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    Fragment of Dreams

    1. 21 Jan: Sex with plush toy, someone wants to hurt me and directing dream characters sex

      by , 01-21-2019 at 01:33 PM (Lucid-schizo-dreamer)
      non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid false awakening

      At my room, feeling horny, somehow I start having sex with a giant plush rabbit toy. The notice I have the window curtains pulled open and lights on and some neighbors could be watching, so I stop and close the curtains embarrassed.

      Later some cops knock on my door with a warrant, do a search and find nothing. Then a food inspector comes and finds spoiled food on fridge. I wonder why would that be a problem, then think he might associate that with the fact I used to sell some food made at home. But who and why is trying to frame me?
      I go out and come back by subway at night. I get out at a shady station and regret immediately when I see lots of shady guys looking at me. I decide to go back and get out at another station. But when I am going back to the station I feel a needle on my buttock. Shit! I run all possible scenarios through my head and I panic. I try to get to safety inside the station before passing out, but I start loosing my consciousness and my last thought is that I am screwed.
      I wake up.

      I run a bar. At the end of the workday, I take a look at the deck tables and chairs an I find a leather jacket some lady forgot on a chair. I go around asking the people who are leaving but belongs to none of them. I check the pockets, besides 20€ it has some papers and two plane tickets. The name on it is of my neighbor Maria. I call her, no answer. I take the jacket to my back room.
      A Japanese friend comes by and leaves a video we shot months ago. It is of me and other biologists friends doing some experiments and acting out for the film. Looks funny, but my mom is concerned when watching it, as we manipulated bacteria and biohazard material. I tell her we followed the protocols and that it was safe. Alex also comes by and asks me something about the graffiti I used to do. I tell him I don't do it for years. He says he is thinking about doing some activism with graffiti.

      Then I am all alone and decide to test my magic abilities (telekinesis and such) to tide up the room. I lift my friends jacket in the air, make it zip itself and get into a hanger all by itself. I am amazed by my level of control, so I decide to amuse myself further.
      I summon two characters, male and female and direct them like a movie to do this and that and they follow strictly. Obviously I end up directing them into sex. I tell the guy to undress the girl, do some oral sex on her and penetrate her. He is quite good at doing it but I notice the girl is not feeling comfortable as if not wanting it. I wonder if what I am doing isn't actually rape. I expected these dream characters to be like hollow robots, but they are actually very human and I feel very uncomfortable and stop the whole thing.

      Updated 03-18-2019 at 08:58 PM by 34880

      non-lucid , dream fragment
    2. Fragments 1/18/19

      by , 01-18-2019 at 04:24 PM
      * I was in some sort of poly-amorous foursome with my partner and a good friend, lets call her Kristy. The guy in the group was some random DC. Nothing really happened, Kristy had teased me but there was no follow through. Didn't think being blue balled in a dream was possible but now I know.

      * I was in a war-zone in the middle east. I legit don't remember much past that. I mostly remember feelings and concepts of a war-zone more than the actual dream. Random mention on a cargo plane.

      * I remember some guy yelling at me for cutting in line in front of one of his kids at a burger joint. It was dark out and we were making our orders at gas station pumps. His kid had really cut in front of me but the confrontation started to get violent so I just walked away. Cut to a random burger joint server offering me free food.

      * One of my friends/coworkers, we'll call her Letty, was in my home town for some reason. She picked me up? All of this is very weird because I live and work a days drive away from my home town. I don't know what our destination was but I remember going under an over-pass and onto a dirt road. I knew all the back roads so I was giving her directions.
      dream fragment
    3. 18 Jan: Family at the mall, meeting friends in Paris and terrorist attack

      by , 01-18-2019 at 01:22 PM (Lucid-schizo-dreamer)
      non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid false awakening

      At some big mall. I meet my aunt Lisa, Carlos and their kids. She looks embarrassed to see me. Says she has been going to a doctor, has some health problems, potentially bad. That's why she is with her ex-husband and kids.
      I see some people making a fuss at the door of a restroom. Some health inspector comes take note of the situation, I go see what it is. The bathroom has half a dozen toilets but all side by side without divisions and only a sliding curtain separating those waiting in line. Even more weird is that the toilets are high tech, with screens and wifi and conference calls and games, but no privacy.

