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    Non-Lucid Dreams

    1. #165. The Long Haul

      by , 10-31-2010 at 09:58 PM (Things to Run Away From Really Fast)

      I finally got to move away from Saskatchewan, so I'm happy about that. Haven't really been concentrating on my dreams, though.

      Also, Halloween is the best holiday ever.


      An angel and I talk economics.

      "You gambled my soul away in a poker game?" Bobby growls, his voice growing louder with every syllable.

      Balthazar raises his hands in a peaceful gesture, as best he can while I have him held up by the collar of his two piece suit.


      "Look at that man over there," says Balthazar, pointing across the street. "What do you think would happen if you said to him, 'Give me your soul, and you can have anything you want in the world'?"

      The sun is shining down on us; the crisp autumn breeze brushes leaves through the gutters. The man pulls his overcoat more closely around himself, hurrying his steps towards the church on Eleventh.

      "He'll say no." I say in a low voice, my arms crossed over my chest.

      "He'll tell you to fuck off, is what he'll do. Pop culture's done more to harm the trade than religion ever did. He probably doesn't believe he has a soul, and he still won't sign it over." Balthazar takes a breath, grins. "Look, the trick is to ask for something smaller."

      The man is out of sight, now.

      The trick, apparently, is to plan for the long term. Get someone to agree to a small price, a small favour in exchange for their needful thing. These agreements, they're bound to the bloodline. If the man doesn't pay back the favour, rest assured that his children will.

      Chances are, we'll get our soul eventually.


      When Dean comes to, he's leaning against a concrete wall in an underground parking garage. He doesn't know exactly where he is or what he's doing there, but he knows it can't be good.

      Dean stumbles up the exit ramp, blinks a bit against the cool night air.

      Click. Look up.

      Sam's at the top of the ramp, pointing a gun directly at his brother.

      "Sammael," says Sam Winchester, his voice cold.

      Dean fades to black, and I smile up at Sam.


      In which I try to solve a puzzle involving time travel.

      Standing at the ticket counter, drumming my fingers impatiently against the arborite. The ticket-seller has my passport in her hand. She glances at the name, up at my face, at a poster I can't see behind the glass, and her face goes white. She hands me back the passport, slides two tickets under the glass, and tries not to meet my eyes. I smile and thank her, and I take my thinks and walk into the parking lot.

      I open the driver's seat door to an Oldsmobile, my parents' car when I was younger, and start the engine. Zoe is sitting in the passenger seat.

      "They're already onto us." I tell her. "Buses aren't running, cops'll be all over the place within an hour. We have to drive."


      And now it's real life, and I tell Zoe I'm leaving Calgary. It's two years into the future, and I've been in one place too long.


      "Where are we?" I demand. My voice is quiet, but the threat is there.

      Daniel smiles, suddenly nervous. "This is one of the last human settlements on Earth."

      "I'm waiting."

      "From your point of view," he says slowly, "I suppose this is the future."

      Zoe stands quietly behind me.


      I step through the sliding metal doors, out into an oasis of footpaths and greenery, quiet places for meditation and training. Above us is a dome, given away by the subtle waves in its surface, the way it refracts the light from the bright skies above. Beyond the dome is the endless desert that the earth has become.


      "When you say this is the future," I ask Daniel, "Exactly how far do you mean?"

      He hesitates. "Well, it's been at least... it's been tens of billions of years."

      He's expecting me to freak out, but I simply nod, having had my suspicions confirmed. "And physiologically, humans have remained the same for the last... tens of billions of years?"

      Daniel frowns, and looks at me, searching. "Physiologically? You mean evolution."

      "And there have been no significant changes." I state, daring him to contradict me. "You know what this means?"

      "Someone's been breeding us."

      Scare Factor: 2/10
    2. 28 Oct 10

      by , 10-31-2010 at 08:32 PM (Tales from the sun chaser.)
      Bunch of HI about talking to L on MSN. Just various questions and what not.

