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    Non-Lucid Dreams

    1. Dream - No Guardian Allowed

      by , 11-17-2018 at 08:29 AM
      Date of Dream: TUE 6 NOV - 2018

      Dream No. 475 - No Guardian Allowed

      I don’t remember much about this dream. From where I do remember, I was at my primary school again, walking into my grade four classroom. The room was full of students and there parents and then there was the grade four teacher sitting in the middle of the line but she had some twisted look about her. We were talking about how everyone else had a parent or guardian with them but she said that I wasn’t allowed one. I tried to reason with her but she just sounded really nasty and declared that I wasn’t allowed one.

      One of the students, MT, then walked in from the sideline and said quietly that she had something to show me. I followed her into the side area and then she opened the door into a small room at the side of the building. In there was 18-Volt all by himself, sitting on a chair at the middle but back of the room (suggesting he was posing as my parent/guardian figure), thankfully, wearing his jacket and pants. As I walked over to him though, there was that tingling sensation, I was about to be threatened awake by the dream. So as bad as this sounds, I had to walk away from 18-Volt and when I returned to the classroom, I looked like I wanted to rip that teacher in half. That’s all I can remember about this dream.

      Dream No. 475

      Dream Guide: None
      Lucid?: No
    2. Some Lucids - Nov 15

      , 11-15-2018 at 06:08 PM (ZAD's DJ)
      Dream: F and I are somewhere, she's acting very strange -- she was told that she's going to die? We go to a circular hole in the ground that goes deep down and has catacomb-like levels in its sides. In the top layers, I can see birds. There was a lot more to this dream but it's gone now.
      (...) I didn't write anything down for a few hours so I lost most of my dreams, initially I thought I remembered 2 other lucids/semi-lucids. It's a shame what a couple of hours can do to your dream recall.
      Dream: HS friend R and I are in house, become lucid, go upstairs and look at his computer in his bedroom, wake up.

      Notes: Attempted WILD a few times throughout the night, I don't think any of my lucids were achieved this way though. Will keep trying to WILD at least once a week for this new "WILD Wednesdays" habit I'm trying to make.
      lucid , non-lucid
    3. Vivid NLs - November 14

      , 11-14-2018 at 04:04 PM (ZAD's DJ)
      Dream: In courtyard in front of apartment. Out there with F. We have clothes, our keys, etc. all laid out over trees and tree branches. We just came back from somewhere/are going somehwere? ... I'm in the same place but farther back towards the parking lot (the dimensions have changed, there is a stone cove with a fire pit to the right of us, and we're facing a grassy field and our row of apartments ahead). F now looks like someone else, and a character representing her friend J is also present. We are folding up some (pool?) umbrellas, and as J folds the last umbrellas we can see through the mesh a family of bears right in front of us! Their ears are very strange, sort of like a cocker spaniel's ears but straight up and down. They look angry but we try to maneuver very slowly so that they don't attack -- very intense fear in the moment. They start to come forward then retreat back towards the apartment in the grass. I think at this point my character was dissolved and I was relegated to observer to the F and J avatars. I watched as they made a run for it, J started kicking one of them, who all of the sudden had those kickboxing targets strapped to his hands to catch her kicks? And then ran away leaving F standing there. In the dream, I was really anry at J for leaving F there with the bears. I think this expectation/intense emothion ocmbo made one of the bears strike out at F, and she dramatically fell down, which increased emotion. ... I'm on the sidewalk, my character has returned, I'm fighting with F (maybe J?) and she walks inside a sliding glass door (not ours) and I spit on a postcard (???)
      Dream: High school band/in theatre/band parents watching as band, kids, dance team perform a really bad routine to a song -- what song?/we raise our hands in a temple shape on cue in waves/everyone does it very poorly, Mr. D walks out/outside in hall/stairs talk to L
      Dream: White marble stairs/Din. Moby Dick and church discussion/T from loose drawing to rl/dom
      Dream: Blue juice/dad presents/appliance(?)/leftovers(indian or bbq ramen rice)/dogs and stitch bunny w/ nose fur
      Frag: Tubes challenge/tents?/fluid/miniature woman -- linked to above?
      Dream: Had an FA, then woke for real. Almost DEILD'd but really wanted to remember the previous dreams.
      Dream: (Conan) I'm in a squareish room with dim blue light. I'm naked and just received a large orange banner with some tribal-looking decorations and a bird design throughout. Had a conversation with myself about birds in designs (it's cheating?). The fabric is warm as I unfold it and inspect the design. I drape it around myself and feel it being very warm on my dream body (temperature in dreams - good development). There's a mirror across the way, so I drape the banner around me like a cape and start miming sword fighting like Conan the barbarian as depicted by Frank Frazetta. As I strike my arms out each time, I hit the fabric hard, because it's moving/flowing at a slower timescale than me. My stomach looked far too concave in the mirror, almost hollow, like a bad sculpture.

