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    1. Some Dreams!

      by , 08-25-2014 at 09:31 PM
      A few dreams from about a week ago, so I will try to remember them the best that I can.

      I was in my backyard and I suddenly realized I was in a dream. I looked around and saw a glass-enclosed hot tub sitting right in the middle of the yard. I started floating above the ground and i floated right on through the glass and sat down in the hot tub. Was warm and bubbly. I was feeling a little bit paranoid I guess because some guys almost immediately came out of nowhere and started chasing me. I tried to fly up but I could only get so high so I started to climb a fence to try to get to the river. After climbing over three 10ft tall fences I finally got to the river. I jumped down and floated above the water, then set up an invisible barrier around the river so that nobody could come in unless their intentions were benevolent. The guys chasing me jumped into the barrier and started pounding on it. I felt more peaceful, I looked around at how the sun lit up the riverbank with cracks of light that had gotten through the trees above. I only got to sit there for a couple minutes before I woke up.

      I was in my house, I don't remember how I became lucid. But there was a lesbian orgy going on and I was making my way from girl to girl when I spotted this DC that was the female version of me. Clones of her started to appear from around corners. They were my minions. I started to feel guilty about abusing DCs in this way so I left and then I saw this one actress appear (Emily VanCamp). I couldn't help myself. I took her to another room and started taking off her clothes and I wondered if doing this was wrong. She immediately turned dead looking, like that old lady from The Shining. She got on top of me, straddled me, and held me down. I wanted to salvage the lucid dream so I didn't wake myself up, I just made my body invincible because I figured she was going to try to hurt me. Instead she started to tickle me. Creepy, corpselike actress...sitting on top of me and tickling me. Was terrible :'(. I eventually turned off the tickling sensation and I threw her off of me. She turned into a blanket. Still wary of her tricks I quickly tore the blanket in half and then left the room. I wandered outside, was night. I was still feeling nervous and uncomfortable. Not the best combination. I decided to just wake up.

      The earliest part of this dream that I can remember is that I was wandering around a market street that was shaded by palm trees and paved with cement. Was about noon and I was a hungry, homeless orphan. I wandered into a bar where I ran into Paul Newman. He was young and he looked like he did in that one movie...Cool Hand Luke! But anyways, he was sitting at the bar eating peanuts and drinking a beer. I walked over and sat down next to him. He told me that he was a Con Artist and that he experienced a similar upbringing to mine. He said that he would take me in as his apprentice then looked to his right and motioned for the bar tender with a small wave of his fingers. The bar tender came over and Paul ordered maybe 20 scratch off lottery tickets worth 5$ each. OH NO wait he spent 80$, so I guess that would be 16 tickets. He handed me a couple and asked me to help him. The game was really weird, you had to roll dice and it was based upon an honor system, lol. I didn't even cheat though!

      I had gotten through 2 tickets when this giant, hairy, smelly, biker walked in and started bothering my new mentor about this money that was owed. I don't remember exactly what happened here just that the bar tender helped Paul Newman get the biker off his back but then the bartender asked when the bar tab was going to be paid and Paul made some smart ass remark. The bar tender got really angry, we left.

      We walked down the concrete marketplace for a couple minutes when I felt water falling on me. I thought to myself, on a nice rain, how pleasant. I looked up and there was the bartender standing at the edge of a small bridge that was above us, pissing alllll over us. I tried to get out of it but the guy had really good aim. After he ran out of pee, Paul and I rushed over to some mercenary guy and Paul paid him about 200$ to piss on the bartender. The mercenary sneak attacked him and got him really good. My character disappeared at this point and I just sort of became Paul Newman. So as Paul Newman, I was running away from the scene. I knew that I had to find a place to hide out for awhile. I ran down the road for a few minutes before I saw this clearing in a jungle. I walked into the clearing and there were hippies everywhere, everybody was completely nude too. I guess I had stumbled onto a hippie/nudist commune. I joined them! They gave me a house to live in, it was actually quite a beautiful place that they were living in. They had these bamboo houses that were about 8 feet off the ground, facing a sparkling, deep blue lake that was filled with all kinds of exotic fish. Woke up before anything more exciting could happen.

      This dream was in a supermarket. I became lucid outside of the store and remembered that my goal was to visit a town that I made up before I fell asleep that I called Christmas Town. I took off flying and went over a couple hills and mountains when I saw it, shining with thousands of Christmas lights. I got a little closer and the town looked like it was made out of clay, not exactly what I was hoping for. Was still quite pretty and magical though with the lights and the snow and old-timey buildings. I teleported back to the supermarket and went inside. I started to mess around with the DCs and eat anything and everything that looked delicious. Was a full on binge eating experience, glorious. The hot food stands and built in restaurant were the best parts. I felt like I was doing something terribly wrong though so I had to keep reminding myself that it was a dream, but it was also kind of fun being naughty .

