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    1. I Have Some Catching Up To Do...

      by , 07-04-2012 at 09:04 PM (My Zero Sensory DJ)
      Lately I haven't put anything in my online DJ. I think it's good to rewrite my dreams as it helps with the whole awareness thing (and the other stuff). Two or three days ago on the forum I asked if it was ok to write just points of my dreams and recall the rest from memory. They had a good point: "If you only write down points in your dream, you will train yourself to just remember points of your dream when you wake up. You should write down as much as possible if you want to have a better dream recall." So that's what I should do to become better at LDing. If I can't write down everything when I wake, than just write something, and later in the day (when I'm a bit more awake but still earlier in the day) write the everything. ... And just so you know, I writing stuff down like this helps me to actually do it. I don't care if it's entertaining for you to read. ; ->

      So now I'm going to list my dreams from my paper DJ. (In chronological order)

      I had a dream I was flutter tonguing really well on my Oboe. I think I was in my room.

      Another dream started in third person view: I watched myself enter my house. I had just got back from high school. (It was the summer thought.) The next thing I remember waking (not third person any more) around in my house going from room bedroom to bedroom. The ceilings were all slanted, it was a different type of architecture from what it is in waking life.

      Few nights later I had a dream that I was partaking in a scene from the Hunger Games movie. I was on stage and Katniss was there to. It was the scene from the interviews. The funny thing was the fact that the stage was my bathroom with two of the walls removed. Katniss, a big fat man, and someone else was there. It was a tribute, but I can't recall who it looked like. Katniss was staring (or talking to the people) but very stationary like she was preoccupied by something. I looked out and saw the crowd and I saw camera flashes and lights. I saw people, but just there shapes. They were far away and unlit. I started talking to the fat man. The stage is still my bathroom. Next thing that happens is everyone on stage (the four of us including me) are shaking hands. I shake hands with the big guy, but Katniss and the big guy keep reaching out to shake hands but can't seem to shake hands. (Imagine that they are blindfolded. That's a good way to describe it..) I grab both of there hands and force them together. The big guy thanked me. I don't know what happened next. (Btw, the big guy had a white goatee.)

      Another night after that, I had a dream I was watching a simulation of a big skyscraper being constructed and deconstructed, well kind of. It had a beige exterior and a lot a light blue glass windows. Two of the four sides
      had glass windows and the other pair (opposite each other) indented inward.. I don't know how to explain it well. (I drew a picture but don't fell like uploading it.) Anyways, there was a square cap of the top of the skyscraper. It looked nice. Those two walls that I mentioned that were indented in keep having another "extension" of the building that was added to the side and then quickly removed floor by floor or block by block.
      The dream itself was short, but different what anything before.

      And lastly, yesterday night I had a dream that I was with one of my friends. The place was my high school. Many things were different about it most noticeably it becomes a freaken huge maze of hallways and doors in some of my dreams. Some of them are in the "more normal school layout", but others like this one are in this freaken huge labyrinth! It's fun just thinking about it. There is A LOT to this dream. It built off of the layout of a previous dream. The previous dream I mentioned was a long time ago. To sum it up, I mistook my high schools swim club for the swim team. This was after navigating a submerged labyrinth (it was a labirinth of changing rooms delapidated sumerged rooms, and submerged weight rooms for the most part... and and bathrooms and arching halls connecting everything.) My math teacher was in charge of the swim team that I mistook for the swim club. Needless to say, I hoped in the water, the race started, and I came in last. (Other parts of the dream world include above ground hallways and the only room I remember coming to is a bathroom.) In the dream from yesterday, I was with one of my friends and we were carrying kayak paddles. I oped a metal door and a teacher on the other side deemed what we were doing to dangerous. Other teachers soon appeared/came and they were debating if we should get in "a lot of trouble". I wakled up to them and said some stuff to persuade them. The dream ended before a consensuses arrived.
    2. Driving Down Desolate Roads and Drinking Magical Potions

      by , 07-03-2012 at 09:07 PM (Burke's Nightly Escapades)
      I was in the back seat of our car with my mom and dad who was driving. It was about dusk and we were driving alone a desolate road with nothing around it and it was completely flat. Up ahead I saw a hill and a dead tree on top of the hill off to the left. Right at the crest of the hill there was a car parked in the right hand lane of the road (the one we were driving in) and was facing towards us. It's lights were on but I couldn't see anyone inside it. We just passed it .

      We continued driving along this road for another couple minutes in complete silence, nobody was talking. We eventually ended up stuck behind a tractor trailer going very slowly, about 20 mph. We moved into the other lane to pass him and started speeding up. When we were about halfway past the truck it moved over the left lane where we were and continued driving directly on top of us. The truck was high enough, however, that it never hit our car, despite it being a fairly large SUV. We continued driving beneath the truck as if nothing was strange or out of the ordinary and we eventually came up to a town. When we were about a half mile away from the town the truck disappeared

      We entered the town and it was all on a hill going down into a river. The street we were on was winding a lot, like Lombard Street in San Francisco. We slowly wound down the hill and when we were only a short ways from the bottom of the hill and the shore of the river I had somehow appeared in my bathroom . I was just stepping out of the shower but I had all my clothes on. I walked over to the mirror and looked in it. I noticed the right eye in the mirror (my left eye in reality) started to drift off to the right, towards my nose. It was like I had a lazy eye that was growing progressively worse and worse by the second. It started turning very bloodshot and it really freaked me out.

      I looked to my left so that the eye would go back to normal but it didn't work. I then used my finger and just pushed it back. This worked well but then a third eye appeared right over the bridge of my nose, but below my forehead. I noticed this was really strange and started questioning reality. I looked at my hands and noticed that each one had an extra finger.
      I immediately became lucid and was pretty happy at my recent success. I quickly rubbed my hands to stabilize the dream and while doing so looked down at the sink/counter. I saw a bottle of Listerine and the TotM to drink a potion immediately popped into my head.

