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    Non-Lucid Dreams

    1. Yelled at by Demons

      by , 12-22-2012 at 05:57 AM
      I'm laid under the covers on my bed in a very comfortable position. I was also very sleepy and didn't feel like getting out of bed. At times it felt like I went to sleep for a minute and then woke up. I laid there for a few more minutes and heard some weird noises entering the room. I closed my eyes and started to feel something scary coming up to me, like Spider Man. All of a sudden I hear a loud scream in front of me. I covered both my ears with my hands but the screams still annoyed me.

      I continued to go through this for about 3 more times. I'm guessing it was sleep paralysis, so I just tried to remain as calm as possible. I thought about trying to go to sleep to see if that can get me a lucid dream but when I did, I woke up.
    2. The Night Of 12/22/12 (GangsterPanda DJ)

      by , 12-22-2012 at 05:19 AM
      Police Chase
      The reason why I love dreams like this is because it re-defines what you label as a dream and how you could of got lucid on so many occasions but it feels like you are just observing a sceen. Anyway so the guy off West Coast Customs came to my house and well, I don't remember his name because it's a old show and I don't watch it much. Anyway for some reason in this dream he was hear to evaluate some film equipment, stuff like jackets that were used on set and stuff. The funny thing his that there was another guy in my house, I wasn't even the owner of this stuff but he was still getting it evaluated in my house!
      So he asked this guy how he got his hands on Pinewood Kit. And he simply replied with "I stole them" and well he looked very nervous (the reviewer) and said "you can't do that the police will be on you in a second, we have to leave now" and for some reason I was all wound up in this so I had to go as well. I remember hearing police sirens in my head and they got louder as I reached the window but when I looked there was nothing there. Also it's a good time to note that it was night time. The West Coast Customs got in to his Lamborghini Gallardo and shot off. Soon after so did I and the other guy, but I don't know what happened to him because from this point on I didn't see him. And then my whole perspective changed and I was driving a car which I was viewing from a aerial point of view. And it was sort of cartoon but I wouldn't say that it was fully like that. There was police blocks and all that stuff has if a murder had just happened or something like that. And I drove around and they barely even noticed me, but I continued to hear sirens in my dream head. Then I woke up at 4:00am and I really don't feel like going back to sleep
    3. The End Or The World

      by , 12-21-2012 at 09:46 PM
      I dream that I am somewhere at the old resident I used to stayed when I work out of the state..We're asked to evacuate the area and I'm searching for my sister outside the house..I remember looking at the sky and I notice that the clouds is very strange..Its a mix of blue and orange with the clouds is moving like there is something inside..I know that there is no time left and I supposed to bring my sister to leave..After some time I found my sister standing at the back of the house..She refuse to leave and insisting to protect the house..I saw a house is burning at the distant and before I begin to wonder..I can see that there is a lots of meteors coming down from the sky..A guy is coming to our house..Bringing the flaming meteors..He says that its already starting and nothing we can do to stop it from happening..My sis trying so hard to put off the fire but the guy keep on throwing a flaming balls inside the house..The fire is like a larva that sticks to the wall..I cant do nothing but let the fate of the world to the hand of gods..
    4. LD+dream goal achieved :D

      , 12-21-2012 at 11:26 AM
      I'm walking through a hallway with elevators, and I think I might be dreaming. So I look at my hands (my standard reality check) and I see that I am. I just remembered I had a dream goal to fight like Neo (Matrix) and that this would be a great time to do so. I fought some Agen Smith clones, coming from the elevators, like in the later movies and it was a lot of fun. I also dodged bullets. Then I got a false awakening during 'sleep walking' while staying over at a friend's house, in a big room with large windows. I find it rather emberrasing that I have been sleep walking, especially since the entire town was able to see me through the large windows. I might have become lucid again at some point, but my recall isn't very good. My control was very, very bad during tonights lucid dreams, though.
    5. Best Wheat Ales and Bakery Goods of All Time EVER!!!

      by , 12-21-2012 at 03:46 AM

      Me, family members, and good friends of the family are all travelling on a bus. I look out the window into this old industrial yard. There is a pile of stuff and large overhead pipes. (I had a other dream here but can't remember any more than being in a hurry and going through the piles and maybe turning some valves.) Also in the yard was a motor-home.