      I also had a reallyyy long lucid dream that seemed to last forever but I sadly can't remember anything about it other than how long it lasted, kind of sad! But I'm sure I had a lot of fun.
    2. Adventures of Redstar: Part 2 Bloopers

      by , 08-18-2014 at 07:59 PM
      After forgetting how I became lucid, I did some things then suddenly remembered the adventures of redstar. I went over to a nearby house with a couch and clara wasn't there, figures. I tried to create her so I could actually continue the story but to no avail. I went outside and found I think the doctor and river song, walking together when I went up and stopped the story and was like "wheres clara" and then river song was like "haha, you always have to keep one door open in a house". I went to try that, and sadly, I woke up
    3. 2/1/2014

      by , 02-20-2014 at 08:16 PM

      I was swimming underwater thinking I was playing Super Mario. I was wearing the red plumber suit and hat. I remember an underwater temple and its ruins, along with mossy floating rocks in the area with objects on them. There was a big water snake that left its cave, took my hat, and retreated back inside the cave. I had to punch the snake to get my hat back. The last thing I remember was swimming to the surface where the sun was shining bright. A man was looking down on me, waiting.
    4. Curious Story

      by , 02-06-2014 at 11:56 PM
      I don't remember much about my dream, but the things I do remember really are bugging me.

      In my dream, I was a person I made up in my head. I looked exactly like how I imagined this person. So I'm on some sort of quest looking for spirits that grant me magic powers such as pyrokinesis and such. Mid way through the dream, I'm walking through a cave where a monster that kind of looked like Lugia from Pokemon attacked me; it was one of the spirits I talked about. I somehow ended up out of the cave and at the beginning of a town. I turned around to get the monster out of the cave. I pulled a switch which was attached to a chain and it started pulling the monster out. When it came out, it was decapitated and I couldn't understand why. Maybe someone was chasing me? Anyways, I carry the head to the town (the town looked to be a run-down wood/brick medieval-esque town) and the town came to greet me. Apparently some of the people knew me and came to see me. I dropped the head and curled up into a ball, like any sane person would do once they've been holding a decapitated head of a monster. One of the girls in the crowd said "what's wrong with her?" and what seemed to be the village elder of sorts said, and I specifically remember this and I don't know why. He said "She just needs someone to hold".

      I really enjoyed the dream but I want to delve into it and learn what it was all about.
    5. Weird Link Adventure

      by , 02-01-2014 at 05:27 AM (A World In My Head!!)
      January, 2014

      review: short, abstract adventure dream

      Weird Link Adventure
      As Link, I was drawn to adventure outside and disregard the castle. It wasn't long before I encountered the bad guy. The bad guy was formless, a shadow, a voice that would mock me.

      It was night and I decided to follow the voice of the bad guy, why? I don't know. But the bad guy promised it had something important to show me. Am I trusting the voice of the bad guy now?

      The voice led me to perils, cliffs and ledges I had to jump. To help me, the voice transforms into a wolf. And then a wolf with wings. The voice explains "This is your true power Link!"

      It was awesome being a flying wolf! There was one last thing I needed to do, I needed to meet this voice. Which introduced herself as "Impa".

      Impa is living in a forbidden tree, floating above the clouds, insight of the castle. I fly to that tree and meet Impa. I woke up shortly after.

    6. An Adventure and a Dream Guide

      by , 12-30-2013 at 08:23 PM

      I don't remember how this dream started, I just remember that I was living in a dystopian, industrial city and we were not allowed to leave. Outside the city's walls were the outlanders and they were supposed to be uncivilized and miserable people that would sooner eat you than help you. I guess it was supposed to be like Mad Max or The Road Warrior out there.Did you know...-rwmax1.jpg

      After wandering around the city for awhile doing stuff that I can't exactly remember, I eventually came to the wall where I spotted these two little kids scurrying over it. They used secret footholds in the wall. I went up there and did the same. On the other side I found an interesting house, it had no walls but it had about 4 floors and very unusual architecture. Reminded me of something I might have seen in Waterworld. Did you know...-waterworld_structure_small.jpg

      But there was desert below, not water. The kids' father was a nice Chinese man that also happened to be a chemist. His house was filled with all kinds of awesome contraptions, whirring gizmos, and bubbling vials. After talking with him for awhile about what the outside world was really like, a gatekeeper came to his home. He told the nice Chinese man that one of the gate monitors had been tripped and that he was looking for someone that had escaped from the town. He told him that he had seen nothing and the gatekeeper left. I thanked him and then left on a trek across the desert to see what I could find.

      I walked for quite awhile, until the Chinese man's home was no longer visible. There was an excavation site up against a cliff wall. I walked over there and tried to blend in with the workers. I saw all kinds of exotic, precious minerals of various colors just laying around everywhere. There was also a giant mound of unrefined gold and gems. I picked up a blue crystal and it started soaking up this weird blackish green substance. A young man told me that this particular crystal was very special, it could soak up evil essence. He said that he was using these to cleanse the world. I thought that was pretty cool and I definitely approved of his noble mission, so I followed him away from the excavation site.

