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    1. 28th / 29th September 2010- A stately home, a grammar school and the highest point in the world.

      by , 09-28-2010 at 05:38 PM
      I recall three dreams...

      1) I am in a stately home. There is a staircase, pretty wide, going up to the second floor, it has a sofa at the top, a dark wooden colour, and a chair to the left, looking equally broken. There is a rope across the front of the stairs saying "Danger! Do not use! Please use lift instead. Apologies for any inconvenience" I go to the lift, which is huge, were my mother is waiting. I happen to look across at the hall and am amazed. There is a stone horse's head mounted on the wall directly in front of me. There are also banners draped across to the far right, where there is a coat of arms; a circular plate, half red, half white with blue dots. I turn my attention back to the lift, where we press the button to go up to floor five. It says that, because we are the first people to use the lift that day, we will have to wait thirty minutes for it to track it's way up. I don't seem to understand this because, when it starts to move I ask it to hurry up. I walk outside, and there is one of the more disliked people from my school selling something.

      2) I am on top of a mountain. There is a table. It has a label on it saying "Top of the world, Here."
      My sister gets there first and I am annoyed.

      3) I have been sent to the grammar school for the afternoon. First we are in a meeting room, my three friends and I, and are told about what will happen. First we will have ICT. Then we will have history and after that go home. We go to the ICT room. It is beautiful, but I feel melancholic because I think of my normal school (this appears to creep up a lot in my dreams) and miss it. They have glass columns going up to the ceiling filled with a bubbly-watery mixture. The seats are very posh. They twirl around, and have backs on them, and padding as well. The computers have no lag. However, the lesson is very boring and seems to last for two hours. When the lesson is done, we all rush out thinking it is the end of the day, but we are called back and told to go to history. I notice that the entrance to the school is also posh. There is a receptionist's desk with a woman sitting at it, and a circular fish tank. My friends and I traipse along to history. I notice that there is someone wearing a very long scarf. It trails along the floor behind him.
    2. School's on fire!

      by , 09-28-2010 at 03:37 PM
      1. I'm looking at my teeth in the mirror, and notice that the one in front of the one which I think might have a cavity appears to have a cavity itself. In fact, about a fourth of the tooth has already disintegrated, leaving only gray rotten material on the inside side of my mouth. I'm pretty disturbed.

      2. Jack is telling me about some church, his experience at either a Catholic or Protestant church. Whichever it is, it's a kind of strange story.

      3. I'm at an elementary school or something like that, located in a town that's in the North. It's winter, and I think some snowboarding may have gone on. Afterwards, a disaster happens at the school, and most of it is destroyed, while the rest is being slowly consumed by the very same disaster. Classes are going to keep going as long as the school stands basically. Many of the walls have been destroyed, and I see that the school is just a gigantic truck, with the container having the ability to easily put up walls and doors and such. Some people have given up, and start taking down the walls to close up their classes. My mom is working there, still teaching. Then we get news that it's about to end. It's taken as a sort of heavy, happy thing for some reason, though I don't know what's going to happen. A few seconds later, planes slowly fly overhead, dropping sheets of fire on the school. Now the school will finally be saved because the firemen will come. Everyone leaves and they start to put out the fire.
    3. 27 Sep: Building complex, elephant attack and tsunami in Japan

      by , 09-28-2010 at 01:51 PM (Lucid-schizo-dreamer)

      I’m a bit disappointed with my dream recall and LDs lately. My boyfriend didn’t use to wake up when I was taking notes, but now he wakes up all the time and complains I’m making noise or that the light disturbs him (I have a pilot’s pen with LEDs, that can lit the whole room). This is inhibiting me as I don’t want to be the cause of his bad nights of sleep.
      On the other hand he also keeps waking me up, disturbing my LDs, efforts to WILD or OBE. I mean, it’s good to have someone by your side, but it definitely messes up with the sleep and dream practices. Sometimes I feel jealous of you single oneironauts out there: enjoy your single bed while you can
      My boyfriend and I are seriously considering that I go sleep on the couch. LOL Really!

      23:00 GMT – Sleep

      Escaping a complex long building
      I’m with a group of friends in a very strange place. It’s almost like a long, long tunnel housing complex. It includes a bit of everything, from a kindergarten somewhere in the middle and a gay/travesty bar in one end. And all these places are interconnected. We’re having some fun at these gay bar at the end and some of these guys in the group are like politicians and public figures and some of them are with heavy make-up and travestied, but no one is really gay, they are just loosen up trying to have some serious fun.
      But then a bunch of police like a swat team is coming. There’s a lot of panic around, we don’t know exactly what, but apparently there’s something illegal going on this place and we were caught in the middle. My friends freak out, because although we’re not involved, it would be quite a scandal if their fun party would become public. So we decide to escape by the back, through the interconnected series of buildings behind. They have no time to undress so we just need to be very discrete and avoid being seen by anybody – if someone sees us and the police then questions people, they will still get to us and specially become suspicious with our escape.
      So as we go (we’re quite a large group – maybe 6-7 people) we really struggle not be seen. There’s a funny scene, when we’re crossing the kindergarten area – a lady sees me in the kitchen and asks me what I am doing there. Luckily she didn’t saw the others who were squatted behind some furniture. I distract her, trying to luck totally normal and filling up a glass of water and saying I’m new there and I am just coming to get a glass of water for some kid. She is not really convinced but immediately gives me some errands to do. As I distract her with this, the others use the opportunity to continue forth, still squatted and manage to go to the next building. As I also get rid of the lady and go after them we then meet at this kind of passageway between two buildings and someone sees us. But fortunately is my friend Hugo and he decide to help us. He checks the path and tells us when it’s clear. Then we have to cross a yard and although there are some places to hide (now we have to crawl behind some bushes), there’s also a lot of people passing by and at some point I need to run back, as I risk being spotted. And I guess this goes on until we finally reach the other end and get out of this complex... but don’t recall anything else.