      I meet Ana Sofia and some friends at a cafeteria and I decide to join them. I try to eat something, but grab an egg sandwich to go. We go outside and I realize we're in Paris. It is crowded and at some point people are organizing a protest with very lights and the police is starting to get in position to crack down on them. We decide to get the hell out of there but we get separated in the confusion.
      I am with some girl who has a map of the city and we try to think where the others were going. I see amazing monuments and buildings I had never seen and look for my camera. We get to a terrace with view to a magnificent area of the river, where we go on some boat with historical meaning and which takes us to see a wall on the other side of the river with amazing reliefs and paintings. There is some renowned stylist directing a photo shoot and his dog comes to the border of the boat to sniff people and befriends me. Then we hear a huge boom and the boat his hit by a big wave full of debris. I see people in the water in the middle of the debris. Our boat makes a very quick u-turn and leaves us back at the dock. They tell us another boat exploded, maybe a terrorist attack. Some people are crying because their family was in it. Everybody is scared and dispersing. My friend hands me my stuff and asks what we should do next.

      Updated 03-18-2019 at 08:55 PM by 34880

      non-lucid , dream fragment
    4. 17 Jan: Love story movie, life in the hood and monster caretaker

      by , 01-17-2019 at 09:27 PM (Lucid-schizo-dreamer)
      non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid false awakening

      A scene like Charlie's Angels, with mom or friends. We are leaving some restaurant or BnB and some bad dudes are coming in and we notice them. We pretend to leave but we just park our cars strategically out of sight and stay behind to watch them and then do something to interfere with their plans.

      Some love story between some young lady and a young guy. They lie naked in bed, there is so much love. Some day he becomes paralyzed, no reaction, lifeless. Everybody comes to pay respects thinking he is dead, but she refuses to bury him. She sings for him, talks to him, everyone thinks she's gone nuts, but he is not decomposing. Then one day he slowly starts regaining movement and tries to communicate, but there's lots of people in the house. There is one guy who has always hoped to conquer the love of the lady and she is considering maybe allow him in her life. Meanwhile the guy in the bed has gained awareness and his moving his hands, trying to make some noise to get her attention. He is not having much success so he uses telekinesis and starts throwing things around and making a mess. Then I see this story is a movie I am watching and it goes to commercials. My mom sends me a message, needs me to pick her up and take her somewhere, so I stop watching the movie and go get her in a tiny bike.

      I am attending my guru's teachings, it's the last day and everybody is dressed up and I am not. But I am in my hotel room and start trying amazing dresses. I take so long to choose one, that meanwhile everybody's gone. Then the yellow dress that I chose becomes a kind of evil suit that grows green tissue over my skin, including a hoodie over my head. I look in the mirror and I look like a scary elf. I rip it off, but it grows back again and again. I am freaking out.

      Then it gets dark and I am on the streets, sitting on a bench. Two cars from some gang pass by slowly. I avoid eye contact but one guy comes out and looks interested in me. I get up and start walking away. I look back and a guy starts throwing knives at me. I dodge all the knives, then escape to some alley but he keeps coming. He comes closer, but then sits down and hints that he won't hurt me. I hide behind some wall but peak to see what he is all about. He takes out some candy, like waffle with chocolate and ice cream. I dislike but accept and eat along with him. He asks questions, we talk nonsense. Then some girl joins, talks about hard life in the hood, we agree it will get much worse in the near future. Then everybody is running on the street and saying "You don't know? It's Patricia." And we go to the end of the street and see a projection in the sky honoring the fallen from the Hunger Games. Then this girl takes me in. She rescues and nurses mutant and monstrous animals, but they are actually adorable creatures. She puts to bed a kind of centipede with many heads that looks like a plush toy. I cuddle the centipede and all its heads jump on me and lick me like puppies and dozens of other creatures appear jumping and get all over me. So cute.
    5. The pirate raids / Sarah, veganism and Adam the guest

      , 01-16-2019 at 11:24 PM
      I'm a pirate captain leading a raid somewhere on someone.