      I could see in through the back window of the motor home from the bus that there was a pile of wood inside being fed into some kind of furnace. We stopped and went inside the motor home. The inside was cramped but much larger than it could possibly have been. To our good fortune we had stumbled upon one of the worlds greatest secrets.

      This place apparently made some of the best bread ever....hence the wood furnace. Somehow they also managed to make wheat beer from the bread. I tried one and it was..omg outstanding. After finishing my drink we headed along some tables towards some stairs leading downstairs. On the tables were some cakes, pastries, pies, and other goodies. I tried something with banana... and it was also extremely good. I also remember their being some sort of kiwi cake. We didn't gorge ourselves and headed downstairs. I sat in a subway train like seat next to my sister and Ilean. They both had small plates. I was so happy and pleased that I squeed a little.
    6. Visiting my Parents Church

      by , 12-21-2012 at 03:22 AM

      I went to go visit my family at church and everyone was so glad to see me because they thought I was returning to the flock. I was talking to some kid when some lady started telling me about how nice it was to have me back and something about my self esteem..blah blah. I got upset, grabbed my stuff and started to leave. My Mom ran up to me and asked .."Wait. Where are you going?" I told her that I didn't believe in god and it has nothing to do with self esteem or anything other than evidence.
      Tags: atheism, church, kid, mom
    7. The Dire Wolf and the Tunnel

      by , 12-21-2012 at 01:32 AM (The Dream Magic Experiment)
      - Triple Gem, breath zhine, 9 purif., reverse RC/ADA

      ~11 mn, sleep

      3:44 a.m.

      I was in a forest, being chased by a huge dire wolf. I was able to enter what looked like a tunnel with vertical bars. The wolf is too big to enter, but it posed sideways outside and looked at me.

      ~6:30 a.m.

      I was in a school. There were different Philosophy clubs that students can join. One in particular was dedicated to studying the philosophy of the Buddha. I invited other PLUS people to join. The place looked like the upward road in our hometown, near our old aikido instructor's place. I think I saw a crush appear. He also different.

      ~7:30 a.m.

      I was outside a house. There's a snake. Someone was teaching me how to avoid it or get rid of it. I was then playing DotA. For some reason, I don't like my position or location and tried changing it. I thought of creating an army in the base, and it looked more like a Zerg base than DotA.

      I was in my room in our hometown. There was a small puppy there that looked like Blaise. He looks smaller thought. I asked him how he is, and then noticed his left eye is gone, and I worried for him. I then started to remember how I touched his left eye before to remove dirt or something, and that might have caused infection and ate his left eye.

      Interesting side:

      "The ones who answered incorrectly (on the surface, at least) were dismissed and abandoned in the tunnels..."

      Just found it interesting that the tunnels appeared in this part that I was reading. I searched it out after I took the VtM quiz.
    8. 21th Dec 2012 Some dream fragments & Rainy island

      by , 12-21-2012 at 12:17 AM (Scionox's Journal of Dreams)
      Dream 1(fragment):
      I remember we was having some problem and that we solved it, then we went to play Warzone 2100(An RTS game) and that it had some updates in it and new missions that we were testing.

