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    Memorable Dreams

    1. My first lucid dream: The lucid dream in a dream in a dream!

      by , 01-28-2011 at 05:03 PM
      28th of january 2011

      My recall from my very first lucid dream is kinda lousy from this experince but i wanna share it because it was wicked in the details i got!
      My First lucid dream!
      The dream starts with me going to bed and falling to asleep. In my dream i dream.. the dream inside the dream is me dreaming.. At this final dream i remember me sitting infront of this very beautifull girl with long brown straight hair and she got a smile on her face. I asked her ''Am i dreaming?'' - She smiled at me and ''Yes''..

      What happens after that is me thinking ''This is a lucid dream?'' and everything went black - I remember notthing from after that event
      But hey! Its a start! A little odd thing is: I usually wake up during the night like 3-5 times.. This night with my very first LD and i didnt wake up during the night! Never slept that well in years!

      Updated 01-28-2011 at 05:08 PM by 41163

      lucid , non-lucid , memorable , dream fragment
    2. Quit marijuana, vivid nightmares every night.

      by , 01-28-2011 at 04:06 PM
      As well I have been a heavy Marijuana smoker for the past 13 years and have stopped about 3 weeks ago. In the first couple of weeks I increased the amount of alcohol that I have been drinking as most people do when giving up. Whilst drinking more i was still not recalling my dreams but was waking suddenly through the night with no apparent reason. I have recently taken the alcohol out of the equation and for the first few nights I found it hard to fall asleep and when I did it was very light restless sleep. I have now entered into a very dark stage with the most scary nightmares in which I feel trapped and helpless! So much so that it has prompted me to find this site and look into it in more detail.

      The first dream that I dealt with was in regard to an issue I had with some neighbours a few months ago. They had a party with a group of teenagers who started banging on my windows and doors. As I came out to tell them to keep it down I was attacked and when retreating back inside they then turned their attention on my house throwing plant pots at my windows and tearing pieces from my neighbours fence to try and break in to my house. This obviously left me feeling vulnerable and threatened. Since this incident I have had various visits asking me to borrow my car, telling me to sort them out drugs and more objects being thrown at my windows and doors.

      In the dream I had one of them (about 14/15 years old) come into my hose demanding musical equipment from me, I had no control over the situation and could do nothing but tell him that he wasn't going to have my equipment. There were friends of mine there who were doing nothing about it. They didn’t seem to be too bothered or threatened but I was feeling scared and threatened by the intruder. I wanted to grab him and throw him out of my house as I was twice his size and age but for some reason could do nothing but tell him he couldn’t have my things. I then woke with all of the details vivid in my head.

      2 nights ago I was dreaming that a friend of mine who runs my local pub and is also giving up alcohol was sexually harassing my 4 year old son. My sons mother (we are separated) was absolutely fine with this and could not understand my upset, anger or concern. I was trapped with her taking sides with this friend who was sleazing over my son. I spent the whole dream trying to separate my son from this harassment and take him somewhere safe. There was no explicit contact between my friend and my son but the intent was there. This is all I can recall about this dream but it seemed to go on for a long time I was hugely disturbed upon waking.

      The dream That I had last night was probably the scariest I have ever had. It is a bit blurry but I can remember some details clearly. I was again with friends (don’t know which ones) and they were forcing me to watch a scary film which we were a part of. It didn’t feel like watching a film, to me we were in the film and it was real. There was an evil figure like Freddie Kruger’s bigger scarier brother crossed with Satan. I was trying to leave but my friends who were also scared were forcing me to stay and "watch the film". We were all hugging each other trying to escape the Dark figure, not being chased or attacked but his presence terrified me and we just had to sit and watch. I eventually woke up from this hellish place and when I returned to my dreams I was part of a cult who's objectives I cannot remember but again full of darkness. I remember a themed party which seemed familiar in a jail or concentration camp of some sort. Again there was the constant theme of fear and intimidation. I was highly recognised within this cult and was helping them achieve their dark (but unknown) plan. Again When I woke up I had awful thoughts and memories of a bad night sleep.

      Sorry if all of this is so vague but I have come into work today and am not feeling myself. Admitadly I do feel a bit better after writing all of these details but still a bit worried as to what it all could relate to. I can obviously see the first dreams relivance to not feeling as secure in my house after the incidence with my neighbours but the rest as all a mistery.

