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    1. Three - Dream Sex.

      by , 08-04-2011 at 06:12 PM (Quantiq's Progress Journal!)
      Hello! I'm on my third DJ entry now, and this one is quite a sexually explicit one so I won't post much details because of forum rules for posting sexually explicit details. So basically this entry is just fragments but still an entry none the less.

      Anyway, on to the main topic of discussion which I believe would probably be my progress which I also believe is much more important. I can definitely see my recall improving which is great. As well, I'm starting to train myself to become more aware that I am dreaming. And finally, vividness is going up dramatically because of training my brain to recognise dreams.

      I'm thinking that because I'm making use of my dreams that my brain finally recognises that they are not just useless pieces of information and throwing them away instantly when I wake up. I guess my advice to anyone who wants to have better recall and vividness is to start a dream journal. I can finally see why its recommended.

      In terms of my latest sleep, its been pretty good. I can't complain. I went to bed at 6pm last night and woke up today at 9am.

      Anyway, that it is for news today.

      - Cheers!

      August 3 - 4, 2011 - Dream Sex

      Vividness: 7 / 10
      Lucid?: No
      # of Dreams: 2


      [-] Lucid
      [-] Non - Lucid
      [-] DC talk
      [-] Notes

      Alright, so this is kind of weird but before I start I need to mention that I actually had a feeling before I went to sleep that I was going to have sex in a dream. I guess that was what induced it.

      Dream 1
      I was with a bunch of friends in what seems like a weird sort of hotel - b&b. I remember sitting on the floor with my friends and we were playing cards in a dimly lit room. Can't remember the exact number of people there were but it was enough to fill a few rooms with what I assume 2 or 3 beds each. I shared a room with one of best friends M.C and we were about to head off to sleep when I abruptly mentioned to one of friends K.L who is a girl of course, if she wanted to have sex. Astonishingly, she said sure.

      I can't believe I didn't go lucid here. I should have known that such a casual answer from her without any hesitation meant that I'm dreaming.

      Anyway, I went to her room which she wasn't sharing with anyone and we were about to do our thing but she remembered that she had to do something first before we got started. She left the room and headed downstairs and outside. I looked out the window from my bedroom which overlooked the parking lot and I saw her dad sitting in a car and K.L talking to her dad. I decided to wait by sitting on my bed. After about 10 minutes I grew impatient and went outside to see what was going on. I saw her dad outside by the car and he gave me strange look.

      Well this is awkward.

      Well I guess she forgot about me or something because as soon as she saw me we went back upstairs and her dad drove off. I asked her as we were going up the stairs, "Can we finally have sex now?"
      "Yeah alright you can do me if you want."


      We go to her room and we start...
      (Sexually Explicit Stuff Here)
      Finally, we're finished and I head out of my room and I see everyone standing out in the hallway with blank expressions. I guess they overheard us.

      This is where it gets even weirder.

      Dream 2
      After I see everyone look at me I begin to experience some weird sort of hallucination. My dream transfers over to this shopping mall and I experience this weird hallucination not quite like any other dream I've had. I'm in this empty shopping mall and my vision seems really blurry. I'm looking for K.L but I can't seem to find her anywhere. The ground starts shaking and gravity is shifted horizontally. Tables and chairs go flying as I try to hold on to this pole. Its no use and I have to let go. I go flying sideways where I end up experiencing this long falling sensation.

      I then wake up abruptly.

      I think it was somewhat of a nightmare or something. It was pretty weird.

      Updated 08-04-2011 at 06:17 PM by 48659

      non-lucid , nightmare , memorable
    2. 24/07/11 - Hotel games

      by , 08-04-2011 at 06:27 AM
      Hotel Games

      Inside of a large hotel with a large group of peers, none of which I recall knowing in person. It might be a school trip or one planned with friends, not sure.

      The group is split up into teams. Each room appears to have a challenge or regular task involved for the team to progress onto the next room. I am unsure if there is a prize, or even the main objective of this.
      I do, however, remember a cute dirty blonde girl on my team. We had to seat our team in a line for one room and she sat very close behind me, her feet poking uncomfortably at my butt.
      Tags: games, hotel
    3. Hostage Situation

      by , 07-29-2011 at 09:51 PM (Torra)

      Updated 11-06-2011 at 02:39 AM by 39215

    4. Hotel & dangerous rollercoaster

      by , 07-14-2011 at 03:35 PM
      First entry. :D A few short dreams from last night...