      At Sis1's place now. We're having a discussion on veganism with a robust tanned looking guy called Adam, he has long brown hair and a big beard.

      I also dreamed about Bro1 and his wife last night although not sure what.

      I must crawl before I can walk. To regain my skills in oobe, I feel I need to re-learn Lucid dreaming first. To re-learn lucid dreaming I need to focus on learning how to dream. Once I am solidly remembering a dream every sleep cycle or more in good detail, then I will work on lucid dreaming.

      Of course, Increasing self-awareness starts today and will be apart of my plan. ADA, ADSA and RRC's are all part of the plan.

      Updated 02-27-2019 at 01:15 AM by 95115

      non-lucid , dream fragment
    6. 16 Jan: Entering the Matrix and weird school

      by , 01-16-2019 at 08:39 PM (Lucid-schizo-dreamer)
      non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid false awakening

      I have a FA in Riverstone's room. It's dark and I can't find any lights, There is a flashlight but also does not work. I hear scary monster sounds. I go check what it is,
      I get lucid, but still feel a bit scared. I see a dark figure, think it is the monster, hit it with the flashlight. Light comes up and no monster, just kittens all over, even coming from inside the walls.

      Mom picks me up, there's a job opening for plant expert at some small company in our hometown. I need to fill an application. Some kids come by. One steals some documents that were on the table.

      Me and some others enter the Matrix with Neo. I think we formed some kind of army to free others. Entering the matrix was fun and psychedelic, like riding a roller coaster while swallowing matrix code. Once inside, we have really cool looks, but not all black like in the movies. We are wearing mostly shades of blue. I have a dress with a balloon skirt, but a bit too short and later I find some fabrics to use as an extra skirt and feel more comfortable. When we enter we find ourselves on some kind of crosswalk on top of buildings, like a suspended terrace and there is a sort of giant wave wall to our right that looks like a tsunami coming to hit us but that never does. It is mesmerizing.

      Then we go to some kind of school to train us and it was very posh, looks like an opera house. Even the bathrooms are so very fancy and vintage-y. There are some true geniuses among us. One black kid, seems as young as six, presents us with a music piece he had composed and although it wasn't entirely original and innovative, it was incredible anyway. I could recognize influences of Vangelis, the Blade Runner OST and some other electronic artist. Nobody else thought so, but the kid confirmed. I told him, it is so very well composed, but because it doesn't sound original, it is not amazing. "You have to find your own sound and then you will blow our minds". I wanted to be honest but still encourage him. He felt both pleased and ego hurt, which is normal.
      Some people don't like me much, maybe because I am some teacher's favorite and it always feels awkward when I enter a class late and the teacher acknowledged my presence instead of letting me quietly sit like with everyone else. Even when they seemed to be reprimanding me, everybody could feel they were actually happy to see me.
      Last day of school and we're packing clothes to go home. My dog Bernardo appears out of nowhere and he has one eye out gouged and I freak out. Then he starts making weird electronic sounds and I see his eye is bionic. I find a way to open up the side of his head and fix the wires to put back is eye in place.
    7. January 15 2019 Frags

      by , 01-16-2019 at 05:19 AM (Deep Inside The Lucid Dreamer's Subconscious)
      Playing a videogame, an app that I created. In the game you're trying to link up past families or lineages. They have ceremonial paintings on their bodies. You hold your phone up and on the screen appears a spirit. It could be scary, it could be nice. Sort of like the pokemon go concept where you have to travel around to find the spirits in your world. Honestly I woke up thinking this was a decent idea.