      He led me to a camp of outlaws, this part really was a little bit road warrior. They were all dressed up in strange armor and some were wearing masks. They had a lot of engineers among them and they drove motorcycles and large machines. But they weren't mean, they were just misunderstood . Did you know...-387_4.jpg

      They were about to go on a secret raiding mission where they would attack an old-world machine factory. They used to produce massive war machines there before the great fall, and some were still operational and on autopilot. I went with them and we found an enormous machine that had spikes all over it to impale anybody that tried to climb on it and it had a massive chainsaw and a buzzsaw at the end of its arms. It immediately started attacking everything it saw, cutting motorcyles in half and sending my fellow outlaws flying. I climbed to the 3rd floor of the factory and knocked some spikes off the machine. I then jumped down into the pilot's seat, turned off auto-pilot, and took control. Everybody cheered and I drove it back to their base.

      When we got there, the lead outlaw started telling me about another secret mission. He wanted me to go with this other guy to infiltrate a town. I was supposed to watch his back while he did what needed to be done. We left for this town, riding motorcycles. We rode for what seemed a very long time, crossing this magical land that resembled night elf land from WOW, but it was much more beautiful and vivid.

      The town was very medieval and magnificent looking. Did you know...-brettonian-town.jpg

      We went into a tavern that full of people getting drunk and having a good time. My buddy led me into a backroom where some of the town's most powerful individuals were playing poker. They didn't trust me being in there so they made me leave, but my friend was allowed to stay. So I went back into the room of people getting drunk and had a beer. I talked with this strange looking creature. He was short, fat, and he looked like he was from another world. His skin was green and scaly and he had very thin arms and legs. The leader of the outlaws showed up and told me that this creature was just trying to distract me. He told me that they knew about us, and it would only be a matter of time before we were all captured. An evil smirk ran across the ugly little creature's face and he tried to grab me. I punched him in the face and he went flying. Everybody in the bar got up and started fighting. A lot of them ran after us and the outlaw leader jumped into a giant war machine and started riding away, so I took off flying with my friend that was in the backroom playing poker. We flew back across the magical landscape but this time there was a ceiling and walls. After awhile we came up to a bunch of spellcasters and swordsmen from the town. They spawned plants on the walls and the ceiling that tried to devour us. Fireballs and lightning bolts were flying all over the place and we somehow managed to dodge them all. We got back to the base safely and the dream ended.

      Dream 1:

      Before this dream started, I woke up and experienced a little bit of sleep paralysis. I couldn't move my body and it felt like someone was laying on me. Fear started to set in, but I just said nah, not gonna be afraid. Instead I started to feel my dream body - I flexed my hands and feet until I got back into a dream. Wasn't lucid though. In the dream there was a cat laying on top of me and I thought, oh no wonder if felt like someone was laying on me! Silly kitty. He jumped off and turned into a dog. Then I went into the kitchen and my mom and sister were there. I said to them, "What are you guys doing, you're not supposed to be here!" My mom was manically cooking pork chops while talking about cooking chicken and my sister said to me, "what are you talking about David, mom's not here". Then my mom vanished and I asked my sister if this was a dream. She told me no and I tried to move something with my mind and a coffee mug flew across the room. "Liar!" I exclaimed. Then she walked away and I went outside. I tried to use telekinesis again just to make sure that it was a dream and then I thought about what I might want to do and I decided I wanted to talk to my dream guide. I said to the dream, "Okay, I'm ready to talk to you Mr. God". He appeared right in front of me, instantly, and he looked almost exactly the same as before except he was wearing different clothes and he was about 10 feet tall. I went to hug him and only got up to his waist. He said something really strange that I can't quite remember. I can only remember key words: cosmic, below the belt, joke universe. At first I thought he was making fun of my dick, saying that it was the joke of the universe. Then I thought that maybe he said that because my face was practically in his crotch. I never figured out, maybe a metaphor or something? Anyways, I woke up and DEILD'd.

      Dream 2:

      I was outside still but my dream guide was gone, I used telekinesis to make sure I was dreaming again and a flower pot moved over a ledge and broke. I summoned the dream guide again and this time he was shorter than me, same clothes and appearance otherwise. I noticed the dream started to get blurry so I stabilized and then walked over to him. I asked him how long I could talk to him for and he told me 20-30 minutes if I choose. I had the instant thought of no way, I'm going to wake up really soon I just know it. He gave me an understanding, compassionate smile and then hugged me. I hugged him back but then I started to feel a little bit uncomfortable. I had the split second thought that maybe he'll turn evil and bite me. Instead, he hugged me tighter and gave me more love. I snapped out of all my thoughts and was lost in the all pervading feeling of love. Then I woke up. DEILD'd again.