      Frag about going to someones house, when we went inside, I was trying to decide where to sit, but I ended up adjusting all of the seats in the living room. Ended up having hypnopompic SP right after. It had me thinking that something was on my arm, when in reality it was just the way the fan in my room was hitting me.
    3. 23 Oct: Dream within dream, sex with unknown LDer & meeting my guru

      by , 10-31-2010 at 07:07 PM (Lucid-schizo-dreamer)

      21:30 GMT – sleep

      Japanese stuff again
      Remember anime girls, kimonos and being in some sort of wooden kiosk, asking for directions

      22:30 GMT

      Dream within a dream
      With mom, aunts and uncles at my father-side grandma’s house. Telling mom to hush cause others were asleep. I go to front door and I’m thinking of how I had so many dreams (usually nightmares) about this house and this door (not able to close it when a werewolf or thieves or ghosts were coming, etc). But now that it is just fine, I close it, I lock it and consider I’m putting a stone over this ridiculous fear I had. Then I go to sleep and I have a dream within a dream.
      As I lay down on the dream-bed I think about Nighthawk and how I should invite him to go out some of these days. I visualize ourselves going to the movies, holding his hand. Then I fall asleep in the dream and I dream I’m really at the cinema. He is not there but I recognize many other people in the audience, including his brother. I engage in conversation with some persons nearby and then try to say hello but he is some rows to the front.

      Sex with unknown lucid dreamer
      Then the cinema auditorium transforms into a cliff with carved platforms serving as rows. First I feel vertigo, but then I become lucid and loose fear. I have the feeling other DCs are actually dreamers and I sense that some are even lucid to.
      I cooperate with someone by sending objects through the air by telekinesis. Then I meet this guy who is showing me proudly some trees he created – they are beautifully arranged, almost like a forest ikebana. He also feels melancholic because he is aware they’ll only exist as long the dream takes place, but that ephemerality only makes it more beautiful. We vibrate at same wavelength and we connect immediately and I feel crazy attracted to him, so we end up making out and it evolves into hot steamy sex. Noticed that he had captivating eyes and a really deep look.

      2:50 GMT

      Meeting my guru
      On some huge empty building with pink walls and no one around. I am lucid and playing some tricks like swelling the walls or closing them in. When I closed the walls in I saw movement through the tiny slit left between them and I open them again to see what is on the other side. It’s just a tiny rat but then I also see mirrors, lots of mirrors, which weren’t there before. I see my face reflected in detail, but then the mirror becomes non-reflective and my image becomes just a blur. I look for another mirror but before facing it I think about what I want to do so I can jump through it right away. I remember I wish to meet my main guru again. When I jump through the mirror I feel the dream fading, but I hold on and then I find myself in a similar building, but this time it is full of people. I go around and ask people if they saw my master. Many don’t know but one guys points vaguely ahead. I then find a young Tibetan monk but he doesn’t speak a word of English. I keep going to end of the corridor and then turn right to another corridor. Then I find a room with 3 people sleeping on mattresses on the floor (futon-like). I hear some muttered words in German between 2 people there and then realise the 3rd person is my guru. He raises his head, looking sleepy and surprised. “Here again?” – he asks. I see his face and it is clearly him at the beginning but sometimes it flickers and becomes a bit different, so I’m not totally sure it’s him or mind projection. He looks groggy so I say I didn’t mean to disturb but really wanted to see him. I tell him I’ve been a very bad disciple but will do my best to compensate. Dream starts fading again, but I hold it.
      He lays down and I just lay down by his side, saying I will not bother him with questions for now, but just being there close to him, being able to touch his robes, is already good enough.
      Later when the sun has risen we’re outside with the two other persons that were also sleeping on the room (2 german ladies) and they are the three working with plants. My teacher is discoursing a lot of information about different species of plants they are tendering after and I just listen and watch. Then the dream fades.

      7:00 GMT – wake up
    4. 22 Oct: Kimono, game and meditation

      by , 10-31-2010 at 06:08 PM (Lucid-schizo-dreamer)

      23:00 GMT – sleep

      Fragment: Sexual content, two guys (must have been interesting)

      01:30 GMT

      Fragment: Earthquake, falling bridges.

      3:00 GMT

      Flapping kimono wings
      Escaping some place through the window, while wearing a kimono, which doesn’t help. End up in a field and decide flying away. At first use my kimono long sleeves as wings and then realizing flapping them is not helpful and decide to just shoot myself through the air (bullet like), as I normally do - much faster, less exhausting.

