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    1. Luca and a cake

      by , 01-03-2012 at 06:58 AM (Tomas's DJ - "Exploration of the inner Self")
      there were several dreams but the two most important were those:

      I go down the road near "stodola" towards the football pitch. There I see Lucie P sitting down. I think are supposed to meet up. I go there and I sit new to her. We started to talk and I ask her what she is up to, whats new, whats old. She looks good. Her body looks very firm. I know that I want to ask her somehow whether she has someone or not. I have some kind of sweets... it looks like little flowers and I offer her some. She says not at first. As I am eating... I pour some more on my palm... a bit too many.. so I gesture her so she stretches her palm so I can give her a few. She does so... but offering just finger tips... i make a gesture that somehow looks like i want to put them in her mouth... yet I just want her to open her palm. She looks at me kind of weird. I laugh a bit and tell her, that this is not what I meant.

      Later I go t visit her to her hotel. There is some problem and when I get there none is responding on the door. I go down to the reception and the receptionist tells me that she has already checked out. There are keys (looking like my house keys) in the pigeon hole. I ask for the keys and go upstairs. As soon as I want to open the door, the door opens and she is there. She looks at me with that kind of look, as if she was waiting for me. She is leaning on the door frame and does all those seductive moves and looks. I go inside.

      (at this point I wake up and try to re-enter the dream..... somewhat I did)
    2. On Set with Megan Fox

      by , 01-01-2012 at 01:51 PM
      Megan Fox was acting on set and I was a cameraman. Now I'm guessing my infatuation with Megan Fox made my dream character want to be with her.

      So when it came time for Megan Fox to ship out to her new movie, Mack 10, I was sad but I still stayed until the first movie project finished. We then met up on the set of Mack 10. The scene was in a museum with maroon walls and a chequered floor. (Funny how I'm filming on set and a Illuminati floor is there.)

      I also remember her being at an airport on arriving on a jet probably Michael Bay's.

      Side Notes
      I incubated this dream but didn't realise the theme while in the dream. So I didn't go lucid but you know what still prety cool.
    3. Holiday

      by , 12-17-2011 at 07:19 PM
      - I was on a vacation with family at some sort of weird anime-themed hotel covered with Christmas decorations. There was a library cart full of manga for sale, and a guy I didn't know was looking at it. He asked me if I knew how much it was. I saw a piece of paper stuck to the cart and read it. It said $14.99, and he was like "oh okay, so like $20 then". Then I realized it said $14.99 for hardcover, and I think $9.99 for softcover, but the paper was all jumbled up and confusing. I tried to tell him this, but he wasn't listening. I looked to the left and saw a rack of magazines and started looking at them. The same guy came over and started looking too. He grabbed a copy of a magazine called BPM Magazine which was apparently about rhythm games and started talking to me excitedly about it. The cover looked something like this:
      Really ugly basically, lol. I wish I remembered what it said about DDR. The entire thing was made out of newsprint as well. There are some magazines called BPM, but none look like this, and I'd never seen any before. Anyway, I just sort of ignored him and went off again.

      Then I was packing up to go, and there was some woman there I didn't know. There was something of hers I wanted and contemplated stealing, so I took it and put it in my bag [I wouldn't do this IWL!], then decided it was wrong [see? xD] and tried to take it out, but the woman was talking to me from a bunk bed and watching me pack. I managed to take it out and just sort of shove it under a nearby couch. I walked across the room, passing by a Christmas tree. I realized it was decorated, and mentioned to my mom who was there that we hadn't decorated our tree, then thought for some reason that it was our tree and we would have to pack it up and take it home. She reminded me it wasn't, then I noticed it was only a half tree, like this:
      which I actually talked about with my mom a couple days ago. She hadn't noticed either. I went over to where she was, next to a bed, and she told me to look around and make sure I hadn't forgotten anything. I saw some small acrylic charms on the ground and knelt down. I thought they were rainbow llamas at first, but then when looking at them straight on I realized one was a lion and one was another animal. I gave them to her then looked under the bed. The floor under the bed was COVERED with tiny anime styled acrylic charms, most were of one type but different colours, and a few were mini figurines. One was a figurine of two beartatos running an ice cream stand or something.

