing at times.

      It was daytime and I was in my backyard sitting on the grass, next to my dog that died last year. As I pet him I thought about how I should take the opportunity to appreciate him being here more. I decided to do that by looking at his paws, holding it, than petting his paw pads because he is the first dog that I was able to touch like that. (We use to have a chihuahua but we didn't keep him long.He had a biting and humping problem). I than looked up at Max who seemed to be content and relaxing. But as I was looking at his direction something in the shed behind him made a thump sound. I was than reminded of the cat that got stuck in the shed that my dad told me about.(It actually ended up dead though in WL).

      After that I had a false awakening and was laying on my bed in the dark. I heard a voice of a girl in the direction of my door and thought I was hallucinating. But when the voice got louder and closer to me I thought it was a demon pretending to be a girl. I turned away from it and it tried to go inside of me. I used my will power to fight it but it ended up going partly inside me. Feeling like it was my fault the demon came I started to pray for help but as I was praying
      I realized that I didn't need to pray for it to go away because it wasn't real.It started to wrap itself around me with its stretched out arms but I just tried pulling it off halfheartedly thinking "Is my dream guide going to save me? Do I really want to be saved from this even if it was a real demon?" and how dumb I would look from God's perspective if I could just get out of the predicament by myself.

      That's when another false awakening happened. I kept my eyes closed and reached for the remote control on the desk next to my bed so I could turn on my t.v. for light.(Yes, I do that in WL when I have nightmares sometimes...) But when I pressed the button the t.v. screen was just static and than turned off by itself.The dream demon than came back and wrapped itself around me again. I tried fighting it off but thoughts of astral projection popped into my head and if astral projection was real the thought of getting attacked scared me. I than heard my dad and looked up. He walked slowly to the front of my door and said "It's almost time. Get upstairs before the clock hits 6" than left. When he said that I forced myself onto the floor with the dream demon on me than crawled under the bed wanting to run through the walls and out of the house. But I didn't because it just felt safer to be under the bed and definitely not after my worst nightmare happened upstairs.

      Self Advice: Fear clouds the mind. Don't let your fear of the unknown cloud your judgement in your dreams. But how do I clear this feeling of fear and guilt? Probably the answer is just to not believe in it. I can't think of anything else and yet it still makes me feel close minded for some reason.

      Third Dream

      I can't recall the first thing that happened because this dream was so random so I'm just going to skip to the part I remember. I was in a rectangular room that was filled with wooden furniture and a lamp that gave the room a orange tint to it. I was waking up in the dream and looked at the black rectangular clock that was high on a shelf. It said 6:23pm. I looked at it disappointed and in shock. "Nooo....I can't believe I slept that long just to get points" I thought feeling ashamed of myself.

      Hearing my brother outside the door I decided to leave the room and go eat dinner. But when I left the room a video screen popped up showing the life of a boy and now It wasn't my house anymore;It was a house for a t.v. show. The boy looked like Fred from YouTube and he was pretending to be a nerd in one scene, a girl in another and so on. His friend who was a girl than called him asking him to hurry up and go to school, that it was their last chance to pass". He didn't want to listen though and just made jokes.

      As that was happening I was walking through the house and jumping over things not aware it was a dream. After that I had a false awakening and thought I was on my bed about to get a WILD. I saw a image of my old parakeet Marisol in a cage.
      I looked at the image of Marisol hoping to get a Wild because I wanted to get more points."Come on Marisol stay with me".She moved a bit but than faded."No come back! Come on!" I said wanting to just do my next task. The image of her came back clearer but her head was partly blurry. I than decided to give up.Waking up for real.

      Competition Points
      • Remember a Non-Lucid Fragment - ½ point
      • Remember a Full Non-Lucid Dream - 1 point
      • Remember a Full Non-Lucid Dream - 1 point
      • First DILD of the Night - 10 points
      • Interact with a Dream Character - 2 points
      • Super Strength - 5 points
      • 1 point will be awarded for every 3 DJ comments.