      In world of warcraft, a forest. Looks like Elwynn. Was flying a ship. Jumped down and saw a guild meeting. Girl was leading the meeting, she kept switching to another language, possibly Mandarin. She was wearing all gold.

      I walk from the forest to a bar in stormwind possibly. Walk outside and see a dock. I get on a cramped old boat and go into the cabins. There's people in there.
      non-lucid , dream fragment
    8. 15 Jan: Attack of giant ants and talking about LDs

      by , 01-15-2019 at 08:13 PM (Lucid-schizo-dreamer)
      non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid false awakening

      Mom's windows of her front balcony are once again wrongly inserted and dangerously dangling. I try to fix it before any strong wind hits, but two of them drop from the 4th floor to the ground below. No one is hit but it falls on two cars, which strangely suffer no harm.

      I am sort of an exchange student abroad. Visit some cute kindergarten where a friend works, then later I attend some classes. It's around Xmas time. There is a sale of arts and crafts and I break a few pieces by accident. I try to fix it, until I give up and apparently no one around cares that much.
      People are discussing math and other subjects, I think there is exam season coming. There are some snacks at a table and I see a huge dried fig I pick to eat. But I open it and it is full of ticks inside. Gross!
      I pick up some stones to squash the bugs when I look up and see what looks like two rainbows in the sky. I forget the ticks and reach for my phone to take a photo. Then they move and I see they are actually iridescent antennas. What?
      People start running on the streets, I hear a big noise and I see an ants head through the clouds, which aren't clouds but dust from debris. The ant is crushing the buildings as it walks. I run away too and I see more ants in different directions. We run for our lives. I reach areas where people are not yet aware of what's going on. There is a concert of classical music at a park with lots of families with kids. We try to warn but they don't understand and I just use the chance to go ahead of all them before they also start running. There is a lake and a canal leading to a river. I think about getting on a boat, but the only one I can get into has no key to start the engine. Then I spot some playboy in his boat and I try to get on board with him, but he actually decides to get out of the boat and walk away, taking the key. Meanwhile the ants seem to be approaching and I decide to just keep running towards the coast, I cross a train track and a train is stopped and some people are coming out of the train and seem to have organized among themselves and have a plan. They head for some empty condos by the river to stay the night and plan the next step. Apparently one of them has the key to some of the apartments. I join them, think it is better to be with a group who has plans or at least is organized. But they all speak Swedish. The only other foreign people is Tony from the show "Who's the boss?" who says he is Italian and doesn't understand what everybody is saying. I say I am Portuguese and also don't understand so we all start talking in English.

      Talking to some people about lucid dreams, my dad doesn't see the point and interest. I say it is a second life we all have and it is better when we live it with awareness. I say once I recalled 10 full pages of dream details on one single night. He gets a bit more interested and I say who wouldn't want to consciously fly and experience fantasies? Someone asks if I tried being with a dragon or turning into a dragon and I say yes.

      Updated 01-31-2019 at 08:36 PM by 34880

      non-lucid , dream fragment
    9. 14 Jan: Human-insectoids

      by , 01-14-2019 at 07:44 PM (Lucid-schizo-dreamer)
      non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid false awakening

      During a war, me and some other folks are exposed to something that transforms us into human-insect hybrids. We look human, we are the size of humans, but we fly, we act in group and we have weird mating habits.
      Someone explains to me how we are attracted to a partner because of genetic matching and it doesn't matter the gender, so most of the guys became attracted to each other and form gay couples. Others feel attracted to feromones released elsewhere by some other group and go flying around looking for their ideal mate. I don't feel any call to mate with any other human-insectoid, I just see in my new life an opportunity to be superhuman.
    10. day 1 - search for a guide