      - Also a fragment where I was baking something for someone while they were there.
    4. 12/16/11 Last Minute Project, How Scary...

      by , 12-17-2011 at 02:25 PM (Sydney's Nightly Adventures)
      Last Minute Project

      I was in the computer lab at my school. It was kinda dim in there, but everything I could see was illluminated. The air around me felt dark. My whole class was in the lab with me as well, but I can't remember what we were working on. I got so engrossed into what I was doing that I didn't even notice that the room was empty. I looked around. Jackets and purses were still on chairs. I wondered where everyone went. I walked down the hall and found everyone in the library. It was still dark. I looked on the table, and saw my good friend Erin hurredly trying to glue notecards together to make a posterboard. She was going to put a piece of construction paper on top. I asked her what she was doing, and she said, "What, you didn't know?" I replied no. She said, "Mrs. S (really strict English teacher) gave us a last minute project to do, and we only have an hour to do it!" My other friend C was sitting on the other side of the table, and she was freaking out too.

      Then I remember being at our lockers, about to leave. It was dark outside, like stormy dark.

      How Scary..

      I was in a hotel with my family. It looked like we were in London! I've never been there before. I looked out the window and saw a huge brick arch with a building on top, that cars would drive under to get out of the plaza. All of a sudden, bricks and blocks of bricks starting chipping off. Then, a ton started falling into the cars under the arch, trapping anyone inside. The arch as well as the building was about to collapse. But then, it just stopped.

      2 seconds later, something large, noisy, and green/bluish was hurled at the other hotel directly beside us. I heard a large BOOM! It scared me so bad. Then I noticed it was a plane! It must have been. All the while I had been looking outside the window.
      My dad, brother, and Ken ran out the hotel door. "Wait!" I cried. I grabbed my grey backpack, threw some valuables of mine into it, and ran out.

      Just as soon as I crossed the threshold, I heard rain pattering on the roof. Great, I thought. My family had disappeared down the stairs.
      I ran after them, almost slipping on the flooded stairs (We are inside, by the way). I finally found the outside, and my family far ahead. I ran up to them. There were police everywhere, and people running from the arch. Pieces were still falling, and we made sure to steer clear from it, as well as the burning hotel. This scene reminded me so much of 9/11.

      This was the weird part. My dad and Ken pulled a cardboard box over their heads and sank down into it. The box was really small. Then, Ken popped her head out, and smiled at me. Freaked out, I grabbed my brother and walked a ways. Then an old man drove up in a car, stopped, and got out. He was talking to me about Cross Country. He said, "My boy here, *points to one of his runners*, says he has sharp pains when running. But this *he points to a glowing like rod in the boy's hand* helps to even out the pain, when he holds it."

      Just then a biker came up, stopped, and layed his bike down. "Ah," the old man said. "You see this glowing rod as well on his bike?" *he points to guy's bike* (I see a glowing rod attached from one of his handlebars to a wheel) "This also helps him from getting pains too."

      I looked at the bike. "I really like that bike.." I trailed off, and blushed when the boy looked at me.
      Tags: hotel, school
      non-lucid , memorable
    5. Magical land

      by , 11-26-2011 at 12:59 AM
      - I was with four people in a little village and it was nighttime. It was sort of like a video game but wasn't. They were teaching me about it. They told me that if I closed my eyes I could get to a different version of the place. I closed my eyes and saw faint outlines of another little village, and when I opened my eyes the people were gone. I was confused, but closed my eyes and tried again. This time I focused on the image behind my eyes, and suddenly found myself inside it. When I closed my eyes there, I saw the original place faintly. In the new place it was daytime. I saw my four friends standing there and they congratulated me on figuring it out. They seemed to be glowing slightly.

      This new land was amazing. Everything was very bright, the sun was shining and everything seemed to have a golden glow to it. All the colours were really bright. It looked a bit like some sort of friendly town in a game or a cartoon. It had brightly coloured puffy houses, yellowy cobblestone roads and lots of trees and flowers. The general look of the buildings and colour scheme and stuff reminds me of a picture I drew the other day, to give you an idea. I walked over to my right onto some grass and saw a little black and white cat sitting on the step of a huge lilac mansion. I approached the cat and said "hi!" as I reached down to pet her. To my surprise, she responded, "hi". xD I understood that the animals there were capable of speaking English, but most of them didn't very often. I went back to my left a bit and saw what looked like a really big guinea pig with a pink heart on its chest sitting in the shade of a tree. I approached her too, but she ran away. I did coax her out eventually and pet her a bit too.

