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    1. The dream that caused me to look for a site like this.

      by , 09-04-2012 at 06:15 AM
      I'm in a bar with two of my friends. Tim and Mike. We're playing ping pong for some reason. Drinking and ping pong are two things I do enjoy so this makes sense Tim tries to explain something to me and I try to respond to him as best I can as I'm leaving the bar but cannot find the words because I'm intoxicated. I mumble something incoherently and then realize that I have to be dreaming because Tim and Mike do not drink anymore and the only bar that ever had a ping pong table has been closed since I finished high school.

      I IMMEDIATELY hear a roar of noise and what sounds like rain and realize when I wake that it's my air conditioner making the noise. I was also able to make sounds and say words while I was in a conscious awakened state whilst still being unable to open my eyes. My girlfriend confirmed this as she was lying next to me the whole time.

    2. The Importance of Keeping A Dream Journal

      by , 05-28-2012 at 01:33 AM
      The Importance of Keeping A Dream Journal

      It is relatively common when the subject of dreams is brought up that someone will say, "I never dream." Of course we know this isn't true. At the other extreme are individuals who claim, "I remember all of my dreams." This is also a delusion. In all instances, we simply don't remember the dreams we forget.

      Keeping a dream journal takes effort. Those who truly believe that they remember all of their dreams have the perfect excuse not to do it. It is easy for them to conclude (and I have personally heard it expressed), "Since I remember my dreams when I wake up, why should I keep a dream journal? It has the same effect, doesn't it?"

      Well, actually no. It does not have the same effect. Once you awaken to the realization that many, more accurately most, of your dreams are forgotten, you will either decide to keep a dream journal, or you will never improve your dream recall. Without adequate dream recall, there is very little chance that you will become a lucid dreamer. If you are unwilling to pay, you can't play. By keeping a dream journal and following a few fundamental rules, you will be granted access to a vast inner world with very few rules at all.

      Keeping a dream journal sounds much simpler than it is.. The strong urge to slip back into sleep when a dream is still fresh in your mind is a formidable adversary. Equally insidious is the almost irresistible belief that you can wait until morning to record the details of a vivid dream. Not only will you forget the details of the dream, it is even more likely that you wont even remember that you had it.

      In most cases, we only remember our last dream prior to awakening unless some waking event triggers the memory of an earlier one. Most of us have experienced this phenomenon. You must admit that without the coincidental event that stimulated the memory, you probably would never have recalled the dream. Consequently, the wisest course of action, when you wake up in the middle of the night with good memory of a dream, is to get it recorded while the getting is still good. Believe me, at the time, you will feel certain you will remember it. You won't.

      You can easily prove this to yourself. Some night, when you awaken from a clearly remembered dream, force yourself to jot down the key points along with a few unusual details. Go back to sleep. The following morning, dwell for a little while on all you think you remember about the dream before referring to the notes you scribbled a few hours earlier. I predict that you will be surprised to discover that there were significant elements in the dream that you had forgotten.

      Once you have gained respect for a dream journal's effectiveness in improving dream recall, you will be prepared to recognize a secondary benefit which is especially important for lucid dreamers. A dream journal will reveal personal "dreamsigns," a subject which is best covered in Stephen LaBerge's books. Briefly stated, these are objects, places or events which tend to occur repeatedly in your dreams. For me these include car trouble, violence, airline crashes, tornadoes, unusual attics or cellars, and provocative girls. Following Stephen LaBerge's advice, every time I experience any of these in "waking life," I immediately do a "reality check" to prove that I am indeed awake and not dreaming. By adhering to this simple discipline, you will certainly one day do a reality check when confronted by one of your dreamsigns - and lo and behold - you will discover that you are dreaming! If unfamiliar with reality testing techniques, see Stephen LaBerge's books or visit the Lucidity Institute website at Lucidity.com. (I am not affiliated or compensated.)

      Keeping a dream journal has other benefits. From a philosophical perspective, wherever you choose to put your attention, there you are. Expressed as a maxim, if you pay attention to your dreams, your dreams will pay attention to you. Just the decision to remember and document your dreams will increase your dream recall and, it follows, your likelihood of having a lucid dream.

      A good dream journal takes time, and for most of us, time is a precious commodity. If you are just starting and working to increase your overall dream recall, try to record each and every dream you remember. Even the ones that appear to be nonsense are initially useful. Once you have established a reliable routine and have identified your primary dreamsigns, you can back off a bit. Being experienced at lucid dreaming, I admit that I don't record every remembered dream. I quickly assess and rate my dreams. It is easy for me to distinguish between dreams that I consider significant from those that are confused, chaotic, or an apparent expression of my apparent hoard of fears and anxieties. I record and seriously reflect upon the former. I only briefly reflect upon the latter.