      Ay comments or advice would be much appreciated.
      non-lucid , memorable
    3. #181. Eternity

      by , 01-28-2011 at 05:56 AM (Things to Run Away From Really Fast)


      The ballroom explodes into chaos as the giant chess set dismembers the guests, forcing me to escape with the elderly ghosts of the manor who then try to trap me as I escape through the cracks in reality with the maid and her sister who don't trust me after I rescue them from drowning because I can't die (from that point on, we're followed by their zombie-like blue-tinged doppelgangers who are haunting their mostly-dead father who says, "This is our eternity," and means, "This is Hell.")

      Eternity. Scare Factor: 5. Rating: Awesome.
    4. Either Psychosis or a Vampire Demon

      by , 01-28-2011 at 01:51 AM (Zukin's Dream Journal! <3)
      I was at a TSO concert in a large room with no seats. I was sitting on a stair case with a few other people. There was barely anyone there. Their music sounded strange, I have heard it before, but not in real life. Maybe I have heard it before in another dream.

      There was a man staring at me. He was creepy acting, but good looking. He had short black hair and looked to be a little older than me. He was probably around 19. His eyes were a little red in the corners.

      He kept staring, so I eventually just decided to leave. My friends followed. We thought about chilling out at a book store or something.

      We were in a fancy city. In the middle I remember clearly a fountain. I sensed someone else and looked behind me. He was there, staring again. He started walking towards me.

      "What are you staring at?" One of my friends asked. I tried not to look suspicious.

      "That man, behind us, he is staring like a stalker," I whispered back. They looked behind.

      "There is no one there," they claimed. They exchanged worried looks within their group.

      That man kept approaching, so I decided to try and walk away. But he continued to follow.

      So I ran. And he freaking teleported.

      "What are you running from??" My friends continuously asked. They couldn't see him.

      There was no escape from this man. I would have to talk to him. I finally let him approach me.

      I was in the middle of the city, next to the fountain. To the left of us was a large mirror for decoration.

      As he approached I noticed something very strange:

      If I looked at him, I could not see his reflection in the mirror in my peripheral vision.

      If I looked at the mirror, I could not see him in my peripheral vision.

      It was an either-or, but he could not exist in both "realities" at the same time. This was very frightening to me. Looking back on it, I hadn't realized it then, but it reminds me of how, according to myth, vampires do not have reflection. And, according to culture, you usually see a ghost in the mirror but when you turn around they are no longer there. He was doing both.

      He talked to me (my friends more worried than ever that I was losing it), and absolutely insisted that I come to his "realm". He told me that he was similar to a vampire/demon. As he said the word realm I felt a shiver of cold and being trapped. I refused to go.
    5. Sex

      by , 01-27-2011 at 11:26 PM
      I dreamt that I had sex with a girl of my school. I'm not going to talk about the details
      Tags: girl, sex
      memorable , non-lucid
    6. Deleted

      by , 01-27-2011 at 10:38 PM (Torra)

      Updated 11-06-2011 at 02:12 AM by 39215

      non-lucid , nightmare , memorable
    7. FIRST LUCID DREAM! Health and safety inspection at work +

      by , 01-27-2011 at 09:54 PM (Tomas's DJ - "Exploration of the inner Self")
      I am in a large room, it looks like a hospital. There are curtains and a bed. They want something from me, but I don't know what. I am being tested with various tests. They find out that I have some serious heart decease, something similar to cancer. There is no cure for it as I have it for too long. Then Pavel Opatrny and Marek Hlavacek walk in. They ask me some questions, but I don't understand what are they saying. I go to Pavel's grandma then. There was Milka Havlova, the lady with one arm.

      I go with Hlavacek and Danny to a shop with watches. I wanted nice and simple Seiko watches. They show me loads of shitty ones, plastic and funny colors. I refuse all of them as I know that I want nice watches. Then I see one, that looks really nice, but I tell them that I need some time to make my mind.

      I am walking around UBS buildings. But it looks different. There are massive rooms with many desks and escalators. It must be at night as it is dark or dim everywhere. I am looking for something. I am looking in draws. Then I get to an area that looks like a play corner for kids.
      I find a book there.

      I am at work and there is Helen working with me today. I walk in to the deli from the kitchen and notice many people in the deli. They wear long coats and I feel that they are somewhat important. When suddenly, they walk behind the counter and start checking everything. They open the microwave and see scotch broth soup being defrosted with the plastic bags. the microwave is somewhere else than usual, next to the Jacket potato oven. There is a whole cooked chicken on the counter. Its all greasy and it doesn't look good at all. I am starting to feel anxious as I know that it is going to be a problem. I don't understand where is all that mess coming from, but it is not important. I think Hellen must have been doing nothing. I realize it is health and safety inspection. Then they go to the kitchen. I am not following them so I don't know what is happening there. Then suddenly Sharon runs to me from the kitchen. I see the stress and tension and anger in her eyes. She asks me where are plasters from the first aid kit? I am getting a little bit angry and explain her that Alfonso, the kitchen porter keeps taking the plasters all the time.

