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    1. Spread Your Legs Naruko Anjou, Don't Steal From Him, Car with External Audio

      by , 09-18-2012 at 01:17 PM (Linkzelda's Dream Journal)
      Spread Your Legs Naruko Anjou (Non-lucid)


      Yeah, I grabbed you with the title huh....alright..

      Spoiler for 18+:

      Don't Steal From Him (Non-lucid)


      I'm walking with my father, he tells me to not steal from somebody that will be coming into whatever house home is in this dream.

      Why are you telling me this? Why would I want to steal--------oh wait, hold on, inb4blackstereotype.

      I try to explain to him calmly on why I wouldn't want to steal from him or anyone, but he stops me mid-sentence and gives me this small lecture on what he values in his children.

      By this time, I just thought, "Whatever man."
      Car with External Audio (Non-lucid)


      So I'm in a vehicle with my father and mother, and then we go into some parkway, a pretty small one that could accommodate a few vehicles that may be coming in all directions. There's this white vehicle that comes in on the right, and I see there's a couple inside. A man wearing a mid-tone blue dress shirt, and probably dark dress pants.

      The environment is very bright and sunny, but I don't really feel much of the glare and heat hitting my skin, since the vehicle I'm in is probably has the A/C on. All of the seats in the vehicle I'm in are light gray.

      The wife/girlfriend/escort/whoever is barely noticeable, I just had a feeling she was there. I think she had long blonde hair though. It seems my father and the guy coming in were at a gridlock, so the guy in the white vehicle activates an external speaker from his car, which kind of looks like a White Mustang.

      I don't know where the voice box or sound system is coming from, and then my father starts responding to the man. From my perspective, my father had all of his windows closed in the vehicle, so how in the world does he think the man is going to hear him at all?

      From where I was sitting, I could hear my father's voice bounce off the windows a bit, there's just no way the other guy is going to hear this. Surprisingly, the guy hears him just fine, still a little bothered by this, I continued to listen their conversation. I guess it started with trying to get someone to back up so the other person could park, since they're still at a gridlock.

      I can't recall the exact words, but I did notice a gradual augmentation of anger coming from both parties. I'm just sitting there, absorbing all of this, and then finally, the guy in the white vehicle gets pissed, and leaves. I think he screams something at my father, but whatever it is, good riddance to that guy.

      My father probably talks to my mother about what he thought of the whole situation, I just can't remember what he declared specifically. I look where the guy in the white vehicle was headed, because I was worried he might follow us or something to intimidate my father even more.

      So I turned my head to the right, ignoring whatever it is my father and mother are professing, and I see the guy is trying to take a curve to the right behind some building, and then I see him come out the other side of it. I'm not sure if he still wanted to hang around that area on purpose,
      and that's all I can recall.

      Organic Chem and Math Exam...you're GOING DOWN today.

      Updated 09-18-2012 at 01:20 PM by 47756

    2. Mech Battle

      by , 09-18-2012 at 11:47 AM (Lucid Time!)
      This is one of the first times that a non-lucid dream has been so interesting to me. Usually they're boring things like being at school or playing a video game. Short as it was, I really enjoyed it.

      It all started out with me piloting a mech, as you might have guessed. I think that it was third person, so it may have been a video game dream, though it did not look familiar. I was making my way down a desert road, with a large cliff to my left. About a quarter mile up, the road turned into a canyon in the side of the cliff.
      A commander's voice told me that the enemy force would come out of the canyon. I made my way to the mouth of the canyon, and saw 3-5 tanks coming out of the canyon.
      But these were not normal tanks; they walked on four small mechanical legs, and had missile silos instead of cannons. They had desert camo. They opened fire on me, but all of the shots missed.
      I began to examine my own mech. It was a bipedal walker with three weapons; a machine gun on the left side, a missile launcher. The top had some kind of laser sniper cannon. It was kind of a dark-blue gray color.
      I began firing back, favoring the missile launcher. More of the walking tanks came out of the canyon. I kept killing them, but I was getting overwhelmed.
      "Snipers!" The commander hollered.
      I looked up and saw another type of mech making its way along the canyon rim. Unlike the tanks that were slow and lumbering, these mechs were swift, with long, spidery legs and a huge sniper cannon. They had a bright red/orange coloration.
      Shots hit all around me. One hit one of my mech's legs, and I limped over, immobilized. I looked up and fired my own sniper at one of the enemy snipers. He went limp, and the spidery machine fell into the canyon.
      A second barrage, and my mech was hit in the cockpit. (This was third person.) I looked over to take out another sniper, but my weapons started malfunctioning and they all fired at once. I didn't kill another sniper. Then the walking tanks in the canyon fired all their missiles, and I think my mech failed entirely.