      Notes: I'm putting ... just to indicate that there was either a scene transition, or something did happen here and I just forgot it.
    4. Istanbul

      , 11-14-2018 at 05:04 AM (Turquoise Dreams)
      So many dreams about Turkey. Here is another one.

      I'm underground with some others. Going to a bridge. Come to a bridge base which is underground. I tell the other person, that some bridges allow you to climb and walk over the top of it, like the one in Sydney. This one had a steep incline and I was thinking we gonna slide off. But the surface was bumpy, and another person showed me how we are not going to slide down, when he slid down on purpose, but stopped by itself.

      We got up and others were already waiting. A simple wooden door. I knew Istanbul is behind it. The door opened and it was raining. I had a feeling that it was some kind of a portal, because where we were standing, we were not in Turkey.

      I asked others if any of them visited Istanbul before and few of them raised there hands. They agreed with me, how beautiful the city is, and I was happy I will be able to show the others, be their guide.

      As we crossed the door, it was night. I was telling them that when we get to a city square, there were be a soldier in ceremonial dress and he is super nice and friendly.

      There were other things we were going to look at.
      Tags: istanbul, turkey
    5. Remote writing; Azerbaijan

      , 11-12-2018 at 04:49 PM (Turquoise Dreams)
      2 night ago I had an awesome dream.

      I was looking at some papers which I just finished writing on. I knew I was remote writing.

      They were at least 3 distinct styles and types of writing.

      One looked like a letter, with beautiful handwriting, small, slanted to the right letters. All uniform, same size, cursive.

      Another one looked like a page from an encyclopedia. With serif typeface that was printed, rather than hand written. It was complete with images, and description of images.Topic was something about languages or grammar. I saw the name of a male author, which I didn't recognize.

      Last one was a page with beautiful drawings I recognized as chinese style, but they were distinct. Golden and black inn color. It was maybe animals.

      Last night:
      I was with a group, on our last day of a trip to Azerbaijan. We were deciding if we want to stay at the resort, where I just discovered a spectacular looking beach. I was taking pictures of it with my iphone. Or, if we want to spend last day in the town to shop for souvenirs, and be closer to mode of transportation which will take us from there.
    6. Some lucids - November 12

