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    1. Smoking with a sadhu

      by , 08-05-2015 at 09:10 AM
      Me and my brother were in this room listening and receiving some kind of advice or teaching from a Indian sadhu. As he was speaking he pulled out some marijuana and we participated in a smoking ritual. I felt honored to be able to do this and smoking greatly heightened awareness.

      Me and my brother were hanging out some place in India around a large gathering of people as if we were at some kind of a festival. I commented to my brother saying India is absolutely amazing. I remember feeling the vibe being clear and carefree.

      I was at the very top of a large tree. I wanted to get down but had no way of doing so.Eventually I did get down but it was extremely frightening.

      I remember me and my brother walking at night time to a restaurant. I commented how I wanted to smoke some cannabis so that I could sleep that night.
    2. School, and accidentally taking iTunes cards.

      by , 08-05-2015 at 06:10 AM (Awake to take in the view...)
      I will be recording this one quickly. Didn't have time this morning, and I'm off to bed in a few minutes.

      Non-lucid, still. My old reality check was with my old watch, and my new watch hardly appears in my dreams for whatever reason. I need to formulate a better plan.

      I was at school, and we were watching a movie. It was a school I had never been to before, but of course in the dream it felt normal. I don't remember if I was in high school or college in the dream, but I think it was college.

      I was also late to my next class because I was working on putting together a project - in my sleep-hazed words (in my physical dream journal that I keep next to my bed), the verb I used was "packaging" a project. I do remember something about plastic bags, now that I think about it.

      Then I somehow had this girl's iTunes card, a girl I knew IRL waaaay back when I was in middle school. I have no idea how I obtained said card.

      Weird stuff, eh? I've been getting a lot better with my reality checks and *sort of* better with recall so we will see how the next few weeks go. It will be a lot harder to do this during the school year, but that won't stop me this time!
      Tags: school
    3. blurry lucid (03.08.15)

      by , 08-05-2015 at 02:26 AM

      i remember being SEMI-lucid and it was blurry plus it was hard to move around. i walked slowly forward feeling like i was drunk or something, i was struggling to keep it lucid while it slowly drifted to black......................
    4. a rabbit with wings (04.08.15)

      by , 08-05-2015 at 02:17 AM

      i saw a small, black rabbit with wings in my room. i thought it was cute and fluffy, but when i held it in my hands its skin felt like sandpaper. i dont remember anything else
    5. Snakes

      , 08-04-2015 at 09:51 PM (Turquoise Dreams)

      Still on night shifts. Last night I had night off, so slept all night and the afternoon before it.

      It's afternoon now and I'm getting a feeling about bunch of dreams from last night.

      1. I see and discuss some tall towrs on top of the mountains. Like signal relay towers.

      2. Something about music.

      3. I'm at the house with lots of greenery around it. Walking on a walkway, I stop and look at a branch on the ground. I start to see that it's a snake and I stop another person from walking over it. It's some kind of a jungle snake, like fur-de-lance. Next I see a rattle snake up in the vines on top of the structure over the walkway. Then there is a shed and a long jet-black snake is on top of the shelf with some straw. He is really long. I try to stop a person from opening a door right next to it, but too late. The snake slithers down and out way too fast. I explain to someone that it's either a racer or something similar, because of his color and size and speed.

      I see a huge snake sliding very slowly through some bushes and he is sheding. Circumference of a large male's thigh. Real big.
    6. 2 dreamlets and a dream

      by , 08-04-2015 at 07:34 PM
      Took Fry's advice and went back to old school state checks and awareness practice. Also read the old recall tips and got a voice recorder app. Ended up with 2 dreams, wbtb then one more dream.. I played a stupid video game on my wbtb which i know is not the ideal thing to do because it took me forever to go back to sleep. THese recordings are crazy to listen to. I sound like i'm on serious drugs lol.

      Ronda Rousey is fighting for WSOF championship against Rousimar Palharas. She is afraid of being hurt.

      I am rummaging through a clear tuppaware container next to my front door filled with coupons, I'm an extreme couponer.

      A pro wrestler is trying to get me to buy commercial time for his flight. I'm not interested in buying. the wrestler is flamboyantly gay and is annoyed that i'm being evasive. It's also some kind of a sex scandal, he thinks i'm trying to give myself plausible deniability for something.