      The dream cuts out at this point. I may have entered deep sleep and left the dream. I don't think I woke up.

      Updated 08-10-2014 at 03:23 PM by 53527

    3. Ipad Riot

      by , 09-18-2012 at 08:44 AM (Tomas's DJ - "Exploration of the inner Self")
      I was at a party in Czech. Quite a few faces that I recognised. It was night and it was some kemp. People were smoking weed and drinking. I had some myself. Then I found myself paragliding... people were watching and the wind was really strong. It was pretty awesome.
      Then I landed and had some more weed and food. There was food everywhere. We were all quite drunk, when suddenly a little gang came and was going to take their electronics, especially iPads. I had my phone and MacBook there too. I started shouting at those people and was going to fight with them. But my hands were really week and I couldn't punch them hard. My friends were the same, and they show me how weak their wrists were. I think they used some has on us. They took some iPads.
      Then another group of 3 teenagers came, and I still had my computer and Lucas Zurcin's iPad that I was hiding behind me. I was ready to fight but still felt weak. Then I recognised one of them. It was young Danicek. I was yelling at him that if they take something I will come and kill him. They got scared and ran away. Lukas was pretty happy.
    4. Tyrannosaurus rex and skying

      by , 09-18-2012 at 08:37 AM (Tomas's DJ - "Exploration of the inner Self")
      It was a winter time. I was skying down hill along some road. It was progressively getting from just snow and nothing but snow.... to a muddy frozen road. I was filming the whole skying experience. Not sure for what reason. Then when I got home I realised that we kept Tyrannosaurus rex as a pet at home. It didnt surprise me much. I know that during that hard winter we found frozen cow somewhere and we still kept it. So I told my mother that I will cut it in half with chain saw and feed the Rex with it. She thought it was a good idea. But then I found myself mixing a bowl with flat pasta and a bowl with some red sauce. It was also for the Rex and my mother was to show me how to feed it. She took a knot of the pasta and spilled table spoon of the red sauce on it. Then she threw it to the mouth of the rex that was behind a wooden fence. And I continued doing that as she showed me.
    5. Unexpected visit

      by , 09-18-2012 at 08:30 AM (Tomas's DJ - "Exploration of the inner Self")
      I was at home back in Czech. It was evening and there was quite a few people in the house. It seemed that some family with kids came to visit us. I had my ex Barbara coming to visit me later. When she came, there was a little girl sleeping in my room. I think it was my cousin's daughter. I was thinking of how to get her out.
      Then I managed to move her to my mothers bedroom, but later when I went to check her, I saw her swinging hands around with eyes half open. I thought she was dreaming about flying. I went back to Barbara and she was little upset. I told her that she can stay in my room. She was suspicious but agreed and told me that she had to go home for something.

      When she returned, I found her in my room kneeling, facing away from me. I was amazed by her long red hair. It was truly amazing. At some point we started cuddling and I was wondering whether she was still with her boyfriend..... thats all I remember.
      Tags: barbara, czech, kids
    6. That's not my cousin 09/17/2012

      by , 09-18-2012 at 08:26 AM
      I was upstairs in my cousin's (I recognize him as my cousin, but his face is my neighbor's face) bedroom with my brother. We were both sitting on the bed, facing the door. My brother was sitting at the end of the bed while I sat at the head. We watched as our cousin got to the second floor. He sees us but just turned away and walked in to his brother's room. I see his brother and his girlfriend in the room, they were hugging. The door closed behind them. --- I was outside at what seems to be the walkway to apartment rooms. Trees, bushes and flowers were around me and it felt really peaceful. While I was walking, I felt like I was wrapped in a heavy blanket. My dad appeared walking in front of me and was surprised that I was out of the house. --- I started watching ShayCarl's videos again, and noticed that he looked somewhat different.

    7. 9/17/12

      by , 09-18-2012 at 04:39 AM
      I woke up a good 3 hours before I needed to and summoned the energy to write down a dream fragment. Unfortunately, some of the writing is illegible, and I'm incapable of gaining any information from certain parts of it. Recall is becoming interesting. I need to use "awaken from the dream" more often throughout the day.