      , 11-12-2018 at 03:25 PM (ZAD's DJ)
      Note: These are out of order and I'm missing a few, I didn't have amazing recall last night because of my dog moving me into strange positions and almost kicking me off the bed as the night went on. Another strange thing I noticed was no mention of 9 in any of the dreams I remembered, and instead the almost constant presence of this mountaintop room.
      Dream: FA in dark room, extended version of my own, but it should have been obvious it wasn't. I was thinking about dreaming and even about what I wanted to do in my lucid dreams, but I was convinced I was awake and was trying to shut my eyes. I could see through them though (I convinced myself I was seeing through my eyelashes). Really should have caught this one
      Dream: Longer dream in warmly lit orangish-yellow room, with windows all around the north and east walls. At first I'm sitting with my back against the south wall, sitting at a folding table. I see Gillum, he smiles and walks away -- feels malicious. Some time later I'm over at the east wall facing the corner, in a desk which I've "moved into" -- there's some weird system of school assigned seats + work + real estate going on here. Out of the window I can see a beautiful but vague mountain view all around -- blue skies and white snowcaps. I see the two younger indians from work (who were in the walking on water dream). They say that they're moving into a desk three away from mine. One of them has a broken arm. Later, the older indian man comes and says he wants to take that desk. I inform him they want it. He seems distressed and a negotiator (played by an actor whose name I can't think of -- but he always plays the shifty salesman/negotiator in movies). He says he'll offer them 300,000, or break their legs.
      Frag: A woman is driving a car in an old-fashioned holiday movie version of NY at night. I know her from a previous dream or earlier scene in this dream, but I'm a camera, not a character. She crashes into another car or people off-screen, and the camera pans to an oddly dressed doorman/paperboy/announcer standing on a grate balcony over an inviting bar with flashing lights. He makes an announcement/proclamation in a grandiose but silly way.
      Dream: In Walmart, I'm waiting in a line for self-checkout, but the lines are oriented in a strange way that I've never seen in any Walmart -- they're perpendicular to how they normally would be. I'm with F, but I see a few people passing, and casually examine them. Then I see one woman who eyes me suggestively, and I make a point of looking away and talking to F. I don't know what this dream means.
      Dream: I enter the warmly lit mountaintop room from before, but from a darker hallway in the southwest corner. F is at a table facing away from me. I approach her and become lucid. [Censored for DV]
      Dream: I'm not sure where I was looking back at it, it's highly probable I was in the warmly lit mountaintop room. I see an attractive girl and become lucid. [Censored for DV]
      Frag: Vague memory about a house?
    7. Interdimensional Bathhouse; Music Box #5

      by , 11-12-2018 at 03:15 AM (The Fourth Factor)
      I’m in what seems to be a bathhouse—a basic, no-frills rectangular room with a concrete floor, on the large side, with a number of small pools and folding screens that can be moved around. Although the setting also seemed shifty and indefinite in a more basic way—a “I had this dream early in the night” kind of way.

      Weird things are constantly happening there, strange figures materializing and disappearing again in a sort of timeless convergence - it almost seems like there's nothing outside of this place, even though in one sense I arrived here at a definite point of time - but nobody else seems aware of it. But this is normal: I hadn’t been able to see them once, but I had been through a long process—all of it, every stage. I go over it in memory: some parts of it had been unpleasant or even frightening, but there’s nothing frightening about it now that I can see the whole of it instead of just pieces. It’s familiar—it even feels like home somehow.

      I seem to have come here with two young women, and at some point—it’s very difficult to say what order things happened in in this dream—I say to one that this is a special place, that you can feel it in the atmosphere. I’m curious if she can feel it too, on some level. At some other point, perhaps earlier or perhaps later, one asks me if there’s anyone here I’m interested in romantically. I say that there is one person, but I’ve only spoken to him a couple times. And he hasn’t shown up here for a couple hundred years now—but I feel it’s best not to mention that.

      Also, at one point, one of them is arranging stuff around a pool we're going to use. There isn't enough space for two people to do it without getting in each other's way, but I don't want to just sit there, so I clean up some of the central area at the same time.

      Later on, towards morning, I have another dream. I’m now in a large house with my bouzouki instructor for a lesson. I have the impression that it’s not his house or mine—that he’s an employee here. There are interruptions to our lesson—we have to temporarily leave the house at one point and go somewhere else in a car.

      But we do make it back inside eventually, and he tells me to go get something. He gives me directions to the room and tells me to get #5, indicating approximately where in the room I’ll be able to find it.

