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    1. The pasts lives

      by , 06-16-2012 at 05:21 PM
      I stand in my house looking into a bowl containing our beta fish, it swims around and looks at me, (this fish actualy died yesterday) the next thing I know I am standing at a gas station, I hold up a motor and see my face filled with tears, the ski is lit with lightning. My dad walks out of the tiny gas station shop and up to me with a attachment for an exhaust, I turn around and behind me stands a FZ1, I pull of the muffler add the part to it and hand it to my dad who I notice is dressed in full rideing gear. The dream skips agin and now I find myself in some sort of gathering spot in the middle of the desert, lightning is still active. I notice a huge steel cage containing a hot blaze. I stand in my spot for a while and look into the crowd of people, then someone says that my uncle is in the cage, I run over too it and the flames slowly go out. My uncle sits in a chair extremely dehydrated but alive, (my eyes open to see the bright sun, they are slightly moist from my tear ducts and my lips slightly chapped from thirst.)
      Tags: cruilty, family, fish, past
    2. Cakes, Canine Police Dogs, Following Jinx, Code Lyoko Group and Presentation, Dream Journal Entry

      by , 06-16-2012 at 04:23 PM (Linkzelda's Dream Journal)
      Anal Cakes (Non-lucid)


      The title may create some preconceptions, but wow, these cakes were actually pretty damn good. It's not what you think it is....

      I'm inside a store, and I'm going to the junk food aisle basically, and take the time to look around for something good to buy.

      I see this pack of "Anal Cakes" in a box, kind of like the Zebra Cakes in waking life. I'm kind of bothered by the name of this brand, so i decided to just grab the box, open it, and take a bite out of it.

      Holy freaking hell, THIS THING TASTES AWESOME!!!!!!!

      I take another small cake, eat it, savoring its sweet and delectable taste. I eat so much that I eventually feel a little guilty, and my taste buds are already used to the taste, so I guess it's already used to it by now. Now I'm starting to taste a little bit of the salt now that the sweetness was ignored.

      I see my mother come up to me, and I showed her these Anal cakes, and asked her if she wants to try some.

      I can't remember what she tells me though.

      Canine Police Dogs (Non-lucid)


      I'm walking outside, seems the weather is okay, not too hot or cot, just a little windy...perfect.

      I'm walking with someone, and I then I asked them how come "Sheh" didn't show up. (I'll just call him "Sheh" because I don't want to state his full name in waking life).

      I answer my own question when I realized that he's taking a trip to Florida, which he actually is still on the route to, or he's probably already there in waking life.

      I turn to the right and continue walking, and by this point, I can't tell if someone is walking with me anymore, and I don't recall even looking at them at all.

      There's some police guy with a huge canine dog, and he has a good grip on the dog. It seems he's showing the dog where to go to get some people dealing with drugs I believe. He lets go of the dog, and it charges into the house on my right side.

      All I could hear was some guy mildly screaming, the dog probably severely injured him, or maybe even killed him.

      Not too sure.

      That's all i remember for that one.
      Following Jinx (Non-lucid)


      I don't remember much of this because this....probably because I remembered so much from the dream below me. But this dream was probably the first part to it though.

      I remember following Jinx from Teen Titans, and it seems we're doing some kind of robbery together...well isn't that cute...

      She has another companion who decides to go another route, probably to make some kind of flank formation. The same companion looks like Mammoth from the H.I.V.E. academy in the series as well.

      I decided that I should follow him, but he quickly turns around to tell me that I should follow Jinx instead.

      I comply and follow Jinx and that's all I remember.
      Code Lyoko Group and Presentation (Non-lucid)


      I have a feeling this a continuation of the dream I had where I'm with Jinx from Teen Titans.

      And this is one of those dreams where I could probably distract myself from waking life, and still be able to retain some pretty good imagery of major scenes, which is normal for me....I think I take this for granted sometimes, but I know I can do better with recall.

      It feels like High School all over again lol, at least until the dream was almost coming to a close.