      3:10 GMT

      Attack of the big mad elephant
      I’m in what seems to be some of my home town streets, near the river. There’s some festival going on and at some point everybody starts running in panic because an elephant is on the loose and he is not friendly. As I see the elephant coming I prepare to simply fly away and get into safe ground but I see all these people totally vulnerable and feel like helping. I try to gather them all and we run to some parking lot of a supermarket (something like that), which has fences around. The elephant still takes some time to get there as he is distracted along the way with other stuff/people. I coordinate people to help me close the gates and secure the fence, but I realise it is quite weak and in some places it is even broken. I know an elephant can simply step on it and enter, as if it was made of paper. But these people need hope and I play along. My father is also there. He hands me his watch. It has a leather bracelet and he tells me it can be used to close the gate. I actually think it’s quite a great idea, even if it won’t make any difference.
      Then I spot this warehouse behind us, which is actually also very weak, but could give us a better chance and I tell everybody to get inside.
      We close all doors and barricade in there. The elephant has finally approached and we sense him outside. He is huge and he is mad. I sense it’s no ordinary stressed elephant, he is on a mission and won’t let go of it.
      He actually yells (yeah, the elephant speaks!) to us that he’ll be watching us and we’ll eventually need to go outside and he’ll be waiting for that moment. People feel upset but also in a good mood because they escaped so far and there’s a chance if they come up with the right plan. There’s a young couple with their kids and they plan to take some shower (apparently we even have showers on the warehouse, I wonder if there’s also food by any chance) and take the kids along. Then at night people make a bonfire and sing and dance. They are really in good mood, but the future is uncertain.

      5:40 GMT

      On the church’s attic
      I’m inside some old building which I’m not yet sure what it is. I see some stairs going up, like to a tower and I want to go up there, but there’s tape saying “construction site” on it and meanwhile a guy yells at me that I can’t go there, that it is dangerous. I say ok and keep exploring the ground floor. I see this corridor with arcades on the sides that leads me to a big central nave and I realise it is a church. On this central nave there are stairs leading to a higher platform, not really another floor, but an intermediate floor. The same guy who yelled before, now yells that I can climb to that one. And I say ok again and climb the stairs. I find myself in this platform, not at all interesting, but with a very old wooden floor, that squeaks and bends down. Some guy that looks like a junkie tells me “Have you seen this floor?”, “Yeah, so what!”, “It was restored recently and it’s totally safe to jump on it!”. And I see many people just walking around and jumping on it. I feel no confidence at all on this floor and just decide to go down again, when I spot some more stairs leading to some attic. I go up there and I find this wonderful room with kiddie furniture and toys and such a cozy warm ambiance. I wonder who’s living there and then I see my two cousins S. and J. They are living there. I say hi to them and how good it is to see them again. Then I say this place is amazing and I am so happy they finally have a nice room just for them (they’ve always been poor and sleeping on really shity houses, with no room of their own. I tell them they deserve to finally have such a nice home. But somehow they are not looking very happy. I notice they have this ball pool and a smaller room on a corner which is a playing house. Then I look through the window (which is a skylight on the inclined roof) and I see a beautiful view – green lush mountains and the ocean.
      They still look unhappy and I wonder why they look so young. They should by now be twenty and twenty-something years old, why do they appear as kids.
      But I don’t get lucid...