      It’s only a few rooms away, and I make it there without difficulty. It wouldn’t be an exaggeration to call this house a mansion, but the room I now find myself in wouldn’t be out of place in a palace. It’s richly decorated, 18th-century style, in blue and silver. There’s another doorway on the other end, and one of the longer walls, to my left, is covered with shelves, all of which are lined with ornate silver music boxes. They’re all individually numbered, and #5 is one of the farthest to the left, about mid-way up.

      It occurs to me that people who decorate rooms like this usually don’t like other people coming in and messing with them. But, at the same time, this place has the look of an archive. It will probably be OK, then. I take the music box off the shelf. It has its number and what seems to be some notes about it carved onto the top in a rather messy handwriting.

      I open it there—but unfortunately, I can’t really remember what happened then, although the dream kept going. Before carrying it back, I notice what looks like a bone flute lying on the floor, the only thing out of place here. Perhaps a child was playing with it and left it there, I think.

    8. I.D and spike

      by , 11-10-2018 at 10:00 AM
      Hi everyone!

      I had a dream last night, it was a bit of a weird one..!

      I remember being in work first of all. Everyone I worked with were there, so that was fine and normal.

      Then at lunchtime I met my Mum and Dad at a newsagents place. This is where it began weird. I wanted five scratch cards, and the person asked if I would show her my I.D.
      I was fine with that, going to do it when my Mum shouted; “She doesn’t need to do that! She’s 32 years old!” (Which is my true age..!)
      I listed off stuff that proved my age, like events I remembered, things I'd done. But to no avail, they didn’t care.

      Then the person who’d requested my I.D. brought out a spike. My dream self knew it didn’t want to do it, but I was forced to put my finger on the spike - it opened up my finger..!
      Then I woke up, and my finger was actually hurting..!
    9. October 28 - Nov 2 (recap - part 1)

      , 11-10-2018 at 12:50 AM (ZAD's DJ)
      Fragment: I remember two men's faces, one of them being Jerry Seinfeld.
      Dream: I'm at 9, some new neighbors have moved in to a house I used to petsit at; it's an odd couple, a young asian man and an older white lady. Someone is having their wedding there and F and I are attending. As we enter there's a "good" bottle of wine in a blue bottle which someone takes out of a lit china cabinet. I'm in a room with F and we're having dessert, I do some kind of unconscious dream control and transform a wine glass (like glassblowing, but just with fingertip gestures). My grandpa is calling me from the other room. He says something loudly and brashly which is confusing/embarrassing. Tony Soprano is there. Maybe it was Meadow's wedding.
      Fragment: View of a street corner at my old college. It's morning, the light is tinted blue, there aren't many cars on the road.
      Fragment: Brothers (that's all I wrote).

      Dream: Long two-part dream with a painting/cooking competition (influenced by watching S1 of Skin Wars with F - I was competing against Mythica). I'm outside, in a grassy space near some bleachers, crowded with trees and some other metal/cinderblock structures. My painting is very saturated in its colors, it's of several columns with a vibrant sky behind them. The sky/weather around me is morning with tinted blue light -- from now on I'll just denote this as MB since it happens so often. I go to/under the bleachers to get a black plastic or metal barrel and start cooking, it's some kind of jambalaya or gumbo with sausage and potatoes. Later I'm in a bus with F's younger cousin, we're searching for ingredients. The bus is more like a warehouse, with a long table going down the length of it (maybe 2-3 times as long as a regular bus); I find what I need: potatoes and my pot of soup, which is smaller now than the barrel. I pull it from under the table, and notice some bugs crawling around some of the bags of ingredients. Transitions again and I'm at 9 having a crawfish boil and cooking hogs whole.
      Dream: An old HS classmate who was a bit ditzy is asking for my work ID (the environment is a mix of HS and work) so that we can go on a date. I make an excuse that I have to go to my locker to find it.