      Anyway, I'm walking down the hallway with Ulrich from Code Lyoko. Apparently, we have these gray container to carry around to go to the lecture class.

      The flooring is white, the walls are either white are gray, and the doors and double doors are mostly gray with some kind of white opaque material for the small windows on them. The lighting is somewhat decent, still dimming in and out a occasionally, but nothing too bothersome.

      (It isn't like the schooling in France that the series (Code Lyoko) is supposed to be based on...like middle school-high school kind of thing)

      We try to move the container with a type of dolly machine, but it keeps coming off. After a few tries, I get on top of the dolly machine and hold the container in place, while using my left leg on the ground to push off and accelerate the whole thing. Ulrich is helping me a little bit too, but I'm not paying too much attention on whether or not he's helping me.

      We almost get to a dead-end, and I turn to Ulrich and ask where we have to go, he gets his right arm, and points to the right to a gray double door.


      We go in, and I take a moment to absorb all that there is in this class (more like 5 seconds lol). There's quite a lot of people here, and I couldn't find anyone who looks like a replica of people I've seen and/or known in waking life. Hmmm...

      You have to go to this slope going downwards in order to get to the front of the class, and it seems that me and Ulrich came in at the right time, seeing as Jeremy and I think even Yumi were waiting for us.

      The professor tells the class that it's now time for the group to present, and he just happens to say my name along with someone else in the group, can't remember who, probably Ulrich of Jeremy.

      Dream shifts, and I'm sitting behind the lecturer's desk, I believe our group is up next, but we continue listening to whoever it is that is talking, can't remember who though.

      So much for being the ones to present when I came into class...oh well, more time to recollect my thoughts!

      Probably just one group that's making closing statements with their group project. While we're listening, I look around, and then I feel a little confident that I can pull off what I'm going to say for the group presentation.

      Then I fold my legs by putting my left leg over to my right leg, while still sitting on the edge of something, probably the container that I still don't know what's in it. It's finally our turn, and then I realized,


      I find that they're in front of me, and I grab them quickly and scan over on things I have to say. I see some elements of the Biology class I took my second semester as a freshmen at my university, and I'm sure that there would've been some Biochemistry tidbits on Eldepryl, seeing as I did a presentation in waking life on the same drug for patients with Parkinson's disease.

      One flash card that stood out was the one that said "A C P" going down on the left side. "Armadyl Chest Plate" (yes I used a Runescape item as a reference loooooool) was the little Mnemonic I would use for one Biology Lab Quiz to remember the types of coelomates and other things.

      I get up, along with my group, though I'm more fixed on making sure I do well rather than the other members in the group. I guess that's better than worrying if one person is going to do well, which could just ruin my overall performance.

      As I'm going to speak, dream shifts again.

      I believe I'm sitting down in one of the rows of seats on the downward slope in the room, and it seems someone is passing out some worksheets, or exams....something that was graded, I think? There was one Asian guy with glasses who received his worksheet, and I peeked over to see what it was about.

      The guy only answered one question, at least on the front page of the worksheet that probably had 2-3 more pages.

      Honestly the dream shift above I mentioned, I'm not exactly sure WHEN it happened in this dream, I just know it happened IN this dream because the environment and everything were almost exactly the same. Dark blue seats, all that stuff.

      Dream shifts again.

      Then this weird part comes up in the dream, it's like a small video clip playing inside my mind. There's these group of random people outdoors in some kind of small forest, and the ground looks like mulched dirt or something of the sort.

      These people are in a formation where they do something in unison, like waving their hands up and down. They do some other random stuff that I can't remember too well, and the little clip inside my head finally ends.

      When I regain consciousness that I'm in a lecture room, our presentation is done, and it seems everything went okay when I was blank too!

      Either my subconscious played that random video to take control of my words at the time, or maybe the dream was that random, though I doubt the latter is a reasonable excuse for me to go blank.