      - I was in a hotel room with two girls, I don't remember what they looked like. They left and then my mom came in for some reason, but left shortly after. I wanted to be alone, so I went into the bathroom, but there were no real walls and the door was mostly see-through. Then a little girl came into the room, followed by a group of maybe 7 or 8 people, including my grandmother. They seemed to think the room was unoccupied and that someone was going to clean it and then they would stay there, and some were wiping dirt off their shoes onto the carpet. I came out and asked them to leave, and they did.

      - I was at an amusement park with an old friend of mine, K. I was saying, "Let's go on all the rollercoasters and fun stuff" and she agreed. So we got on this rollercoaster, and after it started, I realized there were no seatbelts, but didn't say anything. The ride was fun, but as we got to parts where it went upside down and looped around, I had to hang on really tightly and nearly fell off. I mentioned this to my friend after, she was just like "yeah".

      - I have a vague recollection of something about a movie, too, possibly in a fancy theatre. I don't remember what happened, though.

      Updated 07-16-2011 at 05:55 PM by 13525

      non-lucid , dream fragment
    5. I had to rewrite this three time

      by , 07-12-2011 at 06:01 PM
      Dream 1: In my first dream last night, me and my friends had all turned into my animals... Body swapping is something that has never been in any of my dreams.
      Cay was my cat, Sophie. Their both clumsy and have fluffy hair.
      So, how about that matrix?-ajflsdkf.jpg

      I was my cat, Penny... not really sure what happened there. That cat is evil. So maybe its because neither of us is a people person.
      So, how about that matrix?-n1525250533_30122848_4266013.jpg

      My friend D.C. was my dog Lady, both very protective of the people they love.
      So, how about that matrix?-n1525250533_30122852_4518818.jpg

      And my friend L.G. was my dog Brandy, they both love to eat.
      So, how about that matrix?-n1525250533_30150849_4299008.jpg

      Now, naturally my friends are freaking out that they have turned into my pets. I however was more concerned with what happened to my pets spirits and our bodies. We were all back on my bed in my bedroom. I told my friends to look for their bodies. I found my own body asleep under my parents bed, which is where Penny hides 90% of the time. Cay's was on the countertop in the kitchen, where Sophie likes to sleep sometimes. D.C. found her's outside in the ditch that Lady likes to nap in. And L.G. found her's in Brandy's favorite chair asleep. I was first thankful that they were all asleep and not up roaming around and causing trouble. Then I began to wonder how in the hell we got this way and how we were supposed to get back in our real bodies before they woke up. We searched my house and while I was in my brother's old room I found an amulet, but woke up because Sophie had jumped on my bed and began walking around on my chest.

      Dream 2: Not really appropriate to write about on the internet. So were just going to move onto the next dream.

      Dream 3: I "woke up" in Cay's bed with Cay at the end of the bed watching Old 97's youtube video's on her laptop. She's been obsessed with Rhett Miller lately. I did my nose reality check like I've been doing every morning and realized I was dreaming. I nudged Cay with my foot, a gesture that normally would have thrown her off the end of the bed. She didn't budge. I teased her about her tired appearance and called her by her nickname, Jim, to see if she was the psycho Cay I'd come to know in my dream. She teased back and called me by my own nickname. A good sign that she wasn't crazy in this dream. I decided to just lay in Cay's bed until the dream ended. I wasn't really up for adventuring anywhere tonight.

      Shortly after though, Cay's mom comes in and tells us to pack to go to Florida. Neither of us questioned why we were going to Florida or why I had such a large amount of clothes at Cay's house. On our way to Florida (which only took about ten minutes) I noticed Aaron in a red Dodge Neon that looked just like my brother's, Git-R-Done magnet and all. Since I wasn't panicking I teleported into Aaron's car, this didn't confuse him at all and he just smiled at me. "Hey," I greeted him. "What's up?" He said. "You going to Florida too?" I asked. "Yup. We were supposed to meet at the hotel. I guess you became lucid though." So apparently my DC knows the course of my dreams. Which is good to know. He turned the music up to loud for us to carry on a conversation, so I sat silently listening to Say Anything, most likely what was playing on my ipod since I fell asleep listening to it.