      Dream 2:
      Don't remember much of the start of the dream, but remember i was on the island with family(Seems to be recurring theme of my dreams at the moment for some reason) and it was raining. We stopped at some sort of hotel, and there we were talking about some things(don't remember), and i was reading walkthrough of the next area(huh?) of sorts. There were also three girls in the same hotel, which looked almost same as each other, having only different hair color(Red, green and yellow if i remember correctly), we were talking about something and then they left.
      After a while we went outside onto the other side of the hotel, there were some car wrecks and some huge holes in the ground filled with water. An huge crocodile looking thing was appearing from one of the holes occasionally, firing the white lightning beam randomly into the sky(sky was black and cloudy because still raining), and going back underwater. I remembered walkthrough stating that it guards absolutely nothing and there's no reason to go there, at least yet. So we went other way trying to find an specific hole, but seems like hole location was different than walkthrough stated, we eventually found it though. As we went underwater, everything faded out.
      Scene now is in some sort of hotel, quite similar to the one we was in, but different. It looks like that's like video game cutscene of sorts, since i seem to be there w/o body. There were those three girls talking to some sort of businessman dude in the black suit. Don't remember much about what, only that they failed to stop somebody. An small old lady of sorts came into the room during that conversation, stayed in for a while, and then left. Then the businessman dude left as well, and as he did, the three girls said that's not like they have same intentions as him and they transformed into sorts of lizard-like, furry creatures(still colored), and left the room.
      Scene switched back to the underwater and we were getting close to the cave entrance of sorts, and as we did and got out of the water, the dream ends.
    9. 20-12-2012 - Dreams

      by , 12-20-2012 at 09:11 PM
      Dream 1: Lucid Dreaming Training
      I am in Mosque in Canal Colony (Where I used to live 8 years ago.) There is a Expert of IT. My Recent University students are also there. And food (Rice, Wheat, Meat) is arranged for everyone. Everyone is doing yoga for Lucid Dreaming.

      Dream 2: My Uncle
      In this dream I just remember that my uncle Pervaiz was there.

      Dream 3: Village
      I am in my Grandfather's village with my university friends and it dark time. And my friends are saying for leaving. But I am asking them to stay there for a night. Next day we can enjoy a lot.

      Dream 4: My Wedding
      Its my wedding in my Grandfather's village. All the guests are here. I am thinking that it my wedding and I should Contact to my doctor for medicine to have good sexual time with my wife.
    10. The Blonde Mechanic and the English Thug Van Thief

      by , 12-20-2012 at 08:21 PM
      12-18-2012 -- I am out driving, probably for a very long time, and very cross country. I find myself arguing with a friend about state borders and rivers and stuff like that, well into a very long trip. We eventually end up in Casselberry, on 17-92, just north of 436. I turn in to a business park or shopping center on the East side of the street, running an errand or just arguing with somebody or something.

      When I eventually come back out, it is to a very nice sedan convertible. Couldn't tell you what kind, but very nice, attractive, beige model. I climb into the car, turn into traffic, and head south. By this point I am alone for the moment. I crank up the stereo, and have the music running through my head. [I might have woke humming it, but I am not sure.]

      The brakes are not working perfectly, very soft, not much stopping power (noticing a trend here in my dreams?) and the car keeps pulling to the left. I am driving in the center of three lanes, but keep finding myself drifting into the left lane. I decide I have to do something about this. I soon find myself heading north on a narrow street, pulling up to a garage or service station.

      At this point, I have the convertible, and also a large gray van, very much like the A-Team van, or the one my roommate Randy drives. It is a very old van. I find myself talking to the repair woman, who is a gorgeous blonde, kind of looks like Julie Musante (first couple of images) from the Ministry of Peace on Babylon 5, a woman about whom Ivanova commented "Captain, I think you are about to go where everyone has gone before."

      She is telling me the van is very old, probably from the 70s, and it is going to take at least two days just to check over the thing and see what kind of condition it is in. The convertible will be much quicker. I ask why, and she explains, but I can't remember anything of the explanation. I am thinking of trying to hit her up for a date, when there is a yell from outside.