      Anyway, seems we're the last group to present as well, and the professor says we can all go. This feels like High School, but elements of college is in here, like the fairly large lecture room and all that.

      Everyone starts cheering with so much enthusiasm, guess it must be the last day for school to start off some holiday or something. I get ready to follow the large group of people running to get out of the building and have some fun with their lives, but then I stopped to look for a back pack.


      Wonder why I would be looking for a back pack...I would like to go and interpret this brief moment I took to stop and find a backpack to assume that it's probably the dream girlfriend Kaomea said one guy that looked like me had, but nahhhhh, it's probably not.

      I find a backpack on the floor, and assume it's mine, and since there was no one else around behind the table, I guess it had to be mine. The only thing that couldn't have made it mine was that the person who left was so excited that they forgot their backpack.....but it's a dream, so whatever.

      There's still people going out to leave the building, and I let the act of conformity guide me through this. I see Jinx again, and it seems Cyborg from Teen Titans as well is running after her. It seems he wants to apologize to her about something, seeing as the expression on her face portrays that she still hasn't finished sulking.

      Cyborg stops and lets her run, which convinces me to run after her. I wanted to turn around and look back at Cyborg and give him that look that said, "What's wrong with you bro? You made her sad," but I just kept focused on following Jinx.

      I don't know why I'm following her though. I keep chasing after her, and when we get to these sets of glass double doors, the whole row of double doors gets lock. Jinx barely managed to get pass this before it happened. Then I see some kind of police squad in all blue outfits get closer the doors.

      What is this, some kind of retaliation for people who just want to get out of the building already? Weird.......

      I don't take any time for this police squad to affect me, they could deal with the other people there standing there like idiots for all I care. I turn to the left, and dash for the next door, and as I get closer to it, a set of bars slam down as well.

      Crap....I had the feeling that if that locked down, others would lock down as well, but I still kept trying by finding more ways to get out. I look around frantically, and see one door that isn't completely shut.

      It has some kind of doorstop to keep it open, and I quickly go through it, finally....half-way out the building lol.

      I hear some girls talking, I have a feeling they're following where I'm going since I seem to be picking some lucky paths. The sounded like cheerleaders or something, because one of them was worried and said that they won't be able to make it to some kind of recital or something like that.

      As I'm passively listening to the girls that are probably still running with me, (I didn't turn back to see who they are though), I find some weird exit that went upwards in a zig-zag motion. The flooring for this path was dark brown, and it felt like a decent and abnormal route to go to.

      Things are going alright as I'm heading to the path, and we're completely out of the building now. Then things start getting random, like one of the girls ran faster than me, turned around while running backwards even (or maybe she was just levitating, not sure), and I think she was singing a country song.

      Then as I'm still running, the country song is being played out, not sure if it's an actual one in waking life, or just a mash of them. I stop, and I see a bunch of girls running. I don't think they're chasing me though, they look like they're hungry.

      There's this mini-fast food that I remembered that was in front of me before I turned around to see the group of females running like crazy.

      I find myself under some kind of container while the women were running, and it seemed they were vomiting where I'm at as well.....-____-

      I find myself back on the surface, fortunately not anywhere on the area with vomit, and go into the mini-fast food. Seems the only thing the employee/owner cooks there are eggs sunny side up or scrambled.

      I told him, "Good thing I decided to wait things out." I don't know what I said that, but maybe it's because the women that were vomiting probably ate the eggs too fast that it caused horrible stomach problems to make them puke.

      Not sure how that works out if they're going into the store and not coming out, that's dream logic for you.

      The owner/employee responds with some generic statement. Then a random person comes in and says what I said about how it's a good thing he decided to wait it out.

      The owner/employee says the same generic statement to him as well.

      I just stand there....

      What the hell just happened.....this is a very awkward ending to dream that could've been more dramatic.

      Dream Journal Comments (Non-lucid)


      Lol, a dream about dream journals, HA, that's rare.