      ^^" I'm going to try and calculate the points correctly this time. :3 If you see any mistake I'd appreciate some help. Thanks!

      Updated 08-01-2016 at 02:36 AM by 67570

      lucid , non-lucid , side notes
    4. The Serial Killer "Scream"

      by , 07-31-2016 at 07:34 PM
      Growing up as a child of course you have bad nightmares, you wouldn't have bad dreams everyday. Now being 17, I have been dreaming about a serial killer every night who wears a Scream mask. I don't watch scary movies, it rare for me to watch them but i know i am not afraid to watch them. The killer would chase me and i would be so scared of him, I would run, yell then wake up with a pounding heart. Recently i have been chasing him instead, like fighting him, defending myself with weapons in my hand and trying to kill him because he would hurt my family. I do not know what it means about dreaming stuff like this over and over with the same scenario but i wish it would stop.
    5. Aboard Hook's Ship

      by , 07-31-2016 at 07:13 PM (AndresLD's (somewhat) Crazy Dream Adventures)


      I was a kid and lost. I found a group of other lost kids and we were making our way across a jungle. We were staying the night in a cave when suddenly pirates surrounded us. We were captured and taken to Hook's pirate ship. Everyone was scared but I decided I would make the best of this situation, as I've always been obsessed with pirates. I befriended Hook and he showed me around the ship. There was a lot of work to do but I was happy to help. We were sailing in the blue ocean when something hit the ship. It was a huge crocodile that had been following us. I instructed everyone to load the cannons. As the crocodile was creeping up the port side of the ship (Pirates of the Caribbean Kraken-style) I shouted "FIREEEEEEE" and cannons starting going off. The crocodile's limbs flew off and there was a lot of blood in the water. Sharks arrived and devoured the dying crocodile as we kept sailing.

    6. Blue mystic flames :?

      by , 07-31-2016 at 06:18 PM
      D1 - In a changing room I am trying to move about using a special location language. There are plastic wedge shape triangular cross hairs positioned around the room. I cant figure it out its in some unkown language.
      Then really freaky woman with long hair come in, although they are looking downwards with their hair falling over their faces, so could be other life form.
      They move slowly into room, they detect the movement thingies and use them to follow me Oo.
      I make it from bench to bench to the top of a cupboard.

      D2- There are lots of people? with heads that are mostly covered in blue flames , distorting their features. I watch mezmorised as they move like one entity. I find I cant move and wake myself up.

      WBTB - I decided to find out what the woman in dream one were doing
      not going back to dream two Oo just now

      D3- I enter the changing rooms again. The woman (they are now) are sitting talking on a bench. They are using a language unknown to me.
      It is a language of power and they are from influential families. The one with long shiny lush black hair is strongest.
      I try taking their powers away by removing their language from them.
      They dont know whos doing it and I get away with it.

      D3.5 Long dream wandering around inside of white castle. I am escaping something that I manage to trap behind some boxes also I manage to get all the weapons.

      D4- Am in a shop that people are using as a changing room to the annoyance of the owner. They are chucked out but more come in. A guy is plugging in his laptop and then hanging washing on the outstretched extension lead lol.
      We leave and find a load of taxis, sue is hailing one then changes her mind.
      Then she tries to get in the same taxi as the people who were changing clothes They are confused, so am I and my daughter.

      Updated 07-31-2016 at 06:21 PM by 89275

    7. Log 458 - Plane Flip and Other Assorted Stories

      by , 07-31-2016 at 06:03 PM (Dream Logs DWN-12)
      Created Sunday 31 July 2016

      Spellbee's Summer Lucid Competition 2016 - Entry 2

      There were many dreams today, including a DILD after my first WBTB. However, I've forgotten much of the others, and even of those three that I could identify, two of them are only fragments.

      Before the following, I do a 45 minute WBTB, which turned into an hour and 45 minute WBTB instead.

      Dream 1 - Plane Flip

      The visuals were pretty clear. I was a passenger in a small car, being taken down a long road at daytime. Grassy hills remained in view at my right. Driving the vehicle was my uncle, Felix.