      I turned around and expected the bottle to turn into a magical potion. When I looked back the bottle looked the same but the liquid inside turned form a reddish-purple to bright green. I picked it up and smelled it and it still smelled like Listerine and when I took a sip it tasted like it too. I took a fairly large gulp and waited for something to happen, not sure what would. Only a second after I drank the potion the dream started to fade. I immediately tried spinning but it didn't seem to work. After only a few seconds I
      woke up

      Every time I do something which I don't know what the effects will be I end up waking up
    3. Bathroom etiquette and monsters

      by , 06-20-2012 at 03:37 AM (Sea of the Unconscious)
      My fiancée and I visited my sister’s apartment. She was living with her boyfriend, J. J went back to the freezer, which was located in the bathroom. J stated that there was a large ice penis sculpture that had appeared in the freezer. Intrigued, I investigated. Their bathroom was larger than the rest of their apartment, with multiple rooms, many stalls, urinals, and squat toilets.

      Everyone followed me into the bathroom, and J sat down on a squat toilet. He took a plastic skull, and instructed us how to use the squat toilet. Water was shooting up from the toilet, so he used the skull to shovel water over the crotch of his pants. He instructed the men to put their penises into the water-filled skulls when they peed. Someone ate one of the plastic skulls during the demonstration.

      When we all vacated the bathroom, a young lady was kidnapped and brought to the tope of the apartment building. A couple of my friends pursued the kidnappers. These people abducted women, put masks on them, and offered them to a monster. This female monster was tricked into believing that these female humans were the male mates to the monster. Somehow the monster reproduced, and gave birth to three male offspring.
    4. Paranoid? Crazy? Or Both?

      by , 05-26-2012 at 08:56 PM (My Dream Records)
      Black means non lucid
      Orange means semi lucid
      Blue means lucid
      Red means dream characters talking
      Purple means possible shared dreaming person
      Green means notes

      Got it? Great! Now enjoy reading my dreams.

      Dream #1 Babysitting kids.

      Im in some house babysitting 2 little boys. There was a fairly attractive young lady in the house getting ready to head out somewhere. (She was brown skin with a thick curvy figure, had black curly hair, and had a british accent) The little kids were getting to be a pain in the ass, so i called this head coach (not sure who he was) over to help me babysit these kids.

      Dream #2 The loaded gun.

      Im in My cousin L's house, and she gave me this silver gun. I check to see if the safety was on, and it was not. So i intentionally pointed it at a table and shot at it, and there were other people in the room who jumped from the gunshot.

      "You did'nt put the damn safety on."

      (My cousin L talking)

      "I thought i put it on after i loaded it?"

      "No you did'nt. Just leave it with me in the time being."

      I tuck the gun underneath my belt buckle, and started cleaning up.

      Dream #3 They are plotting against me?

      Im still at my cousin L's house, and i noticed this heavy set black dude sweeping something up. I was cleaning up some cheerios or something like that, and i said that i needed to use the bathroom real quick. There was this latino dude sitting down in a chair talking to someone on the phone, and staring at me the whole time.
      (Little did i know, somone was plotting something against me)

      But little did they know, i was on to them and ready.

      Final dream: Paranoid? Crazy? Or Both?

      Im walking down a long a long hallway, and went into this bathroom. (it looked like a public bathroom stall) Im taking a piss, and hear someone coming towards the bathroom.
      I finish, turn off the bathroom lights, and notice some shadow coming towards the bathroom. I hid behind a wall of the door, reaching for my gun waiting for this person to enter the bathroom. Soon as he entered the bathroom i shot him twice, and once in his head.

      I hear people screaming down the hall. I said..

      "Ah ha..they ARE plotting against me!"

      I waited again for someone else to appear in this dark bathroom. A second guy appeared, and i shot him. A third guy appeared, and i shot him like 5 times. He kept crawling towards me, and i shot him in the face. I ran out of that bathroom, and ran down this long hallway, dived thru the floor and woke up. =/

      No luck becoming lucid in this dream. :/ I was gonna try and search for Littlezoe again, but i ended up only being semi lucid. Oh well, there is always tonight to look foward too!

      Updated 05-26-2012 at 09:26 PM by 54142

      non-lucid , side notes
    5. Another small lucid

      by , 05-17-2012 at 11:57 PM (The Erratic dreams of StaySharp)
      Makes the 3rd time in a row, really unusual for me. I was at some kind of party at someones home, a house I didn't know and I was in the bathroom, it seemed unfamiliar. Somehow I started thinking about my situation and the fact I don't have any business anywhere else apart from home right now, so after a few seconds of thinking about it I came to the conclusion I had to be dreaming. I didn't get to do anything though because I woke up.
      dream fragment , lucid
    6. Tuesday 15th May 2012

      by , 05-15-2012 at 09:47 PM
      False Awakening

      I'm in bed and I'm talking to my hubby about something. I decide I need the loo so I get up and walk to the landing. I flick the light switch on but the light doesn't come on. ((should have realised now but I don't...doh!!)), I try again but still nothing. I look up to the light and the shade is bigger and purple with big tassels hanging from it, although I realise it's different to how it should be, I don't read nothing into it ((bummer again!!)). I now think "ohh yeah, the bulb went earlier" ((what? Lol)). I now go into the bathroom and pull the light-switch but nothing. I'm now feeling a little scared and confused, I don't like being in he dark and I'm searching for a switch that works, I now wake up and face-palm myself for missing my usual dream sign....doh!!!!