      Dream: I'm yelling angrily to my dad about my grandpa's medications. It starts in the backyard with my grandpa in a wheelchair near us, my dad is being to lax and not getting the prescriptions filled on time. I'm really yelling and beating on him, he's unfazed. We end up in the front yard, and a lot of family members and family friends are across the street in my neighbor P's driveway/front yard. They're all watching on as I yell and beat my dad. Eventually I walk over there and talk with them to calm down. Transitions and I'm in our driveway in our old van. My aunt is in the front with a baby, and she's holding it out so I can see it. It has a weird mouth -- it extends too far like a proboscis.
      Notes: br stall; swing, flying bound?

      Nothing down for 10-31 or 11-01

      Dream: I'm standing next to a pool. Several of my indian coworkers are walking on water, and I ask them how to do it. An older one who sits near me explains about prana and breathing; a younger one who was on my first team makes an analogy that goes something like "A young man ...(insert foolish attempt); An old man ...(wiser, more effective method)". It was actually really good advice but I didn't write it down.
      Fragment: Off of a country road, there's a suburban house with a staircase to a small loft right off the front door.
      Dream: In 9, at night on the back porch. I'm with F and my dad, there are some ice chests lying around and a tablecloth on the table. It seems like a party is planned soon or just finished. F or I inquire about drinks and my dad says "MImosas" with an emphasis on the first part, making it sound like "My" -- this ties in with an in-joke F and I have about him and the way he says "My TV" or "My truck" in a specific way. There are also tall cans of bud light with weird plastic caps on them. I understand them to be bud light but they look like miller high life; strange. We're on our way to the pool, and I am trying to decide on shoes or flip flops.
      Fragment: Something happened here but it's lost now.
      Dream: F is in a room next to the bed. She stands up and walks to a door in the far left corner, and when she opens the door, a hand reaches out and grabs her. I can't move but I force the perpetrator to let go of her and approach me instead with dream control. I intrinsically understand that I have a certain energy or "light" that will dispel his darkness. I make him touch my arm and he goes blank-faced; this is similar to a past dream where I would reality check and engage with DCs, at which point they would go blank-faced and sort of become broken robots. He was kneeling down near the bed and had an Optimus Prime toy on his head.
      The interesting part is how it started -- I wouldn't call it a WILD, I guess it was more like a DEILD but without the L. I had just gotten up for a bit and I lie down and immediately sort of popped into this one, I just didn't catch it and make it lucid.
      Lucid: I decide to really try and get lucid after being teased by the last dream with awareness. I focus my efforts on it and very soon I'm hearing a radio drama in my head, although I still have full awareness of my body. It reminded me of HS and college when I was staying up late or close to sleep due to a project or homework I was working on, and I would get auditory hallucinations of voices/conversations with friends or family members, and or a loud bang or gunshot. Anyway, the radio drama sounded like It's a Wonderful Life, and one of the key characters was Uncle Billy, who was being forgetful about the night before of course. He remembered that he keyed a tree, scratched his name into it. Soon I can feel a sensation of moving back and forth, and I realize I'm on a swing. Once I realize it, the visualizations follow. I see myself in a wooden swing in a small yellowish room, with darkish blue light coming in from a window to the right. I say "I'm dreaming" as I swing, and imagine myself feeling the armrest, and I pop into the dream and lose most awareness of my physical body. I'm able to use pyromancy, and use my fingertip-flame-laser to carve shapes into the wood of the swing. I jump/get up from the swing and start interacting with a wooden desk with loose objects on its surface. I sweep them them off onto the floor, some wooden items, some glass beakers or bottles. I pick up a wooden item -- I forget what it was now -- and inscribe its surface. I remember the words "left" and "sou". The smoke effect from the pyromancy was vivid.

      Updated 11-10-2018 at 12:53 AM by 95458

      Tags: pyromancy
      lucid , non-lucid , memorable , dream fragment
    10. lxvii.

      by , 11-09-2018 at 01:52 PM
      Non-dream stuff - Haven't been so well last couple of days and sleep has been irregular too. Been waking up at normal times but then falling back asleep for too long. Remember some fragments but nearly no detail. Some visual details I remember I just can't put into words very well either.