      We stop at a red light. My uncle cuts ahead a bit, but backs up when he "remembered" his previous traffic citation. This all seemed very familiar... Anyway, he eventually makes a long right turn into a long, curved highway ramp. Soon, a large bridge is in sight. The George Washington Bridge, I thought, heading to New York. As I look around for the cityscape, I instead find the shadow of a mountainside in the distance. Just then, I realized I lived a few thousand miles away from this area, and thus, attain lucidity.

      I fly out. The dream starts fading into brown. So, I stabilize and anchor myself by muttering "deeper". In time, the environment reforms. I'm then floating over a grassy flatland with the distinctive blocky textures of Minecraft. Eh, done that. I grumble "deeper" a few more times, and willfully drop through the ground.

      As it turned out, this plane was only paper thin. I'm unexpectedly "flipped" into another area, its gravity completely reversed. After readjusting myself, I see I'm hovering high over a series of grass-topped, narrow plateaus. Still had the same cheap, boxy textures as before, if a bit brighter and clearer. Let's go deeper.

      Dived head first through the ground again with the intent to "flip" planes once more. Once inverted, I see I'm ducked down on a pebbly brook. This time, the visuals were realistic, though a bit dimmer. Still, this was much better overall. I played around with the water, splashing it around and letting it drift past my hands. Got a little too caught up with this; couldn't help but appreciate its lifelike, cool dampness.

      Well, I snap out of this after a minute or so. I tried looking around, only to find I can't move my neck. Stay calm. Just move on. I used my "Codec Device" to call my dream guide, E, but there was no response. Then, seconds after I gave up, a small, 8-bit figure appeared in view from my left. This seemed as a lady in a black cloak. She spoke to me in white text, though the words scrolled too fast for me to accurately read everything but her name (only remember it was an adverb; "Still", I think?). I'm quite certain this sprite-lady gave a snippy explanation as to why my guide wasn't going to show. She walked off-view immediately afterwards.

      Then, a bright spark bounces around in front of me. This begins shattering the environment. I maintain my grasp for half a minute before the dream collapses entirely.

      Scrap Group 1
      Waking up in a hotel room on a fluffy, pink covered and white bed. Next to that was an even smaller, pinker bed designed for children. The area was a bit messy. Mom and dad were nearby.

      Found several large roaches around the house, encountering them in some very unlikely spots each time (besides the laundry room). As I wake up, I feel a creeping sensation. I'm uncertain if it's real or not, and hesitate. Eventually, I blew air at it, where I then feel and hear the distinctive humming of large insect wings. Oh crap. I freeze in panic, and, once possible, instinctually try brushing it off. There's nothing there, just an illusion.

      Dream 2 - "Reality" Bites

      The visuals were clear. I was sitting in my home's dining room at daytime. Levon was nearby.

      As I was eating a meal from a bowl (porridge, I think), my lower left-most flat tooth snaps right off. I spit it out, and taste a distinctive mixture of blood and wheat. After staring at it haplessly for a few seconds, I rush to the bathroom. A look in the mirror did indeed confirm what I feared. I couldn't believe any of this, prompting a breathing test, yet this "proved" the "reality" of the situation.

      Still, I refused to accept any of this. As denial, I began running out the door to fly. Mom concurrently opened the door from the outside. Anyway, I leaped in the air and... faceplant. Hard. How embarrassing. The others muttered in confusion. Seeing as I couldn't humiliate myself any more, I just practiced some handstands, much to the further confoundment of everyone else.

      I wake up soon afterwards.