      I found Cay when we arrived at the hotel that was directly in front of the beach, with Aaron right beside me. He has a habit of running off and sleeping in random places. As soon as I found her though it turned dark outside and the water in the ocean turned black and it was all very ominous. "Op, we should get to higher ground," Aaron commented and strolled off towards the elevator. I grabbed Cay's hand and started to pull her with me but she wouldn't move and said, "I wanna go to the beach, Spock." I looked at her in disbelief. Maybe she was a psycho. I managed to call Aaron back over to where she was and shove her into the elevator and to the highest floor of the hotel.

      I watched as waves consumed the beach and came closer and closer to the hotel. The electric went out as soon as the first waves hit the base of the hotel. Cay was complaining about no air conditioning when tons of people came through the stairs door. I opened the door to one of the suites and the three of us locked ourselves in there away from the people. I struggled not to have a panic attack, because even though I knew it was a dream it still scared me. One of my worst fears is drowning. I remembered a way to wake myself up though and
      woke up after about six or seven attempts. My fears always seem to find a way into my dreams. I am not okay with that.
    6. The Woman Who Teleports

      by , 07-10-2011 at 06:23 AM (The Dream Magic Experiment)
      I was watching (movie-like) a woman who keeps teleporting. She looks professional, with corporate attire of black overcoat and skirt, and white shirt inside (dunno what it's called), has straight blond hair, going a little lower than her shoulders, and she looks Caucasian.

      She teleports out of the hotel and onto the streets. But she can only teleport for short range. She was trying to escape. I recall something about Amway. I sense that she is trying to escape something.

      She teleports her way back to the hotel, but then can't teleport out of the hotel room, because the opening is too small. There was a man with her in the room. Unsure if it's an enemy or an ally. Also Caucasian, with curly, short brown hair, with 3-day beard (is that right?).
    7. Palestinian Hotel

      by , 06-07-2011 at 01:43 AM (* The Sandman's Dream Journal o/***)
      I dreamed of a hotel that looked similar to the Peachtree Center Plaza Hotel in GA

      only the elevator shafts went out horizontally from the top, then went down, the back
      out horizontally, then down, until they reached the ground. There were two elevator
      shafts that did this, one on either "side" of the building.

      I don't remember the connection, but this was a Palestinian Hotel. I wondered how an
      elevator would go down the strange, jagged descent a few times, but couldn't make
      heads or tales of it.
    8. The Cancelled Speech

      by , 05-31-2011 at 01:59 AM (The Dream Magic Experiment)
      I was supposed to be part of a show on stage. I will be the last person to "talk," even though the show is something like dancing and singing and stuff, and I don't understand why I was just going to "talk" in the end. Perhaps I was assigned to give a closing remark, or something.

      I was observing the whole show, organized by a Ms. Mon, and I said that I'll observe first before I give the closing remark. However, I left in the middle of the show, thinking that I seem to have no room in that kind of show. I told my agent/manager to tell Ms. Mon that I cancelled my speech as we went to our room in the hotel. He told me that we'll have to pay for our hotel and food if that's the case. I told him that's not a problem.

      Then I went on an incoherent travel, in a school, with a lot of hiding from enemies in dark suits and stuff.



      on stage

      Updated 06-29-2011 at 08:27 AM by 47454

    9. judy garland's friend; drag queen rock stars; tattoo parlor and japanese restaurant

      by , 05-30-2011 at 12:50 PM
      Good morning, everybody.

      Dream #1

      An old version of Judy Garland and an older man were in a hotel room. The hotel room was lit a little dimly, and the light had a slightly orange tinge to it. Garland sat in a nice, big chair, and the old man sat in a similar chair about a meter and a half away.

      The old man was apparently interviewing Garland. I kept seeing Garland's face in close up, as if my view were the camera's view. Garland had her hair done in pigtails, kind of like she had it as Dorothy in Wizard of Oz, but a little scraggly and awry. Garland's face was skinny and kind of wrinkled. But overall she carried herself with a lot of dignity.