      I made a Dream Journal post, and had a few comments on there, but I didn't know what the dreams were overall. The comments were mostly related to how I shouldn't have let myself down for trying to trust someone.

      Some people I remember making a post were khh, darknightedlady, and even Hyu.


      I can't remember their exact comments but they were all geared towards some female that I decided to trust.

      Hyu's comment was really inspiring, it made me feel better about myself, sucks that I don't know what it was though. :/

      Then OldSparta likes a dream I had, but I don't remember which one lol.
    3. Objective tourism

      by , 06-16-2012 at 03:48 PM
      This dream occurred just this morning. I'll only remember certain parts of it, and as for the other past dreams, I will post some of those shortly too.

      We were on a trip to another school. Walking into the hallways, I thought about, or perhaps discussed, how science accepts some concepts while ignoring others. If religion wants to ignore gravity, thought someone, wouldn't that make their belief still true because they have faith?

      Actually, I thought. We only perceive something as real if it is separate from the rest. What about the theory of changing gravitational constant over eons - also similar to the Variable Speed of Light Hypothesis - why does science ignore that? Why is evolution accepted but not the evolution of gravity? What about the reports of spiritual experiences? What was objective and what was qualia?

      There was some kind of Super-ego theory, too.

      Somewhere hours later, there was a thunderstorm. I woke up in my old bedroom, talking with my "biological mother", who supposedly was different from my mom in real life. It was 12:23 pm, time to get up.

      We went on another tour of a school, sometime later in the day at 7:50 am, as the buses were leaving early. We walked inside with a bunch of high school students, me reflecting on the "dreams" I'd just had, writing them down in my all-purpose notebook.

      A female friend of mine gave me a piece of cake on a plate. I tried cutting it a few times, but it was silicone, and seemed to disappear a little each time I cut it. I promised to get the cake repaired, but said, "this would be appetizing if it weren't silicone".

      I woke up. It was 8:41 am. The previous day, I'd indeed talked to this female friend about shellac, and how it was secreted from the female lac bug, even in candy.
    4. Blaaahhh.

      by , 06-16-2012 at 03:45 PM
      Weird. :p

      "Heather" (Non-lucid)


      I was with my girlfriend and we were going somewhere with this girl she knew named Heather. We got into this car, my girlfriend sat in the front, while I sat in the back with Heather. Heather had several facial piercings, long black hair with purple in it, and black glasses. Heather started talking to me right away and she enjoyed talking to me. She laughed at nearly everything I said or did, and was constantly touching me. We rode to her school, and the whole time in the car we talked, and I didn't say a single word to my girlfriend. The dream skipped and we were inside her school. I sat by her on the floor and my girlfriend sat in a chair a few feet away. The school looked very similar to my old Brookline school, and we were sitting in the main lobby. Heather suddenly started getting really close to me, putting her arm around me, touching me, etc. She sat right next to me. Eventually I put my arm around her. My girlfriend did not care in the slightest bit. My girlfriend left to go to the restroom(I'm guessing), and Heather grabbed me and layed down on the floor with me. At first the front of our bodies touched, I rolled over onto my stomach and Heather started to rub my ass. I guess my girlfriend started to come back so she quit rubbing my ass and she sat up. I told her I had to use the restroom. As I looked for the restroom my eyes felt really heavy and were closing very slowly, almost as if I was completely exhausted. I found the restroom, which was filled with dudes, so I just walked back out. I walked back towards Heather and I asked her, "Do you have a phone? Because I would love to keep talking to you." She said, "Oh, you want my phone number? Well, too bad because we aren't allowed phones in the school." I figured she lived in a campus type of school. The dream skipped and I was running for the bathroom door and I knocked on it(even though I knew it was a big restroom for many people). I slammed through the door and some dudes were saying, "Don't you hate when there's a little fuck who's fucking a furry?" I didn't know what that meant so I found a stall, pushed the door open, and a dude was standing there fully naked taking a piss. I said, "Excuse me?" He started to turn around and his piss stream was now hitting the floor. I said, "Ahh! Just tell me when you're done!" Which was irrelevant because I went into the stall next to him, lol. I woke up around here, and immediately closed my eyes again to go to sleep and I found myself in a dream almost immediately. I realized this had to be a dream! I became lucid for a second, but quickly woke up, lol.
      lucid , non-lucid
    5. Bad recall

      by , 06-16-2012 at 03:28 PM (Xanous' Dream Journal)
      Lots of fragments. Nothing to write about.
    6. (Lucid) Running from the old man. June 16th 2012.