      The last complete fragment I remember is of riding a motorcycle in a race attempting to prove myself against a few other slow-moving parades in the georgetown area. This fragment combined the recent viewing of motorcycle diaries with riding my bike with no hands. As I tried to go handless, I slid out of control. I thought this was at the expense of the entire race, but I managed to get back int the front and win the thing.

      Before that, I know I was in a large house setting remarking upon a mild lucidity to the extent that I was calling myself a sill human for thinking so boldly that I could completely craft my dream environment. I tried to force move a mason jar to no avail. I also remember watching a few people walk incredibly close to a roller coaster which I anticipated them colliding with. I believe they gave the voyagers a high five though. The last decipherable comment is campaign balloons, and I vaguely recall the celebration of a democratic candidate winning. Nonetheless, I'm excited to go to sleep.
      non-lucid , dream fragment
    8. The city park.

      by , 09-18-2012 at 04:36 AM (Zechariah's Dream Journal)
      This dream started out with my wife and I walking along the grass. We were in some kind of park, but a nice park that was connected to a city hall. There was an open field, but also a section full of semented water falls and pools of decoration. For some reason or another, my wife wasn't wearing a shirt- and started playing in the water. I was off about fifty feet on the cement, standing on a slab next to the city hall watching in awe.
      I began hearing people talking, wondering what she was doing in the water. They kept going, and going... I was suprised at how many people gave a crap that she was in the water. Didn't they have more important things to talk about? lol.
      I walked up to her and got in the fountain pool to back her up. No harm done, except maybe to our skin because of the chlorine. Shortly after we were joined by a few others that noticed it looked fun, and in no time we had a small crowd of fountain swimmers to mingle with. My family actually showed up and took a dip. They were on their way to Bible study in the park, and we decided to go with them.
      The study didn't start for a good hour, and my mom reminded me that I had an eye doctor's appointment to be at right now. So we hurried down the street to a new doctors office. They were still renovating and moving things around. My mom seemed so conserned today that I might lose my ability to see color, and she went on and on about how nervous she was about it.
      "Mom... Mom. Calm down, I can see fine. I can see colors fine, Mom. Red, blue, yellow green, their fine." I said trying to reassure her. I went in to the doctor and asked if we could get some type of test on my visual ability to see color. He was cool with that, and we did a couple tests. He said something a couple times that gave me the impression he was being rude, but every time in a few moments I noticed he meant something else entirely. The appointment was concluded and it was time to hurry back on over to the park. I remember I had a talk with my dad about my two brothers, I'm not sure what it was about though. We got back to the park and saw the studying pastor. I don't remember much after this point, but I do remember feeling strange and unnequiped, I didn't have a Bible.
    9. 9/17/12

      by , 09-18-2012 at 04:02 AM
      Last night I was lucid for a few short moments. First lucid in a month or so I think. Today I started reality checking again so hopefully I will be lucid again soon I've really been slacking since the beginning of summer and none of my goals are being accomplished and I feel like I'm getting no where lol.

      The first part of the dream I can remember, I am on a road next to a little forested area with a pond. For some reason I'm chilling out with Eliza Thornberry from the Wild Thornberries. She tells me that the animals in the area are sad because their pond where they get water is polluted. I walk into the forrest area to the small pond to see if I can clean it up, and I see HUGE oak leaves in the water. A little dog with long hair that I actually saw at Petsmart a couple days ago is trying to drink from the water, but keeps licking leaves in the attempt. I try to move the leaves, but find that when I scoop all the leaves out of the pond there are dark blue Milk crates sunk in the water. Upon closer inspection, I find that the milk crates are full of green and rotting raw steaks that are breaking into little pieces and polluting the water with nasty germs and bacteria. I tell Eliza that there's nothing I can do, and she tries to argue, "But what about the animals?!" and I tell her that it's beyond my ability to clean and I start walking up the street. As I walk up the street I stop and think for a moment that I'm crazy for walking up a street in the dark. Then I realize I might be dreaming. I reach up and pinch my nose, I can breathe! At this point I get excited, "This is a dream!" then before I can do anything about it, a girl comes running at me yelling about something. I'm ignoring her thought bc I know this is a dream and I don't want to deal with her I want to do something, but she won't be ignored! She is reaching out at me and grabs at me, I pull back and then panic for a moment. I close my eyes and tell myself it's ok, K will rescue me so there's nothing to worry about. I feel hands clawing at my face and shoulders. I try to tell myself the girl is going to turn into K, but the clawing continues and when I open my eyes the girl is in fact a boy, but he's not K. I decide to try and run away. I quickly think I can run into a wall to skip out of this dream and into another one where I might find K. The street I'm running on actually looks like the high school I went to now, but I don't remember when the scene shift happened. I try to run through a wall, and instead I find myself faltering and getting dizzy, tripping, and falling against the wall. When I hit the wall the room spins and it feel like the wall becomes the floor and while I can see my fist against the wall in front of my face, I know I'm waking up and I curse and bang my fist against the wall. Then everything goes black and I wake up.