      Tsunami in Japan
      Then I’m kicked to this outside landscape I was seeing through the window and I’m by the sea. On my left side is a river flowing into the sea. I’m with a group of girl friends. And we’re in Japan! We’re just relaxing by the water when I notice a strong wave hitting the quay on our left. The wave is about a meter high, but it is so straight up and strong I sense something abnormal. Then I see a second wave like this and I tell my friends I think it’s a tsunami. And if it is, these were just the warning waves and we have just a few minutes until a big one comes. They could say I was crazy but the fact is although not entirely convinced, they decided to play it safe and depart with me. A friend is driving a tiny red car and we go through a road that goes side by side with the river. Current is now upstream and water is starting to rise. They realise I was correct and I tell them to turn on the left to a road that goes up, instead of staying on this road that is quickly being flooded.
      As we go up, we see other big waves hitting the shore and covering the land. On top of this hill we find a village and people are running away. We ask two guys if they know what’s going on and they tell us there was a warning on the radio that had been a big quake on the sea and a big tsunami was expected and that the big waves were still going to come. They told us it wasn’t safe to stay here, we had to go to higher ground as everybody was doing. Half the hill was already covered by water and it was surrounding us, because this hill was only connected to mainland through one side. We asked him the way out and he just pointed vaguely to the road in front of us and then left. We saw 2 or 3 cars going that way and we followed them. Then we arrived at this bifurcation again, on some square and we didn’t know where to go now. We first went left but the road was going down and half of it was already covered by water. We were getting scared and yelling at that guy who didn’t offer to guide us out of there – was every man by itself. Now driving really quickly we turned back and went to the right and kept going up.
      Then I woke up. [Let’s hope this is not a precognitive dream, because next week I’ll be going to Japan...]

      7:10 – Wake up
    4. Beer race

      by , 09-28-2010 at 01:43 PM
      i remember waking up in the middle of the night and then falling right back to sleep. When i fell asleep i found myself in a beer race up a large hill trying to get to the top. There were to people infront of me trying to win the race i passed one of them. The hill was steep. I took a short cut across teh grass and felt that i had been in this dream once before. I was feeling exhausted. I reached the top and ran back down for another go at the hill. when i reached the top again my competetor was already coming down the hill, i needed to grab the flag at the top of the hill but some kid from school was fighting me for it with a game of tug a war. I woke up very abruprtly after my alarm turned oun ooouch the mornig
      dream fragment
    5. 5 LDs chained together by False Awakenings

      by , 09-28-2010 at 01:37 PM
      I woke up around 9.30 and decided that I would have an LD if I could just fall asleep again. Didn't do any MILD or VILD techniques really, and couldn't even remember any previous dreams from that night, but somehow I still felt certain that it would work. At some point I must've fallen asleep, can't remember having any other dreams before the first LD.

      1. I'm in my room in my new house (or something similar), as usual just knowing that I'm dreaming. I do the nose pinch RC just to be sure, and get up. As it dawns on me that I'm having another LD, I have to concentrate not to get too excited and wake up. As I walk around the house, I keep rubbing my hands and doing RCs to stabilize. I then go outside. I'm not really outside my house, I'm in a street of an unknown city, with a park straight in front of me, and DCs walking around. I keep telling myself out loud that I'm dreaming, and that this is all my creation. I walk around for a little while, just looking at all the people. I walk over to the park and feel the grass. I can now feel my eyes getting shut and the dream fade away, but I do not panic. I feel that this may just be a false awakening, since I had something similar happen to me just a couple of nights ago.

      2. I realise I'm awake, by the nose-pinch. Get up again. On the way out I do the finger-through-palm RC, which is now really disgusting cause the hand is covered in blood. I get out there, and I try to fly. I get up maybe 50 meters in the air, and have the most amazing view. It really is incredible, the whole world is in front of me, under a beautiful blue sky. I fall down again, and decide not to try that again any more. I try to run, but it's like my feet are dragging through syrup. Instead I walk over to the park, where there's a lot of students or hippies. I speak to them briefly, I then ask if there's a lift somewhere nearby, because I want to do task of the month. I think to myself if maybe it's too late, but realise it's the 28th. I think to myself, "there should be a lift around the corner, on the side of this rock. When I get there, there's a big door, but it doesn't lead in to a lift. I walk in to it anyway to see if there's any buttons, but there's none. I go out again and try to summon something, but wake up from the concentration. Or FA, that is.

      3. Once again I'm in darkness first, and realize I'm not awake, just having an FA, or the end of a dream. I just wait for a while, then do the nose-pinch and open my eyes. I walk out in the corridoor, still not 100% sure that I'm dreaming. I don't wanna wake up my housemates by talking loud because I think I'm dreaming, so I do the finger-through-palm. Goes straight through of course, so I celebrate by smashing up my housemate's Xbox. I then go outside again.Still the same park. This time I'm thinking maybe dream sex, so I start looking for a good partner. Can't find anyone, and my eyes are forced shut again. Another FA.

      4. This time I let the dream just manifest itself around me, as I remember from the DEILD guide. I'm now already outside. I see a man sitting on a bench with a small dog in his lap. I go over to him and play with his dog for a little while. I then say "did you know this is just a dream?". He looks at me with a strange look in his eyes, and silently shakes his head. "Yeah, I'm dreaming you see, and you are only a figment of my imagination. How does that make you feel?". He just looks at me with quite a sad look in his eyes, as if it saddens him that he's not really real. I don't really feel for him, as I know that he's not a person at all, just my subconscious trying to make me feel bad. I look at his very strange glasses and wonder about just stealing them, but I loose interest and walk to the park instead.
      I can't remember excactly what happens here, but there's yet another FA, where I'm still in no doubt that I'm dreaming.