      All the trees were full of really delicious bright fruit. I walked through the town with my friends just looking at everything and knowing I could come back whenever I wanted. There was sort of a set path through the town and you would exit at the end. When I got to the end, there was a small waterfall in a really lush forest area with a cherry tree nearby. I ate a few cherries then went into the waterfall and went back into the normal world. My friends were waiting for me there. When I told them about the delicious cherries, they laughed and said everyone said that.

      I'm sure I was with N at some point as well, because I remember thinking it was odd but nice that we were only apart for 2 weeks. I knew it was a dream in the back of my mind and was a bit sad, but decided to just focus on enjoying it and keeping it stable. I seem to remember feeling a black and white couch but I don't know where. I felt like it was going to be a really long dream. I only thought about this for a little bit though, most of it wasn't lucid. At one point also I waited for something longer than necessary, and then got a bit annoyed because it was a waste of dream time.

      After I got out I remember hanging out with my friends (I don't actually know who they were) and there was this other guy talking to one of them. He was asking, "is there a train in the land? is there a choo-choo?" and my friend said there was. Then my friend asked if he had some kind of device, not sure what. The guy hesitated and then said, "my imagination...?" which was what I was just thinking, but then my friend was like "besides that."

      I really enjoyed the place in this dream and I hope to revisit it in a lucid dream someday.

      - I had another short dream where I was in my house and I saw a small creature dart across the living room floor. My cat went to investigate and so did I. Over by the vent under the window, there were 3 rats trying to hide; one was white and grey, one was light brown, and I think the third was white. They were really cute, and I moved my cat out of the way so she wouldn't hurt them. I was going to try to save them, and I was thinking about how would be best to do it.

      - Another tiny fragment where someone like cast a spell on me or something and then was like, "there! now you're a really good singer!" I sang a bit but couldn't hear much difference.

      - Also written in my DJ: "also possibly something about a hotel". I don't remember this though.
    6. A Chase Dream

      by , 11-25-2011 at 06:01 PM (The Lab Notebook)
      Non-lucid dream, [Commentary made while awake]

      I'm in a big, fancy hotel. Some guy starts chasing me through the hotel. I try to get away from him by running up the stairs, further into the hotel. I discover that each floor of the hotel is really split into two sub-levels, with two short, parallel sets of stairs connecting the two sub-levels. There are completely separate, longer sets of stairs connecting the different levels. I realize that one can run all the way around each sub-level in a loop by going up and down the stairs. [ ] At some point while I'm running away, some other guy diverts me into an area off to the side from where I'm running, behind a door, and closes the door. This other guy is helping me hide from/escape from the first guy.

      [I know exactly what this was all about. I'm pretty sure this dream was an expression of my anxiety over the fact that I haven't gotten my NaNoWriMo novel anywhere near finished.]
    7. November 24, 2011

      by , 11-24-2011 at 07:31 PM
      One of my old best-friends asked me to come over and hang out with her and one of my ex-boyfriends, and I said yes. She also said that she needed help cleaning her bathroom. I was going to go hang out with her, until one of my close guy friends asked to come over, and I ended up hanging out with him instead. After a while, she came to my backdoor and started yelling at me, and I told her to 'take it outside' haha. We argued, and then I ended up walking over to her house to apologize to her mom.

      I was walking through some woods and there supposedly were zombies around. Things would turn orange if they were 'infected', and I'd have to shoot the orange targets to get everything back to normal. There was some girl in the woods who, after shooting her, turned into a dog. She started speaking, and explained that we could understand her because dogs really did speak english, just on higher frequencies.

      I was in the car with my sister listening to music on full blast, and we waved hi to one of our friends in the car next to us. My sister started throwing hamster food at me, and I ended up getting really aggravated, so I threw some timothy hay back at her. My mom started yelling at me for throwing timothy hay at her, and said that I was being the immature one. When we got back to the house (I believe it was my old best-friends house), I ran upstairs in a vacant bedroom and shut the door because I was mad. This guy randomly came into the room.

      The same guy took me to a hotel suite, filled with a bunch of random people. He explained that the 10 people in the room were runaways, and that we had to be cautious when we went to the dance that night. We walked to the dance, and ended up dancing together in a circle, while getting to know each other's names.
    8. Mzzkc's Mind Games

      by , 11-15-2011 at 09:44 AM (Mzzkc's Mind Games)
      Close to Home (Non-Lucid)

      My brother is here. As is my mother and father.

      I find this somewhat unusual, as I wander through my home, and they interact with me so jovially.

      But no matter.