      Intro to a game
      Then with some group being introduced to a game. The leader is speaking Japanese but there is translation for those who wish and I choose French.

      Thinking about dreams
      Sitting in almost perfect lotus position and meditating an thinking how dream practice is having “real” effects, even physically.

      6:00 GMT – wake up
    5. 21 Oct: Friends, sex and lingerie

      by , 10-31-2010 at 05:48 PM (Lucid-schizo-dreamer)

      23:00 GMT – sleep (huge headache, after 25h of no sleep and jet lag - supposed to be 7 am)

      Japanese house
      On a big house with sliding doors like Japanese houses. I’m worried because I left the garage door open. Then... forgot the rest.

      3:30 GMT

      Make up sex
      My friend Zilla and her new boyfriend are not so happy together, but she is trying reconciliation, so I leave them both in a room, expecting there will be make up sex, but when I come back later on, the guy is leaving with an angry face, so I assume it didn’t work. He had actually left her for good. Then I go inside the room expecting to find her there and give her some encouragement, but i instantly step on a condom box still closed. When I get up again I see another couple lying in bed and they look totally surprised at me like “WTF are you doing here?”.

      Sexy boss
      Sitting at the end of some large office meeting table, on the boss’ chair and all my employees gathered around, so I figure out I'm the boss. But instead of making some speech about workplans and deadlines, I just opened a box I had in front of me on the table and took out some lingerie from the box and asked my employees what they thought about it – If it was too sexy? Too revealing? Should I wear it?

      6:00 GMT – wake up

      Updated 10-31-2010 at 05:54 PM by 34880

      non-lucid , dream fragment
    6. 20 Oct: Mission on a foreign planet

      by , 10-31-2010 at 05:32 PM (Lucid-schizo-dreamer)

      0:00 GMT+9 – sleep

      Mission on a foreign planet
      Part of a team of explorers. There was me, a geeky tech-expert and some chunkier guys and a hot girl with long hair obsessed about her looks, even when surrounded by enemies. We were on some mission, doing separate jobs in some foreign planet.
      I was near a forest, close to the ship which was hidden, when I saw a little girl being chased by a huge guy. I’m hiding out so I just watch without interfering, but then the guy grabbed her and threw her violently against a wall of an abandoned house that was there. She knocked her head and looked in bad shape. I couldn’t just do nothing so I jumped in to save her, but the guy was really chunky and I couldn’t beat him up, so I just tried to pick her up on a moment of distraction of the guy and run away with her.
      Behind me, hidden under some holographic cloak, was our ship, so I took her there and just had time to close the doors behind me. I immediately started the launch procedure. But the guy was trying to break in and causing major damage to the doors, so we had to enter an escape pod in the center of the ship, to garantee our safety. I was trying to reach the others on the radio but they weren’t replying. The pod entrance had to be zipped up (WTF?) but I was having trouble zipping it up. I was getting really stressed out and yelled “f*****ck!”.

      5:00 GMT+9 – wake up
    7. October 31- It's My Bed!

      by , 10-31-2010 at 05:14 PM
      The dream starts off with me leaving what seems to be like my dorm room. Even though there are two sets of bunk beds, only the bottom bed of one of them seems to be occupied. This one seems to be mine since I recognize my stuff near it and on it. I leave the room for a while and my dream either time skips or I can't remember this part, but then I'm suddenly walking back into my room. There's some girl I don't know lying on my bed and another girl on the bed above her, and all my stuff is thrown randomly on the other side of the room.

      I quickly get angry with this girl on my bed and ask her what she thinks she's doing, that that was MY bed. We easily get in an argument over the situation as I start looking for my stuff. I'm furious at this point, because I can't find anything of mine including my cellphone and my iPod. Then I notice that even all the drawers of my dresser are pulled out and that this girl is wearing one of my shirts, so we begin arguing over that as well. Frustrated and not knowing what else to do, I leave the room to go find some management because I don't feel like I was supposed to be sharing my room in the first place. I find administration, and they tell me that my stuff was never on that bed and that I should stop being so worked up over it. After this, I wake up from my dream.
      Tags: anger, bed, dorm, roommate
      non-lucid , dream fragment
    8. Log Ride Of Doom...10/31/10(Early Morning)