      **** At this point I am starting to realize that something is not right here. We don't cook chicken in the deli bar. Also I see Emanuel in leather jacket and a hat. He doesn't work with us for long time, and he has no longer access to the building. With those things together I now know that it is a dream. I feel that I want to change what is going on. I don't have any specific intention, but I just want to change it.*****

      Then suddenly all those people yell "We gotcha!!!" (apriiil). And they all start to wish me happy birthday. I see all those birthday crackers firing. They explain to me, that it was just a birthday prank. I look at my manager telling her with my eyes that it is not my birthday, she understands and tells me with her eyes to be quiet.
      lucid , non-lucid , memorable
    8. Twas a Dream? Or SP?

      by , 01-27-2011 at 05:14 PM (Glimpse Into a Mad Mind)
      Ok I think I woke up in sleep paralysis again last night, but I'm not sure. I woke up for something, then drifted back to sleep. I believe I woke up again and was staring at the backs of my eyelids. I thought I heard the rustling of a plastic bag along with the voice of my stepbrother call my name. But when I heard it, I immediately thought "Don't look. It isn't real." So I kept my eyes shut and sure enough I started feeling waves of strong vibrations which got more intense, then died down, then got intense again, and so on. I thought I must be in SP and tried to put myself in a dream. It didn't work, and I eventually I got up. Thing is, I was thinking like I normally do when I'm awake and I thought I got up and moved, even though I really didn't. How much do you want to bet that if I looked at my hands when I 'got up' that they would blur or melt away or something and I would be in a lucid dream?

      But when I got up for real, I questioned that maybe I just dreamt the entire thing, but the vibrations felt so real and my thoughts were clear. I told myself "I must be in SP". I'm not sure; what do you all think?
    9. Weird Happenings (Precognitive Dream?)

      by , 01-27-2011 at 05:00 PM (Krista's Dream Journal)
      Dream - Lucid

      I woke up and got on Skype. My friend from Belgium that I met on this forum was online. I hadn't talked to him in a long time. He had tried to message me the night before, but I had left Skype up overnight. We were talking about movies and he was sending me some really cool pictures. I knew I needed to get in the shower to get ready for classes, but I couldn't get away from the computer. I walked into a sound studio and was getting taught about how it worked. I knew I really needed to get in the shower. There was an episode of Family Guy on one of the screens in the studio. I saw a couple of my friends from school. Then, I went back to the computer and talked to my friend some more.

      This morning, I got up, showered, and got on the computer, and my friend was on Skype, and he messaged me! We haven't talked in awhile either. Neither of us have had time to get online. Craziness... o_o
      Tags: precognition
      non-lucid , memorable
    10. The world that never could be.

      by , 01-27-2011 at 09:55 AM (Tales from the sun chaser.)
      Technique: MILD (failed WILD)
      Dream Control: 4-7
      Dream Length: LONG (Probably a full REM session)
      Recall: Average
      Vividness: Excellent

      I was in my bed trying to WILD, and telling myself I knew I was going to have an LD. There wasn't any doubt in my mind because I woke up naturally after about five hours of sleep. (had a few junk dreams not worth mentioning) It took a while to fully relax because of the B-6 I took, but when I did, I noticed something...

      I got directly out of bed. "Why am I getting out of bed right now"? "I can understand adjusting position, but there isn't any need to fully exit my bed". I walked to the window and couldn't believe my eyes. Towering gray-scale buildings painted the length of the skyline. It looked like the castle in the world that never was. I was partially convinced that it was a dream, but I had to double check for some reason. I opened up the window, and placed my hands on the screen...and it phased through it. I did the nose pinch twice, and it worked. Okay, it's go time. I flew straight through my window and started heading there, getting closer and closer, but when I finally got to the area that would be the place, it turned out being some random city that I've never been in. Sex minutes later, I'm back on my quest to get to that place.

      There were a lot of people there, and they seem very intelligent...I figured right then would have been the best time to summon my DG. I told myself that she would be right behind me, and some of the DC's oddly echoed my command. One of them even said "your dream guide is already behind you" when I still trying to visualize and think of what she looked like. When I turned around, I saw D. I don't know why she took that form, maybe because of the amount of people, and to stand out more, but I asked him how to get to the world that never was, and he pointed in a direction, and we talked about some other things that I forgot.