      Dream Fragment 1:
      Something about some furries, in a town. One of them grew a bit bigger and because of that something happened (like some guy reacted and locked down an area or something?). I remember the group sitting together at a table somewhere, feeling sad.

      Dream Fragment 2:
      Was back at university. Rest of context has completely vanished as I tried to recall more...

      Dream Fragment 3:
      Me and my mom were listening to someone from the US speak on television or something. My mom asked what he was saying. I said "He's... Reading from the book of Apocalypse."

      Dream Fragment 4:
      Some long non-lucid that I don't remember much about anymore, but the dream plot was in some sort of old castle or something and I was going around it with other people. My now waking mind is coming up with Karazhan as a location associated to this dream.

      No notes at the moment, I'm just too tired.
    11. Cuckoo Clock Puzzle House

      by , 11-09-2018 at 12:45 PM
      Morning of November 2, 2018. Friday.

      Dream #: 18,946-03. Reading time (optimized): 1 min. Readability score: 68.

      In my dream, I am in the living room of the King Street mansion (which served as a boarding house). I am focused upon the cuckoo clock on the south wall (erroneous location). It seems to be late morning. The owners are presently out, possibly on vacation.

      I want to get to my apartment (in this case the middle room of the east side of the mansion on the second floor), but there is no door. I am using the cuckoo clock as a replica of the house, where it is somewhat like a virtual Chinese puzzle box. I must turn certain sections of the clock to correlate with the real doors of the house. There are also sections that move in and out like slots.

      I consider that I may not still be living here (on a rental basis) and that I want to be in my bedroom before the owners return. I maintain a cheerful attitude even though the entry points of the clock do not perfectly match that of the house itself.

      My dream had the typical dream state components:

      The cuckoo clock (association with flight and the vestibular system correlation of the waking process).

      The clock theme itself (ultradian and circadian rhythm of the sleep cycle).

      The puzzle, and solving it (nature of enigmatic space, where the dream self identity and the conscious self identity are still separate).

      Getting to a bedroom (literal bed space strand and subliminal awareness of being in the dream state, becoming liminal prior to waking).

    12. Motorcycle Mishap

      by , 11-09-2018 at 11:29 AM
      Morning of November 5, 2018. Monday.

      Dream #: 18,949-05. Reading time (optimized): 2 min. Readability score: 38.

      In my dream, I am in an unknown location, though it is likely implied to be America as Dennis (half-brother on my mother’s side) is present. He appears as he was in the 1970s.

      There is an unfamiliar dream state denizen with me (male, about twenty years old) when Dennis starts talking about taking us on a ride on his motorcycle and even giving us our own motorcycles.

      I am not interested and he becomes very angry, telling me what a great motorcycle he is giving me. There is a long argument of the typical preconscious content (though I am not lucid).

      He eventually leaves. There is the typical indoor-outdoor ambiguity, where I look upon a highway that also somehow seems to be inside an unknown building.

      Dennis has transformed into a foot-long piece of yellow police tape (and my dream self does not consider this unusual). “He” is lying near the middle of the highway. I consider that cars may run over him as he is blown about, but I do not feel any concern.

      Conflict in my dreams (subliminal, liminal, and lucid modes) is typically a result of biologically induced reticular formation simulacra and my dream self’s willingness to correlate with the RAS factor of the waking process, and in lucidity, I am actually aware of this factor (thus there can be no doubt, as real lucidity brings about this knowledge - and an experienced lucid dreamer would know that “interpretation” in the popular sense is a misconception).

      A vehicle typically represents (projected or inherited) correlation of induction (beginning of sleep cycle) or waking (end of sleep cycle) physicality by way of vestibular system dynamics, even before full consciousness is achieved. (The preconscious is active in the waking process before the conscious self identity is, which is probably why many people do not remember their dreams.)

