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    Lucid Dreams

    1. The White One/The School Fight and The Leader/ Playing with My Parakeets

      by , 11-19-2014 at 07:21 PM
      The White One

      I remember being in a room with my parents. In the room we were in, the walls had moving stars and words on them so I think that's how I got lucid. As I was observing the place my dad told me that I had to keep a look out because when the light goes off something in the dark might get me. The lights than went off and a DC appeared in front of me. It tried to do something but I pushed it away and it disappeared.

      I wasn't really scared but what was surprising was that out of no where a mischievous guy that was on a ship opened a portal behind me and told me he would let me go on his ship if I slept with him.I said no and somehow jumped on his ship, than on a air balloon and ended up on a huge baseball field I think. My brother was there and was telling me something.

      But I was distracted when a random guy started throwing rocks at me. I wasn't worried but I tried to find a safe place with my brother. My brother wanted to go another way though so I just decided to sit down and think about what to do as he left. Thats when suddenly a black cat came up to me. I thought of Manei when I saw it and could feel the change of atmosphere.

      The cat walked up to the cut i had on my thigh from the rock the boy threw and started to lick it so it would heal. I thanked it and it turned into a girl but this girl looked nothing like Manei. I did feel a strong presence emanating out of this girl though. She told me to follow her so I did. As we were walking, now in a office building, she pulled out a special tech out of her shirt.

      She said she got a message that I had received the title "The white one "and something about a husband. I asked her why and she said she didn't know why but it was something to be very happy about. She than opened a drawer where she was about to pull out a reward or something but I got scared. "But I don't want to be the white one. I'm not perfect. I don't want to be perfect." I said to her thinking she was going to do something that would take me away from my family or maybe try to confuse me. She said "That's good" and I felt her presence was misleading so i tried to push her back and she disappeared. Than a announcer appeared saying the battle was about to start. Than I woke up.

      The School Fight and The Leader

      I was with my sister and nephew and a little girl thing was sick and had a high fever. We were trying our best to take care of her so she was slowly getting better. After that I noticed there was lots of people in the house for a sleep over. I told them to leave my room though because they were strangers to me. The last thing I did in the house was fall asleep while hearing that they wanted to share their dreams.

      I appeared in a school and recognized that everything that just happened was just a dream. But what I saw in front of me gave me a dream mission. I saw tall DCs picking on a DC that I felt was my brother but the younger version. I yelled for them to stop but they told me to stay out of the way. One of the guys in the group gave me a strong feeling that I had seen him before. They just kept picking on the DC though so I ran up to them and started kicking and punching them.

      The leader was mad though and pushed me to the ground. I fell back and he told me to stay out of the way. His buddy's were upset with him hitting a girl though and told him to chill. But he didn't want to stop bothering my brother. I got mad and through a string or something to keep him from touching my brother but he just pulled it than flung me in the air.

      The crowd around us was upset with this though and jumped on the leader telling him to stop. It was funny seeing him so weak against the crowd. But when he saw my brother run up the stairs he ran after him and the crowd followed. As he ran up he said the fight was going to be on the fifth floor. I wanted to save my brother so i ran but bumped into a lady with a milk bottle. I kept running up the stairs though and managed to reach the first floor.

      The place was huge so I felt I wasn't going to make it in time. I tried jumping really high to go through the roof but I just fell on my butt. I noticed a elevator and tried pressing up but it started to move farther from me. My last idea was to jump on the escalators so I did. When I reached it a girl DC asked for my help to get through the obstacle in front of us. I flew her gently to safety and she thanked me.

      I said bye and flew as fast as i could to the fifth floor. There was a huge crowd around and lots of wide open space for the fight. The leader saw me and was like "Its about time you got here. Are you ready?" I flew above the crowd and saw a empty medium sized bottle. It was the only weapon at my disposal so i had to use it. I grabbed it and the fight started.

      I was hovering as he tried to swing a punch at me but I used my speed and heavy gravity ability to hit him really hard on the head. He tried to hit me again but I hit his jaw and head with the bottle. He was surprised and said I was a good fighter as he tried again and again. I just kept beating his head though and he fell back. I noticed as I was beating him his hair grew to his shoulders and he was now wearing a black cloak or suit. I guess he couldn't take it anymore though cause the scene changed after that.

      I was now in my house cutting meat that was on a box on my lap. I stopped though cause I realized I could cut myself. I through the meat in a pot after that than woke up.

      Playing With My Parakeets

      I was playing with my cute parakeets in my room.
      lucid , non-lucid
    2. Best ever LD and 2 in one night ( 2 personal records)

      by , 11-19-2014 at 01:57 PM
      Normal dream, lucid,

      Dream 1.) I was Ina room when I remembered that I was just in bed. When I became lucid though I just woke up.

      Dream 2.) I was doing mild, but fell asleep durring the visualization. However when I ended up in a dream I noticed some things from my visuilizarion for mild. This is when I became lucid. I'm at school ordering lunch and then I notice how nice and delicious the food is. I yell out that I'm lucid and go to take some food. When I do someone says that it will cost 2.50. I just simply reply with no, and I get to go by without paying. I don't remember the food, but I know that it was associated with breakfast. I go to sit down with my friends and ask one of them to get on of my friends. When he calls him his voice echos throughout the entire school. Then some other table across from us starts to talk with us.i then wake up from my mom telling me it's for school. I didn't go because I was a little sick.