      by , 10-31-2010 at 02:35 PM (INeverWakeUp's Super Dream Journal)
      I dreamed I was at a large amusement park. Their were large rides everywhere! They all looked so fun and enjoyable. But not to me. I was glued to one ride: The Water-Log Ride. I rode on it countless times. Fun, even if it was only a dream(too bad I didn't notice that it was a dream). Finally, when I was like on my fiftieth ride, the log flew off the track! What the hell? Luckily, I had a parachute. I scrambled around for it. But while I wasted time looking for it, I neared my doom. I finally found it, and opened it. I safely floated down to a little innocent pond...or did I? I landed in a pond, but not an innocent one. Pirahnas began dashing towards me! They began biting and chewing me up! I managed to swim to shore. On the otherside, was more water, with no fish. I fell five feet and landed in three-foot deep water. But I still wasn't safe. Now, I was on the water-log track! I could hear the log ride coming. So, I tried jumping back up to shore, but as I said, it was five feet high! I failed, and failed, and failed. Now, I only had one last chance. I jumped, and made it. At the same moment, the log ride soared by. I was safe. Then, my little brother woke me up.
    9. My powers aren't gone! Phew...

      by , 10-31-2010 at 11:31 AM (Nom nom nom, Mmmattelicious...)

      Good morning! Woke up earlier than usual today, and tried to WBTB, but I couldn't fall asleep. Anyways I had a few cool dreams last night, and even a very short lucid! No B6 taken for a week and I can still dream lots. Yay!

      6.00: Flying DILD
      I'm on a field with my relatives. We're all fooling around with these large plastic handheld fans, like they have in China. I decide to let the wind take a hold of my fan and I'm blown like twenty meters away. Everybody laughs. It felt awesome and I want to try it again. I wait for the next gust and jump as high as I can when it hits me. I direct the fan towards it and I fly atleast thirty meters up. I become lucid by the super high jump and I stay in air. "Yes! My flying ability is still there!" I say and fly around in circles, happier than I've been in a lucid for a while.

      10.00: Local drunken adventure
      I'm walking around at night in my hometown, talking to my friend Eric on the phone. I tell him I miss him, and that I miss the times we had back in the days. I don't remember what his reply was but there's silence for a long time. Suddenly I'm on a bus with my other friend Henrik. We talk about all kinds of things and I realise I have to get off the bus soon. I just miss my stop and decide to jump off where he lives. We exit the bus at the next stop and say goodbye. I walk up to the bus stop on the other side and look for a bus home.

      All busses are going the wrong way, so I walk to the next stop just up the hill. A bus is just about to leave and I run towards it. A small kid is trying to lock up his bike infront of me so I miss the bus. "Hey Patric, having trouble locking up your bike?" a man asks him. The boy nods and I ask the man if there would be any other bus coming soon. "Yeah I think so..." he tells me and we wait. It's getting really dark outside and I can barely see the cars going by. Suddenly I see a light coming up the hill.

      The light is coming from a cigarette in the mouth of an old hag of a busdriver. The bus doesn't stop and several metal platings roll down to cover all the windows. "What a bitch!" I yell and the man agrees. We're both drunk for some reason and I decide to walk home. We walk out on the street and I almost get hit by a car. I throw a snowball at the next one coming up. "Oh shit that's right, I haven't told Monica where I am" I say and take out my phone. "I'll send the message to her haha!" the man tells me. I ignore him and start walking, trying to send her a message. It doesn't work as usual (actually my IRL phone SUCKS, and I figured I was drunk, so no dreamsign).

      Finally I get it right, and I start running, saying goodbye to the man. I notice I've recieved a message from a girl I used to hit on before I met Monica. "If you need to talk, I'm here" she tells me. "What? Why would she type that?" I ask myself. I figure something must have happened to Monica and I run even faster. I think about dreaming and that I just had lucid. I never become lucid though. I decide to try to get on Facebook on my phone and I look her page up. There's no sign from any posts from her. "That's strange... She usually writes all kinds of things.

      10.00: Survival game
      I'm ontop of a cliff overlooking the sea. I can see a bear walking around on the beach below and I don't feel very comfortable. (I've had alot of nightmares about bears) I remember a guy testing a home made parachute and it didn't work very well. Suddenly the bear disappears and I look around. Only to see him just a few meters away. I take the big plastic bag I have next to me and I jump for it. Aiming for the water. I fall for a long time but I land in the water, very close to the beach. On the beach is a large robot and I know I'm dead.