      5. This time it's time for sex, even though that's a stupid decision and I know it. Before I go anywhere I start to realise that I may not remember all of my fantastic LD stuff though, so I try to summarise what I've done. I also do have a feeling that attempting dream sex might wake me up, but I'm fine with it. I then get out and look for a partner around town. I find her, not all that amazing, but good enough. Rest is not that great tbh, and I wake up for real in the middle. I don't mind really, it's time to just feel good about having had half an hour of LDs, and write it all down. Looking at the time, it seems like the total LD time must've been around 30 minutes, which is a new record
      Tags: deild, wbtb
      lucid , false awakening
    6. One super long dream

      by , 09-28-2010 at 12:03 PM (Ranbow Island - Otis's Dream Journal)
      Interrupted by several FAs, and real awakenings I had one really long awesome dream. I'm not going to type the entire thing out, but the gist of it was: I was a mermaid. i went lucid a couple time becuase i was breathing under water, and at out point santa clause was harassing me, but i let myself slip back into the dream because it was just to fun.
      non-lucid , memorable
    7. 09/27 War and Peace

      by , 09-28-2010 at 11:52 AM
      Last night was finally fairly productive, dream-wise. I have three, maybe four dreams that I fairly clearly remember (I'm unsure of the number because some may have connected together.) Interestingly enough, I didn't try and do anything different sleep-wise last night; no WBTBs, auto-suggestive mp3's, or anything else like that. I just went to bed, said a mantra, "I lucid dream and remember my dreams," until I fell asleep, and slept through until morning. The only thing that I did differently that probably helped quite a bit was, when my alarm went off, I turned it off and laid in bed for another couple of minutes, to see if anything else would come to me. When I thought I remembered all I could, I recorded a few details of each dream, and got up and around. Here's the dreams, organized into what I think is sequential order through the night:

      Large Library and Gift Shop

      A friend and I are walking through a large library in the middle of the day. There are a few other people around, but not many. From where we're standing, I can look up and see at least three other floors, maybe more. I've been here before, in what I now recall as a dream from a few months ago. My friend and I walk up to a TV which is showing some sort of video concerning the Harry Potter books - a documentary, or history, or making of, or something of the like. We're fairly interested, until we see that to watch the whole thing, we have to spend $95, which isn't going to happen. We begin to head towards the door. On the way, we pass at least one shelf with Harry Potter paraphernalia, such as fake wands and candy from the book. A short, stocky man comes up to us and asks us if we want to buy anything. We mumble a negative and move out of the shop.

      Frustration in the Parking Lot

      Another friend, or maybe the same one, and I are now driving around a parking lot, trying to find the exit. We think we're almost out, but we see that we have to detour up and over an overpass, which will put us completely out of our way. We're trying to get somewhere in a hurry, and we're really annoyed. The parking lot is enclosed within a square of buildings, and the only way out is a tunnel on one side, but traffic is backed up too far, and we know we'll be stuck there for a while.

      Dead Tower

      I'm an experienced soldier, and along with a less-experienced person, am assaulting the tower of a sorcerer or evil being. At the top is trapped a friend of mine/ours, locked in a cage, and it is our mission to rescue her. We teleport (my browser dictionary doesn't know that word?) unto a balcony of the tower, on what is about the third or fourth floor. We sneak in through a window, and look around. The less-experienced soldier I am with is very excited, and states that he thinks the job will be a piece of cake. I get angry at his irresponsibility, and ask him, "Do you have any idea what we're up against?" Looking down, I search for something on the floor below it. Finding it, I point out a huge, red-eyed, black-furred, demonic rat to the other soldier. The rat, of which there are several more, is extremely strong and possessed by a dead spirit. He seems to understand the danger, and starts to shake. We move on up the tower, and my recall ends.


      This time I'm the inexperienced soldier, and my commanding officer is going off on a general rant on the inefficiency of the training system. He says/yells, "They think that a few months of training in a controlled setting back home is good enough to prepare soldiers like you for the realities of war! Well, it isn't. You need field training, in an actual battle situation, before they should even think about sending someone as green as you out here." Just then, someone comes up and informs us that a battle is about to occur. The officer glares, but permits me to fight. The battle is, for whatever reason, somewhat reminiscent of the first campaign level of a Halo game; the last dream, though in a less conventional battlefield, was like the last campaign level. Going out onto the large field, I have a feeling at least one of our soldiers is definitely going to die, though I don't know where I get this sense.
    8. 26 Sep: Psycho family and mixed stuff

      by , 09-28-2010 at 11:29 AM (Lucid-schizo-dreamer)

      22:00 GMT – Sleep

      Someone is advising me about my trip to Japan [I’m going to Japan soon]. What I should prepare for the travel but also instructions I should leave behind for others.