      If you sleep with anyone you care about keeping, you will very likely need to negotiate alternative arrangements on the nights you target for dreaming. This is one sacrifice that keeping a good dream journal typically requires. I also recommend spending a minor amount of money on a voice recorder (or use that feature on your smartphone). Writing out a long dream can sometimes make it difficult to get back to sleep, and you won't have to worry about trying to translate what usually looks like hieroglyphics the following morning. I reach for my recorder, conveniently placed. I begin drowsily talking. The next day (or whenever) I play it back. Listening to it brings the whole dream back into memory as though I just woke up. I then type it with acceptable grammar and spelling, and it gives me the opportunity to add retrospect impressions and comments.

      That's it. I hope this is helpful. Start a dream journal tonight. It speaks for itself in results. /Stephen Berlin
    3. I Finally Remember: Dream Entry 1 - Slithering Snake

      by , 02-12-2012 at 05:12 PM
      I remember being in my room, and it was dark. If course, it was night outside and the only light was coming from my tv, and my dad was watching tv in the living room. Out of nowhere a snake starting slithering toward me, and I screamed. I think it was a corn snake from the size and color. I ran out the room where my dog and dad were. He was asking me what happened and I was jumping away from the snake at every which way but it kept getting under me, dancing around at my feet. I'm not usually scared of snakes, but this one particularly terrified me. I have no Idea why. I yelled at my dad to kill it, but instead, he dug a pencil- or was it a small knife- through my dog. He died, and the snake disapeared. I fell to my knees in shock, and then began crying, sobbing, yelling at my dad. And then I woke up. My dogs still alive
    4. 20/01/2012 - my first lucid dream

      by , 01-21-2012 at 05:36 PM (Tales of my lucid dreams)
      Hello im going ot use this website to write up every lucid dream i have

      I had my first one last night but it was very strange as i was only lucid for about 10 seconds but here it is:

      I was at a competition at my school it was some sort of dancing one and i was helping out backstage and suddenly my friend walked up to me and said how he was my dream sign this then confused me and i decided to do a reality check and i dont know why but i said if i was dreaming then i can breath underwater and suddenly i appeared in the sea counted myself in and dived and then i could breath!!!!

      this then made me aware i was in a dream but then i was like oh no im going to wake up and that was it

      after waking up i had realised i was face down in my pillow and me trying so hard to breathe under water had made me nearly suffocate myself in real life but i am so glad that it has only taken me about 6 days to have my first lucid dream even it was for only about 10 seconds
    5. Day 1

      by , 01-10-2012 at 01:49 PM
      As i'm already poor at recalling dreams (i literally remember one a month, since before starting lucid dreaming) i really want to change that and acheive this, I am putting all my effort into it and have researched the matter for some while now.

      I have gained a lot of valuable information not only through this site but through others including videos on YouTube and sites similar to this.

      I have my dream journal at my bedside with a pen, I have dream written on my hand. I have notes on my phone that go off every hour that say dream. I'm doing everything in my power to conquer this feat.

      I'm hoping that by using this website it will allow me to continue to think about lucid dreaming which will in-turn, help me to lucid dream.

      I don't know if i'm doing it right in all honesty, but this morning, i woke up (keeping my eyes shut and staying in my usual sleeping position, as instructed) and all i could think about was dragging a dead baby out of a bin or something along them lines. Weird, i know. But meh, i was happy to have at least have something on my mind whilst awakening. So i wrote it down.

      After waiting a few minutes i left my bed and trundled down stairs. Then i remembered even more, words can't describe how happy i was to have actually remembered something. But all i remember was a lot of weed (marijuana) on the floor, all ground up. I can't remember any emotions, but it's almost like i'd dropped a load and it was on the floor, maybe at the bottom of some stairs.

      Thinking about this, who's to say i didn't just make it up? The dead baby thing? When i woke up just to give myself some sort of satisfaction that i'm making progress. Either way, i'm quite happy with this. going from probably 2% dream recall to having one straight after i started teaching myself to lucid dream. It makes me excited to continue and i hope i accomplish what i've set out to do.