      He shoots me dead with laser and I lose all my equipment. Also my saved "Survival ship". I have to start all over again so when I spawn, I run into a shed and start looking for things to build stuff from, and things I can use for survival. I find several nails, tape, plastic bags and alot of other stuff. "Do you wanna join me?" I ask Monica but she doesn't look very enthusiastic.

      Amount of sleep: 9 hours

      Food before bed: 2 x Omega-3

      That's it! I also remember having like electricity going through my body. I'm pretty sure it was vibrations you get before you fall asleep, since I had trouble sleeping after my 6.00 WBTB alarm. I remember alot of strange images and feelings, so that was cool! Never had that before.

      Keep on dreaming, HARE BRA!
      Tags: flying, survival
      lucid , non-lucid
    10. Night of 10/30 - labyrinth

      by , 10-31-2010 at 11:30 AM (Grischkaja's world of dreams and mysteries)
      Hours of sleep: 8 h
      Vividness: 3/5

      I'm in my childhood house. I want to go to the attic to have a better view on the garden. I'm in the staircase to our appartement. I'm between the ground and the first floor. I look outside the window. I see my dad watering flowers. I start going upstairs. While I walk, I see that there lay a few stones, I pick them up and put them in my pocket. I keep on going upstairs.
      I'm now on the last floor (It's floor N. 4). I loo outside the window. I still see my father watering flowers, but it seems that I'm still on the ground floor. I think: WTF is going on?!?
      I look at my right. There is my brother: he says that he loves garlic. I realize that this is a dream. I want to confirm it with a RC.

      I awake, because someone knocks at my door!!
      Tags: fail, family
    11. Night of 10/29 - Bus crash and cornflakes

      by , 10-31-2010 at 11:19 AM (Grischkaja's world of dreams and mysteries)
      Hours of sleep: 6h
      Vividness: 2/5
      Recall: 4/5

      It's dark outsides and I'm standing on a bus-station. I know that the bus is late. Next to me is a friend. She looks bored and stares in the sky. I'm not in a mood to get involved in a conversation, so i keep looking to my right and look at the driving cars. Suddenly I hear a voice through a microphone. It sounds like those lines which are repeated at train stations. It says:
      - To all passenger, please look at your right, because the bus 7.3 finally comes a few minutes late. We apology for any inconvenience, but it was impossible for the bus to come in time, because it was involved in a terrible accident. Thank you for your attention!
      I'm confused and look to my right. A bus drives at the street. It has no top, it still burns a bit. the driver isn't hurt and drives happily on the road. I think that this might be a dream. I'm really confused, because all this doesn't makes sense at all. I realize that this is so impossible and I'm convinced that this is a dream.
      BUT for some reason I loose lucidity and I walk away from the station.
      I meet my brother. Next to him is a weird guy. We walk to our old childhood house. We enter it and go to the 2nd floor, where our apartement used to be. It's still there, but it's really dark inside. We enter. I run towards my old room. I know that I've forgot something. I search in the dark and find finally, what I'm looking for.... It's a box with cornflakes I go downstairs and open the door.
      Suddenly I'm in my old school. It's biology class. Our teacher is angry. We asks who has not forgot his box with the cornflakes. I answer and show him the box. He gets more angry, because it's not the right brand. He shouts at me and he makes now a surprise test. I look t the floor for a second and than look in front of me. The surroundings have changed again and i'm in the cafeteria of my university. I see tons of people.

      I awake.
      Note: WTF?!
    12. Zombie Trophy & Costco Housing

      by , 10-31-2010 at 04:35 AM
      This was my last dream of the night. Unfortunately, I don't remember the first dreams. There was also a beginning to this dream, that I don't recall any more:

      I was with a partner. I want to say it was a woman. I remember her being very acrobatics and focused. We were in an industrial area infested with zombies. I vaguely recall shooting one in the head with a handgun, at some point.