      Updated 07-07-2015 at 01:58 AM by 53224

      lucid , memorable
    10. 9-7-12 Entry

      by , 09-18-2012 at 03:56 AM
      I was in the lunch line at school and some noise was made when trying to order my lunch, so I raged and threw it on the floor. They then got the princible to come get me. She told me to follow her. As I was following her, I made a joke and a couple people laughed. I came back and apalogized to the lunch lady, and I got a new lunch.

      There was another dream where I was with a couple people I don't know at the movies. I don't remember what the movie was.
    11. 9-6-12 Entry

      by , 09-18-2012 at 03:40 AM
      Something about coach glod(My gym coach) talking to me.
      dream fragment
    12. 9-5-12 Entry

      by , 09-18-2012 at 03:39 AM
      I was at school, in the clinic. I was checking my sugar. Then I realised I was right next to a mentally retarted person. I was not listening to the nurse, so she came over to me for setting a bad example for him. I talked back, then I woke up.
    13. Supernatural

      by , 09-18-2012 at 01:34 AM (Xanous' Dream Journal)
      Dream inspired by Supernatural

      I'm with a guy investigating something in a field. The ground opens up and swallows just his feet. He makes a phone call and tells some one that hes in Harter's Field and he needs help.
      He complains something about being lied to about the time of midnight. I look at the moon and it morphs from half moon to a full moon to a lunar eclipse. (Dreamsign missed massively) He goes into a long explanation about what happened and then starts crying help me help me

      I leave to get the guy to help. I find myself in a radio station. The man just finished a radio interview. I walk with him to another man and I pay him $50. Actually it was 50.99 but he let the .99 go. Then he handed my a plastic bag with money and a check. The check was 73 dollars and some change and a 20 and 10 and some ones. I told him it was over 100. He was like I know we like to take care of out people.

      We walk outside to the car. He askes me how bad his situation is. I tell him its real bad. He askes if his life is at risk. I tell him yes he could die. I throw a suit case in the back seat. I wake up

      I have a fragment about family visiting. They probably would never stay the night in real life.

      Another fragment about my wife telling me the alarm didn't go off right.

      (I wake up late with no alarm and she says she never said that. Straaaaange!)
    14. Improving recall.

      by , 09-17-2012 at 10:34 PM
      This is my first entry and I plan to post daily. These entries will be edited versions of my personal copy, for privacy reasons. I'm posting to share my experiences and experiments, to contribute to the community and to create a back-up for all my dreams in case my computer ever crashes, .

      After reading this sticky, my recall improved dramatically. I woke up and before I started writing, I just lied in bed and thought about my dreams, in an attempt to clarify them. After about 30-60 seconds of that, I started typing on my laptop next to my bed. All I wrote were tags; single words or short phrases. I went back to sleep and repeated these steps when I woke again. I 'fleshed out' the tags periodically throughout the day; between classes and so on. The tags I jotted down when I first woke up allowed me to recall entire dreams later on in the day.

      Also! An exciting thing to add regarding Dream Cartography/Mapping. When I first woke up, I seemed to be able to trigger more detailed memories of the dream during times of recall-struggle, by focusing on an environmental detail, such as lighting or room dimensions. I remember trying to focus on how the room was designed, and it immediately brought forth memories of events, emotions and so on.

      Note: I don't particularly subscribe to the notion of literally mapping out a 'dreamworld'. I'm not taking a stance one way or the other, but I want to emphasize that in my DJ, when I speak of Dream Cartography/Dream Mapping, I am not using the premise that static dream 'worlds' exist, in our minds or external to our minds. When I speak of Dream Cartography/Dream Mapping, I am merely using it as a different modality of dream description, in addition to the emphasized description of events and social interactions.