      Digging this recording thing, first time having multiple dreams in a while.
      non-lucid , dream fragment
    7. Dream entry#5- nothing

      by , 08-04-2015 at 03:59 PM
      I can't remember a single fragment from last night. I woke up 5 hours and 30 minuites after going to sleep, and I think I woke up earlier that night, but still didn't remember a dream.
    8. Break In, White Cat

      by , 08-04-2015 at 03:56 PM (Lucid Time!)
      I was in the parking lot of a street mall. I was trying to break into an empty store because there was some kind of criminal organization that had found a way in through the back door and were trading drugs in there.

      I picked the lock and went in. There was nobody in there but there was a big pile of drugs and case of money. I took the money for myself then called the cops. I stashed the money in my car and went back when the cops showed up. They then arrested me, but not because I took the money, but because my car had a broken tail light.

      They arrested me, but I felt like what I was experiencing didn't matter and was going to end in a moment.


      I was in a toy store. All of the toys were in clear plastic cubes. I remember looking at one. It was a spaceship that had landed on the moon in 1988 and the astronauts had died because the ships' reactor had melted down. It wasn't so much a toy as it was a model/memorial.

      Somebody told me too look at another. This one was just called 'lamb'. It was a little white lamb. But when I looked at it agian it was a white cat. I thought it was weird and I set it back on the shelf and started to look around. I looked back and the tiny toy had been replaced with a real white cat.

      The cat jumped up and started hugging my face. The dream changed to my bed and I woke up.
      non-lucid , dream fragment
    9. Serial dream

      by , 08-04-2015 at 02:33 PM
      First dream:
      I was walking home from a church. I was feeling full of energy. But not because I was walking from the church... It was as if the further I was from that church the stronger energy I felt inside. In short time I was flying. Short time further, I was flying with such force that air was rumbling around me. Then I felt something from the bush growing by the road. I made turn and flew into that bush. As I was plowing through the twigs and leaves some short man ran away opposite way... I felt badness from him and I felt that he is a warlock... I flew further into that bush.
      Then I flew into small clearing. In the center there were growing six thin trees in circle... in regular hexagon shape. On them the six young naked pure elves were bound facing in the center of the circle... There were three male and three female elves bound alternating on those trees. They were bound by some kind of climbing stem or very thin and weak vine... It was a ritual made by warlock I interfered with. Elwes couldn't break the bonds, even if that bonds looked weak. I tried to break them and it was very easy. The bonds were strong for the elves only... Female elves were very physically and spiritually attractive. I felt their force interfering with my self control. They warned me against touching them, that I will be lost, I will lose myself in the lust. O balanced myself and went into observer state. The feelings dulled and I could touch elves without losing my self control. Elves were impressed.
      When I went to free male elves the female ones warned me that I can be shocked by males. I looked on male elf and He looked quite ordinary... As I broke through the bonds I saw that male elves had genitals long, below their knees It looked like phallus of a horse I wasn't shocked of course.
      I took all the elves out of that place on the country road. I flew up and started to fly away with great speed, expecting the elves would do the same. After I flew above wide river or small sea? I landed on big island. I looked around and there were no elves following me... so I flew back. The elves were at the nearly the same spot where I left them. There was again that warlock starting to bond them. He saw me flying back and he ran away again. I freed them again and I told them that I will take them to safety by myself. Elves reduced their size to about 30cm height- their normal size I felt. I took them all and flew to that island. Elves were very grateful. I woke up afterwards.

      Second dream:
      I was immaterial in the black void... There was also warlock. He begged to me to give him second chance. I saw some kind of silvery pouch hanging there in the blackness on nothing. There was something in the pouch, it was vibrating... I reached out for the bag and my hand materialized out of darkness- silvery looking skeleton of hand. I straighten out my index finger and touched the pouch. My skeletal finger attached itself onto the pouch and I started to pull it back to me. I felt that if I pull more the pouch will be ripped open and that thing inside will spill out. Warlock begged even more and pouch was vibrating more. I dematerialized my hand and told him that he has his one chance and that he should use it well. Everything dissolved after that and I woke up.