      Dream 3.) my school goes on a field to New York City. For some reason some of the students are 20 years old even though I'm in high school. Everyone gets out to walk around and find their hotel room. I don't remember what happens next, but I find myself in a large green field with a small cabin. This is when it turns into a nightmare. As I'm out in the field some one I don't know just starts chasing me for no reason. We run around for a while untill he colapses to the ground. I walk Back to the house very scared. When I look out the window I notice the guy slowly limping towards the house. I decide to watch tv because I think that he won't make it to my house. By night time I look out the window and see it isn't trhere. Then he appears at my door and I close it. he pushes through the door and I push him down the steps. Then I woke up.
      lucid , non-lucid , nightmare , memorable
    3. Salvaging My Psyche From Destruction

      by , 11-19-2014 at 12:06 PM (Linkzelda's Dream Journal)
      Salvaging My Psyche From Destruction (DILD)


      I feel as if I’m in a helpless situation, and I’m in an environment that has an “The Evil Within”-esue kind of feeling to it. Basically, I’m inside a realm where I see a huge brain right in front of me, and I presume it’s my mind’s rendering of my brain.

      There’s some idiosyncrasies of this portray of my brain, and I can feel the pulsations surging through my body, and the environment, and this causes a vibration that spreads everywhere. A voice tells me something along the lines of how things are going to end very soon, and not in a positive outcome either.

      I see words like “Death,” and other wordings that are blurred out, because I instinctively take the stand to ignore them, and do something about this. My body starts glowing, and I can see the inside of it; mostly just what could be a representation of the circulatory system, and nervous system. I can see that parts of the brain are quickly separating from the core, and the sense of urgency to pull them all back together augments.

      I cannot comprehend what I will exactly do, and I end up making overly exaggerated motions that seem to be done for the sake of mentally pulling the parts of the brain escaping from my perception of this virtual experiential reality.

      And this is all done while this part of a song, “Ordinary World” by RED, is playing (2:48):

      It could be the part later on in the song that repeats the same thing, beats me.

      But wow, parsing symbolic meaning from that would be more along the lines of existentialism, I guess.

      But I’m not really feeling mental stress in my life. So maybe there’s something else I can’t cognitively grasp, unfortunately.

      Updated 11-19-2014 at 12:08 PM by 47756

      lucid , memorable
    4. Sidling My Way Through a Demon Girl

      by , 11-19-2014 at 12:03 PM (Linkzelda's Dream Journal)
      Sidling My Way Through a Demon Girl (DILD)


      I’m trying to hide away from a girl that looks a lot like the one from the F.E.A.R. game series, albeit with more mannequin-esque features to her visage, and overall body composition.

      She’s wearing what could just be a long red dress, or maybe a red shirt with blue jeans, but whatever the case may be, she’s scary as hell. Her eyes are nonexistent, and there’s nothing but a black void for the holes of where her eyes should be. She has some kind of weird formation on her mouth, almost as if it was forced, carved, or sculpted on her, and it’s the only expression she can portray other than her eyebrow and other facial movements.

      I’m sidling against a wall, and I’m looking at myself in a third person point of view. A few inches from me is a red door that has a composition of an old-school telephone booth; the kind you would see from the show Dr. Who (TARDIS), but it’s just the style of it that’s imposed onto the door. She’s right behind this door, and I have a feeling she knows I’m very close to her.

      Her eyes are gradually glowing white, and I hear her slightly demonic voice intertwined with an innocent and girl voice informing me that she found me. I forget what I do next, but I do know that I’m literally bracing on the door she’s behind.
    5. Trapping Team Zaheer

      by , 11-19-2014 at 12:02 PM (Linkzelda's Dream Journal)
      Trapping Team Zaheer (DILD)


      The dream seems to fluctuate through many environments, mostly because I realize that I can teleport like how Goku does when putting two fingers to his forehead. Subconsciously, there are numbers that I think of that will allow me to transfer instantly from one place to another.

      “9” and “1” were the two that I was teleporting to frequently, but there were moments were willing myself to go to those locations would not work at all. There were two dream characters I had to be cautious around, Zaheer, and Ming-Hua. Apparently, I had to trap Zaheer in what could look like a Pandora’s box, maybe some kind of Covenant of the Ark-esque object that had a dark jade color to it. And I also had to lock Ming-Hua, who apparently isn’t armless in this dream at all.

      I recall her trying to force me into the same room I want to lock her in, and while she’s holding my hand so vigorously, I can look at her visage, and see that she’s very ambitious in taking me with her. Fortunately, I managed to gather enough strength to escape her grip, and I immediately shut the door, and braced against it with my back. Ignoring dream logic of how a dream character couldn’t open a door that could easily be destroyed if she just water-bended, I run away somewhere.
    6. Killing / Flying / Ballin

      by , 11-19-2014 at 08:01 AM (. - ~ = * [ |{(Welcome to my Weird Dream World)}| ] * = ~ - .)
      Hell, that was a crazy ass dream i had..
      i remember only few scenes.. first i was a bad man or something in a killing field and killing people or something with karate techniques,
      then some monsters came with arrows and shit so we busted em, and later on i got rocket man that think u can fly by pressing a button so i flied baaaaaaack to that big tower nearly like in GTA, and i got stuck in a building of army, killed few nubs there and almost died my self lol but i had hooked my self back to 3rd floor and when i got up, the master was there and killed almost every soldier, so he yellled to make party lol and there was on another room a swimming pool with Mud, which moves u back to jump again etc, i didn't jump but i saw 2pac once and we were ready to jump.. after few seconds what i hear? his song playing "Straight Ballin" and i yelled "motherf****** str8 ballin"
      and he started rapping lol, so i woke up after so much excitement or something.. had to go to bathroom too .

      lucid , memorable
    7. Did WBTB, two dreams, one lucid, loads of false awakenings

      by , 11-19-2014 at 02:26 AM
      non-dream dream lucid

      I slept a LOT today. I could literally explain my entire day in detail here.

      I entered the day in what seemed to be a black void. Well not really. I'd fallen asleep at my computer and when I woke up everything was black. When I uncovered myself everything was still black. Silent as well. The power was out and all the lights were off.

      I went to the living room up stairs and started listening to my radio. An hour later I did the unthinkable and went back down into the black void known as the basement cause my antenna is down there! I spent half an hour down there before coming back up and laying down, still listening to the radio.