      Lucid Dream Dream Non Dream

      Updated 01-10-2012 at 02:12 PM by 52338

    6. Freaky Experience with Music

      by , 10-25-2011 at 05:16 AM
      This happened a while ago, it just now occurred to me to write about it.
      I was laying in bed, listening to music that was supposed to induce theta waves in the brain and help to cause an OBE. Suddenly, I felt the vibrations all through my body, the ones that signal that astral projection is about to happen. I got excited, but managed to concentrate on the vibrations. They intensified, running throughout my body. Then, I began to get the eerie feeling that I wasn't alone. There were other presences somewhere in the vicinity. I got the sense that they were either waiting for me or coming for me. Either way, I freaked the hell out. It took me a while to react, as I was in a state of paralysis, but I conjured the will to sit up, rip off my headphones, and turn on the lights. It frightened me so much that I still haven't tried it again.
    7. The Cat, The Moron, and The Stressed Out Voice

      by , 09-25-2011 at 10:47 AM
      Before I fell asleep, I fervently said over and over,"Please tell me I'm dreaming!"
      Anyways, I fall asleep and the next thing I know, a woman is saying,"Uh, you wanted to know you're dreaming. Ashley, you're dreaming! C'mon! I did what you said to do!"
      "Man, shut up!"
      "...What?! This is what I get for being nice? Pfft. Whatever. Go and be a moron for all I care."
      So...That lucid dream attempt went down in shambles.

      The next thing I know, I'm in my backyard and my father and younger brother are out in the shop. I say hello but they don't really acknowledge me. The next thing I know, a black cat is insulting me in the most awesome manner ever ( I really wish I remembered all that he said). I never got his name, but I get a strong feeling it was probably Vameel. The fact that a cat was talking should have been a dead give away that I was dreaming. -_-
    8. Fast Lucid Rebound

      by , 09-24-2011 at 09:22 PM
      September 23, 2011

      My recall isn't that great right now so obviously my awareness isn't either. I somewhat remember being in my room with a couple of my friends and they were all telling me I was dreaming. I remember being very confused and so I did a reality check. The reality check worked and showed I was dreaming. For some reason I didn't believe it and didn't want to get out of bed until I knew I was dreaming so I did another reality check and it failed. The rest is lost and I can't remember any of it.
    9. Chichen Itza + Shapeshifting 7/14/11

      by , 07-14-2011 at 06:37 PM (Mancon's Wild and Crazy Adventures in the Dream World)
      I went to bed at 12 and attempted a WILD at 3:10. Puffin and I are part of the International Oneironaut Shared Dreaming Project and have been trying to meet up at Chichen Itza. Unfortunately, we have not been in an LD at the same time yet.

      I was looking up at the sky and saw birds circling over me. I stood up and looked around. I was in the middle of a desert and it was daytime.

      I wanted to teleport to Chichen Itza to see if Puffin would be there. I had been thinking of cool ways to teleport lately and decided to try this one.

      I imagined the sun sucking me out of Earth extremely fast, towards it. I was shooting up into the air going so fast everything was a blur. I saw Saturn, Mars, and then I could see myself shooting into the sun. I imagined the sun was a huge teleporting device, and would take me wherever I thought.

      I imagined Chichen Itza in my mind and collided with the sun. I felt tingly and like I had just cliff jumped into the ocean. I saw my self rapidly falling towards Chichen Itza and slammed into the stairs. The stairs bent back and shot me back towards space. I quickly imagined a barrier in the sky which shot me back towards Chichen Itza. I stopped myself right before I hit the ground.

      That technique was a little more rough then I thought . I stood up and looked around for Puffin, or anyone else. I didn't see her, and I waited for about 5 minutes, then I started walking around Chichen Itza.

      I focused on everyone I knew in the project, and saw an owl staring down at me. I imagine myself switching places with the owl, and I was looking down at my body. I was the owl. I jumped off the branch and started flying around. I watched the owl trapped in my body stammer around, and try to fly. I decided to fly up as high as I could go and slam into the top of Chichen Itza.

      I dove rapidly and collided with the top. Instead of hitting it, it kept bending and all of a sudden I was flying on top of a mountain. my senses were heightened, and I could hear people walking. I was about to go find out who they were when I woke up.

    10. Chichen-Itza Lucid 7/12/11

      by , 07-12-2011 at 09:46 PM (Mancon's Wild and Crazy Adventures in the Dream World)
      I did KingYoshi's WILD Technique last night after my first lucid dream and it worked!

      I was sitting by the base of Chichen Itza and started to look for people who were in the International Oneironaut Shared Dreaming Project. I saw a person at the top staring down at me. I went up to them. I couldn't really remember people's description since there were so many, so I had no idea if this was just a dream character or perhaps another person in the International Oneironaut Shared Dreaming Project!

      It was a girl who was wearing a blue hoodie with a quicksilver logo on it, had brown hair, and blue eyes. She was holding a baby, but it didn't look like hers. She looked maybe 16-20. I haven't had a chance to check the description of everyone in the project to see if there is someone that actually looks like her.
      I told her she was dreaming and she stared at me with a blank expression.