      Third dream:
      I was living on the Island. Some king wanted to take that island. He has help of that warlock. That warlock wanted elves living on the Island. Elves came to me with proposal of help. They were grateful for my past help and wanted to pay it back. My people and elves, we built together big stronghold, very nice city. It wasn't hard to defend ourselves and break enemy army led by warlock. We created joint kingdom, humans and elves. Then the dream jumped in time and I was old. I was revered leader of kingdom. Very popular. Life was good in our kingdom. I was walking through very modern looking city. Some people asked me where I want to be buried when I die. I looked around and saw tall irregular rock, it was maybe 40-50 meters long and at the highest point it was widest- about 3 meters. I told them that they should bury me there. Then I told them that I'm joking and that they can bury my body where they want, I 'm not my body. That it would be a pity to pollute such nice city with stink of old carrion. We laughed on this joke and I woke up.

      Fourth dream
      I was again in black void, immaterial. I looked at the silvery vibrating pouch. I told to warlock that he wasted his second chance to make something good with his life. That he wouldn't be able to run from me with help of sacrifice of the pure beings(elves). Then I materialized my hand(again silvery and skeletal) and touched the silvery pouch with index finger. I pulled fast. The pouch was ripped open and silvery sand poured out. And vanished. Together with warlock. Only my immaterial existence remained in the void and after some time I woke up.

      It is rare occurrence to have serial dream for me.
      Female elves were really, really attractive, it was as if it wasn't only physical lust in work, I felt like I was spiritually overwhelmed by their very closeness. Nudity had nothing with it in comparison of the feelings induced in my mind.
      Was I impersonating the death in the void? There was complete peace there.

      Updated 08-05-2015 at 12:41 AM by 66278 (Typos, typos typos... and grammar. I'm terrible at english :()

      Tags: serial dream
    10. Yet Another “Uhny Uftz” Dream (with Dick Van Dyke)

      by , 08-04-2015 at 02:04 PM
      Night of August 4, 2015. Tuesday.

      Even though I have only seen the “Uhny Uftz” episode of “The Dick Van Dyke Show” a few times in my life (the first occasion being September 29, 1965 on my sister’s television on Rose Street), it sometimes surfaces in my dreams as the autosymbolic model of vestibular system correlation.

      In my very vivid dream, I am in the same setting and scene as the image with this entry, and mostly lucid and in a very peaceful state. I recognize immediately what is going on, and, although the scene is a bit eerie, it shifts dramatically.

      Instead of Dick Van Dyke continuing to remain pressing nervously against the windows of his office to see if he can make out the flying saucer presumed to be out in the night sky, he is suddenly on board the flying saucer (apparently alone, though this is uncertain, as I am watching the scenario while incorporeal) looking out over his building and city (even though in the show’s episode, it was only a toy flying saucer). He appears as he did around this time period (though he is now eighty-nine years old in real life). There is an amazingly comfortable sense of peace (even though I sense that he may not fully realize where he is or perhaps reflect he is dreaming). He remains standing and smiling and gazing out happily over the city below.

      I explain this dream type further in “Dreams of Type PRECONAV-VSCPCEL, 01-15”.

      Updated 07-04-2018 at 03:54 PM by 1390

    11. Yet Another Hathor Dream

      by , 08-04-2015 at 02:04 PM
      Night of August 4, 2015. Tuesday.

      Here I go with a bad habit of a titular trend again (the other being “Not Quite…”). My apologies.

      My wife Zsuzsanna and I are walking through a (unknown) city and enjoying our moments together. I sense an inner glow and realize we are not quite “human” in the sense of being able to blend in with others randomly wandering about in the streets.

      I am walking closer to a group of people when it seems my wife says “I don’t know if we should be doing this”. It is very clear and even resonates as my wife’s voice, yet at the same time, there is sudden micro-amnesia and I cannot remember if I had said it or she did.

      What she meant was that I should not attempt to communicate in any way with ordinary people (or at least the people in the area). A man turns around and looks in our direction. My wife transforms into her human form with an apparent optical illusion as the light above and behind her is actually the sun. The man looks confused for a short time, because the sun had shifted from one side of the sky to the other to match its new implied placement behind us.

      “I read your wife’s lips in the video”, he says somewhat sarcastically. “Your wife was talking about reincarnation.” (What sort of idiot do we have here?) Aha, I get it now. She was talking about the carnations on the table beside her, not reincarnation (in my dream she had actually apparently said “red carnation” which looks like “reincarnation” to a lip reader, I would guess). The mob looks restless.