      I step out to the curb, just do see Dale yelling, and the van disappearing around a corner. Somebody has stolen it. We climb into the convertible, and start to give chase. We head perhaps a quarter of a mile south, and turn west on a side street the van turned on, and I realize we're in England, so I turn onto the left side of the road, while reminding Dale to remind me of the proper side of the road to drive on here. In the process, we almost hit the van, which turns off of the side street, and is heading south on the street we just turned off of.

      We travel maybe 2/10 of a mile down the side street to find a place we can turn around, then make it back to the main street and head perhaps another half mile south before we turn east on another side street, where we find the van parked on the north side of the street, in a driveway, on the diagonal. We pull in behind it to block it, and find two things.

      One side of the van has already been painted a baby blue, as the thief tries to change it enough that people wont recognize it, and we are facing a large, thuggish punk who doesn't want to give it up. I try reasoning with him, explaining I need the van. I have no job, no money, and if I have no transportation to get around and find a job, I'll starve. He tells me he is in the same position.

      He's a big, strong guy, in great shape, not a fat, out-of-shape, poor condition slob like myself, and I'm being very careful about how I speak to him, but I look at him and say surely he ought to easily be able to get work in a warehouse or digging ditches or anything like that. His reply is a surly "Don't want to." Obviously its he doesn't want a job, not he can't get one or can't do one. Accent and attitude seems rather like a stereotypical Liverpool tough from TV shows.

      Anyway, we've caught him before he can paint the van, and know where he is at, and could bring the cops, so he realizes he isn't going to get away with this, and he starts to try and make a deal, instead. He really wants a cake. If I buy a cake for him, he'll give me back the van. I don't want to buy the guy a cake, of course, but I agree because it will avoid trouble, and be a halfway easy solution.

      He leads me another block or two south on the main street, and the street turns to head west. Right on the south corner of that curve, he leads me to a very dirty, very dingy bakery. We walk in, and the place is a mess. There aren't many cakes, there are a ton of people in line, and it almost looks like something out of Dickens. I am glancing at the small cakes, mostly round double layer cakes of the sort you would find in supermarkets here in the states, but they are selling for prices in the range of 38 to 45 pounds each. These are expensive bloody cakes.

      The lighting is very low, it is very dingy, and there is a very long line. I suspect I will have to wait in that line a couple of hours. I walk back outside, and decide if I have to wait that long, I am going to have a book to read, as I do so. I am glancing down the street at all the shops, figuring there has to be a bookstore somewhere. I am looking for a Chapters, but since this is England and not Canada, I probably should be looking for a Dillons or Heffers instead.
    11. Mad Doctor, Inbred Rednecks, Growing Up a Hunter

      by , 12-20-2012 at 08:02 PM
      This is kind of a long one. It's made up entirely of dream characters. The family bears no resemblance to my own, I'm not even female in the dream. I'm a little boy for most of it. I gotta say though, I love storyline dreams.

      I know a little came before this, but I can't recount it clearly. I'm a little boy of about five, my Grandfather is a doctor and he's gone mad. He has somehow figured out a way to turn us into living ghosts, we are not dead, but we aren't corporeal anymore. Myself along with my seventeen year-old sister, my mother and my father, have been forced to follow him around as spirits. He keeps us tethered to himself. He takes us to his home. It's a long, spacious, one story house. The carpet in the living room sometimes looks faded orange, and sometimes faded gold. There's a dark wood table, and behind it a dark china cabinet with diamond beveled green glass faces. I know that grandmother is resting in one of the rooms on the right side of the house.
      He's explaining to us our purpose, and he summons his wife into the room. One of my aunts is helping her. Grandmother has faded red hair, one of the family trademarks, my sister has red hair just like hers.

      The doctor explains that the exposed power lines on the wall to our left are to a machine that will temporarily make us solid. He lowers a gas mask over his face and turns a knob. The air turns frigid. We are literally frozen solid. We can't move. Grandfather explains that Grandma has been sick, and that he plans to make her well using parts from our bodies. Well, one specific part. Grandmother is suddenly lacking her head, now looking like a mannequin. He removes my sister's head and starts to put it on Grandma's neck.