      by , 01-14-2019 at 11:58 AM
      Before going to sleep I tried meditating and picture myself awake touching things in my room, dancing and checking out of the window. Then I tried going back to my body and think deeply that I could lucid dream or astrally project myself. I wanted to dream travel to find a guide. I waited until reaching a division between body and mind but after one hour I was still awake and felt my body semi-paralized couple of times. unfortunatelly at some point I felt asleep without realizing it.
      In the dream I was in a square discussing with a girl telling me that what I was doing was bullshit. The dream then changed and I was searching for a meaning in a building with a lot of security alarms with a couple of other people. One of them died (I don't remember how). Probably I decided to change location since it was risky but still wanted to search for answers (probably about dreams themselves) and got in a bar in my hometown. I remember I was talking with someone that I needed to find my professor of the uni to have answers. The bar became a networking event and I saw my professor and went to talk with him. His face was different but I knew it was him. I don't remember what we said each other. then I woke up.

      Other times I reached some kind of lucidity, this time I feel I failed. I never try to do a reality check because I probably don't realize I am actually dreaming.
      Now I will try also other techniques everyday for the next month. I am curious to take this journey. My objective is astral projection. I will take notes here as my own diary but would be nice to hear advice from this nice community.


      non-lucid , dream fragment
    11. 13 Jan: Orphan in India, satellites and tsunami, highschool reunion

      by , 01-13-2019 at 09:23 PM (Lucid-schizo-dreamer)
      non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid false awakening

      In India, among orphans adopted by some guy that provided them food and shelter at some ruins. There are some western kids among them, I am one of them. We are treated differently, like we eat the cheapest food, no meat when there is some, like we belong to a lower caste. But things are changing, some day someone decides to share a can of tuna with us and some kids are angry about it.

      Learning about satellites and going through an interactive apprenticeship on how to pair them in orbit so they send signals to each other around the globe. We're at some kind of lighthouse by the sea. We come outside to look at the stars and we see satellites lasers aligning - I think it's augmented reality through a glass screen placed in front of us. Almost looks like we're watching an aurora. Then there is some talk about how the earth reacts to our invasion and something falls out of the sky into the ocean. It's dark, but I think I spot a wave and I scream "tsunami alert" and indeed a tsunami approaches. Me and a guy and his dog are the closest to the ocean and have no time to run away so we go inside hoping to get upstairs, but it is too late, we are swiped by the incoming water and projected through the back window against some roofs on a lower building behind this one. We hang on that rooftop until the water subsides. In the morning some military guy comes by and asks if we're ok and then treats me with familiarity. I take time some time to recognize him, it's Fermi. I am covered in some gook and he jokes about it, while also making some sexy stares at me. He helps me get down, I slide to his arms and I also feel some chemistry there.

      At a version of my high school with Zilla and others unknown. Kind of a reunion. We talk at times with different people, pose challenges, discuss topics. One girl who is now a famous actress sings something in a context and she sings beautifully. A person by her side makes comments, asks if any of us can sing too. I say not so well but I do. Someone suggests we make a song to perform later. Something experimental. I suggest something I was once suggested to explore, what would sound like the sound of silence. I make some suggestions, but people get lost. The singing girl goes compose something alone, had some inspiration, but comes back with a punk rock song completely nothing to do with the challenge. But she is very proud of her fist written song. Then I am going through my purse and cleaning it because it got dirty with something and I find a bunch of notes at the bottom, a few hundreds euros I had put aside and forgot I had. That cheers me up. Then I meet Vera and she bullies me a little as if we were still kids, drags me down to the common room where kids play snooker and such. I try to get rid of her. I see a baby girl walking apparently alone and she is after a ball rolling but also has a big apple on her hands and is crying cause she cant reach the ball. I pick it up and put it in her hands and get the apple and see if she's happier. She is but mostly suspicious of me and doesn't want to play with me. Meanwhile her mom comes by and I explain the situation and give her the apple. Then realize I am hungry, some of us go to lunch at the canteen. I sit in front of some guy. Only food is meat with fried egg and spinach and mashed potato. I don't know what to do but I end up eating. The guy starts criticizing the food as if we are at some restaurant and I just cant stand but stay quiet. Then he complains the meat whatever and I tell him "you know, I am actually a vegetarian, mostly vegan, but I am eating this because I was taught to respect whatever food is offered to you without judging. When I have the choice I don't eat this, but I am a guest. Also, there is nothing wrong with the food, it is tasty and billions of people would love to have such meal." The guy is embarrassed and eventually leaves after eating it all. Then some girls to my side who heard the conversation want to know why I am vegan. One asks something about health and I say its not for health. Another one asks how this damaged my social relations and family and I tell her not at all and others have changed too through my example. Someone says vegans are pushy, I say I am not. Then one has a theory about how my decision is actually misplaced, that something wrong in my life and romantic life was missing something, that I do this to fight some angst against patriarchy or some shit like that and I am about to explode like "WTF are u talking about? I did it out of awareness of the animal suffering, what does that have to do with that shit???" And she starts talking lots of BS and I lose her and I wake up.
    12. 12 Jan: Moving to my mom's house and alien creatures