      Updated 05-15-2012 at 09:51 PM by 47716

      false awakening
    7. Art Class and Lucid Bathroom - 05142012- Dream 5 of 5

      by , 05-15-2012 at 07:57 AM
      [FONT=Times New Roman][SIZE=3][/SIZE][/FONT]
      [SIZE=3][FONT=Calibri]I’m in an art class, located in my son’s junior high school.There are students all around, and I seem to be one of them, though I stillfeel like I’m a grown-up. I don’t ask permission to leave the room when I needto go to the bathroom. [/FONT][/SIZE]
      [SIZE=3][FONT=Calibri]I walk across the hall to the closest bathroom. The halllooks like any typical school building; smooth-brick for the walls, lockers onboth sides, and a dull reflection on the tile from a window at the end of thehall. Nothing seems surprising about my location or my presence.[/FONT][/SIZE]
      [SIZE=3][FONT=Calibri]I never view myself inside the bathroom but when I walk outand head back to class I find that I am lost. I thought my classroom was just awalk across the hall but I can’t seem to find it. Nothing seems familiar, andthere are lockers where I thought the class door should be.[/FONT][/SIZE]
      [SIZE=3][FONT=Calibri]I walk a little further along the hall towards my left andfind a corridor that leads to another wing parallel to the one I am in. I walkthrough to this other wing and begin trying doors, hoping I’ll get lucky. Thefirst door I try has kids in it that are too young to be my classmates. Theyappear to be first graders and none seem familiar. They take no notice of me asI step back out and close the door.[/FONT][/SIZE]
      [SIZE=3][FONT=Calibri]I try a second door and again I don’t find my class. Thepeople seem to be the right age but I don’t recognize anyone. It’s clearly thewrong class.[/FONT][/SIZE]
      [FONT=Calibri][SIZE=3]I find no satisfaction at the third door either. As I openit a nearby teen looks up at me with an expectant look on his face. He appearsto be about 13 years old, thin with dark hair and wearing a collared shirt. Igive him a nervous smile and say, “Hi, older kids. Don’t mind me.” Nearly all the kids in the class are lookingat me as I exit the room, and I feel really uncomfortable.[/SIZE][/FONT]
      [SIZE=3][FONT=Calibri]The last door I try turns out to be my classroom, and myrelief at finally finding it is almost overwhelming. Just as I enter the classI find the bell ringing and it is time for everyone to go to lunch. Everyonewalks out of the classroom, and the teacher leaves through a different doorthat leads outside. I decide to follow her.[/FONT][/SIZE]
      [SIZE=3][FONT=Calibri]As I walk outside I recall that the teacher was nice to me,and I want to talk to her. She’s a pretty Asian woman, dressed sharply in a mauvehalf-dress, an unusual yet flattering choice for teaching. Her heels don’t seemto slow her down as she navigates a rock-path that crosses a small stream thatburbles down the slight hill between school buildings.[/FONT][/SIZE]
      [SIZE=3][FONT=Calibri]I walk past her and she smiles at me, making a slow turn tofollow my gaze as I pass behind her. If I didn’t know better I would assume shewas flirting with me. I definitely want to impress her, and have her look favorablyat me, so the first thing I do as I get close to her is reach down and pick upsome of the pink goo that has collected along the edges of the stream. Liftinga handful I put it in my mouth, almost biting into it despite its appearance offoam. It tastes pink, unlike gum or frosting but definitely sweet, and pink isthe best word to describe the taste. I hold it up to an unseen audience andwith a mouthful of goo I pronounce it good, and safe to eat.[/FONT][/SIZE]
      [SIZE=3][FONT=Calibri]Suddenly doubting my popularity I head back up the gentlehill to the school. There is an outdoor hall in front of me and lots ofstudents are loitering here. This is a good sign to me, and I expect that I won’thave to wait long in line to get my lunch. [/FONT][/SIZE]
      [SIZE=3][FONT=Calibri]Walking in to the cafeteria I am assaulted by the usualnoise and smells that come with a school eating hall. Despite my earlier visitto the bathroom I need to pee again. I go in search of a bathroom and my questtakes me to the far side of the cafeteria. I feel slightly sick from smellingall the food in the room.[/FONT][/SIZE]
      [SIZE=3][FONT=Calibri]I find a bathroom and open the door, only to find itoccupied by a young boy. I apologize and hastily close the door, noticing asign that indicates the bathroom is for boys. I don’t think it was there beforeI opened the door, or I would have noticed it. I certainly wouldn’t have gonein had I seen the sign.[/FONT][/SIZE]
      [SIZE=3][FONT=Calibri]The next door over is another bathroom, and this one alsohas a sign on it indicating it is intended for males. I gently push against thedoor and it slowly opens, revealing an empty room with four stalls jammed closetogether on one wall and a trough on the other. There is no toilet and no sinkin the room.[/FONT][/SIZE]
      [SIZE=3][FONT=Calibri]I walk into the tiny closet of a room, because I really needto pee. Because there is no toilet I am debating if I could use one of theexisting receptacles, but there is also no toilet paper, and this distressesme. As I complete my turn I notice there is also no lock on the door, and infact a square-foot chunk of the door is missing where a door-lock wouldnormally be. [/FONT][/SIZE]
      [SIZE=3][FONT=Calibri]I become lucid as I open the door, finding myself standingthere with my pants down around my ankles. I know it’s a dream because I wouldnever stand in any unlocked bathroom with my clothes down, let alone thecafeteria I begin walking in to. Emerging from the other bathroom is the kid Isaw earlier, and like me he has his pants down also. I feel sorry for him as helooks very embarrassed, but in contrast I am quite calm. Knowing it’s a dreamallows me not to worry about the people in the cafeteria, most of whom seem notto have noticed me anyway. My only concern is to find some toilet paper.[/FONT][/SIZE]
      [FONT=Times New Roman][SIZE=3][/SIZE][/FONT]
      [SIZE=3][FONT=Calibri]And then I wake up.[/FONT][/SIZE]
      [FONT=Times New Roman][SIZE=3][/SIZE][/FONT]
    8. 5/7-8/2012

      by , 05-09-2012 at 04:37 AM (The Labrynth of the Mind)
      Another FA Lucid

      I wake up, and go to use the bathroom. While I am in the bathroom, I am thinking about a family member who has been having some vision issues going on lately when waking up in the morning. I look at the medicine cabinet above the sink, and realize that I seem to be having problems seeing as well. I can't see the medicine cabinet, and the towels which hang on the back of the door seem to be above the sink. I look again, but things still don't look normal.