      In the garage, now, I feel like practicing some guitar, so, using my TK, I pull it from my upstairs room, phasing it through a few walls on its way to me. Unfortunately, the neck is screwed up, most of the frets are missing, and the strings are incredibly short as result.

      Just a glorified bowl.

      I take a look around, noticing my brother coming down the stairs behind me. I doubt he'll have an issue with it, so I fill up the guitar with cocoa rice krispies and milk and start to chow down, moving out of the garage, towards the driveway, only to have my father stop me sternly.

      He warns me about watching my behavior, and suggests I head back inside.

      I oblige.

      We're hosting a house party, and there's lots to do, especially in the kitchen and out back.

      Cleaning needs to be done, and things need to be cooked.

      I help the best I can.

      Sitting on a cheap bed, in what seems to be a dank hotel room, I notice the dark outside, the sketchy neon street signs, and wonder what I'm doing here. . .
    9. Ghostly

      by , 11-02-2011 at 03:54 AM
      I haven't been recording my dreams for a long time, so this one is old and not so vivid.

      I was at my grandmother's house and it was night, we were riding on a John Deer Gator around. I'm not sure who we is, I think a female that I was related to. We pulled up to the front gates and got out. My grandpa was coming out to unhook the gate for us. All of a sudden, right in front of us I saw something. I did a double take. A small girl was standing by the fencepost, her pale face was in stark contrast with the night around her. There were dark circles around her eyes that looked as if they were put there deliberately. Her mouth was a straight line with two sharp fangs sticking out. Her hair was black and neat and she had on a gothic dress. A green glow floated in her wake.

      Pure terror rent through me. I hurried my grandpa to come. He didn't seem bothered, or maybe he just didn't see it. One of those dream things, you know, when the DCs don't react to anything. I frantically ran to him. Then my family came out of the house, climbing unhurriedly into the car. I jumped in the car, telling them to step on it. I tried to close my door, but a green cloud shrouded my hand and the girl ran alongside the car, holding my door open. I finally forced the door shut, but still, the girl floated by the window until we got onto the highway.

      Apparently we were leaving to stay in a hotel. We got in and got a room. Everybody got settled in, but the green glow appeared at the window, then as I watched, the ghostly girl suddenly appeared with her face pressed against the window. I screamed. And woke up.

      Oh god, one of those big fears for me is that there will be a ghost in my house and nobody else will see it or believe me. Maybe this is why this was such a memorable dream for me.
    10. gaming and stuff

      by , 10-30-2011 at 04:18 PM (Tales from the sun chaser.)
      I remember being at some hotel, and playing mario brothers. It was some kind of online only version, but there were two other girls in the room playing with me.

      I also remember talking to a doctor I worked with about doing a procedure for me. The thing is, it was going to be more expensive her way than the route I was going.

      Before this I bumped into a Dr. K (not sure if she's the same one in the frag of what) We talked a bit, and was just generally catching up.
    11. 3 Fragments

      by , 10-24-2011 at 11:57 AM
      Fragment 1

      I was in a club/bar drinking a blue drink. I was with 2 other friends and we were sitting in the corner. The lighting was blue and I thought the drink tasted alright but we got kicked out I think.

      I remember there being a jukebox to I think.

      Fragment 2

      I was a police officer on patrol in a car.

      Fragment 3

      All I remember was a monster chasing me and my friends, we ran into a hotel. The room walls were a pink red and it was pretty dirty. I also vaguely remember Big Show being in the dream.

      Side Notes

      I went to sleep using 99 Breaths to Relief a Wandering Mind and I saw red lights against the darkness of my eyes. The light was thin and long and it flashed 3 times.

      I woke in the night and used the same technique to go back to sleep.

      Updated 10-24-2011 at 03:27 PM by 48231

      dream fragment
    12. Elevator

      by , 10-23-2011 at 07:06 PM
      I was in a hotel or something with a bunch of people including XOXOLexiBee off twitter, who I follow but have never spoken to, lol. We all went into this huge elevator that's more like a fancy room, with dark red and gold decor and carpet and stuff. As we're moving it suddenly started shaking around and flipping upside down everyone was getting flung around, I was just like "wheeee". Then it stopped and everything was completely dark. Someone said to press the help button, so someone else did, but it didn't do anything, and everyone was like 'oh shit'.

      I had Lexi's phone for some reason; it was an iPhone 4S, but it had a little LED light in the bottom right corner like the one on my phone. I was using her phone to iMessage N (even though I can't?) but all punctuation would turn into a weird little box symbol. She didn't know I was using it, but I knew she would see the conversation. I thought about telling her I'd used it by accident on twitter, and I thought she would be annoyed.