      I took off flying in the direction he told me, and I didn't see anything that looked like the buildings I saw earlier, just more people upon people upon people. I landed and started asking some of the DC's there. One who looked like DF was there. I forgot what he said as well, but I decided to summon a keyblade and test it out. It looked like the real deal, but it felt like I wasn't holding anything at all. I threw it on the ground and it shattered. I picked up the pieces and quickly rearranged them to form an Imperial Repeater. "I can do stuff like this all day, but I have problems with with making a keyblade....go figure". The weapon was lime green, and it had a flame thrower barrel mounted on top of the other barrel. It was sort of the cross between a m-16, a super soaker, and a shotgun. I pulled the trigger, and flames shot out perfectly. I explained to DF how my weapon skills are nearly flawless, as I removed the flamethrower barrel and attached it to my left forearm. I proceeded to shoot the flames out Boba Fett style again. Then I tested the actual weapon out again. I sent several hundred rounds in the opposite direction at people. The weapon was horrible inaccurate, but it sent a barrage of rounds with ease. The kickback was minimal, and I told DF, that I didn't have to worry about where the second trigger was now. He asked for repeater, and showed me where the other trigger was. It was positioned right next to the first one. "Oh well", I told him, and headed off again.

      This time I was running. I threw down the repeater, and summoned a keyblade again. This one seemed a little more stable, but it still had that "not there" feeling to it. I continued on to this delta like river that had rope walls coming out of it. There was an old man who was filling up the river with some device. I asked him for directions, and he told me it was on the other side. Still having issues with flying, I attempted to cross it anyways, since there wasn't any other way around it. I jumped up a few feet, and landed just over the water. I continued on, and was sinking at the same time. I got about neck deep before the sinking had stopped, but I kept focusing on flying. I was nearly to the edge of the other side of the river, and all of a sudden, I flew up out of the water, and landed on the shore.

      There was this cave with stairs that I started ascending. The stairs themselves looked like it was chiseled out, and each stair case had two black statues of of heads that resembled the Easter Island ones. I kept climbing, while trying not to disturb the ancient looking works. Soon, there were several other artifacts lined up on the middle of the stairs. As I tried my best to avoid them, I heard the pottery smash and slide around with each step. Finally, I woke up.
    11. Possibly unlocking my Akashic Records and partial astral separation

      by , 01-27-2011 at 07:21 AM (Percy's Void of Thoughts)
      Possibly unlocking my Akashic Records and partial astral separation (DILD)


      As usual, I have a lot of dreams to record and little time to copy them to this journal, so here goes the big one.

      I came back to the Earth from a trip at the moon. For some reason I had to go back to the moon, and I was actually very excited. I was working in a store (probably my store with twisted reality) I was told by a randomly generated Dream Character that I needed to get ready to go back to the moon. I was going to spend a few days up there. I had to go to a grocery store to get the supplies I needed.

      I was informed that I was going to find computers and a place to sleep at the moon. I felt really good and I bought some cans of coke, these cans were yellow and smaller than usual. The manager wanted me to visit the moon with a second employee. We were going to do some sort of inventory for Serrano hams. I entered in a small room and I almost immediately spawned at the moon.

      I though that I did not call my wife to notify her I was going to be a few days out.

      I felt really good while at the moon. All I could see was complete silence. I could hear the silence, my own hearbeat and my own thoughts. I was completely alone with my own consciousness and I felt great. Around me, all I could see was nothingness, emptiness and tranquility. In front of me, I saw a big closet with a lot stuff inside. The closet was metalic and the doors had a small locker. I pulled a notebook from somewhere and started to write down stuff from the closet. While I was working on the count, I started to allow my mind to wander and treat me with random thoughts. I felt very excited as I was able to travel to the moon regularly without belonging to the NASA. Suddenly, I found a weird piece of ham and while I looked at it, I lost vision.

      After a few seconds, I found myself in an old house. The house was in a small village and it had three stores. When I entered the house, some dream character greeted and hugged me. A female DC on her 40s escorted me to an odd elevator. I suddenly teleported to a ancient place and felt a presence.
      I turned lucid and I started to investigate this place. It was a mix of Egyptian and Mayan cultures showing in the building. My dream was very stable so I decided to investigate. I felt I was under a good level of lucidity.