      I have not seen Dennis in real life since 1994 and our minimal Facebook contact has remained cheerful. The yellow police tape comes from two factors, the nexus between dreaming and waking (fuzziness about the conscious self identity when sleeping, and the reticular formation by way of the preconscious as authority over the dream self) as a liminal space divider, and a literal association with the Halloween tape we had on our fence recently for trick-or-treaters (as a fence is a literal liminal space divider in real life, which correlates with the nexus of the waking process being a model as such).

    13. Creating Dream Journals

      by , 11-09-2018 at 09:07 AM
      Morning of November 9, 2018. Friday.

      Dream #: 18,953-02. Reading time: 2 min 34 sec. Readability score: 52.

      My family and I are living in Cubitis (false scenario - Zsuzsanna has never lived in America). There is a computer set up in the northeast corner of the living room (another false scenario - computer technology of this nature did not exist when I last lived in Cubitis). This is a typical false scenario when my dream self recalls my present life status regarding marriage and family, but no recall of where we live, validating that the unconscious mind and valid memory is not viable in non-lucid dreams.

      I had been looking at the dream journal website. I am planning to capture all of the content in scholastic loose-leaf binders (3-ring binders), similar to the appearance of my dream journals from 1968 to 1979 (after which I used much bigger binders). I have a dark blue binder full of content from 2018 (and I erroneously perceive 2018 as being “last year”). There is a white rectangular label that reads “2018” on the cover.

      Over time, I create more binders (out of nowhere, on thought alone) by writing over the label on the first binder first, and then on each next label. I write a “7” over the “8” of 2018, and an additional binder appears on the table for 2017 content. I do this several times for different years. I start looking through them when I have about six. On the first page of one journal, someone had written information about a dream, but the small paragraph seems to be solely made up of several distorted (misspelled) variations of my first and last name. However, I know that it is not related to me, but I find it curious, for example, “clauc lc duc dua ld cluc u alc ac au.” I can make no sense of what it is about. I consider that the entry might be at least partly in Latin.

      I accidentally write a “1” over a “0”, so that it reads 2108 in the resulting new journal (which was supposed to be 2008), which suddenly expands, fanning more pages than any other binder and causing the binder to be too full to close, but the pages are all blank. I will it away and continue with other content. I go back to 2001 (when the dream journal website was first online) before waking.

      Literal dream space threads are common even in my non-lucid dreams. My dream self’s real-time focus is typically on the dream state itself, and its dynamics and mediation (whether in subliminal, liminal, or lucid modes), therefore “interpretation” (or what people call “meaning” rather than genuine concurrent causation) is a major misconception, probably the biggest misconception regarding any subject in human history. In fact, it can be clearly understood that creating events and features by thought or anticipation is evidence that I always know when I am in the dream state whether or not I am lucid, and non-lucid dream control is a primary factor of my dreaming history.

      As shown by my keyword statistics on one website, reading is one of the most common activities in my dreams, though words and phrases often change when looking again or change into gibberish. The only activities more common than reading in my dreams are music-related and flying (not counting interaction with water-reinducers or summoning related simulacrums). This developed out of personal will to become more aware in the dream state (and it is a more common “reality check” for some oneironauts, though I do not use “reality checks” as it undermines reticular formation function). I got this idea from my mother, who often dreamt of reading, and her knowledge of how writing typically changed in the dream state when looking again, thus I have always used reading as a potential precursor to stabilize the presence of my conscious self identity in the dream state (not as a “reality check”).

    14. 7 Nov: Non-sense fragments and Trump commits suicide!

      by , 11-07-2018 at 04:29 PM (Lucid-schizo-dreamer)
      non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid false awakening

      Lucidity: ⭐ (1/5)
      Clear: ⭐⭐ (2/5)
      An homage party to Saramago (portuguese literature Nobel winner). Manuel Alegre (another portuguese guy who writes poetry but is an idiot) gets on the stage, says some incendiary things, seems drunk. People remove him by force but he picks up a fight with a young journalist and it is mayhem.