      Dream 3:

      I was at my parents' house and my mom was going to let some strange black dog outside. I used telekinesis again just to make sure and noticed that I was chewing gum, it was getting a little bit bland but still had some flavor. Dream ended as I was trying to go outside to summon my DG again.
    7. Spilled hashbrowns, a hero, and Etch-O-Google

      by , 12-06-2013 at 10:58 PM
      Two lines of people trailed off through the entrance doors. Thankfully I had made it to the front where the cook prepared my plate. Oddly, my hashbrowns were served in a small rectangular tin, typically used for baking corn bread. The cook no more than placed the tin on my plate when my “hashbrown loaf” toppled over and landed in a steaming mess on the floor.

      In full view of a gawking audience, I approached the cook and signaled for another order of potatoes. The cook looked at me like I purposefully maneuvered my plate in an unsafe manner, whereby forcing his precious spud cargo to take a mortal cliff dive. Once again, he replenished my plate with the same precariously packaged hashbrowns, and once again, they fell headlong onto the floor.

      I made one final appeal to the cook, whereas he verbally smote my already bruised ego, saying, “Most people would have given up and walked away by now.”

      I had a brief conversation with the restaurant owner, who was busy preparing loaves of bread in what looked to me like a wood chipper.

      The next thing I remember was looking at a computer screen with groups of words and concepts clumped together. Each grouping were obvious contradictions, such as “bacon & eggs” might have been lumped together with “turpentine”. The obvious meaning of this was a premise I would like to consider further in my waking life: Don’t try to synthesize seeming contradictions in your life. Rather, hold each mutually exclusive notion and apply them in their proper place.

      In other words, it is of no use to do away with either bacon & eggs or turpentine, but rather, employ them as they are relevant in your life. An applicable example would be pro-choice vs. pro-life. Rather than trying to synthesize the two concepts, which would be ludicrous, or attempting to eliminate one in favor of the other once and for all time, it is better to choose each according to context.

      After jotting down my hashbrown tragedy (or comedy), I went back to sleep. The following sequence occurred after 3am.

      I’m sitting in the front passenger side of a car with some other occupants. From my right side, I see a familiar face, a sportscaster in waking life. But in my dream he was a badass cop who plays by his own rules, a cross between Magnum P.I. and Caine from Kung Fu. He is talking to a group of thugs. I hear one of the them threatening to use a gun. Magnum Caine laughs and pulls out a Smith & Wesson military revolver with a two-inch barrel. I catch a glimpse of a cylinder full of bullets as he gives it a spin, flips the gun in his hand, and catches it by the barrel, handing it to the gang leader.

      Magnum Caine then inexplicably turns and walks away. The next thing I see is that he is falling to the ground in slow motion. Although I hear no gunfire, he has been shot. As he is dropping to the ground, he is now dropping a boom stand with fuzzy microphone, which is attached to a small sound mixer attached to his belt. My 80s TV hero has just transformed into a media journalist. WTF?

      Magnum Caine, my chameleon hero-turned-talking-head, gets up from the ground and limps to the front door to his house and hobbles in. Two bodyguards(?) pull up in an inconspicuous SUV, open the back passenger door, and Magnum Headroom runs from the house into the back seat.

      I get a good look at the injured man through the window of the SUV. I ask my friends, “Is that Ben Larken [popular sportscaster in our waking life town]?” A friend answers, “No. That’s his brother.”

      Next, I am holding a box about the size of Gump’s box of chocolates. Only it is pristine white and works like a cross between an Etch-O-Sketch and Google. I scribble a simple drawing on the face, turn it over, give it a little shake, and flip it back around to find that my simple shape has turned into a photograph and explanation. For instance, if I drew a triangle, I would shake it to get a Giza pyramid with a descriptive caption.

      I drew several things, the last of which was a penis and balls.

      The next dream I remember is my fiancé, Teresa, and I were at Kirk’s house. Kirk is an 84-year-old friend of ours in waking life. It was 3 o’clock in the morning, and I was watching some TV before going back to bed. Something interesting would be coming on later in the day, and I wanted to record it. The volume wouldn’t work properly and neither did the recording features. [In waking life, Kirk does not have recording capabilities.]

      In my attempts at making the technology on the TV work, I knocked over a pile of garbage on Kirk’s shelf. A sundry of cigarette wrappers and trash dumped all over the top of the TV stand. I was just about to retire to the bedroom when, perhaps from the commotion, Teresa walked in. She went to the kitchen and grabbed a bag of Fritos.

      Unraveling the already open bag, she took out a chip. She smelled it, then tasted it, and gave me a satisfied look. Game on. Then Kirk came in. I apologized for the noise and for the mess, and he dismissed it as no problem.

      The next thing I remember is riding in my mom’s car with her and my step dad. My older brother, Daniel, was with us as well. We were having a pleasant conversation, when my step dad interrupted, turned to my mom and said, “It just dawned on me that you are partial to Daniel and I because we are conquerors. Healer and Donn [my younger brother] are …” I couldn’t make out the noun he chose to employ, but I have a feeling that it may have been an antonym of conqueror. “Loser” comes to mind.