      Ended up experimenting, practicing SSILD cycles with the radio on Didn't work out so well. Actually managed to get numb in some spots but it just didn't happen other wise.

      Ended up listening to the radio all the way until 7 or so, when the power came back on.

      Turned on my laptop and came here to just see what was up. Then came to the question of whether to WBTB or not. I ultimately decided to, so I started my clock and went to bed.

      Ended up waking up an hour before the alarm, so I thought "good enough" and went back to sleep, practicing SSILD cycles as I drifted off.

      And here's where the fun begins.

      The PILD
      Lucid: yes
      TGMG: potentially, but ultimately no.

      I am in my living room, playing an NES game. It looks like Mario but the levels are nothing like I've ever seen before. I have a few false awakenings before I realize something is up. So of course I get up and my room is more or less the same as IWL. I then walk out the door and into the back yard. And this is where things get different.

      I look at the area where the shed was and it's a rather large ruin of a shed that was painted white. I look around and there's a bunch of wood everywhere. I look down and there's a piece of wood in the ground that sounds like there could be something under it. I start to pull it up and I see a bunch of duffel bags in the hole. I climb in and I pull the duffel bags out of the hole, but the wood falls on the hole and there's a bunch of spiders on the wood.

      I just look out of the hole, occasionally grabbing the dirt in the opening before I stop caring and just push the wood away. I carry the duffel bags inside and I open them up to find a bunch of old clothes. They're all completely dry and they even smell decent. Among the clothes I also find a bunch of old school stuff - binders and whatnot. I open those up to find orange text from when I was a log younger.

      I put it away and I then find a bunch of gameboy games and SD cards. I look at the gameboy games. Lots of black cartridges that I have no clue what games are on them.

      The SD cards are also black. I grab them all and start stacking them. "Damn that's a lot of SD cards! Look how tall this stack is!" I don't remember how tall the stack was.

      I have another false awakening.

      I'm back playing the Mario game again! I'm in a very dark level. Well the background is completely black. There's brown Mario styled bricks on the ground and ceiling. I'm also listening to the sound. Sounds like a Mario game except its in stereo oddly enough.

      I continue running down this corridor until eventually the game starts acting weird. The audio goes mono and becomes a bit watery sounding. The graphics also change as the bricks become round stones and Mario becomes Fire peach.

      Ah ha!
      This must be a dream! I immediately become lucid, and realize that I'm playing this on my laptop. I get off and get up. I take care not to destabilize the dream. I look around, looking at how real everything looks.

      The house is more or less the same as in real life except some of the lighting is different. This is more apparent in the kitchen.

      Timmy comes towards me as I'm looking around and asks me whats up. I tell him "I'm dreaming!" and open the front door. I then open the real front door with telekinesis apparently (It was just open).

      Timmy asks me what I'm gonna do, and I tell him I'm going out side. I look out the door, stabilizing the dream. I then walk outside. I start to think "Well I'm dreaming! So what goals do you want to try and do?". I try and remember my lucid list but the only goal I can remember is the one where I shrink myself.

      By this time I'm on the outside porch, (more or less identical to IWL) and I look around. Everything is quite icy, but I don't feel cold. I raise my hands in the air and look up. I then shrink to about a quarter my size.
      Well that's one goal done. No bonus points cause all you did was run to the corner store

      I run off the porch and into the road. The road is quite icy. My brother starts following me as I get to the corner. I look down ecorse rd and I see it's a lot darker than IWL. More houses, and it seems to end in a straight turn to the right. The store down the svc drive looks more or less the same as it does IWL. I continue to walk down, looking down every street that I can.

      I eventually get to where the chicken place is, and I walk inside. This place is pretty much the same as IWL as well. I look around and there's a bunch of food on the back counter. I want to eat some but I think "What if I'm not dreaming?" so I run out.

      All of a sudden I walk up in my bed. I had a false awakening. I get up and everything is blueish. It almost feels as if someone else is in the room but I don't know it. I get up and float across the living room. I say "Jesus christ!", and then I plug my nose. Only to find out I can still breath when it's plugged. "okay this is a dream you don't need to be saying that".

      This next part is a bit of a blur. I definitely lost lucidity.

      I walk into this room that looks like something out of Half Life 2 and metal gear solid put together. There's a DC in there explaining the SD cards to me. He says that someone made the SD cards work like that intentionally to put you to sleep. They don't explain why though. I do learn how it works however. Each SD card has a few DOS games on it as well as a batch file to load them. If you load the games without any batch file, it puts you to sleep, but you don't realize you've gone to sleep. Some of the SD cards, particularly the one I was playing, with Mario, had the batch file tampered with so it acts as if it's not a batch file.

      I have this huge blue monitor to the left of me, and a tunnel that you could crawl through? in front.

      I am then playing this Sonic game where I'm being bounced all over the place with flippers in what seems to be a futuristic setting. Then I'm in a spindash tunnel. I get stuck in it, but I want to go another way so somehow I make my way back up, and I get myself into a launcher and try to get up the top tunnel. It takes a few tries. I don't remember what's on top.

      I wake up some time around here.
      I recall it's now around 11 or so.

      After this I'm incredibly tired, so I end up writing down a lot of things about the dream (go tired me ). I really hesitate though because of just how tired I am. I make lots of mistakes as well.

      Well eventually I end up going to sleep again where I had another dream.

      The windy forest
      Lucid: no
      TGMG: no

      It's during the day time and I'm on a long road in the middle of the forest. No clue where this is but I do know it is quite windy, but not cold.

      There's no cars on the road and I never see any. I look up and the sky is overcast but it is quite bright out. Eventually the wind is so strong that I get picked up off my feet, and into the woods. I see a bunch of trees where I'm going, with water on the bottom. Obviously a swamp.