      I then start to “recall” (via false memory) that my wife is the reincarnation of Pearl Dower. This will not do even though it makes a fair amount of sense through my dream’s hazy state of mind. We need to leave the area before more people arrive. My thoughts become muddled. There is no exact date of death for Pearl that I know of (and another Pearl died who would have been a half-sister before I was born) so I cannot confirm the idea is even feasible in the first place. I am trying to reason it out. It is probably just another annoying puzzle that will not ever go anywhere. Just as I come out of my dream, I clearly hear someone (an older male) shout “Sit down!” as if some sort of echo from a meeting, perhaps seconds previously, or very long ago.

    12. Space/Black Hole Attempt

      by , 08-04-2015 at 01:08 PM
      Signing up for Sensei's new comp already spurred some lucidity!! Yay!

      - I am at my Dad's house it seems and I've become lucid I fly up and out, remembering I want to go to space and fall into a "natural" black hole. It's daytime and I can't see blackness or stars, but I figure if I fly far enough I will. I fly up at a sharp angle, not directly up though because that seems way harder. The massive open spaces of air start to freak me out, but I let go of the feeling. Everything starts to get dark and the blue fades away to reveal stars as I fly on. But, now everything starts to feel 2-dimensional and I don't feel like I'm moving anymore. I keep on trying, but the scene ends. Not sure if I wake up or get really distracted.
    13. The Macaroni and Spaghetti Mystery - Solved?

      by , 08-04-2015 at 11:51 AM
      Afternoon of August 4, 2015. Tuesday.

      I will open this entry with a recent very vivid and somewhat disturbing dream (on some levels).

      “Spaghetti Brain”

      Morning of August 2, 2015. Sunday.

      I am in my present home on W Street and I notice my youngest son sleeping on his left side on the floor. His head is encased in a glass aquarium filled with water. As I look more closely, I notice that the area where his hair would normally be is fleshy (though somewhat hollow) and that there are strands of (cooked) “living spaghetti” moving about in the water (somewhat worm-like) as if related to some sort of breathing function. At times, though, the “spaghetti” is much sparser and this seems cause for concern. I also see a small piece of macaroni at times (mostly above where his ears would otherwise be), which vaguely reminds me of some sort of tiny worm. He does not seem to be in distress though I still worry about whether or not this is normal. I seem more concerned when there is the least spaghetti “swimming” about and moving down and through some sort of organic structure near his neck. As vivid and surreal (and bizarre) this imagery is, I do not become lucid at any point. I continue to have deep concern about his well-being, but there does not seem to actually be anything wrong. I get the impression that there is not as much active “spaghetti” because he is in a deep sleep.

      My above dream probably relates to seeing myself in the form of my son and puzzling about the nature of consciousness and still not becoming lucid in this case. It also correctly shows the nature of my consciousness in sleep (spaghetti becoming sparser in there being less critical thinking on hand).

      “‘Eat me…eat me…’ and animated birds” (July 6, 1985) caught me in sleep paralysis which is normally pleasant, though this was not. A box of Kraft macaroni and cheese “dances” and rattles in the air near my head and screams “eat me eat me eat me” as I try to cover my head with my pillow. I have updated this entry with my interpretation, so am linking this particular one in this entry.

      “Tornado Encounter” (November 24, 2014) has the tornado turning my old neighborhood in La Crosse into large strands of cooked spaghetti (rather than the expected debris of wood and glass and such). It also replaces the one block of Loomis Street with a bridge (not that elevated), the only time a dream has created this alteration of the setting. There is an additional concept that ties in with the Disney animated movie “Lady and the Tramp”. Even though I had updated “Tornado Encounter” fairly recently, there is still more in the decoding. The scene causes me to think of when the two dogs end up kissing accidentally due to both picking up and sucking in the same strand of spaghetti (a scene I saw numerous times as a child in television commercials). So, in knowing that a tornado is the bottom half of the Merkaba and that spaghetti is related to extensions of mental energies, this dream is showing me that I need to “pick up the strand of spaghetti” and wake up to be with my soulmate (as the “old neighborhood” is gone) so I can kiss her and not wander about in dreams so much other than when becoming lucid and seeking higher states and real knowledge (rather than conjecture). Now that I know what spaghetti lying about anywhere means, I am thus prepared.

      “The Legend of Tony Karoni” (June 27, 1976), though not related to a pasta theme, does include the surname “Karoni”, naturally causing me to think of macaroni (as well as “mac” being another word for a man whose name is unknown). There also seems to be some sort of play on the idea of a “spaghetti western” (though in fact, it is supposedly called a “macaroni western” primarily in Japan). “Needle’s cell” in fact, may be a deliberate play on brain cells, this dream being about a month before my surgery on my right thumb and wrist, which is related to much of how I interpreted it at the time.