      I do a nose pinch RC and discover that I can still breathe and am dreaming.

      I think of what I ought to do, and consider doing something like eat the doorknob (lately I have been having weird ideas of what is fun in LD's). I suck on the doorknob, and then decide to leave the bathroom. I open the door, and see a big microwave hanging on the wall. About this time I wake up.
      Tags: bathroom, lucid
      lucid , false awakening
    9. Alarm, What is this, Titanic??, A little privacy please??,

      by , 05-08-2012 at 12:12 PM (Linkzelda's Dream Journal)
      Alarm (Non-lucid)


      It's late at night, I'm in a random house, I look at some chick that is sleeping in pink pajamas, I can't make out her visage though, but from what I remembered, she looked cute sleeping.

      I think I was eating something, and was going to get up to put the cup and plate in the sink. I wanted to go somewhere near the female that was sleeping, but when I do, the alarm for the house triggers. It startles me a little bit, but I quickly go to the alarm thingy that you go to enter the code.

      Apparently, the code was related to personal bank stuff....lmao, and I even said the code in a form of a question to someone. Don't know if they responded back, but how could I not tell that I said a personal bank pin to a random DC?

      Then I see my father come out of the door, but he's in a passive state, probably still tired, and he sees the alarm is taken care of and goes back to sleep.
      What is this, Titanic?? (Non-lucid)


      I'm with a group of people, and it seems we're inside a ship because there's water coming up all the way to our knees. I believe me and a girl decide to stay together.

      The girl herself? Not even attractive enough. Either I was extremely fucking horny or extremely fucking stupid to stay with this girl.

      The reason I'm saying that is because the group that's heading out, one of them apparently was going to bomb the doors, meaning we couldn't get out. But I didn't know what was going to happen to us, maybe the water levels might increase gradually, and we'll drown together.

      The girl on the other hand, she didn't care at all on what's going to happen, it seemed she had an abnormally active sex drive, and she was fixated towards me.

      Like, I swear, this girl would be up for any kind of sex. I can't recall too much, but judging by her positive emotions, this girl was probably past the level of insanity. We're going to die either way, and me and her both decide to stay inside the ship that's going to flood...*facepalm*

      Come, at least be Eva or some other hot chick with a vagina. Looks don't matter? pffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffftt okaaaaaaaaaaay
      Spoiler for 18+ Stuff eeeeew:

      The dream shifts to a completely to where I'm in an area that looks like a place related to my University environment. There was a blonde lady who looked a lot like my AP English 4 teacher I had at High School.

      For some reason, I assumed that this lady was looking for her son, and in my mind, the son was the one who was going all freaky time with the chick from the last shift. The problem is, the guy didn't look like her son AT all.

      Weird logic being sustained in my mind, no doubt, but as usual, I don't do a reality check from something as abnormal as that. I started talking to myself and laughing mentally at this women, and I believe one of those speculations were,

      "Aww poor woman, it's sad that she's not going to know her son is going to die until later on..."

      Don't know why I said that, but hey, guess I'm a real asshole when I don't have control over my dreams.

      There were people lined up near some fence, and apparently, it seems to be some kind of collaboraiton with singers and instrument players.

      The weight size of these people was hilarious, one looked like a bloated balloon, some had bigger proportions in other areas, it was just awkward just to see them do hand formations and even dance.

      By dancing, I mean twisting their bodies to one side and to the other, not exactly professional dancing, but who am I to blame them....I only know two-step and three-step back and forth dancing...meh.

      So I get closer to this group, and go under this small area under what seems like a bridge, and I'm standing in front of a person that looks like a guy's brother that I knew in the Tennis team I was part of in High School.

      I basically have to extend my right hand, with one finger pointing up, and I have to make a reverse U sign from right to left to inform whatever group to move their fingers the opposite direction. And apparently, when they do that, music starts playing.

      I get out of synch at first, but I finally get used to it and synch it right. Then some random guy tells us that he admits that he doesn't give us the instructions online, making it hard to understand what the hell we had to do just now.

      What an idiot....

      Then he starts bragging about this 1:1 interaction is nothing compared to how he has to do 5:10 or 5:20 with other people

      The ratios I mention above just means interaction with people, so I guess he gets 5 people to interact with 10 or 20 people at once. Didn't really see what's the big deal with that, you're just responsible for a few more people.

      Whatever. That's all I remember.
      A little privacy please?!?!? (Non-lucid)


      I'm headed to the bathroom, and my perspective is weird in this dream. While I'm in the bathroom, I can see what's going on in the kitchen or living room in the house, and the people in it.

      It seemed my mother and Kim (another dream with her again...) were going to the bathroom as well.

      Kim was interested in what I could be doing in the bathroom, and starts laughing while she questions me on what I'm doing.

      Ooooh I don't know.....obviously freaked out that you're asking me that question!?!?!?

      (The reason why I'm kind of annoyed is because she's waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay older than me and not really good looking....if it were a younger woman, sure come right in!)

      I brace my back to the door, because I have a feeling Kim is going to go inside, but my mother comes in and says she has to get something in the bathroom.


      That's all I remember.
      Biology Lab Stuff (Non-lucid)


      I'm in Biology Lab, the setting is different, the TA for the lab is the same one I had for Biology 112.

      It seems that it's the end of the lab, and everyone gets out.

      I think I have another dream shift before or after this one, and I'm talking with a woman who looks Indian. I guess she's average on looks, and I forget what she was telling me.

      I was telling her how I was compared to some other Indian girl I knew in waking life. We'll call this girl I'm mentioning Hum.

      I told the lady that I was in the top 3%, while Hum was probably in the top 8-10%. I don't know how I got that random percentage for Hum's ranking though.