      My mother pulled up to the front entrance to Furr’s Cafeteria. She and my step dad got out and walked in. I deduced that that was my cue to park the car and join them, so I did. Once inside, I went to find a place to sit. Daniel took a seat at a table with three other people having lunch. A fourth plate of food was at Daniel’s place setting, so I assume that the person had gotten up to go to the bathroom. Daniel proceeded to take and eat onion rings off of the plate while chiding the others of the table, telling them to get their food and move to another area.

      He gestured, saying, “Look how spread out your party is. Go sit with the rest of your friends.” And they did so, just as my conqueror brother demanded. What a douchebag, I thought. I went and sat with the offended party, and next to me was a baby girl. Across from me sat some kids of different races. They were orphans. I turned to the baby next to me, and we made funny faces at each other.

      Updated 12-10-2013 at 09:21 PM by 66683 (Categorized)

    8. Epic: Journey into the Requiem

      by , 11-15-2013 at 02:54 AM (Death's Other Kingdom)
      Facing the Goblin Hoard (Non-lucid)


      My faithful companions and I enter the palace of the light goblins, seeking the Goblin Princess named Whisper. She had sent word to my Knight that she has some important information for us. The light goblins may be less savage than their kin, but we still must be careful. Humans in the palace are subject to intense scrutiny: one wrong move and we'll all be killed.

      A young female goblin servant slips my knight a letter from the Princess. It reads: "I'm in the subconscious right now. You must meet me in the Requiem." We all exchange anxious glances. The Requiem--- home of the dark goblins--- is exactly where we did NOT want to go.

      We begrudgingly make our way to the Market and buy as much fruit as we can, as tribute to the dark goblins. You won't get very far in the Requiem without a substantial food offering to pacify the greedy little beasts.

      Then the time comes to enter the massive cave system known as the Requiem. We decide to go in groups of two to ease suspicion. The Dark Goblins tend to find humans amusing, even going as far as inviting large groups of them to attend events in the Requiem's inner chambers. However, getting to these inner chambers is easier said than done. The goblins along the way will find any excuse to snatch a human away before they reach their destination.

      Because the goblins are confident in their vast numbers (and rightly so) we are allowed to bring in our weapons under the condition that they are sheathed at all times. I decide to bring my faithful scimitar, though I hope I won't be needing it.

      I enter the caves with my friend Alma, a healer who is actually quite knowledgable about Goblin culture. After giving the doorman his part of the tribute, we make our way inside. An older she-goblin stops me a few minutes into our slow, wary journey. She wants to play a game with me. Apparently this game involves slapping me in the face with a mostly deflated balloon. I stand there and take it, hoping that she'll grow weary of the "game" and let me go. She tells me I'm not doing it right, that I'm supposed to cry out in pain. I realize she is kind of like a child who hits an adult and finds it funny when the adult pretends that the weak attack has injured them. The next time the she-goblin hits me, I cry out and pretend to be in pain. Unfortunately, an older male goblin watching nearby lets out an annoyed "shhhhh!"

      "Ah, a shush from him means an execution. Too bad!" the old she-goblin cackles. I sigh in frustration and weigh my options. Resisting their attacks wouldn't do much good--- there are far too many of them to fight. Even if I could, it would put Alma in the middle of the danger. I have no choice but to run.

      So run I do. I barrel into the annoying she-gob, sending her sprawling to the floor. I bolt through the door before me, cringing at the sheer number of goblins who begin chasing after me.

      I run for a very long time, deftly taking unexpected turns and even throwing myself through a large stained glass window, but they always keep right on my heels. Maybe it's time to make a stand.

      I climb up a pillar in a large cathedral like room, all the way up to the rafters. I figure that the goblins could only move single file along the narrow beams, thus allowing me to chop them down one at a time. But more by luck than anything, I somehow fall through a nearby window into a large courtyard where a lot of other humans are gathered for an event (including my comrades). Goblins are notoriously bad at recognizing individual humans in a crowd, so I blend right in and successfully escape. As long as I can hide my limp from the fall, they shouldn't recognize me...
    9. Mission: Minor Obstacle

      by , 09-23-2013 at 11:39 AM
      My dream was set in a city street that was likely very old. Like those old buildings in Spain.
      I owned a store that was just a ways down from a palace in which the queen resided. ~I wasn't getting any customers and soon a pair of city guards, dressed in gold armour with Spartan helmets and blue capes, approached my store and said "You are unable to keep up with the costs of this land and so by order of the queen you have 1 day to vacate the premises"

      After they trashed the store and left I had an idea. "I'll rob the nobles to get the money I need for my store! After all it's not like they need it!" On my way to the palace I saw a television playing a news broadcast of a few students meeting with the 'queen'one of whom was holding an Ipad. It had ended early as the queen had "better things to do" and "wanted to be left alone" I thought now would be a good time to strike" I was then that i was stopped by an old man in sunglasses and he said "Hey. I can tell your thinking of breaking into the palace. If you do somehow make it inside there's an Ipad I remotely hacked to record one of the queens meetings. We suspect there's something going on up there" I remained silent and continued on my mission. I entered the first floor which was open to tourists and had a set of metal detectors in it. Since I didn't have anything incriminating, yet, I decided to enter this way. After wandering around for a while I spotted a fire escape and used it to scale the building to hallway that lead to multiple bedrooms. I looked out the window on the opposite end and saw the man with the sunglasses waving and pointing to his right at a scaffolding out the window. Remembering the original reason why I was there (but not realising I was dreaming ) I grabbed a silver vase, put it in my backpack and continued out the window.