      Updated 11-27-2011 at 04:45 AM by 13525

    13. (20/10/11) - In Israel

      by , 10-20-2011 at 02:58 PM (LiveInTheDream's DJ v2.5)
      Grrr...I really need to get to bed on time. I made it farther into the MILD process last night, reaching a very decent point of visualization, but I only went over the mantra two or three times before I fell asleep

      1) The dream began with a title: "Dream 06 - Israel". If that title is to be trusted, that means there's five other dreams I had last night but cannot remember After that, I found myself in the middle of a hotel shower. I got out and made my way into the world outside, and found myself in Israel. I spoke to some locals in Hebrew and they all told me about a horrible person that was coming into town that would do me great harm if he found I was there. They advised I remain hidden in my hotel room until he came and went. Well I thought that was unnecessary, so I didn't listen. Eventually I wound up in the same building as this horrible person when he arrived, and to save my neck I sneaked around, avoiding detection. I stealthily took out a couple guards, but I still got noticed by the man himself before I could escape. Turned out he was actually a pretty nice guy, though...

      Dream Signs: being somewhere with no memory of getting there, being around people, highly unusual circumstances
      Tags: hotel, israel
    14. LW, A Ball Pit, and The Gremlin & the Spider

      by , 10-08-2011 at 03:20 PM
      LW, some girl, and I are at a weird hotel with geers and a ginormous floor-wide ball pit. Scene shifts, I'm outside with the girl. She says LW has a secret past. (My brain is so cheesy....) Scene shifts again, LW tells me her past (can't remember what it was now...) LW disapears, a gremlin/elf thing pops up on my bed. It tells me to watch out, that there's a big spider over my head. I look up, a huge spider is right over my head, walking in a circle like it's on an invisible shelf, something black drops, I force myself to wake up. (I hate spiders, so that's like my version of a nightmare.)

      *Not sure about the gremlin, but I've seen it a few other times, I think...
      Tags: gremlin, hotel, spider
      non-lucid , nightmare
    15. Saltless salt, shabby hotels and rugby...

      by , 10-06-2011 at 07:09 PM
      Real Life Non-Lucid

      1) I shot up out of bed at about 1:05am, convinced that I had slept an hours or two through my alarm, and therefore was very late for school. I jumped to the far end of my bed, my heart racing and breathing very heavily, before trying to make out the time. It was too dark to see the clock, but this alone showed it was too early to be 9am. I looked at my mobile quickly and realized the time, laughed and went back to bed.

      2) Me and my friends were sat in a grassy area in our college eating or lunch. It was very sunny but a few clouds in the sky - at the times a cloud was covering the sun, making it shady. It felt like we were sat on the field of my secondary school, but I'm pretty sure we were at college. A girl called Rebecca.Ro was sat opposite me, sharing around a canteen packet of chicken nuggets and chips. The packet was white with red and yellow diagonal stripes going across it, like the ones in my secondary school. The chicken was more of a fillet than a nugget, only two large ones making up the chicken side. I really wanted to ask for some chicken, but I felt embarrassed to as I don't really know her very well. My good friend Sarah.S then started to do the same, sharing around food, except this time it was a little cylinder-shaped sachet of salt (try saying that 3 times faster ). She ripped the top off and threw the packet towards me but without letting go, so that the salt inside flew out and landed perfectly in my mouth, without any grains spilling anywhere else...like a boss. I was initially worried it would taste disgusting, but it wasn't very salty at all - I was both pleasantly surprised and disappointed. I then updated my Facebook status, telling the world about my sodium adventure - because it was just too exciting to keep to myself I think I did this via a smart phone, as I later returned home and the status had been left. I was sat in my spareroom on the family desktop, and my status basically read that the salt really didn't taste salty, although it came across as tasting like ASIWYFA(then with about 5 unknown letters after). For those of you who don't know, ASIWYFA stands for 'And So I Watch You From Afar', a post rock band. So yeh, that made no sense. I think the other letters mixed in may been confused from OFWGKTA (A hip-hop collective called Odd Future Wolf Gang Kill Them All). My friend Latham had commented already explaining that no-one knew what the abbreviation meant and that I should actually clear that up. However, he wrote it in extremely bad spelling and grammar - the kind a 12 year old boy has when he first discovers MSN 11 people 'liked' his comment.