      My dream guide showed up. She was smiling at me and welcomed me to the place. My dream guide's energy was different from a regular DC, she felt more like if she was my Spirit Guide, but I assumed she was my dream guide, as I was not Astral Projecting in that moment. My dream guide told me, "We need to unlock the knowledge in your inner self, however, there is a small puzzle." I could see a big empty room with a few giant iron statues. Two statues had scythes instead of hands, other one had swords and the two had shields. My dream guide told me that using my own dreaming abilities, I needed to create like a circle with those soldiers statues. Hitting the soldiers, some would cross their arms and some would expand their arms. I needed to get them all holding their hands. I looked at my Dream Guide confused and asked for some help. She pointed at thee of these statues and told me to cast a lighting bolt. I did not recall doing a lighting bolt in my dreams at all, but I was sure I could make it. I successfully casted it and all the statues were touching each other. I small squared hatch opened on the ceiling and a small bubble appeared. My dream guide told me it would be good to touch it to recover energy. I did and my dream quality increased it.

      Another hatch opened in the middle of the room. It was squared as well and a stoned ancient pedestal grew out of the ground. There was an extremely old school book in the middle.

      My dream guide told me I just needed to channel my energy to the book to open it. I was surprised about what was going on, but I wanted to stay, lucidly and see how it was going to end. I opened my hands the same way I do in waking for psychokinesis exercises. The book opened and I approached at it. My Dream Guide smiled and I could read in a similar color and font (I am so happy to find such a close font to what I dreamed):

      I was very surprised, I was certain I was dreaming and not projecting. I though it would have been cool to reach my real Akashic Records. My Dream Guide told me, "Do not try to read this, you will wake up, you are dreaming, remember?" I found it funny, I already knew that. My Dream Guide kept saying, "You just unlocked your Akashic Records. Now they are available for you. In order to come here, you will need to Astral Project. Once you successfully leave your body, visit this location. I will be here as your Spirit Guide and I will help you start to explore your Akashic Records. I was happy as I recalled that some people unlocks their Akashic Records first through lucid dreaming, then visiting them with Astral Projection. My dream started to fade, so I told my Dream Guide I needed to fly a little bit to recover the dream. I walked to other room without ceiling. All the walls were also made of stone. I flew and I saw a very blue and beautiful sky. I had a small flight and when I wanted to go back, I was very high and I could see a big forest, a small house and a village. When I landed, I was back in the village.

      I wanted to go back to the place where I found the elevator. Funny enough, the exact same dream characters were there. Two of them were eating some food in a rounded dinning table. The lady who helped me before, now was dusting and she wore a white apron. She smiled and said, "You are back!" I told her I needed to get back to that elevator to get to the ancient place. Now the elevator looked like wooden and had some buttons. I had to climb five stars, so I did and enter the elevator. It was a lot smaller as well and it had no door. It started to make noises and broke down. The lady told me that it was recharging from previous use. I told her that I was going to try to Astral Project from the dream and visit my Akashic Records. I fell on my back and I said, "I now will be out of body." I focused on my room and my Astral Body. I recalled how awesome it feels to Astral Project. I hit the ground, broke the wooden floor and start falling in a dark void. I was falling, but I was not afraid. I knew I did not projected, but I still knew I was in the dream. Suddenly, a female blue and green sort of ghost spawned. She was laughing and told me she was going to roll a dice to make stuff more interesting. While I was falling, I heard a music. A white six faced dice appeared. The dice had black dots instead of numbers. I could see the dice rolling and rolled a two. "Twice the speed!", said the ghost laughing. The music seeded up and the fall as well. She was going to roll again, and I focused that the roll could help me to project, however, I appeared at the city again.

      I wanted to try to Astral Project again. I wanted to find a place with higher vibrations of energy within the own dream. I saw a church, but it was looked. I did not feel to breaking in, even being a dream. I saw a small school with a pool. I could hear the kids. I arrived and the pool was very big, with blue water. The water felt really cold in my feet, but I focused on it being a dream feeling so I shut the sense of cold down. I wanted to fall in my back on the pool.

      I was back in bed. I could feel my body with vibrations. I started to raise my vibrations in order to leave my body, however, I could feel my cat next to me and my Astral sight was gone. I started to move my Astral arms. I felt greater vibrations on my arms and then, I sat. I felt my back on the bed and also, my Astral back not touching the bed. I still had no Astral sight and I tried to get off bed and float out. I was half separated and when I tried to separate my legs, I lost consciousness in the process.

      I had a false awakening in my bed. My wife woke up abruptly and told me, "If you want Chistorra for breakfast, I should get started cooking it!". I woke up for real.
      lucid , memorable
    12. Lucid at Childhood Home & Portal to Svetlana

      by , 01-27-2011 at 03:50 AM
      Very productive night and a full LD.
      As I have been doing lately, I went to bed reading my old DJs. While reading I discovered a bunch of people in a dream from 1995 that are the same as the group of dream friends I have now! I do not know these people outside the dream world and in fact the last siting was at the enclosure with the short haired girl. I had forgotten this old dream and will be looking for more through the thousands of pages of DJ scribblings.