      by , 01-12-2019 at 10:39 PM (Lucid-schizo-dreamer)
      non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid false awakening

      With mom and some other family members, walking in Vila Franca. Mom notices the stationery shop run by a lady we know, is liquidating everything and going to close. My mom talks to the lady owner and starts crying while hugging her. The lady feels awkward. Says she will keep the place, she is just transforming the business and turning it into a post office. But my mom still feels emotional as she has lots of memories from this little shop.
      Then we all go home to my mom's, but she doesn't live there, I do. I am just moving and my family members try to help me unpacking things, but they just leave a bigger mess. Then they have to leave in a hurry, they gotta take a plane or something. I am in the kitchen sorting produce for the fridge and I hear noise. My front door ain't well shut, and some guy with furniture on the hallway tries to come in when I open the door. He thought that was his home. He is also moving next door. I explain to him he got the wrong door, he goes to the right place. But now my door doesn't close. I think I have go to the carpentry.
      It is not far, I just have to cross a short path through a wild patch of land and cross a bridge over a very small river, when I spot a strange animal with the body of a kiwi and the beak of a platypus. He looks intelligent but fearful when I approach. He keeps jumping around and I follow him and try to attract him. But although he is enjoying the interaction, he disappears behind some bushes. I go around and now I see another animal. Same type of black greyish fur, but a body type like an antelope and a creepy head like a skull with two black round eyes. When I look in his eyes I recognize the same animal. And I keep following him. He then returns again to a smaller blob like shape and escapes over some emergency staircase on the back of a building, to join two other similar beings, that I understand to be his parents. They look surprised at me. They move on to a populated area but other people don't seem to see them. They keep morphing and looking all sorts of alien and no one even blinks. I was not supposed to see them either, but I do, so when they stop on top of some beams in a covered pathway, I wave at them so they are sure I can see them and they look really puzzled. Meanwhile, I call my friends ghostbusters and they join me soon after. They to catch a glimpse of the creatures, so I am not the only one who can see them.
    13. 11 Jan: High school and fighting a demon while lucid

      by , 01-11-2019 at 10:01 PM (Lucid-schizo-dreamer)
      non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid false awakening

      In high school but with adults. Gym class is a contest of push ups in the yard, two teams against each other. The other team wins, but we are all in great shape. We take a shower and dress to attend next classes. I have a funny t-shirt with some nerdy sayings. I notice a guy looking at it and it is Markl (a nerdy comedian). We have a new class together, I think it's arts and crafts. I don't say anything to him because everyone is treating him like everyone else. But later on our way to with no nerdy messages and he is still looking at me with interest. I decide to send him later a message on Instagram to break the ice. Then on my way to english class, some colleagues are behaving like teenagers and a guy kisses one of my friend in the lips. Then some other guy to my side comments that I looked at it with jealousy and looks like I am needing some action. I feel embarrassed and get out of the group and cut through to the class. Teacher is sitting at her desk waiting for everybody and looking upset. I say sorry for delay but see no tables for the students. She points to a line of chairs against a wall, but they are all taken. I go outside look for more and warn my colleagues to bring some along but all we can find are some stools.