      0:00 GMT

      Mix of stories and nationalities
      Me and my boyfriend pass by some sportsfield and we see large banners with message written in what looks German, but I can’t understand it and conclude it is some other similar language. It has the name of a girl and seems to be a cheering message.
      I stick around among the bunch of people who’s there, sitting in groups, around tables or just hanging. I see a cute sofa made in sort of bamboo and then I am given a kind of huge book with detachable pages in wood, which can then be assembled to make this sofa. It comes with an handler and it is so light that you can carry it home as if it is a bag.
      [IKEA hasn’t yet thought about this]
      Then this sportsfield is also my mom’s living room and I am looking on her shelves for some things I left behind, mainly some tiny flasks of essential oils. But it doesn’t transform entirely into her living room, because right behind me are these guys sitting on the floor discussing whatever game happened on the field. On my right side is also a desk which is the reception of an hospital. A Chinese girl just arrived there and she is complaining with a doctor that happens to be there, that she had been there before with pain in her wrist and was sent home and now she is feeling much worse. Then she starts saying how the health care in her country (China) is so much better than in the USA and that over there they would not spare efforts to find out exactly what was the source of her pain. The doctor looks impatient and like he couldn’t care less about her complaints. Even more to the side is a TV on the wall and it is playing some television channel for Portuguese immigrants. It’s playing a contest in which a guy is trying to win something for his mother. He is knocking on doors and following leads but he looks like a brute from the countryside.

      2:15 GMT

      Prisoner of psycho family and helped by couple of angels
      Me, my boyfriend and my mom go by bus from my current home to go somewhere. But soon we realise we took the wrong bus and we get out a bit further uphill. We cross the street and look to all bus stops around trying to find the right number of the bus. Then I see this kind of garage sale taking place in the neighbourhood behind us. People have their doors open and yards full of stuff and I can’t resist checking it. I find two guys who are selling the weirdest stuff and I feel absolutely surprised when I see this box with some device and substance that promises better sleep with more vivid dreams. I ask how does this work, as I never heard about this. It’s something that you can buy in the pharmacy but then I’m speechless when I read the instructions and it says it’s for females only and you must insert a long stick with the substance on its tip into your vagina!!!
      I find that absolutely bizarre and I can’t help to buy it. I ask how much is it, but they don’t want to make a price, they ask me to say how much I want to pay. I hate that, I like people to set the price, I have no idea how much this thing is worth! They keep not giving me any number and they actually seem to be stalling me. My mom is there and also senses something wrong and tells me to go. I also feel like going. Where’s my boyfriend, by the way?
      Then a kid (there’s always a psycho kid...) comes out of nowhere and starts messing around with a bead necklace I am wearing. First I tolerate but then he breaks it spreading the beads all over. I get pissed and kneel on the floor to grab the pieces while I scold him. When I get up... Where’s my mom? Then I realise I am their prisoner.
      It’s a huge family, parents, uncles, lots of kids of several ages and they are all mentally deranged. They keep me locked in their house for absolutely no other reason than just to terrify me and exert control over me. I try to run away several times and they always catch me. Because they are so many, there’s always one around or outside or coming back home and finding me on the road. I even try flying but they can also fly.
      But one day I go to an upstairs room that has a window and a balcony and I lock the door behind me and jump to the ground. It’s night. I hide behind some truck as I see some of them coming home. I then go alongside the road, but through some field to stay in the dark. One of them spots me and flies after me. I fly to, but he keeps on my track. Then I make a strong effort to fly really high speed [picture Neo, when he wants to save Trinity] and I manage to leave him behind.
      I don’t know where I am and I take refuge in some nice couple's house I stumble on accidently. I tell them my story and they know this other family and tell me I am safe with them as they won’t dare coming nearby.
      One day they take me to the beach. It’s a grey rainy day, but they emanate so much joy it’s impossible not to feel light and happy around them. I feel the presence of my former captors and the couple confirms they are around spying on us, but they promise me they will not dare come close, so I’m safe and that I should totally relax as if they weren’t around.
      They then fly to these electricity generators on wave energy that float close to the shore – they look like giant sausages that go up and down with the waves. They really love this game and as I fly to one to be closer to them, I see many other “beings” that are there having fun the same way. I cannot help thinking that they look like angels, so strong yet so innocent, enjoying such simple pleasures, increasing their energy by just having fun and creating this energy field that keeps psychos away.
      Then there’s a gap in my memory, but I think they help me rescue my mom (my boyfriend I don't know), because later I’m reunited with my mother and we are staying in some youth hostel, temporarily until we go back home. She wants to celebrate, but the bar of the hostel in the basement seems to serve fish instead of drinks! We find it odd – there’s a big board over the entrance with pictures and names of several different fishes. And we say no thanks and give up. We take a shower on a common bathroom and as we go back to our rooms my mom looks and feels a lot younger and that is affecting her behaviour. She is half-naked with only a towel around and she’s having pleasure teasing the boys that come across in the corridor, showing a bit more of leg and so on. I tell her to behave but I’m finding it funny that she's so confident.
      Then we pass by some girls who have their room open and are chatting on the door, some inside, some on the corridor. One of them is singing beautifully some R’n’B song. I think it’s from Alicia Keys and I also want to sing along. But as I am passing by and singing a bit, they tell me to shut up and look angry at me. They say I suck and this other girl is so full of herself she wants to be the star. Ok, I move on. Then I find some table on the corridor, with a spinning top like the one from Inception. I stop to make it spin, but no matter what I do, it just won’t spin!!!