      I get close enough to a rather large tree and I grab on. It's too large for me to wrap my arms around but I am capable of holding on. As I'm holding on I get my first glimpse of the area. It's a swamp, with lots of large trees like the one I'm on.

      I start climbing up the tree until I get to a large branch. I climb on and sit down. Now I look around fully and I see a swing-like thing made out of tree trunks. There's also a bear laying down on it!

      I watch it for a moment. The bear is swinging back and forth on the branch.

      I look up the tree and I see a yellow rope laying down. I look up to where it's coming from and I see an incomplete bridge. It's made of wood and there's a odd black thing coming off the incomplete end. I grab the rope and start climbing up it.

      As I'm climbing I realize that I don't need much grip to stay on. I could get away with just holding it in my fingers and it would be fine.

      I eventually climb to a branch really close to the bridge. I grab hold of the bridge and I see it swaying back and forth. I then see a DC on the bridge. A female park ranger? They take the rope and throw it to me from the bridge. I climb on and I then see a toolbox the DC has. They're here to fix a bit of the bridge.

      They ask for help, and I start helping them. So they go into their toolbox and start grabbing small screws. Really really small. They then start screwing them into random bits of wood.

      They ask me to do the same so I get a screw and put it into the side of one board on the wall. I can't get it in though! So I try and get it in again. This time it works.

      By now its night time, so the DC thanks me and leaves. I'm alone now so I just get up and walk the path beyond the bridge. I the
      n wake up.

      Once I wake up I'm still really tired.
      Over the course of writing this DJ, I fully awoke and now I feel fine.

      Spoiler for Temp stuff:
    8. Mission/Evil Man Bird

      by , 11-18-2014 at 06:10 PM

      Dream 1

      I had a long dream where I was with a group of people trying to accomplish a mission. Forgot mostly everything though.

      Dream 2

      Something I don't recall happened. Than I was eating Louisiana crunch cake. I wasn't satisfied with just a piece of it so I kept going back for more.After that someone told me I had to go somewhere. I found something about it odd so I was aware it was a dream.
      I left my house with the DC and told it to open a portal somewhere. The DC didn't really want to though.

      The next thing I recall happening is going on a trip with a crowd of people. We went to a place like a arena but inside a huge auditorium. Supposedly a movie was going to be shown. I forgot my book bag though and went out to look for it.
      As I was walking around I felt the atmosphere and mood was tense. I looked back and realized it was a dream and all those DCs were in a trap.

      The announcers began talking to the crowd about how the show was about to start. I was walking pretty fast out the doors but a couple of guards saw me and brought me back to where the arena was. The beast was than released and DCs began screaming and running all around. Inside me I knew it would be wrong to run so I decided to face the giant yellow and Orange colored bird.

      As the bird was gobbling up lots of DCs I ran and flew up to it trying to punch and kick it. But the beak was too huge. The bird started chasing me around even more now so I decided to use my fingers to shoot a flaming ball at it. I charged it up flying backwards as it came at me and released the flame at it. The flame ball missed though and exploded on the ground. I tried charging another one but my powers weren't working.
      I tried to squeeze out the walls and windows but couldn't either. So the bird cornered me.

      I kept walking back thinking of a time to strike a attack. But I could see the bird was now changing into a man who now yelled the fight was over and he won. I wasn't ready to give up though so I jumped and punched him a couple times in the face. I than ran out because I could feel my control was diminishing.When I got outside I appeared on a nice looking street than ran into a subway stairs. I appeared in a huge formal bathroom where there were lots of anime and non anime characters around.

      I looked in a mirror and noticed my hair was a poofy dark blonde and tried to change it. It turned light blonde than to jet black.I asked the DCs if I looked Okay and they all said no. I looked into the mirror again and saw my face had a lot of colorful make up on it. A DC girl told me not to worry though cause that wasn't my real look. I said i wanted to make it right though and poured water on my hair to see if it would work.
      One of my old friends walked in and saw me and I jumped back and tried to hide using a anime guy that was near me. They laughed at how foolish I was acting.I than looked at the DC's shoes for some reason and noticed they had names on it. Than I woke up.

      Updated 11-18-2014 at 06:14 PM by 67570

      non-lucid , lucid
    9. Begin Again. (LD #137)

      by , 11-18-2014 at 12:04 PM (Lucid Time!)
      First, nonlucid bits and bobs from this morning.

      A dream about my mom starting a business. She was working with my father and many of the adults in my family to build her headquarters. I was for some reason complaining that the entrance was asymmetrical; it had two different windows on the sides that were different sizes. In fact, much of the building was like this. It was because she was trying to build it without using any blueprints to make a point about collaboration. Google Drive was involved somehow.

      This somehow transitioned to or from a dream about simply driving around a city. All of the buildings look dream-logicy. Some were floating. Others took on strange or impossible shpaes.

      Something to do with a superhero who's power was to give and take superpowers from other heroes. All of the powers would be stored on this ring, like a green lantern ring.
      He gave 25% of his powers to two people and kept 50% for himself. I am unsure of what powers he gave/kept. He said something about power and how when humans have power they don't use it, and when they don't have it, they think they do.
      This hologram on the ring showed that he had created a 'power gap'.

      I was trying to shared dream with S. We got into this thing where we wanted to have a lucid dream battle. S summoned a fire dragon, and I summoned this robot from my comic known as Dream Crusher. We forgot to come up with the battlefield so it was just a white void.
      DC shot all of these chains out of his hand and ensnared the dragon. (An ability he does not have in the comic.) The dragon tried to melt the chains. DC tried to smash him with his hammer. (An ability he does have.) The dragon broke free through strength and began fighting back.

      I did LDs number 136 and 138. So this will be LD 137.