      by , 06-16-2012 at 03:27 PM (Dream Journal)

      At last, a lucid It relates to my previous nightmares. This time I out-smarted it >:-).

      I started off by walking down a street with 2 of my school friends. I had a guitar and so did my friend, so we had a guitar battle. I didn't even get to play before my friend destroyed me with an insane solo. My other friend then said "You were beaten by him." and we all just walked up the road. At this point, the 2 friends from school were different. One had transformed into cookieh and the other was a random guy. We saw a statue that I must have seen in another dream, I'm certain I saw it before. Cookieh explained what the statue was. She said something like "If you touch the statue then the old guy chases the kid." The statue was a golden old guy chasing a kid. She then touched the statue and it move a meter away from us and into a bush. Cookieh and the guy ran back onto the road I was on before and I ran off in the opposite direction towards a car parking area. It was the same one that is in my school. The same dream fragment happened about 4 times. I was running away from an old guy in a yellow top. Finally, I was running again and this time, the old guy was ahead of me trying to catch other young people. He went to grab me but I ran around him. I was extremely out of breath, just like the last nightmares I had before. I found myself running very slow and falling over a lot. I decided to fall onto my hands and feet then ran really fast like a werewolf. A guy in front of me did the same. The guy disappeared down the exact same road located in the real world. It's a path where the forest and the school carpark is. I then got up onto 2 feet again, but this time I felt very odd.

      I pretty much became lucid at this point. I looked at my hands but nothing was wrong with them. I still knew I was dreaming because I said to myself "I must be dreaming because I have never been here before." then I looked at my hands a second time and noticed a strange energy coming from my left hand. I decided to do the nose plug check just to make sure. I could breathe . When I did it, the air coming out was cold on my nose and fingers. Straight after, I remembered to keep the dream stable by rubbing my hands together. I then asked myself if I should attempt to shoot an elemental ball out of my hand, but I said no and tried to change the dreamscape instead. Before I tried this, I looked behind me to see if the old guy was still on my back but luckily he wasn't. I also thought of walking through the forest, but it was dark inside although light outside of it. Finally I closed my eyes and began spinning around, imagining a large beatiful beach. When I half opened my eyes, I noticed I was in my bed. I could hear lot's of voices as if my room was populated. I found that I couldn't open my eyes very well, it seemed like they were sealed shut. I somehow managed to sit up and do the nose plug check again. It was cold, just like the first time.

      I'm pretty sure the dream slipped into a non lucid after that check. This dream has topped the first and second. It was much longer, I think about 60-80 seconds. Almost a minute longer than the last 2. Also I managed to have some kind of control, I changed the dreamscape . Thanks for reading, I had fun typing this up!

      Updated 06-16-2012 at 06:57 PM by 54841

      lucid , nightmare , memorable
    7. Seventy-Five

      by , 06-16-2012 at 02:09 PM
      In which my garden is destroyed...

      Just a fragment:

      I'm part of some organization though my backyard and kitchen garden look like they do in real life. Someone who works for the organization mows down all of it so it is just a patch of dirt. The details I remember are that he even pulled the morning glories from the fence and dug up the grass from around the border. Also I begged him to tell me what he'd done with all the nearly ready butternut squash and melons that I'd left in the garden for just a day longer to ripen. I remember telling him that it was supposed to be my veg intake for the whole summer.