      4:40 GMT

      Teenager TV series and Carl Sagan
      Me and my boyfriend arrive at my mom’s house and we find my dad sleeping on her room. We wonder what he is doing there but whatever... We want to watch TV, so we turn on the TV that’s on the room and we sit in the dark on the other side of the bed, trying not to wake him up.
      As we zap, I notice there’s Carl Sagan on some channel, but my boyfriend keeps zapping until he stops on this high school TV series. It’s about a black girl that is cast aside in her school. Then a new girl arrives and she is the only one who offers help and gives her a tour and introduces her to the school. She then tells her how she was friend with this and that girl or boy and how, for no reason at all, one day everybody decided to turn their backs on her. As I watch the series I get into her skin and I touch my hair and it is afro! So cool!
      Then my boyfriend complains this show is lame and I say I actually find it cool because I also went through all those integration problems in all schools I’ve been to. Anyway we do some zapping again and I tell him why not watch Carl Sagan and he says “and you tell me only now?” I thought he had seen him. So we tune to that channel and it’s an old episode from Cosmos. We miss this guy and we’re enjoying a lot watching the episode but after 2 minutes it ends and my boyfriend starts complaining “No! It can’t be over already!” and then my father wakes up with the noise. But we shut up and stay very still and he turns to the other side and keeps on sleeping.

      7:00 GMT – Wake up
    9. Another 3 Dreams

      by , 09-28-2010 at 07:15 AM
      Well yesterday i tried a new method of "self-hypnosis" on myself. I dont know if you can actually call it like that but i guess it kinda worked. Well, the goal was to get into contact with my own subconcious, i already tried it in a different way with a friend of mine 2 years ago, and there it also worked.
      Well, to say it short: I asked my subconcious if it could help me getting lucid and giving me clear dream signs. The problem was when it asked what signs i had no idea with which sign i would become lucid...so i told it (or well - myself) that it knows me good enough to know what gets me lucid.

      Well, this night i didnt get lucid...but i definetly got a good amount of dream signs...usually my dreams are at least "near" reality, but this night they were kinda "signy" i would say.

      In short:

      1.Driving over (damn i dont even know how i should say it in german!)....well...some big pieces and staircases of wood? And then jumping from one to another with my car(usually i drive on normal roads lol).

      2. Walking through a field and spotting a bear....damnit, and he spotted me. Next scene im at home and saw my dog outside the house, so i opened the glass door to let it in when the door got pushed open. I thought the invisible bear would push it open so i closed it lol

      3. Hacking through different doors(lol?) and computers in my(?) school...then i was told we are writing the final exams this day....guess what? I didnt learn. lol (final exams will be in 2011 for me so no worries )

      Well, i guess my subconcious sent me a few nice signs...but i failed to realize im dreaming. Mh.
      non-lucid , side notes
    10. Yesterday

      by , 09-28-2010 at 06:43 AM (a teahouse inside my head.)
      I was too busy last night with homework. I didn't have any dreams last night because of my measly three hours of sleep. I was too tired this morning to even remember that I was supposed to try and recall my dreams.

      Dream 1: Driving
      I picked up my friend Kristina from her swimming practice (IRL I don't drive and she doesn't swim). We were at a pool, she got in my car (some kind of volvo) and we were driving around just talking about random things.

      Dream 2: Stressed Out
      I was driving to school in my carpool but instead of my normal driver (a senior at my school) his mom was driving us. For some reason we were going the opposite direction of the school and we were on the freeway (which is not necessary to get to school). Then I got a frantic call from my mom that my dad was missing. She also told me that I forgot to do most of my history paper and she emailed me a copy of a worksheet I was supposed to base it on. I tried opening the file on my blackberry and it wouldn't work because the file was saved as .x (I find this funny because I have a problem with being unable to open .docx files and doc x sounds like dot x). I seemed to be stressing about finishing my entire paper in my one study hall period way more than I was stressing about my dad being missing. Then my carpool pulled to the side of the road and I got in my dad's car. He was driving us in the correct direction but went way too far past my school. I feel like there was more but I don't remember.

      Dream 3: Jewish Holidays
      A little background info: I go to a secular (non-religious) school that happens to be about 85% jewish. I am not jewish.
      It was a jewish holiday (I think in the dream I was saying Yom Kippur but the holiday was clearly a different one, I just don't know which/if it was even a real holiday) and I was going to school. My mom had made me a ham sandwich that morning for lunch. As I was reaching out to grab it to put it into my bag, I realized it might be a little insensitive to be eating ham on a jewish holiday (a note: barely any of the jewish people at my school keep kosher). I took out the ham and cut it into little bite sized pieces and put them into the sandwich (I have no idea how this helped at all).