      And a lil background: Night One - Dream Journals - Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views

      I had a rather long lucid dream where I can't quite recall what was going on. I can recall being in my own backyard and would periodically pull leaves off of trees and fly up in the sky. I can recall changing the clouds to be made of some kind of clay-like material and getting rid of them and I am trying all of these forms of dream control.
      Some of it is working, and some of it is not. I was trying to talk to the dream, or my subconscious or whatever in a polite manner.
      "Can we get these clouds to disappear please?"
      "Can we get it to be lighter, please?"
      "Can we get it to be warmer outside, please."
      I see a giant picture of Benjamin Franklin with cat ears on the side of somebody's house. I needed something dream-logicy like that to become
      fully lucid.
      I correctly recall my lucid goal was to give Manei the hair clip from my first night of lucid dreaming. I yell her name into the sky and see a black cat with blue eyes, sitting in front of a crystal grid on the patio. And of course she turns and runs the other way (for some reason.)
      I begin chasing her up the side of my house. First things first, I put my hand behind my back, hoping I can manifest it. I feel a little thing drop into my hand.
      And there it was! After four years I almost forgot what the dumb thing looked like. Before it was this huge, and a vibrant bright red. It looked darker and less vibrant than I recall from my first LD, it was also a lot smaller.
      I'm see she is still running the other way. (I don't know, DGs are weird.)
      "Come back, I just want to give you something. Then you can run off and do whatever it is you do."
      She stops.
      "The hair clip! From the first time I LD'd. I realized that I never actually gave it to you."
      Manei.exe has stopped working. It took her a good five seconds. Then she seemed to remember what I was talking about.
      "Well in that case, I'm going to have to change the whole story now. Turn around."
      She changes back into human form while my back is turned. We start walking together up around the front of my house. It's cloudy and overcast, and for some reason there are portraits of famous people with hilarious accessories such as MLK with sunglasses and a YOLO cap, and George Washington with headphones on the side of peoples houses. There was some dream-logicy explanation, like a contest or something.
      We sit down in my front yard. The dream that was originally cold and gray seems to be getting a lot brighter now.
      "Here, take this, I have no use for it."
      She took it, still looking somewhat befuddled. I guess dream guides aren't all that used to getting gifts.
      Then I remembered the extra credit homework. I wanted to give her a headband or bandanna, like the one that I wear in WL. I wanted it to have my lucid dream symbol on it.
      random stuff on icedawg's mind that pisses him off-life.png
      (sorry I could only find a picture of it in cyan.)
      "Now, then, if you still want my wardrobe advice..."
      I put my hand behind my back *Le Manifest*.
      Successful again. It's even a tan color, the color I imagined making it. They symbol isn't right though. For some reason looks like this.
      Name:  The-symbol-that-actually-appeared.png
Views: 138
Size:  476 Bytes
      I look on the reverse and see the logo from my Taekwondo studio.
      "Okay, I didn't get the symbols right, but I want you to have it anyway. I think you would look good in a bandanna."
      For some reason my oldest living cat enters the dream (I've had four cats IWL. the oldest one is dead.) . He does this thing that he does IWL where he puts his rear end in the air asking you to scratch near the base of the tail. I start scratching him. I get the dream ending feeling, and just let the thing come to an end. While it fades out, I say something to myself like "Let's begin again"...

      And now it's 1:30am and I am filled with all the giggly feels you get when you accomplish a lucid goal.

      And if she actually wears that bandanna next time, I will have no words.

      A memorable tag for this lucid.

      Updated 11-18-2014 at 03:17 PM by 53527

      non-lucid , memorable , dream fragment , lucid
    10. #56 - Choose a dream/Fish & Chips/freaky WILD event

      by , 11-18-2014 at 10:40 AM (The Oneironaut's Odyssey)
      Black: Non-dream
      Blue: Non-lucid
      Red: Lucid

      Dream 1 - Choose a dream (3:09am)
      Vaguely remember this dream, something about choosing which dream I wanted to go into next, there were sheep involved and I think someone I knew was playing a guitar and the started playing a song that I've been learning, but they were showing off about it or something.

      Dream 2 - Fish & Chips
      I'm walking through my hometown at night, I'm in the parking lot and I see my friend D. He seems to have a job at the local fish and chips shop, he offers to make me a meal but it wasn't fish and chips, it was like some crazy dessert pavlova-look-a-like that was super extravagant and exotic.

      Dream 3 - WILD (closest thing I've had to a WILD success)
      I'm trying to go through my SSILD cycles, I start to notice a WILD transition come on (vibrations and hypnogogia). I try not to focus on them too much like I did the other two times this is happened to me (which I screwed up >_<) and nearly lost it at one point. But then I realized I could egg the vibrations to intensify by using my jaw, tensing it or something. The vibrations intensify to an extreme level, my jaw is buzzing and grinding and vibrating so much the I feel like my tooth is about to break. I make it to the dream, but as I do this my tooth shatters.
      I think "Oh ****, my tooth!" My first instinct was to wake up, so I do this and hop out of bed, I spit the tooth into my hand, I can feel the missing slot in my mouth where my tooth was... I stare at the tooth in my hand in disbelief...
      I wake up. I had been in a false awakening
    11. 11/17/2014 - "Picking a Fight with Spider-Man"

      by , 11-18-2014 at 03:46 AM (Oneironaut Zero: Dreamwalker Chronicles)
      I've had a couple of dreams, over the last few days, that I still have to expand from notes. However, this morning's dream involved Hukif's Lucid Dare, so I wanted to type it up as soon as I had the time. I don't know if it counts as a success or not, but it was a pretty good one - albeit frustrating...

      "Picking a Fight with Spider-Man"

      Spoiler for Short-Version:

      I 'awoke' in my bed. Looking around the room, I could tell that things just seemed 'different'. Eventually, I came to realize that my TV and entertainment center had changed shape and size. There was also a strange feeling about me. I felt like I was in a bit of a daze. Like I wasn't quite 'with it'. I pulled up a glowing clock in front of me (I don't remember if it was on a watch or a cellphone), and I checked the time. Instead of numbers, the clock face began to morph into random letters. A calendar appeared, instead of a clock. I immediately knew that I was dreaming.