      At some point later, I'm walking down a long white hall. The floors, ceilings, and walls are all white and the surface is some sort of shiny and cheap white plastic. There are flourescent lights in the ceiling that reflect off the plastic surfaces to make the whole hall ugly and unappealing. Somehow this pathway is connected to the same organization. I think I was going to make a complaint about the destruction of my garden?

      Later I'm lost in an airport or giant hotel like complex. There is a lot about stairs and giant elevators and a library with a top floor in which I must hide in a conference room, but I can't remember at all what was going on.
    8. 16th June 2012 - Sixth Lucid Dream [Dry Spell Broken!]

      by , 06-16-2012 at 01:59 PM
      Italic Text = Personal Thoughts
      Normal Text = Non-Lucid Segment
      Purple Text = Lucid Segment

      Again, I was having terrible recall this night as seems to be usual when I have a lucid dream. I never seem to have them when I have great recall, maybe it's the motivation after not recalling. I woke up for my WBTB with nothing in my journal and was reading a book to make the time pass until I went back to sleep, when I got a text message from my friend. They were freaking out because they had just realised they were dreaming and instantly woke up due to over-excitement. It was their first lucid dream and I was really happy for them. We spoke for a bit about it and then I laid back down to go to sleep. I guess I was texting my friend for too long because it took me ages to get back to sleep, but when I did I almost instantly slipped into a DILD.

      I was on a street near my house, at the intersection. I was with my friend who had just had their first lucid and I guess I figured I was in their dream, thinking I was their dream character. They were looking around in amazement at the dream world and how realistic everything was. I was super happy for them, basically guiding them to try out all sorts of things. I suggest that they fly to begin with.

      That's when it clicks, I realise that I couldn't possibly be a dream character in my friend's dream and that this must be my dream. I slipped into lucidity and for the first time didn't even do any reality checks due to how sure I was, so I became lucid entirely from awareness.

      I seem to be a lot better at flying now, I jumped up into the sky without much effort and was flying around admiring the colours of the sky. It must have been early morning because the sky was a pale orange on the horizon fading into a light blue higher in the sky, with streaks of clouds painted across it all.

      I fly down low again back into the street, when a car comes zooming around the corner and I almost smash into it, I manage to avoid it and perform some kind of ninja flip or something and land on the ground.

      Out of anger I try to fling the car across the road, but fail to begin with. I realise that my will to do so wasn't strong enough so I tried again. This time I managed to fling it across the road, then managed to stop another car in its tracks and caused a massive car crash between the two. I'm enjoying flinging cars around the place so I walk up to do this red car parked on the side of the road and try to propel it into the air. I don't seem to quite have enough power to do so because the car basically just hops up before crashing back down again.

      I decide that practicing these powers on cars isn't the best idea as it feels like I'm using all my strength to even move them slightly. I fly back up into the air slightly and look around for some people to fling around instead. Down below where I originally made the cars crash I noticed 2 people arguing, they figured that it was each other's fault that they crashed and didn't even notice that it was me who was telekinetically manipulating their cars.

      When I fly down to them I start getting into a fight with them, practicing my telekinetic powers by throwing them all across the street. I seem to get a little too involved in the story here and my lucidity fades a bit, I'm almost back into non-lucidity but I still have some awareness of the fact that it's a dream.

      Soon my non-lucid mind begins to get worried about fighting these guys, I don't want to get a broken tooth or anything. Then the part of me that's still lucid reassures myself that it's a dream and nothing bad will really happen. The fight scene continues until my viewpoint kind of pulls out to a third-person aspect, a common element of my dreams. I'm just watching myself and these guys battle it out in the middle of the intersection, as I'm flinging them about telekinetically to keep them away from me, despite being almost completely non-lucid at this point.

      Then my lucid mind kicks in again, I start examining the whole third-person view that I'm experiencing and noticing how strange it is, I try to "pull" myself back into first-person but the best I manage to do is zoom in a bit.