      Obviously, father is not happy with this turn of events. While Grandfather is distracted he summons the will to move and as a spirit shoots over to the exposed power lines, intending to rip them from the wall and electrocute the doctor.
      (right now Father looks a little like these guys http://www.se51.net/wp-content/uploa...st_hound-4.jpg)
      The first handful of cables won't part from the wall and he's tugged back to the wall face. Father grabs another power line and tears it free. Before he can attack him, grandfather wills him out of the window and sends the currents of electricity through father.

      Father hovers in the air. "I will not let you take her."
      "Then it will be you instead..."
      "So be it."
      Grandfather intensifies the electricity (apparently by will alone), but it has a different effect than he intends. The electricity gives father power, he alternates a cartoony yellow electricity and more realistic flashes of blue, the longer I look at him the more changed he becomes. He looks younger by the second, a stooped older man no longer. His hair regains color, his eyes turn bright and sharp, his back straightens and shoulders broaden. I see what he looked like as a young man. He lowers his head and smiles.

      The smug look fades from Grandfather's face. Father kills him, but I don't see how. My sister magically regains her head, and grandmother hers, and we return to normal.
      Then, as though nothing strange has happened, mother and sister are talking about how we should spend our visit to Grandma's. I may only be a child but I think they're nuts. I go outside to play.

      There's a subtle change in the dreamspace, the house we were in had almost the same feel as an apartment, or a city home. That it was snugged in next to other residences. This house is different, it's wide open, solitary. It's a pale shade of yellow, with a wrap around porch and flowers hanging from the beams. I run out into the backyard. It feels familiar. The grass is dark green, lush, a little overgrown and there are tiny colorful flowers growing in it. There's rotted out hollow tree laying near a faded cement path. To my left is a storm drain tunnel, across from me are woods.
      (I haven't thought about this place since I was a kid, I only went there once with a babysitter. She pretended we were on an adventure, she was going to show me a special place. It was out in the woods, and had a secret air about it.)
      Out of the corner of my eye I see an R.O.U.S nosing its way out of the fallen tree. It's about the size of a crocodile, scaly and diseased. I understand that things are about to get scary, I notice the creature but I'm stuck in the storyline of the character. HE hasn't really seen it yet, so I cannot do anything.

      Then it gets worse. Across the concrete, a pack of deformed inbred rednecks burst from the trees. They're splattered with blood and carrying gore encrusted baseball bats. Storyline dictates that they don't see me. I crouch behind the fallen tree, I can feel the tree shaking with the movements of the creature struggling inside. The rednecks mount the steps, I hide next to the wall of the house. Looking outward they won't see me, they'd have to look down.
      Because I've moved, the creature (finally freeing itself from the log) doesn't see me, and runs up the stairs to join the creep-pack. I know that they've been on a murdering spree, traveling between all the country houses and killing anyone they find. I can hear screams from inside the house.

      I run away, straight for the fence bordering the property. I can see a line of people making their way toward me dressed in S.W.A.T armor and carrying guns. I go through another set of gates, it's only then that I realize it's not a gate. It's a cage. An arena wrapped in chicken-wire around wood veins.
      One of the group asks "What do you think you're doing?"
      another shouts to their leader, "Hey, we've got a stray!"
      The leader takes off his helmet and says "What're you doin' here kid? Are you crazy?"
      "My family..." I look over my shoulder and he does too, we see the murderers leaving the house.
      "I see.." He hands me a gun. It's huge and heavy, I'm terrified. "You don't happen to know how to load that, do you?"
      Mute now and close to tears, I shake my head.
      He drops a black canvas bag at my feet, it's already open. He pulls out white shot-gun shells and commands me to hold out my hand. He gives me the bullets hurriedly. The fence begins to shake and rattle, the howling reaches a fever pitch. He shows me how to load the gun, after the affair with my grandfather and the random murderers I'm expecting a trick. I keep scanning his face for signs of dishonesty.
      "I can't make any promises, kid, but stay close and I'll try to keep you alive. You might have to wait until their almost on top of you to shoot, they're quick bastards."
      That does NOT reassure me. I'm afraid that all of this is a trick, that he's a cruel man who would give a child a gun and hope for life just to allow me to be cut down when the bullets do nothing.....