      Updated 07-31-2016 at 06:34 PM by 89930 (clarify second phasing)

      non-lucid , nightmare , false awakening , dream fragment , lucid
    8. Minecraft in my dreams

      by , 07-31-2016 at 04:58 PM
      Im in this type of Minecraft world that I had seen my little brother playing. It was a lot like the neather. The ground was blocky, and there was lots of fire. The air was also a deep red and a little misty. I was floating through this landscape. There were these black fence posts floating as well, and I had to doge them. There were also some chests, that when I passed them I would hit them. Some iron armor, and pink potions would come out. I continued my journey floating in silence, dodging and collecting. I came to the end on this landscape. It dropped off in to an abyss of foggy red. Before I fell, I woke up.
    9. Fences

      by , 07-31-2016 at 04:52 PM
      Had another lucid dream this morning. I featured me an a reoccuring dream theme: Climbing over fences. I have been doing this since as long I could remember my dreams.

      I think I should really get this interpreted.

      Anyway, this is probably the longest streak of lucid dreams I have ever had.

      Going to experiment with the concept of having a clear mind when trying to lucid dream and how it effects anything.
    10. Motorcycle ride to buy suit

      by , 07-31-2016 at 01:49 PM
      July 31, 2016: Optimen BID, B6, 100mg h.s.: I am in what appears to be a dormitory setting complete with a full kitchen. I meet an attractive college-age female dream character who says her name is Joanne. I asked her if she would like to take a motorcycle ride with me to buy a new suit. She says she would like to accompany me except she has a doctors appointment to have a cyst in her throat assessed.

      A male dream character appears in the kitchen standing next to the counter upon which is a blender. He says to Joanne that he would be willing to call her doctor to cancel the appointment so that she would not have to pay a late cancellation fee, and she agrees to that plan of action. Joanne says she will meet me at the store.

      I step out into the hall and mount my Ultra Classic. I look at the dashboard and there is a clear film over some of the control buttons like when you buy a new iPhone. I start to pick at the plastic. After the plastic is removed I make adjustments to the windscreen, and wheel the motorcycle to the outside, where I find the road is wet from an ongoing misty rain.

      I mount the motorcycle and look to my left. There is a Marshals directly across the street, however it is across a divided highway and there does not appear to be a direct route to get there. I’m forced to turn right on what starts out to be a paved road. I make my first left. On my left is an abandoned Shell gas station. It is surrounded by a chain link fence. The road becomes a damp, puddled, rutted sandy dirt road with many fallen tree branches the size of telephone poles. The road also has some slippery wet rocks in the distance. My son S. appears and he scrambles on foot over these obstructions ahead of me. I try to negotiate the heavy touring motorcycle over and past these obstructions until I am thwarted by a large wet boulder.

      The dream scene shifts. I am standing on what appears to be a well-lit high school auditorium stage. To my left is a cheap picnic table covered in a white tablecloth. There are three folding chairs on the far side - none on the near side. Joanne is seated in the middle chair. Her mouth is covered by what appears to be a large Band-Aid. To her right, a child sized doll it's seated with a yellow balloon in its lap. Although it is a pleasant looking doll there is something creepy about its character. I wake. Time is 3:00am.
    11. Making Guac

      by , 07-31-2016 at 01:46 PM (Oneirin's Dreamworld)
      In a random house structure, and my brother and father are nearby in the kitchen area. I'm looking for some olive oil to add while looking through the pantry behind me. There's some tortillas sitting next to everything. As I'm mixing the ingredients into the guacamole, I get a flash that Hey, I'm dreaming! I consider working right away on some dream goals, then think 'hey man there's some guacamole right here, I might as well enjoy some of this first I try to go a little bit quicker, so I pick up the pace with making it and tasting it for a few seconds - it was pretty realistic. The dream fades rapidlyand I slip into a non-lucid which comes close to breaking through before waking.
    12. Summer Comp. Day 2 - freeze/reverse Time, summon Sivason, Fireball

      by , 07-31-2016 at 11:49 AM
      Remembered: 5 dreams (1 semilucid) and 8 fragments; 1 lucid dream

      i move thru a street and see a bike chained to a lantern. the saddle is off and the bike is somehow filled with water. i think maybe to make it even more theft secure? i think about how to picklock it, thinking about what spell might work for it and how difficult it would be to learn it [i hear a lot of Harry Potter audiobook at the moment] i decide that i am more of a dreamcontrol guy who affects his body and surroundings instead of using spells and a wand. while thinking this i start flying instead of walking anymore and fly only a meter over the ground thru a street. and wake up.