      The dream eventually fades to black, I can hear the sounds of the arguments and fighting still continuing and I try to grasp onto the dream. I momentarily get the image to fade back in before it quickly fades again and I find myself back in my bed. I still have the sensations on my waking body that my dream body had while laying there recalling my dream, quite an interesting experience.
    9. Pawn? June 12th 2012.

      by , 06-16-2012 at 12:26 PM (Dream Journal)

      Again, I have been lazy with my DJ. This dream was from the 12th, it's the 16th now. I guess I should stop being so lazy with this. Anyway, here it is.

      I was walking around the local market with the DV user Dead and my school friend. We walked around a corner and saw a huge church building. It was empty inside, so we just walked on a few meters then decided to go inside. There was a class taking part in the other room of the church so we sat down at the front and watched the teacher talk. Dead had disappeared and I was just sat down with my friend. We then wanted to get up and leave but we were not aloud, instead we went on a computer. On the computer was about 20 folders named "pawn" inside one of the folders were various odd porn pictures and a large picture of some dead babies. The dream then ended thank god.

      Very short dream, didn't have much fun that night. I had a FA and saw Dead STARING INTO MY SOUL. I tried to keep my eyes closed and the fell asleep again.
      Tags: church, market, school
    10. Dark LD

      by , 06-16-2012 at 12:03 PM

      I realize I'm having a FA.
      Everything is oddly dark, even outside of my room, as I approach the balcony I see a glimpse of light coming from outside, but when I open it the light dissipates and everything is pitch dark.

      Woke up
    11. Low flight

      by , 06-16-2012 at 12:02 PM
      non-lucid | lucid

      I'm walking back home like back from the archery club, it's extremely dark, so dark I think it can't be right, I realize I'm dreaming, I see a little kitty when I suddenly find myself teleported home. I go out of my house, start flying, but decide to fly low to keep better track of what I'm seeing, so I just fly for speed and comfort. As I leave I notice my dad is opening the store, as I look back the dream collapses.

      Updated 06-22-2012 at 12:16 AM by 11863

    12. My cats are searching for something.

      by , 06-16-2012 at 12:01 PM
      I'm laying in bed as one of my cats come (let's call her Blacky) and starts talking to me, I can't remember the specific words, but she was asking for help in finding something. I hear someone talking outside, I think it was my mom and my sis. Blacky says they can't help, one of my other cats appears (let's call her Fatty), Fatty starts talking with Blacky, saying she wants to help, but is unsure how, Blacky and Fatty leave the room.
      Woke up.
      Tags: cat, short dream
    13. Starting a public DJ - Intro and stuff~

      by , 06-16-2012 at 12:00 PM
      Starting the journal since I find that my dream recall lacks details, meaning that while I usually recall an acceptable amount of dreams every night, most tend to be short / I don't remember most of it, or don't remember the details. But when I share my dreams with someone else I find myself writing more, trying to explain things, and while doing this I recall things, and if I start sharing my dreams, then it will also work to empower my self-suggestion of wanting to remember my dreams in a detailed manner.
      I'll start by adding all dreams from the past few days, and keep adding my dreams as the days go! Hope someone can find some sort of enjoyment or interest in some of my stuff
      side notes
    14. More sex

      by , 06-16-2012 at 07:50 AM (Tales from the sun chaser.)
      I find myself in a random bedroom with a really skinny girl. I'm on top of her and were making. Out heavily. It's obvious that she wants me inside cause were both naked from the waist down. I slide it in a few inches and she's moaning and screaming that quick. I give a few thrusts in attempt to not go beyond that depth and she tells me she wants it deeper. I push it in even more and she goes crazy. She screams no. And seconds later she says she wants more of it.

      At this time my best friends walk in and I say "is this what you wanted to see!!!?". I move over a bit so of they wanted to see me inside her they could get all the details.