      Locations: old childhood apartment. old friend's house, drove down a rainy street, old friend of parents' house.

      3 scene changes Tags: old apmt with mom. Night. Sneaking sammiches from kitchen. Went into old room. Ex. Slept over? Just friends;not even that. REASON we're seeing each other. Money? Not in love anymore. Woke up, my room but old friend's house. Ex's mom wanted the room. Ex showered. Missed her or missed relationship. She had to go. She left. Old friend's living room. Talking with ex's parents. Teasing about getting in trouble about school money? Overall, nice. I left, drove. Street was rainy, sorta busy. In kitchen, old friend of parents' house. Dad and M there. Explaining experience of old aparment, old friend's house. Had little keychain revolver. Dad and i talking bout how many chambers it had. 5 or 6? M talkin about writing papers back in the day?

      Full written: I was in old apartment. It was night outside and the only other person in the apartment was my mother. I went into the kitchen and noticed there was plenty of food in the cupboards ad fridge. I snuck two sandwhiches out of the fridge that I knew were my mom's. I went into my old room. My ex-girlfriend was there. I think she slept over and we slept all night. We woke up the next morning. We weren't in a relationship in the dream. We didn't love each other anymore. I forget the reason we were sleeping over together. She was getting ready to leave for work or school.
      Even though the room we were in was still my old room, I sensed that we were in my old friend's house now. Ex was rushing because her mom wanted us out of the room, I think because her mom wanted to sleep in it. I think, in the dream, I kind of missed her and wished we were back together but I also acted like I didn't care that we weren't together anymore. Eventually she left. I went into the living room, which was my old friend's living room. Ex's parents were there. I think we were handling some sort of business but I forget what it was. They were sort of teasing me (in a midly mean way) about having money troubles with the organization that funds my education. Eventually I think they were nice though, then I eventually left. I went into a 3rd-person perspective, while watching a car (I think I was driving) turn onto a grey, rainy street and drive away.
      Suddenly, I was in the kitchen of an old friend of my parents', that they or I don't see anymore. I was sitting at the table, with my father next to me and with Mike, the old friend, next to him. I think I was describing all that happened while I was with my ex. While I was telling the story, I was playing with a small keychain toy, which was a silver revolver gun. It was small and metal. It had 5 or 6 chambers and we my father and I were debating whether it was 5 or 6. It was confusing because there was a screw near one of the chambers.
      Really vague memory of the friend, M, talking about writing papers a long time ago.

      Tags: At work, conference room, going under overpass.

      FW: Vague memory of being in a conference room at a workplace. Then another memory of driving under an overpass on a highway.

      Tags: In dorm room. Composition of many rooms or new room? Inconsiderate roommate. Crowds my space. Takes pillow. Wears diapers. Smells bad. Uses bathroom constatly. Wasnt old enough to be in college. Dorm room was big and had many room. Was dark and had wood walls. He invited 2 friends over. Were jerks. One looked like my cousin D? Tried being friends with roommate. Kept being jerk. I followed one into other room. Asked him if he was old enough to be in college he said no. Told him leave. He said no. Took a knife to his throat and threatned to kill him if he didnt leave. Told his brother that id kill him if he didnt leave too. He played on my laptop.

      FW: I was in a dorm room, but it had 2 rooms and a bathroom. I've never been in this place in RL. I was trying to go to sleep on this bed but my roommate (don't have a roommate in RL) lied down next to me in the same bed and was crowding me (didn't find it strange we were sharing the same bed). I was annoyed so I got up to use the bathroom. While I was up, he took my pillow and was using both pillows. I think he was going to and from the bathroom and was wearing diapers, and he also smelled bad. He didn't seem old enough to be in college. He invited two friends over, even though it was the middle of the night. They looked like kids too. One of them looked like my cousin, D. His friends were inconsiderate aswell. One of them was using my laptop without permission. One got up to go into the kitchen so I followed him. I asked him if he was old enough to be in college and he said no. I started yelling at him to get out. He wouldn't so I pulled a knife out, threw him to the floor and held the knife to his throat. I kept threatening to slit his throat. I remember knowing that I didn't have the courage to actually kill him. I remember seeing the veins on his neck pulse blue and red. I think his brother (the other friend who my roommate invited over) and my roommate came into the kitchen, and I kept threatening them that I'll kill him.

      Tags: Parents wake me up in my room. Ask to drive brother to school soon. Coffeetable in my room. Kept trying to look into my room.said illl drive him there but i cant pick him up cause ill still be at school.