      "Dree...what?" she said.

      "Dreaming." I said.

      She smiled and dropped the baby. She jumped of Chichen Itza and landed on a bed. The bed disappeared. Right when she touched it.
      That was weird. It was probably just one of my messed up dream characters. I was about to grab the baby but it disappeared too. I looked around a bit for more people but nobody was there.
      Suddenly the dream started to fade and I woke up.

      Updated 07-14-2011 at 04:49 PM by 27913

    11. My Dream Journal, First Post!

      by , 05-28-2011 at 03:09 PM
      Okay, i must admit that i did not have high expectations, about writing a Dream Journal. But now I am convinced strengthen that part of my mind that recall these dreams. So i finally made a login, so i could use this site. When it comes to LD, and my engagement in learning to master this fascinating skill, ill be honest with you when i say, that have never been this eager to learn anything ever, until i stumbled across the idea on-line. For fun i typed in "Dream Sharing" since i was so mind blown, by the concept of creating your own dream universe. It was the first time i met with the words Lucid Dreaming. After that I spent days, searching for the right techniques and methods to approach and learn this. The first thing that came up was "FORUM!" always visit forums when you want to learn about something new of your interest. So i went on this site and read almost everything there was for me to read, and we're talking all the basic beginner stuff, induction techniques, meditation, mantras, but the most important step seemed to be the Dream Journal, as it would enhance my ability to recall my dreams and "train" my "dream muscle" reading it and ponder each dream, would be exercising this so called "dream muscle". So i finally decided to keep track of my dream experiences.

      One of the most exhilarating thing about lucid dreaming for me, would be that you spent nearly 1/3 part of your life sleeping, and that you somehow can take part of this through lucid dreaming. I certainly hope that i will one day master this skill to its perfection.
    12. It's Snowing Cocaine!

      by , 05-27-2011 at 05:23 AM (I Have a Problem)
      Date: 05-12-11
      Length: 5 Hours
      Vividness: 9/10

      My girlfriend Dakota and I were at a snowboarding park.
      We watched the snow machines plow right by a hill we wanted to board down.
      We got in line to ride down the hill, and I saw Seb and a couple other friends.
      I rode down the hill first, and was going really fast.
      It felt amazing with the wind in my face.
      I got completely launched off one of the ramps and straight into a wall inside of a cave.
      It didn't hurt, even though I plummeted into it at full speed.

      We walked back to the starting point and say down to go eat lunch.
      I believe I was recording dreams onto Dream Views as I was sitting.
      Dakota got up and walked away.
      She passed Seb and flirted with him by touching his hand a bit.
      I got up and talked to some friends.

      The dream skipped to a weird little house.
      My friend Garrett had come over and we were sitting upstairs on the side of the bed.
      He pulled out three bags of drugs; weed, cocaine, and these weird strawberry looking things.
      I thought I heard footsteps so I told him to put it away.

      I went to go check and Mike (one of my friends renter), and my mom were talking downstairs.
      Mike asked me if Dakota was doing any work in Chemistry and I said no, but I was sure people in Westlake were.

    13. weed dream

      by , 02-23-2011 at 04:15 PM
      another weed dream i was with my friend and we were smokinga bong nd my dad was their nd he told me only to take a few hits and not to many. next thing im no im riding on top of a rhino running around in a deep valley with my friends who are on their rhinos. haha wtf
    14. My first lucid dream :)

      by , 12-15-2010 at 02:37 PM
      I am so happy i had my first ever lucid dream. This is how it started

      I was in class at school and I feel asleep, but then my mind said aren't already sleeping then i wake up in that dream inside my dream. The first thing i do is jump out the window and fly then i land to talk to man, then i noticed he is smoking weed, and then i ask for some, and i took a hit. Then i went to a toy r us store. THEN I FREAKING WOKE UP BY MY GRANDMA ((((
      Tags: dream, dreaming, lucid
    15. The Importance of Dreaming

      by , 11-09-2010 at 02:38 AM (Book of Dreams)
      I haven't recorded a dream in a long time.
      Have any of you seen the movie "Waking Life"? It's about lucid dreaming, and the importance of dreaming. We're watching it (for some odd reason) in my Creative Writing class, and it made me want to get back into lucid dreaming. I think it's dumb to be wasting my sleep, yano? If you haven't seen it, the video is on google videos. Here's the link! Waking_Life.avi
      Seriously, watch it. It's amazing so far.

      So let's try this again.
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