      Garland started saying that she needed or that she wanted to do a couple of things. The old man interrupted the interview either to get something for Garland or to let her do whatever she needed to do.

      It struck me that the old man acted kind of effeminate, but also kind of classy. He was obviously Garland's friend, but her kind of acted like her servant as well. He might have taken the task of being Garland's friend a little too seriously.

      Dream #2

      Some kind of documentary. There were a lot of shots at night of groups of decent-looking, transvestites. They were all kind of skinny and dressed in evening wear. Some even wore tiaras. They were all kind of acting rowdy, like rebels or like punks.

      The documentary explained that these transvestites had joined together into a rock band as part of some plan to invade the rock world. They got into some big rock event, possibly a punk rock event, that had been full of kind of conventional acts, and they caused some sort of a scene.

      But apparently, over time, the transvestite rock band got really famous. There were scenes, all night scenes, again, of girls chasing the rock band's cars around.

      There was one particular guy in the group that was very popular. But he was also really depressive. There was one scene of him, probably in a dressing room, when he was all done up like a woman. He looked nice enough, but he was just so terribly depressed that it was messing up his act.

      In another scene, the guy was out in a car at night, in the backseat with another person, being driven along some huge driveway in front of a large building like a mansion or a museum or a state building. The guy was only halfway done up like a girl. His hair was only halfway set in some kind of 80s style, so it looked like he'd just woken up. His face had make-up on, but his face still looked, not just masculine, but completely exhausted.

      As he was being driven away, there was a pack of girls chasing the car, trying to get into the car. The guy just kept screaming, "Leave me alone! Can't you leave me alone?"

      At some point there was a really aggressive girl who kept pounding on the window. It seemed less like she was infatuated with the guy and more like she actually wanted to hurt him, or at least intimidate him, let him know she hated him.

      Dream #3

      I was in some busy part of town, with a lot of people on the sidewalk. A lot of the stores seemed to be open to the street, like booths, but they were the size of regular small shops.

      I walked past one shop which was a tattoo parlor. There were two guys or two girls who looked kind of like guys working there. They wore black jeans and black t-shirts, and their arms were covered in tattoos.

      I thought out what I would tell my friend H, who loves tattoos. I would tell her, "See? There's a tattoo shop with pretty interesting people right here. And you never even looked for it. You were too afraid. But look! It's even right next to the Japanese restaurant you like to go to!"

      I passed the Japanese restaurant that H and I have gone to a couple times.
    10. ozzy quotes jesus; baby video store; might take book; service desk; dismissive man

      by , 05-26-2011 at 11:41 AM
      Good morning, everybody.

      Dream #1

      A young version of Ozzy Osbourne reclined in a longish chair. The young Ozzy had long hair and a kind of big pot belly. Ozzy wore a long, white cotton dress that may have had a patch of black on it.

      Ozzy either said or thought, "The greatest shall be least, and the least shall be greatest." He might have said this with my voice or thought it as if he were thinking it through my thoughts.

      Dream #2

      I was looking down to a baby that sat on the floor. The baby wore nothing but a diaper and may have been playing with some toys.

      I looked up and saw that I was in a video store. The store kind of reminded me of a Hollywood Video in my hometown. There were rows and rows of shelves of videotapes. I was amazed at how huge the place was.

      Dream #3

      No vision. I had the thought, "I might take a book with me."

      Dream #4

      A black man stood before a reception desk in some kind of lobby. The desk and walls were designed to look like they were made of wood. But the color was so strange -- a kind of greyish, purplish brown that everything seemed to sink into. There may also have been a column of the same color near the desk.

      A black woman sat behind the desk. She asked the man if she could help him. The man replied in a gentle, slightly high-pitched voice, "Service desk?"

      Dream #5

      I was in a room with a woman and a man. The room felt like a hotel room or meeting room. It was bright with natural light, which was probably yellowed by the room's fluorescent light. I sat in a wooden chair, like for a dining table. The woman sat off to my left, possibly sitting in a bigger chair or possibly even sitting on a small coffee table. The man sat on a couch that seemed to be made out of white leather.