      I think me and the lady were going to enter a building, but I can't remember.
    10. 27 April 2012 Work and snowsliding

      by , 04-30-2012 at 07:09 PM
      I am at a large factory hall, there are colleagues of mine working on different lines. There is a line with bottles of beer and a candy packaging table. At the table is a colleague is gluing marshmallows at the outside wrapping of a bag of candy. I tell her that it isn’t very hygienic to glue marshmallows on the outside. She says it is no problem and she has to do it because the boss tells her to do it that way.
      I am helping them at the different lines but the work is almost done so their isn’t much to do.

      Then I am outside in the snow and try to sit in a blue plastic box, it is a bit cramped but I fit. The boys made a snowslide hill and it is very long and steep, I want to go down the slide (in my blue box) but I am scared I might hurt myself. I just sit there doubting as a guy approaches me and asks me if I go down the slide, or maybe you are scared? I tell him I am not scared but just don’t feel like going down, I rather sit in my blue box.

      Then I am in the ladies room and as I want to go unzip my pants and do my business I look in a mirror right in front of me and I see a guy standing behind me next to the toilet. I turn around but nothing is there, I wave my hand around at the place he was standing but nothing is there. I decide to go to a different toilet and when I am out of the room I speak to a girl and she explains it was al a clever trick that the guy pulled on me.
      Tags: bathroom, beer, candy
    11. Claymation Game; Not so Vacation

      by , 04-29-2012 at 04:41 PM (* The Sandman's Dream Journal o/***)
      Claymation Game

      All I remember from this dream was that there was a game with a cartoon of a claymation dinosaur / dragon. It appeared to be about 6" tall. There was a goal to do something with a ball which was about 2" in diameter--I forgot what. It looked like a beach ball with different colors.

      Once the goal was complete, there was like an extra point to be gotten. The dinosaur had to just touch the ball, and the ball would disappear, or be absorbed by the dinosaur or something.

      I didn't see the game play, but it was time for the dragon to touch the ball. He touched it with the base of his tail, but the ball didn't disappear. The dinosaur looked at the ball a little confused. He leaned into the ball more--nothing. Then he fell on the ball to make stronger contact with it, but it didn't go away.

      Not so Vacation

      I was at a beach with my first girlfriend. She was with her new man. I was thinking it was time to pack and go home, so I started to pack.

      It was really difficult getting all my clothes together in the suitcase, but I wanted to get it done so I didn't have to do it later.

      I saw my old girlfriends cloths and noticed a black, corduroy Nike shirt that I liked, and a shirt with a seagull that I used to like a lot. I wished I had them. Her clothes were perfectly folded.

      She told me we were going to stay at the beach until Friday which was a few days away, although it was Thursday. I had a lot of trouble figuring out how much time we could stay at the beach because of this discrepancy, but I tried to enjoy the fact that we had a few days of vacation left.

      I wanted to go to the beach, but the bathroom was dirty. There were holes in the bathtub and other places. There was trash stuffed in all the holes, and it wasn't easy to get out, but I couldn't take a shower with trash everywhere.

      I didn't want to go to the beach knowing I couldn't take a shower later, but I didn't want to spend my whole vacation cleaning the bathroom.

      Eventually I joined the party. I asked if the beach had shells I could look for. R said, "Yes." I looked out the window. The beach was above us, which I thought was odd. I saw nice waves and lots of shells. There were so many shells, it didn't even look nice to walk on the beach.
    12. The Bathroom Search

      by , 04-19-2012 at 01:58 PM
      I was in a large house, not mine, but I needed to use the bathroom. The nearest one ended up being occupied. The adjacent room led to its bathroom as well, but it was occupied too. I went a short ways down the hall to the main dining area, there were DCs around the table, eating. This room actually had 2 doors leading to small bathrooms. I tried the first, it was occupied. Finally the second one was empty. I shut the door and I was alone in here. The whole bathroom was run down, dirty, and filled with junk. Its like this bathroom was abandoned years ago and no one wanted to take care of it. The other occupied bathrooms I peeked into were nice and clean, even though a DC told me to go away. Well the broken bathroom I was in had a strange metal urinal, with a broken toilet lid sitting inside it. There was also a toilet in a corner with urine all over it. I decided the urinal was my better bet, especially since it flushed when you turned the tap. Now some woman bangs on the door and yells something at me. She isn't going to stop talking, so I decide I'll just find a different bathroom instead. As I make my way back to the door, I notice I'm stepping on something. There are metal ball bearings sticking to the bottom of my feet, guess I'm barefoot? Also there is a sharp piece of metal stuck slightly in my left foot, causing some pain. I pull it out and brush off the ball bearings and the pain goes away.

      Now I go down the hallway to the end of the house. There is a patio here that connects more rooms of the house on the other side of the patio. In the patio area though, you got your garden & lawn equipment. I get a mower, intending to use it, but there are already 2 guys going around mowing the grass. One has a pushmower like me, the other one is on a riding mower. I figure by the time I get my mower started, they will be done cutting the grass. So instead I go into the house area on the other side of the patio, I could sense a bathroom in this area. In this one room I met an old guy who was supposed to be my grandpa. He ends up talking to me for awhile, and after I ask if there was a bathroom near, he says yes, but then locks me in the room with him and shuts the window. I guess I'm not supposed to use the bathroom, huh? He keeps talking to me and showing me these giant sized boxes that came with dvds and toys themed after the movie it came with. After that I wake up.
    13. 4/13/12: Jail; the wrong bathroom; and fragments

      by , 04-17-2012 at 12:54 PM
      I'm in jail, but I'm innocent. The building is one story and massive; cells are on each side of the wide hallway, and I can't see the end of them. They're the old fashioned cells that are made of all bars with no actual walls. I'm alone in the cell. A guard and one of my friends are standing outside the cell.

      My friend wants to pass me some food. He comes close to the door to try to slide something in, but when he gets too close, a fine mesh screen appears out of nowhere to completely block the door.