      Looking at my hands, I attempted to bring the dream into more clarity. It seemed to work, but the room was still dark, so I couldn't quite see exactly what level of detail there was. I took a moment to think about what it was that I wanted to do, stepping over to the bedroom window. I knew I wanted to be outside, so I put my hands up to the window and pressed forward, phasing through the glass and leaning halfway out, taking a good look at my surroundings. It was a still night, and I believe I remember it feeling a little brisk. From the look of the neighborhood, I was back at my old home in Canterbury (again), and there was a single house across the ditch, which had green Christmas lights on it. It was one of the only things I could see, in the dark.

      I remembered Hukif's Dare, about trying to fight Spider-Man, so I floated the rest of the way through the window, and up onto the roof. Instead of my normal roof, it seemed like I was now on the conjoined roofs of some big, sprawling city, with old-fashioned architecture (such as London). I flew up a few levels, from one rooftop platform to the next. Up ahead, I could see Spider-Man. He was a few levels higher than me, so I elevated to his position and saw that he seemed to be working on something; building some sort of structure. I couldn't tell what it was, but there were barrels of material and scraps laying around. He was clearly focused on what he was doing, and didn't seem to pay me any mind.

      He simply ignored me, when I called down to him for a fight, continuing to work on whatever it was he was working on. I thought I might try antagonizing him a bit, so (having forgotten that one of the caveats of the dare was that I had to fight him without using any dream powers) I slung my hand out and made Spider-Man's trademark gesture, effortlessly causing a string of webbing to fly out of my wrist and cover him from chest to boots. He made some comment about how he didn't want to fight me, sounding as if the idea completely bored him to tears, and then he ripped his way out of the webbing, which flickered away and disappeared like some low-tech video game effect.

      All of a sudden, there was a series of explosions, closing in on us from a higher point upon the cluttered stacks of rooftops. Spider-Man said that there was a very powerful villain coming, and he began scampering in the other direction when the explosions began blasting in toward us. I quickly followed him, flying Superman style as we rushed to evade the incoming ordinance. I couldn't see who was actually chasing us, but I was amazed (no pun intended) at the way Spider-Man moved - flipping and twisting and landing on the smallest of surfaces before rebounding off and tucking into all sorts of various, aerial maneuvers. It was a trip to watch, even while making our escape.

      Finally, we got back down to the edge of the rooftop on which I had begun. I flew over the side and landed to the ground in front of my bedroom window. I believe I was going to phase back through the window, to head inside, but it was right around here when the dream reset itself.

      I was back in my room, on my bed, and looking around in the dark. This time, my TV was on, so there was a dim glow that I don't believe was there, the first time around. Spider-Man and the heavily-armed mystery villain were nowhere to be seen. Still lucid, I sat in bed for a few moments and attempted to ground myself into the dream again. I started rubbing my hands and feeling around on my arms, to focus on the texture. This time, I could see a strange black set of tattoos, which ran halfway up my arm. The were symbols, or abstract objects, which kind of looked like the bones of a spinal column, from my wrist to the top of my forearm.

      Getting out of bed and walking to the TV, I wanted to try and use it for a scene change. I can't remember what program was showing, but I pushed my face up to the screen and attempted to 'go into' the TV, itself. After a few moments, everything had just gone dark. I pulled my head away and saw that what was once a TV, had transformed into some sort of cabinet or dresser. Frustrated, and attempting to test my level of control in this dream, I levitated myself a couple of inches from the floor, checking to see if I could stay afloat. Then, after a few seconds, I lowered myself to the ground and slung my first down at it. My fist smashed into the ground with incredible force, and I could feel a sonic boom shake the walls of the home. From what I could tell, I still had at least a little control over things, here.

      I knew I wanted to try my hand at Spider-Man, again, but I didn't want to have to waste the time in going to find him. I 'willed' for him to be in the room with me, and he soon walked in through the bedroom door. The lights were on, by now, and he just stood between me and the dresser, as if silently waiting for an explanation as to why he was summoned. I asked him if he wanted to spar, and he simply made some dismissive gesture. He just wasn't having it, apparently, and I was getting nowhere. I decided to try attacking him, again. At first, I was going to try webbing him again, but I remembered about the rules. So, I tried throwing a few punches. It just felt really awkward, and I was hitting nothing but air. I even tried DBZ-style 'rapid-fire punching', but it was just like he wasn't even there. I couldn't tell if he was moving too fast for me to see him, or I was just punching 'through' him. Going for broke, I jumped up and threw a double drop-kick right at his chest. It was powerful enough to knock him back against the cabinet and send me hovering across the room and smashing into the wall behind me. Ultimately, though, he brushed it off and stood up straight once again.

      I was growing more and more frustrated, and I really didn't want to end this dream in a complete failure, since this jackass was too stubborn to want to fight me. I wanted to fight someone, at least. Phasing back through the window, I took off into the (still night) sky, leaving Spider-Man to his anti-social self. Screw him, anyway. I wanted to fight Goku!

      The dream went into this really weird, very trippy flight sequence, where the sky would turn this kaleidoscope of colors while I went on my search for Goku. There were weird creatures flying around, and some of them were talking all kinds of nonsense. Everything turned 2-D and cartoonish. Total DBZ environment. It actually looked a lot like I was flying through Snake Way.