      We entered into a huge cylindrical factory. Five or six stories high. The center of the factory was mostly empty, with multiple stories of girder like cat walks forming circles around the middle. I remember several (blue-gray) male zombies followed us into this area. My partner had something like a hefty trophy. Except the trophy was made out of zombie meat. It was like a cup with two large winged handles. It was a sickly skin color with dark greenish veins that ran throughout it, including the handles. It looked like a normal trophy, wrapped tightly in flesh.

      This object (I knew I think from the forgotten beginning) contained the genetic information and viruses that made the outbreak of zombies possible. It was our intention to make sure that no one ever found this object again. My partner suggested we stuff it down a grate that was at the center of the factory. This was like a manhole sized storm drain. We did. Then filled the drain with gravel. Somehow, we ruptured the water mains next. This clause the entire structure to collapse in on itself. We barely got out.

      I remember seeing the entire area submerge with water as we made our way to an island. This island was in fact a mound of my own clothing (!) situated at the far corner of yet another, still larger warehouse. I remember thinking: I hope my computer backup files are safe from this flood. At this point I began to walk along the far wall of this enormous warehouse and it emerged into a Costco/Target like superstore. One of the female employees, wearing a white lab coat and glasses passed by me and without looking up said: " I hate customers."

      I walked a little further and came to the hair product isle. I grabbed some shampoo and proceeded to take a shower. Because situated in the shampoo isle, strangely, was my home shower. I began to wash and lather my hair. I had a thick full head of it. I remember thinking: why didn't I shave my head before I took a shower? (My usual pattern is to shave my head before I take a shower.) Nevertheless, I kept shampooing away as I looked around at different products on the shelves nearby...

      The next thought I had was: "How does Costso know which stuff belongs to me?" Then, a final more horrifying thought occurred: "Maybe Costco will be (or is) in the business of public housing...?"

      In recent years, Costco has gotten into the business of health insurance... I haven't been to Costco in years. Or thought much about their health-care. I have been searching my brain for creative solutions to the US economy. This is not one that occurred. Seems my subconscious hinting at a new hope: corporations that act in the place of governments. I was woken by my cell phone at this point.

      Updated 10-31-2010 at 06:50 AM by 32174

      non-lucid , memorable , side notes
    13. The Game / Theft

      by , 10-31-2010 at 12:15 AM
      Again, I only remember 2 dreams, and I was trying to WILD before bed, and screwed up and fell asleep. I'm going to post the interesting one second, even though it came first. Just because.

      The Theft
      We were in some kind of large house, maybe a funeral home, but it was huge and had many levels. I remember we were attending some kind of gathering with two main groups. The white family and the black family. (I'm not racist, Idk why I dreamed this) Anyway, someone from the black family stole something. Whatever it was it was very valuable. I got the impression that it was some kind of magic crystal or something. Anyway, everybody freaked out majorly, and we separated the two families to the two sides of the house. We (the white family, though it wasn't my actual family) started searching for whatever it was that was stolen, and came across some black members. For some reason they started beating them with anything they could find. It then became a massive battle between the two groups. We all started fighting with pool cues and stairway banisters, chair legs, anything we could find to hit each other. After a while the groups became mixed, it wasn't the white vs black family anymore, they both had white and black members. Anyway, we led squads to go secure rooms and areas still searching for the ... whatever it was. I was a leader of a small squad and became separated from them. When I walked into a room, I found my girlfriend (who I understood to be on the other side), and I pulled her aside and gave her a hug. I then continued searching for the missing item. I had a few encounters with some enemy ppl. Wonked them on the head with my banister and continued on. (I can't remember what happened for a while) Eventually I found a bunch of them, including my girlfriend, in a study with what I recognize to be the stolen item. By now it had manifested itself as a pad of paper (Lol this is probably because I've been working so hard to remember to write in my dream journal) Somehow I decide to become a double agent, but still recognize the need for me to return the lost object, so I warned the family that I needed to call in my team and most of them left. I woke up now.