      I couldn't see the woman, although I think she was young, maybe in her 20s. The man was older, maybe in his late 50s. He was kind of short, but strong-looking. He had tough, tan, slightly wrinkled skin. He had white hair that was a little wiry, though it was arranged well. He wore khaki slacks, a navy blue blazer, and a pale blue dress shirt.

      I had apparently been complaining to the man about something. He asked me if I wanted him to talk to ----- about it. I said no, that that didn't seem like the right person to talk to. It may have seemed like talking to that person may have struck me as making too big a deal out of the situation. But there was a different person I thought we could talk to.

      The man was disappointed in me for not wanting to take his suggestion. Before I could even tell him about the other person, the man stood up out of the couch. I was standing as well. The man said, "Bah!" And shoved past me, heading out the door.
    11. early morning with dad; grocery store girl; grandma and another state

      by , 05-24-2011 at 11:45 AM
      Good morning, everybody.

      Dream #1

      I was in a house all by myself. The house was one story. The living room was huge, but it was extremely cluttered, as if laundry and blankets were strewn everywhere. It was early morning and dark.

      My mother and the rest of the family had left the house some time ago. They had probably left for at least a few days. I had the house all to myself. I didn't live here with my family, but I was "in town" for a few days.

      I walked into a bedroom which was just off from the living room and right next to the front door of the house. The room was really small, maybe twice as big as the small bed inside it. It was also extremely cluttered.

      I may have heard a car arriving outside. I knew it was my father. I think my mom and the rest of my family had left because they knew my dad was coming for a visit and they wanted to avoid him.

      I walked out into the living room through some kind of thin sheet that was now hanging over the doorway to the bedroom. My dad was already in the house. I was wearing a red and white trucker cap. My dad may have been wearing one as well.

      My dad may have asked me why I was up so early. I said, "I always get up this early. This is when I go to work. In fact, I'm heading to work right now."

      My dad and I were looking toward a huge sliding glass door to the backyard. But our view to the backyard was blocked by a thin, yellow curtain and possibly also a white dry-erase board.

      My dad asked if I always go to work this early. I told him I did, and that I tried to work pretty late as well. My dad said, "Well, my habit has always been to do Fridays only from nine to five. I thought you might do the same thing. At least on Fridays."

      Dream #2

      I was in a grocery store, getting checked out. The front of the store had big windows running along the wall, looking out on a bright, sunny parking lot. I felt like something, almost like a big piece of machinery, was behind me, making it very uncomfortable for me to stand in the checkout line.

      A thin, Latina girl just a bit shorter than I was bagging my groceries. She asked me at some point about my work. I was away from work and I needed to get back. I may actually have been picking up supplies for some kind of work party. The girl may have asked me if my work was really strict with how long I was away.

      I told the girl about my hours and what I did at work. She had bagged my stuff and was now walking out of the store with me, helping me take my bags to the car.

      I was out in the parking lot. I may have been by myself. A few kids whom I may have thought of as a group of kids I'd taken out on volunteer projects came walking up. I was a little shy, but I called out to them. We kept talking, but for some reason I kept heading to my car, which was a few aisles away.

      I now saw that my sister was among the kids. I couldn't see my sister or the kids anymore, but I was "talking" with my sister. She told me she would try to be back at home for whatever party I was throwing. But she wasn't sure she could make it. But if she didn't make it I shouldn't be upset. Because she -----

      Dream #3

      I was in a hotel lobby. The interior was small, but furnished with nice wood and chairs. But the light was a terribly drab fluorescent. I sat at some couch.

      I got a call from my grandmother. She said she had prepared some form for me so I could stay at this hotel for a kind of long period of time. I now had the "form" in my right hand. It was on an iPad. The form was black with white lettering. The blanks, when not written in, were an orange-fadey color.

      My grandma said she'd filled in a lot of the form. I noticed she had filled in my social security number. I was kind of surprised by that. But my grandma said, "Yeah, of course I have your social security number. I can get that if I want. I can even have them give me your social security card if I want. It comes with being your grandmother."

      I felt slightly inconvenienced at having to be at this hotel, but I figured I'd stay here anyway, since my grandma had done so much to secure a place for me.