      “As the Worm Turns” (May 17, 2014), which was “dream of the day” on one site on Monday, August 3, 2015, also had implications of macaroni being close to the head (and even inside the brain - taking me back to someone who was making jokes about “brain worms” regarding raisins in muffins at my father’s wake and where I just sat gasping and giggling foolishly at his audacity). In this case, the supposed “killer worms”, in dying, fall out of my hair as seemingly uncooked elbow macaroni (in a very vivid perspective). This also relates to my own conscious energy not being in my dream as I am not lucid. The potential though unacknowledged and uncontrolled “mental energies” are the worms in this case and become macaroni prior to my waking since I had not used the energies for apex lucidity. The likely play on “showing your feathers” in this dream is probably sarcasm from the Source (or a wayward orphaned tulpa) based on the line "stuck a feather in his cap and called it macaroni”.

      Additionally, the “Tornadopillar” dream (April 3, 1982) brings to mind a dream, “The Great 'God’ Worm” (April 4, 1992) where the Merkaba is huge (appearing, in fact, as the total essence of god) and appears as a giant albino glass-like earthworm, “spinning” into my forehead like a tornado force after spending time with my wife-to-be at the top of a truncated staircase (which also seemed to be in a “divine” portmanteau setting including restaurant and observatory).

      In conclusion, macaroni and spaghetti represent the energies of the human brain. The link to caterpillars and earthworms is also relevant due to their visual similarities. The difference is that caterpillars “ascend” in becoming butterflies (“lower” mental energies into ascension with soulmate union) and in contrast, the earthworm can be either microcosm or macrocosm (in either digging deep or “digging as high as possible” in the “god-like” Palouse earthworm form - or great white worm, which unfortunately is associated with the devil in some schools of thought).

      There. I am glad I got this all sorted out. Thank you for reading.
    14. Persona 3 and Pokemon

      by , 08-04-2015 at 09:25 AM
      I remember I was in school and we all had brought our phones (even their chargers) and then the principle came and took away all their phones except mine. I remember thinking to myself 'It's because I was more discreet than the others...' And I smirked to myself. than out art teacher came and some of my classmates began talking about how attractive he was.

      Then something happened, I don't quite remember, I think someone put a curse on the school and I had to go and break the curse, and for 5 days I kept going back and forth the under world and kept fighting this monster, with a really long neck. kinda like the picture, except with only one head.
      What method(s) are effective for you?-hydra.jpg

      On the fifth day I couldn't go to the underworld. I didn't know what to do when suddenly one of my classmate came and said, "you have to draw a hexagan using honey!" At first i was like 'wtf?' but then I agreed and began to draw a hexagan with honey, strangely enough it didn't work.
      Then a woman's voice told me, "I can take you to the underworld, but for a price..." I quickly said alright and I was back in the underworld.

      I felt my whole body was about to explode, I fell down on my knees. that woman's voice said, "This is the price you agreed to pay. If you want to stay alive, I suggest you hurry." I got back on my feet again and went towards that long neck monster. This time I tried to talk to it's senses, I don't remember quite what I said but it was something about, I defeated it many times already and it should just give up and I showed videos.
      Then it dissolved into water and a Piplup appeared in my arms.
      What method(s) are effective for you?-50_pokemon__10_piplup_by_megbeth-d5fj0qp.jpg

      Ok then my dreamed changed a bit and I was back in the class (a different one though) and beside me was Akihiko.
      Then I don't remember what caused me to do that, but then I shouted, "Sh-shinjiro!" I thought he was dead or he was going to die. Akihiko told me to calm down and that he's fine. I told him, "let's cook something for him.."
      Then I went to the courtyard, obviously worried and concerned about Shinjiro and then the dream ended.
    15. Fragment about lucidity

      by , 08-04-2015 at 08:02 AM (Snehk's Dreamlands)
      I recall only a fragment that was somewhere in the middle of the dream. I saw a dark haired man with pretty, dark haired woman. Everything was bright, colorfull and cartoony. They were heading towards sundown. The man said: "It's a dream. A lucid dream." He was very calm when he said that. He kissed with the woman and they continued on their way. I recall that later on this haven't made me lucid.