      I was commenting on the fact that no matter how hard I try I cannot get rid of the acne on my chin/the second it clears up new pimples appear and no medicine helps. (though this is pretty much true, it hasn't been true lately, I have clear skin. I don't know where this came from, I haven't had to worry about it at all lately. I just have a clear image in my mind of my chin in the dream)
      dream fragment , non-lucid
    11. Lava Rising

      by , 09-28-2010 at 06:01 AM (A World In My Head!!)
      September 25, 2010

      Synopsis: My sister's forced into a movie, and then she wins a prize, a hotel flooded with lava! Non-lucid

      Note: I've been lazy with my journal, trying to get back into it

      Lava Rising
      Me and my sisters watch a movie in the bedroom, with all the lights off. Suddenly theres a knock on the front door, which is kind of freaky because its like 2am! Sister L peeks through the peep hole, and refuses to open the door. We go back to the bedroom, when sister V notices a man outside our window! We try to hide from his view and pretend were asleep.

      After that weird episode, we turn the tv back on. Hey! There's a movie featuring sister V! Film taken from just moments ago as the man spied through the window. My sister seemed pretty fed up that her privacy was violated and no its all over tv!

      A letter slips through under our door. Its a threat. Either my sis keeps quiet or they will kill her. They sounded serious! They gave one more option, my sis can keep quiet and accept their prize. Their prize was a new job at some fancy hotel. Well that sounds promising!

      We head over to the fancy hotel, fighting who should get the new job. But just as soon as we get to the hotel, the lowest level splits a part, and lava bursts through. The hot lava slowly climbs its way up through the levels of the hotel. Crap!

      Me and my sisters run for it! Climbing stair case after stair case. I kept looking back at sister V, who was dangerously close to the lava. Can't she run any faster?

      We make it to the top level, which was hard because the staircase was actually just a ramp, a slippery one. Up here there there was an arcade game area that seemed really attractive. But the lava! Some of the people hop into an elevator thats going straight to the roof. But I imagined that elevator, with all the lava underneath it, was an oven.

      My oldest sister L leads the way, and she finds us a staircase leading to the roof. Just on time, the lava is hot on our heels. The staircase to the roof becomes trecherous. Narrowing, gaps, sometimes we had to jump a long distance to reach the next step. It was terrible! We make it to the top, but it's a thick glass roof! We have nothing to break the roof with, and the lava is gaining on us.

      Suddenly strong hands pull me up. Constructions workers on the roof pull us out. Except it's not the roof anymore, it's street level! As if the entire hotel was underground. The men explain that only that hotel erupted with lava, but the rest of the city is fine.

      At this point my older sister gives us all a big hug and a sisterly kiss, happy that were all safe and alive. I also magically had a nonexistent brother. We decide to run for it before whos ever after my sister strikes again. We run into a bad side of town. We pass by a house and by the look of the silhouette in the window, a young girl is dancing seductively for an old man. Sis comments that she's just a dirty whore!

      But then we step into their front yard, where the carcasses of young women were on display as disfigured artworks. He's an abuser and a murderer! Holy crap! Now were really running for it before he sees us. Towards the end of the dream, we camp by a tree and eat what ever we carried with us - peanut butter.

      The end

    12. September 27th

      by , 09-28-2010 at 04:28 AM
      The first thing I remember is being at the field house (I play football; this is the building we keep our equipment in and hang around in before practice/games.) I think someone must have yelled something about zombies. I looked outside and, sure enough, they were EVERYWHERE. Coach Francis than reminded me that my parents were in the stands. I ran upstairs in the field house and yelled at them from behind a giant glass wall. They couldn't unserstand me and eventually I got mad and just gave up altogether. I remember nothing after this.

      This dream may have been a continuation of the previous, but with a huge change: I WAS A GIRL. I've never seen the girl before in my life, but I was her. I woke up on the roof of the field house and jumped down to look around. A narrator was was saying everything I do, which seemed normal to me, I guess. As I walked I noticed a pile of binders burning. I remember having this exact thought: "No! I know what happens when the notebooks burn!" I ran and jumped on top of a pipe and the roof again. In a second a blond jumped on top of the roof. I knew instantly that she was a vampire. She honestly reminded me a LOT of my girlfriend, right down to the name Serenity (One my girlfriend used to LOVE.) I took out a knife and fought her for a bit, and finally cut her neck open a little. She angrily said that she'd never bled before and attacked more ferociously. She broke the hilt of my knife off and I had to hold sharp metal to use it. Any time I attacked her I cut myself, but it was worth it to keep fighting. We suddenly stopped fighting for a second, and I looked over at the elementary school playground. I knew that there was treasure in each and evey slide; "Too much treasure for one girl to carry." I remember nothing after this point.
    13. Fragments

      by , 09-28-2010 at 04:16 AM
      Fragment: Church
      Joel and I are going for a drive looking for a place to happen. We randomly come to a church and enter. The place is packed and I think it's one of those churches where people pass on the force by touch. As soon as we enter I see Manya and try to point her out to Joel, but he doesn't notice.

      We try to find seats, Joel ahead of me, but I have a hard time keeping up. There are random chairs in the aisle, and as I try to pass them my foot gets caught. Joel takes a seat, and the only seat I can find is in the band section, composed of guitars and various wind instruments.