      My friend is very concerned about my safety. Somehow, he can't talk directly to me, but has to talk through the guard. He doesn't want to say anything plainly, since his message would be analyzed; so he gives a verse reference - something in 1 Corinthians 29 [he specified a verse, but I don't remember it]. The guard is suspicious of the "coded message" and refuses to pass it. The guard then "suggests" that my friend walk with him; my friend becomes even more afraid for my safety, that they'll do something to me while he's gone.


      I'm staying in a house with a lot of people [though I never actually see most of them]. The house is huge and has many bedrooms and bathrooms. Somehow, I end up using a bathroom that's not "mine." Someone is calling to me through the door; they think I'm the person who's supposed to be using the bathroom, and they're reminding "me" to take "my" pills. I look down and see that there's a large bowl near the toilet filled with translucent pills. I don't call back, since it would give me away and show that I was in the wrong bathroom.

      Now I'm back in the hallway. I took a shower in the bathroom, but since it wasn't my bathroom, I didn't have my towel. Now I'm wet and naked and running to my own bathroom to get dressed. Someone else sees me; now I have a towel wrapped around me.

      Now I'm in another room. I'm meeting with people about one of my projects at work, explaining what it does, how I made it, and what state it's in. First, I explain to a man. Next, I explain to a woman - the man's boss. Later, in the hallway, I start to explain to a third man (he's Asian), but it's lunch time, so we take a break.

      Now I'm at Whole Foods. I'm talking about how you can tell a lot about a grocery store by looking at its shopping carts. The carts here are very small and only have two shelves, so it's clear that the store is high end and doesn't expect you to buy very much at once.


      We're at some kind of church function. My wife has advised me to wear my black shirt and pants along with a tie (don't remember which one). I'm still outside with my car. I want to say hi to Chris, but he's inside doing something. I'm glad I took my wife's suggestion to wear black.


      We're on the patio outside someone's house. There's a nice pool here. My parents are there. I'm talking with Mom about their pool, and she's describing how they dug a channel from the upper pool to the lower pool to install a salt water filtration system because they didn't want to use chlorine. I'm surprised at the cost, but she said they did all the labor themselves so it wasn't too bad. As she's talking, I visualize a dirt channel going from a small pool to a larger pool.
    14. Frida Kahlo Fellatio Queen, Trickster, Ridge Forrester, Melanieb, Alyzarin in Black Dress

      by , 04-09-2012 at 06:08 PM (Linkzelda's Dream Journal)
      Frida Kahlo Fellatio Queen, Trickster, Ridge Forrester, Melanieb, Alyzarin in Black Dress


      Dream 1: Frida Kahlo Fellatio Queen

      Spoiler for 18+........................:

      ......................if you didn't read the spoiler, basically, there's a dream shift near the ending of it.

      Then I find myself in the garage, but it's still open. Apparently, I'm forming this type of energy disk floating in the air, and I'm controlling it with ease. I use my right hand to move it to the left and vice versa for my left hand.

      It almost felt like water-bending from Avatar: The Last Airbender series.

      It was moving so fast as well, and I think there was this person in the middle of the garage. I had so much control over this flexible and weird looking disk-shaped energy that I moved the energy around his neck, without making it come in contact with his skin.

      I could tell the energy I was forming was dangerous, since it was rotating a little faster than I expected to be.

      Then there's a dream shift to where I see someone in some weird outfit. I think they were wearing clothing that looks like Magneto's outfit from X-men and Brainiac's from Superman.

      I think he looks at me for a while, and then a small menu appears on the bottom right hand corner, as if my first person view was a HUD screen.

      The options were pertaining to rejecting or accepting some type of action, and I think I set my intentions to reject it, but it was too addicting for me to stop whatever it is I'm doing.

      Then there's an option to make things easier or harder, and I see a girl I have a crush on in waking life, I think. Let's call her "Isa."

      Isa was standing there near something electronic, and I decided to put the option for a harder difficulty, and she ends up reading a newspaper?

      (I guess reading newspaper instead of using electronics is the new expert mode or something, hahaha).

      For some reason, everything felt like I had to choose these options quick, or something bad would happen, but nothing serious was occurring at all.

      That's all I remember.

      Dream 2: Trickster Mind

      I'm resting on my bed, deciding what to do to get into a WILD. I decided that I should go ahead and incorporate KingYoshi's relaxation method where you flex your muscles for a few seconds, seeing as I haven't done that in a long while.

      I did that, and then I started to focus on my breathing. I had some thoughts in my head, but eventually, I decides to just....let....go.

      After a few minutes of breathing, one moment I realized my breathing was skipped and suddenly reached a calmer and more relaxed state that didn't need my conscious effort to alter.

      I turn to my sides a few times, not too much, and once I go to my left side.

      I started to feel sensations around my head region and neck.

      I felt a "pull" sensation, almost like a vortex making a warping gravitational pull. I continue breathing slowly, while the back of my eyes are exhibiting a dark environment with a void feel to it.

      There were vibrations as well, and I slightly opened my eyes, but not too much to affect what was going on, since I was being calm through the whole thing.

      Then I find my body instantly rolls over to the other side, without me even making and effort! I just went with the flow, and it was if I was floating, and then turning to my right to rest on the bed.

      After the vibrations stopped,
      it takes a while, but I get up, do a nose plug reality check.

      Yep. Definitely dreaming. My mind is being pretty clever right now, the overall color of my bedroom matches exactly to the current state of how it looks like in the morning in waking life. But that didn't fool me.

      I see the door was closed as well, just like in waking life. I had the intention to find Alyzarin I believe, since I knew Kaomea would be a little too busy for me to find her.

      Since I'm on the right side of the bed, I have to move forward, turn left and then another left to reach the door.

      Then I find myself stopping to a halt, and I'm wondering what's going on, but it seems that I'm not use to using my dream eyes as yet.

      I wake up again, and I get up again, and I see this fairly large chameleon statue on the left side of my bed.

      I was a little shocked to see something appear just like that when I woke up for a temporary False Awakening.

      "Oh that's clever...." I declared to myself.

      I look at the statue a little bit more, and it seems like it was smiling a bit. Not sure if it was at me, but I'm presuming it was smiling at me since I almost fell for the FA trick.