      -Fifteen Years Later -

      The story jumps. I'm a different person, an aunt of the boy who went missing. There are rumors about Hunters in the area who might have taken him on and raised him. I've gone to see if it's true. I see him from a distance. He's a young man now, tall and all lean muscle. He is returning from a hunt, glorying in his physical prowess and the admiring looks the others send his way.

      I sneak into their meeting hall and their leader gives me a small nod. He's the one who contacted me about the boy, not so I could take him, just so I'd be assured that the boy was safe. I see him enter the room, he's wearing a loose grey shirt and his wispy almost orange hair is barely contained under a cloth cap. I can see my sister in him, his pale skin, blue eyes, the shape of his nose. He doesn't notice me.

      I briefly switch to the man's point of view. We're having a meet, just like we do after every big hunt, we get together and discuss problems. I understand that someone may bring up my existence here. I am clearly of outside blood, all those around me are dusky-skinned and dark of hair. It means nothing to those jealous of me that I have hunted with the pack since I was a child. They were born into it, and adoptions were unheard of until I came along. The Leader looks at me, then sweeps his eyes over the crowd.
      "We will have our meet, but first we race."
      This was his way and I silently send him my gratitude and applaud his cleverness. I am the fastest, I always have been. Before each meeting we take the Death Run, the winner is beyond scrutiny. This is the way he has kept me safe, I always win, no one can question my presence in the pack.

      I'm the woman again. The leader claps his hands and the pack takes off. My nephew is so quick, almost a blur. I know I have to keep up with him, if I lose him I'll never see him again. He is way ahead of them, I am quick too, I pull ahead of the pack.
      The death run is an obstacle course, built spiraled like a snail shell, obviously made more difficult if you are moving quickly. I don't remember all of, the last part I see before I wake up is stepping stones jutting from the inside curve. I see my nephew fly down them and then nimbly leap to the opposite side of the hallway and disappear through an opening there.

      Updated 12-20-2012 at 08:05 PM by 54746

      Tags: pack, scientist
      non-lucid , memorable
    12. The Affair and the Time Travellers Hotel

      by , 12-20-2012 at 07:37 PM
      12-20-2012 -- [First bits very limited, and might even be other dreams during the night.]

      I find myself working somewhere that seems to be a sort of a transportation shop ... repair bays, possibly loading bays, things like that. I am scrubbing floors, even as large vehicles are moving in and out. Somebody doesn't like me, and comes very close to hitting me with something very large (a bus?) that is in front of me in a flash, though I manage not to react.

      Nobody likes me and they seem to be kind of hazing me. They cause me lots of problems, but I just keep dodging around everybody as I continue to mop the floor, getting more and more of it completed.

      Soon I find myself visiting with Dale, Kevin and Fred on the last day of their trip to Disney World, before they fly home, and I am unhappy they have to leave so soon. I find myself thinking if I win the lotto tonight, they can come back tomorrow, and that would be nice.

      Soon I find myself in a different place, a sort of casino or nightclub. A fully grown Daphne Greengrass is here, has been involved in some dates or something, and has not been treated very well. She's not been having a good time. I am hoping to step in, change that for her, and have a rather good time myself, since in the dream she is gorgeous. I'm waiting for her to come back from her room or the restroom or wherever sh has gone.

      Unfortunately I find myself facing off with an annoyed JK, who is cheating on CK by being here, and is supposed to be the next one with Daphne. I'm disgusted with him for cheating on his wife,and doubly disgusted that he travelled back in time to do so, risking the space-time continuum for such a purpose. And he is telling me to stay out of it. Pah!