      FW: I was in my room and parents knock on door. They ask me to drive my brother to school soon. They kept trying to look into my room so I kept slightly closed the door so they couldn't see, just to bug them. I said I could drive them there but that I couldn't pick him up after school, because I'll still be in class.

      Tags: I was a child at our old house. In living room. Had that old huge pillow. I was in trouble,did something wrong, but was somehow morally justified. Mom trying to 'apologize', by offering ice cream and treats. Dad was mad. Mom went to go get a diff treat and gave it to my dad. Room was current living room now, dad dropped plate of food on the floor. I was startled awake.

      FW: I was a child in our old house. I was in the living room. There was this huge brown pillow we used to have and it was there. I think I was trouble or that I did something wrong, but I think I was somehow morally justified in whatever I did. My mom was trying to 'apologize' or make things better by giving me ice cream and different sugary treats. My dad, however, was mad about whatever happened. When my mom went to go get another treat for me, she gave it to my dad to give to me. I was sitting on the living room floor. My dad walked up to me and deliberately dropped the plate on the floor. This startled me awake.
    15. 2 Short WILDs followed by a 5 minute+ WILD

      by , 09-17-2012 at 10:15 PM (WILD Dream Journal)
      9/17 - 3 consecutive WILDs

      Today marks the first day in months that I woke up feeling like I made significant progress with WILD.

      The night started normal. I told myself to wake up around 6am after my REM cycle. I found myself awake around 6:30. I made my way down to the computer and browsed the web for about 40 minutes. Went back up to bed and put on my sleep mask and put in my earplugs.

      Tonight I decided it would be my focus to attempt multiple dream stabilization techniques. After a moderate wait I felt HI followed by a white transition. Remembering my focus I opened my eyes right after my transition and looked at my hand. My hand was very clear. I traced the outline with my eyes and began shaking my hand. Shortly after shaking my hand I found myself awake inside my bed.

      My body was deep in SP. My thoughts remained passive and shortly after awakening I began experiencing a second round of HI followed by another flash of white. I opened my eyes and found myself in a very groggy state. I held my arm up and examined it. My arm was very clear but at the wrist there was a thick transparent line followed by a very blurry outline which resembled my fist. I tried to focus in on my fist but my attempt was unsuccessful. I soon found myself awake again with a strong feeling of SP.

      I stayed calm and clear minded and experienced a 3rd round of HI followed by another white transition. after this transition I opened my eyes and found myself laying in a bed inside a room a didn't recognize. I walked over the the window, the sun was shining and there wasn't a cloud in the sky. I looked at the ground which I guessed was around 4 stories below me. Then jumped out of the window and began flying upwards in a slow spin. After reaching a comfortable height I paused and looked at the ground. I was in a neighborhood that consisted of multiple houses and a road connecting them. While I was pausing I remembered my intention when I fell asleep. I decided to spin. I dove at the ground as fast as I could, spinning as quickly as possible. I imagined I was a drill and upon hitting the ground I began tunneling into the earth. My speed slowed down significantly after reaching the ground but my drilling remained consistent. I was dropping foot by foot into the earth and upon reaching a depth where I could see little sunlight I burst back into the sky.

      I stopped at a treeline and saw what appeared to be a helicopter. I began flying over to the helicopter in hopes that I could find a pilot I could speak to. As I began approaching the helicopter it became clear that it was a car that was driving down a hill. As I got closer the car began shooting objects at me. I began dodging them and saw a man inside the car who was aiming at me. The inside of the car was lit up with neon lights and was filled with gauges. I flew back to make dodging easier and began launching projectiles out of my hand trying to hit the car.

      The projectiles that were coming out of my hand were small but after hitting the car a couple times the car exploded into a massive fireball. As the explosion approached me I closed my eyes and imagined Paris. I opened my eyes and found the explosion even larger and still coming in my direction. I remained calm and began humming a song. I imagined Paris again and after opening my eyes I found myself in a black void. It was peaceful and shortly after opening my eyes I found myself awake in my bed. This time when I woke up I had to much excitement to remain clear minded. I found thoughts racing through my mind so I got up.

      In the future I am going to try to remain calm when my dreams end and transition back into them. The experience I had last night gave me a nice motivational boost.

      Notes: Sleep mask, earplugs - no background noise. WBTB 40 minutes @ 6:30am