      The clouds cleared, and I was then flying over a mountainous terrain while one of the creatures were telling me about how some villains were hiding in the caves and building a huge 'space craft' (and that this was inherently bad, for some reason or another), so I decided to go and find them. I landed at the mouth of a cave and wandered into the darkness, growing slightly anxious at what I might find, but trying to keep my anxiety down, so as not to produce a nightmare. While walking through the winding tunnel, dragging one hand along the rocky wall in order to keep myself grounded by feeling around the environment, I was suddenly confronted by two alien henchmen. Immediately, I curled my hand into a fist and charged a sphere of energy around it. It even made the familiar sound effect of a ki blast charging, from the DBZ cartoon (though it was unintentional, and it was funny when I heard it, because it was completely unexpected). I quickly spun in place and fired two blasts from my hand at the henchmen, the explosions filling the hallway with smoke and debris. When the smoke began to fade, I saw that at least one of them were still standing. I dashed toward him and tried swinging a barrage of punches. However, all I got was the 'underwater' feeling that I sometimes get when trying to punch things. Through the smoke, I could hear the alien laugh and say something like "you're funny," in a completely childish manner. Just as this was beginning to frustrate me, the dream scene changed again.

      I was then at my Aunt's house (but it was different than it is in waking life), and sitting on her couch. I was still lucid, and beginning to think that this dream wasn't going to be lasting much longer, so I began trying to backtrack and go over the past events of the dream in my head, in order to keep the memories fresh in my mind. My cousin came out from a bedroom, and she had another (gorgeous girl) with her, whom was also being identified as another cousin, even though she was a complete stranger to me. They said that they had just voted, for their first time, and were tired after doing a lot of studying on the candidates and the voting process. It was around here, when I noticed that neither of them were wearing any clothes. Unable to resist, I started sizing up the unfamiliar girl, and getting a little 'hands-on'.

      Not wanting the dream to fade, I looked at my hands again, not wanting another premature scene change. I noticed that the weird tattoo I'd had before had returned, and it was now going all the way up my arm, to the shoulder. When I looked back at the girls, I saw that they had similar markings up their arms, as well as parts of their faces and heads. It was very tribal-looking, and kind of cool, but I already had my intentions set. The unfamiliar girl and I began to fool around on the couch, but just as things were starting to really get going (keeping it vague and appropriate, since I'm writing this at work ), I felt the clarity of the dream slipping away from me. I tried to run my fingers along her skin some more, to keep things going, but I was already stuck with the idea of waking up, and the thought of the dream ending pulled me too far away from it all to get it back.

      Having just barely gotten inside this tattooed beauty, I woke up.

      Updated 11-18-2014 at 04:29 PM by 2450

      lucid , false awakening , memorable
    12. Listening in and a rare dish

      by , 11-17-2014 at 08:28 PM
      I've come to a group of buildings with many rooms, with people sleeping inside. I stick my head inside one, and the woman inside starts talking. I hear her voice distorted, like a phone call with a bad connection; her mouth isn't moving, she still looks asleep. I apologize for waking her up, I hadn't meant to, and when she stops talking I enter the room. I put my hand on her head, and I lose visuals and get an impression of many voices, very quiet. I'm aware this is an opportunity to listen in on her dream.

      It seems to be morning now; for a moment I think I've just skipped over her dream entirely. I'm in her apartment, and her bed is empty; so's the bed where her roommate sleeps. I look out the window, and see her on her bike. She's late for class, and wondering why/how she slept so late. She sees me standing on the sidewalk, and tells me I better hurry too if I want to get to school on time. She thinks I'm one of her students.

      I leave her and walk through a park near her school, watching a squirrel run along a branch. As I'm walking a woman sitting in one of the trees addresses me. She asks how to get close to a human. It's the usual, I tell her - you talk with them, you create shared experiences, you care about them.

      I'm aware that woman's just altered this reality. I'm returning to a home where I live with various people, and that woman from the tree is there; she's a part of this 'family.' She's set things up so that everyone thinks she's this beautiful ideal; someone compares her to Quan Yin. The part of me that still recognizes that this is a scenario she created is amused. Setting yourself up as an ideal isn't a very realistic way to experience being part of a family, but whatever floats your boat. We eat a large dinner of various rare dishes, everyone contributing a different one, and I'm a little irritated because I know I'm not going to remember all these dishes when I wake up, there's too many of them to keep track of, and the dream goes through them too quickly. But when the meal's done, we're all sent out to hunt for some new rare dish to bring back to that woman from the tree. I and one of my 'sisters' wander through an arcade, looking for something rare.
    13. Tall Guy And The Mystery/Animal Crossing Land

      by , 11-17-2014 at 07:07 PM

      Dream 1

      Something I don't recall happened than I was inside a wooden square area where there was a shower. I was in the shower but it was cold so i got out quick. Couldn't find my clothes though so I just grabbed a blanket.
      I was aware it was a dream after I noticed I was in a country like place. In front of me there was a tall guy, a little girl and my mom.They were walking up a hill and I decided to follow them.(A pink night gown appeared on me)I told the guy I was going to follow him and was making a joke but he just called me a punk like I was annoying him. For some reason I felt like he was a distant cousin or someone I saw before but I don't really know.

      Anyways we ended up going inside a apartment and I saw two stands of candies like they have in the supermarket. Curious, I asked "Where did all this candy come from?" The little girl said her mom collects candy. After that I tried playing around with the tall guy but than everything paused quickly and a drawing of a figure with a footprint appeared in my hand. A voice than appeared saying " Just one footprint was seen before the silent killer made his move". Than everything turned white and I was on the ground and I could feel lots of baby mice crawling in my shoes. But I couldn't get up. Apparently I was dead in the dream or something. I woke up after that.

      Dream 2

      I appeared at a subway and was observing a lady I knew. My mom distracted me though and we were now at a huge store buying pots and pans and a ice cube tray. I dropped it though and recall appearing in a empty apartment room. I was on a white bed though and my mom was sitting in front of me. The place felt familiar but I didn't know where I was. The walls were white and there was wood flooring.After a bit I appeared in my house. I was in my parents room and decided to make Eye appear. A DC appeared but it seemed really dum and hyper so I pushed it out of my way and left out through the front door. The scenery was sort of dim so I shouted for the dream to get brighter. I than walked and shouted for it to get more brighter since it wasn't enough for me. But it was now a colorful brightness.