      Dream 1 : Childhood Home
      Lucid 100%

      I was in my old childhood home's sun-room on a sunny day and the sun was pouring in all golden and radiant. I was amazed at how lucid and clear minded I was. I stepped up to one of the many windows and drew back the yellow lace curtains and was amazed to see this place was my old childhood home! I realized what was happening right away and nudged with my elbow into the person besides me that I thought was my mother (I never looked) "This is a dream! This is not now ours, the Zennusies own it." remarking on the ownership of the house. Then I see the old metal shed in the corner of the yard is gone and there are drag marks across the lawn like someone dragged it out to the garbage in the front yard. To my mom I say "so the shed is gone?" I thought she had moved it. She said nothing and I felt she was confused. I had no time to lose vainly trying to convince dreamers that this is a dream, I had to enjoy! I looked out at the yard and it looked more crappy than I had recalled but yes now I remember it really was this bad. Imagine a grass lawn that had never seen weedkiller or fertilizer in 30 years. "I can see individual blades of grass!" The blade stuck out from its background of dirt, one of many dirt patches. The vividness was every bit on pare with physical reality! I ran to the back door to this sun-room. It was always made fun of for having this crappy door with too many locks but this time I imagined many locks and there they were and I chuckled as I unlocked them all to get out, "click, click, click, click".
      I ran out into the yard and remembered someone saying on DV that they ate grass to increase lucidity, this thought discussed me for a slight millisecond till I realized this is not physical grass it's harmless. I found the blade I was looking at from the window, or close enough, and pulled at it but it was tough to pull up! I gave it the thought to pull out and "pop" it pulled out. I chewed on it and it had some grit like dirt on it and oddly didn't taste like grass but something like weak black licorice! I was in heaven (figuratively!)! Walked to where the shed would have been in the corner of the yard with my eyes closed to feel the dream's senses. I recalled Hyu doing this on Terraluna and gaining lucidity. I concentrated on my breathing in and the taste of the licorice grass and even a slight breeze on my face, I could feel everything; hands, feet in shoes, everything! I was near the shed now, seeing with my mind not my vision, but thought I should not see the shed there or else it may interfere with the particular version of the dream I was in and that may lead to loss of stability. So I turned away from the shed's place and walked out of the yard around the garage. "This is crappier than I remember too" I thought. In the road I looked back at all the houses just as they used to be in my youth. The house right next-door was a perpetual dump and here it was right in front of me in all its pathetic glory, I was excited and yelled in my amazement "That's the crap house! Ha!" I looked at the other houses they were all the same, what a great copy of everything!
      Time was a wasting, I needed to think of something to do, in a LD, fast! I couldn't think of anything, the physical world seemed too strange and too far off, like an imaginary place you are sure exists but can only barely picture. Then something came to me and although I knew it wasn't what I really wanted, I didn't want to waste time being bored lest I lose dream control. "Give me a portal to another dimension." Nothing happened. I had to direct it. I looked down at the road and flicked my hand down at it saying the same thing and a tiny portal appeared. It looked like a black and blue portal about the size of the palm of a hand! Kind of small but this is a dream, it'll do. I continued what I was saying for clarification about the dimension "one that I'll understand." I didn't want to see weird stuff I couldn't even benefit from or stuff so strange I lose dream control.
      I walked over to the little portal and it sucked me in and around in circles. I saw a lot of black and blue swirls. Then I saw a motorcycle just floating in the mix of it all! I was thinking "WTH? Why's that here?"

      Then all of a sudden I am in a doorway to a girls room (the walls are pinkish and the white dresser with mirror is in front of the girls) and the girls in there are hurriedly putting on makeup in the mirror like its a race. I notice one of them but I can't imagine how this scene can have her in it and ever be! The girls then all run out of the room in their race but don't seem to notice me to any degree, I'm sure I am invisible, I remember the feeling from other LDs. I get a good look and yes it is Svetlana! She is Russian, born and raised, how is she in this crazy American home with all these kids? In shock I just call her name "Svetlana??" as if to say "is THAT you?" She stopped in her tacks and turned around! but she didn't look at me at all and instead picked up one of 2 hair clips on the floor. (The ugly green carpet btw was pretty dirty.) She then ran off to catch up to her friends. I figured she had heard me but couldn't recognize me. On one level people can hear you but still ignore you in this state, they are having their dreams too and I am not supposed to be in it. I followed her into the living room. She ran left but I stood to the right at the doorway hiding behind the wall so no one that can't see me bumps into me. There are about 4 other people watching TV (1 adult, 3 kids in sweat pants and shirts and white socks) There is a kitchen to my left with warm moist air coming out like there is a big dinner being made in there and I could feel people in there. So there were maybe 9 people in the house. A chubby little boy about 9 years old ran by and I got a good look but never seen him before.
      The dream quickly collapsed and I was comfortably thrust back into my sleeping body and darkness. I instinctively knew what time it was and it was earlier than I needed to be up but I could write this out now.