      I find myself in this twilight state, half-awake, half-asleep. And as I'm holding the state with my arms, just to feel things, my waking life eyes open slightly and I see the statute is suddenly alternating to how my pillow looks like.

      I see the ends of my pillow in waking life, and see the blue stripes going horizontally.

      The statue disappears and I wake up.

      Dream 3: Ridge Forrester

      I was at a Hispanic Restaurant, and I'm standing near a tray line to order what I want to eat. I get the Enchiladas meal with Spanish rice and all of that good stuff, and apparently I'm ordering to go.

      After a few minutes or so, the employee at the tray line says that the meal is done, and she gives me it in a To-go package and a bag. I take it, and before I could make a complete step, she tells me,

      "Oh, sorry! It's not heated up as yet."

      I was a little confused, but I turned back and gave her the food. Then things get weird, and she says it's heated up already, and I taste the food to see if it's warm.

      It turns out to be warm, but just to make sure, I told her that it tastes raw. Then she calls someone, not to sure on who it was, but she starts mixing up the food, since most of the heat was on the bottom.

      I do the same thing with my food and go along whatever path I'm headed for.

      Then the dream shifts to where I'm in another restaurant most likely, and there are these group of female who want Ridge Forrester from the Bold and the Beautiful to choke.

      I don't know why, but apparently, if he didn't take two pills around the same time, something would happen to his body. They get some people to steal one pill, and Ridge drinks the other.

      If they failed to do so, it would be hard to take him down.

      He's trying to find the other one, but I believe there's one in front of him already, and he drinks that one as well.

      I think the women were shocked, and I think I probably gave him the pill in spectator mode without anyone seeing me, but I'm not too sure on that.

      Well, that was a random event.

      Dream 4: Melanieb

      I'm in spectator mode again, and I see Melanieb doing something with some people. I think they're balancing a mouse or something on a teddy bear that looks like the one from "Bleach."

      There's a cat that is coming from some small hallway, and Melanieb and whoever she's hanging out with wait for the cat to dash towards the mouse. The cat does so, and Melanieb quickly grabs the teddy bear because she doesn't want it to get dirty.

      I'm pretty sure that was Melanieb, seeing as I saw elements of the lady on her avatar.

      Dream 5: Alyzarin in Black dress?

      The way things were in this dream, despite it being short, I'm compelled to believe I may have met Alyzarin in this dream.

      The way this person looked, how tall they were, the blue tiles, the small little details that gave me the vibe that was her.
      I'm in a public bathroom. The tiles blue and white, and I realize that I'm in the female's restroom.


      Some females come in, and I don't think they're bothered by my presence at all. To be honest, I'm not sure if I was a female or male at this point, seeing as the females didn't scream at me or anything.

      I'll just assume I was a male in this dream though.

      I stand there for a little while, and I'm that blank state of mind, until I see another female come into the bathroom.

      She was blonde, she wore a short black dress, and by short, I mean SHORT to the point where it's barely covering her private parts.

      I look at her for a while, I take a good stare into her eyes, a really good stare. It seems she's looking at me as well. But I'm not sure if I made her fall for me, or if she was luring me to her, but either way, everyone else in this dream didn't really matter but her.

      I didn't pay attention to this in the dream, but I do remember the DC Alyzarin met who was blonde and had a black outfit, and Alyzarin is fairly taller than me, and the blonde in front of me fit that description.

      I slowly advance towards her, thinking of what I'm going to do to her. Dirty thoughts are being fabricated as I'm getting closer and closer.

      I hold her hand, and I rest my body on her against the wall. I think she's a little surprised at first, but she felt so freaking warm and nice.

      This vibe of hers, I swear, it's like she puts up the innocent demeanor just to play cute with me, and once I was on her body against the wall, I was trapped by her kindness, I didn't really care if she was playing weak to dominate me.

      I think my left hand was holding her right hand, and my left hand was probably holding her waist. I started to kiss her a little bit, taking control for a little while.

      I honestly do not know how I know how to Kiss, but something is working....

      I can't really remember how it looked like, seeing as I'm busy slobbering myself all over her. Then I carried her for a little while, grabbing her ass so she wouldn't fall down.

      We get closer to the exit of the bathroom which didn't have a door. It was one of those where there was a wall in the middle, so you had to walk in a L-shaped formation to get out.

      We're near the wall of the intersection of the L-shaped path, and by the time my back is agaisnt the wall, she takes control.

      She has her legs wrapped around me, and I'm still grabbing her ass, feeling how soft it is. She takes control kissing me, and by this point I'm in that "Do whatever the fuck you want to do with me" moment.

      Then another female comes in, and I use my right eye to peek to see who it is, while Alyzarin or whoever it was is going crazy with my mouth.

      The other female looks at us for a second, but she just pretends she isn't seeing anything lol.

      (I don't know if it was Alyzarin, the blonde she met in the black outfit, but whoever it was, it was pretty fun).

      We continue kissing and breathing like we're animals, and then I realized I had to go somewhere?

      (wait....what? what do I possibly need to do another than this??!??!)

      DAMN IT!@$%@^$#%&$

      Yes, Kaomea, I'm going to use Frick now because of you.

      I help her down, and her legs are finally on the ground again, and I can't remember what I tell her, probably something about meeting her again soon.

      I go to a door to enter to a class, and I see look through the window to see someone with crutches.

      So I push the door to get in, and then pushed it out to allow the person with crutches pass. I didn't get a "Thank You" or a modicum of appreciation from the person, but I didn't really care after a few seconds.

      It was just something natural to do, it almost seemed I had to do it so I wouldn't look like an asshole.

      I can't remember what I did in the classroom, but moving to the classroom was pretty fricking pointless after that treatment I had with the blonde in the bathroom.