      I flew up and decided I wanted to change the scene to a anime place. "Turn into a anime world!" I shouted. Anime like trees,buildings,sky and other stuff began to appear but than all of a sudden I started hearing the animal crossing theme and everything appeared as a animal crossing scenery. It was really nice and pretty though. Below I could see a yellow bunny villager that was strange looking trying to do something. I wanted to get closer but flew into a street light. The villagers started shouting at me because I broke their lamp. I said sorry than started thinking about how I wanted to be with Eye. I than appeared at a street place walking with a guy somewhere. He said he was looking for his glasses and friend. I took his hand and told him to follow me. But everything stopped and the guys voice appeared saying " And that's how we became best friends". Than I woke up.
      lucid , non-lucid
    14. Sun at Midnight, Another Party

      by , 11-17-2014 at 04:58 AM (One Up Seeker)
      1. I was outside with a few friends next to an area that resembled Popeye's chicken. I was in a small golf cart type of car, driving it. I pulled up to the main boulevard and stopped to wait for traffic passing by. After the traffic passed I drove onto the road. I took a left and started driving. Other than a few cars, there was almost no more traffic. As I continued driving I looked up at the night sky in front of me. Suddenly A big bright yellow light started appearing in the sky, and I then recognized it to be the sun. I realized that the sun coming up at midnight made no sense, so I became lucid.
      I kept looking at the sun, and suddenly the letter M appeared on it in really big lettering.
      I then woke up because I thought to hard about it lol.

      2. I was inside of someones house, and they were having a party. I had just walked through an entire obstacle course and now I walked into a room where everyone was about to watch a movie. My friend Dylan came up to me and asked me if I wanted to go onto the 2nd obstacle course, and I said yes because the first one was so fun. I bought my ticket for it for 10 dollars. As I went back into the room where the movie was about to start, I saw my friend Natalia. "Cory! Its been a long time!" she said. "Hey whats up Natalia, and I know, its been forever." I replied. "Hey, the movie is about to start, sit down and cuddle with me and lets watch it." She told me. "Hey you know what, that sounds like a good idea." I said.
      Just then my friend Dylan comes in and tells me that the obstacle course is about to start in a few minutes. I tell Natalia that I already paid 10 bucks to go to this, so I couldnt miss it. She begged me to stay with her, but I didn't(Lol If this were real life I would've chose her).

      The dream didnt end here, but Ill finish the rest tommorow hopefully because I need some sleep
    15. Narcissus at the Symphony

      by , 11-17-2014 at 01:13 AM
      Color legend: Non-dream Dream Lucid

      Lucid #255: Narcissus at the Symphony

      I’m standing in the kitchen with Wife and my two boys E and R. I feel incredibly tired, like I can barely keep my eyes open or even stand. The exhaustion gets the better of me and I collapse, falling flat on my face. “Oh my God! Are you okay?” asks Wife, rushing to my side to help me up. I feel embarrassed that I’ve worried everybody when I’m only tired… surely I could have stopped myself from falling like that!

      I stagger over to the sink, noticing that I’m wearing glasses (extremely rare in waking life.) I lean against the sink, noticing odd patterns and spots in my vision. Something’s definitely wrong with me, but I feel like it’ll all be better if I can just fall asleep. It occurs to me to look for the dream and when I hit the nose pinch reality check,
      I become lucid.

      I’m shocked that this is all a dream, and I say out loud, “That countertop right there -- that looks exactly like waking life.” I run my hands over it. It’s in a different configuration from waking life, but the texture, the look, it’s all perfect. Amazing. I catch my reflection in the mirror. I look like me, but my movements are just a bit delayed from my dream body’s movements. I wave my arms above my head and watch in amusement.

      I remember Jenkees’ dare to play an orchestral soundtrack. I raise my arms in the air, willing one to arise. I hear something! But it’s very faint, sounding like nothing more than an orchestra tuning up before a concert. Yes, that makes sense, cool soundtrack will come from doing cool stuff.

      I walk toward my den but now I’m somehow in the hall of a building, walking past a big mirror. Hey look, I’m shirtless! I look just like myself but with just that little added bit of dream buffness. I flex for a little while, shamelessly indulging in vanity. This goes on for much longer than it should and then I continue along the hall out into a balcony where well-dressed DCs go wandering by. Hey, I bet that I’m at a concert hall! I decide that I should attend a symphony concert to complete Jenkees dare.

      I find another mirror and think to summon Dreamer. I don’t want to get too fixated on immediate success, so I say, “Hey, [Dreamer], you can join me if you feel like it!” And in the mirror, Dreamer appears next to me! She sports the usual purple hair, but a heavier build than waking life. I look to my right to catch a direct view of her, but instead of Dreamer, I see my friend “Topspin”! He bears not the slightest resemblance to Dreamer in appearance or personality, being a dude of a completely different height, race, face shape, and demeanor from her. I look back and forth from Dreamer to Topspin. Both of them are smiling at me in amusement and I laugh, saying something like, “Okay, follow along with me if you like!” (Nobody does.)

      I walk further along the balcony and see a brown-haired woman in her mid-20s pretending to take pictures by forming her hand into a camera shape. She points her “camera” at me and I’m caught by surprise when it flashes and making a picture-taking noise! I laugh at this and say “Nice one!” She springs up and does these amusing, highly exaggerated photographer poses while taking a few more pictures.

      I think she’s hilarious and attractive, and I kiss her. Things turn sexual, but as we head this direction I notice that her reactions are almost precise mirrors of my own. The experience is fun but feels artificial somehow, and I decide to let the dream go in another direction. We’re on a crowded street at daytime now. I give the photographer a hug and afterward she turns around and wanders away. I start down the road, but after a little bit,
      the dream ends.

      Updated 11-17-2014 at 01:50 AM by 57387