      These clowns stay there and so I leave. The girl follows me and tells me that she doesn't want me to leave. I want to Lund the shit out of her. But she's already said "no" once. Legally if I do anything else, it's rape, no matter how much she wants me. I head off while thinking how dumb this chick must be as the dream fades. The last scene I rember was an orange grove.
    15. Chilling with Satan

      by , 06-16-2012 at 07:06 AM (fOrceez's Quirky Subconscious!)
      Chilling with Satan (DILD)


      I'm in some sort of building with red walls. Absolutely no idea about what the function of the room is.. but my objective is to kill this guy. He's standing in the corner of the room with his back facing me - perfect! Creeping up to him, I pull out my pistol. As soon as i'm about 2m from the guy, I fire two shots into his head. ... wait.. what the.. It had no effect what so ever!
      He turns around, perfectly unscathed. The hell is this guy? Is he hacking?
      (Man... I've been playing too much Battlefield 3 ) I don't know what the fuck is going on, but I give up. At this point, I don't even care about anything. I turn around and walk up a small flight of steps which brings me to a girl sitting at a messy desk. It somehow reminds me of the receptionist of a ghetto PC gaming cafe.
      After saying a few words to her, I black out..

      I'm now standing infront of a red telephone booth with the girl to my right side. However, this is no ordinary telephone booth, it's actually an elevator.
      (Whilst writing this, I have absolutely no clue who the person coming up the lift is.) I have an incredible urge to eliminate this guy. He committed some sort of betrayal and it's seems only fair for him to die.
      I crouch on all four limps and leap up onto the top of the telephone booth. It wobbles and I'm forced to stand on two in order to keep my balance.
      (Can't clearly remember what happens here) but I'm pulled off the top of the telephone booth. I gain a low level of lucidity. The next thing I know, I'm talking to... Satan. Satan's wearing a black suit yet I can't seem to recall his facial features. He's now sitting on a lounge (picture one where you would lay on when going to a psychologist) with a small table next to him.
      I start a conversation to him about energy work.
      I start off by complaining about how the girl I arrived with wouldn't teach me energy work. He doesn't reply but doesn't seemed bothered by my presence so I continue.. "Can I try something?" No reply.
      I lift my hands up so that my palms and facing towards him and start to absorb energy. "Can you feel that?" There are golden sparks flying in the air from his leg into my palm - that's his energy flowing into me.
      "You're only talking a small dose, but it's very distinct."
      He checks his nearby laptop and discovers an identitity of an online user. For some reason, this is quite important to him.. the user is the brother of... someone or rather >_> He says he needs to go find this person and stands up to leave, making his way to the door.
      I'm eager to ask this man (whether he be Devil or not) to teach me energy work. An idea comes to me after watching "Buddha Boy" on Youtube again about Tummo meditation, generating your own body heat through.. energy? Qi?
      I draw the energy from the area about an inch under my stomache to my chest, then extending it over to my hand. I place my hand on Satan's shoulder (God knows why.. I was just really eager to do some energy work!)
      Satan turns his head and somewhat glares at me, though it didn't seem like a threatening glare. Moreso a "Man, you are starting to get a bit annoying." Ignoring my actions, he opens the door and walks outside.
      Being persistent as I am, I follow after him. The outdoor area looks almost identical to my waking-life backyard. "Will you teach me energy work?" I ask him.
      Expecting him to teleport, I stay close by him, getting ready to make contact with him to make sure he couldn't suddenly teleport away.
      But.. he flies. Feeling the shift in his mindset, I grab onto his arm. WHOOSH. Man, this guy flies FAST. For the first few seconds, I'm awestuck by how fast he flies, then I decide I want to fly for myself. As I let go, I'm immediately pulled down my gravity. For a second, I just fall but then propell myself forwards as fast as I can.. It's simply not enough. I can't catch up to him. He's probably going about 3x the speed I am.. blagh.
      Though I have no hope of catching up to him, I notice that we're flying over beautiful mountains with rivers flowing through the land. The landscape is absolutely spectacular..
      There's also something very interesting I noticed.... Satan's energy is WHITE.
      lucid , memorable
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