      Updated 04-09-2012 at 06:34 PM by 47756

      lucid , non-lucid
    15. Blonde Nicole being Sporadic, Grizzly bears, Blonde w/ Yellow Hoodie, Mini-theatre, Bathroom...

      by , 03-07-2012 at 03:28 PM (Linkzelda's Dream Journal)
      Blonde Nicole being Sporadic, Grizzly bears and Blonde guy in Yellow Hoodie, Building w/ white floors, Mini-theater, Mini-Mall with Fast Food chains, Bathroom (Non-lucid)


      My recall is kind of crap, because I slept later than usual, and my Biology Exam starts at 10:20 AM, and it's 8:30 AM right now, and I spent almost an hour typing the dreams before posting it here.

      I hope I do well today, because I'm going to have a really horrible day....oh well.

      Dream 1: Blonde Nicole being Sporadic

      There's this girl who looks like Nicole that I knew in waking life from Art class. She's a skinny girl, which makes her a little fragile. She's fairly short for her age as well. (maybe around 5 feet or a little less than that).

      She's blonde, and she's probably wearing a jacket.I think I take on the perspective of her, and I'm probably just seeing her move on her own.

      I think she does a front flip several times in the air and falls on the ground, probably face planted on the concrete too. But she stands up and still keeps going, despite the small yellow stars that shows that she's obviously dizzy.

      Is it possible to Link with someone for a combined LD??-9043028-3d-dizzy-guy-stars-around-head-isolated-over-white.jpg

      I think I still retain first person perspective of her doing some weird things, she was acting like a monkey by jumping all over the place, and jumping on the tables you see outside of places like Starbucks or restaurants or bars with outside eating.

      That's all I remember for that one.

      Dream 2: Grizzly bears and Blonde guy in Yellow Hoodie

      I'm in a random area where I see some baby Grizzly bear and a big Grizzly bear together, and they are at least 5 feet away from me. The baby is giving me a hard time, but I don't know if I killed it or not.

      Is it possible to Link with someone for a combined LD??-grizzly-bear-sow-cub_4140.jpg

      It probably disappears and the bigger grizzly bear just walks away, but keeps an eye on me. Then I see a bunch of random DCs that make themselves apparent after this.

      I'm worried for some reason, and I see some blonde guy in a yellow hoodie trying to grab me as I'm backing away from him doing a short dash towards me.

      He fails and ends up finishing the action of trying to grab someone by clenching his fist. He didn't look mad, he just looks at me, but I just couldn't register anything from this person, I just didn't know how to react to him.

      I keep running and going all over the place in this area.

      Dream 3: Building with white flooring

      I'm in some building with white flooring, and I met a female but it's too hazy for me to remember.

      Dream 4: Mini-theater, Mini-Mall with Fast Food chains, Bathroom

      I'm in some type of mini-stadium, or maybe a mini-theater. It's fairly dark, and I'm trying to find a seat. I check on the right side, and I go through a few people to get in the middle section of what I thought would be an empty seat, and I asked the person sitting near this empty seat if they were reserving it for someone.

      Is it possible to Link with someone for a combined LD??-movie-theater.jpg

      They said yes and I go back to my left, and I see some Asian guy, and asked if anyone is sitting next to him, he says Yes as well.

      So I end up getting out of that section and move on to the left section, I see that the front section has one empty seat probably 2-3 feet away from the same Asian dude on the right section.

      I ask the person one seat to the left of it if anyone is going to sit here, and they said no.

      I sit down and watch what seems to be a video on doing hand signs. It almost looked like this was going to be a Mnemonic to remember something with your hands.

      The person in the video was doing some complicated hand gesture, almost as if he was going to do a Jutsu from Naruto Shippuden or something, it was really difficult making the exact formation that he had.

      I don't know what else goes on in the video, but I guess it's just someone making hand gestures or hand signs for random things.

      The video ends, and I think the place lights up. Everyone leaves, and I think the dream shifts to where I'm sitting on a stool near some kind of eating area.

      The area had several fast food chains (food court) within this area, so it felt kind of like a mall
      (I know Alyzarin had some dreams about schools with mall structures).

      Apparently it's break time and everyone goes to get lunch or just leaves the area. I see a lady in front of me, and I'm talking to her about something, but I can't remember.

      I see another female going to another fast food area to get something inside some white package, and I think there's a few small BBQ packets she gets with it as well.

      I decide that I should go to this fast food area probably 5-10 feet away from me. Then I realize that when I look down to where my hand is on the table near the stool, I see a meal right there in front of me.

      I think I said "I guess I'll eat lunch with this then."

      I can't make a good call on the facial features on the female sitting next to me. I think she was wearing dark clothing, but that's all I remember.

      Then the dream shifts to where I think that I'm late for something, and it's most likely afternoon outside. I don't feel myself sweating, but it looks like I'm sweating, so I probably get a rag out of something to wipe off.

      I was walking by the edge of the building before I got to the entrance, and tried to play is calm instead of showing that I was sweating getting somewhere.

      Once I go in, apparently I'm brushing my teeth, and I need to find somewhere to spit this Colgate in my mouth.

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      So I go to the Men's Restroom, and I go in and see a bunch of black dudes inside. One person was talking about how some other guy was talking behind his back, typical crap you'd expect from people worried that people actually give a damn about their being.

      He was speaking in a ghetto accent, and I just try to ignore everything and just spit out the Colgate, finish brushing my tongue and washing my mouth and maybe dabbing some water on my face.

      Then when I'm done, I had the odd habit of turning off the light switch.

      Then I had a "Oh shit" moment because I remember the wannabe thugs were inside that bathroom, so I quickly try to flip back the switch, but the lights do not come on.

      I know there are two light switches, one for the fan, and the other for the light, but nothing works
      (could've used a RC :<).

      I tell the guys that there must've been a blackout or something, and I see some kind of blue light somewhere, but it was really really dim. Then I realize there's another switch somewhere near the switches I was flipping.

      So I turn on the new set of switches that I find and the light comes back on the bathroom.

      I leave and don't remember anything else.

      Updated 03-07-2012 at 03:31 PM by 47756

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