      At my mom's home. I am by the window and I see the sky getting darker with storm clouds and pink lightnings. I am drawn to it and I fly through the window. Getting closer to it,
      I get lucid. First I consider diving on the ground but why not stay here instead? While I am touching the ground, I grab some dirt and call for the guidance of Guru Rinpoche and from the dirt comes a mini bronze statue of him. The darkness becomes nastier, like a blanket starts covering the whole sky and I also summon my teacher. He appears behind me, touches my shoulder and says something incomprehensible. I ask him to repeat but he is on the move and sounds like talking from very far away. I understand something about seeing him / meeting him at eleven, but where and how? Then he disappears and from the dark clouds a scary face appears and many arms stretch out and grab those in the way. I decide to fight it and I shoot light from my hands. It hardly affects it. He sends two human like beings to attack me. I get a knife somehow and stab one, but no blood, no wounds, he is not human. It grabs the knife and threatens me with it. I kinda surrender, but when he thinks I am defeated I find a way to break through the kind of spell this demonic being is putting on other people. I see a bunch of people locked inside some tiny house made of illusions they were tricked into believing were real. Once I show them the illusion, walls and doors start to crumble and they realize they can come out as they were never really imprisoned to begin with. This caused way more damage to the demon, who loses power and goes away.
    14. 10 Jan: Barbarians invade my kingdom

      by , 01-10-2019 at 09:52 PM (Lucid-schizo-dreamer)
      non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid false awakening

      At a magical realm, where I am part of the nobility of a kingdom and I am also like Wonder Woman. We are invaded by hords of barbarians. When they strike, I am outside the fortress city with the peasants that care for the lands. Some of my warrior friends manage their way back, but I am shut down outside. I get some Japanese swords to fight, but the invaders are just too many. I realize I can't survive a fight with them all, so I opt out to dwell in the underground maze of artisans shops and their homes because there is a way to access the fortress through some underground tunnels that connect with this place.
    15. 9 Jan: Magical island with spirit animals

      by , 01-09-2019 at 09:31 PM (Lucid-schizo-dreamer)
      non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid false awakening

      With a friend, we are going to denounce some corruption in the police. There is a conspiracy and they do what they can to stop us. A traffic policewoman doesn't want to let us drive away in our car, we understand she is looking for reasons to detain us, so we run away. We are followed, we split. I enter the internal affairs or something like it and I meet the detective that already is expecting us. I sign a letter with my testimony. Even in there he has to do some tricks to protect the statement and the evidences from corrupt colleagues.

      With some boys, having some classes on metallurgy, learning to make some instruments and later applying to some competition.

      With mom, arriving to a house at the very edge of the woods. We spot 5 kids coming out of the house, all fired up over something. They get on a boat at a nearby peer and we keep watching their journey as if watching a movie. They sail the sea and face sea monsters and are almost swallowed by a whale. They end up on the shore of some dream island and welcomed by some Greek goddess. People live there in peace, away from the human world, protected by this magical monsters that live around and in the island.

      I go down to the beach and meet these amazing black shiny horses that jump on the ocean and they swim to the shores of the idyllic island. I follow them there. Nothing happens on the way. Once on land, I learn the island is full of wild animal spirits. The population here stays indoors after sunset and keeps the fire burning for protection, because the evil spirits attack at night. But the fire extinguishes and we are attacked by a spirit in the form of a black puma. When he is about to attack me, he stops but still hurts me with its claws. Wants me to follow him to his cave. Zilla is there to and tries to hit him with something, so I can run. I don't want to hurt the puma, so I use the chance to escape and he gives up and goes away. Later, a demonic boar is attacking a lady and I also have to beat it until the spirit leaves.

      Updated 01-19-2019 at 09:52 PM by 34880

      non-lucid , dream fragment
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