      But either I or my grandma pointed out that the forms would not be finalized for a while. I told my grandma, "If thats's the case, I need to go somewhere else until the forms are finalized. These people don't like having me here in the first place. And having me here without my permanent forms finalized is just an excuse for them to give me a bad time."

      I spoke with my grandma about where I should go while I wait. My view was now of a map. It was apparently a map of Colorado, where I grew up. I kept travelling south on a red road on the map, through a number of towns notated by circles. The color of the map changed from pale lime green to yellow.

      I kept telling my grandma I couldn't stay in any of the towns my vision passed through, as the people in those towns all hated "people like me." I eventually went south of Colorado's border, which was much more jagged and rounded than it is IWL. There were three towns just south of the border. I may have figured one of those towns would be safe for me to stay in.
    12. Magic the Gathering tournament

      by , 05-16-2011 at 07:00 PM (Percy's Void of Thoughts)
      Magic the Gathering tournament (Non-lucid)


      I was in a big hotel. There was a Magic the Gathering tournament going on. I was wondering where my blue deck was. I went through different rooms with different scenarios. There was a 40 years old lady who wanted to have sex with a Spaniard. She was looking at me but I am already married. There was a 15 years old guy who started to flirt with her and touch her. Next to the bed where these two folks were, my wife was around. There were seven kids and a guy as well. The mom of these 7 kids was missing. One of this seven kids had Magic the Gathering cards spread out. All his cards were blue and one of them was, "Force of Will"

      I left this room and went to the lobby. There was a little kid who told me to hold his deck. I saw a Mox Jet, a Library of Alexandria and a Gauglet of Might. A old guy pointed at a small hole in his throat and told me he got operated. I wanted to tell the kid to watch out for the cards he had, as they were worth hundreds of dollars. I wanted to point out his Mox Jet, but when I search for it, it was a Mox Diamond
      (worthless) and I wanted to search for a few more, but I only got random cards I cannot recall.

      I met with a guy who had a binder, but instead of Magic the Gathering cards, he had business cards. He claimed he exchanged business cards to help his friends from Spain. I pulled one of my business cards and gave it to him. I realized I lived in the US, but I could always read the Tarot over the e-mail or phone.

      Updated 05-16-2011 at 07:56 PM by 31830

    13. 4/26/2011 -DEILD in a hotel

      by , 04-27-2011 at 02:42 AM (TheNinja's Dream Journal)
      Today was interesting because I had 1: My first actually induced LD and not just random, and 2: My first DEILD!

      Note: I had been constantly waking up in the middle of this night.

      Dream 1:
      I've just fallen back asleep and am in a really large hotel that is grey and full of elderly people. It must have arount 200 floors and is set up similarly to the Marriott Marquee in Times Square, New York. The only problem is there are random staircases leading up and down floors and the sides to the central area arent guarded with railing to keep people from falling to their deaths (I remember thinking of this as unsafe). I enter a room after jumping over a span from one side to another when I wake up. I decide to try to reenter the dream and within three seconds I am back in the dream, except Lucid. I immediately get extremely excited, and try to stay calm but my excitement builds enormously beyond control (and I mean ridiculously excited and I couldn't stop it) until I wake up.
      This was my second lucid dream to end from the sheer excitement of becoming lucid.
    14. Lucid Dream 218: Wandering Samurai

      by , 04-26-2011 at 04:00 PM (KingYoshi's Dream Journal...My World is Different)
      April 15, 2011
      Lucid Dream 218: Wandering Samurai
      Series: Fearless, Episode 5

      ....after a few brief moments, I woke and entered right back into the dream state. I stood up and noticed I was standing on a a narrow stretch of a beach. There were hotels on my immediate right and only seemed to be about 20 feet away. The water on my left was also about 20 feet away. I slowly walked down the beach and took in the scenery as I gave the dream time to establish itself (settle in). For some reason, the way I was walking reminded me of Rurouni Kenshin. I decided to act as if I were a samurai. I attempted to summon a sword, but I only could make the hilt appear. I held on to it and acted as if it were a full sword. I began slicing through clothes lines and other object as I walked around the buildings (which were now on the sand and water line). Moments later, I noticed I was now holding a long sword. I reached into my pocket and felt around until I found what I was looking for. I pulled out a dagger.