      Fragment: Drunk Wedding
      Gary and I have been out drinking, where Gary hooked up with this cute Asian girl, and in their drunken state, they got married. The next morning as we're sobering up, Gary's wife seems a little freaked. I give her a hug to comfort her, and not taking their marriage too seriously, begin to feel her up.

      Our friends are making a mess of the house. Kate from the Drew Carrey show pours pickle juice into the coffee claiming it's a hangover cure, and spills both all over the floor. I find this disrespectful since we're in someone's grandmother's house.

      Fragment: Threesome
      Lisa suddenly give me a dirty look, the good kind, indicating she wants to please me. Then she gives the same look to the girl next to me, and I'm like WOW!

      Fragment: School/Work
      I'm at school, where my bedroom is located in the back, scoring a potential sanding job. At first it was to sand the halls, but then it shifts to sanding these art projects made out of parquet.

      Work and school are interchangeable in my dreams.
    14. Sep 27

      by , 09-28-2010 at 04:07 AM (Doctor's Dreams)
      I was going to wait til the New year to restart writing my dreams down but I decided when I had the first lucid in a while. My old dream Journal can be found in the grandfather Journals under Doctor's Dreams.

      Blow Job and Go

      I don't remember the beginning of it but I remember that I went though a lot of trouble to get a blow job from a girl named Brittany. She was not the version that she is IRL but that didn't matter. We were under something and I remember here starting the blowjob. I had barely sat down when I exploded cum all over her face. I was lucid but for some reason not interested in exploration. I looked at her and cracked up. I said "Gotta Go!" and opened my dream eyes extremely wide. At this point I was waking up on purpose. It was very weird because although my dream eyelids were practically stretching off my face I could feel my second set, my real set of eyelids, still closed. Eventually with enough effort they were forced open and I awoke.
      lucid , memorable , dream fragment
    15. #157. Keys to the Kingdom

      by , 09-28-2010 at 04:00 AM (Things to Run Away From Really Fast)

      ...or "Taking Over a Country in Five Easy Steps".


      "Your son, your majesty, is a psychotic despot who's been running your country into the ground."

      "And you have a solution?"

      "Your youngest child went missing several years ago. You should inform your court that I have returned."

      Johanna swings the sword furiously at her attacker. Her blonde hair, braided into a plait, sweeps through the air as she ducks his return attack. She's on the defensive, frantically blocking his sword, barely avoiding being cut. The man's face is expressionless as he forces her into a corner.

      A slow clapping starts up from across the room. The attacker stills, and Johanna steps away, keeping her sword ready.

      "Bravo," says the man on the other side of the room. "You've done extraordinarily well, getting this far."

      "I'll kill you," she hisses back, not taking her eyes from the bodyguard, "For destroying my family."

      "With that sword?" asks the prince, "I think not."

      "I've fought my way through your legions," she pronounces, "Decimated them."

      "Yes," says the prince, "But then, you had someone to protect, which is the purpose of your enchanted sword. Tell me, where is your brother?"

      "He's dead," says Johanna, "Murdered by your men!" On the last word, a knife materializes in her other hand. She rushes the bodyguard, swipes down, slicing at his face.

      Blood splatters against the wall, and Johanna clutches at her throat in surprise. She falls to the ground, aware that she's bleeding out. From the corner of her eye, she can see another man emerge from the shadows. Stupid, she thinks, should have realized he would have backup...

      She's standing on a stone bridge, which spans the entirety of a mountainous valley. At the end of the bridge is a city. Blue spires reach up into the sky, and Johanna is dimly aware that she's looking at the Capitol City. This was her home, before everything. It's still peaceful. The sky is blue, and sunlight shines down, lighting up the valley and the mist with an ethereal glow. The valley is lush, full of greens and grains and enough food keep most of the kingdom from growing hungry. It's almost unbelievable, that such an awe-inspiring sight could hide such a great evil.

      "I brought you back." I tell her.

      Johanna turns to look at me. "Why?" Her face is blank, but I can hear the anguish in her voice.

      "I don't think you understand," I say slowly, "I brought you back. Nothing you've endured has happened yet. Your family is still alive."

      She's quiet for a moment, looking out over the blue lustre of the city in the distance. "What's the catch?"

      I have to smile at that. "You can prevent all of this from happening," I say, "If you do exactly as I say."

      plots to pacify the population with the latest crop of sweet potato, wading through water fields under the bridge

      I'm standing in a stone building (opulence, splendor) at the centre of the city. I know the precise moment that it happens, because it feels like a string is being cut. And just like that, destiny has been rewritten. The prince is dead, long live the prince.

      A cell phone chimes in my pocket. I answer on the third ring.

      "Hello, 'Father'," I say, irony in my tone. "So, when is my coronation?"

      Scare Factor: 3/10

      Wait, wait. Your crown prince is an evil sociopath, so you want my dream self to rule instead? Good luck with that.

      1. Establish yourself as an heir to the throne.
      2. Find someone who wants the prince dead.
      3. Bring them back in time.
      4. Assassinate the prince.
      5. How old was the king, again?