      This was a valuable dream so I wrote it down (4 pages) in the dark for 3 pages.

      Post script: If this really was a parallel world I was in, then all I could think was that maybe Svetlana was adopted by an American family and this was her life. I'm not sure why I latched onto her, she was a marginal character in my life and only know her a bit and then only for a month.
      The length of this recounting refers to the LDs detail not the actual length which was at most 5 minutes!
    13. 1/25/11 - Attempts at Lucid Control

      by , 01-27-2011 at 03:21 AM

      I'm in my mom's van coming home from my grandparents. I suddenly realize that I'm dreaming. I remember that if I rub my hands, it's easier to continue dreaming. The dream fades out, and all I see is the back of my eyelids, but suddenly, I'm back in the dream, and we're pulling into our driveway. I try jumping up to my window, and I failed. I walk into my room normally. It's absolutely pristine compared to the mess it is in real life. I was half expecting a friend to be there, but it was absolutely empty except for my bed and the mirror that I had never gotten around to hanging up. I go to close the door, but I remembered that I won't have another light source- the light in the hall is on, but the lamp in my room is off. If I close the door, I won't be able to see, so I left it open. I opened up my window and took a running start. I tried jumping through the window, hoping to fly, but I failed, and landed on the soft snow below. I give up.

      It appears that I managed to DILD and WILD the same night, but I'm unsure if the WILD truly was... it was so fast. It was nothingness and then I was back where I was. It really was something amazing. I only wish I could just control more of what happened...
      lucid , memorable
    14. Yuya explains a few things about energy and magic.

      , 01-27-2011 at 02:06 AM (Hyu's Adventures)
      non dream - lucid - non lucid

      I've been working on a project, programming all day.
      I'm very tired and take a short break.
      I remember that last time I was so exhausted I managed to WILD during a nap quite easily.
      Sounds like a good idea.
      I turn on some ambient music, set myself an alarm clock for 30 minutes and lean my rather comfortable chair all the way back.
      It takes little time for HI to appear, though I didn't even notice any of the usual SP signs.
      I can't really remember how I transitioned, but I was trying to visualize Yuya and Teraluna.

      I fall on my ass.
      Yuya is sitting in a chair close to me, looking at me slightly confused but mostly amused.
      I get up, slightly amused myself, but try to block out any thoughts related to waking life.
      Yuya looks different than usual. She's wearing more casual clothes, and her hair is shorter, dark blonde, and kept in place by some sort of bandana.
      It's definitely her though.
      I greet her and ask her about her appearance.
      She explains that she likes to change it when she leaves Teraluna.
      I notice I'm indeed on a different planet, but it is confusing the hell out of me.
      I try to focus on Yuya rather than on my surroundings, which aren't very clear.

      I take a seat next to her wondering what I should talk to her about. A thought suddenly pops into my head.

      "Hey Yuya, tell me about magic."

      She looks at me, slightly surprised, but she also seems quite happy about the question.
      She shows me her hand, as if she was holding something, but it's empty.
      A small ball forms over her hand and starts growing.
      It's clearly water, but unaffected by gravity, it just hovers over her hand.

      "There's an infinity of different kinds of Magic.
      Magic is basically a manifestation of energy."
      I make sure I don't focus on the water bubble too much, but rather on what Yuya is telling me.