      Now fully equipped I just wandered around the beach area looking for something interesting. I got a sense that someone was following me. I looked over my shoulder and saw a ninja decked out in all black. The ninja saw me looking at him and pretended to be admiring a nearby bush. I laughed at his attempt to play off the fact he was following me (especially since he was a decked out ninja ). I walked slowly and could feel that he had gotten close to me. I spun around quickly and stuck my sword up to his throat in an instant. I noticed that it wasn't the ninja at all. It was now an old lady and she looked terrified. I let her go and told her to never walk up behind a samurai again. I could see several ninjas in the background walking in my direction. I turned and jumped up on the roof of the nearest building.

      I now saw that the ninjas were running toward me, but they were still a good ways off. I noticed there was someone standing on the roof with me. He spoke and removed his hood. It was Samuel L. Jackson. He said, "The syndicate has brought you some supplies. Now, you don't have to kill everything. You can use one of these bad boys." He handed me a smoke grenade and some rations. The rations looked like coaster sized pieces of corn bread. I stuffed them into my pocket and tossed the smoke grenade down on the beach below. I looked at Samuel L and said, "They will all die." I noticed a couple ninjas running into the smoke. I leapt off the top of the building and fell down on top of the two ninjas. I plunged the dagger and sword into the necks of the two ninjas as I landed on them (assassins creed style). I stood up and licked the blood off of my sword. It tasted like strawberry. Samuel L was still on top of the roof. I looked up at him, spread my arms wide and gave a smirk. He shook his head and said, "Now you've done it. The entire clan will be after you." I smiled and said, "It won't be the first time I've fought a bunch of ninjas." I noticed there was a large group of them approaching. I wanted a larger area to work in, so I ran away as they gave chase.

      I soon came to an open area. It was a playground, but it was on the sand. There were seesaws, merry-go-rounds, slides, swings, etc. The ninjas arrived and started popping out from all sides at once. I shouted, "Feel the wrath of the reverse blade!" I began slicing them up. I performed several neck plunges with my dagger. I also cut a few of the ninjas' heads clean off. I decided to make it more, "Jackie Chan style." I started using the playground equipment around me to fight. I pushed the marry-go-round and hopped on. I sliced up ninjas as I spun around the merry-go-round. I jumped off and the whole dream scene had scrambled a bit. We were still in a playground, but everything was in different places and there were some new equipment as well (those weird animal rocking things and some of those green plastic turtle sandboxes). I climbed up the slide and a the ninjas closed in around it. They were fighting like the foot clan in the old ninja turtles movies (they would wait their turns and come at me one or two at a time while the others stood in the background and moved around menacingly). I slid down the slide and sliced several conveniently placed ninjas (they were standing right beside the slide). I ran into the middle of a gang of them and decided to let them close in on me. I then held out my arms wide. One was holding the sword and the other, the dagger. I then spun real fast in circle and sliced them up with a helicopter like motion. The dream began to fade and I allowed myself to wake, so I wouldn't forget anything.

      Series Details
      Join all the action in the dream series, "Fearless." You never know what I may run into, but you can guarantee I'm ready for a fight. Stay tuned for more blades, guns, and explosions in this series!
    15. More randomness on the verge of lucidity

      , 04-22-2011 at 03:38 PM (Hyu's Adventures)
      non dream - lucid - non lucid

      I wake up after ~8 hours of sleep, but I still feel very tired.
      I decide to go back to sleep.

      I'm in what appears to be an hotel room, but instead of a bed there is a long desk with 4 PC monitors on it, and some audio equipment including 2 microphones.
      It seems that I am casting a SC2 tournament game from here. I wonder who my co-caster is.
      Day9? o_O That's kind of a surprise. But then I feel like we've known each other for a long time, and it's all normal.
      We cast a game between some well known player and a mouse. (Yes, an actual mouse... the animal >_>)
      After we're done casting (the mouse won) we discuss that this mouse is rather intelligent, and day9 compliments the high APM.
      I'm tired and I want to go to bed... I know we're at an hotel and I can sleep in the next room.