      i am in a restaurant and sitting with some people at a table. we start eating and i am sitting at a corner of the table. the guy next to me needs a hell lot of space for his arm. i make myself as tiny as possible and eat my food. after some time i ask him if he would like me to go around the corner with my plate so he could have even more space. he declines and i make a joke like "hey but you need more space every minute, i cant see my food anymore because your arm is around it..." i smile and tap his back. he nor anybody else find it funny and i stop smiling and finish my plate... he wants some licorice and bubblegum so i stand up, go to the next room and get it for him.
      while in the other room i start to get lucid and do a nosepinch. i cant breath in but i can breath out a little with some snot noises. close enough i think and i start to put on some cloth because if i want to fly outside it might be could. i put some weird cloths on i wouldnt wear in waking but there is nothing else so... i enter the room again give the guy his licorice and bubblegum after taking two hands full of licorice out into my pocket and eating some and tell them i leave. i kind of dont know where to because i am confused where i am exactly i decide to go to the "anne ecke" a bar and tell them i wont be out to late because i am alone but i want to go drink a beer and maybe i find someone. they tell me they will message me when they leave (so i might get a ride if i like to). i leave the restaurant and go up the street. i stop and my awareness rises to fully lucid. i remember the competition and dont want to waste this lucid like yesterday! i am highly motivated to collect some points and i start with random dreamcontrol. i see some people at the end of the street and i use Telekinesis to make a elder guy fall over. he falls and rolls down the street. i instantly feel bad to do something like this to an old man and shout out: "STOP" and time freezes. i do a hand gesture and time reverses. he rolls back, stumble and walk some steps backwards. time is running forward again and i see from the corner of my eyes how he stumbles again, falls and rolls down the street again. i ignore it, go past him and stand between some DC´s.
      i make a rising hand gesture with both hands and say "you all might have superpowers now!" some of them start smiling appreciatively. i approach a woman who is holding her baby stroller and tell her to jump because she now can jump pretty high! right next to her someone jumps up like two meters. she wont let go the buggy and i tell her the guy there will hold it. she tries hesitantly and jumps normally. i tell her "no, jump higher. jump up there" and point to a window terrace at around 5 meters height. i jump with ease and she jumps up also. because the terrace is small she has some problems with balance and instantly falls/jumps back down but because of the hight he hurts herself a little. i feel a bit sad to not thinking about that and jump down without any pain.
      now i remember my incubated goals, put my hand behind my back and say "hey sivason take my hand!" a second later i feel a hand and turn around. a guy with a little longer black hair around maybe 35-45 years and some funny cloth that reminded me of a football tricot stands in front of me and smiles at me. "hmm i thought you would look different... and is this a football tricot?!" "no its not" i look a little closer and agree that it is something unique. its color is blue with some lettering on it. it has an asian touch. next to me is one of the DC´s that stood around me previously and wants my attention and to say something. i ignore him and push him slightly aside and say to sivason: "nevermind, hey i wanted to ask you, since you have a lot of experience with dreamcontrol if you might show me how to summon a fireball between my hands, something like a miniature sun" he smiles again " ah i know exactly what you mean." behind him a guy with a costume? appears i ignore it too and focus completely on sivason [i regret this a little because i cant remember how the person looked. in some way it reminded me of someone or something?]. i hold my hands like holding something in between and expand my hands a little like holding a ball. he ignites the space with a lighter and some fire appears between my hands and i form it to a ball. it is pretty weak. after he uses the lighter he moves away and i follow him. because of the moving the fire goes out again. we approach a table and i tell him "ah you use an external lightsource too... i thought i could do it without and make it appear just like that. i can do without problems lightning and water" i hold my hand next to something like an mp3 player and some bolts come out of my hand to the mp3 player and it turns on. i squeeze my hand and water drips out of my hand. " i already can do some fire when putting in some liquid and ignite it..." i show him how i pur in some water into my palm and ignite it with my thumb imitating a lighter. the water in my hands starts burning and its hot. i startle a little and shake my hand so some of the liquid falls down on the table and the fire gets smaller. sivason says something to me but we are at a funfair and it is really loud. i cant understand or concentrate on his words.
      i start loosing awareness again and look around for a calmer place. i move some meters away and look around a corner but there is a concert too, i look into a building but there is something like a self-help group. i go back to him and start getting uncomfortable and unbalanced which lead to a
      FA: i am half sitting half lying in a back of a bus and try not to move to DEILD back in. i imagine the last dream but it feels uncomfortable and crooked so i move straight and then try to get into the same position after awakening. i give up and want to note down my dream. i look around for a paper and take a something hard that is in a saran wrap. someone enters the car and i tell him i am not scared of some guy? i have another FA and wake up for real.