      (I don't remember the conversations exactly word for word. I remember the content of the conversation and some snippets. I filled in the holes with what I think seems right)
      "If you use your energy for something, that's magic.
      You've opened a portal before, you've teleported, you've reinforced your own body, all of that is magic.
      But everyone has a certain affinity for different kinds of magic.
      Creating water may be very easy for me, but it may be very hard if not impossible for someone else."
      "So, considering that you used to be the goddess of water, it makes sense that you have a very high affinity for water based magic?"
      "Yes, exactly."
      I ask her about music based magic, but she says that she's not very skilled with it.
      "So what about me, what did I use? I've recently remembered that I can use dragonic powers?"
      That puts a smile on her face, she's excited.
      "Yes! You're a dragon! ... I mean... you can use the same powers as a dragon, which is quite rare.
      You see, most dreamers use shamanic magic. They transform into something stronger than they are, often an animal, and acquire more powers that way.
      What you usually do is different though. Although the basic idea is the same, it couldn't be any more different.
      You understand on the lowest level how a dragon uses his energy and you adapt your own aura so it mimics that of a dragon perfectly."
      "You see, many people can transform into a dragon, fly and spit fire, but they cannot discharge energy with the same brutality a true dragon can.
      Although this is very powerful, being able to quickly transform into a set of other creatures has it's upsides...
      By the way, you can use more powers than just those of a dragon, like the wings you use to teleport."
      She asks me excited:
      "Can you awaken the dragon within?"
      I focus on the core of my energy and try to change it into that of a dragon.
      The energy flows faster through my body, it starts to vibrate and the power discharge feels dirty and slightly uncontrolled.
      I feel the dragon tattoo on my back growing over my right arm and parts of my face.
      It's not really visible, it's more like heat inside of my body.
      I feel insanely powerful and get very excited.

      Yuya looks at me amazed:

      "Next time, let's go on an adventure, just like in the old days... you are ready!"
      I get super exited at this point... too excited, and I wake up.

      There's another 3 minutes until the alarm clock is supposed to go off.
      I'm surprised since the dream felt quite short, less than 5 minutes for sure,
      yet so much time has passed in the waking world.

      Note1: I clearly remember creating a story for a manga when I was much younger, inspired by the dreams I had at the time.
      It followed a similar set of rules, and the hero learned to use dragonic powers at some point in the story.
      Even later in the story he learned to use special wings to travel through dimensions, which strongly remind of how I teleport in dreams.
      No-one was able to transform into other beings in this story though, but I know that I did modify quite a few things so the story made more sense.

      Note2: holy shit! I want to have insane dream battles, now!
      Tags: dragon, energy, magic, yuya
      lucid , memorable , side notes
    15. Baskeball Party- The Awesome Story

      by , 01-27-2011 at 01:19 AM (Lynn's Lucids)
      I had a great adventure last night, it was wild and was like watching an interactive movie!
      I was a young male wanting to succeed in basketball. The field trip to the main place (the final game) was a whopping one billion dollars. I was a great athlete in the dream, and I wanted to make it. The dean and everyone told me I needed the money, or else I wouldn't make it. Everyone else had the money and were off to an amazing adventure. Then, all of a sudden, the fairly odd parents came!? They told me I could make any wishes I wanted. I thought you are not allowed to make a wish to get one billion dollars, so I just wished for fun stuff. At the end, I asked, "Can I ask for one billion dollars?" with modesty. The said, "Go ahead!" So, I did and when my wish was granted I was at the HUGE basketball staduim. And it was HUGE! There were many lights, and thousands of fans. I went in the staduim with my dreadlocks, and I saw the dean/coach. "WHAT are YOU doing here!?!" he asked with rage. I told him I got the money, and smirked. He told me I better not mess this up, so I went and started playing. Before I knew it, I was called in a timeout or something. A cute girl with frizzy hair in a ponytail caught my eye. I turned to Cosmo and Wanda. "Will I get my dream girl?" I asked with the irony that it was a dream. They told me, yes and no. Confused, I went back to play. At the end, I won and the crowd went wild. The two deans put their hands on their hips and made an angry face. It was like the ending to a super hero movie. Then, the girl with the blue shirt came up to me. "That was great." She said as I hoped she would ask me out. "So, you wanna hang later?" She told me I was too arogant, and walked away. I was sad, watching her leave through the doors. The crowd's cheering helped me no more.
      Vividness: 4/5
      Non Lucid- HAHA YOU FAIL!
      Mr. Stinky was in the dream, aGAIN! I asked my friends to give him my book and they said they would. They handed it to him as he stood in the hallway. He saw it and put it on the desk, no comment. He told everyone in the hallway if they wanted to leave, it had to be for the bathroom, in which case they didn't have to ask. So, I stood there, writing a note on my book saying, Got switched out of class to Mrs. M's class. HAHA! So, as I wrote that Lauren gave me a hand guesture to come sit with her. I don't like her, so I said, "Oh, I'm writing now, sorry." And she looked disappointed. Everytime I dream of her, we are friends. Weird, because we're solid enemies. After he got the book, I ran out to tell Stephanie and Lulu that I just ran away from him without asking. They laughed, as usual. Then, I hung around school which looked distored, and woke.
      Vividness: 3.5/5
      non-lucid , memorable