      I'm now in a bed in the next room, but I can't sleep.
      There's about 10 people sleeping in the room, which I find a bit weird and uncomfortable.
      I get up and decide to go for a walk.
      Another guy stands up at the same time, he's a friend from high school.
      We leave the hotel room, which leads straight into my old high school building.
      We walk through the main corridor and he lights a cigarette.
      He hands it to me and I start smoking, but then I realize I'm not a smoker, and the cigarette tastes horribly.
      I put out the cigarette on my hand, because I know it's not going to hurt and throw it into a trash can.

      Some official person from the high school sees this and gets insanely mad at me because smoking is forbidden inside the building.
      I tell him to relax, I'm not even in high school anymore.

      Then he gets even more angry saying I have no reason to be here.
      "But I sleep here!"
      He freaks out, "DO YOU THINK THIS IS A FUCKING HOTEL?"

      I'm now in front of the Hotel/School outside a small restaurant.
      Me and a few friends from high school are having dinner.
      I notice an odd yellowish liquid in my glass, what on earth did I order to drink?
      I take a sip and notice that the liquid has now attached itself to my lip, forming a string between my lower lip and the glass.
      What the fuck is this.
      I try to remove it by pulling on the string with my hand.
      The string just gets longer and longer.
      One of my friends starts laughing at me and explains it's a chemic reaction and some sort of prank. (he's studying chemistry and likes to do pranks in waking life)
      After I get it off I notice that I've just eaten a lot of stuff I don't usually eat.
      I wonder why I did that and stare up into the sky.
      It's night already, I can see the stars.
      Wait a second... I never ate this food, the dream skipped over it, I'm dreaming!
      I look back down to investigate the current scene.

      But when I look back down I notice I'm no longer at the restaurant.
      I'm alone, hiding in between some debris.
      I look around, the scenery feels post-apocalyptic, and reminds me of fallout.
      The streets are cracked, all buildings around appear to have been destroyed by explosions many years ago.
      Everything appears gray and sad.
      Above me is some sort of huge construct, only supported by a few thin pillars.
      Whatever it is, it is falling apart, debris is falling down, which is presumably why I hid in this corner in the first place.
      I hear voices screaming that the things is coming down and will explode, that everyone should make a run for it.

      I decide to make a run for it myself and start running uphill, not getting hit by any debris fortunately.
      Suddenly I notice an hotel to my left, of course, I was at that hotel.
      There are a few cars in front of it, and lots of people running away.
      Why does nobody use the cars?
      I spot a Continental GT and decide it's the fastest and most robust out of them and get inside. (I've driven one in waking life a few times)
      The keys are inside, lucky me.
      The passenger door opens and my dad gets inside "gogogo!"
      I start the engine and drive in reverse doing a 180 to point the car into the correct direction.

      I'm now in front of the street. All people are running to the left, uphill, but I can see the passage is blocked.
      To the right, downhill, is the construct which is falling apart.
      There's no way we'll make it going uphill, I decide to try to drive under the collapsing construct.
      I put the gearbox in manual because I don't like automatics and use the paddle shifters.
      I accelerate hard towards the construct.
      The pillars break, and the whole thing starts coming down.
      I press the accelerator pedal harder, knowing it won't make a difference, and hope to somehow make it.
      And we do, by a meter at most. The construct crashes into the ground right behind us.
      My dad tells me to keep going, the thing is going to explode.

      I drive as fast as I can, luckily the road is straight.
      Then suddenly there is snow on the road, and a corner up ahead... fuck!
      I hit the brakes hard, but the car is barely slowing down.
      I have to swing the steering wheel left and right wildly to prevent the car from spinning out.
      Still doing 220km/h, there is no way I'll be able to slow down enough for the corner.

      But then suddenly my sense of presence turns on, and I can feel what lies behind the corner.
      There is a canyon right behind it, meaning if I can't make the corner we'll fall into the canyon.
      On the other side of the canyon seems to be a salt desert.

      I get off the brakes and back on the accelerator.
      My dad freaks out. "What are you doing?"
      "Trust me..."

      I don't take the corner, I just drive straight into the canyon.
      I close my eyes, and concentrate on the other side of it, and try to lower it with dream control, so that we can make the jump.
      As I open my eyes again, I see that the other side stays perfectly leveled with he falling car, and we make it to the other side just fine.
      I see a massive explosion in the mirrors of the car...
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