      We are probably in a nightclub, might be a casino, or perhaps an arcade. I am not sure. But there are a couple of what seem to be pinball games that are somehow trying to block me or interfere with me doing anything about all this, and I eventually stalk off in disgust. I just want to get out of here.

      Somehow I have travelled back in time several years. Not sure how many, but almost certainly sometime since I have come to Florida. I find myself approaching what I think is an airport, at first, because I am dodging the main security check point to try and get into the building, using my future knowledge of the place. I step through a side door and enter a sort of lobby.

      Unfortunately, the time displacement seems to have a negative affect on a person's biology, and I find myself with a bit of acid reflux, and a mouthful of partly digested food. I run over to a restroom and push open the door. Most of the doors are missing on the stalls, and I can see almost every stall is both very messy, and occupied. I do find one stall that is messy (smeared, unflushed) but empty, and run in and spit out the junk in my mouth. But as I leave, the acid reflux is trying to create more, and I am trying to force the horrid feeling down.

      As I walk out of the bathroom, it has become a hotel, instead of an airport, and I am approaching the front desk. I find myself facing a desk clerk that I know quite well from the future, though at this point he has never met me. For some fool reason, I start right in, explaining I am here to book a bunch of rooms for time travellers coming back to the past to vacation.

      He considers me mad, of course, but to humor me, he asks me how many rooms I need. He starts to wonder, though, when I tell him he still has 20 rooms available, but I will only take 19 of them, because in the course of the night he will find there is some sort of mechanical problem in room xxx, and I don't want to have to deal with it. (In the dream I knew a room number, but I can't remember it now.)

      I find myself quite happy with my new job of making travel arrangements for time travellers, and find myself thinking randomly that at this time Rosie's is still open, also, and I ought to be able to take in a few more great shows there.
    13. Graham Singing, the Adventurers Club Never Closed, and the AC Performers do the Golden Horseshoe

      by , 12-20-2012 at 07:11 PM
      12-19-2012 -- [Bits before this, but no memory of them.] I am driving my car down the little loop that leads from Sand Lake to OBT while bypassing the intersection, but instead of coming out across from Taco Bell, it comes out across from Wendy's, next to the newest Wawa. I pass what looks like Marsha Z. in a half clown-half not outfit, and find I am in the must turn right lane, when I want to make a left.

      So I make a right turn, and figure I'll turn in at the Wendy's and go that way (never mind that is the intersection I just turned the wrong way at), but they have construction going on there, and I am not allowed to turn. Darn it! My brakes aren't working fully (they never do in my dreams) and my seat belt is pulled across me, but not fastened for some reason. I finally make the left turn I want to make around the Taco Bell, and as I drive into the Sky Lake subdivision, I find myself singing the alphabet song. As I get to the LMNOP part, Graham is supposed to sing it, but he's running late somehow.

      Suddenly we're no longer on the road, but I have just walked into the Adventurers Club, which never closed down, I just quit going for a few years. (Like I would ever do that!) For some reason, I have a bed sore which is uncomfortable and bleeding, and my pants keep trying to fall down, which is very annoying. Graham is there, and Joy is doing Pam, in the green peacock dress. She is doing a bit of shtick in the Main Salon, trying to get everybody to strain and concentrate and try to physically lay an egg. Very weird. I spend a little more time in the Main Salon, then head for the Library for one of the shows.

      As I walk in, I see the gal who does Yvette, though today she is doing Samantha, I think. (Used to know her name, haven't been able to remember it the last few months.) But almost everybody else I see is a stranger to me. There is a very oriental looking maid, and an oriental Hathaway, as well, and a bunch of other performers in AC-looking costumes, but nobody else I recognize. Most of the library looks pretty much the same, except in the back there is a wooden pew instead of the row of bar stools.