      The scaffolding lead to a crescent shaped balcony that devided into three sections and was very heavily guarded by more of the men from earlier. They spotted me and began chasing so dodged the first set of guards and jumped to the next platform. Then the next group. Suddenly however when I'd made it to the third balcony section they'd all stopped trying to chase me and just stood and stared. I found it extremely strange but continued onward anyway.
      The door opened to a balcony just like the previous one except this was one large balcony in an L shape. I noticed there was no one around and that there were many holes in the floor. I took the silver vase out of my backpack and rolled it along the floor. It triggered something that made a loud click and suddenly large metal spears shot out of some of the holes in the floor and walls. I avoided the paths of the spikes using the silver vase to show me where they would pop up next and made my way to the end of the platform. Before me was A huge hallway with more spear holes in the floor. This time I ran and made it to the large door at the end of the hallway. I opened it and there was the queens bedroom. I took some jewellery the Ipad that belonged to the student from earlier and used the many ropes used to hold the curtains in place to repel down to the street.

      The last thing I remember seeing was the video on the Ipad of the queen speaking with a group of shady looking characters and then I awoke.
      Tags: adventure, theft
      non-lucid , memorable
    10. Adventure date vs the linear guild

      by , 08-29-2013 at 08:33 PM
      I was walking around in a city with a girl (that I know IRL), we were friends and had decided to go exploring. But it eventually became more of an adventure date.

      I remember us walking across this huge dark concrete bridge, seeing skyscrapers in the distance.

      We passed by a small trapdoor that read "XS (as in extra small) storage". The girl shuddered and explained she once had to hide in one of these that was on a train. She had done that since she didn't had a ticket, she said it was horribly crammed and one of her worst experiences ever.

      We walked across the bridge and ended up walking past an old abandoned mining complex. We decided to explore it, even though we knew it was illegal, and climbed across the fence that surrounded it. The place were painter mostly in grey, and with large 2-3 storage buildings. I remember the terrain was that of a desert.

      But when I entered there I ran into Nale, from the linear guild! It is a fictional character from a online comic called "order of the stick". We talked about something, and it ended with him attacking and killing me while I was trying to protect the girl.

      But then I loaded a previous save and returned to the point when I just met Nale! For some reason I saw the world with an UI like Dragon age 2! (probably because I was playing the game the entire other day :p) Like in DA 2 I got several choices of what to do, and I managed to choose the one that allowed me to talk my way through the situation. I don't remember what I said, but he replied "well played!" and summoned me to follow him into the building. He then called for Thog, another member of the linear guild, and he came. He was grumpy and complaining and pushed past all of us.
    11. Space voyage

      by , 07-12-2013 at 11:33 PM
      This will be short as I don't remember much. I had just finished reading a book "Ender in Exile" that I found in my closet. It belonged to a series I read when I was younger, and I have fond memories of the first book. Anyway a big theme in that book is a diluted passage of time in near-light-speed travel.

      The part of my dream I remember was towards the end. I was on a space ship on some task to a far away world. I had just had the realization that by the time I arrived, everyone I knew would be long dead, and maybe already was. What made this dream so memorable were the feelings I experienced. The dread of never seeing a familiar face again, but also the wonder and excitement I was going to find when I reached my destination. I was very sad and relieved at waking up.

      Sorry for the short post and lack of details. This was 3 nights ago and I didn't write down much when I woke up, so I've forgotten almost everything aside from the emotions I felt, which were amazing.
    12. Graveyard chase/ Time tower

      by , 06-08-2013 at 11:46 AM
      This is a recurring dream that I haven't had in some time.

      I was being chased through a graveyard by hooded mages and some vicious dogs. It was late evening. The dogs looked like the hell hounds from Nazi Zombies or the Dawngaurd DLC for Skyrim. All black, big, bulky, insanely fast and glowing red eyes. Usually I get cornered by my perusers at a tall black, metal gate, but this time I manadged to hop over it. I ran towards a Mausoleum with a tower on top and took refuge inside. It was dark and I could still hear the barking of the dogs and someone shouting for someone to get the gate open. I climbed a ladder that led to the top of the tower. As I ascended I realised that it was now earlier in the day (Sunset) and the hooded mages and demon dogs were gone. From the top of the tower I could see a family paying respects at one of the grave stones. I climbed down the outside of the tower, excited to tell them about this strange and magical crypt that I'd discovered. I opened the tall black gate and tried to greet them but the further away from the tower I was the darker it became. The hooded mages and the beasts reappeared and were now chasing me again except they were able to continue as I'd opened the gate. The Demon dogs cornered me so I was unable to make it back into the crypt. They didn't attack however they just circled me for a while as I had my back to the fencing Then the stillness that falls on my dreams when I can either remember no more or begin to wake up came.
    13. 5.02.13 - An Adventure!

      by , 05-03-2013 at 04:25 AM
      [Left work early. Got home around 3:00pm. * and took a nap, fell asleep around 3:15pm. Woke around 4:45pm.]