      to bad i lost myself in doing fire and getting distracted by the noises. i incubated a lot more after the fire but i forgot it :/

      this night was better but considering the huge amount of energy and intention and microawakenings with journaling i put in i am a little disappointed that i had only one lucid. i did two bigger WBTB´s one with a WILD attempt and one with SSILD. the first half of the night i was a little pissed because recall was tough and needed some effort. but after 5h of sleep i woke up with a lot of dreams that just like that came up. so thats okay but considering old days where i was more in practice i got 3-4 lucids a good night with way less effort... maybe within some days it gets better. i think i over complicate it with wanting to get a save lucid with techniques instead of just setting intention and fall asleep with mantra like i would normally do.

      Updated 08-01-2016 at 09:03 AM by 87116

      lucid , false awakening
    13. Alaska

      , 07-31-2016 at 11:45 AM (Turquoise Dreams)
      Last night went to bed at 6pm. Slept till 3am

      Had at least 4 distinct dreams. Last one, we talked about traveling and comparing sand from some beach to sand from Nile.

      Yesterday's dream:
      I'm in Alaska.
      Somebody has a problem with 2 spirits, a boy and a girl spirit. I'm recommending someone to take care of it, but then we realize tha person has connection to spirits as well.

      I'm walking on a street. I have only regular shoes on, so I'm careful not to slip. Streets are covered with ice from snow that melted then froze again. It's very slipery, has some puddles and it's not even. I get to some stores and restaurant that have an awning and that makes the walkway a bit more safe. I'm thinking I should eat there some local Alaskan fish, since I'm in Alaska.
      Tags: alaska, travel
    14. 16-07-31

      by , 07-31-2016 at 11:23 AM
      I'm either on the ground, or I'm the "camera" and I'm close to the ground. A strange kind of snake, vaguely resembling a Cobra but not quite, creeps up on me and suddenly attacks. Suddenly, it's become a kind of large rodent. Somewhat rat-looking, but BIG, almost a small dog. It bites into my hand. I realize it's hurting me (even though it didn't really hurt, I don't think I've ever felt real pain in dreams), but I can't get it off. In panic, I bite into the creature's neck, and bite hard - almost severing the head completely.

      I remember I had a dream that took place at my old family home (or once again another place clearly modeled in its image). All details lost.

      I recall another dream involving multiple characters. I could fly, and I flew around a river (artificial-looking) of sorts. I flew above the water surface, making sure to stay high enough - as I knew there were "people" swimming underwater that could jump out and catch me. I also recall biting into a bikini-clad girl's hip for some reason.

      I was Spock (Zachary Quinto), dressed in a bizarrely effeminate outfit, doing a funny walk and finally attacking some enemies like a total badass. I wondered how this character could have been so popular when the first movie came out, if he looked this queeny.
    15. [31-07-2016] #2nd competition entry

      by , 07-31-2016 at 09:14 AM (Snehk's Dreamlands)
      I recall only a fragment. It was a sunny and warm day. With younger sister we were flying high up in the sky, above fields. We flewn into a city of some kind, where in an alley we met with our family.
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