      The Game
      In this dream some other young adults (18-22ish) and myself were attending some kind of academy. We had regular studies and then periodically we had this game. (The whole thing reminded me of the book Ender's Game, where they had studies, but the game was extremely important as well) Anyway, in this game we were transported to this barren, half destroyed city, and were given weapons. (I know it wasn't real to us, it may have been some kind of virtual reality or Matrix type thing. No plugs though) We had present day weapons: MP5s, AK47s, SAWs, Grenade launchers, all kinds of good stuff. Anyway, I think it was everyman for him self. There were mostly guys, but there were several girls. We just ran around blowing eachother up. Our class leader/teacher/whatever was a 30ish black woman with short dreadlocks and silver+topaz beads at the end of each. I don't remember specific skirmishes, but I do remember the end it came down to 3 of us. There were me and a friend, and then this girl with long, straight, black hair and was armed with a RPG. She killed us both with 1 rocket. I remember comming back to the training center laughing about it, and joking that I got killed by a girl. Fun Fun.
    14. Delays

      by , 10-30-2010 at 07:57 PM (The Adventures of an Adventurous Girl)

      Night of 10/27/10
      I was in my room picking out clothes and I decided to wear a Little Miss Trouble shirt and I was with my mother later on looking for a skirt that would match. My dream started to turn and flip and then fade.

      Night of 10/28/10
      It started out with me surrounded by my family and friends. They were telling me to put together a fairy outfit. So I chose one that was black and had diamonds that shine like beacons. Later I found out that I had become a fairy princess so I went to a new villlage I had heard off. Then I woke up inside my dream. I was laying in bed with my friend Katie and her brother was listening to music in her room and watching the tv. We begged him to turn it down, which he eventually did. Then we fell asleep again. This time I was still in the same village as a fairy princess but I was surrounded by evil monster like creatures with masks. They grabbed my arms and took me to an area full of cages. They picked a cage close to the entrance and the guard and through my in there. I tried to bed the guard to let me out, but to no avail. I ended up just looking at the other prisoners until my family came to rescue me.

      Night of 10/29/10
      I was in the living room with my mother and I decided to use her iPad(We hate Apple..) and I turned it on and unlocked it, knowing her password. I looked through her apps, decided I didnt like them so I went to get an ebooks app. I typed it in and a bunch of comments came up. The question that sparked the comments was. If Im playing as character DuskMoonFlower and a giant hammer pops up on the screen what does that mean?" A few of the comments that followed we as such. Go back to ToonTown! and... If you really want that hammer to go away..Jerk it... and.... You have to get back princess LiTtLeMiZzEmOsUnShInE... Weird...Thats my user name on a game... o.o.....

      Finally after a two day dry spell I think. Sorry I was to busy to come on and post so I combined what I remembered into one post haha. Love.
    15. school dreams

      by , 10-30-2010 at 06:25 PM (a teahouse inside my head.)
      Only three dreams from the past week, one yesterday and two today.

      This boy in my grade was getting married but everyone was still 15. His wedding was at school. We were sitting in chairs facing him in the courtyard at our school. He was trying to make a speech but he couldn't smile so he told me to sit in the front row and make funny faces. Much like in real life, he was trying to hold back laughter and that made him turn bright red. Then the speech was over and I was walking to math class (because it was a normal school day). They were soaking lady fingers in coffee to make tiramisu in big trays that covered the floor the entire distance to my math class. Everyone was stepping in the trays and messing them up because there was nothing we could do. I got to class. My classroom is usually white wooden paneling with green carpet and ugly grey desks. In the dream it was dark wood paneling, we were sitting on couches around a fire, and the room was half the size. It was a different teacher too, he had shoulder length hair and was wearing all purple.

      For background info, there is a music festival called Coachella that is near palm springs and most of the people at my school go every year. I have never been able to go.
      We were standing outside of Coachella but it was somewhere near my house (which is in los angeles). Somehow we just walked in and no one cared we didn't have tickets. We hung out for a while.

      I was finishing a writing assignment and I finally had it perfect. I don't remember what it's about but I remember that I made a footnote citing Harry Potter. I made sure I formatted everything to my english teacher's specifications and printed it out. I was walking to the bus (we were going to some kind of field trip) and I got stopped by a bunch of people in my grade who were going over their papers. I realized that for some reason I forgot the date. I walked around asking everyone the date and no one seemed to know. I was trying to figure it out when a bunch of people walked up and said it was November first. I started freaking out because I'm doing NaNoWriMo and it would be terrible to forget about a day. Then I was freaking out because we don't have school on Monday, November 1st due to a teacher in service day. I guess somehow I knew my real schedule and problems in a dream where that obviously wasn't the case.