      [Playing a character in the dream but saw good friends from middle school (Chad and John), a former boss that constantly berated me (Nina), a current kind co-worker (Evelina), and an old interest that attempted to use me to gain a US Visa (Nawras).]

      I am going on a big trip with a group from school [not real school, class, ect]. We fly somewhere and are staying at the huge luxury resort. We are a part of some big event and there are groups from many other schools around the country. Nina is supervising our group and is not too happy about it. We leave our rooms to meet in a large conference room to read the event rules and regulations - what to do and not to do while we are in the resort.

      At the moment there is only a few of us and it is silent while each person reads the rules separately. Evelina, who finishes first, casually walks over to look out the floor-to-ceiling window (many stories up) that faces the huge parking lot. Laughing to herself she exclaims, "Wow! There's two HUGE cars out there parked where we have to use the restroom. Why would they do that?" Thinking HUGE means limousines, I quickly join her at the window to look outside. Despite half the parking lot being empty, there is a black and a white SUV parked on the grass right next to the small path leading to the bathroom. What jerks! There are PLENTY of spaces.

      Shaking my head, I walk back to other side of room and start reading. Apparently the rules are ridiculous because I read the first sentence and mutter, "DAMN!" This is met with a dirty glare from Nina and I immediately apologize and avoid looking at her. From the corner of my eye I see my friend is grinning behind her papers trying not to laugh at me.

      A few hours later, my friend and I go exploring in the lush green hills and bordering forest behind the resort. We noticed a lot of people have been disappearing down in that area and reappearing later giggling and chatting among themselves but refuse to tell us anything. We're determined to see what everyone is up to; plus, it is all the more exhilarating because we are not supposed to leave the hotel property and we're feeling a bit naughty.

      A mile or so behind the hotel we're almost at the line of the forest. There is a small shed like at my grandmother's house in front of a 5 foot high wood plank fence. Behind the fence I can see a wire mesh cage over a few small bushes. A little further behind the cage is a 6 foot tall wood chair, similar to a life guard seat at the beach, and next to this is a pile of brush. People are coming and going from somewhere nearby so I decide to pop over the fence and take a look.

      As I start over the top plank, my cell phone rings - it's an unknown number. Hesitating for a moment, I finally pick up. "Hello?"
      "Hi gorgeous. What's your name?"
      "Uuuhhh... Emily. Why?"
      "Emily, I love that sexy voice you have. You know what you should do with that smoky voice of yours?"

      At this point I remember someone telling me one of the groups at the resort got a hold of a handful of women's numbers and were calling them to attempt to initial what they called "phone flirting" conversations. At a loss of what to do next - because I am too nice to just hang up the phone and go back to my adventure - I look desperately to my friend to help. Huge grin plastered on her face, she takes the phone from my hand and interrupts the "charmer" on the other end with the most high pitched voice I've ever heard.

      "Hi, my name is Amie. How are you?"
      I burst out laughing while the confused guy on the phone sputters, "W...wait. Is this Emily or Aime?"
      "Oh fuck!" Click! Call end!

      Now we're both laughing our asses off over how randomly absurd the entire conversation was when I see my old friend Chad sitting in the life guard seat. As I turn to get his attention, John, who apparently has been looking for us, catches up. I start telling him about the phone call and my situation earlier with Nina.

      "I seriously could NOT get through that thing without muttering swears under my breath."
      Amie chimes in with, "No, really John, she could NOT stop swearing. She said like four things right in front of Nina and I thought she was about to get attacked. The look on her face was HILARIOUS!" John and I are rolling on the ground laughing and Amie is doubled over with laughter. We recover a few minutes later and I start to climb the fence again.

      I make eye contact with Chad and he is not amused.
      "How the heck did you get out here Chad?"
      "Only certain people can know and you're not one of them so you should just get back to the hotel."

      I just shrug off his shortness and start looking around. I can see a huge bush about 20 feet from the cage that I couldn't see before because the shed blocked my view. Heading in that direction, I walk past the cage and just happen to notice there are tiny baby rabbits inside the wire mesh; they look so soft and warm! Glancing to my left, wait... Woah! A random guy pushes up the pile of brush, sees me, and quickly disappears. It must be a secret trap door!