      I can't decide which table I might like, so I just sit on the pew, then somebody else comes and sits next to me. They sit very close, and keep scooting closer and closer. I ignore them for a while, but it finally gets to be too much for me, and I decide to stalk out of the library, only to discover it is almost empty, and there is no reason this idiot has to be so close!

      As I walk back into the Main Salon, I find there have been a lot of changes since I left. They have remodeled and expanded, and I find myself walking past several gift shops and a new ladies restroom. I'm worried there is no men's room, but then decide the original restrooms are probably still where they were, right by the elevator, and they just added a second ladies room. A couple of women overhear me saying this, and demand I lead them to these other restrooms.

      I do so, and find the restrooms are there, but they've been redone too, and are very much fancier than they used to be. I walk in the men's room and find it is now a combination restroom and spa. Though there are toilets and sinks, there are also tubs and whirlpools and people getting massages and things. All very fancy, and I quickly exit again. I find myself walking through Frontierland, and enter a rather worn and shabby-looking Golden Horseshoe Revue.

      There are a few beat up tables sitting around, including a couple near a collapsing wall, I pull one table next to another and use it as a seat, as I start looking around for an envelope or a scrap to write on, and start to write down the earliest bits of this dream, back on Orange Blossom Trail. I change positions a couple of times, trying to keep a good writing surface and keep out of the way at the same time, then suddenly performers start walking in, beginning to do a show. Interestingly enough, these are AC people in AC costumes, but they seem to be performing the Golden Horseshoe Revue. I see Anne and Yvette, Graham and Karl, and it is looking like it may become a good show.
    14. Train Remains

      by , 12-20-2012 at 06:20 PM
      Morning of December 20, 2012. Thursday.

      I am with my wife Zsuzsanna at our present address, which is rendered as larger. There are railroad tracks at the side of our house where the public footpath would otherwise be. In the last scene of my dream however, the railroad tracks are no longer there.

      During this time, there appear to be various rusty gears along the tracks (by passing trains that sometimes lost their parts, though no train is ever present). At one point, I consider that they may be valuable, but this is not a consistent thought. (I am not sure of how I would go about selling them.) There are also a couple street rod exhaust pipes which I do not consider are unrelated to a train and instead seem to think they are part of a locomotive.

      At some points, it seems as if there may be railroad pocket watch gears mixed in with the pieces of a train. If I find all of them, I may have enough to make a watch or perhaps sell as useful parts (to the right people).

      Over time, it seems that the railroad tracks had somehow disintegrated and there are patches of grass that are a lighter color and straw-like. There are also far less gears and debris. One gear looks illogically oversized.

      Years ago, my brother-in-law Bob gave me an heirloom from his family, as he did not have a son to give it to. It was a railroad pocket watch which was likely worth quite a bit as an antique (though I never had it appraised). I had left it in my King Street apartment atop a chest of drawers, and it somehow vanished even though my door had been locked and nothing else was ever taken. I never saw it again and I never informed Bob. It is possible that a previous tenant got in.

      In general, this has been a common recurring dream situation since childhood, though primarily rendering Cubitis as the setting. Usually, it is related to passing trains leaving discarded books or other “treasures” (otherwise on their way to a landfill), typically headed north. In some versions, there were virtually endless sets of railroad tracks easterly of the Cubitis backyard, with the chance to explore various items scattered over the areas but usually limited to the area around my Cubitis home’s backyard and beyond to the east, and not farther to the north or south.

    15. Crazy Eyes

      by , 12-20-2012 at 05:35 PM
      Its been awhile since i have remembered any of my dreams and I can hardly remember much of this one. All I remember is looking into a mirror and I seen my eyes. They looked like I was looking into two different galaxys. Im mad at myself cause this should have made me think to do a reality check. I think I was to caught up in how my eyes looked to perform a reality check. After I seen my eyes a second time I woke up. I can not recall any dreams after that.
      non-lucid , dream fragment