      In an hospital, some bad guys come in and make hostages. I sneak out to the next room before they see me, but one suspects something. I hide behind a reclinable chair in the room, no time to run away. They don't see me though. But other people who escaped come in and they find me. I decide to take action and with their help, I attack the leader of the bad guys. Not easy, end up fighting two people.

      In Lisbon, downtown, dressed really hot and cool, get out from whatever place I am to go for a quick stroll. Can't take to long, left something hanging. I come across a fair of second-hand and vintage stuff. Would love to look at things in detail, but I have to just pass quickly. Sellers are all young people and a couple of them block my way and insist that I stop and buy something. I say I can't, they don't seem to accept very well. I go back to the place I was before.

      With some girl friends, including Zilla, we're playing with some crazy afro wigs, testing how they look on us. They are a bit over the top, but I like it. I also try some gorgeous clothes.

      On a beach type environment, me and Riverstone are worried making shelters for us and others, due to an upcoming storm. I dig around some big rocks, making up space like some basic galleries to duck in between the rocks. Riverstone chose to built some kind of tent, that falls down at the first accumulation of rain. Somehow, Donald Trump is involved in the scene. He is going through some heavy defeat and he can't cope with the feeling, so in the midst of this storm, he kills himself. My first feeling is that a human being committed suicide and I honestly feel bad for him, but then I realize who he is and realize how this can be such great news for the world.
    15. 6 Nov: Cruise ships and a cow herder

      by , 11-06-2018 at 04:25 PM (Lucid-schizo-dreamer)
      non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid false awakening

      Lucidity: ⭐ (1/5)
      Clear: ⭐⭐⭐ (3/5)

      With two other girl friends, at a dock, trying to board some big cruise ship. It feels like the 30s, we are poor and these big ships will take us to some new life opportunities. We struggled to get tickets and we struggle still to get on board. The dock is gigantic and there is no clear path to board the ships. Also, there are people randomly goind around in all directions. We finally see what looks like a cargo lift to one of the ships, but it closes doors before we get in and doesn't come back to pick anyone else up. We miss two ships. My friends want to quit, but we persist and we finally manage to board one other ship. Inside it, we have to struggle to get a pod cabin, in an area crammed with pod cabins, because the most tolerable ones are taken by other people. Some are really claustrophobic, because they are in rows and not all have direct access to the main hall, but jammed behind the front pods. After some negotiations we manage to get the ones we like. I enter my pod. I brought one of my cats with me. The pods are actually comfortable once we get inside, but my cat wants to go outside and forces his way out through the door.

      False awakening on my sofa. My dogs barking loudly outside. The tv is on but lights are out.
      I go check through the window what is going on, but I see nothing. I don't realize I am dreaming, I just keep on dreaming.
      I check the time and it's 3 am. The dogs start barking again. I go check again and I see a herd of big cows down the path parallel to my property. Some of the cows are a bit curious and get out of the path in the direction of my gate and my dog Hachi who sleeps outside the fenced area. I go outside to shoo them away. A guy comes up, he seems very relaxed about all of it. He steps inside my gate and brings my dog with him. He has his own big dog, named Lucas or something. I feel nervous, because Hachi is afraid of other dogs and gets aggressive, but the two dogs seem to like each other. I then worry when my other dogs come join the gang, because Hachi and the other male dog hate each other and that's why I keep them separate. But they don't fight. Meanwhile the guy wants to apologize for all the fuss and disturbance and hands me some money. I go get my purse and give him some change through the window. Then my yellow cat runs outside through the window. Tired of all these chaos with my animals, I go pick up the cat who runs away twice and then the white one also tries to escape. The guy doesn't get my attitude with the cats and dogs, So I have to explain to him about their temperaments and fights they had, etc. He finally goes away, and takes Hachi with him outside the gate. Inside the house I go to the toilet and I see myself in the mirror: I have a zombie-like Catrina face painting with green lips. I had no idea I had been talking to the guy like this.

      Updated 11-06-2018 at 04:33 PM by 34880

      non-lucid , false awakening