      In my excitement, I start towards the pile when Chad stops me. "No! Stop! That's private property and we cannot be near it. Listen, there's a tunnel in the bushes over there that leads back to the basement of the hotel. That's what everyone's been up to. Just go." Smiling triumphantly, I go check out the bushes and sure enough, there is a huge dark tunnel! So through it I go.

      Arriving finally back at the resort, I pop in somewhere to see Nawras. I must have known from before that he would be there with some friends but because the hotel is so massive, I did not think it likely we would even see each other. Momentarily I am dazzled by his sexy smile and well-toned body. The old crush surfaces at that moment and all I want to do is get him back to my room to finish off this attraction once and for all.

      Before I can even open my mouth to return his greeting though, the memories of his betrayals flood back into my head. When he used to blow me off for his friends but seem conveniently interested with me when he needed a ride. Then when he magically appeared in my life three years later, out of the blue, to talk to me on the phone for hours about why he is so much more mature than when he was in college. Finally finishing it off with his admission that he was going to ask to marry me so he could gain a US Visa but once he realized I was not leaving my boyfriend for him, he never talked to me again.

      Not only did he use me, but I was stupid enough to let him, even after catching onto his game the first time. Am I that in need of someone to talk openly with? A close friend? I think not, but there is a reason for everything - even if it is a bad reason. These negative emotions effectively wake me fully.

      I am seeing an interesting theme of negative emotions that I've set aside or ignored manifesting themselves suddenly in my dreams. I wonder if this is due to my openness to new experiences or if it is only because I am now making an attempt to remember my dreams. Hmm...
    14. 19th Feb 2013 YouTube update, almost DILD, an Adventure game

      by , 02-19-2013 at 09:29 PM (Scionox's Journal of Dreams)
      Was pretty close to DILD.

      Dream 1:

      I was watching something on YouTube and it suddenly stopped working. I refreshed the page and there was an update notice, looking through the only change was the removal of mechanism that saves position in video on closing the tab, and the change was made for some really stupid reason(but i can't recall what exactly). Also for some reason it mentions that YouTube account with the name of one of my alternative internet nicknames is getting pretty popular.
      Suddenly i wake up in the bed, my body seems to be rather screwed up in weird way for some reason, so i start thinking that something's not right, but as soon as i try to do an RC, dream ends and i wake up.

      Looking that it's a bit too early i memorize recall and go back to sleep.

      Dream 2:

      This dream was pretty long, consisting of playing some adventuring video game with top-down view and searching for some 'mysterious information' as i called it in dream, i don't recall much else about first half of it. I recall wandering player character around some forest area, it was more of a forest maze than normal forest, also it looked more autumn-like. I found some of 'mysterious information' and it was saying something about Game Maker files and something else i don't remember.
      After that there was another area full of giant mantises and i had to move player character to avoid them. I was having hard time mostly because area had really bizarre collision detection problems up to possibility of moving character to the outside of area without actually leaving the area. Mantises were randomly spawning everywhere though, but after a few restarts i eventually found the right way.
      Suddenly i was in the game by myself and the game itself is now 3D as well. I was in some canyon with some military bunkers. Seems like i am being instead of player character and an actual player is giving me hints through some radio device. He says to look for a cave. I go around the canyon and notice that bunkers have stationary rocket launchers in them. I decide to play around a bit and use rocket launcher to blow up another bunker. The explosion sound reminds me of half-life. Shortly i get annoying by 'player' on why i am not searching for cave, so i say 'fine' and i shortly find the cave.
      It is very dark in there, but i have no problem navigating through. It gets very mazey from this point and there seems to be alot of 'walk through' walls, also it starts somewhat resembling a tomb of sorts. Soon i end up in an area where the only path through is to jump between masses of sand that float over the void. As i jump onto one of those masses, it starts slowly falling. I had no problems with jumping for a while, gone halfway through area, but there seems to be pretty long distance for the next jump. I almost fail it, but i notice another mass of sand that is a bit lower and i manage to change direction mid-jump right enough to grab onto that mass. I get onto it, and some jumps later i am on the other side of the area, dream ends shortly.

      Either way, my recall seems to be back once again!
    15. 9th Feb 2013 Random adventure

      by , 02-10-2013 at 09:33 AM (Scionox's Journal of Dreams)
      What i recall from when i woke up ~15 hours ago, didn't had time to write down earlier due to having problems installing new OS.

      Dream 1(fragments):

      I recall being unable to exit some sort of car and being late for some sort of event.

      Dream 2:

      I and some another person were on some adventure/mission that according to dream had something to do with game called Far Cry and we had to reach some sort of base. We were crossing some mountain area and often were using map to choose the path. At some point we heard some noise and person was saying something about mutants. Eventually one choice leaded us to the dead end. There were some black monster things and some really tall dudes attacking us but i easily destroyed them all by forming a circle with my thumb and index finger and then aiming at them. Person looked rather surprised and then we went back. Dream skips.
      Me and person are in some tavern and there are two other people, we are talking about something. Suddenly some blue tiny flying flat transparent sheet thing appears and starts attacking me. Dream ends shortly.
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