      3) I was in a hotel with a mixture of my Explorers troop and my secondary school, but I can't really remember anyone who was there. We were downstairs in a hotel lobby, although it was more like a youth hostel - pretty shabby. The lobby area was the back room that we used to wait around in during dress rehearsals at my old drama group. It was night time, and it was dark outside - however all of the lights were on in the room, the kitchen, the hallway etc. so it was nice and bright. We were stood around unpacking etc. in the lobby - which makes no sense if we were staying in a hotel? But yeh, people were getting into their sleeping clothes and what not. I decided I was going to go and brush my teeth, hoping others would come along, but they didn't. I looked to the left of me, and my mate Jamie.K had no trousers of boxers on!! Just his bare arse. I noticed he was very orange and tanned compared to usual. I looked at him awkwardly for obvious reasons and he looked at me back as if to say, "What? It's only natural!" I walked upstairs somehow, and was stood in the hallway of the area where rooms were found. The lighting was very scary - a very dark red, like something in a horror movie, although we just put it off as bad maintenance. Before brushing my teeth, I decided to check the public shared freezer to make sure our items were still in there. I walked over to it - it was a fairly big freezer on the ground and pretty organized. I figured it was going to be all broken with our food stolen, but it was pretty good. Strangely, in one of the top shelves, someone had put two chicken drumsticks.

      Everyone around the area was pretty unfriendly and arrogant - they were all old than me, so they looked down on me as a wimpy kid ruining their fun. I even think some of them were travellers. They were all gathered in the hallway, leaning against the walls doing nothing much but insulting the younger people there. After checking the freezer, I started to leave without brushing my teeth - I'm guessing I got a bit intimidated and decided to come back when some of my friends were with me. As I was walking past one of the guys, I dug my hand into my left pocket to get some Skittles to eat - they were loose as they'd fallen out of the packet. I got a couple of yellow ones, but I caused a couple to roll out of my pocket and onto the floor whilst I was doing this. I got really embarrassed and clumsy, walking backwards to look at the skittles briefly, shrugging it off but tripping over my feet. They just said various stupid things to me, and I forgot about the skittles and continued walking around the square banister that led to the staircase. A guy by the staircase who looked just like someone in my Music Tech class called Josh.S said something to me - I can't remember what, but I remember it being friendly and possibly apologizing on behalf of everyone for being prats.

      Suddenly, I was on the second floor landing of a much fancier hotel. I think it was possibly the same hotel, but in a different room or something...I don't know. Either way, it was very, very posh, well lit by chandeliers with fancy paintings and gold decor all over the place. I was now looking for the toilet again, and a butler stood by a large set of double doors asked me if he could help me. I asked him to lead me to the toilets, so he swung open the doors, ushered me through and began to lead me into a large hallway. There was a sharp right turn in the huge building. The carpets were very fancy. Suddenly, Amy was with me. The place looked very much like a church. As we were walking through, the man was teaching us about the ancient parts of the halls, but I couldn't help but be distracted by the fact that Amy was texting away on her blackberry - I thought it was really rude. Eventually, he told her to stop texting, which I was relieved about. However, we got to a set of pews where we stopped and the man told us to follow him further to examine something, but amy said "Wait a sec!!" as she was fiddling with her phone again on the pew. The man told her that he had asked her to stop that, and she told him to chill out as she was just finishing something.

      Later on, I was in a circle of strangers (other than my friend Josie) just to the right of the pews - they all knew Amy somehow - however Amy was no longer there either. However, for some reason we had her phone. A little notification 'bleep' went off on her phone, and a girl that was in the circle checked it for her. She announced to everyone that our friend Ryan.Herb had died! Josie, who was sat to the left of me, asked if Ryan was the guy that started doing weed when he was in year 5. We said yes, it was.

      4) My friends Will, Mandey, Mandey's friend who I did not know and myself were walking home from college via the same route I'd normally go. We were gonna pop into town, but decided to go back to my house to watch the rugby together. It seemed like some sort of date. We caught the bus from town to my house, but it seemed very short and my house was in the same town as my college in the dream - in reality, it is a good 30 minute drive. It was a cloudy day and about 4pm. Mandey had to leave early as she had other responsibilities at the Academy - i'm guessing it was dance or balet. However, she still said she'd manage to catch a good hour of the match. We also saw my dad at some point. As you can probably tell, I don't remember much about this dream - I'm just summarising what I wrote in my phone notes
      Tags: bus, chicken, hotel, rugby, salt
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